Making Scotty Cum

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Feb 10, 2009


Making Scotty Cum By Storyguy22


When I opened my eyes it took a minute for me to register where I was. The unfamiliar motel room left me momentarily confused, and my sense of unease grew when I rolled over and saw that the other half of the bed was empty. Turning my head the other way I saw a thin bead of light emanating around the not fully closed bathroom door, and when I concentrated my hearing I heard the water of the shower running, and I smiled to myself as I conjured up an image of Scotty naked under the torrent of water. I rolled onto my back, and without really thinking about the action, I reached down and gripped my tumescent cock. My thoughts turned to our earlier romp, and I smiled again when I reran the mental video of Scotty and me actually fucking. Wow...!

A couple of elements of that stunning act rose quickly to the surface; namely that both Scotty and I had simultaneously shed the long dreaded title of virgin, albeit it slightly different ways; and that it was still a bit of a shock that he had so suddenly changed his mind with regard to actually letting me commit such an intimate and no doubt somewhat uncomfortable act upon his succulent young body. At the beginning of my penetrating him I had been fully aware of his discomfort and the obvious fact that I was at least initially hurting him, but my lust had enabled me to ignore for the most part his grunts and groans, and even his frantic gasps of "oh shit" and "don't" and other assorted pleas for mercy that was not going to be forthcoming at that point of my rampant desire. A twinge of guilt surfaced, and I suddenly wondered if he was going to emerge from the bathroom fully dressed, pissed at me, and ready to walk out of my life forever.

But then I remembered the moment it all seemed to change, that point in time that he went quiet, and his body seemed to soften under my onslaught as he stopped resisting and trying his best to expel my rigid cock from his grip but rather it seemed to actually clamp onto my erection, and almost pull it deeper inside him. His pleas for me to stop and withdraw had ceased as vehemently as they had begun, and his groans of agony had suddenly become pants and moans of pleasure as my cock slid repeatedly over his tender gland and eventually produced an orgasm as strong as any I could ever recall him experiencing, including the copious discharge of semen that he had ejected all over the sheets.

No, I decided, Scotty had definitely not hated what had happened, at least not beyond the initial penetration, and if his warm cuddles and kisses in the post coitus glow were any kind of barometer, he had actually ended up enjoying the act as much as I had. So that, I decided in my new found sagaciousness, should allay any concerns for the physical side of things, but it still left nagging doubt regarding how his mental or emotional outlook might be doing now that sufficient time had passed to let it all sink in. I considered briefly getting up and going to join him in the shower, but before I could act on the impulse, I heard the water shut off, and then Scotty moving about the bathroom. I pushed a pillow under my head and waited in the growing darkness for him to come out, hoping that what would present eventually would be the same naked boy that had stolen away from our bed as I napped.

A sudden flash of light brightened the room as Scotty exited the bathroom and I turned my head to watch him cross the room toward the bed. He was deliciously naked, his arms lifted as he scrubbed at his wet hair with a towel. My eyes quickly scanned his trim body, and settled on his pretty cock as it swayed with his walking. God but he was stunning, and I felt my cock stir toward renewed erection as I licked my lips. Reaching the bed, he stopped, and dropped the towel onto the floor as he eyed my pulsing erection, and then slowly shook his head side to side. I wasn't sure what that might mean, so I asked him,


Not averting his gaze from my rigid cock, he swallowed and then replied,

"No wonder my...hole...feels like it was turned inside-out...your cock is really thick."

The first part of that comment worried me, and I asked him,

"Are you alright Babe...I mean...are you really hurt somehow...?"

He sighed heavily, and settled onto the bed beside me, and then cuddled into me as he murmured,

"Could you just please hold me for a minute Robby...?"

I got my arm around him, and pulled him close, and our legs tangled together as Scotty burrowed his face into my chest and released another deep sigh. I stroked his smooth back, my hardon disappearing to be replaced with a perceptible increase in my heart rate and blood pressure as my concern deepened. We were silent for several minutes as I continued to stroke and hold him, and when I couldn't stand it another minute, I asked him,

"Scotty...what is it Dude...?...are you hurt...? we need to do something, or...?"

He sighed again, and I felt his sweet warm breath on my bare chest, and he muttered softly,

"No...not hurt the way you're thinking of...well, sore for sure...but not hurt like...blood...or anything...I just feel...dunno...weird...maybe...ashamed, sort of I guess...shit...I don't know any more!"

