Malcolm and Josh

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 13, 2023


Hey all. If you've been waiting for the next installment on this story, I apologize for the delay. Reasons are not important. What IS, is that I'm writing again. I hope you enjoy the continued adventures of our boys.

Josh had a miserable time at the gala. He had been to this event before, with someone other than Malcolm (who turned out to be a miserable fuck), and he knew that there were always lots of "callboys" or "escorts" or whatever you want to call them there. Malcolm knew who the guy was. He wasn't there that night, but Cory was. So were about five other guys he knew from the street. The first time he had gone, Josh hadn't noticed that it seemed to be a "thing:" the Johns were in suits and ties, and none of the escorts were. There were some guys he didn't recognize, and he asked Malcolm about them.

"Those are the partners of the guys they're with. They're not being paid although, in a way they are."

"They're kept men?"

Malcolm shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know the actual facts of the relationships, but I do know that all three of them sort of began like you." He smiled. "Some guy took a shine to them, offered them something and, well, there you are." As he said that, Malcolm ran his hand down Josh's back. It felt good, but Josh was also somewhat put out by things.

"Well, ok, they're permanent, but they, I mean WE, are all dressed as if we're whores." Now Malcolm's hand went to the back of Josh's neck. "Sexy ones too, Josh, but none as sexy as you." Josh rolled his eyes. He raised his voice.

"MALCOLM. I DON'T WANT PEOPLE TO THINK I'M YOUR WHORE." He overheard one of the escorts whisper "But ya are, Blanche, ya are." He started getting out of his seat. "I'm leaving." Malcolm put his hand on Josh's shoulder and pushed him back down.

"No, you're not. You're staying here, and I'm going to introduce you to my friends as my partner. And you're going to be polite. I know how sharp that tongue of yours can be." He leered at Josh. "I'm already thinking about what I'm gonna do to you this weekend. Don't encourage me to punish you."

"Like with a spanking for a bad boy?" Josh teased. Malcolm laughed. "Spanking is for amateurs. I work on a grander scale. Now." He took Josh by the arm. "Let's go mingle. Remember to behave."

"Yes, Daddy," was Josh's reply, and Malcolm whispered. "Ok. Punishment is on the list. "Malcolm kept his hand on Josh's arm as they walked around. That's when Josh began to feel very angry. Malcolm led him to a first table. Josh didn't recognize the executive, but his "date" was one of the snottiest of the escorts, a guy named Rod. "Cedric, good to see you. I'd like to introduce you to Josh." "Pleased to meet you," Josh said and held out his hand. Cedric didn't put his out. He smiled at Malcolm. "He's a pretty one, Malcolm. But have you changed your m.o.? You never pay for escorts." "Ah, you're right. Josh is my partner. He lives with me. And you're also right." He dropped his hand to Josh's ass. "He's REAL pretty." That's when Rod spoke up. "JOSHY! Don't tell me you're giving up the life. And for... Malcolm? Well, everyone knows what SIR Malcolm likes. Are you giving up the `versatile' line for him? "He paused. "I hope you got paid well." Malcolm felt Josh's muscles tighten, and he saw that Josh was about to say something. He stopped him. "Do I detect more than a bit of jealousy there, Rod? I mean, yes, it means that I'M off the market as is Josh so..." he shrugged his shoulders. "But if you're going to take dick from someone other than me, none better than Cedric." Cedric laughed. "You're still thinking of that masturbation contest aren't you, Malcolm. From ten years ago." Malcolm laughed. "Sort of. But I was actually thinking more that a hot studly boy like Josh decided to accept my offer."

"How much was it, Sir?" Rod continued to be a brat, and Cedric gave him a look. Malcolm just smiled. "Nothing to concern you, Rod. But it's more than you'll get. You still living in that apartment with three other whores? You remember my place from our one time, don't you?"

"YOU SLEPT WITH HIM?" slipped out of Josh's mouth. Malcolm answered "Joshy, I've slept with just about every boy here. But that's over now. Let's say goodnight to these folks and go and visit with Cory. He's with a friend of mine too."

As they walked, Malcolm whispered to Josh: "you MUST keep your temper in line, Josh. I'm serious. Don't embarrass me." "HOW ABOUT NOT EMBARRASSING ME, MALCOLM?" Malcolm stopped walking and he pulled Josh close to him. "Listen up, sunshine. You have a defined role now, and I expect you to live up to it. If you don't, I'll be disappointed, but we'll find you someplace to live and you can go back to hooking." The color drained from Josh's face. He couldn't do that: he'd look ridiculous to all of his friends, and of course, the grief he'd take from Johns..."

