Making Scotty Cum

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Dec 19, 2008


I've never really understood what it was about watching Scotty play baseball that stirred my sexual juices the way that it did, but sitting here right now in my favored top of the bleachers position watching the game progress was certainly no exception. My aching cock had been hard practically from the moment when he and the team trotted onto the field all the way back in the top of the first inning, and as I watched my little hottie jog over to his first base position to begin the bottom of the seventh, and final, inning I felt my meat pulse as I focused on his cute little butt and the intriguing little wiggles it produced as he trotted. He just looked so yummy in his uniform, and I loved the snug way that it fit his lithe body, the soft material clinging to all the right places so that his treasures were concealed, but highlighted in sufficient resolution to leave little to the imagination.

Reaching the base, Scotty turned so that he faced my direction, and when he extended his arms above his head to stretch, I dropped my gaze to his crotch, smiling as my cock throbbed once more inside my shorts as I visualized him playing the position fully naked. My mouth flooded with saliva as my mind conjured up a clear image of his pretty boyhood dangling between his athletic thighs, resting quietly atop his plump scrotum that swelled with the heft of his ample balls, and I nearly drooled over my chin. He began rolling ground balls to the other infielders and then deftly catching their throws to first, and I admired the fluidity with which his slender body moved. He was so graceful, his natural athleticism making his actions seem effortless, and expert, which in truth they pretty much were. As the opposing team sent their batter to the plate, Scotty rolled the warm up ball toward the dugout, and then shifted into his defensive stance as the pitcher began his wind up. I settled back against the bleacher seat, and subtly adjusted the erection that swelled the front to my shorts, and offered a silent prayer for a short lived inning, partly because the home boys were currently winning by a single run, and also because I knew that when the silly game ended, I would be taking my Scotty back to my empty house for some quality private time. I could hardly wait.

The first batter drew a walk putting him on first base, and Scotty shifted into his hold-the-runner-on stance, standing on the infield side of the base facing the pitcher with his back foot resting on the corner of the bag. Two pitches into the second hitter, the kid rapped a fly ball to right that was cleanly fielded by the outfielder and the runner advanced to second after tagging up. Scotty moved back behind the bag again, and I nearly creamed my briefs when he reached down to fumble with his package, a move that occurred frequently during the course of every game, and had a lot to do with my interest in baseball in general. It has always struck me as strange how ball players freely manipulate the goods when on the field in full view of stands full of spectators, or even on national television for that matter, when in a non-baseball situation most of them would go to extreme measures to maintain their modesty in any public restroom. Go figure, I suppose.

The next hitter fouled a bunt attempt on the first pitch, and Scotty moved in, standing on the infield grass near the base line, and as the pitcher began his stretch I held my breath. It was one of those moments of watching him play that I hated, him being so very close to the hitter as he guarded against the bunt, far too close for his safety as far as I was concerned. Turns out my concerns were a bit too prophetic this time, and I saw the next few seconds as if in slow motion; the pitcher releasing what appeared to be a high heat fast ball that the hitter turned on and swung, the rifle shot like crack of the bat snapping crisply as the ball suddenly streaked directly at Scotty in a white blur. In an instant he was down, rolling on the grass in obvious pain as he brought both hands to his face as the ball rolled out of bounds after careening off his head, or face, and I leapt to my feet in horror. The manager and coach hurried to his aid, kneeling on the grass as they tugged at Scotty's hands, trying to assess whatever damage had occurred, and when they managed to pull his hands away, I could clearly see the bright red strawberry that was emblazoned onto his left cheekbone, and even part of his forehead. They spent a few minutes talking to him, the manager holding up various finger counts as Scotty shook his head as if trying to clear the cobwebs as he told the coaches how many fingers he was seeing, what his name was, and what day it was currently, etc. Finally they hooked him under his arms, and he shakily stood up, again shaking his head before they gingerly steered him back to the dugout as the crowd began a tepid round of applause, and the umpire called loudly,

"Lets' play ball!"

I bounded down the steps, and hustled over by the dugout, craning my neck to see inside the dank little enclave, and I saw Scotty nodding his head as the coach continued to question him while the manager started applying ice to his face. After a minute or two the coaches seemed satisfied that he was alright, and they moved to the lip of the dugout to get back into the game. I made a whistling sound, and Scotty looked over at me, his dazzling grin spreading over his sweet face as he shrugged sheepishly, and called out,


Relief swept through me, and I finally released the breath I had been holding for far too long, and I smiled back at him, pursing my lips as I blew him an air-kiss, and he blanched, quickly scanning the dugout to see if anyone had seen my overt gesture, and I chuckled, not much giving a damn at the moment if I had been seen doing it, or not. My guy might well have been seriously injured, or worse, and all I really wanted to do was climb this freaking fence that had us separated, and hug him, and screw what his team mates might think. That was what I was feeling, but I of course quickly realized that Scotty was right, some modicum of discretion was called for here, and so I forced myself to settle down while I was still only partly content that he was indeed okay. To comfort myself I decided that once I had him all to myself I would make a very thorough and careful inspection of his entire, hopefully naked, body just to be completely sure. The very thought sent a warm flushed feeling through me, and my dick, which had instantly wilted upon seeing Scotty writhing on the infield resumed its earlier chubby status, and I felt a whole lot better all of a sudden.

