Making Scotty Cum

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Dec 5, 2008


Considering how breathless and stunned Scotty had been following his intense orgasm mere moments ago, it frankly surprised me when he suddenly all but pounced on me. He aggressively pushed his palms against my chest, forcing me backward onto the car seat as he pushed my tee shirt up under my chin, and then began running his hands all over me, my chest, my nipples, and my stomach. I of course offered little resistance to this attack, and in fact I suppose it could be said that I actually provided some degree of aid and comfort to the enemy when I peeled my shirt over my head, and tossed it into the back seat. Scotty hardly noticed my helpful gesture, however, given that he was at the time devoting the preponderance of his attention to tugging at my shorts in a seemingly desperate effort to get me totally naked.

While still surprised at his actions, I again encouraged him by lifting my butt up off the seat as he managed to work the tangle of material out from under me, and then down my legs. My throbbing erection definitely appreciated his efforts as it sprang free of the confines it had long been suffering, and I sighed with relief as the swollen stalk slapped loudly against my abdomen. Scotty wrested my shorts from my feet, and quickly flipped them over the seat back to join my tee shirt in the dark space of the rear seat. Now, save for our tennis shoes and socks, Scotty and were both naked as jays, and I watched him closely as he kind of sat back against the door panel, and took a long slow look at my nakedness.

I felt suddenly hot, and I realized that I might well have been blushing under the intensity of his gaze even while I was feeling exhilarated at the obvious hunger and lust that filled his expression as his eyes danced over me from head to toe, and then back again. I had seen him express curiosity regarding my body before, but this time his look was clearly one of desire, and it actually scared me just a little bit. Maybe he sensed my tension, or maybe he just got past the newness of being fully naked with another fully naked boy in the somewhat limited available space of a cars front seat, but in any event his expression seemed to change over to a softer look, although the apparent hunger hadn't gone any place. His dazzling smile seemed to actually add to the limited light of the cars interior, and as always I was helpless to resist smiling right back at him. He reached out his hands, and tentatively ran his fingers along my upper thighs, like a sight challenged person might carefully trace an unfamiliar Braille board, and I actually shivered as his fingers ever so softly brushed my scrotum. It was eerie in a way, the dim lighting in the car, and the near silence, the only audible sound being our combined ragged breathing, and in an effort to lighten the moment, I flexed my boner a few times, causing Scotty to giggle as he reached for it, and wrapped his soft, warm hand around it. I actually almost shrieked, the move being so unexpected, and he giggled again as he stroked me, and murmured,

" gets so hard...and soft, too...dunno why, but it seems really different than mine...!"

I laughed softly, and told him,

"Sure it does Dude...that's because it's, like, maybe twice as big as yours is..."

That smartass remark earned me a nearly painful yank on my already aching boner, and I flinched, this time letting go with that shriek I had suppressed earlier, and Scotty laughed gleefully as he responded,

"Bullshit Dude...bigger some maybe, but twice...?...I don't think so Robby-boy...!"

I laughed with him, and he relaxed his death grip much to my relief, and then he turned all serious again as he looked at my eyes, his hand working a steady up and down on my pulsing cock. I stayed still, sensing he was struggling with some sort of internal issue, and after a moment he inhaled, and then said, almost in a whisper,

"Robby...will mean...could I...shit...would you just, like...hold me a while...?"

Well, I thought in a flash, that sounds nasty, but hey, somebody had to do it, right...? I simply extended my arms toward him, and smiled. He flashed a quick grin, and then launched himself forward as he sprawled himself over me, his naked body melding with my own, and as I wrapped my arms around him, I decided that this was as close to heaven I was likely to ever get while still here on the planet. God, it felt so damned amazing, his warm and silky flesh meshing with mine, and I could hardly believe how warm he was. We shifted around a little, and as our cocks untangled I sensed his returning hardness as he worked his butt a little, pressing his stout boyhood against my own. I recalled that there was actually a term for this incredible experience, but at the moment I couldn't call it to mind, but it didn't really matter, I just thought of it as wonderful, wonderful in every way.

