Making Scotty Cum

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Jan 27, 2009


Making Scotty Cum By Storyguy22


I made a kind of lame attempt to cover my absolute shock at what he had just said by laughing nervously as I replied,

"Wow Dude...that's really funny...I actually thought you just said that you wanted me to fuck you...pretty crazy, huh...?"

He flashed me rare look of total seriousness, and then blinked a few times while I watched his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed several times before he muttered,

"That IS what I just said Lamo...what...? don't want to now...?...Christ...we have done just about everything except that...and...I thought that was what you wanted so freaking fuck my...what is it you keep saying...?...oh pretty...or my hot little ass...well...put up or shut up time, or never, and all that...!"

My mind was reeling as I struggled to process what he was offering me all of a sudden, but my cock definitely wasn't having any problem getting the message as it nearly instantly pulsed, as if trying to send my frazzled brain the message that I ought to just shut the hell up and jump the pretty little jerk off before he changed his mind. But, moron that I can be at the most inappropriate times, I challenged him anyway, sputtering,

"What the fuck Scotty...?...up until right now every time I showed the slightest indication that I wanted to...fuck your pretty little ass, you me all this "no way, Jose" stuff while you all but run from the room...and just up and decide that not only are you gonna let me, but you actually WANT me to do it...?...not sure I get it Bud...and...I don't want you making some dumb sacrifice just because you know it's a kind of a hang up of wouldn't be right."

I silently cursed myself for this sense of nobility I was feeling, mindful that I ought to just shut the hell up and fuck him already, but jeez, this was Scotty we were talking about here, not some random dude that I had no feelings for. Sure, I wanted to fuck him, or at least I thought I did, but at the same time I wasn't so naïve as to think my pushing my hard cock into his tight little hole was going to provide him with endless pleasure without a fair amount of pain, at least in the beginning, and the idea of actually hurting my Scotty is what was holding me back. He rolled up into a sitting position, staring at me in what I took to be utter disbelief. His gaze dropped to my where my rigid cock pulsed against my abdomen and I saw his tongue slid out and pass over his lush lips as he eyed my erection almost as if he were gauging the amount of discomfort it might render as it entered his heretofore mostly virgin rectum. Glancing down at myself, I understood his musing, thinking that my cock was definitely a significantly thicker instrument than either my fingers or tongue which thus far were the only items that had penetrated that alluring passage. He gave a little shudder, sighed deeply, and then stood, walking away toward the bathroom while my eyes fixated hungrily on his pert little butt, my concern over causing him pain fading somewhat. He did indeed have a pretty little ass, and my obsession with experiencing my cock sliding into its tightness suddenly seemed to trump my concerns for his discomfort. Frustrated with my own indecision, I racked a pillow behind my head, and began idly stroking my throbbing erection as I told myself that the next move in this little drama was going to be Scotty's. Probably a little chicken-shit on my part, but it was, after all, his discomfort we were weighing here given that while I was unsure exactly what sensation I might experience upon penetrating his hot little hole, it was highly unlikely to be unpleasant.

The bathroom door opened, and Scotty walked back toward the bed, his cute cock now soft and swinging gently with his movements. He stopped at the edge of the bed, smiling as he watched me playing with my cock for a second, and then he silently erased the last traces of doubt about what we were going to do as his hand came out from behind his back, and he dropped a small tube of some sort onto the bed. I looked into his soft eyes briefly, and his smooth cheeks filled with pink as I picked up the object and looked at it. My own face flushed hotly when I realized that what I held in my hand was a container of K-Y "personal" lubricant, and more importantly it was in my hand because Scotty had actually not been quite as spontaneous as I had originally thought with his sudden desire to have me fuck him. An awkward silent moment passed as we each digested the unseen line we had apparently just crossed, and my angst quickly turned to renewed excitement. I reached out and gripped Scotty's arm, pulling him forward until he tumbled onto the bed with me, and I wrapped my arms around him, holding his naked body close as I rained kisses on his grinning face, and I told him,

"Oh never fail to amaze me...what am I going to do with you...?"

He giggled, his soft hand closing around my aching erection as he muttered,

"I already told you what to do with me...fuck me!"

