Making Snowmen

By Hosed Dude

Published on Oct 5, 2006


My eyes opened the next morning and my brain slowly caught up with the differences. I had gotten used to waking up in the staff quarters, instead of my room back home, so that part wasn't really that odd, but what did throw me off for a second was the fact that next to my arm was another arm, not belonging to me. It was then that I realized that against my bag was a slight bit of pressure, and I further realized that this was because I was being spooned.

I had never woken up in the arms of another guy before, nor had I felt his naked cock firmly pressed between the cheeks of my ass. I felt a deep breath of his hair brush against my neck and his hand slowly slid up and down mine. I turned my body around in his arms to face him, his eyes slowly opening. We both leaned our faces together for a soft morning kiss. It was different than any of the stuff I had done so far with him or Ryan, it wasn't just a way of getting ourselves worked up to relieve tension, preparing to fuck, it was a tender kiss, slow and soft with no indication that it was intending to lead anywhere.

James opened his eyes and sort of shot back from me on the bed. I felt his arm slide out from under me and he sat up, clutching the sheet.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I've never done this before," he said.

"What do you mean? I thought you guys made snowmen all the time," I said.

"We do, we get together, we fuck and then we get out of there. I haven't woken up spooning Mark or the other guys before, haven't had a morning kiss from one of them, this is... this is weird man."

"How do you think I feel? I sucked a cock last night, I've never done that before. Hell waking up with your dick snoozing between my ass cheeks is a pretty new feeling too."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to... Look maybe I should just go," James said, sliding out of bed and collecting his stuff from the floor.

"What the fuck, man? Why are you freaking out on me, you act like I'm the one who seduced you, if I recall it was you throwing me onto this bed last night."

"Look man, just chill, ok, we'll talk later, I just, I have to go," he said, pulling on his shirt and pants and heading out of the room. Leaving me alone and naked in a bed sticky with semen.


When I headed into the kitchen for Breakfast, James was nowhere to be found. Ryan was sitting alone so I sat down next to him. He looked well rested so I assumed he hadn't had any late night encounters of his own. Foster was hard at work making us omelettes, and we just had to tell him what we wanted in them. I always liked mine a little spicy so I had him toss in some jalapenos and put some salsa on them when he was done.

"Hey, feel like watching a movie today?" I asked Ryan. "Just watching a movie I mean, not making a snowman." I realized that in the past week, I had been so preoccupied by our recent addition to the activities that I had forgotten the other things I liked to do for fun.

"Man, that would be great. I've been so tired lately. I can't wait to just veg out.

Jason and Kyle came to breakfast at about the same time, which was typical. They sat on the other side of the table and we wondered about what jobs we had been assigned that day. According to Liam, who stopped in for his breakfast, James was taking the internet guys up in the helicopter to the high peak, so he was going to be gone for a little while.

"Steve, you have housekeeping duties, just clean up the guests room and clear out any dirty dishes. Doesn't take too long usually." I could tell Liam could see the disappointment in my assignment. Who wanted to feel like someone's maid?

"Ok, fine I guess," I said. I had to wonder if James had given him that assignment for me out of some sort of malice, but I didn't want to think that, I hoped James wasn't actually mad at me, after all, he had been the one who came in to seduce me. It wasn't like I had actually done something wrong to him.

"Ryan, you also have housekeeping, but you just need to do the lounge. Jason, you're in charge of vacuuming the pool and cleaning the filter in the hot tub, and Kyle, the guests dining room." I guess the other jobs seemed as bad as mine or maybe worse, so my feeling of having been given peon's work as a punishment slid away.

The four of us finished our breakfast and broke off into our separate tasks. I headed down the hallway towards the maintenance closet and gathered up the cleaning cart. I hadn't had this detail the week before when big oil and his wife was here, I think the older guys had done it then as a way of keeping us from being in a situation where we might get to close to the missus. Now that wouldn't be an issue of course because I was known as a snowman and also both guests this week were guys, although considering my activities as of late that may not have been such a safe point anymore. But I guess they figured with all the other guys in the resort willing to put out I wouldn't be tempted to bonk a guest.

The first room was kind of a mess, clothes strewn about all over the place, the bed pretty rustled up and a trash can so full I couldn't believe it had only been used one day. This was a total opposite to the second room which I for a second thought I was in the wrong room, because it was so clean I didn't think it was being used. The bed was barely ruffled and the clothes were all put away. I almost thought it was too clean. That was when I went in the bathroom to clean up.