"I'll try, Malcolm. This is new to me. Really new."

"Try with small steps. You know who the Tops are. Call them Sir. Starting with me." A sigh came out of Josh. "Ok, Sir. I understand."

Cory was much friendlier than Rod had been. He looked at Malcolm: "is it ok if I give your boy a hug, Sir?" Malcolm smiled. "Be my guest. No tongue though." He embraced Josh and Josh whispered in his ear "I hate it here." Cory whispered back "I do, too. But it's your life now, Josh. Everyone knows Malcolm doesn't do rent boys, and they're gonna know you're his. " Josh felt Malcolm's arm go around his middle. He had to admit that when Malcolm did that, he couldn't help it: he ground his butt into Malcolm's crotch.

"Easy, babe. We'll leave soon, and there'll be time to get to that." Malcolm introduced him to some more people. Josh noticed that there were two of the "boys" who had chains around their necks with a small lock at the end. He knew what that meant: submission. Both of them kept their hands behind their backs, and spoke only after they had asked their DOMS for permission. Josh knew that this is where Malcolm wanted to move their relationship. He wasn't ready.

"That was tough for you, Josh. I could see that. ""Men are bitches, Malcolm. I mean, Sir. Most of those guys were my friends, and now...the only one who was nice to me was Cory."

"They're jealous, babe. Let me ask something: how many times have you had sex when it was better than with me?" Josh smiled "Oh, COUNTLESS!" Malcolm snorted. "I'll tell the driver to turn around. You can go with Cedric and I'll take Rod home. He's not so choosy." Josh threw an arm around Malcolm's shoulder "I was teasing, Sir. Sex with you is AWESOME. Can't you tell?" Josh thought he felt Malcolm shiver when he put his arm around his shoulders, and he did see the tight smile. "The guys are jealous. I have a reputation as being a really good top." "Well earned, Sir." Malcolm smiled. "You haven't had the half of it. My point is, they're still clawing and fighting for the ultimate fuck, for someone to leave a big tip, and you've put that behind you. And... speaking of your behind... I'm gonna have to shop for tighter pants for you. And as for the Tops and DOMS, well, you know you never had much free space on your schedule. EVERYONE wanted Josh."

"For different things, Sir. I was never completely a bottom." "Well, times change, sunshine." Josh's voice dropped. "Does that mean, Sir, we're never gonna flip fuck." Malcolm shook his head. "Never in a million years. But don't worry. You won't miss topping." Josh sighed. He didn't know about that.

As the car pulled up in front of the apartment, Malcolm told Josh "Now, tomorrow's the weekend, so we've got time to stay up. And I'm up." He put Josh's hand on his crotch. "I want you completely naked in no more than ten minutes Joshy." Josh was getting horny himself. Feeling how stiff Malcolm's cock was just made him moreso. "Yes Sir."

Malcolm went off to the second bathroom while Josh stripped in the bedroom. He could hear Malcolm's footsteps approaching. He sucked in his breath when he saw Malcolm: his shirt was opened, he had his belt in one hand, and his face was one of pure lust. "He's a porn novel cover," Josh thought, as he looked up and down Malcolm's hairy chest. The "smack" when Malcolm hit his doubled over belt against the wall got Josh even more excited. Malcolm saw the pearl of pre-cum on Josh's dick.

"Get against the wall. Like I'm a cop who's frisking you. Spread your legs REAL far." Josh whispered "Yes Sir," and assumed the position. He wondered how Malcolm was going to use the belt, but he stopped considering it when he felt Malcolm press up against him and lick his ear. Josh began to moan. He felt Malcolm's hand in his curls as he pulled Josh's head to the side, and rested his chin on Josh's sensitive neck.


"SHHHHHHHHHHHH. No talking, boy. No talking." Malcolm's experienced hands worked up and down Josh's chest and pubes. "Push that ass back further. NOW." That's when Josh felt the sting of the belt. He almost said "Yes, Sir," but he remembered what Malcolm had told him. Once his butt was pushed back, Josh felt Malcolm's tongue begin probing.

