Making Scotty Cum

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Jan 20, 2009


Making Scotty Cum By Storyguy22


Thinking about it, it seemed bizarre how quickly my final year of high school had gone by as compared to the first three years. In several ways I credited the rapid passing of my senior to my newly established relationship with Scotty, and all of the fun and discovery that relationship had meant. But, whatever the reason(s), my required education had in fact drawn to a close, and my graduation day had arrived, probably much to the relief of my parents.

It was an exciting time to be sure, a regular roller coaster of emotions, some quite good, and some tinged with sadness. For the most part it was all good, but the fact that I would soon be going away to college was going to put a definite damper on what Scotty and I had going, and that part of the mix gave me a serious feeling of sadness. But, given that he had three years of high school remaining there was not a lot that could be done, and I tried to bolster my sadness by telling myself that I would be returning home a number of times a year, and that we could play catch up on those visits. As the old saw goes, absence makes the heart, and the hard on, grow fonder. We'll see.

Following my diploma receiving walk across the stage followed by the ritual of joining my fellow grads in tossing our mortar boards as high as we could while the assembled friends and family cheered and whistled, my family had taken me, and Scotty, to a very nice late lunch at a high end bistro that was of the type usually reserved for special occasions, and to my fathers credit he only blanched slightly when the tab was presented. Outside the restaurant we had thanked Dad effusively amid hugs all around, and then Scotty and I had taken our leave, ostensibly to go and join a large number of my graduating class at a party being held in a rented hall not far from the high school. And in keeping with my long held standard of not lying to my parents, we did indeed put in a couple of hours at the event before stealing away to undertake the real mission I had planned to celebrate my graduation while at the same time hopefully seizing the opportunity to make one of the few remaining trysts with Scotty a particularly memorable one for us both.

What I had done was make a reservation at a motel in a neighboring suburb several miles from our hometown, telling the motel reservation clerk that my younger brother and I would be in town for one night to attend the funeral service of an aged Aunt who had sadly passed away. I wasn't sure the actual clerk who would be checking us in would buy that, but with cold hard cash in the offing, I seriously doubted there would be a problem, and as it turns out there was none at all, the older gentleman barely even looking up from his televised basketball game as he scooped up my cash and traded it for a room key. Scotty and I struggled to repress the giggles as we headed down the outside walkway in search of our room, appropriately enough room number 69. There was just a chance that the old timer's attention wasn't actually as rapt on the round ball game as I had initially thought.

I opened the room door, and resisted the sudden urge to pick Scotty up and carry him over the threshold, instead just indicating that he should precede me inside, which he did after giving me a nervous little grin. I followed him into the room, and closed and locked the door, then turned back to Scotty and took him in my arms, holding him close as the fresh scent of his soft hair washed over me. His lithe body pressed against me, and I could feel his rigid treasure bulging against my crotch, and I wiggled around a bit until my own hardness pushed against his. He lifted his head, and looked into my eyes as his eyebrows arched, and he said with a soft giggle,

"Oh must be glad to see me!"

I laughed, and slid my hand between us to grip his firm erection as I answered,

"Course I am Dufus...and I can tell that you're not very interested at all."

He giggled again, and then pressed his lush mouth to mine as his tongue invaded my mouth with a kiss that curled my toes. Breaking it off finally, he gave a little shudder and said,

" I wonder if the bed is any good...?"

"If it's not," I told him, "there is plenty of floor, and a pretty nice carpet too."

He laughed again, and moved his fingers to the buttons of my shirt, undoing them one at a time as I dropped my hands down to cup the firm globes of his pretty butt, kneading the succulent flesh with my fingers. My shirt opened, Scotty moved his hand over my bare chest, his fingers stimulating my nipples which instantly stiffened under his soft touch. He shuddered again, and thrust his hard erection onto my crotch as he muttered breathlessly,

"I want you Robby...oh God, I want you so bad!"

"Me too too!" I hissed, my balls already going on the boil.

He slid his hand lower, the soft touch causing goose flesh all over me as he moved it over my tummy, and dug his fingers under the waist band of my pants. He dipped his head then, and I gasped as his tongue flicked at my nipples, his soft lush lips closing over each nubbin to suck at it.

"Oh Scotty...Baby...!" I uttered breathlessly.

"Um hum...!" he mumbled as he lapped at my swollen nipples, his fingers digging into my briefs.

I moved forward, walking Scotty backward until he encountered the bed, and sat down on it. I pulled off my shirt as Scotty frantically worked the fly of my pants until he had them open, and he pushed them down my legs and I shook my feet free of them. His hand went to my rigid cock where it poked severely against my briefs, and I shuddered as he gripped the shaft and pumped it. I reached for his shirt, and pulled it over his head, tossing it, and then dropped to my knees to get him out of his pants. His erection stained at his little white briefs, and I pushed him back onto the bed, then lay down beside him. We grabbed at each other hotly, our limbs entwining as we locked up in another hot kiss, each of us frantically groping the others rigid cock and balls as our tongues dueled wildly.

