Malibu Beach House

By Davey R

Published on Aug 4, 2000


This is a completely fictional story and involves completely fictional versions of each of the celebrities involved. It doesn't imply anything about their real-life sexuality.

We arrived at the beach house early in the evening. Despite the highly exclusive nature of these things, there's always a big turnout. That night there were even more people than usual. The guest of honour was obviously pretty popular. The atmosphere was highly charged, everyone was excited.

As was always the case with these parties, the guests tended at first to separate into different rooms and different cliques. Hanging around the glass-walled front room of the house were the newcomers, those who'd most recently joined the privileged ranks. They were, as you'd expect, the most excitable of all. Chattering and trembling, partly with intimidation, partly impatience. Mostly these were relatively new studio execs who'd been waiting three or four years for their first invite to an evening like this. There were also a couple of rich Bel Air kids who'd gotten in thanks to their parent's wealth and influence.

In the next room - a hugely spacious lounge - were those who had a bit more experience in these affairs. That was where my group and I stood, among the thirty- and fortysomething executives and businessmen. Most of the room was male, but there were a couple of women there who got off on watching this kind of thing. There was a lot more confidence and composure in the main room than the outer porch. You might even say there was a boardroom atmosphere with men chugging Martinis and discussing stock options. However, to provide a bit of silver screen titillation there were also a couple of movie actors present. Ryan Phillippe was there, along with Brad Renfro. Both these guys were smartly dressed in suits, standing in the corner smoking cigarettes and smiling softly. Ryan was there as a real guest for the first time; he'd been 'guest of honour' himself at the last party. You should have seen the way Brad went at him that time.

I saw Brad's sexy lips turn up into a smirk several times in that first hour. He was perhaps remembering his encounter with Ryan last time. But more likely he was thinking about the fun ahead this evening.

In the study were the oldest members - and some of the founders - of the casting couch group. Studio heads and extraordinarily powerful businessmen, mainly. Some of them had been attending these quarterly evenings since the mid-sixties. Sometimes they didn't want to join in the action at all, only to watch. However, when one of them got the urge, they took precedence. Mostly they were gracious enough to let you finish what you'd started.

See, the Casting Couch parties were a little tradition in Hollywood. They were sort of the test of those actors who really wanted to be stars. Not that they were forced into anything. They were simply told who to speak to if they ever did want to volunteer themselves for one of the parties. This was the deal - the actor would be given a big part in a surefire blockbuster. In return, he would offer his body to the group for the evening. Those who really wanted to be stars enjoyed the attention anyway, so having all the lust in the room directed at them was a treat. Generally, it was only pride that held them back. For a while.

Tonight's guest had resisted for a couple of years. Which was pretty standard, but it had been a painful wait for many of us, because he was just so damn sexy.

At eight pm, he arrived. It's a kind of tradition to pay no attention to the guest when he first arrives.

I had to try really hard, though. If you want to get me really stiff there's only two words you need to say -

'Andrew' 'Keegan'

He didn't disappoint us, either. Came through that door in a clinging white vest and black pants. You might have seen him dressed that way in the Ten Things movie. The vest showed off the slimness of his waist, contrasting with the width of his shoulder and arms. And the white showed up the darkness of his features and his gelled black hair. He looked probably as nervous as someone like him is capable of looking, which is not very. His face had a kind of in-built arrogance. He went over to his friend Brad to speak. For tonight, though, Brad was not looking at him as a friend. He was checking him out greedily.

I must admit that I was one of the first to break the 'casual' illusion. My cock was one of the first up. And there was no way to disguise it. I wasn't alone, mind you, and that was the point of the evening anyway.

The point? Okay.

Around eight-thirty, with the summer sun setting over the beach outside, we all gathered into the main lounge. Andrew seemed to guess that the fun was about to start, but I saw Brad whisper gently in his ear to confirm. Brad was running his fingers over his own crotch as he spoke. This guy was his friend normally, but the testosterone in the atmosphere was changing things and he was looking at him now purely as a piece of ass.

Slowly, the gathered members of the group drew back to the walls and corners of the room, leaving a great pocket of space in the center of the floor. Naturally enough, Andrew moved back with the crowd too. Brad smiled grimly and put the palm of his hand against the small of his friend's back. He pushed Andrew forward with surprising force, so that he almost fell over. Like a coiled spring, Brad. I enjoyed the look of surprise on Andrew's face. Then it dawned on him fully that it was time to begin.

