Malcolm and Josh

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 12, 2023


Josh hesitated outside of the door of the bar. This was where he and Malcolm had met, a bit more than six months ago. Malcolm (he hated being called "Mal") had changed Josh's life, and it hadn't been more than three weeks ago that Josh had come out of the bedroom to the living room where Malcolm was sitting. He got on his knees in front of Malcolm, put his wrists behind his back and said, very softly: "I submit, Sir."

Standing outside the door of the bar, Josh remembered that moment, smiled and felt his cock get harder. It was another turning point for him: the former convict and versatile escort with the tattoo of the rose with thorns on the inside of his right thigh. And it had been just three days ago, before Malcolm had left on a business trip, that he had told Josh: "live your regular day, use the vibrator and dildo all you want, but you come home from work and stay home. Is that clear?" Josh's answer had been firm and unequivocal: "Yes, Sir." He remembered Malcolm's smile and then how he had taken Josh in his arms, ran his hand through Josh's curly blond hair, and said "I'm going to miss you. And when I get back next week, I'm gonna make up for lost time, you sexy fucker," before he rammed his tongue down Josh's throat. Josh even remembered that there was a tear or two in Malcolm's eyes: he had gone away on business for one or two days a few times after Josh moved in, but never for a week.

Yet here he was in front of the bar, equivocating. "I can just get a soda and go back home. I know I can," he gulped, and thought about turning around and going back home. Then he heard a voice.

"JOSHY! MY GOD. You haven't been around for ages. That stud of yours keeping you chained up?" Josh laughed: Billy seemed to have a bit of ESP, because yes, there WERE times when Malcolm chained up Josh while they were in roleplay, and Josh had loved it. It was part of their deal.

"BILLY! How the hell are you? You look good," Josh lied. Billy had been a "working boy" since before Josh had become one, and his looks were long gone. In the words of one former John, Billy was popular because "he gave a lot and charged a little," which was almost the opposite of Josh's old reputation. Still, with his blond curls, the blue eyes, the big winning smile (the result of extensive dental work before he had gotten into trouble with the law), Josh never lacked for "companionship."

"So, are you coming in or not? Lots of guys are out tonight." Billy laughed. "I mean, I can't figure out why you're not with that hunk of yours, but..."

"He's on a business trip," Josh answered, and Billy nodded in understanding. If there were one man in town more attractive than Josh, it was Malcolm: the dark matinee idol hair, the perfect skin, the sculpted body. Dark eyes that looked at you and almost seemed to say "I'm gonna fuck you in the future, but you won't know when," and that broad, hairy chest.

"So, the mouse gets to play when the cat's away?" Josh blushed. "I guess you could say that" was Josh's response. "So, what are we waiting for?" Billy sang, badly "come to zee cabaret" as he opened the door. "I'm sorry, Malcolm," Josh said to himself as he walked in.

A half hour later, Malcolm turned his key in the lock of the apartment. "Hmmm. Awfully quiet. I wonder if he went to bed early," he thought, because Josh almost always had music on. Malcolm had an extensive collection and when Josh had seen it, it was as if a starving child had been put at a table filled with food. There was always music in the apartment.

"SWEET CAKES, I'M HOME. SURPRISE!" Malcolm had worked 18-hour days so that he could get back to Josh as soon as he could. He had not stopped thinking about his lover, his bottom, and now his sub, from the moment he stepped into the car to the airport. Now, he was looking forward to some sweet, hot, love making.

"JOSH? JOSH? WHERE ARE YOU?" Malcolm began to get worried. He hadn't called ahead because he wanted to surprise Josh, and now, HE was the one who was surprised. He went into the bedroom, which was in a shambles.

"What the..." Drawers were opened everywhere, the closet was in disarray and there was no Josh. At first, he thought "Something happened to my boy," and then, that conclusion didn't make sense.

"Wait, what the?" Malcolm saw Josh's shoes in the corner. They were a pair of very expensive sneakers Malcolm had gotten for Josh early in their relationship. Malcolm had a suspicious nature, and he went looking for the boots Josh had worn when they had started dating: his "come home with me" boots as he called them. They were gone. "Where are the hooker pants?" he asked himself, looking for the faded, tight jeans that he loved to see Josh in, because they displayed his basket and butt so well. They were gone too.

"I think...I think someone is in some very serious trouble." For the second time that night, he decided not to call Josh. Rather, he ripped off his necktie, stuffed it in his pocket and went out. He was heading to the bar. If Josh wasn't there, someone would know if he had been and maybe even where he was.

"I should have done this a LONG time ago," Josh thought, as he laughed at the comments the man he was flirting with had just made.

He didn't see Malcolm come up behind him, but Joshua felt Malcolm's big, strong hand clamp down on his shoulder. "Time to go home, Josh," was all he said. Josh knew from the tone of Malcolm's voice that he was in trouble.

"Oh, you have a boyfriend?" the guy Josh was talking to said, with a look suggesting he'd like a three way.

