Malcolm and Josh

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 7, 2023


Malcolm DID see the collar when he finished up getting ready for work. No one saw him, but he cracked a smile. It didn't surprise him that josh had done that and left it out in the open. "Trying to be cute. Pushing boundaries. That's ok. I've broken mustangs before. This one will be no different," he thought, and then added "No, he is. He's cuter. Smarter. Hotter. "Then Malcolm put on his jacket and headed out the door. Just before he left, he put the collar in his jacket pocket. "Two can play this game."

After lunch with Cory, josh began to have second thoughts about what he had done. This thing with Malcolm was still new and, well, he didn't want to spoil it. He had acted based on instinct: he had a feeling that Malcolm liked his subs with a bit of spirit in them. He liked to MAKE them grovel, but he didn't want someone who was a natural groveler, and josh was NOT a natural at it. Still, he didn't have that many "permanent" relationships under his belt, and he had never been in one where he was a sub. He wondered: had he overplayed his hand?

He got a text from Malcolm a little bit later that took away a lot of his anxiety: "Hey, I'm at the office until about 7, home around 7:30. I thought we'd call in Indian food. Sound good to you?" Josh smiled and texted back "Hi Sir. Yes, if that's what you feel like eating, Indian food it is. I do like it but whatever you feel like."

Malcolm responded back: "Great. You know, I still don't know what you like to eat except for, well, one thing. "He added a smile emoji. "We'll decide later." Josh couldn't help himself. He sent back an emoji of a peach. "Is this your favorite fruit, Sir?" And the banter went on, with Malcolm suggesting maybe josh wanted eggplant with sauce, until he wrote back. "Ok, if I don't get back to the deal on my desk, I won't get home until 9. See you at 730. "

Josh gave a fist pump that no one saw. This meant he could get home, get cleaned up, put on the collar, and try to look as sexy and appealing as he could for "Master Mal," as he thought of him. "No foul," he thought. At least, until he got home that night. He did take a shower, and then he picked out a pair of very snug khakis, and a pale blue shirt that complimented his eyes. He was feeling good, until he went to the spot where he had left the collar.

"HUH? Where is it? I KNOW I saw it here." His nerves all came back. "WHERE IS IT?" He shouted to an empty apartment. He began tearing through drawers and found nothing. He looked under the bed. Nothing. "I'm screwed. I'm really screwed," he thought. He sat down, sweating. "Only thing I can think of is to tell him I must have left it at work. YEAH. I'll tell him I was filthy, and I took it off so I could wash my face and neck, and I must've forgotten it." A part of josh didn't think Malcolm would believe him, but he didn't have any choice. It never crossed his mind that Malcolm might have seen the collar and taken it with him.

Josh was sitting on the sofa, looking through a magazine and lazily playing with himself when he heard Malcolm's key in the lock. He zipped up as fast as he could, now hoping that he hadn't leaked, and wondering why he had put on light-colored pants. "SIR! Welcome home. I missed you!" Josh walked across the living room to Malcolm, who was standing there, his jacket hooked over his shoulder, his tie loosened, hi ssleeves pushed up. "GOD HE'S HOT" Josh thought to himself before he put his hands behind his back. "On my knees, Sir?" he asked, looking down at the floor. He heard Malcolm chuckle. "Not yet, pretty boy. Know what I need? I need to kiss my boy. Look up, josh." When josh did, Malcolm started thinking "I could melt in those eyes. And I could fuck him all night. Give me strength somebody. Give me strength." He pressed his lips against josh's, and then he pushed his tongue inside josh's mouth. It was hard to tell who moaned first, but they were both moaning. Josh felt Malcolm take his wrists and bend them behind him. He smiled a little and gave a bit of resistance before he bent his arms at the elbow and gave in to Malcolm. Malcolm took both of joshs' wrists in one hand and moved the other one to the front. He opened the buttons of josh's shirt and ran his fingers over josh's nips. Now, josh moaned louder, and began to pant a little.

"Josh. You're not wearing your collar. How come?" Josh had such a fair complexion that Malcolm could see him getting pinker and pinker. Josh told him the story he had prepared. Pretending to be convinced was the hardest thing Malcolm had done in weeks. "Hmm. Well, we can't have that happen again, can we josh?"

"No, Sir. I'm sorry. It won't happen again." Malcolm smiled. "I'm going to get changed, josh. How about pouring me wine? A white one. Dry."