Considering how badly I had reacted to the last time he had spoken those words, I decided to skip the verbal response this time around, and by way of reply I simply kissed his soft lush mouth as my hands began roaming over his silky smooth skin. There actually seemed to be an even greater than usual level of passion, and lust boiling in us both as we rolled around the bed, limbs entangled as hands and mouths explored the various creases and crannies of each others body until we finally ended up with Scotty splayed prone on the very rumpled bed as I lay between his splayed legs happily sucking his rigid boyhood, and licking his plump pouch. My fingers dipped into the snug crease of his little butt, and after teasing at his tight hole I paused to retrieve the little tube of lube, and after getting it open, I squeezed a goodly amount onto my fingers, and then resumed my probing of his treasure. He gasped as I applied the cool gel to his tender opening, and then he exhaled a low moan as I pushed my slick finger into his warm tightness. I slid it in and out several times as I resumed sucking his hard cock, and when I pressed against his sensitive little gland, he groaned again, his hips bucking gently. I slid a second finger into him, and he tensed up briefly, spooking me enough that I let his oozing cock slip from my mouth as I asked him,

"Okay Babe...?..."

"Uh huh...good...sort all...!"

I moved my fingers slowly, using a slight rolling motion as I moved in and out of his amazingly tight grip, and I reached up to rub his smooth chest and tease at his nipples. He shuddered, exhaling loudly again, and I felt his tight grip around my fingers soften slightly as he began to relax a little, his body adjusting to my invading fingers. It was all that I could manage to resist my burning desire to hurry this along, my cock throbbed mercilessly with desire to push into his buttery softness, but I held it in check, committed to working up to it slowly in the hope that Scotty would be as prepared as I could get him when we crossed the final horizon. Part of my feverish brain wrestled with images of the several positions I had seen used for anal penetration during my net surfing adventures, and I really wished that each of those pictures had come with some sort of written review regarding the pros and cons of each, but as it turns out it really didn't matter. The issue of "how" pretty much resolved itself when I moved up to kiss Scotty's lush mouth once more, and as I lay atop him locked in one of his mind bending kisses his slippery fist closed around the pulsing shaft of my cock, smearing the lube he had somehow gotten on his hand. I felt his legs lift up, and bend back toward his chest as he tugged on my aching cock, aiming the drooling knob of it at his tiny treasure as he shifted slightly under me to get it right. I felt the head of my cock contact the ridges of tissue that I knew ringed his hole, and I groaned as he thrust his hips toward my searching cock, and before I had time to really process what was happening, his free hand pushed firmly on my butt as I reflexively thrust into him. There was a moment of tight resistance as my cock head probed his tiny opening and without really thinking about it I pushed firmly forward, and my cock suddenly slid past his tight ring and slid into him about half way.

"AGgggg...JESUS...!" he roared, loud enough that it scared the hell out of me, and I worried that the old dude from the lobby might burst through the door to see what mayhem I was inflicting upon the boy.

I stopped cold, my cock throbbing strongly as I registered the incredible tightness that gripped the shaft like a vise, and I smothered a huge impulse to blow my load right then and there. Opening my eyes, I looked down at Scotty, and he gave me a brave little smile between ragged little breaths.

"You okay Babe...?" I huffed, realizing that I had been holding my breath since his loud retort.

His head bobbed up and down, and I noticed the light sheen of sweat that had formed on his forehead, and he finally managed to mumble,

"Yea...oh feels so...fucking big...all full up...pain too...I dunno...maybe...!"

Using every ounce of will power I could muster, I held myself stock still, not an easy task given every instinct that I was feeling was to simply drive fully inside of him. A minute passed, the silent room filled with our mingled heavy panting, and at last I sensed that release of spring tight tension from him as his body seemed to soften, and relax. I took a breath, and flexed my hips, moving into him another inch, and he grunted a couple of times, then blinked rapidly and muttered,

"Fuck...whose idea was this feel like a ball bat in there...!"

Not really meaning a single word of it, I told him,

"We can stop Scotty...?"

He sucked in some more air, his head turning side to side on the pillow, and he huffed,

"Stop...? kidding me...the worst part is already over I really doesn't hurt now so much as it feels...really full...shit...just keep going, okay...all of it...and then...oh jeez Robby...shut up okay...?...just...fuck me!"

