Making Snowmen

By Hosed Dude

Published on May 24, 2006


"Me." He had said. He was laying on his bed, and I was in the chair next to it, my feet up on the ends of his mattress and he had turned to look at me, making direct eye contact. Ryan and I had taken jobs at the same resort for the duration of the winter, and had already in the first two weeks realized how hard it would be to go without sex for the duration of the job, which was almost required because there weren't any girls working on the mountain and the punishment for sleeping with a guest was beyond severe. That was when Ryan had offered a solution.

"You want me to have sex with you?" I asked him.

"I just figure, we both know how horny we are and this is just the second week. We have five months we're going to be stuck here, and we're only going to get hornier and hornier. But you and I could... take care of each other," he said.

"Take care of each other?" I said. I must really have been horny because I think had a friend of mine back home offered to have gay sex with me I'd have called him a fag and stormed out of the room. But for some reason I was willing to hear him out.

"Yeah man, I mean, you could at least try it, see if it's something you'd be interested in doing to take care of the problem."

"Try it? Have you hever tried it?" I asked him.

"Once," he said. "I was at a party in college, but I was pretty drunk. Kid from my writing class was letting me stay on his couch and we both started fooling around," This was when I knew I was horny cause I was definitely getting turned on by the mental image.

"What did you guys do?" I asked him. Ryan gave me a sly smile. He got up from the bed and headed over to lock his room door. He approached me at the chair and pressed on my legs, getting me to set them down from the bed, and he leaned in, sliding himself on top of me in the chair and getting his face close up to mine.

"First, this," he said, his breath hot against my face as he pressed his lips against mine. It felt different, weird, but there was something really hot about it so I returned, pressing against him and slowly opening my lips to allow his tounge into my mouth. I knew my whole body was stiff so I tried my best to relax as he stopped kissing me and started to nibble on my ear. He blew a little bit of air into my ear and I felt his tongue slip into it for a second too.

"Then what did you do?" I whispered into his ear.

"This," he said, slipping his hands under the tail of my shirt and sliding it off my torso. He leaned back so I could do the same for him and he pressed his bare chest against mine, kissing me again on the lips.

I moaned as our tounges met again and could feel the skin of my torso tingle as he ran his index finger down my bare chest, finding his way to the fly of my pants, which he didn't undo but instead grasped onto with the rest of his hand and pulled, bringing me with him as he leaned back from the chair and stood up, sliding us both ontop of his bed. Our lips met again and we continued just making out for a good five minutes. I could feel the erection in my pants pressing hard against his and mine had begun seeping out a little bit of precum.

I jumped a little as he ran his hand back down my chest and this time continued under the waistband, finding my cock with his fingers and gently running them up and down the shaft before moving into a more fluid stroking motion. I followed suit, sliding my own hand into his pants.

I froze for just a second before touching his cock. I knew I had already crossed the line into some unknown territory for me when Ryan and I began making out but to actually put my hand on another guy's junk was something I had never considered when the add for Crystal Mountain said it would be an adventure. Still, at this point the boy had me too worked up to stop so I finally just took a breath and reached out for it. It was actually a little anticlimactic for me because once I actually touched it, the rooms didn't shake, I didn't feel the world change, it didn't feel that different at all aside from the pleasant feeling of having Ryan stroking my own dick at the same time.

Ryan slowed his stroking down and gently pulled his hand out of my pants, he rolled to the side a bit an lay next to me on the bed, caressing my face with the same hand he'd just had on my cock, and then he kissed me again on the lips before looking me in the eyes.

"This is it," he said. "that's as far as I went with that other guy." He looked a little scared now. Twenty minutes ago when we first started making out, Ryan had taken charge and pushed me into the zone but now he had reached the threshold and I could tell he didn't know whether or not he could lead the way any longer.