"Yes, Sir. Anything else?" "No, that'll do for now." Malcolm went into the bedroom and switched into jeans and a casual shirt. He rolled the sleeves so that the tattoos he had up and down his arms were visible. He took the tie he had been wearing, and then took the collar out of his jacket pocket. He walked into the living room again, dangling the collar on his hand.

"Look what I found, josh? And I didn't even have to go to your place of business." He had a poker face: josh didn't know if Malcolm was amused, angry or what? "I guess your forgot to wear it this morning, josh."

"Uh, yes Sir, that's right. I'll put it on now." He reached for it and Malcolm pulled it back.

"But I thought you said you were wearing it and you forgot it. You were washing up and took it off. Did I mishear you?" Now josh was coloring very red. "No Sir. You didn't. I lied to you. I'm sorry."

"Not as sorry as you will be. Get over here, turn around. Hands behind your back."

"Yes, Sir" josh answered meekly. He felt the expensive silk of Malcolm's necktie wrapping around his wrists. He yelped as Malcolm tied the knot tightly. "You think THAT hurt, bottom? Things are gonna start hurting a LOT more very soon. "Josh was still turned around, so he didn't see Malcolm whip off his belt, but he heard it. Then Malcolm laughed, as he spun josh around. "You thought you were gonna get a whipping with my belt, josh? Ha ha, sorry, I'm not that banal. "

"SSSSShould I get on my knees, Sir?"

"NO. But you should get in the bedroom. On your back."

"But, but..." josh was about to say it would hurt his arms, but then he thought better. He didn't know what Malcolm had planned, but he knew that if he complained about potential pain, his REAL pain was going to be more intense.

Josh went to the bedroom and after he had taken a few sips of wine, Malcolm came into the bedroom. His glare was icy. "Why did you disobey me, josh?"

"I don't really know, Sir. I thought, I mean, I guess I thought, that you'd get more aroused if you had a reason to punish me."

"I don't NEED a reason to punish you, josh. Other than I want to."

"I know, Sir. But I guess I thought that you'd be more excited and, well, you'd find me more interesting if I were a challenge." As soon as he said it, josh began thinking "Oh, SHIT. I just spoiled everything.

He thought wrong. Malcolm paused for a minute. He tried not to smile, but josh saw the tiniest rise at the ends of Malcolm's lips. "This bitch has me figured out," Malcolm was thinking. "This is new. He's smart. No, more than smart. Crafty. He's not just a power bottom, he's an INTELLECTUAL power bottom." As soon as he thought that Malcolm's cock was getting harder than it had been. Then he saw the drying spot at josh's crotch.

"You were playing with yourself, too, weren't you?" Josh gulped. Malcolm had told him that he couldn't touch his cock unless Malcolm gave him permission and was there to see it. "I did, Sir. I'm sorry, again. I broke one of your rules. I was so horny. SO FUCKING HORNY." Malcolm got up off the bed. "You're horny. That makes two of us. And you know, I had plans to come home from work, fuck my boy so hard that he screamed, and then have some dinner with him. Looks like neither one of us is going to get exactly what he wanted." He paused. "Let me change that. I'm not going to get EXACTLY what I wanted. YOU are getting NONE of what you wanted. You're not getting my cock, you're not getting to climax, PERIOD." Josh was about to start begging and then just said "Yes, Sir." Then he saw Malcolm open his zipper and pull out his cock. "That's an expensive shirt, josh. It looks good on you, so I'm gonna do my damnest to avoid the fabric." He moved Josh's shirt so that more of his torso was exposed. "For the next three days, the only cock you're gonna get, is a body shower." Josh watched, licking his lips, as Malcolm began playing with himself. "You'll sleep with the jizz all over you too, boy. Maybe tomorrow...heh heh, maybe tomorrow, I'll aim for that beautiful head of hair of yours. Now..." With his free hand, Malcolm began stroking Josh's chest. He moaned, but he also asked: "You want out of this, josh? You want to go back to being a whore? I could send you packing tomorrow."

"NO SIR. NO. Please. I submitted and I meant it. Please. Don't make me leave."

"You're going to do what I tell you, josh. That's what a sub does." "Yes, Sir. I understand. I just..."

"NO EXPLANATIONS, BOY. I heard you. Tonight, we're going to work some things out about how we proceed in the future. But for now... DAMN I MISS YOUR ASS. I'm getting punished too because I didn't spend enough time thinking about your training." He yowled, and josh felt the lashings of cum splash on his belly. Some of it pooled in his navel. He wished that Malcolm had directed some to his face, and he wished even more that Malcolm had been in his ass when it happened. Malcolm looked at josh when he was finished and smiled.