"Maybe not for long. Let's go, Josh." "Yes sir" was the best Josh could muster. "Sir, do you want my hands behind my back?" he asked, and he didn't get an answer, just a pull on his bicep. "MOVE" was all Malcolm said.

"Sir, I'm sorry. It was a stupid thing to do," Josh stammered as they walked back to the apartment.

"First thing you got right tonight, Josh." Malcolm answered, and then went silent.

"I don't really know why I..."

"JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP, JOSH, ALRIGHT? SPEND SOME TIME THINKING ABOUT WHETHER YOU WANNA GO BACK TO WHORING OR IF YOU WANT A RELATIONSHIP. "Josh was very scared now. He had seen Malcolm get angry when he was on the phone, and he had experienced Malcolm being stern and dominant with him (it was VERY HOT), but this was pure, unabated anger.

"Sir, am I in trouble for this?" Josh realized it was a stupid question, and Malcolm laughed.

"What do YOU think? You getting excited thinking about getting punished?" In fact, Josh WAS. He liked being pushed to the edge, but he didn't like pain. THAT'S what scared him the most. He knew Malcolm was strong from all the times he had wrestled Josh into the position he wanted before he fucked him. If he used his hands, well."


"Yes, Sir," Josh mumbled. His hands were shaking as he picked up the clothes, folded them, closed the drawers, put shoes back in order, everything. He knew Malcolm hated disorganization. He straightened the comforter on the bed and heard the "whoosh" as Malcolm was shucking his clothes.

"GET IT FINISHED OR I'M COMING IN FOR YOU AND I'LL DRAG YOU ACROSS THE ROOM BY THAT GODDAMN HAIR OF YOURS." "FUCK, he is REALLY angry," Josh began to feel sick. Malcolm LOVED Josh's hair. There were times when he'd play with it for an hour, sometimes more, when they cuddled, and he had told Josh more than once that his hair was the thing that had attracted Malcolm to him that night that felt like a long time ago.

"I'm done, Sir" Josh came out and when Malcolm snapped his fingers and pointed to the chair, he sat. "Behind you. Now." Josh put his arms behind the back of the chair, and he felt Malcolm tying his wrists with his necktie. "OW" escaped Josh as Malcolm pulled the restraint tighter. Malcolm sneered. "You should be wishing that's the most you'll hurt tonight, BITCH. Spread your legs, or I'll tie your ankles too."

"Yes sir," Josh was terrified. He saw the "spatula paddle" on the table. Malcolm had never used it on him, but he had teased Josh that it was just the right size for a bottom who thought he was a top: a few swats of the paddle would put that thought out of the bottom's head. Josh squirmed when he saw Malcolm pick up the paddle, and he whined when he began running it over Josh's crotch. Malcolm had rolled up his sleeves and Josh saw his muscles ripple. He was sweating, and the combination of Malcolm's look, his musky odor, and being tied up were all leaving Josh somewhere between scared to death and horny as hell.

"You probably want to explain why you did what you did. You're always trying to talk your way out of things," Malcolm kept stroking Josh's crotch with the paddle. "ANSWER ME. YES OR NO"

"Yes Sir."

"Well, there is no satisfactory answer. Actually, there is. There is one satisfactory answer. Again, it's yes or no. Do you want out of this relationship? Because if you do, I'll help you pack, you can get the fuck outta here tonight, and we're done. It's a simple question. It needs a simple answer. Yes or No." Josh's head shot up. He didn't expect that. He had an answer though, and it was absolute.

"No, Sir. I made a mistake, I'm sorry. OUCH." The paddle came down on Josh's crotch.

"I TOLD YOU IT WAS A YES OR NO QUESTION NOT AN ESSAY QUESTION. So, let me make something very clear. It might have been different if you hadn't come to me and submitted. You're not just my boyfriend anymore. You're my sub. You do what I say, AND I SAID NOT TO GO OUT AT NIGHT." Josh expected another smack, but there wasn't one.

"Now, I can tell you are more scared than you've been in a long, LONG time, and that's punishment enough, fuck bitch. Understand me: the next time you defy me like that, you'd better have plans for where you're going, because I WILL KICK YOU OUT OF THIS HOUSE SO GODDAMN HARD YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SIT FOR A WEEK. YOU UNDERSTAND ME, SUB BOY?"

"Yes, Sir," Josh answered, somewhat relieved that there wasn't a beating in his future, but still scared about what might happen.

"I came back home, early, to surprise my boy. I have gifts in my bag, everything. And I've got THIS" he grabbed his crotch, which showed a substantial bulge. "Because unlike my fucking slut of a lover, I didn't cheat on him when I was away. Instead, I wanted the man who takes care of my dick the way no one else ever has to take care of it. I didn't even fucking jerk off."

"Malcolm... please let me take care of it. PLEASE." WHAM. The paddle came down again.