The low, slow drumbeat started and the sexy stud began to sway. His eyes darted about at first, looking at all the guys looking at him. After a couple of moments, he began looking nowhere in particular; probably pretending we weren't there like an actor pretends the camera isn't there. And then his movements really started. He ran his hands over his slim waist, tipping his head back and half-closing his eyes. Andrew Keegan, handling his own body and running his hands up over his torso, touching his own broad shoulders.

Then he cupped his hands behind his neck and up to the back of his head, entangling his gorgeous black hair between his fingers and flexing his meaty biceps. Oh yeah, this was going to be fantastic; this was going to be fucking fantastic. Most of the men around the room were unzipping their flies already, some were groaning with pleasure. Andrew responded to this well, turning round and round to give everyone a good view, putting his fingers through his hair and swaying his ass provocatively. His lips kept parting and closing, and he started to breathe heavily, erotically, perhaps because of the increasing heat in the room.

"Oh yeah... the shirt, Andy", someone whispered, "Take off the shirt" The hunky tease obeyed, but for long, long moments drove us crazy by rippling it around the edge of his waist and then letting go again, letting us see only the smallest flashes of his flat stomach, before covering it up again. Then he crossed his muscular arms and gripped the shirt at each side, pulling it up over his torso and over his head, stretching his arms rigidly and letting us see his slender naked waist and gorgeous back. Then the shirt was off and dropped to the floor, and his well-defined upper body was there for all to see and want. There was an aggressive, masculine groan around the room as we looked at him, and as he swayed and fondled himself some more, feeling his own muscular chest, and the biceps of the opposing arms and, the tight waist.

And then he bent over as he pulled down his pants. He bent over slowly and erotically, and stayed that way so that he became simply one gorgeous ass sticking up in the air and just waiting for one of these rigid boners to enter it.

As excited as I was, I was prepared to wait my turn. I wanted to see the other guys taking him first; I wanted to see what he looked like after being penetrated by other men. That was the Andrew Keegan I wanted to fuck.

The first guy to go forward was Karl, a thirtysomething studio executive with cold, steely eyes and a dick as rigid as iron. He'd stripped off his shirt too, and was revealing an almost unhealthily well-developed upper body. He was really into himself, and really into the idea of impaling this sexy young hunk on his great big cock and showing him who was boss.

But first he took out a tube of baby oil, poured some on his hands, and began to smear it all over Andrew. All over his broad back, and all down his strong legs, and reaching round the front to coat his chest and his stomach with the stuff. It made the sexy strong body glisten, showed up all the contours in the back and shoulders. Oh yes, this was my first sight of Andrew Keegan being handled by an older guy, and I fucking loved it. I loved even more when he smeared great globs of lubricant around you know where.

Karl took a step back and smiled in satisfaction at his work, and in anticipation of entering this shining muscular body. His cock might have hardened even more if it were possible. As it was, the boner was incredibly long and wide already. Karl was in this business purely for the hard, savage fucking it involved, for the wide array of sexy, trashy people he met day in and day out. There was a rumour that the massive size of his cock had been made achieved by surgical means. But you couldn't really tell whether that was true. The only scars you were likely to see would be right up inside any ass that that thing was rammed into too vigorously.

Karl's enormous cock head was closing in on Andrew's ass cheeks now. Andrew was still bent right over so that we couldn't see his face. Whether that was because of shame, excitement, or just as a means of teasing and arousing us, who knows. But Karl was reaching out to fondle his back now, or rather to stroke it with the palm of his hands like he was trying to see something in a crystal ball. His hands slid around over the slippery surface of the back, and I had to hold on to the top of my erection to keep myself from coming as I saw Andrew Keegan so suddenly transformed into one great lubricated asshole ready and waiting for cock.

Andrew's hair was a real sexy sight too, all kind of messed up and hanging. Because it was gelled, it was just as shiny and inviting, as lubricated as the rest of him.

Karl's cock head forced its way between the buttocks. Oh yeah, this was the moment when the hot teen hunk would be penetrated for the first time, and by the most gigantic boner in the room too. Karl held more tightly onto the waist. He grinned. This was it and we all knew it, and we knew that Andrew knew it too. The room went quiet.

