Making Scotty Cum

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Jan 6, 2009


Making Scotty Cum By Storyguy22


That very special spring season in which Scotty and I had discovered a new level to our relationship seemed to pass more quickly than was the norm. The baseball season had come to a close with the boys suffering a loss in the first elimination round of post season playoffs, a game they were actually more than capable of winning. It was, it seemed, just one of those strange days when nothing, or no one, seemed to firing on all cylinders, and the result had been a premature conclusion to on otherwise stellar season.

Scotty had of course been crushed with the loss and no amount of conciliatory effort on my part could lift his malaise; that is until the dejected Scotty had noticed a school bulletin board posting offering tryouts for the school swim team. His lingering brooding over the sudden end to his baseball season seemed instantly to evaporate into the air as he began effusing over plans to embark upon a punishing training regime in preparation for not only successfully making the swim team, but a personal commitment to meet or surpass any currently standing individual records. I accepted all this gushing with what I hoped was a calm demeanor and readily offered selfless support of Scotty's quest, up to and including my full assistance in whatever training regime he might choose to assign himself. After all, I reasoned, swimming workouts were certain to include Scotty's lithe young body clad in nothing more than the very skimpy and clinging Speedo swimwear worn by the swim team, and that alone was definitely worth any effort or time expenditure that might be required.

As the school year moved toward the final semester, I had begun sending out letters of interest to various colleges, and over recent days I had been receiving several replies, each form-type letter offering thanks for the interest in their institution of higher learning, and an abundance of professionally done brochures, replete with full color pictures of the campus, buildings, and the dorms along with the curriculum, and offered fields of study. Sitting in the bleachers at the high school aquatic center while Scotty and the other young fishes that comprised the newly formed swim team swam seemingly endless laps of the huge pool, I slowly thumbed through the stack of colorful brochures and class descriptions, my attention wandering each time Scotty, or several other little hotties would emerge from the water to mount the starting platforms for yet another practice start of a race. As interested as I was in perusing the documents that I held in my hands, I simply was unable to resist the opportunity to check out the tight young bodies that were all but naked in the skimpy Speedo's, the shiny material clinging saucily to their tight little butts, and bulging invitingly at the crotch. As a spectator sport, I readily decided, swimming had baseball beat hands down.

The scantily clad boys, one by one, assumed their starting pose on the slightly elevated platform, and when the coach fired the starters pistol they launched themselves into the pool, the entrance of their rigid bodies barely creating a ripple in the water as they executed squeaky clean starting dives. As the lap swimming resumed, I returned my attention to the college literature, and the sudden and extremely shrill sound of the coach's whistle actually startled me enough to make me jump as coach called an end to the practice session. I watched as the boys clamored from the pool, and smiled as I watched several of the cute freshmen fumble at the front and rear of their little suits, making adjustments to the treasures that swelled the brief material. Scotty climbed out, and tilted his head to one side, shaking it in an effort to clear water from his ear apparently, and then he walked over to the low wall that fronted the bleachers where I was sitting. He grinned up at me, and then set his cute face in a coy little grin as he slowly moved his hand to the delicious looking bulges at his crotch. I held my breath as Scotty gripped his goodies in his hand, and gently manipulated it as he winked at me, and then licked his lush lips. I chuckled, my cock stirring in my shorts as my mind clearly envisioned Scotty's thickening treasure in my own hand, and mouth. Scotty turned then, and bent slightly forward from the waist as he wiggled his pretty little butt at me for just a second before he scampered off toward the locker room in pursuit of his team mates. I reached down and repositioned my half erect cock in my shorts, and sighed as I pictured the scene that was likely unfolding in the locker room, to wit, a dozen or more yummy freshman boys naked, and parading under the steaming showers as they lathered up their slender bodies in a group exercise. Damn, I mused, I really need to see the coach about some sort of team assistant room towel boy comes to mind...!

Forcing the enticing vision of all those swinging young cocks and plump scrotums from my mind, I resumed scanning the school literature and in what seemed like no time, a freshly scoured and very clean smelling Scotty was standing before me. I looked up, and Scotty grinned as he formed his lush mouth into an oval, and mouthed me an air-kiss. I smiled, my eyes drifting over the stunning boy top to bottom. Obviously fresh from the shower, Scotty's skin glowed a gentle pink, and I noted the still damp hair that lay close to his scalp, and the form fitting tee shirt that clung to his upper body, snug enough to give definition to his tight pectorals, and even the tiny points of his little nipples. Scanning lower, I noted the satin-like shorts that offered just a hint of the tasty treasures that it concealed, and I felt my dick stir once more as I forced myself to look up, and into Scotties eyes.