Pushing him over onto his back, I bent to his smooth chest, and licked and sucked his tiny nipples as his fingers threaded into my hair, and as I worked lower, I dipped my tongue into the tight cave of his navel while he balled his fists, and hammered at the mattress. I closed my drooling mouth over his rigid boyhood, the soft cotton of his little briefs getting soaked with my copious saliva, and I suddenly wanted, needed his tasty cock in my mouth. Yanking at his briefs, I peeled them down his legs and he kicked the tiny garment away as I gripped his turgid penis, and licked the glassy smooth knob of it.

"Oh man...oh yea...God...!" he moaned, his narrow hips thrusting upward as I took his length deeply into my mouth and sucked it.

Bobbing over his pulsing erection I took his silky pouch in my hand and gently tugged at his balls as he panted and gasped under me. His high state of excitement was evidenced by the freely flowing precum that I tasted in my mouth, and to keep him on that delicious edge I licked my way down his hardness, and tongued his crinkled scrotum, taking each of his balls into my mouth while I squeezed his oozing cock to back him off a bit.

"OHhhh fuck...jeez...I'm so close already...damn...!" he hissed as I sucked his balls, moving between them as I dipped a finger into his warm crease, searching for his little pucker.

Finding the tiny muscle of his sphincter, I pressed my finger against the resistance, and Scotty surprised me by splaying his legs wider and bending one knee to allow me better access to his core. I pushed again, and my finger slid into his buttery softness, and he groaned loudly as I moved my finger around, finding his sweet little button. I tickled it with my finger as I once more took his drooling boyhood into my mouth and sucked it, going for full affect as Scotty thrust his slim hips and drove his cock into my mouth. As super-heated as he had been when we started, and the length of time I had held him on the edge had him at the boiling point, and now that I was actually trying to bring him to the brink it didn't take long. I pressed my finger firmly into his sensitive little gland and vacuumed his throbbing penis with my drooling mouth and he suddenly went fully tense and drove his hips upward as his cock erupted, spewing forcefully into my mouth. I gulped down each of his creamy offerings as quickly as they presented, and after maybe four strong ejaculations, his cock softened, and began to wilt in my mouth. I let it go, closing my finger and thumb around the base as I lapped away the final dribbles of his sweet tasting nectar and Scotty shuddered strongly, and muttered,

"Holy was totally intense...!"

I think I may have actually scared the boy with my next move, though we laughed about it later, but the intensity that he referred to was most definitely not lost on me. My own balls were in a froth and my cock was so hard that it was actually painful, and at about the same moment that Scotty had exhaled his "holy shit" proclamation I quickly straddled him, my fist pumping my throbbing erection so rapidly that I saw it only as a blur and in seconds I unloaded, thick streamers of my semen jetting across his sweet face and splattering over his satin smooth chest. Shocked, Scotty dropped his jaw, and as his lush little mouth opened, I pushed my still dribbling cock inside it, my body trembling as though I were freezing cold, and he instinctively began nursing at it. I could hardly believe my eyes as I began to wind down from the stunning orgasm as I gazed down on Scotty, his boyish face literally covered in long ropes of my cum and my wilting cock filling his mouth. It was a picture that I will carry with me always and forever.

Finally we both settled, and I suddenly felt badly for sliming his face the way I had, but truth to be told he looked flat out hot lying there with my slime painted over his flushed face. So hot in fact that I actually surprised myself when I leaned down and began licking it off him while he squealed and giggled, until I kissed him, pushing my cum coated tongue into his mouth to quiet him down. After an initial hesitation, he warmed to the kiss, and we spent several moments sharing the slightly acrid fluid between us. I rolled off him then, and reached down to the floor to retrieve his little briefs which I used to wipe the remaining cum streaks from his face as he grinned at me, and then I stretched out beside him and wrapped his slim body in my arms and held him as we rested.

Sometime later we shared a shower, an event that I definitely could make a habit of given the chance, and then made our way back to the bed, refreshed and recharged. The pace was decidedly slower this go round, and we spent a long time kissing and touching as our passion rekindled. Scotty must have ingested a minor overdose of vitamin E or something given his more than usual level of aggressiveness, and I let myself relax and enjoy it as he kissed, licked, and touched me everywhere, almost as if he were exploring my body for the fist time. He eventually began sucking my second throbbing erection of the short evening, and I managed to twist myself around enough to maneuver us into a sweet sixty-nine, thereby giving credence to the selection of the room number the old dude had chosen to assign us. In an evening of surprises and firsts I suppose I should not have been as shocked as I was when Scotty eased my rigid erection from his mouth to look at me, a devious little smile painted on his sweet face. I met his gaze, curious as to the coy expression he was giving me, and I was just about to ask him what he was up to when he laid the shock I mentioned on me, saying very softly,

"I have a special graduation present for you Robby...if you want it...?"

I smiled, still wondering about his curious expression, and said,

"Course I want it Dufus...I want everything and anything that comes from you...always."

I actually thought he blushed, but it may have been my imagination, and nothing else mattered anyway after what he said next,

"I want you to...fuck me...!"

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 11

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