Making Scotty Cum

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Jan 15, 2009


Making Scotty Cum By Storyguy22


A strong shiver washed over me, and I groaned as I lifted my head to gaze downward over my naked body to focus on Scotty's head where it bobbed steadily over my crotch. I shuddered again, and dropped my head back to the pillow and closed my eyes, savoring the multitude of amazing sensations that he had coursing through me. In short, he had me on fire, and I was once again amazed at how really skilled he had become at taking me to this incredible place where I teetered on the very brink of orgasm while at the same moment he somehow stopped me just short of the actual event.

I focused my full attention on the slightly obscene and yet terribly exciting noises his saliva filled mouth was making as he noisily sucked my rigid cock, and as my senses once more signaled the nearly inevitable freefall into orgasmic bliss, he seemed to sense it as well, and he lifted his drooling mouth off my pulsing erection, and dropped lower to lap at and carefully suck each of my aching balls while my screaming need to ejaculate once more cooled, leaving me again teetering on that delicious edge. I groaned loudly as Scotty expertly tugged at my nuts with his mouth, applying just the perfect amount of pleasure and pain, and I was struck once more with how adept he was at this, considering that his personal bent was definitely mostly toward the straight side of things sexual. Shuddering yet again as he abandoned my balls and once more slid the length of my throbbing erection into his hot little mouth, I considered how truly fortunate some nubile young lass was one day going to be when my lover boy had the opportunity to play her sexual instrument the way he was playing my own at this very moment in time.

He seemed to have decided now that this particular dance had gone on long enough, and as he brought his A-game to the party, I felt my heaving body once more begin its rapid climb to the boil as he masterfully worked my oozing erection with his soft warm mouth, his fingers doing things to my balls that really should require a warning label. My breathing was shot all to hell, shallow and rapid as my chest rose and fell under his merciless onslaught, and I felt my toes curl under as my back arched, driving my hips upward as he took my rampant cock to the root. My balls seemed to tighten nearly painfully, and draw upward as I let out a loud groan of surrender, and ejaculated, my sperm spewing into his suctioning mouth in rapid jets of my creamy offering. Scotty-boy, bless him, stayed right with me as my cannon fired repeatedly, and I heard a couple of soft gags from his flooded throat as he struggled to swallow my rapid-fire discharge, and when I was finally spent, I sagged weakly into the bed, my heart threatening to explode inside my heaving chest. Scotty milked the rapidly wilting shaft of my cock with his fingers as he pursed his lush lips over my still dribbling knob and sucked it strongly, the sensitivity of it in immediate post-discharge nearly driving me up the headboard as my hands quickly grabbed at his head to make him stop the delicious but mind-bending slurping and licking of my suddenly highly tender organ. He pulled away, looking up at me all innocence and light as he rubbed the glistening head of my soft cock against his baby-smooth cheek. One of his uber-watt smiles painted over his face, and my heart melted right along with my well drained cock as I smiled back at him, and shook my head in utter wonder of how truly amazing he made me feel.

" are an absolute wonder...totally awesome...!"

He flushed, probably a mixture of pride, and a little of the sudden embarrassment he always seemed to feel right after we had one of our trysts. Whatever, the soft glow blended perfectly with his sweet boyish smile and his natural cuteness, and he suddenly looked very much like a twelve year old on Christmas morning catching his first glimpse of a well stuffed Christmas tree in his living room, and I fell more in love with him than I was already. He pursed those lush lips again, and bent his head, planting one final soft kiss on the head of my cock, and then he crawled up to cuddle in with me as he said against my neck,

"A wonder, huh...well, guess it takes one to know one...!"

After some very enjoyable cuddling and cooing, we reluctantly gave in to the constraints of time, me being ever mindful of the growing lateness of the evening and my parent's eventual return. I climbed off the bed, and tugged my boy to his feet, then herded us into the bathroom, and the shower. This shared shower thing was pretty fun in and of itself, and certainly something that I could get easily used to, given half a chance. While the splashy event did induce renewed erections in two healthy teenaged boys, the nagging concern of a too-early parental return prevented us from pursuing the issue, and we managed to get dried, and dressed...well, if one can define dressed as pulling on shorts, and tee shirts. As it turns out, it was wise that we had refrained from moving on to the second inning after the shower in that by the time we had raided the kitchen for sodas and snacks and settled in front of the television, Mom and Dad entered the kitchen from the connecting door from the garage.

