Making Scotty Cum

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Nov 25, 2008


Making Scotty Cum By Storyguy22

A quick moment to say a heart felt "thanks" to all who sent comments on this story. Of all my Nifty stories I think I have enjoyed more great response to this one than any of the others. Knowing that readers are truly enjoying a story is very rewarding to we wanna-be writers, so, THANKS!


I settled back against the headboard of Scotty's bed, listening to the running shower across the hall as Scotty indulged in his second shower of the past half an hour or so. I once more contemplated joining him as I slid my hand inside my shorts and idly stroked my hard cock. I was kind of watching the television where the hot couple was still cavorting among the bubbling hot tub water and the accumulated steam, but the image that was actually absorbing most of my mind was the one of my hand stroking Scotty's pretty dick until it had spewed forth a massive ejaculation of his creamy essence. I shuddered, my fingers sensing the wetness that coated the head of my cock, and I tightened my grip, and sped up my stroking as I toyed with the idea of yanking down my shorts and getting off a quick load before Scotty returned. At about the same moment that I processed that thought, he did return, walking into the room with a towel wrapped around his slender waist.

His lean body sported a pinkish glow from the hot water of the shower, and my cock stirred as I settled my gaze on the impressive bulge his treasures were affecting against the towel. He crossed over to the bed, and parked his sweet little butt on the edge as he looked at me, a slightly sheepish expression on his cute face. I stayed quiet, trying to read what that coy expression was saying and he looked away, apparently somewhat uncomfortable with my staring at him. I couldn't be sure if he was upset about what had just happened between us, or if he was just completely unsure what, if anything, he should say at this point. Deciding that I was going to need to be the one to initiate the discussion whatever it was going to turn out to be, so I tried to ignore my own misgivings as I boldly reached out, and laid my hand on his thigh. He started, his body going tense briefly before he seemed to shake it off, and force himself to relax as best he could manage.

"Scotty...?" I offered, "are we still good, Dude...?'re not pissed at me I hope...?"

He turned his head in my direction, and his blue eyes fixed on mine as he shook his head just a little bit in the negative. He sucked in some air then, and mumbled,

"Pissed at you...? know know it was...amazing...just...well...maybe sorta weird...I'm not sure..."

I smiled at him, feeling a wave of relief that he didn't seem upset in a mad at me sort of way, and I decided that he was just a tad confused at what had happened...and seemed to be happening...between us all of a sudden. I could certainly relate, and I recalled my own angst following my first boy-boy sexual encounters, a sense of both wonderment and something close to fear. Going for my best understanding expression, I gently kneaded his firm thigh, the heat of his smooth skin palpable from under the thin towel as I told him,

"I thought it was totally amazing myself Scotty...really...and it's actually something I have been wanting to do with you for a long time now by the way...but hey Dude, I get it okay...I had those same kinds of feelings after my first time does seem a little weird I suppose...but mostly because of all the crap we get fed to us by parents, and church...all that stuff...besides, a little weirdness is fine I think...just so you don't get all hung up over the idea there is anything "wrong" about it, because there isn't...not at all if we both enjoyed can that be wrong?"

He shrugged his bare shoulders, and I could see him mulling that over in his mind as I continued to work his thigh, letting my fingers drift to his inner thigh a little as I ventured a little higher on his leg. His eyes dropped down to watch my hand, and I was thrilled to see the bulge behind the towel rise a bit higher as his boyhood reacted to my wandering fingers. He lifted his gaze, and looked at me as he shrugged again, and muttered,

"Yea...not wrong maybe...and Dude...shit...I loved the feelings...definitely my personal best, okay...but...tell me how it's"

I chuckled, loving his mixed feelings...the parts that were probably taking turns right now screaming inside his head, one emotion arguing that the feelings had been incredible and he had loved it, and that he wanted more...a lot more...while the other side of his brain ranted about the immorality of gayness, or gay acts, and the oft preached tenants of "right and wrong." Trying to dilute his apparent sense of if it's gay, then it must be wrong, I suggested,

"Jesus Scotty...what the hell is gay, anyway...?...some kind of lame label that people apply to people different than they are is all that is...means nothing...and if two good buds like me and you can't do whatever we like to do together, then how is that any kind of fair, just because certain people who have nothing to do with it have decided that it's some terrible thing called "gay" fucking what...and beside all that, who's to know what we are up to anyway...?

He brightened some at that, and I saw him nod slightly as he let it sink in, and I rolled my hand over, letting the back of it rest on top of his now mostly hard lump as I applied a slight pressure.

"Aww, shit...! He groaned, "fuck it all Robby...I don't much care right now about any of that...I just really want!"

Perfect, I thought, and I flipped my hand over again, and firmly wrapped it around his rigid stalk as I said quietly,

"So do I Champ...big time...starting with getting to know this bad boy hot as it was before, it happened pretty quick, you know...?"