"I'm not giving you this collar back, josh. Not yet. I'm not sure you've earned it. So, you'll do what you're told, the way a proper sub does, and if I decide you're worthy, I'll give it back to you. And you'll wear it ALL the time. Am I clear?

"Yes, Sir. Very clear. Again, I'm sorry. I'm really, REALLY sorry." Malcolm grunted. "Roll over. I'll untie your wrists. Then you clean up this mess in here. I got some jizz on the bed. Get it changed, get the room cleaned, and then get yourself dressed. No washing up. You wear my mark until tomorrow morning. I'll go order the food. You'd better get busy."

"He didn't toss you out?" Cory and josh were having lunch again. Josh had just told Cory everything about what had happened between he and Malcolm.

"NO. I'm not sure he was happy about it, but..." Cory saw the wicked smile josh sometimes gave when he felt like something good had happened. "I think I've gotten under his skin. In a good way." Cory looked up at his friend. "You'll need to explain that buster." Josh continued to smile. "Well, I agree with you. If I had been the DOM, and my sub had behaved the way I did, that sub would have been sent packing, but... I think Mal likes a challenge. And I don't think he's ever been challenged the way I'm challenging him."

Cory laughed "Well, you ARE a challenge, Josh, that's for sure. You think you know how to play this? I mean, you've never been a sub before. A bottom, sure. "

"AND A DAMN GOOD ONE ACCORDING TO MY CLIENTS!" Josh almost bellowed. Cory gave him a look.

"Your FORMER clients, Joshy. One man gets that ass and mouth of yours now." Josh nodded.

"And let me tell you, Cory. If I had known what I was missing, I'd have tried to get my hooks into him sooner."

"He's good?" Josh rolled his eyes. "OH GEEZ. He's I'm gonna die this is so hot" good. The man's not the biggest or thickest I've ever had, but he knows how to use it better than anyone else EVER." He dropped his voice. "And the way he dominates, I mean, you hear stories but most of them are the same: cock cages, shaving, yadda yadda. He's WAY more dominant psychologically than I could ever explain." Cory looked at him. "Seems like he's gotten under YOUR skin, Josh." Now, Josh sighed. "Yeah, I think he has. That night that I brought the collar to him, well, right after he put it on me, I began thinking "WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST DO?" But now..." He smiled before he continued. "We talked that night. He told me I was right: he liked challenges, and he didn't like to lose. But he didn't want to be challenged constantly. So, he invoked his rights as a DOM: he'll tell me when resistance or challenge is what he wants. It's not a safe' word, but it's a play' word. If he tells me he wants mustard, that means game on.'" Cory shook his head. "You know, Josh, even though he didn't use any of the local boys, they're all jealous of you. I mean, just look at the penthouse where you live, and what a sexy man you have. Yeah, he's a daddy, but he seems to transcend daddy stereotypes." Then he asked, "Is he fucking you again?" He saw the smile on Josh: "the embargo is lifted tonight. I hope that there's mustard involved.

"With the wiener" Cory added. "I wondered why you were eating so many hot dogs. I guess it was displacement."

Eight hours later, there wasn't any mustard on the menu, and Malcolm was the only one eating. He had josh's wrists tied to the corners of the bed, and he had his legs spread open. Josh could see Malcolm's head bob up and down, as his tongue moved in and out of josh's hole. "You like that, sunflower?" Malcolm would sneer every now and then. Josh couldn't do much more than groan and moan, because he had a large piece of silver duct tape over his mouth. He had been gagged with tape before, but the fastidious way Malcolm did it, making sure that he avoided as much of josh's 5 o'clock shadow as possible, just made things hotter. Josh wasn't sure if he was allowed to drip or cum yet- Malcolm hadn't said anything about the pearl of pre-cum on the tip of his cock. He did see Malcolm's smile get bigger when his head "accidentally" bumped up against josh's dick and slowly ran up and down the back of it.

"You want COCK in your ass, don't you, blond boy?" Malcolm asked. No "mustard" so josh just shook his head as vigorously as he could, trying to scream "YES SIR" through the tape. "Well, how about I check how wet you are?"