It was my turn to sigh then, and I began to really worry about where this was going, and I didn't think that I was liking it much. Unsure what I should say, if anything, I carefully extricated myself from him, and rolled off the bed. I leaned down and gently kissed his forehead, the soft scent of his freshly soaped skin flooding my senses, and I said quietly,

"Look Babe...I really need one of those showers myself, so how about I go and do that while you just relax and think about things for a bit, and when I get back, we can talk about it...okay?"

His doe-like gaze met my eyes, and he gave a little nod, but said nothing. I turned, and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I got the water going, and stepped under the nearly hot spray, letting the soothing water run over my body as I considered Scotty's position, and the degree of change his fragile emotions had just gone through. Going in, it had been me that hesitated, felt reluctant to take the serious step of actually fucking him, much as I had wanted to in a purely physical sense. Somehow I just knew that there was another level of danger involved in crossing that barrier, the emotional one, and that seemed to be the level that was right now eating at Scotty in some way. I sighed, my hands on automatic as I went through the motions of washing and then rinsing my body. I turned off the shower, and stepped out to towel off, and then went back into the room, a nagging sense of foreboding tugging at my mind.

Scotty was still on the bed, pillows propped behind his head as he lay back against the headboard. He smiled weakly at me, and I stretched out along side him, laying my hand on his creamy thigh. Leaning close, I gently kissed him, and he moved his soft lips under mine in response, although there was a definite lack of passion in the action. I moved away, and pushed a pillow under my head, and tried it again, saying,

"So...buyer remorse I, I wish I hadn't done that...?"

He chuckled softly, and then sighed deeply again as he replied,

"Maybe...something like that just seems...well...really different...afterward...than I thought it would when it to me...kinda nutty, I know...I mean shit...I wanted it, right...?...I really I knew, you know...?...what it was like, I mean...okay...and so now I know...and...shit...I'm just not so sure now that I'm glad that I know...does any of this make any sense Robby...?"

I pondered that for a bit, being careful with my choice of response as I thought about his words. It was, I thought, Scotty wrestling with his own inner conflicts. From the very beginning I had down deep known that he was factory wired as straight in his sexuality, but his youthful flood of hormones coupled with his emerging curiosity with regard to all things sexual had allowed him to willingly accept those things that provided feelings of great pleasure and intensity unlike anything he had ever experienced in his tender years. And moi, selfish shit that I could sometimes be, had been ever so quick to seize the opportunity to exploit

his curiosity. All that had been fine to a point, and those things we had done prior to today would have easily qualified as nothing more serious than some typical boyish exploration as a normal part of reaching sexual maturity. Those comparatively mild exploits would be easy enough to forget completely as life moved on, but I sensed that somehow Scotty viewed his ultimate sacrifice to me had crossed that line somehow, and he was obviously struggling with it. Pulling in a deep breath, I told him,

"Yes makes plenty of sense actually...if I'm getting what you are saying, you are pretty much okay with the physical side of this, but you're having some trouble getting your head around it that about it?"

He looked at me for a long moment, and then gave a barely perceptible nod of his head as he released another deep sigh. I nodded too, and then pulled him close and hugged him as I told him,

"Okay Dude...I understand that, and it's all good...this might have been a bit too much...too soon. Why don't we just let that part of things go...forget it ever happened, and just focus on the fun stuff we had going before...can you do that?"

He hugged me back, nodding again before adding,

"Yea...I'd like that Robby...and thanks, Dude, for being so cool, okay?"

I wasn't at all sure that my being "cool" had much to do with anything, and by now I was beginning to feel like a shit for pressing the issue with him in the first place...having gotten completely caught up in our recent lust I had easily forgotten that he was just fourteen after all, and that in a lot of ways it suddenly seemed like I had taken advantage of that. All I could really do at this point, I decided, was chill things out some, and hope that he could move past whatever demons were currently eating at his psych. I kissed his fragrant hair, forced a smile on my face, and then lightly slapped his pretty butt as I said,

"So then Dude...what say we get out of this little love nest, and head for's getting pretty late."

He gave me a weak little smile, and nodded once more, and we rolled out of bed and dressed. Not really caring to have another encounter with the smirking desk clerk, I left the key on the table, and we went out to my car, and I drove Scotty home. After dropping him, I headed back home, pondering the incredible events of the evening, and while I worried still about Scotty's ability to let it all go, I at the same time had to admit to myself that I wouldn't trade the experience for anything...indeed I would forever count among the high points of my life the unforgettable times that I had been privileged to be the one...making Scotty cum...!!

The End

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