Making Scotty Cum

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Nov 21, 2008


Making Scotty Cum By Storyguy22

The warm spring sunshine felt good on the Winter-pale skin of my face as I sat in the bleachers at my high school baseball field. Ostensibly, I was making a half assed effort at doing some homework, and I suppose from a distance it looked good with my books propped open around me and my laptop perched on my knees, but what I was actually doing was carefully watching the junior varsity baseball players doing their thing on the various parts of the diamond.

It was, or more to the point, they were a beautiful thing to watch. Visualize fifteen young jocks, all of them high school sophomores and fourteen years of age, give or take, depending on their individual months of birth. Each of them the picture of youthful health and vitality dressed in sexy little red shorts and stark white tee shirts emblazoned with Kennedy Baseball, and those cute little half-socks and baseball spikes. I could actually smell the testosterone in the air as I watched them grunt and sweat through their workouts, and for a gay high school senior classman like me, it was far better than the most expensive French fragrance on the planet.

Now why, you may be pondering, would a senior classman be interested in watching the underclass boys rather than the varsity team. There are actually a couple of answers to that very reasonable question. The first is that I had always had a thing for boys two or three years younger than myself, probably a lingering side affect of my very first sexual encounter that had just happened to be between me, who was twelve at the time, and a neighborhood boy of ten. The second, and more compelling object of my interest in the JV team was the outstanding first baseman, a little stunner by the name of Scott, a.k.a. Scotty, White.

Now understand here that when I say Scotty is outstanding I am not completely referring to his ability to field the first base position, which is definitely above average, but I am also referring to the boy himself, and his stunning good looks, and arguably perfect and totally lithe body. I say arguably only because I have not yet had the opportunity to actually see or inspect in great detail his entire body, but, it was very definitely atop my list of things I really needed to accomplish, and hopefully sooner rather than later.

To share the current extent of my knowledge of Scotty and his hotness I should tell you that he is indeed fourteen years of age, and so very Hollywood good looking that he was almost too pretty for a boy. He was about five ten or so, and I'd guess maybe one twenty-five or thirty, a tad on the slender side, but his lean frame is perfectly filled out with well toned muscle, a result of his lifelong interest in sports. His hair is a cross between sandy-blonde and a kind of mousy brown, and he wears it close cropped with this cute little tuft all mused up right at the front, directly above his forehead. His face is a kind of oval shape, with flawless skin, and a natural ruddiness to his cheeks, especially when he is physically exerting as he is right now. Personally, I can think of several preferable physical exertions that he might be making with me in some dimly lit bedroom that would surely bring forth that ruddy glow in ways much more interesting than running laps around the outfield, but I'm getting off message here.

His smile is simply breath-taking, and when he breaks into that easy grin he displays perfect rows of even and sparkling white teeth behind his very lush lips. I had been blessed several times with seeing him shirtless, and I could definitely attest to his solid torso being well defined without being weight-lifter developed, and, after numerous detailed if subtle inspections of the boy I knew that his upper body was absolutely hair free, save for the thin treasure trail that ran south from his cute inny naval to dip under the waist of his shorts, and that was territory that I seriously wanted to explore in great detail. There was a smattering of soft hairs emerging at his creamy underarms, and now that I think of it, that too was uncharted territory well worth exploring.

To be perfectly honest I had, sadly, no real facts regarding what might be lurking behind those cute red shorts, but I could attest to the fact that there was most definitely something interesting going on there that made for some very intriguing movement behind that swatch of red cloth as he ran, or moved through the graceful gyrations of fielding the ball, or even throwing and swinging the bat. Bat..?..hur-um. Moving on to those bits that I in fact did have at least frequent visual familiarity with, suffice it to say that Scotty's legs were, in a word, amazing. Perfectly formed, and smooth as glass his legs were equally as well toned as the ret of him due to his frequent exercise and all that running he did, and they ended at trim looking ankles. Heck, even his feet were cute as far as I was concerned. And lets not, by any means, overlook his rear angle asset either, to wit, just about the cutest little bubble butt that anyone could ever hope for. Twin small mounds of tightly muscled flesh swelled perfectly inside those hot little shorts, and during certain facets of his stretching and working out the satiny material had this lovely tendency to become wedged between those succulent globes in the most inviting of ways.