"No Sir, sorry, I'm... I'm sorry. I'm so scared. I'm ... "he began to cry. "Please don't kick me out. I love you, Sir. I.... I FUCKING LOVE YOU." Malcolm opened his zipper. "Show this some love. Get me good and wet but don't bring me off. You know where it's going next."

"YES SIR. THANK YOU, SIR," When he worked as an "escort" or "companion," Josh's blowjobs were legendary. He was so good at it that even though he charged double what any other escort did, johns willingly paid him what he required. Malcolm had never paid, and he never would. Josh took Malcolm's cock eagerly. He knew what to do: to bring Malcolm to just about 80% so that there would be time for him to do what Malcolm did best.

Josh tried to make "yummy noises," and to smile as he sucked off Malcolm. He didn't know if Malcolm saw his smile because his eyes were more than half closed, but Josh knew his Master was enjoying it. "FUCK YES. FUCK YES. BEST GODDAMN MOUTH IN CREATION."

"MMMMMPH," Josh couldn't answer more than that. When Malcolm pulled out of his mouth, Josh knew what was next. "Back or belly, Sir?" he asked, looking Malcolm in the eye.

"Back, but first..." Malcolm pulled his bound sub to him and forced his lips opened. "I wanna taste how far down I got." Now, Josh really began to shake and to moan. Malcolm frenched nearly as well as he fucked, in Josh's view, and better than any of the many men who had frenched him. As they were kissing, Josh felt Malcolm untying the restraints. "Wrap your arms around me boy." Josh did, and Malcolm lifted him off the ground. His pants were puddled around his ankles, so he stepped out of them and carried Josh to the bedroom. He dropped him on the bed and pinned him down.

"You know what you're gonna get, boy, but you have no clue when you're going to get it." Malcolm began unbuttoning the plaid shirt Josh was wearing. When it was opened, he began running his palm over Josh's torso: something that drove Josh crazy.

"My furry bottom. My furry sub. I dunno why anyone shaves his sub. On the other hand..." he pinched Josh's nipple. THAT may have to get a little adornment." He closed his teeth around Josh's left tit, keeping him pinned down with one arm as his other hand moved down from Josh's belly to his balls. His lips opened Josh's mouth, and he began Frenching him again.

"You know, "Malcolm began when he was finished with the new bout of Frenching, squeezing Josh's balls firmly. "I'd cage you. That'd make sure you can't cheat on me by topping, but I'm not sure what's worse: cheating on me by giving up your ass, or by trying to top again. "He squeezed Josh's balls harder. "What were you planning to do tonight, Josh?" The squeezing got harder.

"I don't know, Sir. I didn't think about it."

"Well, think about THIS, Josh." He began slipping Josh's jeans off. "With me, you're bottoming. PERIOD. I told you that from the start and it hasn't changed. And YOU'RE the one who surrendered. Voluntarily. That means you're MINE, and NO ONE else's. CLEAR?"

"Yes Sir. It's clear." He paused. "Fuck me, Sir. Please fuck me." Malcolm smiled.

"My beautiful, beautiful Apollo boy. The one everyone wants. The handsomest, sexist man in the city: and he's underneath ME." He shoved his cock into Josh and got an immediate groan."

"OH SIR. I MISSED THIS. I MISSED YOUR COCK. I COULDN'T GO WITHOUT IT." Josh began to cry again as Malcolm slid back and forth. Malcolm knew that Josh was telling the truth: he could tell from the look in his eyes. As he continued to pound Josh's ass, he thought about the man's history: the drug arrests, the rehab, and then nowhere to go. Working as the escort, trying to trick with Malcolm and winding up, well, falling in love. Malcolm thought about his own experience: he had gone out just looking for a quick lay, saw the hot blond guy with the beautiful smile, and never thought that he was going to take home a smart, educated, refined guy who was so much more than eye candy. He was jealous of himself! Malcolm knew that if he had seen a friend of his with Josh, he would have burned with jealousy. Now, it was other guys who were jealous of HIM.

"FUCK ME TOP MAN FUCK.... MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Josh squealed as he felt Malcolm get rock hard and began shooting into him. "GOD YES. Three days of your jizz, Sir. Better get a spill cup." Malcolm began to laugh. It was comments like that which got to him: Josh wasn't an automaton, a gold digger, or anything like that. He had had no one but himself to rely on, and he got by. If Malcolm threw him out, he'd recover. Malcolm knew that.

"We're better as a team, Joshy," he said as he kissed Josh's forehead.

"I know, Sir: I'm the tight end." Malcolm looked at him. "Not as tight as you might think. Need to do more squats."

"Don't rip me apart with that monster of yours, Sir. It'll tighten up."

"Hmmm. We'll talk about that tomorrow. Let's get some sleep Joshy. "

"I love you, Sir."

"I love you too, boy."

It had taken Malcolm and Josh almost half a year to get to where they were. Come on back. You'll read the whole story.

Next: Chapter 2

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