Making Scotty Cum

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Dec 22, 2008


Because I simply couldn't resist I began with kissing him, savoring the warm soft lushness of his mouth and the sweetness of his breath. Next I gently pressed my lips to his darkening bruise, and then for some reason even I didn't understand I licked his thick eye brows before moving to ream his small ear with my tongue tip while my hands explored the barely-there stands of silky hairs in his creamy underarms. I even licked him there, a move that made him giggle sweetly as I stimulated what was apparently a tickle zone for him. I trailed my tongue across his smooth as glass chest, pausing to lap and suckle at each of his tender nipples, and doing that earned me a soft moan of pleasure from Scotty so I lingered there a bit, moving my mouth from one peaked nubbin to the other while I relished his sighs and sounds.

I dropped one arm down, and ran my fingers along his inner thigh as I moved on from his little nipples and began licking along his rib cage. I could feel each of his rib bones as I continued lower, and when I reached his soft tummy area, I trailed my tongue sideways to his tiny cave of a navel. I curled my tongue, and poked it into the shallow dimple, and Scotty giggled again, his tight tummy muscles flexing. Withdrawing my tongue from his button, I moved along to his scant patch of silky pubes, and I tugged at them with my teeth as I ran my fingers ever so lightly along his firm thigh, almost but not quite actually touching his tight ball sack. Scotty was rapidly becoming a quivering mass, his leg and belly muscles tight as bows, and his breathing ragged and shallow as I stimulated several nerve centers at once. I passed my mouth close to his raging erection, and even blew my warm breath over it, but never actually made contact as I passed it by, and began licking the inside of one thigh as my fingers slid along the other. His narrow hips were bucking steadily, and I heard him sigh in frustration as I bypassed his pulsing boyhood with out touching it in any way.

Reaching his knee, I swapped sides, now licking his right inner thigh as my fingers glided over the left, and I moved several passes between his knees and his silky little pouch, stopping just short of licking his balls each time. Finally I could take it now more, and as my tongue reached that tight little crease where leg joins trunk, I followed its length, and then allowed myself to lap over his swollen balls several times.

"AWwww Christ're making me crazy Dude...!" Scotty panted, his hands grabbing at the back of my head in an effort to guide me to his rampant cock. I resisted him, and captured one of his plump nuggets inside my mouth, sucking it fairly strongly as I carefully pulled my head back from his body, putting some painfully-sweet pressure on his ball as I wrapped my fist around his rigid treasure and slowly stroked it up and down. I released his tender ball, and quickly scooped in the other one, repeating my pain-pleasure tugging at it as Scotty arched his back, and pounded his fists into the mattress as he wailed,

"Sweet Jesus...fuck...that hurts...SO...damn good...!"

Pleased at his reaction, I carefully struggled to get both his sperm makers inside my drooling mouth at once, and when I finally managed it, I sucked them firmly as I fisted his steely hard shaft, my fingers sensing the oozing wetness that coated the bulbous knob. My boy was hotter than space shuttle booster rocket, and I was loving every minute of making him that way. After a long session with his heavy balls, I spit them out of my mouth, and then I stuck my tongue firmly into the sensitive place behind his scrotum, and licked along the funny little seam that trials from his pouch to the hot crease of his pretty ass. He was squirming all over the place now, his hands grabbing at the bed sheet as his little butt rolled around and thrust up and down. My wandering tongue reached the snug divide of his ass, and I plowed into that secret place, driving my tongue deeply into it in a frantic search for his little pink treasure, and Scotty seemed to encourage my, his legs lifting and bending some to improve my angle of attack.

And suddenly, there it was, my tongue tip sensing the tight oval of tiny ridges that guarded his core, and I danced my tongue over it, flicking at it rapidly as Scotty made deep growling noises. I let the collection of saliva that flooded my mouth drizzle out to slick his tight little pucker, and I spread it around with my tongue, wetting him, and then I backed off, and quickly sucked my finger, wetting it as well, and then I carefully eased it into his amazingly warm tightness.

"OHhh Jesus...!" He chirped, his butt driving down onto my probing digit as I moved it deeply into him, searching for his magic place as I dropped my head, and engulfed his leaking boyhood so deeply I could feel his soft pubes on my nose.

His hips bucked furiously, driving his rampant cock in and out of my slobbering mouth, and I relished the loud, nearly obscene slurping sounds I was making as I sucked him with a fury I'm sure I had never felt before. I probed his little inner nugget, moving my finger over it and pressing into it firmly as his bucking hips matched the bobbing motions of my head over his throbbing cock, and in another moment his hands suddenly clamped onto the sides of my head as his hips drove sharply upward, and I felt his rigid shaft buck sharply as my mouth was suddenly flooded with his warm, creamy ejaculate. Again and again he jetted the slimy stuff into my mouth, and I felt tears roll down my cheeks as I struggled to gulp it all down as fast as he was delivering it, and just about the time I feared I would need to pull away or risk literally drowning it the copious offering, it began to finally subside to much weaker dribbles that oozed onto my tongue. I gulped down the last thick glob of the tasty stuff, and then let his wilting boyhood slip from my battered mouth as I sucked in huge gulps of air, and then I eased my finger from his little pucker, and gave his well spent balls a gentle squeeze as I gazed down at him, slightly dizzy from the amazing experience. He lay there panting, his face and upper chest flushed a deep crimson shade as he gasped for breath, that goofy little grin that I loved so much painting over his cute face. I grinned right back at him, more than pleased with the intensity of the result of my efforts, and when he slowly raised his arms toward me, I happily let myself kind of melt into him as I collapsed onto him, and he wrapped me tightly in his arms.

I nuzzled his neck, tasting the thin sheen of sweat on his warm skin, and I humped my painfully hard erection against his groin, and Scotty slid his hands in between us then, and gave me a strong push, so that I rolled off him, and ended up on my back along side him. In a flash he moved, and I suddenly felt his warm wet mouth closing over my aching cock, and I honestly don't think he moved up and down its length more than three or four times when I simply erupted, my pent up load jetting into his sucking mouth with such force it felt like my curled up toes were going to end up in his magic mouth.

A short while later, as the hammering of my heart began to slow at last, and the meteor shower of dazzlingly bright lights that had been flashing in front of my eyes began to flicker and dim, I opened my eyes, and realized that Scotty was grinning at me from about two inches away. I studied his sweet face a moment, smiling at seeing the traces my massive ejaculate dribbling from his lush mouth, and off his perfect little chin, and then I focused on his now seriously purple hued cheek, and eye, and concern once more overtook me, and I asked him,

"God Babe...that bruise looks really awful...are you sure that you are okay?"

A soft little giggle bubbled from him as he dropped his hand down and carefully held my wilted cock as he replied,

"What bruise is that...?"

(To Be Continued)

Note: A kind of short chapter this time little time! More soon, and a Merry Christmas to all!

Next: Chapter 8

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