Making Snowmen

By Hosed Dude

Published on Jun 11, 2006


There we had been, Ryan and I, our chests both covered with the results of our mutual orgasm, and there was Mark, standing in the shower room totally aware of what had happened. My heart almost stopped in it's chest, and it may have done so had we not soon discovered that Mark had been fooling around with Liam in the shower.

"Good news, Liam," Mark had said. "It looks like two of the newbie's have officially made Snowmen." And after the two of them stroked each other and shared a kiss, Mark approached Ryan and I, gave us each a quick kiss and then grabbed our crotches through our boxers. "Now you two wash up," he said. "And get some rest. Liam and I have some unfinished business to get back to." The two started making out again and they went back into their stall, closing the curtain behind them, leaving Ryan and I alone again. Soon the sound of running water came from behind the curtain, punctuated by the occasional moan.

"What the fuck?" Ryan mouthed towards me. I shrugged. Clearly there was much more going on around this mountain than we had realized. What was it Mark had said on the plane about "making snowmen?" Didn't he say they all did it? And hadn't I seen Foster and Mark go into his room together on the very first night? I immediately wondered if James had made a snowman.

"Hey," Ryan said, nudging me. I must have blanked for a second while thinking of all the questions in my head. "Regardless of what else is going on, I'm really glad we did that. I mean, I'm glad it was with you," he grasped my hand and I held onto his.

"Me too," I said. I genuinely liked Ryan and I was also glad that my first male on male sexual experience was with him. We had moved at a mutual pace and there was a tenderness to it that I never really pictured could be possible with two guys. Growing up whenever I thought about gay sex I always figured it was kind of nasty and painful. But Ryan had been gentle and I think I had too. I think that's why I found myself kissing him again in the shower room.

He backed up with me following him until I had him pressed against the wall next to one of the empty shower stalls. It wasn't really a full hardcore make out session, just a really, really deep kiss. As I pulled my lips away from his he let out a sigh and looked into my eyes.

"I think I'm too tired to do another round tonight," he said.

"Me too," I said. "But I just really wanted to kiss you again."

"I wanted you to," he said. "If you hadn't, I would have." He ran his hand across my still cum-dried chest. "We need to shower." I backed away from him and started to head towards one of the other empty stalls. He reached out and grabbed my hand. "Where do you think you're going?"

I stopped and allowed him to pull me back. We both slid off our boxer shorts and for the second time that night we found ourselves naked together. He closed the curtain behind us and I turned the water on. This time it was Ryan who moved in and pressed me against the wall, meeting my mouth with his. He grabbed the soap off of the wall and started to slowly rub it along my arm, up to my shoulder and soon he backed away with his body and started lathering up my chest. He worked his way along my torso, covering me in soap and then turning me around and pressing me against the wall again.

His cock brushed against my naked ass and I felt myself clench a little bit as it toyed itself between my cheeks. But Ryan wasn't making any attempt to push himself inside me, something I knew I wasn't ready for, something I didn't know if I'd ever be ready for, so I was thankful when instead he just kissed the inside of my neck and then backed away, continuing the work he'd started on my back side with the soap. Then he dropped down to his knees and slowly ran the soap up and down my legs and then followed that with his bare hands rubbing it in the same way he had on my chest and arms.

Slowly he began to rise up from the ground, caressing my thigh as he did. As he rose so did his hand until it found it's way to my cock. My shaft hardened slightly as he grasped it in his hand, his fingers sliding along to the head. But he did not linger there. His other arm slid it's way around my waist and pulling ever so subtly, leading me to turn by body to face him. His hands met around my waist, just above my ass and I let him pull me towards him. Our cocks pressed against each other again as we kissed.

"Your turn," he said pulling away and handing me the soap.


I slept like a baby that night. I was a little surprised by that fact in the morning. When I added it all up in my head it seemed like a night of events that would make me lose sleep. I had just had sex with another guy, and then been busted in the act by one of the older guys at the resort, only to discover that he also was having gay sex with one of the other guys. Wrap that all up with the shower and on paper it would seem like I would be freaking out about my sudden overwhelming queerness. But I slept fine, completely content.