Josh LOVED a tongue in his ass but he didn't get it that often. Now, as Malcolm's darted in and out, making loud slurping noises, changing intensity and making Josh wish he could reach down to his cock, he couldn't help himself, and he began to moan. Low, deep moans. Then, Malcolm stopped and whispered "THIS, is gonna drive you nuts pretty boy," and Josh felt a firm finger running vertically up and down the sides of his ass.

"OH MY GOD I'M SO FUCKING SENSITIVE." "Heh heh. Everyone wants tongue. No one ever realizes how a good finger tease and drive a boy crazy." It was true: he WAS driving Josh crazy.

"FUCK ME SIR. PLEASE FUCK ME. I CAN'T WAIT. FUCK ME." Malcolm didn't say anything, but Josh heard his zipper open. "Sir, please let me do that for you next time." Again, no answer. He just felt the force of Malcolm's thick cock begin to split him. Another loud moan came out of Josh.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH SIR. THANK YOU, SIR THANK, YOU." Malcolm had gotten all the way in and was just standing still, while Josh struggled to push back and get more.

"You're a hog, Josh. A REAL hog. Maybe I got to get you a fifteen-inch dildo."

"Too small," Josh tried to make a joke, and then he felt Malcolm tighten his glutes and get even deeper.

"OH MY GOD SIR OH MY GOD. How did I live without this?"

"We'll make up for lost time, sunshine." Malcolm maneuvered Josh to the bed and put him on his belly. He continued to pound his ass.

"Sir, do you want me on all fours?"

"No. I want you exactly where you are. For now." Josh was pinned down and he was loving the feeling: Malcolm had incredible stamina, and Josh had begun to feel numb when he felt Malcolm's cock getting harder and harder.

"I'm gonna breed you, blond boy. I'm gonna trick out your ass for me in a big, BIG WAY." It was. Malcolm put a load into Josh that was so big, Josh couldn't remember the last time he had one that huge. When Malcolm fell on top of him, and began to lick his ears again, Josh moved his hand to get underneath him and grab his cock. Malcolm felt it and soon, Josh was on his back, his wrists pinned. Malcolm had a look of anger on his face.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" "Jerking off, Sir."

"The hell you are. Did you ask for permission?" Josh was stunned. This was not something he expected.

"No Sir. Do I need it? ""Damn right you do." He paused. "Listen up, Joshy. You better get a few things sorted out in your head. This is NOT a relationship where we're equal sexually. I make the rules, you follow them, bottom. And eventually, you'll follow them as a sub, cause I got a necklace for you just like the ones those boys were wearing tonight."

"I'll bottom, Sir, I'll even call you Sir the way I am. But I'm not becoming a sub." Malcolm smiled. "Just give me a little time. Now, about the jerking off...How bad do you want it?"

"Real bad, Sir. I Keep on thinking about how you looked when you came in the room and..."

"When you wake up tomorrow, first thing you do is suck my dick. You promise?" It wasn't a hard choice for Josh. "Yes, Sir. Immediately."

"Then jerk off. Don't ever try what you did again. I'll be REALLY pissed off if you do." Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx "Cory, I don't know if this is going to work out." Josh was having lunch with Cory. It was Monday, a little early in the week for their weekly sit down, but Josh had needed to talk to Cory desperately. "Why not? I mean, seems to me that he's everything you were looking for, Josh. You've got the financial security, you've got a hot man -- older, the way you like, and the word is that he's always horny." "Well, that's true." Josh smiled and blushed at the same time. "And he really seems to love my ass. And my mouth." Now Cory was blushing. "You don't seem to be protesting very much, Josh. Why won't it work out?" Josh looked down at his soup for a few minutes. "I thought it was gonna be Top and bottom. And so far, it is, but... he keeps on talking about DOM and sub." Cory sat up and took a sip of iced tea. "You didn't ask around, did you? That's Malcolm's thing. EVERY guy he's had has been a sub. The last one was really, REALLY hot: on the short side, hairy until Malcolm shaved him, muscles, bright blue eyes. DAMN I'm getting hot thinking about him." "Well, why did they break up?" Cory laughed. "It wasn't really a breakup. It was more like Malcolm threw him out when he found out he was cheating on him." "He put out for another guy?" Cory sneered. "Yeah. One of Malcolm's best friends. They had met at one of Malcolm's parties -- has he set one of those up yet?" "Uh, no." Cory shook his head. "He's waiting. Trust me. Once you submit, he'll have a party. He'll want to have all his friends see him collar his new boy." Josh shook his head. "That's not happening." Cory smiled. "I looked at your wrists. You said you wouldn't let him tie you up. I guess you were wrong."