Alrighty then, I thought, that was, after all, the whole point of this exercise, right...?...and so I did just that. Forcing myself to move slowly, I pushed steadily into the amazing tightness and warmth that surrounded my pulsing cock until he had all that I had to give him. As I bottomed out I paused, savoring the multitude of stunning sensations that surrounded my cock, the heat and the unbelievable tightness that squeezed on my cock. Scotty cooed and grunted under me, and then I suddenly felt that same softening as before as he relaxed his inner muscles and now my cock seemed to be immersed in melted butter that was still warm from the stove. It was nearly unbelievable how his tight sheath seemed to cling to my cock, and grip it as though he head his hand wrapped around it, and with a low moan of pleasure, I withdrew, ever so slowly easing my cock out of him until only the flared knob remained in his incredible grip. I looked down at our juncture, gasping aloud at the stunning sight of my glistening cock poised to once more invade his softness, and I was somewhere in a corner of my mind relieved to not see any blood anywhere. I glanced at Scotty, and he tried for one of his sweet smiles although it actually was more of a grimace that painted his very flushed face, but he gamely nodded his head, telling me it was okay to move on.

Sucking in more wind, I eased into him once more, moving slowly but steadily until I was again fully inside his slippery tunnel. I withdrew again, and then plunged into him again, finding a sort of rhythm as I sensed Scotty flexing and relaxing his inner muscles as his hips rocked to match my strokes, and in another minute or so we seemed to have it figured out, and we were...oh my God...fucking...fucking as if we had done it dozens of times. I kissed his sweaty face, or at least I think I did as our bodies joined in the timeless dance of the ages, our early awkwardness giving way to a myriad of sensations so utterly fraught with pleasure that it made me dizzy.

Scotty had apparently gotten past the initial discomfort and the tense sounding grunts he had been uttering suddenly sounded mush more like moans of something much more pleasant as his hips rolled under me and his inner muscles tightened and relaxed in perfect sync with my plunges in and out of him, and it seemed as if his body was somehow actually milking my throbbing cock. My aching balls slapped his upturned little ass each time I sank fully inside him, and I could feel my cock sliding over his hard little glad on each stroke. He was huffing like a winded sprint runner, and my sweat dripped onto his sweet face from my soaked brow as I felt the familiar churning deep inside my balls. Scotty bucked, and wrapped his smooth legs around my back as I rode him, my heart a jackhammer in my chest, and in another few wondrous plunges I watched in utter amazement as his delicious cock suddenly spewed forth repeated spurts of his tasty cum, the white streamers jetting onto his heaving tummy as his balls drained. The sight was the final straw for my own overloaded senses, and I felt a sharp tug deep in my own balls as my orgasm suddenly grasped all of my senses and my cock spasmed sharply as I flooded his buttery bowels with ribbons of scalding cum, the intensity of it so breathtaking that I actually worried I might black out.

Finally, the last of my orgasm washed away, leaving me gasping for breath as every nerve bundle in my body quivered with the most intense feeling of relief that I had ever experienced. Exhausted, I folded forward, leaning to one side so as to not crush poor Scotty as I sprawled limply on the bed, my rapidly wilting cock slipping from his wet and slippery grip. The mingled scents of ourcum and sweat filled my senses, and I pulled a panting Scotty against me, holding him tightly as the final vestiges of the stunning orgasm began to fade. He rolled his head to face me, and a coy little smile turned up his lush mouth, and all I could manage was a little grin of my own as I shook my head, still not quite believing what had just taken place. Finally, he inched closer, and pressed his soft mouth to mine as our tongues danced back and forth for a moment, and then he pulled back, and said, a soft giggle in his voice,

"That was so amazing...I actually think I want to smoke a cigarette...!"

Laughing, I slapped his pretty little butt cheek and told him,

"You don't even smoke, you's really bad for your health...!"

Giggling his sweet little giggle, he replied,

"Oh yea...?....well, so is sex like that...I about freaking died that felt so intense...!"

Chuckling, I hugged him again and told him,

"No argument from me on that Babe...intense beyond belief...and if there is any chance of it being fatal, well, it's a chance I'm perfectly willing to take...anytime!"

"He giggled some more, and then asked in a soft little voice,

"Anytime...? right now, maybe...?"

I laughed, reaching down to gently pinch the cute little knob of his limp cock as I replied,

"Right now plus a few minutes to recharge...that load you just took out of me drained everything but my toenails I about a little nap...and then...well...!"

He laughed, and nodded, and then suddenly sat up and climbed over me to the other side of the bed. I looked at him, wondering what that was all about, and he stretched out as he told me,

"If we are going to nap, then you can have the wet spot...!"

Laughing, I gave his soft cock another little tweak, and then settled into the comfy bed, not caring one whit about the puddles of our combined nectar that wet my back as we drifted off.

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 12

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