Another twenty minutes or so, and the game ended in a one run victory for the home boys, and I eagerly waited for Scotty to gather up his gear and exit the dugout. He walked over to the gate in the chain link fence that surrounded the field, and I struggled with my cool as I walked over to meet him. He stepped through the gate, and stopped in front of me, and as I carefully eyed the darkening bruise, and the slight swelling that grew around his left eye, I again wanted to lean in and kiss his owwie, but I refrained, just barely. He gave me his sloppy little grin, and my dick jumped in my shorts as I managed to be very casual about draping an arm across his shoulders as we headed off toward my car. Making mostly senseless small talk as we walked, I let my gaze take in his lithe body, and all of the delicious bulges and creases in his snug little uniform...did I mention how hot he looks wearing that...?...well, almost as hot as he looks NOT wearing it...!

Once we were safely in the car, and gone from the school parking lot, I pulled to the curb of the short side street that terminated in the school lot, and leaned over toward a slightly confused looking Scotty, and planted my lips ever so softly onto his facial bruise, and kissed it all better. In reality it probably did little for Scotty, but I felt immensely better, and suddenly realized a much better understanding of why Mothers tend to do the kissy thing when one of their little darlings takes a spill, or whatever. Almost as an after thought it occurred to me that some meaningful form of distraction might better serve to take his mind off whatever discomfort he was feeling, or maybe it was actually just for my own selfish benefit, whatever, so I dropped my hand into his lap, and gave his pretty boyhood a loving squeeze, or six.

He giggled, his head swiveling around to ensure himself that no one was close by, and as I groped his thickening treasure he said,

"That should take my mind of this freaking headache...I'll give you a couple of hours to knock that off...!"

I laughed, and after one last squeeze I let go of his prize, and settled back behind the wheel, telling him,

"A couple of is that all...?...actually, hot stuff, I plan to take you to my house where, incidentally, no parents will be is residence until much later tonight, and have my way with your sexy little body until you melt into a puddle of lust..."

He grinned at me, grimacing slightly as the skin around his injured eye tightened, and replied,

"God, I love it when you talk all dirty like that...can you drive a little faster please...?"

I chuckled, adding some pressure to the accelerator as I thought how damned lucky I was to have this little slice of heaven eager for me to commit multiple acts of carnal knowledge on his yummy little body...well, not ALL of him was actually all that little, now that I think about it. In any event, he was being a gamer, and when he leaned his head back against the head rest and closed his eyes I knew that he was feeling the effects of his injury more than he was willing to let on, so I shut up and let him rest while I concentrated on my driving. When we got to my place, we went inside, and I steered him to the sofa in the living room where he settled in while I went to fix an ice bag in the kitchen, and round up a couple of aspirins. When I got back, Scotty was slouched into the corner of the sofa with his feet up on the coffee table. He had taken off his shoes and the shirt half of his uniform leaving him bare chested, and I paused for a moment to drink in his lithe smoothness, and the vision of his cute little nipples. I sat down along side him, and gingerly applied the ice bag to his bruised face, and he winced a little from the contact. I handed him the water glass and the aspirin and I held the ice to his face while he swallowed them down. I leaned in close and gently kissed his mouth, and the scent of the sweat he had generated during the game filled my senses. I felt his tongue probing at my lips, and I opened my mouth, fully kissing his lush mouth now as his tongue filled my mouth. He broke it off after a minute or so of our tongue swapping, and rested his head against the cushions as he said,

"Jeez kiss really good...but you know what...?...I sorta smell, and think I could use a hot shower."

Showers, of course, are normally done naked, I thought, so I quickly replied,

"To be honest, I actually love how you smell right now...or anytime...but yea, maybe a hot shower would make you feel've had a pretty rough afternoon..."

Standing, I took his hand, and pulled him to his feet, and then walked him into my bedroom where I enjoyed the perk of having my own bathroom and shower. I led him into the bath, and then dropped down on a knee as I began opening the fly of his uniform pants. The outline of his penis was clear under the soft material, as was the pronounced bulge of his balls, and as I began tugging on his pants he kind of swooned, and leaned back against the wall. I looked up at him, concerned, and asked,

"What...? okay Babe...?"