"Hey Tiger...nice workout Bud...a busy one must be bushed." I told him.

"A little makes each session a little bit tougher, and longer...but I'm good...hungry...maybe a little bit sore later on," replied Scotty, shifting his gym bag to his other hand.

I stood up, gathering my papers in hand, and I reached out to cuff Scotty by the back of his neck as we began walking toward the parking lot, and my car, as I told him,

"Okay about we go catch some food someplace, and then we can head over to my house...the `rents are out late tonight...and I can give you a good rubdown...get all the wrinkles out of Little Scotty...and, oh yea, work on those hot new swimmer muscles too...!"

Scotty chuckled, nodding his head as he answered,

"Food...for sure...a rubdown, you bet...and working the wrinkles out of Little Scotty sounds just perfect...only, it will actually work lots better if you rub me down...and UP!"

I punched his shoulder playfully, and replied,

"Right...rub up...and it, I think."

"Don't sweat it Robby...actually, you're pretty much a natural!" he told me, giggling at his little jest, so I punched his shoulder again, and told him,

"Just wait hot stuff...I'll show you natural!"

Once we had reached the car, Scotty decided on the massive and delicious burgers that were available at the local teen hangout, and the vein clogging servings of greasy fries that came with the burgers, so we headed over there, and gorged ourselves with what was probably about a weeks worth of calories and certainly trans-fats sufficient to kill a water buffalo, but what the hell, we were just growing boys, and beside that I had definite plans for working off the overload of sustenance, speaking of "overloads."

When we arrived at my house, Scotty headed off to my room while I went into the kitchen to check out the note I knew my Mom would have left for me, detailing her location, and an ETA for her return to home time. I smiled as I verified my earlier contention that the evenings activities would indeed keep both of my parents out of the house for at least another three hours or so, and after raiding the cupboards for snacks and the refrigerator for sodas, I headed off to my room, and my boy. When I entered the room, I stopped dead in my tracks, momentarily stunned by the delicious sight before me. Scotty was supine on my bed, his tee shirt, shorts, and shoes and socks in a heap on the floor where he had apparently shed them., leaving him clad in nothing more that a very small and extremely sexy little pair of crimson red briefs. Even though I had spent a good portion of the afternoon watching him parade around the aquatic center in his tiny Speedo, I somehow found this similar garment completely erotic, and my cock apparently agreed with that assessment as it instantly went fully erect as I stood there perving young Scotty, and, I suppose, drooling. He looked over at me, his sweet face breaking into a knowing grin as he read my reaction to his pose, and to kick things up another notch, he flexed, tightening his lithe body as he stretched his arms above his head. The maneuver caused his marrow hips to lift slightly, and the swollen pouch of the tiny briefs seemed to actually call out to me, and I swooned slightly in a brief moment of light headedness. Scotty chuckled softly, fully aware of the effect he was having on me, and he said softly,

"You know, I think all that swimming is catching up with me...I'm kind of sore...and stiff...uh...all still up for that rubdown...well, UP, and down...?"

I all but dropped the soda's and stuff I had in my arms, but managed, barely, to stumble to my dresser and put it all down as I answered him. My voice sounding similar to some matinee idol turning his full arsenal of seductive mannerisms on screen maven, I told him,

"Oh me Dude...I am SO up for're not the only one in the room that is experiencing a problem with stiffness, believe me...and, by the way, where did you get those amazing little panties...?"