I slid my hand out of his pants and I placed my thumb on his chin pressing the tip against his lower lip, then I leaned in and kissed him. We didn't break from it for several more minutes, and by that time I had rolled him over onto his back and was on top of him. I slid my body down his and when I got to his lower torso I ran my hand across the waistband of his pants, sliding my thumb down and undoing the fly.

Realizing what I was doing, Ryan slid his pants down off of his waist and pulled down the waistband of his boxers, letting his cock be visible for the first time to me. It was the first time I had ever seen one that close up before. I ran my hand across it in full view and saw it twitch, as it stood up, as hard as mine was in my own pants. I straddled him and leaned back, grasping his cock with both hands like it was the joystick to an airplane and slowly slid my hands up and down it.

Ryan reached up between my arms, which I spread out letting go of his dick as he began to unbutton my pants. I slid them off my legs as he kicked his off as well. I moved up to be laying next to him again, both of us naked except for our socks and again we started making out, but this time we rubbed our naked cocks up against each other as we pressed our bodies together. As we began grinding our hips into each other's the feeling of his cock twitching and pulsing against my stomach made my own do the same. Our lips were constantly finding each other again and finally I could feel his warm semen spurt out onto my chest and his body spasm against me. My own orgasm erupted out of me and shots of our cum mixed together on our chests and our breathing began to slow down.

He kissed me one last time on the lips before rolling over on the bed, inviting me to spoon up against him. My now softening cock lay slightly in the crack of his ass but neither of adjusted our bodies to remove it. He reached for my hand and slid it across his shoulder and we both remained there for a while without speaking, just cuddled up together on his bed.

"Beats walking in the snow," Ryan said, finally breaking the silence and we both began to laugh. I leaned over and gave him another kiss, but then a sudden realization came over me.

"Fuck!" I said. And pulled away from him.

"Oh no. Don't start freaking out on me now, we were just two guys helping each other out," He said. I wondered if the guy before had freaked out on him, which would explain why they stopped before the good part.

"No, it's not that, it's this," I said, and ran my hand along his cum soaked chest. "How the hell are we supposed to get this shit off?"

"Shower?" He said.

"How are we supposed to get there like this?" I said. Ryan quickly jumped up and grabbed his boxer shorts from the floor and threw mine to me. He pulled them on and I did the same. He stood at his door, took a deep breath and peeked down the hallway.

"There's no one out there. We can make a run for it," Ryan said.

"Let's do it separately," I said. "That way if someone catches us in the hall we can at least play it off like we were just spanking it and got out of control."

"Good idea," Ryan said.

He took a deep breath and he slipped out the door, running down the hall. I listened closely at the door to hear the sounds of someone else coming out of their rooms, but Ryan had clearly made it as I heard the shower door opening and closing. I took my own deep breath and took off down the hall too. Like Ryan, I made it all the way down the hall without being caught.

I opened the shower door and ran in, where I ran smack dab into Ryan, who was standing in the middle of the room which contained the shower stalls. He was looking at Mark who had apparently just stepped out of a shower stall and, upon seeing me, fixed his eyes on the drying cum on both of our chests.

"well, look what we have here," He said, walking up to both of us. "Were you guys doing a little re-enactment of Brokeback Mountain?"

I trembled a bit, I wanted to run away, but I was terrified. I knew for sure that Mark was going to go tell all the other guys he'd discovered that Ryan and I were fags and they probably would chase us off the mountain. He glared into my eyes and I couldn't break his gaze no matter how much I wanted to.

This was when Ryan and I realized that Mark wasn't alone in the bathroom. Out of the showers came a completely naked Liam. He walked up to Mark and the two of them leaned in to each other to kiss. As they kissed, Mark ran his hand down the other boy's thigh and did a once-over stroke across his dick. Liam looked at us and he licked his lips "Good news, Liam," Mark said. "It looks like two of the newbie's have officially made Snowmen."

Thanks for reading chapter 2! There is more where this came from, so keep reading and keep sending me feedback. Thanks to all the guys who wrote me with the kind words about chapter 1.

Next: Chapter 3

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