Making Scotty Cum

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Dec 1, 2008


Making Scotty Cum By Storyguy22


As it turned out several days passed before Scotty and I had the opportunity to get together following the incredible afternoon when we had first experimented with sexual exploration together. He had left a late night voice mail on my cell phone saying that one of his Grandparents had taken a bad fall, and his family was leaving immediately do deal with the situation in a distant city, and that he would call me back as soon as they returned.

That call had come as I drove home from school this afternoon, and I was now very much looking forward to picking Scotty up to go have a pizza where we could catch up, and I was anxious to a degree, given that he had had a fair block of time to ponder our earlier activities. It was true that at the conclusion of our adventure he had been more than enthusiastic about what had happened, but I was fully aware that some part of that attitude was influenced by the excitement and newness of what he had experienced for the first time, and that now, after several days, there was a chance that he might have developed some second thoughts. Kind of like buyers remorse, I thought, like being ecstatic about buying a new car until the reality of the first payment set in.

As I turned onto Scotty's street I couldn't seem to shake the foreboding feeling that my anxious brooding had brought on, and as I turned into his driveway, I regretted having let my thoughts go in that direction in the first place. But, my angst suddenly seemed to vaporize as the front door swung open, and Scotty came bounding across the lawn toward me. As usual, he looked delicious and just watching his lithe body rush toward me caused my cock to stir. He was dressed in pair of dark blue tennis shorts and a white tank top that left bare his smooth shoulders and arms, and as he slid into the passenger side door, he flashed me one of his dazzling smiles as he extended his hand for a slap of my own.

"Hey's it going Dude...?" he chirped.

I held onto his soft, warm hand as I smiled back at him, and answered,

"Hey's all good, pretty, am I glad to see did it go with the trip?"

He glanced down at where I still held his hand, a soft flush flaring over his smooth cheeks, and, unsure how to read the reaction, I let go. His expression changed to what may have been a small frown, but he covered it quickly with another smile that was maybe a touch lower wattage than the first one, or it may have just been me, as he told me,

"It's okay Grandma fell on some stairs, and they thought maybe she broke something...but it turned out to just be kind of a nasty bruise, so she's okay now except for having to use a cane for a while."

With him sitting there so close, and looking so damn sweet, not to mention that his very subtle but very effective cologne scent wafting through the car it was simply impossible for me to resist touching him in some way, and I tossed caution to the wind, and dropped my hand onto his thigh and gave it a squeeze as I said,

"That's great, Scotty...I'm really glad she wasn't seriously injured...and I'm even more glad that you are back home...I've missed you."

He dropped his gaze again to where I held onto his thigh, but he didn't make any effort to pull away from the contact, or make mention of it. The silence lingered for a slightly awkward moment and I resisted the powerful urge to slide my hand into his nicely bulging crotch, and finally he inhaled deeply, and let the breath go as he replied,

"Yea, thanks Dude...I'm glad too...and I'm freaking starving, I mean...!" course Scotty-boy...whatever else would you be starving for?

I smiled, and nodded as I reluctantly recovered my hand and sat up behind the wheel as I shifted into reverse, and said,

"Got it...I'm actually does Franks sound to you?"

"Awesome!" was his to the point answer, so I set off in the direction of Franks, a small hole-in-the-wall joint with possibly the planets best pizza.

As I drove, Scotty chatted a bit about his trip, bemoaning the complete lack of privacy the visit to the Grandparents had mandated, and the seemingly endless hours stuck in the car with his parents, and the even worse experience of having to actually sleep an entire night in a motel room shared with his parents. Scotty-boy, I read between the lines was very probably suffering that most dreaded of teen boys ailments commonly known as D.S.B...or...Dreaded Semen Backup! Well, I thought as my dick stirred yet again, I know exactly how to cure that nagging problem.