He giggled again, and sort of thrust his crotch forward as I kept my eyes glued to his very alluring bulges, and a low groaning sound came from somewhere in my chest. My God, I thought, he is flat out beautiful, and so damn sexy that I struggled with the dilemma of whether I wanted him in the hot little panty, or just naked. Some dilemma to have, huh? In a kind of lust induced haze, I staggered into my bathroom, and dug around in the towel closet until I found the bottle of coconut oil I sometimes used to jerk off with, and then I went back to my bed. Scotty was flat on his back, his well toned legs splayed widely and his arms up so that his hands were stuffed behind the pillow under his head. I stood there, frozen in the moment as I let my hungry gaze slowly take in his beauty. My eyes lingered on his creamy underarms, the skin there soft looking, and still hairless, though there was a darkening of the skin that foretold of his still advancing puberty. I had a sudden urge to lick him in that soft pit, and I did it, dropping to perch myself on the edge of the bed as I leaned down, and dragged my tongue through his moist underarm. His fresh and boyish taste and scent washed over me as I lapped at his warm creases, and he giggled softly as if the contact were ticklish. I washed my tongue across his creamy soft warmth once more, and then moved to lick his tight little nipple, and he shuddered under me as I closed my lips over the puffy nubbin, and sucked on it.

"OHhh gosh...that's really nice Robby...I can feel it in my balls when you do that...!" he panted softly.

Encouraged, I moved across to the opposite nipple, and licked and sucked at it as well, and Scotty all but purred under my ministrations. After tasting his now stiff little nipples a while, I really wanted to just lick my way down to his pretty boyhood, and yank the sexy little panty off his so I could suck his rigid cock until he exploded a burst of his sweet boy-honey onto my mouth, but the plan had been to give him a rubdown, and I was determined to have that experience, and at the same time hopefully extend out play rather than bring about the rapid orgasm I knew full well would occur if I started sucking him. I sat up, Scotty giving me a look of dismay for abandoning his pretty little nipples, so I grinned at him, and said,

"Time out, sexy...this is supposed to be a rubdown, remember...all those achy muscles, remember?"

He frowned a little, but nodded his head, so I motioned with my hand for him to role over onto his front side, and he did it, once more arranging the pillow under his head. I uncapped the oil, and then upended the bottle, squeezing it as I left several trails of the slippery fluid along his smooth back from shoulders to the waist of the little briefs. I set the bottle down, and then placed my palms high on his back and began spreading the warm oil over his skin as my fingers kneaded his firm muscles. I worked his shoulders, and then moved along his ribs on either side, going lower until my fingers traced sideways along the elastic band of his briefs. I moved back to his shoulders, and then repeated the whole thing, working all the tightness from his back, and he sighed deeply, apparently enjoying my actions even though I really had no idea what I was doing.

His smooth back glistened with the fragrant oil I had spread there, and the sweet scent of coconut filled the room as I shifted, and once more picked up the bottle and drizzled a liberal amount down the backs of his legs. Starting at his feet, I massaged them, working each tiny toe in my fingers, and Scotty squealed when I ran my fingers along the very ticklish sole of his foot. I worked his trim ankles, and then worked my fingers along his muscular claves, and then up the backs of his shapely legs. Reaching the tops of his thighs, I let my fingers drift to his inner thighs, and he opened his legs wide for me, so I gently poked at the bulge of his tight balls where they pressed against the satiny cloth of his little red briefs. He grunted, and wiggled his cute little butt a bit, so I placed one hand on each of the perfect little mounds, and began kneading them.

"Shit're really good at this stuff...!"

I grinned, and dipped the slick fingers of one hand under the elastic of his briefs, and let my middle finger invade his snug crease. He moaned, flexing the firm globes of his pretty ass, so I took that as a good sign, and quickly yanked the hot little panty down, and off his feet. I let it drop, and ran my oily fingers up his inner thighs again, tickling at his hairless scrotum as I leaned down, and began licking all over that pretty white boy-butt.

"Awww jeez...!" he sighed.

My taste buds exploded with the strong flavor of the coconut oil as I trailed my tongue all over his taut mounds, and I gripped the small globes and spread them open as my tongue drilled into his core, the rolled tip of it probing his tight little sphincter as he moaned loudly into the pillow. God, he tasted wonderful, so fresh and clean, and I quickly warmed to the task, pushing my tongue right into him as far as I could make it go. He slid his knees up a little, lifting his pretty butt enough to allow him to thrust back against my invasion, and I let my hand wrap under him to grip his rock hard erection and stroke it as I continued to lick his hot opening. I groped around the bed and found the oil, and then I squeezed out a drizzle right onto his tiny hole, and then I eased my finger inside of him to the last knuckle. A loud, long hissing sound came out of him, and I gently moved my finger in and out, searching for his hot button as I continued stroking his rigid and badly leaking boyhood.

"Aggg...fuck...that feels so...amazing...!" he grunted.