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" josh screamed when one, then two of Malcolm's fingers went inside of him. Malcolm had dropped josh's ankles to be able to do it, and the sensations were sending tremors through josh's legs and his whole body. "My man is taking me. My man is taking me. It's good. OH, it's so good." He couldn't wait. The three days of "atonement" as Malcolm called it, and two days before that when josh hadn't climaxed, just got to him. Malcolm's fingers sliding back and forth didn't help either. He pitched up, gave out a moan, and he "splotched" Malcolm right on the cheek. "MMSORSR" came out of josh, as he tried to apologize. Malcolm smiled.

"I COULD punish you for that, stud boy. But I think... I think I'm just gonna put that on your tab for a day when I feel like I REALLY need to put you in your place. But now, your place involves your legs in the air and my dick finishing you off." Josh shook his head yes. He agreed. He needed it. He needed it badly. When Malcolm slid in, he almost began to cry because he felt the lock of the collar bouncing on his upper chest. Yes, Malcolm had let him wear it again, and josh felt honored. He felt honored and sore, because Malcolm was screwing him with a vigor he hadn't had before. "I missed this" he whispered. "You have the hottest ass I've ever fucked joshy. Don't' think for a minute, I'm letting you get away from me. Mustard the rest of the week. Except for the brunch on Saturday. You understand?"

"mmmmmmmmmmmmmph" came out of josh. Saturday brunch was something that had been a part of Malcolm's routine before josh. It was when he got together with three of his best friends, two of whom had subs of their own. This was the first time he'd be showing off josh, and he had explained to his sub "You'll feel like a trophy boy. You're supposed to. You're supposed to act that way. And then you'll get your resentment out of your system later." Now, josh was thinking about that as Malcolm's cock continued to shred his asshole. Josh felt Malcolm get even stiffer inside of him as he stopped sliding back and forth. He reached up and ripped the tape from josh's mouth as he exploded in him. "THANK YOU, SIR, THANK YOU. THANK YOU FOR JUICING YOUR BOY." Josh had no idea what he was saying, but the fuck had been so good that he needed to thank Malcolm.

"Trophy boy. You're gonna be so much hotter than the other ones there. Ever hear of `cultural capital, joshy?"

"Yes, Sir, I have. I learned it at university." Malcolm smiled. "Of course, you did. I should think of you as my hot nerd sometimes. Well, you are going to provide me with so much of it...maybe we'll go out and get you a gift of some kind."

"Please, Sir. That's unnecessary. It really is." Malcolm smiled. "I was thinking of a tattoo that said, "Malcolm's boy." Josh gulped. He didn't really like that idea, but this was not a "mustard" evening and he said "Yes, Sir. It would be hot, Sir." Malcolm laughed to himself because he knew he could screw with josh's head. He knew that josh loved HIS tattoos, but he wasn't enthusiastic about being tatted himself. And Malcolm had no intention of tatting him -- but letting josh stew with the idea of being marked -- now THAT could make things very spicy indeed.

Josh thought about this brunch. All he knew was that it would be at a high-end restaurant, and that the other subs were not local. Malcolm's friends some distance away. These brunches happened once a month, and they would be in the home city of one of the three of them. This time, it was Malcolm's city. And it was perfect timing.

He had no misunderstandings about the way Malcolm would behave. They went out a lot, and Malcolm was VERY possessive. He didn't really let josh mingle very much without him, and sometimes, it seemed to josh that Malcolm's hand was on his shoulder, or his arm was around his middle, but he was in physical contact all the time. Josh had wanted to yell "WHY DON'T YOU JUST PUT ME ON A LEASH?" but he was afraid Malcolm would do it (In fact, Malcolm had a leash and collar among his toys' for when he took josh to some of the more interesting events' he attended.) All of josh's frustrations would end, however, when they'd get home after one of the events and Malcolm would corner him against a wall in the living room, or pin him down on the bed, and whisper "you made me so PROUD tonight, joshy. All night long, I wanted to pull you into the bathroom and bend you over the sink and fuck you." Usually josh would moan -- because by then Malcolm had josh's zipper opened and he was playing with his balls and dick, and answer "Thank you, Sir. It's an honor to be seen with you," but once, josh had forgotten that these events were NEVER `mustard friendly' and he said, "then why don't you do it sometime, Sir?" It caught Malcolm off-guard. "In a public rest room? What if someone walked in?" Josh just smiled. "So what? I've been fucked in public before, Sir."

"Hmmm. There's a first time for everything" went through Malcolm's mind.

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