By the time we had waited for a table, and then inhaled the delicious pizza it had grown nearly dark outside. I paid the tab, and we walked back to my car, our hunger for food no longer an issue. What remained to be determined was the extent of our emotional hunger, and I was definitely interested in doing some research on that issue. Back in the car, I fired up, and we drove up and down the main drag a few times, waving to several school friends who were doing the same thing we were which was pretty much the evening past time for our group. Finally I peeled off onto a freeway on ramp, and then drove a few miles out of town before exiting on the road that led out to the large county park that surrounded a nice little lake. Once free of the high speed traffic of the freeway and just kind of slowly following the empty road to the parking lot, I relaxed and took one hand off the wheel, and reached over to grip Scotty's thigh. He kind of tensed up at the contact, and scooted over toward the door a little further, so I pulled my hand away and gave him a quick glance. Nothing was said, but I sensed a new tension in the air, and I began to worry that my boy was having some kind of issues with our new level of relationship. I hoped not, but couldn't stop myself from letting his reaction worry me as I drove into the parking lot near the lake, and stopped the car in the shadows of a grove of big oaks.

It had gone dark, but the parking lot was ringed by tall light standards which provided sufficient ambient light to the cars interior that I could clearly see Scotty's tense body language, and I didn't especially like what I was seeing at the moment. I turned partly toward him, and laid my arm across the seat back as I tried a gentle probe, asking him,

"Scotty...something wrong Dude...?"

He didn't respond right away, and I saw him tighten, his hands folded in his lap while he worked his fingers against each other. He glanced at me briefly, and then dropped his gaze to concentrate way more than he needed to on his wringing hands while he sucked in a big breath and let it go. I moved my arm, letting my fingers lightly trace the soft hairs at the back of his neck as I tried it again, saying,

"Okay, so there is going to tell me what's up so we can talk about it or whatever...or are you going to just sit there frowning while I get crazy trying to figure out what I said, or did...?"

Another deep breath which he released in a loud whoosh, and he turned to face me, blinking rapidly as he muttered,

"Just...well, I lot, actually...about...well...about us...and...all that...stuff...we did know...and...that's all..."

Well, I thought, that comment says both a lot, and, nothing at all. Hell, I had been thinking about what we had done together too, it was practically ALL I had been thinking about...well...that, and how soon we could do it all again. But Scotty was clearly troubled about it in some way, and I needed to understand his angst before I could attempt to resolve it, so I probed again with,

"Hey Dude...don't think that I haven't been thinking about all that too...I have...a lot...the difference seems to be that thinking about that makes me feel great, and that apparently is not quite the case with you..."

He looked at me again, and he kind of shivered as I continued to run my fingers along the back of his neck, and tease at his ear a little. Finally he licked those soft, lush lips, and said very softly,

" does that to me too...makes me feel good, I mean...the weird part is that...I'm not so sure it's supposed to...make me it does...I it okay for me to think about it okay for me to think that I really want to do that again...two is it, Robby...? thinking I want you to...kiss that a good thing?"

I smiled at him, and kind of nodded my head as an impulse to blurt out "hell yes it's okay" flashed through my mind, but I held it in check as I slowly leaned into him while I put some mild pressure on the back of his neck, bringing him closer as I said quietly,

"Why don't we find out...?" and I kissed him, softly at first, right on his lush warm mouth.

"UMmmm...!: he mumbled, his mouth resisting a little at first, and then blessedly softening as his lips parted, and his tongue thrust out to meet my own.

He tasted so sweet, and I loved the soft little noises he was making as our tongues danced, and our lips moved together and my cock immediately turned into a stalk of steel as Scotty let himself go and his lithe body kind of melted against me. I ran my hand up and down his bare arm, savoring the smoothness of his warm skin, and then I let it fall into his lap, and suddenly realized that no matter his outward reluctance, Scotty was every bit as into this as I was. On some emotional level he may have been wrestling with himself, but, his rigid boyhood wasn't the least bit interested in the conflict. I gripped him, squeezing his hardness, and he moaned into my mouth before pulling back from the kiss and burying his face against my chest as he whispered,

"Oh fuck Rob...damn just feels so...awesome!"

