Male Faculty

By J J

Published on Jan 6, 2004


My name is Chris and when i was in high school i couldn't have been more attracted to my teachers. I was about 5'11 and weighed about 180 pounds i played football and basketball so i was in pretty good shape. When i was a junior and 18 i had the beginnings of a trail of hair running from my pubes to my navel. My history teacher was Mr. Wilson. He must have been in his early 40s. His face had that rugged handsome quality and he was clean shaven. His hair was blonde and shortly cropped. He always wore a dress shirt with dress pants and a leather belt. He was gorgeous. I loved him so much that i would do anything to please him, so in the beginning of the year when he told us that nothing gives him more pleasure than seeing his students succeed, i went to work. I had the best grade in the class and was dying for his attention. I never got any of it, until the year was almost over. In June he took out the 5 students with the highest grades in his class to lunch on a Saturday afternoon. We went to a classy restuarant and he looked like he always did in the classroom. The 5 of us were dressed for the occaision as well. The lunch went very well we ate and ate and talked about our plans for the next year and beyond. Towards the end of our dessert, Mr. Wilson excused himself from our table to use the restroom. Within a minute i excused myself as well and was hoping to finally get a look at his equipment. But as luck would have it, these classy joints have dividers between the urinals. As i was emptying my own bladder in the urinal next to Mr. Wilson's, he began to make some small talk and such. All the while he was talking, i was straining to get a look at his cock. My back was totally arched and my neck was craining to get a look around the divider without moving my feet or turning around. Withing seconds, Mr. Wilson dropped his small talk and said, "If you wanted to see my package so bad you could have asked" My jaw dropped, and he smiled, telling me to meet him at school later, because his wife was at home with his children!

So after lunch was over i went home and quickly changed into some street clothes, hopping in my car and sped off towards school. The only other car in the parking lot was Mr. Wilson's he had apparently come straight from lunch to school. "I thought you werent gonna show" he said. He asked me if this was really what i wanted, and i agreed before he could finish talking, then he told me i could never tell anyone what was going to happen between us. I nodded, and he led me into school. I went right for his room, but he grabbed my arm and redirected me towards the auditorium. On the stage he had a videocamera set up on a tripod, he had obviously rushed to school and set it up before i got there. There was something incredibly erotic about having sex with my teacher on the stage of the auditorium while being video taped.

Mr. Wilson told me that if i wasnt comfortable with it, we could skip taping it. But i told him it only turned me on even more. So we got up on stage and he turned on the camera, and told me to strip. I did as i was told, and was standing butt ass naked in less than a minute. My 7 inch cock rock hard, just starting to ooze precum.

Then Mr. Wilson walked to me, still fully dressed from lunch and kissed me passionately. Our tounges danced with each other and swirled in each others mouths. Then he got to his knees and started to lick my rock hard penis. Using only his tounge, he brought me to the verge within seconds. My piss slit was oozing more and more precum. Then he loosened his tie and unbuttoned his dress shirt. When the shirt came off, i saw a beutiful sight. His chest wasnt incredibly chiseled, but there was some definition, really good for a man in his 40s. His entire chest, stomach, pecs, everything was covered in thick dark blonde hair. His nipples were large and protruded through the forest of hair.

I ran my hands all over his upper body, caressing every inch of my teacher. Then i felt his belt unbuckle and his pants unbutton and then they fell to the ground. He stepped out of them, along with his dress shoes, leaving him standing in only his dark blue high dress socks, and a pair of briefs, soaked with precum, and straining to hold in his throbbing member. I sucked on his nipples, and he let out loud low moans of pleasure that echoed throughout the empty auditorium.

The more i tweeked his nipples, the more wet his briefs became. Soon the underwear couldnt contain his penis anymore and his cockhead was peaking out over the elastic wasteband. More precum slid down the outside of his now exposed cock head and down the front of his briefs. I licked it up with incredible speed. I then ripped off his underwear and his cock sprang free, slapping me in the face as i was now on my knees.

His cock was wonderful, very thick, about 8 1/2 inches long and cut. His balls were also large, but not abnormally. I took the head in my mouth and began to swirl my tounge around and around. Mr. Wilson let out grunts of satisfaction. I took more and more in my mouth each time, tasting the precum dribble out of his throbbing organ. He pulled out panting, obviously on the verge. The veings popping out of the shaft throbbed with every hearbeat. He told me to fuck him.

He bent over and i stood up, he told me he was would only allow me to fuck him raw, no lube, no condom, no warm up. So i aimed my dickhead at his hole, and plowed into him. He screamed out in pain, then in pleasure. Every time i slammed my cock in, he let out loud grunts. Then he started to talk dirty. I was fucking him so hard that his cock was slapping his stomach leaving spots wet with precum.

Before long at all, i busted inside of him. It was a huge load to me, but nothing compare to what Mr. Wilson set forth. As i pulled out, he turned around and told me to get on my knees, so i obeyed. Then he finger fucked himself with one hand while standing in front of me. His cock was bulging, it had swelled to nearly 9 inches and the head was massive. Each vein clearly visable and pulsating. Then he wrapped his hand around the base and with one stroke he exploded. His hand hadnt even reach the cock head before semen shot out.

The blasts were uncontrolable, going everywhere. There was so much volume i managed to get 2 mouth fulls of his sweet juice before the orgasm was over. After 5 minutes of orgasm i was totally covered with my teachers cum, most of his chest hair was matted with a mixture of his own cum and sweat, and a good deal of the stage and video camera was covered in semen.

He got up and told me to go to the gym and take a shower with him. We were both so exhausted from our sex that the shower was uneventful, he said i could keep the video if i wanted, and that some day we might be able to watch it together.

So i went home and the first thing i did was pop in the video and jack off 3 more times.

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