"You're delicious hot and tight...God...touching you like this makes me want to fuck you so bad...!" I blurted, actually surprising myself with the frank declaration that I had not actually given much thought to until that very moment.

It wasn't lost on Scotty either, and the second the comment was out of my mouth, he went all tense, rolling to his side and drawing his knees up into a fetal position as he looked up at me, wide eyed, as he said sternly,

"No way Bud...that fucking club of yours would flat tear my little hole all up...much as I am loving every minute of this, you are me...going to try to fuck way!"

Rattled at his terse reaction, I shrugged, and ran my hand over his thigh, trying to calm him down as I told him,

"Chill dude...I didn't mean that I was actually going to try doing it...I only said that I would love to...and I would, for sure...but not unless you said you wanted to try it, so just relax, and don't worry about it, okay...what goes on here is all about you, believe me."

He relaxed some, rolling onto his back and adjusting his pillow as I slid my hand between his thighs, and gently cupped his plump scrotum, and his tender balls. I massaged the firm nuggets with my fingers, tugging gently on the pink and crinkled pouch as Scotty sighed deeply, his legs opening wider as I toyed with his sperm makers, a stimulation I knew full well he truly enjoyed. I moved my free hand to his steely hard shaft, and gripped it as I began slowly rubbing its length, and Scotty sighed loudly again, his eyes closing as his lithe body relaxed, and he reveled in the array of sensations I was providing him.

Relieved that the tense moment had apparently passed, I concentrated fully on manipulating his rigid boyhood and his smooth balls, and his breathing became shallow and ragged as the sweet tension began building stronger in his mounting excitement. I reached for another pillow, and shoved it under his pretty ass, and then I stretched out between his thighs, and carefully lifted his plump sack, dropping my head down to take one of his balls into my mouth. Scotty truly loved me to suck his balls, and as I carefully sucked on the tender egg he balled his fists, and punched at the mattress. I released his ball after a bit, and captured the other one, sucking it as I had the other, and Scotty reached down to grip his own cock, fisting it up and down as I gently sucked his balls in turn.

His narrow hips began thrusting up and down as the heat built in him, and when I released his balls and ran my tongue over the very wet head of his cock, he groaned loudly, and grabbed at my head as he blurted,

"Aw fuck Robby...I'm so fucking close...suck me dude...please...suck me...and...finger me some more...touch that place...oh man...I SO gotta cum...fuck...!"

Not needing any further encouragement, I immediately took his oozing cock into my mouth as my fingers once more dug into his slippery hole, my index finger sinking into his buttery softness in search of the hard little button of his prostate. Finding it, I pressed into it, and slid my fingertip back and forth over it as I sucked his drooling boyhood for full effect. Mere moments later Scotty bucked strongly, his hips driving forward as he buried his swelling shaft deep into my throat.

"FUUUUCK...YEA...I'm cummin Dude...AGhhh...!"

True to his word, his cock spasmed in my mouth, and erupted, a veritable gusher of warm, thick boy-nectar flooding into my mouth, and I quickly swallowed it down as a second, third, and fourth spurt took its place as Scotty's balls drained. I pressed against his inner button once more, and his wilting treasure bucked one last time, expelling a final weak dribble of his creamy offering over my tongue. Scotty shuddered strongly then and I let my finger slide out of him as I released his now soft cock from my battered mouth. He shuddered again, and then went limp as I sat up, and grinned at him. He rolled his head side to side on the pillow, his sweet face flushed and glistening with a thin sheen of sweat. He blinked several times, and then extended his arms toward me, so I folded into them. He wrapped me tight, and then pressed his soft mouth to mine in a delicious kiss, and I eased my cum-coated tongue into his mouth, sharing the lingering flavor of his massive eruption with him as our tongues dueled. Finally breaking it off, Scotty held me, and rubbed my back as he said close to my ear,

"You make me feel so amazing...always...every freaking time...I prolly can't ever be as good for you...but Dude...when I catch my breath...I am SO gonna try...!"

I chuckled, hugging him tightly as I felt myself flush with a fair degree of embarrassment as I admitted to him,

"Um, actually...I'm all for that, definitely...but...we might need to wait a blew when you was just so damned hot, you know...?"

Scotty chuckled softly, and then said,

"Huh...? in your pants...? coolness...!"

(To be Continued)

Next: Chapter 9

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