There it was, floating in the toilet. A condom. Thought to have been flushed most likely but lingering there. I smiled to myself when I thought about the guy on the plane giving me shit for not being a hot chick. Apparently he wasn't as unhappy with the situation as he claimed. That did explain why two young eligible men, if only such due to their money, were traveling by themselves to a remote mountain without any sort of escort. Surely they could have at least afforded professionals. I decided not to flush the condom again. Instead let them come back from their run and lift the lid up to use the john and see it there, and make them wonder if I had seen it or not.

The day was pretty slow moving after that. There wasn't really much work to be done because the guys were pretty low maintenance aside from the one messy room so once that was done I didn't have any more work. Ryan was done with his shit too so I crashed out in his room and we watched some episodes of Scrubs that Ryan had brought with him on dvd.

I hadn't realized how exhausted I was from my late night romp with James the night before. Ryan and I were both laying on his bed and then the next thing I knew, I was opening my eyes to discover it was dark out and the menu from his DVD was playing on a loop in the background. I also discovered that in our sleep Ryan and I had gotten fairly cuddly with each other, his head on my shoulder and my arm around him. I didn't want to wake him up because he looked so relaxed, so I slowly slid my arm out from under him and crept out of the room. I turned off his DVD on the way out and tiptoed into the hallway, being careful not the shut the door too hard.

I don't know why but I was feeling a little horny at this point. It was funny, after the incident with James this morning, the last thing I wanted to do was make another snowman, but now I was wishing Ryan had woken up with me so we could have fooled around. But also I was glad he didn't because so far our experiences together had been pretty tender and sweet, but I wasn't really in the mood for that.

Mark was already smiling when he opened his door to see me standing there. It was like he had a sixth sense about what had brought me to knock, that or he was just so often in the mood for it he assumed everyone else was too.

"Stevie boy," Mark said looking me in the eye "have you come a'courtin good sir?" I looked around to see if anyone in the hallway had heard, I don't know why I was so nervous, the only guys in this hallway who I didn't know for a fact were into making snowmen were Kyle and Jason, and they were vastly outnumbered. "I was just about to join Foster in the shower. I don't think he'd mind at all if you joined us," he said.

"All three of us?"

"Trust me, Steve, three isn't even my record," Mark said. "But you might want to grab a towel."


A few minutes later I was alone again in the hallway, checking over my shoulder again, forgetting still that no one would be judging me for what I was about to do. I think it was still my own guilt that I was looking around for. Like somehow if I looked back I'd see me standing there, the me from before I got on that plane to Alaska, the me that was looking forward to a winter of snowboarding and maybe hooking up with a ski bunny or two. The me that had no idea what he was in for when that plane landed. I wondered what I would have thought if a year ago someone told me that I would be having sex with other guys with the gusto that I had leapt into this experience with since the moment Ryan and I first started kissing. Had someone shown me a video or a picture of myself going down on James, would I believe it was really me?

And now here I was heading into the showers to have sex with not just one, but two other guys at the same time. I had never even been in a threesome that involved two women, and now here I was about to double up with dudes. The old Me was probably yelling at the top of his lungs to stop, to slow down. I could feel him in the back of my head yelling that this was too much too fast, but when I opened the bathroom door and saw Foster up against the side of a shower stall, both of them topless and their bodies slowly thrusting together, my libido silenced any voices of dissent. There was a deep animalistic urge to be a part of it, and this was in total control of my body.

Mark pulled away from Foster and the two of them turned their faces to look at me. Foster stepped back from Mark as if to invite me to fill the space between them. I wasted no time sliding in and letting the urges control my body. My lips tingled as they pressed against Mark's and I could feel goosebumps popping up on my arms as Foster began kissing my neck and blowing into my ear. Mark lifted his lips from mine and for a second he and foster kissed again over my shoulder, both of them reaching down with their arms and pulling on my shirt, which was then lifted up over my head. Foster tossed my shirt on the floor and turned me around till we were face to face. He kissed me on my lips and Mark took up where he had left off on my neck. Mark's arms reached around my torso and began to undo my pants, and I could feel Foster reaching around me too and doing the same to Mark. Following their lead, I reached out and felt for Foster's fly too.

Further and further I could feel the beast in my head taking control of my body, as I undid Foster's pants, I felt a hand reach down and grasp his cock, stroking it slowly as it jumped to attention in my fist. I felt myself go to my knees as I pulled his pants down to his ankles and I thrust my open mouth onto his cock. It was the second time in two days, and the second time in my life, that I'd had another man's cock in my mouth but it was an entirely different experience than it had been with James. I didn't have any desire to go slow, to be tender, I wasn't doing it out of a mutual closeness, I wanted his cock for my own enjoyment, I ran my tounge against his shaft with an intensity I didn't before know I possessed.