Everyone heard the thud of flesh against flesh, of body into body, as the cock went in. The next thing we heard was a massive gasp from Andrew's throat. It felt good to hear that carnal cry come from his mouth, and even better to see his head lift up. His eyes were scrunched up, his mouth wide open, as a man fucked his beefy butt for the first time.

Karl pulled at the waist and thrust forward, pushing his way further and further in, and savouring each new gasp from the lovely teen star as he made his way in. Andrew let out such huge cries each time; it was as if the great cock was knocking the air out of his body. The cock thrust into him again and again, and he had to collapse forward onto his hands and knees so as not to be pushed over by it. Karl tore his pants fully off and climbed right on top of the sexy fucker's back, grabbing onto his shoulders now, and breathing heavily against the back of his head, into his dark and slightly curling hair as his dick tore through him.

Andrew grunted and groaned in amazement, clutching at the hard floor as if he needed something to hold on to. Oh yes, this is you, Andrew. This is you getting fucked. Karl was having a damned good time, grinning triumphantly like predator on prey. He shoved his big cock in as far as it would go, and that was very very far, and he fucked and fucked and fucked until he exploded a giant bucketload of burning cum right inside the hot young guy and we all knew that Andrew Keegan had another guy's load up his smooth rich ass for the first time. His fingertips squeaked against the floor as he tried somehow to grip it. Satisfied, Karl got up, giving the freshly fucked star a gentle kiss in the middle of his back before heading over to the bar for a drink.

Brad went over and crouched down beside his friend, stroking and playing with his hair and kissing softly at his sweating face. He was whispering into his ear, "that was good, Keeg, I loved watching that. You see? You see how it is?"

I smiled. Already there was a difference in Andrew's expression. Some element of pride had gone, the strong young body had been penetrated. Brad rested his slender, very long woody against Andrew's slim waist as he kept kissing at the face. "In your mouth now" he whispered into the ear. None of us heard it but we all saw his lips move and knew that was what he was saying. Andrew pushed himself up off the floor, the backs of his arms flexing nicely as he did so, and Brad stood up. His dark-haired friend got onto his knees, his cock chubby but not yet upright. He had such a gorgeous, tight broad body. Brad played with his sinuous black hair only for a few moments before stroking his fingertips down the fantastically sexy face, and then down his neck and throat, running his finger over that little mole right in the center of his throat, the tiny dot that called attention to how fucking perfect the throat and the face really were. Then he felt at Andrew's thick, sinewy shoulders, and rubbed the palms of his hands down his hot, packed arms, then felt the contours of his chest, fondling those hard, really small nipples that made the chest look so much bigger. Brad closed his eyes and breathed deeply. It was as if by feeling this body he was charging himself up, gathering together all the masculine heat and rage and passion needed to give it the proper fucking it deserved.

Andrew Keegan's lips kissed at the stem of Brad's cock, and he reached round for Brad's buttocks to force the dick against himself so that he wouldn't lose his nerve or back away. He licked and licked at the cock with complete dedication, and started, I think, to enjoy it, as he went further and further towards the top and his lips started to curve into an O, into that inviting shape that beckoned the penis to thrust inside.

And the penis did. Right into Andrew Keegan's mouth, that sexy face now wrapped around a big dick and sucking on it in pleasure. "Mmmmmm" went Andrew's voice, and he closed his eyes to ignore all of us and focus on his pleasure. Brad's back arched and his handsome enigmatic face flushed with life as the burning cum poured into Andrew Keegan's grateful mouth.

After he swallowed it down, I pretty much dived in for my turn. I had to get my hand on this body, I had to do it now, that was all I could think, and I wasn't disappointed when I did. He collapsed helpfully to the floor as I groped about at his slippery torso, at his wonderful arms and at his chest. Inhaling the hot, meaty masculine smell of his sweat, I pushed both his legs up and draped them over my shoulders, massaging his broad chest and flat stomach as I entered his ass and watched the reaction on his face when my cock went in. Fuck, yeah, that look on his face was because of me, because of my cock pushing inside him, and that deep grunt from his throat was because of me too, and this heat, this tightness I could feel around my madly itching dick was him, it was the inside of Andrew Keegan.

...More to follow if I get a good response, or just feel really horny. Some will notice a similarity to my other monodirectional gangbang story 'Bill's Goodbye Party', but that one only works for Australians and Brits.

Next: Chapter 2

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