So, by now I assume the reason for my slightly unorthodox choice of locations to fake doing my homework is clear, but that too has a secondary objective which is that if I am hanging around when practice is over, I will be giving Scotty a ride home, an event that is pretty much the high point of my day.

By way of background, I should tell you that Scotty and I are actually very good friends, and have been since his family moved into their house just three doors down from my parents place. When that had occurred I was just fourteen, and Scotty had been eleven, and I think my closeted lust for him began something like ninety seconds after I walked up to him in his driveway and said hello. Since that moment if I had a dollar for every time I had whacked off and busted a nut thinking of him I could easily forgo college as I would have no further need of a means to support myself for life. If all of this is beginning to sound like some kind of obsession on my part, well, it probably is. In moments of utter honestly with myself I actually admitted my unending lust for Scotty, and I worried at times that I was causing the early demise of far too many of my limited brain cells in trying to come up with some way of getting into his knickers, or better yet, ways to get him out of them.

There are some things I pretty much know about Scotty, and others that I feel pretty sure I am right about, even though I can't be certain. For example, I know he is still a virgin, and that not withstanding the frequent masturbation that he has blushingly copped to he has no real sexual experience. Largely because of that fact I can't really be positive that he is straight, but my gut tells me that is probably his natural leaning, at least until he somehow manages to dip his wick somewhere so that he can decide if that's for him, or not. Now to be fair, my own sexual resume is hardly comparable to Don Juan, or Casanova, but there has been the odd dalliance time to time, at least sufficient to clearly define my own leanings, which are clearly gay. Oh, I took a couple of shots at the "regular" route, mostly some agitated groping and sweating in some cramped car in the dead of night, but my dick seemed to have no particular interest in delving into those slippery and aromatic folds that I had briefly encountered when awkwardly groping inside some willing girls very damp panties. In a word, yuk, and definitely not for me. These unconsummated encounters had, however, made it crystal clear in my mind that having another's hand playing with my junk was far superior to my doing it to myself, the only issue being that I too wanted some external plumbing to play with.

My musing over the possible methods of deflowering Scotty was interrupted at this juncture by him suddenly appearing directly in front of me, his nicely bulging crotch exactly at my eye level as I focused, and subtly licked my lips. He smelled like he had just finished baseball practice, which he of course had, and I admired the glisten of the thin sheen of sweat that coated his legs. As I turned my head up and looked at him, he gripped the hem of his tee shirt and lifted it to his face to swab at the sweat that was all but dripping from him, and his bare torso was suddenly scant inches from my face. I gulped, and resisted the strong urge to lean in and lick that creamy skin, and perhaps use my tongue to follow that sexy little hair trail as I heard him say,

"Dude...did you see me take that slider clear to the fence...?...fucking awesome shot for sure...!"

I actually seemed to have missed that, probably busy imagining his hot cock in the back of my throat or something, but I nodded anyway, and answered,

"Awesome shot indeed, my slider is getting past my number one way!"

He chuckled, his beautiful smile literally lighting up the entire ball yard as he held out a curled fist for a congratulatory bump from me, and he went on, saying,

"Especially not when something as important as free French fries and a coke are ridding on it...the pitcher, Cory, bet me I couldn't hit his slider... and I of course's buying over at the drive-in in a few minutes..."

Much as I hated to move my face away from his tempting crotch, I stood up and began gathering up my junk as I told him,

"'s all good...I don't need to be home for a all set to go...?"

He did that cute little giggle that I loved, and raised his arm, pretending to make a big deal of sniffing his sweaty pit, and my cock gave a little lurch as I thought about licking him there. I stifled a groan, and looked into his alpine-lake blue eyes as he grinned, and said,

"Damn, that Right Guard stuff is awesome...I only actually smell half ripe...!"

I seized the opportunity of my kneeling down to retrieve my lap top to slap his pretty butt for that remark, and while the brief contact readily added heft to my half hard cock, Scotty only laughed, and told me,

"Hey pervert...don't be fondling the goodies...unless of course you wanted to kiss it...?"

Did I ever, I just chuckled, and took off down the steps with a still laughing Scotty in tow.