I stroked him up and down as I muttered something that signaled my complete agreement with that remark, and I used my forearms to push him back against the car door. I bent over him, and managed to work his shirt up and over his head, and the indirect light washed over his smooth chest, and flat tummy. I took a second to savor the view, and when my hungry gaze settled onto his bulging erection, a nearly drooled as my mouth flooded with saliva as I clearly imagined that sculpted hardness filling my mouth. I reached for his shorts, tugging at them in a nearly frenzied way, and my once reluctant Scotty eagerly lifted his cute little butt to aid my efforts. Quickly, I pushed the shorts down his shapely legs, and Scotty shook the garment from his feet, and then lay back over the car seat, glorious in all his nakedness. His boyhood glistened in the soft light, thick and pulsing against his smooth abdomen and his taut little pouch rested plump against his thighs. I stared at his breath taking beauty a few seconds, and then I gulped, as I reached out to run my trembling hands over his warm smooth skin as I mumbled breathlessly,

"God're so wonder I can hardly keep my hands off you...!"

He was almost purring as I touched him everywhere, his face and neck, his shoulders and firm arms, his pointed little nipples, and his flat tummy, even his creamy upper thighs, all the while managing to bypass that throbbing young cock and balls. But that self-imposed denial was at an end now, and I briefly wondered which was the wetter, my drooling mouth or my steadily oozing cock, and without reaching a verdict on that, I dropped down, and ran my very wet tongue all over Scotty's balls. His legs instantly splayed as far apart as the confines of the car would allow, and I carefully captured the tender nuggets into my mouth and sucked them. Scotty gasped loudly, his fingers threading into my hair as I sucked his balls, and then let them go to trail my tongue beneath them as I traced the firm little seam of skin that ran from his scrotum toward his hidden little treasure. His scents wafted over me, making me light headed as I teased at his warm crease with my tongue, and he groaned repeatedly, finally hissing loudly,

"AWwww shit Robby...suck me just gotta...suck me...I'm so gonna blow...!"

Now that, I thought, is much better...never mind that reluctance, the doubts about weirdness, and ALL that bologna...the anxious finger pulls in my hair, and the thrusting of his narrow hips as he begged me to suck him off was one hell of a lot more like it, and, I did not disappoint...hell, at that point if he had been begging me NOT to suck him, I doubt I could have resisted, but I would never know for sure, because I instantly complied, abandoning my rear assault for the time being as I shifted around, and slid his very excited boyhood into my mouth.

"OHhh...ahhhh...God yes...!" he growled as I began bobbing over him, my fingers probing his balls.

His precum was running like a bad hose bib, and the tart taste of it only increased my flowing saliva, and my own wantonness was fully on display as my fevered groans and nearly obscene slurping noises filled the cars interior. Scotty's little butt was pumping up into me as I sucked him, and if there was any kind of downside to this little splice of paradise it was the obvious fact that it was simply going to be over far too soon. He was grunting repeatedly as his hips bucked, and I worked feverishly to get him where he so badly wanted to go, and in another few moments he arrived, big time. He yanked hard on my hair as he thrust upward sharply, his rock hard cock jamming into the back of my throat as I felt it swell, and then spasm sharply as he began forcefully spurting his warm creamy nectar into my mouth.

"AGggggg Jesus Robby...cummin Dude...OHhhhh...!"

The term "cummin" didn't actually do the event justice, at least not from my prospective. The dear boy simple erupted, or maybe exploded, whatever, but his bucking beauty seemed to just keep spitting his sweetness, flooding my mouth again and again no matter how I struggled to gulp it down. Finally, it abated to much smaller spasms that offered small dribbles of his essence, and I slowed to just a gentle suckle of his now wilting boyhood as he continued to shudder, and pant. He finally stopped trying to rip my hair out of my head, and his tightly wound body began to soften, and relax. I let his cock slip out of my mouth, and looked at him, smiling at his flushed and spent expression. He blinked several times, and then met my gaze, and one of those mega-watt smiles spread over his sweet face. He shook his head slowly, and managed with small gasps,

" God...amazing...that may be sure do like it!"

I chuckled, taking his soft little boyhood in my fingers and just gently squeezing it as I replied,

"Coolness...actually, it is definitely MY kind of weirdness, if that's what it is...!

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 4

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