My parents had understandably grown quit fond of Scotty since he had started spending a lot of time at our place, and they spent a few minutes chatting with us before heading off to bed for a much needed rest that would refresh them for yet another full day of the commerce they were both so fully dedicated to. Scotty and I held our positions at opposite ends of the curving sectional that faced the television set until my parents bedroom door had closed, and they had had sufficient time to fall asleep. When I had decided that they were deep in peaceful slumber, I scooted over the length of the sofa, and cuddled into my boy, nuzzling his neck as my hand invaded his crotch, gripping his stout boyhood through his shorts. He chuckled softly, and rolled his cute little butt to press his rapidly thickening treasure against my groping hand as he said quietly,

"Oh God Robby...that feels amazing Dude...I love it when you play with my cock like that!"

"Glad to hear it hot-stuff, cause it's payback time for that off the chart blow job you laid on me a while you just chill and enjoy...and for Christ's sake try not to make a ton of noise, okay?"

He giggled softly, nodding his head and lifting that sweet butt as I tugged at his shorts, working them down his smooth legs, and then off his feet. That left him wearing only his small and starkly white little briefs, and I took a moment to survey his lithe body, the bright whiteness of the briefs in sharp contrast to his golden tan skin. My hungry gaze traveled over his lean smoothness, and then settled on his briefs, and I all but drooled looking at his now rigid erection poking at the small swatch of cloth that struggled to contain it. Reaching for his legs, I swung them up so that they splayed across the sofa, and then I pushed him gently so that he ended up stretched out on the sofa with me lying between his legs. I lowered my head, and licked his soft tummy, digging my tongue into the tiny cave of his navel, and he groaned softly. I moved up, and licked and sucked at his pert nipples, and then trailed my tongue downward, savoring his smoothness and the fresh clean scent of his skin. I closed my mouth over the rigid shaft of his cock, feeling the heat of him through the soft cotton of his briefs, and I gently bit down on the knob shaped head as his hands gripped my head as he moaned again, and muttered,

"Jesus...oh man...!"

I licked up and down the length of his shaft, drooling sufficient to soak the soft material, and then I lapped at the lump of his balls. Eager now to see and touch and taste his beautiful treasures, I yanked at the elastic of his briefs as he quickly rose up to allow me to work them off him. His cock sprang free, hard as steel and glistening with the wetness from my saliva and his own oozing juices, and his plump balls settled between his smooth thighs, and my taste buds actually ached as I imagined taking the delicious specimen into my mouth. Wrapping my fingers around the base of it, I leaned in and licked the damp knob, flicking my tongue at the tiny slit and then ringing the corona several times as my other hand toyed with his taut ball sack. He groaned softly, and humped his hips as he hissed,

"Fuck...oh my God...suck me Robby...please Dude...oh God...!"

Not needing any further encouragement, I slid his rigid boyhood into my drooling mouth, and began sucking him with every intention of drawing forth one of his delicious creamy loads as quickly as possible. I settled into a rhythm, bobbing steadily over his pulsing cock as my fingers prodded his plump balls and tugged at his taut scrotum, and Scotty bucked his hips, matching my rhythm as I sucked him with complete abandon. The intensity of this, of course, could no way last for any great length of time, and in what seemed like no time at all he was humping into my mouth as his fingers tugged at tufts of my hair. I could taste his freely flowing precum, the tart flavor only adding to my mission to get him off, and dug my index finger into his warm crease, searching for and then finding his little pucker. I pressed against it firmly, and I sensed his going soft there as my finger slid into his soft warmth. Locating his small gland, I stroked it as I intensified my slurping of his throbbing cock, and in another minute or so, he shuddered strongly, and erupted. The first strong spurt of his creamy essence flooded into my mouth, and I gulped it straight down, eagerly accepting the second, third, and fourth offerings that immediately followed. The taste of his boy-honey filled my mouth, and I held the head of his now wilting cock between my lips, my tongue stabbing at his slit to capture the last of his sweet offering before I let it slip from my mouth. I eased my finger from his flexing hole, and briefly sucked each of his drained balls, and then I moved up to cuddle him, holding his trembling body as he cooled from the strong orgasm. He hugged me back, and nuzzled his damp face into my chest as he sighed heavily, and mumbled,

"Holy shit...amazing...just...better and better...!"

I kissed his soft and fragrant hair, and let out a deep sigh of my own as I agreed totally, telling him,

"Exactly right Sweetness...better and better...!"

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 10

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