Actually not even content, euphoric. I was glad that everything had happened. I felt relief for the first time in days that I wouldn't be spending the rest of the winter walking around with a permanent boner in my pants, with my hands chaffed from all the friction.

I was enjoying myself again. Foster made us custom omelettes for breakfast and I was finally able to enjoy his awesome cooking again. For the past week it seemed like all I wanted to do with his eggs was stick my dick in them to see if they'd feel like a vagina. Ryan was in better spirits too, he and I kept making eye contact and grinning a bit. We tried not to look at each other to keep from looking ridiculous. Mark at one point nodded towards us and gave James a thumbs up, but did no such thing regarding Kyle and Jason. It was obvious to me that he was signaling to the other guys that we had apparently learned how to make snowmen.

My work assignment that day was to be the server onboard the plane, taking our current guests back to the airport and escorting our new ones back. On the plane with me would be James, he usually went on the pickups, and just picked one of us to go with him. Mark had gone with him to get the oil family who was going back today.

The trip back to Anchorage was mostly uneventful. Trophy Wife was up to her old attempts to torment me, but this time around my cock was firmly tamed. When I went to freshen her drink and she purposefully shoved her tits down so I could see down her shirt, I stored it in my bank and made a mental note to remember it next time I was visiting Ryan's room late at night.

The only thing I did notice was that I found myself sort of checking out the seventeen year old son of the husband. And I know I caught him checking out my package too. Maybe his tentpole that day in the Jacuzzi room wasn't from Trophy Wife after all, and maybe we were all wrong about what the two of them did when his father wasn't there. My suspicions were confirmed when I was passing by him on the way to put the drink cart away and he most definitely pinched my ass. I turned around and saw him wink, his father and the Trophy Wife facing the front of the plane and completely oblivious.

When we arrived at the airport, James escorted the family off the plane and over to the terminal while I was to help the airport ground crew unload their bags. They didn't have a whole lot of stuff, mostly clothes, since the resort provided the majority of luxuries and it's not like there was any shopping to be done on the mountain. I wondered if the husband had to compromise with Trophy Wife and give her a week in St. Barts to compensate for his isolated mountain getaway.

The other customer wasn't due to arrive for another hour, so James went ahead and had the pilot refuel the plane and then sent him off to get some lunch. James took me into the terminal with him and we grabbed some sandwiches at a deli counter and we sat down to eat at table. This clearly wasn't JFK or O'Hare airport, this place was dead. I'm sure it got a little more crowded during peak hours but we were currently the only ones eating,

"So, is it true?" He asked me as we finished our food.

"What?" I asked him.

"Mark says you and your boy Ryan made snowmen last night."

"Oh," I said. "Apparently so."

"Wow," he said. "That was fast. Had you done it before?"


"Relax," he said, "I didn't mean anything by it. Just that I figured one of you must have done something like it before to have thought of it so soon. I wasn't calling you a fag or anything."

"I guess I sort of am one though," I said. "I mean after what Ryan and I did last night."

"We try not to get too hung up on thoughts like that about it," James said. "you do what you do to get by and of course we enjoy it and of course it isn't the standard operating procedure of most straight guys, but if you let yourself get hung up on that then you're back to square one, walking around all repressed and horny all the time. Did you enjoy it?"

"Yeah," I said.

"Good. Then that's all that matters," James said.

"Ryan had done some stuff before, but not much, just made out," I said.

"Yeah, I figured. Usually when it happens this soon at least someone has tried it before, like I said."

"Were we the quickest?"

"Oh God no, that was probably mine," he said laughing.

"What happened?"

"That's better left for another time," he said. "I think now we should talk about you and Ryan."

"What, you want details or something?" I asked.