He blushed a little at that, but he smiled his dazzling smile, and said in a kind of breathless way,

"Uh huh...for sure it was...but...well, you know...!"

I chuckled, nodding my head as I gathered the towel material in my hand, and yanked at it, separating the overlap knot at his waist, and the thing pulled away from his body, so I let it fall to the floor, leaving him gloriously naked, and fully erect. He blushed brightly again as I all but drooled over his pulsing boyhood, and I scooted toward the wall a ways, pulling him with me so that we ended up side by side stretched out on his bed. I propped myself up on one elbow, really wanting to take just a minute to really see him in all his naked glory for the first time. I let my hungry gaze travel slowly over him from head to foot, and back again as he glowed brightly under my close scrutiny, and I leaned down to gently kiss each of his eyelids so that he closed his eyes.

"God are beautiful Babe...all of you...just perfect...!" I told him as I took another long slow look at him.

So smooth and his lines nearly sculpted with nice muscle definition and flawless skin. His nipples were kind of a rusty tone, and larger than I expected, circles of maybe a quarter coin size with tiny eraser points at the center. I could make out the bones of his ribs at his sides, and his tummy was perfectly flat, not a bit of fat anyplace on him, and his tight little cave of a navel was as cute as it could be. He had a prominent tan line at his waist, which had the effect of highlighting the milky whiteness of his pubic area, and I relished the sparse swatch of silky pubes that surrounded the base of his cock. Speaking of which, that luscious part of his anatomy lay swollen against the stark whiteness of his groin, thick and rigid as a post with several blood engorged veins prominent along its shaft. The stalk of it was on the thick side, tapering gently as it ran the length from base to nicely shaped mushroom head, and I estimated it to be an easy six inches long. His plump scrotum lay nestled between his thighs, his balls kind of squeezed together by the position of his legs, and the crinkled pouch appeared as hairless as most of the rest of him was, the heavy nuggets bulging against the pinkish skin of his pouch. His athletic legs were well shaped, and mostly hairless as well, and the toned thighs gave way to sort of knobby knees, and then well formed claves and trim ankles. His feet were somehow cute, I thought for the second time, and I let the image of this beautiful boy burn onto my brain cells as I slowly reversed course, and let my eyes travel over his length in the other direction.

His erection lay across his groin, pulsing with excitement, and I nearly gave in to my burning desire to take it into my mouth as I forced my eyes to move past it, and settle in on his sweet face. So innocent, and alarmingly cute, I savored his perfect skin and the natural blush of his cheeks, and then his long eyelashes, and slightly thick brows. His mouth was lush, and turned up at the corners as he tried not to smile, or maybe he was suppressing a giggle from the intensity of the careful scrutiny I was giving him, but all of a sudden I couldn't take it any more, and I leaned in close, and pressed my mouth to those soft, lush lips as I worked my tongue tip over his lower lip. He tensed only briefly this time, and then softened, his lips moving against my own as they willingly parted, and let me slip my tongue into his warm mouth. His own tongue began to dance with mine, and as we kissed and uttered soft little groans of pleasure, I let my hand roam over his chest, teasing at his soft nipples, and then move lower to explore his soft tummy, and trail my fingers through his silky pubes.

I wrapped my hand around his rock hard cock then, squeezing it and stroking it up and down as he moaned against my mouth. I moved lower, and carefully cupped his ball sack, my fingers prodding his tender orbs as I tugged on the tight pouch. I broke the kiss, and dropped my head down as my lips closed over his right nipple, and I sucked it as my tongue took little stabs at the erected center. He arched his back, pushing his chest upward against my mouth, and I moved across to lap and suckle the other little nub as my hand resumed stroking his rigid erection. Lost to it all, I just kept going, licking and kissing his flawless skin as I continued my southern journey until I was trailing my tongue sideways across his soft tummy right at the hairline of his sparse pubes. His hips were bucking again, his natural reflexes taking over as he made fucking motions against my curled fist, and as I began tongue washing his stark white groin, he groaned and drove his hips upward, his hard rod flexing in my grip. I studied the knob shaped head closely for a moment, marveling at the oozing fluids that wetted it, making it shine in the soft light of the room, and when I lifted his thickness straight out from his groin, and blew my warm breath over the wetness of the head, he shuddered, and made a throaty noise in his chest.

Still holding his cock, I blew on it some more, and then I slid out my tongue and washed across the knob a few times as Scotty went half crazy with lust and excitement. He lifted his head off the pillow, and gazed wide-eyed down over his heaving torso to watch me lick all over the head and shaft of his boyhood, and I heard him gasp,

"OH MY GOD...are you gonna...?....holy shit...!"

I rolled my eyes up to look at him, and grinned, and then said simply,

"Uh Hum...I am...!"