It was. Saturday morning, Josh had gone to the gym and then went for a three-mile run. When he came back to the apartment, he saw a note on the bed, with clothes. "Get yourself cleaned up and dressed. I had to go to the office, but I'll be back before one. KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF YOUR DICK." Then Josh saw that there were ropes, a gag, a paddle, and other toys on the table, next to a chair. "I'm not doing this," he thought to himself, before he thought that this would probably end with Malcolm's cock inside of him. Maybe even face up, so he could see the look Malcolm got when he was fucking Josh? He was thinking about that, when he heard the door open. "Why does he always look so good?" Josh thought. Malcolm walked in, wearing a white shirt, a blazer, and beautifully tailored jeans. He tossed off the jacket and smiled. "AH. Perfect timing." He walked over to Josh, and it looked to Josh like Malcolm was going to embrace him. He was wrong: instead, Malcolm took his wrists and pushed them behind his back. He looked directly into Josh's eyes. "So many possibilities. I could fuck your mouth, or I could just fuck you in those sweaty gym clothes, but I have a fantasy in mind. Get with it." From the outfit, it looked like it was a preppy fantasy: the button-down shirt, the jeans, the loafers. And the tiny, tiny jock strap. He saw the look on Malcolm's face, the evil smile. "Now, I get to add something to the fantasy. You have... 12 minutes to get ready. Every second over 12 minutes is a paddle smack to your crotch. And they'll get harder." Of course, Josh had to sass him. "If I get done earlier, do I get a reward?" Malcolm looked at him. "Yeah. You get ten seconds of nipple clamping, stud." Then Josh saw Malcolm rub his chin, and that showed him that Malcolm hadn't shaved that morning. Malcolm's scruff drove him nuts when he DID shave. If he did that today... And then, twenty minutes later, Malcolm had Josh bound in the chair, his hands behind him, his legs spread out and ankles tied to the chair legs. Josh heard Malcolm's breathing at his ear. He heard the whisper "give me your neck, sunshine." Malcolm's hand went down Josh's shirt at the same time, and when he ran his fingers over Josh's nip, all Josh could do was whisper, weakly "Yes Sir." He let out a loud moan when Malcolm just rested his chin on his neck. "OH FUCK," he moaned.

"Yeah, muffin. I noticed how much you like scruff, so I'm growing a goatee, just to make you happy." Josh struggled out "you don't have to tie me up to scruff me, Malcolm." Malcolm answered "I know that. But it's so much fun to see you helpless, and squirming and now... I get to play a game I had planned for you." He kissed Josh's ear and disappeared for a few minutes. When he came back, he had a hitachi, and a pair of nipple clamps.

"Which one should we use Josh? Hmmmmm?" Josh had used nipple clamps. He didn't like them. He knew about hitachis, but he had never used one on himself or anyone else.