I rubbed his back, my fingertips exploring his various muscles, and the rigidity of his rib bones and hip bones, and when my wandering hands reached the glorious little globes of his pretty ass, I gripped each firm pillow, and kneaded it, as Scotty continued to grind his erection into me. He rubbed against me, and I dipped my middle finger into the warm crevice that divided his little buns, and he sighed deeply, and said,

"Man...this is really nice Rob...amazingly nice...!"

He would get no argument from me on that, so I just kind of grunted, and continued sliding my finger along his snug little crack, my mind suddenly filling with thoughts of actually exploring his most secret treasure, something that suddenly seemed like a very, very good idea. I probed a bit deeper, and Scotty offered no resistance, so I boldly continued, my body tensed as I anticipated him freaking out if I actually succeeded in finding, and then touching his tiny hole. As much as I really wanted to do just that, a part of me wondered about the "why" aspect of the desire, but I didn't let myself dwell on it as I wormed my exploring finger deeper into his cleft, and lower.

Suddenly, there it was, a tiny pucker of wrinkled flesh, and as I probed it with my fingertip I sensed a series of tiny ridges of muscle that seemed to ring the tight little oval that I pressed against. So hot, was among my first thoughts, and while the fact that it was indeed an opening in his body, it seemed impossible that anything would ever pass through its tightness, in either direction. As I worked my fingertip in small circles around the shape of this new marvel, Scotty went briefly tense against me, and then he shuddered, as he mumbled,


While I had no idea what that might mean in English, I was relieved that he hadn't just gone nuts, and started hammering my face with his fists, or screaming at the top of his lungs, so I felt confident enough to continue my careful explorations. Scotty surprised me yet again a few moments later when he actually shifted his position a little bit, and unless I was simply imagining it due to my wishful thinking, he splayed his coltish legs wider, and actually greatly improved my access to his hot little core. Holy shit! I carried on, my fingertip gently probing his tiny pucker and he responded by grinding his hips into me which caused his rock hard boyhood to kind of slide up and down against my own erection, and I shuddered with pleasure. My probing finger located what I thought was most probably the center of his tight ring, and I was suddenly overcome with a powerful desire to actually try penetrating him, so I pushed fairly firmly against the firm resistance there, and Scotty did freak a little bit then as he inhaled sharply, and started to wiggle away from my invasion as he croaked in a hoarse sounding voice,

"Jesus...don't dude...that fucking hurts...!"

In an instant I yanked my hand away, and wrapped both arms around his slender body, holding him tight as I said against his ear,

"Okay Scotty...sorry dude...guess I got a little carried away okay?"

He snuggled into me, still grinding his hips against me as our rigid cocks smashed together, and he muttered,

"It's cool, yea...this feels really good...and jeez...I can feel a lot of...wet...did"

I chuckled, moving my hands back to cup the fleshy mounds of his butt as I told him,

"Not yet Babe...close to it though...that's my precum you feel...I leak the stuff like a faucet when I get this hot...!"

He let out a soft giggle, and lifted his head off my chest, looking at me with one of his dazzling grins, and I felt his warm breath on my face as he lowered his head, and kind of gasped,

"Rob...kiss me some more, okay...?"

Awww, do I have to...?" I joked, and then moved a hand to the back of his neck, and pulled him in as my mouth covered his warm, soft lips and my tongue slipped into his waiting mouth.

I was in heaven again, Scotty's lips and tongue dancing with my own as his lithe body wormed against me, and I savored his taste, and his scents as we moved together, my drooling cock rubbing against his. He broke the kiss eventually, and then he kind of inched himself lower on top of me, and I all but climbed out of my skin as he lowered his head, and licked one of my nipples. I put my hand on the back of his head, and closed my eyes, savoring the incredible sensations that washed over me as he closed his mouth over my swollen nub, and sucked it. A moment later he backed away slightly, and I shuddered as he dragged his wet tongue across my chest to lap at my other nipple before sucking it as he had the other side. He moved between them several times, his hard shaft working against mine the whole time, and I fought back the strong urge to blow my load, my mind reeling with thoughts, and hopes of where all this newly aggressive Scotty-stuff was headed.