We loaded our stuff in my car, with Scotty fondling his precious bat in much the same way I would love to be fondling his smaller bat, and I had to chuckle at the way he carefully laid it out across the back seat, almost like a mother tucking in her toddler. I sometimes wondered if the boy slept with the thing, and that idea made me jealous, so I let it go and climbed behind the wheel and cranked up the car. Scotty dropped into the shotgun seat, and I stole a quick look at his pretty legs, and interesting crotch, then took off. He bantered on about his practice, and what he thought of the teams chances in the upcoming season, and in short order we were pulling into the parking lot of the greasy spoon joint that was the local kids hangout. I parked, and we went inside, where we found a large booth half filled with Scotty's team mates, and we settled in side by side. The curved bench seat mandated that we sit close, and I relished the sensation of Scotty's bare thigh resting against my own as I gave silent thanks that I had chosen to wear shorts today myself. He seemed oblivious to the skin contact we had going, so I left my leg right there against his, and quietly enjoyed the rigid erection that was tenting my shorts as he and his buddies bantered on about baseball.

The refreshments having been consumed, well, devoured is more to the point, we said our goodbyes, and went back to the car, and then drove to Scotty's house. He invited me in, and when he added that he was dying for a shower, I quickly accepted. I followed closely as we ascended the stairs and I savored the pertness of his pretty butt as it pushed out against the thin shorts, and when we reached his bedroom, I flopped down onto his bed. He quickly peeled his shirt over his head, and tossed it in the general direction of his clothes hamper, and I tried not to stare, or drool. He bent down to tug the laces on his sneakers, and that perfect ass was presented to my gape, and I might actually have moaned a little, because he straightened up, and asked,

"Huh...? say something?"

I felt a warm flush flood my cheeks as I mumbled a nope, and then I had to bite painfully into my tongue as he peeled his shorts off, and stepped out of them, leaving him wearing only the very snug fitting Under Armour briefs that the players all wore now in lieu of the earlier jock strap. Now lets be clear here, those Under Armour briefs are wonderful, and they leave very little to the imagination, and at this very moment I absolutely loved the way they clung to all of Scotty's treasures, but, just imagine if he was wearing a standard jock right now...I mean hell...that perfect little ass would be, well, butt naked!

I shook my head in response to his question, and tried really, really hard not to stare at his bulging package that was more than adequately filling the snug pouch of those skin tight briefs. The effort was not actually a complete success, and while I worried about what his reaction to my checking out his treasures might be if he busted me, I was after all only human, and besides, I wanted the boy, big time. There was little doubt that he had noticed my apparent interest in his bulging attire, and he flashed me one of this killer grins as he did a little pirouette for me, and then half bent from the waist as he thrust that delicious little ass out toward me as he repeated his earlier mocking about my wanting to kiss his ass. If he had held that very provocative pose another few seconds I might well have done just that, but before I could put the thought into action, he moved to his dresser and pulled out a pair of clean shorts, and then left, heading to the shower. I settled back against his headboard, and picked up the television remote as I adjusted my mostly hard cock inside my shorts. I toggled on the TV, and tried to push thoughts of a naked Scotty in the shower just across the hall from me from my mind. The idea of going in there and casually offering to wash his back seemed a bit over the top given the current depth of our relationship, so I focused on the lame TV show and tried not to dwell on my observation that when he had taken clean shorts from the drawer he had not taken any underwear, and I clung to the hope that when he returned all fresh and sweet smelling he might well be commando under the clean shorts. Please God.

A short while later, Scotty returned, clad in his fresh shorts, and apparently nothing else. He was vigorously toweling his hair, the towel mostly covering his face so I seized the opportunity to check out his crotch and was more than pleased to note that his ample goodies did indeed seem pretty much unrestrained behind the satiny shorts. He finished toweling his hair, and then went to the dresser where he ran a comb through his soft locks before walking over to flop down on his bed beside me. He smelled delicious, the lingering aroma of soap and shampoo wafting over me as he settled back against the headboard and pushed a pillow behind him.

Seeing that I was holding the remote, he told me,

"Flip over to 599's like this soft porn station...some pretty hot stuff there sometimes."