I could feel the upper body of both other boys close in around my head as Mark and foster began kissing each other while I went down on Foster. I could feel Foster getting stiffer between my lips and I loved it. I looked up at him and his eyes caught mine, he nodded and I closed my eyes as I felt his hot semen blast against the back of my throat. Again I could hear the voice of my former self yelling to spit it out but the beast wouldn't be satisfied till every drop slid down.

Foster helped me stand back up and then kissed me, my breath now smelling of him and Mark took this time to pull off my pants. soon all of our clothes were piled up on the floor, away from the shower and Mark turned on the water. Foster got to work rubbing soap all over his and my body, then handed it to me so that I could do it to Mark. I worked it all over him quickly, not wanting to waste time on soap. When I was done he pressed me up against the wall and rubbed his hard cock against mine. Foster gave me another kiss over Mark's shoulder and then worked his way between me and the wall so that he was behind me again. Mark slowly worked his mouth down my chest till it found my cock and he slowly slid it into his mouth. Then he slid it back out and looked up at Foster.

Foster grazed his finger around the crack of my ass, slowly moving it along the hole. I turned my head to his, even the beast wasn't ready for him to do what I thought he was about to do, and I think my face showed it too. but Foster just shook his head as if to reassure me and then he kissed me before slowly dropping to his knees like Mark as well. Again his finger prodded my ass, this time he slowly worked it in and then back out. It wasn't as bad as I had always imagined it would be, but I still knew I wasn't ready for him to put his cock in there.

But he didn't. Instead, Mark looked at me from his knees and stuck out his tongue. As soon as he did this, I felt it, Foster's tongue teasing my asshole, and then him burying his face between my cheeks. My entire body felt like it was going to quake as his tongue worked its way in and out of my ass and just when I didn't think I could feel anything more intense, that was when Mark put his mouth back on my cock.

It was like waves of energy shooting through my body, my cock tingling between Mark's lips, perfectly in time with the feeling of Foster's tongue between my cheeks. I don't know how they managed to get their timing so well worked together but they seemed to speed up and slow down on cue, making the sensation so strong I actually found myself screaming out in an orgasm as I exploded into Mark's mouth and felt him swallow.

I could barely catch my breath as I came back down from the orgasm. I had never felt anything that intense before at the hands of a man or a woman. I breathed slowly and deeply, my body wet from the shower and from my own sweat. Mark and Foster both took my hands and led me back a step or two, helping me to sit down on the small wooden bench that lined the shower as I recovered. Mark spread his legs and straddled me on the bench, leaning in and kissing me on the lips, slowly pressing his tongue against mine, then he pulled back, allowing our lips to graze each other, hovering softly, tenderly, before pulling away for good and standing up.

"You relax now, hotness, and just watch us play," and with that he began making out again with Foster, pushing him up against a wall. Foster let his weight rest against the wall and his legs wrap up around Mark. It took me a second to realize what was happening, but Foster was positioning himself for his ass to be right above Mark's cock. Slowly he lowed his body down the wall, and I knew he was sliding himself onto it.

Mark began to moan and Foster began to grunt as the two started fucking against the wall. I thought of the intensity of Foster's tongue between my cheeks and wondered how much more powerful that orgasm would feel like with an actual cock up there working my ass. I stroked myself as I watched Mark fuck Foster, but I was only able to get a semi because of how fierce I has just come moments before. Foster did not have this problem as much because I could see his thickening cock between his and Mark's chest as it hardened and pulsed and finally exploded white cum all over both boys' chest while Foster screamed in ecstasy. Mark too moaned and the variation in his hip movements made it clear that he was coming too. He slowly pulled his cock out of Foster's ass, Foster putting his feet back on the ground and the two of them kissing some more.

Both Mark and Foster were clearly worn out by this point, both of them breathing even deeper than I had when their mouths were done with me. All three of us stood under different shower heads and washed ourselves, occasionally reaching over to get a hard to reach spot on one of the other guys, and giving a quick tug on his dick as well just for sport, but it wasn't long until we each gathered our clothes and made our way back to our separate quarters.

Sorry about the looooooong wait for this installment. I know how much I hate it when I get into a series and the author never finishes it or takes forever to update it. Unfortunately, I have to be in a very particular kind of mood to write for this stuff and it comes and goes in spurts. I have an idea where this story could go and I actually had not planned for this edition to have any sex scenes, ironic since this one contains maybe the most hardcore sex scene I've ever written, but it just was one of those things where the character went somewhere while I was writing that I hadn't planned to go. As always feedback is appreciated at and I can already forewarn you that the next installment will take a while too.

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