"Here's how the game is gonna work, Joshy. I'm gonna Velcro this vibrator to your thigh. It's gonna touch your balls, and then, I'm working with 15 minutes. Let's see how long you can keep from cumming because, studmuffin, if you hold out for 15 minutes, I won't use the clamps. If, on the other hand, you stain your pants after ten minutes, you get five minutes of clamping." "I HATE CLAMPS MALCOLM." Josh spat out, knowing full well it wouldn't do any good. It didn't. Malcolm just smiled. "But I do. And I think hearing you groan when they're on you may, well, I'll have to control myself." "Can't you just fuck me? PLEASE????" "OH, I WILL fuck you. After we finish the game. This is not a discussion, Josh. It's my rules. "Josh began to whine as Malcolm slipped the Velcro ring around his thigh. "I'll set it low, Joshy. Oh, and, I don't know about you, but I feel very warm. Think I'll open up my shirt." Malcolm chuckled as he turned the vibrator to its lowest setting, and began opening his shirt. "MMMM. My nipples are sensitive today. They could use a good tongue on them. He slipped open a second button and Joshua could see him toying with his tit. "THIS ISN'T FAIR, MALCOLM." Josh struggled, trying to get the vibrator to move. Malcolm smiled, and opened another button. Then he kicked up the intensity of the vibrator. "OH SHIT!" Josh exclaimed. The vibrations were faster and more intense. He tried to look away from Malcolm's chest, but he couldn't help himself. Malcolm had grabbed a small bottle of oil and began rubbing it into his skin. "You like my curly hairs pressing into you, Josh, don't you? I can hear you moaning when I get on top of you. Just like you moan when I fuck you." Josh was breathing hard. "I LOVE it when you're on top of me Malcolm. I love it more when you're in me. " Then Malcolm pushed up the intensity, and Josh felt like he had gone into another state. His eyes were closed, and his head was thrown back. He was thinking about Malcolm and how good he felt when Malcolm shoved in his cock. He didn't hear Malcolm step behind him and whisper into his ear "Each and every time I fuck you, Josh, I learn something new. I'm learning about all of your hot spots. ALL the spots that are gonna let me have complete and total control of you. Like this one. In combination." His tongue hit Josh's ear as his hand covered Josh's nip but didn't squeeze. Josh began to think about the last time Malcolm fucked him. He had gotten so close to Josh's prostate that Josh had begun to breathe faster, and shallowly, imagining what it was going to be like when Malcolm hit it. And he remembered Malcolm laughing softly and saying "Not yet, baby cakes. Not yet," before he RAMMED in so hard Josh almost passed out. "You're my violin, Joshy. I'm learning how each and every string operates. Speaking of." He put his hand down on Josh's crotch. "Seems pretty firm in there. Let's kick this up a notch. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGH". That did the trick. Malcolm saw the stain before Josh did, because Josh's eyes were still closed. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOH. OOOOOOOOOOH GOD." Josh began to cry a little bit. "No one's ever done something like that to me before, Sir. NO ONE." Malcolm was slipping the vibrator off Josh's thigh. "I'm gonna do it a LOT. I LOVE toys. And according to my watch, you've got 7 minutes of clamps coming to you." He saw the look on Josh's face. "But given THIS," He opened his zipper and pulled out his hard on. "I think we're going to save that debt for another time. You like that idea, Joshy?"


Malcolm untied Josh from the chair. He put his hand on Josh's neck as he led him to the bedroom. "Don't think for a minute I forgot where your prostate is, Joshy. I may get another load out of you. NO, don't get undressed. This is going to be a little different." Malcolm laid Josh on the bed, and then he opened his shirt, slowly, kissing Josh's chest as he opened it. When he was finished, he got on top of Josh, and rubbed his body back and forth as he sucked on Josh's ear. "I'm taking you Josh. I'm taking you in a few minutes. I want you to start thinking. I WANT something from you, boy. "

Josh was moaning "What do you want, Sir? You're taking everything you want."

"Heh heh. Not everything. There's one thing I want that you have to give." Josh followed his eyes to the collar on the bed table. He moaned. "Please, Malcolm, not that. OH FUCK." Malcolm had gotten Josh's pants down and he had entered him. This time, he found Josh's prostate and began running his dick head back and forth on it. "I WISH I COULD CUM. I WISH I WISH. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOA. What just.... OH FUCK. Did I have a prostate orgasm?" Malcolm shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe you did. Right now, though, I'm going to have a plain old fashioned one." Josh felt the push and then he felt the gush as Malcolm bred him. He hurt but he was also in bliss. Malcolm kept his cock inside Josh while he cuddled him. He cuddled him until Josh fell asleep. He left to go and get cleaned up and to pick up the toys. "I bet that does it," he said to himself, confidently, as he settled down to read the paper. He could hear the gentle snoring from the bedroom as Josh slept. After about two hours, the noise changed. He could hear Josh stirring in the bedroom. Malcolm didn't move. He sat.

And Josh came out of the bedroom, naked. He walked up to Malcolm and handed him the collar before he put his hands behind his back. He looked at Malcolm. "I think it's traditional for the Master to put the collar on his sub, Sir." He bowed his head and knelt in front of Malcolm. Josh gulped once as he felt the collar drop around his neck. Malcolm lifted Josh's head. He looked him right in the eye.

"Are you sure you want this, Josh." Josh looked at Malcolm. His eyes were full of tears, but he answered, "Yes Sir." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Cory looked at Josh: "That might be the hottest scene I've ever heard. GOD I wish I were there. So, where's the collar." Josh smiled. "I didn't wear it today. I think I'll be getting punished for it. I left it right where he could see it before he went to work."

Next: Chapter 6

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