"Haha, no, though I'm sure Mark is probably pumping Ryan for details when they have this same conversation. Or maybe just trying to pump him. Basically I'm just taking you aside to sort of give you an official welcome into our little secret society. See, when newbies come to the mountain, we keep an eye on them to see if and when they start making snowmen. If they don't they usually don't last the season, they freak out and want to go home so they can get some pussy, or they fuck a guest which is, as I said, really bad for business. Plus of course we all want to know when a newbie has become one of us so we can put them on the menu, so to speak."

"I see."

"You think you do, but you have no idea." He said. "Keep an eye out for Mark, he loves doing the younger guys."

"and you don't?" I asked him.

"I didn't say that," he smirked. "But for now the important thing that we need to stress to you is not to tell Jason and Kyle yet what you're doing. We try to avoid having guys who are already making snowmen pressuring the other guys with it. The idea is that guys who are going to do it will figure it out on their own, but guys who might not have done it who get forced into it just end up not enjoying it. You can feel free to make a move on any of us older guys, we all do it, and of course Ryan is on the market, but just wait till we let you know about Jason and Kyle."

"That makes sense. Mum's the word," I said.

We talked for a little while after that about other stuff, snowboarding mostly. James promised to take me up for my first run on the mountain the next day. Not all the way up to the helicopter point obviously but up the ski lifts. The guests arrived and we loaded up the plane. These guys were a couple of tools compared to the oil man and his Trophy Wife. Just some internet millionaires who probably couldn't give a shit about snowboarding until someone else told them it was cool so they just dove into one of the most expensive resorts they could find. On the plane already they started bitching that I was serving them drinks instead of "some big tittied blonde." This was going to be a long week with them.

When we landed, James took the guys off to show them their rooms while Ryan and Kyle met me at the cargo hold so that we could take the bags to their room. These clowns actually packed more things than the damn Trophy Wife had. Ryan and I exchanged knowing glances, but couldn't talk because of Kyle. Our jobs were done for the day so the three of us went to the kitchen where Foster was cooking a welcome meal for the Net Tools. He also had made pizza for us.

Ryan and I ended up taking some back to his room and watching part of American Dreamz, but soon we were on the bed making out again. Things were starting to head up a bit, my hand was creeping up his shirt, rubbing it's way across his nipples when he reached up with his hand and sort of stopped it, pulling away with his lips.

"I need to tell you something," he said. "I hope you're not mad."

"What?" I asked.

"I fooled around with Mark today," he said, all seriously. "He was giving me sort of a welcome to our gay sex club speech and then he made a move and I just went with it, but I then felt guilty about it because I didn't know if you and I were maybe supposed to be doing this just between us or..." he was freaking out a little so I interrupted him.

"...Ryan, Ryan, it's ok. I'm not mad," I said. "That's fine. We're not married or anything, we're just two guys who have fun together. Naked."

"oh, ok... cool."

"so, did you guys go as far as we did last night?" I asked. He paused for a bit.

"Well..." He looked embarrassed.

"What?" I asked.

"I kind of... well, the thing is... I sucked his cock."

"Really!?" I asked him. Two days before this would have weirded me out, but I was actually kind of excited to hear it. Ryan had now moves past me in this weird experiment we had undertaken.

"yeah, I mean, I didn't expect to do it, we were just messing around and he did it to me and then, I just followed suit. And don't worry, I brushed my teeth after." I laughed a little at his last comment.

He talked to me a little bit more about what they did, but I didn't really want details and it also seemed that the blowjob was the climax, so to speak, of their activities. We made out a little bit more, but I could tell he was spent for the day. We finished the movie and I headed back down the hall to my room.

I hadn't been in there more than a minute or two when a knock came to my door. I got up and answered it. It was James. He was standing in the hall wearing a t-shirt a pair of workout pants.

"I just wanted to come by and make sure that everything was cool from our talk earlier, and make sure you were still feeling ok about the whole snowmen thing," James said.

"Oh, everything is great," I said. "and I'm still doing fine with it."

"Good," James said. And with that he reached forward and grabbed me by the waist, pushing me into my room and closing the door behind him with his hips. "Because I also came by to tell you how happy I am that you've done it."


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Next: Chapter 4

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