Almost as if he were reading my lust filled thoughts, he abandoned my nipples then, and I shuddered some more as his wet tongue licked it's way down my body, wetting my skin so that I felt the coolness of the night air. He dug his tongue into my navel, the tip of it darting in and out as he continued his maddeningly slow descent until his tongue swiped at the skin crease where my leg joins my torso, and I held my breath, silently willing him to take my aching cock inside that magical mouth, and suck me, while all the while I was mostly certain that he wouldn't actually do it. He lapped around my groin some, dragging his tongue through my pubes, and then he licked all around my lower stomach, scant inches from my pulsing hardon, and yet still miles away, as my heart hammered inside my chest.

I heard panting, and low moaning, and then I realized that it was coming from me, and I gasped loudly as Scotty licked his way along my inner thigh, and then ran his tongue over my swollen pouch, pushing my nearly boiling balls around with the tip of his tongue.

"Oh my God Scotty...Christ...that feels so fucking good...!" I groaned.

"Um hum..." he mumbled, and I felt him grasp the base of my shaft in his hand as he lifted my throbbing cock off my groin.

He stroked me a few times, very nearly bringing me too the brink, and then I felt his warm breath flow over my erection, and I again held my breath. Suddenly, I felt his wet tongue swipe over the head of my dick, and I groaned again, every instinct in me screaming for me to grab at his head, and jam my cock into his hot little mouth, but I gritted my teeth, and waited. He licked me again, and then again, and I realized I had balled my fists so tightly that my fingernails were practically drawing blood from my palms, and then Scotty nearly caused my head to explode when he slowly and carefully took my cock into his velvet-soft mouth.

Fully unsure of what he was doing, he took me too deeply at first, and I heard him gag as he withdrew some, and then began to kind of awkwardly bob his head up and down as his soft tongue swirled around my rock hard shaft. Fighting the urge to drive myself into his soft, warm wetness, I stayed pretty much still, letting him find his own rhythm and pace, and in another minute or so, he had it. God, I thought, how can a person survive such an exhilarating experience as this...incredible...amazing...and about a dozed other adjectives rumbled through my feverish mind as he sucked at me, gaining both experience and confidence with each movement, and I damn near lost it when his hand suddenly cupped my aching balls, and tugged at them in sync with his truly amazing sucking of my pulsing cock.

Unable to stop myself any longer, I began gently bucking my hip, my thrusts matching his bobbing head, and in no time my balls had reached their boiling point, and I knew I was going to blow. Unsure if Scotty was anywhere near ready for what I knew was going to be an ejaculation of epic portions, I tried to make my brain work enough to warn him, but for so many reasons I simply could not get it verbalized, and then I was just lost, my cock going into spasms as my balls pulled tight, and I erupted, spewing what seemed like gallons of warm creamy semen right into Scotty's sucking mouth.

He gagged again, and then again, but he gamely stayed with me as I jspurted again, and again, and I heard him struggling to gulp the massive volume of fluids until he simply couldn't take it any more, and he pulled away, the final spurts of my ejaculate oozing down over my shaft to coat my pubes. He coughed a couple of times, and I opened my eyes and looked at him, our eyes meeting as Scotty blinked several times rapidly. His sweet face was flushed, and a thick streamer of my cum dangled from his chin, and I smiled at him, telling myself that I really should seriously consider asking him to marry me. He looked a little sheepish, and I guessed that the full impact of what he had just done had not yet fully sunk in, and I opened up my arm toward him as he once more lay down on me as I held him close, my hands rubbing over his back as I told him,

"That, Scotty-boy, was absolutely the most amazing thing ever...!"

He wiggled himself against me, and ran his tongue around my ear as he said, still somewhat breathless,


(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 5

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