Malcolm and Reese

By Patrick Carter

Published on Apr 15, 2007


Reese really badly needed to get off. He knew his brothers would be home soon so he was in a rush. He stepped into his room and it was clean, this could only mean that Lois had been in there and as usual she had found his porno stash wherever he hid it. There has to be something here he thought to himself then he remembered very recently Malcolm had been very secretive about something he was hiding under a floorboard in their room. But which one? They all looked exactly the same. Reese had to think to himself really hard before realising where it would be, he moved the bed and sure enough the floorboard under the leg slid away, inside were several magazines and a tub of lube. Reese took out a magazine and the lube and hopped onto his bed. He opened to page one to see naked men, next page more naked men; he flicked all the way through not a woman in sight. He saw absolutely everything he didn't know what to think, he was disgusted yet his cock was semi hard in his boxers. He heard the front door open and quickly threw everything back where it was and straightened up. Putting 2 and 2 together Reese had finally made 4 realising his little brother Malcolm was gay, either that or he liked getting off to men doing each other. Reese decided he was going to have a little fun with Malcolm before telling him that he knew. The brothers sat down watching TV before their parents came home. "This is boring," said Reese flicking through the channels. He went through all the channels stopping at the gay PPV channel temporarily complaining about the batteries in the remote. "Take it away, take it away." Screamed Dewey. Reese watched Malcolm out the corner of his eye; he could see his brother shift uncomfortably before he changed it to something else. "I just got to go to the toilet quickly. Had some of the school lunch." As he jumped up Reese could clearly see Malcolm's trousers were tenting. Malcolm returned a few minutes later relieved.

Reese couldn't sleep that night thinking about a number of things, his baby brother was gay, he'd just worked out that Malcolm was taking sneaky peaks at him all those times he used to walk around the room in just a vest and his own cock had become a little harder looking at all those men. Worst of all he had no one to discuss it with. Reese had decided he was going to have to confront Malcolm about it but first he wanted to try out the magazine again to see if he had the same reaction. Next morning Reese was up before Malcolm, he took off his shirt and pyjama bottoms leaving him in just his boxers. He could hear someone stirring behind him as he moved around the room. He looked to see Malcolm waking up so he continued what he was doing which was nothing. Malcolm rubbed his eyes and all he could see was Reese's soft round ass pointing at he through his boxers. Malcolm's mind was racing he quickly had a boner. He didn't know what his brother was doing but seeing him walk around in just his underwear was so hot. Reese was reaching for something giving Malcolm a full view of his armpit hair. Malcolm jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom. He came out a few minutes later with that same look of satisfaction he had shown the day before.

Reese was first home again in the afternoon and went straight for Malcolm's porn collection. Each time he looked at the pictures he seemed to grow used to it. He was even starting to imagine himself doing some of what was going on in the pictures with Malcolm. The thought of Malcolm wanking in the bathroom picturing him was making Reese hot. He heard the door open again and once again he quickly rearrange the room before his brothers entered.

Reese now had a dilemma, how was he going to get Malcolm on his own without the possibility of a family member walking in on them. The family was sat around the dinner table enjoying another family dinner. "Dewey did you find the plastic spider I put in your food?" "WHAT!" "REESE, WHY DO YOU ALWAYS DO THESE THINGS?" "You and Malcolm can stay home to clear up the table and do the dishes Hal we're going to have to take him to the Emergency Room to get his stomach pumped." "Do you think they'll give us this one free?" "Just get your coat." The car left the garage and Reese and Malcolm were left to do the dishes. "Thanks a lot Reese, once again you've managed to ruin my evening with another one of your foolish pranks." "Who says I've ruined anything. Just hurry up with the dishes and we can do something else." "Like what?" "Just get on with it." The quickly finished the dishes. "So what are we going to do?" "Watch TV now dad ain't here to hog the remote." "Okay thought you were thinking of something fun like diapers in the neighbours letterboxes again." "I'm just gonna go and get comfortable." Reese returned wearing just his boxers again. "Reese what are you wearing?" "I'm in my own house okay I should be able to dress how I want." "Okay Reese." Malcolm quickly surveyed Reese's body which Reese saw. They sat next to each other on the sofa Reese sitting with his back on the armrest and his legs towards Malcolm. Malcolm couldn't concentrate on the TV knowing Reese's cock was so close to him. He could even smell Reese's pubes and at just the right angle he could kind of see them down his boxers. Reese sat up and reached over Malcolm to get a magazine, Reese's armpit right in Malcolm's face. As he settled himself down he made sure he touched Malcolm's obvious boner. "What was that?" "What?" "In your trousers, I felt something as I went past." "I don't know what you mean." "That." Reese had Malcolm's boner in his hands. Malcolm looked at him astonished. "Erm, I dunno. Must've been thinking about Christina Aguilera while I was watching that." "Or you were staring at my open legs. Malcolm do you like me, like me?" "What, no you're a dude man and you're my brother, do you..." "I've seen your magazines dude just stop lying to me." Malcolm looked at his dumb brother thinking there must be a way out of this. "I'm your bigger brother why don't you trust me. Look I don't care anymore I know you like me and think you've got a cute face. I need to get off badly, will you help me?" "Is this why you put that toy in Dewey's food?" "Well I didn't. I just have done it so much in the past they believe me whenever I want them gone. I think they're getting too easy." "That's actually quite impressive, I don't think I give you as much credit as I should sometimes. How long have you known then?" "Couple of days ago I wanted to have a quick jerk but mum found all my porn. So I remembered you've been hiding something under your bed for ages which you keep going to. I figured mum has never found it so I took a look at what it was and it kind of excited me." "Do you mean you're gay as well?" "I don't know, cos I kept thinking of you in all these sexual scenarios and I wanted to jack off after." "So you thought about me and you together. So wait all that stuff you've been doing like walking around in just your boxers, that was for my benefit was it?" "Well I was trying to see if you would give in. okay come on then, if we're going to have some fun we need to get moving. Dewey's stomach is only so big." Malcolm literally sprang off the sofa and they headed for the bedroom. "Reese. Can I kiss you?" Reese looked at his brother unsure, then he thought of all the fantasies he had had, he pulled Malcolm by the waist and the two shared a deep kiss. Reese backed into the room with Malcolm still stuck to his face. He sat down on his bed and they parted. "So you said you needed to get rid of a load did you." Malcolm's hand slipped into Reese's boxers and stroked his rock hard pole. Reese moaned as Malcolm softly stroked his boner, and with the other hand he eased Reese's boxers down to his ankles which he then kicked to the floor. Malcolm rubbed Reese's chest as he stroked his brother's cock. "Oh, Malcolm where did you learn all of this?" "You're not the first person I've jacked off." "Stevie?" "Him. No he'd probably suffocate." "Who then?" "Eraserhead (The Ginger kid)." "You've seen ginger pubes, what are they like?" "Like pubes what else." "Stroke me harder Malcolm. Please I've been saving up for so long." Reese was now lying on his back enjoying his brother's expert right hand. Malcolm could see the precum slowly oozing out of Reese's cock. He bent down it licked it off. Reese's shoulders left the bed. "What the fuck was that?" "It was just my tongue." "Bro you don't know how good that felt." Malcolm did it again and once again Reese jumped in ecstasy. Malcolm decided to go all the way and swallowed all of Reese's big cock. Even thought Reese was big Malcolm's wide mouth could fit it in. Reese wanted to pound Malcolm's face but he thought he better not if he wanted this kind of service again.

Next: Chapter 2

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