And with that I took his throbbing cock inside my mouth, not stopping until my nose was being tickled by his few pubes. Scotty let out a loud gasp, and his entire body trembled as his hands clutched at the bedspread as I began bobbing over his rigid cock, my flowing saliva making the shaft glisten wetly. On an upstroke I paused, holding just the bulbous head in my mouth, and I stabbed my tongue at the tiny slit again and again as my hand manipulated his full balls.

"AWwww fuck, Robby...AGgggg...!" he panted as I once more swallowed his length.

I had thought he was wild with excitement as I had jacked him off earlier, but that was actually mild compared to the reactions he was having to my sucking him. His balled fists slapped at the bed as his hips rose and fell in sync with my bobbing head, and his tasty precum was a steady flow over my tongue. He was uttering all manner of gasps and grunts and I would have sworn that his already ample thickness had grown thicker still in my drooling mouth. This, I quickly deduced, is definitely not going to last much longer. That thought somehow made me eager for the eruption I knew was about to occur, and I redoubled my efforts, allowing all of my long pent up desires to come to the forefront as I moved him ever closer to orgasm. My hand worked his boiling balls as my mouth slid up and down his cock, and in another couple of minutes, we were spades.

Scotty actually freaked me out with the nearly terrified sounding wail he produced at the top of his lungs as his hips suddenly drove sharply upward, and I felt his cock spasm in my mouth, and another impressive volume of his warm boy honey spewed into my mouth in rapid spurts. My taste buds exploded as the tart sweetness of his syrupy fluid quickly filled my mouth, and I gulped it down barely in time to receive the next salvo, and then the next, his spitting cock finally draining as his ejaculate slowed to the final small dribbles. Scotty collapsed, sagging spent into the mattress as if somebody had clubbed him, and his whole body was shaking as he gulped in air like a beached fish. I gently suckled his rapidly wilting boyhood a bit more, and when he began squirming under me and tugging at my head with his hands, I let it go, and rolled over to lie beside him. I looked over at him, and smiled, loving the look of pure wonder that was plastered onto his cute face, and I reveled in the sheen of sweat that covered his upper lip, and the nearly glowing flush that washed over his cheeks, and upper chest. His eyelids fluttered several times, and then he looked into my eyes, and a sly little smile turned up his mouth as he slowly shook his head, and gushed,

"Oh man, Rob... oh my God...that was SO amazing Dude...just...fucking amazing...I can't believe...well shit...just wow!"

I laughed, and ran my tongue around my mouth, relishing the still strong flavor of his nectar as I frantically pushed at my shorts, jamming them down my thighs about half way as my aching boner sprang free. I grasped it, and began frantically working it, already feeling my own orgasm at the very edge. Scotty's eyes dropped down, and his lush little mouth formed an oval as he reached down to slap at my pumping hand as he said in a tight little voice,

"No man...stop...let me do it...I want to make you feel awesome too...!"

I quickly dropped my arm at my side, and as Scotty's soft, warm hand gripped my pulsing cock I almost climbed out of my skin. I groaned loudly in pleasure as he began to stroke me, a bit awkwardly at first, and then with a touch and a rhythm so exquisite you would have thought he had been jerking guys forever. I locked my eyes onto the breath taking sight of him working my drooling cock, and nearly as quickly as he just had, I reached the cliff edge, and fell off. My cock bucked strongly, and I could feel my balls draw up tight as Scotty's magic hand tugged upward one more time, and it was all over. My first spurt of cum shot forth, arching high above me, and then splattered in a long streak across my heaving chest, and a second and third ejection immediately followed, again streaking over my tummy and chest, and that was followed by several more smaller drizzles that kind of trickled down my shaft to slime Scotty's still pumping hand. I gave one long shudder of sublime release, and then melted back onto the bed, my heart hammering so strongly I could hear the thuds inside my head. Scotty gave my now wilting cock another squeeze, then he gazed down at my semen coated torso for a full minute or so as he slowly shook his head side to side. Finally he grinned at me, and exclaimed,

"Damn, Robby...that was really fun...and really make some serious cums...jeez...!"

I laughed, reaching up to ruffle his soft hair as I replied,

"Yea...well...I'm thinking that magic fist of yours was pretty much the inspiration for that Scotty-boy...that was awesome...!"

He really surprised me then by flashing me one of his killer grins, and then all but launching himself at me as he sprang forward and stretched his lithe naked body out on top of mine, my still warm goo spreading between us. His arms wrapped around me as he snuggled in and sighed contentedly, saying,

"Man oh man...what an amazing day this!"

I savored the delicious sensation of his nakedness melding with my own, and I gripped the firm mounds of his pretty little ass in my hands and kneaded the succulent flesh as I too sighed happily, and agreed, telling him, and meaning every syllable,

"Definitely the truth, Scotty-boy...a truly amazing day...!"

Next: Chapter 3

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