He nodded, but he looked a little pale I thought, and kind of rag-doll like as he slouched against the wall. I finished getting his pants off him, and sat back for a second to appreciate the stunning sight of him dressed in only the very snug fitting Under Armour briefs and groaned a little, raising his hand to his head, so I asked him again if he was feeling alright. He shuddered a little, and kind of shrugged as he told me,

"Yea...I'm good...just still have a headache...and maybe a little lite-headed..."

Concern washed over me as I replied,

"Not good...maybe this shower thing isn't such a good plan right now...I don't want you passing out on me or something..."

His goofy little grin painted over his sweet face, and he winked at me as he said,

You know, you may have a first, and all that...tell you what...I think it would be best if you took a shower...with me."

It dawned on me then that the little shit had been faking it, causing me to be all worried about him when the whole time he had been angling to get me into the shower with him...hells bells...what an utter waste of effort...all he needed to do was suggest it! In the interest of not wasting any more time, I quickly skinned the tight little briefs down his tightly muscled legs, and when his rapidly swelling nearly slapped me in the face, I quickly took evasive defensive action by sucking it into my drooling mouth, sweat and all.

"AWwww Jesus...that feels so fucking good...makes me forget all about my headache, big time!" he croaked as I bobbed up and down on his tasty pole, my hand going to his dangling pouch.

"Umm HMmm...!" I managed with my mouth full of Scotty-cock, "Tastes really good too!"

I sucked him a while, my fingers probing his heavy eggs, and Scotty sagged against the wall happily moaning sounds of joy. My own cock was throbbing, cramped tightly inside my briefs, and after capturing his balls in my mouth for a little attention, I backed off, and stood up, yanking at my clothes while Scotty watched me, and steadily pumped his very erect weapon. I thought that was totally hot, seeing him fisting his hardon, and when I peeled off my briefs my own erection slapped against my gut, rigid and oozing. I reached down and gripped it, and we stood there facing each other pulling on our puds for a couple of minutes, and Scotty broke into one of his sloppy little grins that I loved so much, and said,

"This is hot as hell...seeing you play with it makes me uber horny...come on Dude...lets get all squeaky clean so we can really get into it."

That worked for me, so I turned and stepped inside the shower stall and cranked the faucets on as Scotty followed me in, his steely hard cock stabbing into my butt cheek. We spent a good twenty minutes under the hot spray, soaping each other everywhere, and using our well lathered fists on each others pulsing erection. After moving to the side so that the spray rinsed off Scotty's beautiful front side, I put my hands on his shoulders, and turned him toward the wall. I grabbed the soap bar, and rubbed it all over his satin smooth back, and then lathered his cute little butt, letting my soapy finger probe into his snug crease and tease at his tight little pucker while he rested his hands on the wall in front of him.

I went to my knees, and soaped up his legs, ending at his inner thighs, and Scotty splayed his legs wider as I reached in between them to cup his heavy balls, and stroke his rock hard cock from behind. I moved him enough so that the water washed away all the soap I had applied to his backside, and then I spread his magnificent little globes with my thumb so that his pink little pucker was fully exposed to my hungry view. Leaning in, I extended my tongue, and swabbed it over his little hole as Scotty made strange, deep noises. I really wanted to reach around and jerk him off while I licked at his treasure, but the damned water was going cold suddenly, so I was forced to abandon my plan.

I stood up, and reached to kill the now cold water as Scotty turned to face me, and our bobbing erections bumped together as I reached past him to the faucets. He chuckled, and wiggled his narrow hips so that we were having an impromptu sword fight with our cocks, and Scotty moved against me, pressing his soft lips to mine for a brief kiss. Pulling back, he reached down and grabbed both our cocks in his hand, and looked into my eyes, suddenly serious, as he said,

" really amaze me...that thing you do...back there...Jesus, does it ever feel good...weird...but definitely good!"

Running my fingers over his small dark nipples, I replied,

"Good...glad you hot stuff, you get your naked body over to my bed...I am going to make a very thorough inspection of every inch of you to make sure you are really okay...and you know what...?...I'm thinking I need to include a taste-test as well."

Scotty giggle, and in flash he was out of the shower and headed across my room toward my bed while I admired his pretty little butt in motion. I followed, and when I dove onto my bed I wrapped him up in my arms, as we rolled around on the bed, hands and mouths exploring all areas we could reach. Finally we settled down some, and I pushed a couple of pillows behind Scotty's head, and laid him flat on his back, his angry pecker throbbing against his abdomen, and I bent down to kiss his soft lips before nuzzling into the crook of his neck as I asked him,

"You ever heard of a trip around the world Babe...?...he shook his head in the negative, and I went on, telling him, "Well, you are about to have the experience, so just relax...put your hands behind your head, and let Robby do all the work..."

He looked at me, a questioning expression crossing his face, then he shrugged, and folded his hands behind his head as he looked at me, and smiled that goofy smile, and sighed deeply before muttering,

"Around the world hmm...oh boy!"

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 7

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