I quickly complied, and with the press of a couple of buttons the television was suddenly displaying a semi-steamy scene of some guy and a buxom chick swapping about a mile of tongue while cuddled in a bubbling hot tub. The carefully arranged bubbling action of the steamy water pretty much hid whatever hand action might have been happening below the surface of the water, but it didn't take any kind of genius to get the drift that the lovely couple were enjoying a serious anatomy lesson. We watched a while in silence, and then Scotty stirred beside me, his hand subtly groping his somewhat distended shorts as he sighed heavily, and said,

"Fuck...that's hot...makes me horny as, that Dude is so freaking lucky!"

I chuckled, and agreed that watching them go at each other was indeed hot, even though it was mostly all innuendo. Scotty made another little adjustment to his shorts, then put his hands behind his head as he said very softly,

"Hey me again, okay...about what it's like to make out like that...and how that girl...uh...played with you...and stuff...I'm hella horny right now!"

Hmmm, I how interesting is this development. I knew that Scotty was boiling over with hormones, and that he was desperate to experience the wonders of the flesh, but it was rare for him to openly broach the subject in such an overt way, especially in a setting as intimate as the two of us lying side by side on his bed in an otherwise empty house. I struggled to not let my hopes go too high, telling myself that he had on occasions asked me to relate all of the juicy details regarding my long ago date playing with my cock until I flooded my undies with a massive load, but he normally brought it up in a much more benign environment, like when I was driving, or when we were in some far more public place. All of these thoughts rushed through my brain in seconds, but when I didn't offer any kind of response to his request he apparently felt awkward about asking, and he said,

"Shit...that was lame...sorry Dude...forget I said that...I'm just...extra horny right now, I guess..."

I chuckled, and muttered something comforting, letting him know that it was cool, and that I actually liked recounting the event because it made me horny as well. Inhaling a big breath, I began softly describing my somewhat bumbling but none the less exhilarating sexual encounter. Scotty's attention was rapt on the action going on in the hot tub as I began, telling him,

"So we were parked out at the bluffs, you know the place, and we got into some pretty hot making out, like all kissy face and stuff, and she acted like she was all hot for it, you know, so I kind of let my hand roam over her tits..."

Scotty sighed, and shifted his little butt slightly, and I stole a glance at his shorts, smiling at seeing the obvious definition of a very nice looking erection pushing against his shorts. Moving on, I continued,

"So she was into it pretty much, like not tying to stop me from groping her tits at all, so I kept at it a while, and then kind of let my hand slide down over her tummy, and then I kind of rubbed her thigh, thinking I'd try going under her skirt maybe...see if I could score touching her pussy maybe..."

Scotty sighed again, and his hips bucked some as he tried to get some kind of action on his boner without actually grabbing it. I smiled, loving how this was all going, and then went on,

"So I lay this killer kiss on her, right?,...and she is giving me all this tongue, and making these little weird noises, and I go for it...pushing my hand under her skirt, and rubbing on her thigh, kind of inching my way higher..."

"Fuck, that must have been awesome...jeez...!" he hissed.

"Definitely was that Dude...and kind of scary too, actually...shit...I was shaking like a freaking leaf in the wind, and my heart was, like, hammering, you know...?"

"I'm sure...shit...I prolly would have already popped a nut just from getting that close...!"

I chuckled, my fevered brain instantly conjuring up a visual of Scotty's rigid cock spewing a hot creamy load, and my own erection throbbed in my shorts. Taking a breath, I rattled on,

"So I get all the way up there...and I can feel her panties with my fingers...and she is all like moaning and shit as she is like shoving her tongue down my throat, and I'm all thinking, like, man...I may actually fuck this hottie...!"

Scotty didn't say anything, but his breathing was shallow and rapid, and I settled my gaze on his shorts again, nearly drooling at the sight of his rock hard boyhood threatening to split his little shorts. God how I wanted to just grab it, and rip those shorts off him, and...Jesus! Sucking in another gulp of air, I pressed on, telling him,

"So now my hand is all over her little panties...rubbing her...and I can feel her bush under my hand...and then I can feel how wet her undies right between her thighs...her pussy, you know...all hot and wet...and I worked my fingers under the leg hole, right...and then I'm like actually fingering her was, like, freaking sloppy wet Dude...unbelievable...and I'm really getting into it now...and my cock is like freaking hard it actually hurts...and after a while I pull my hand out of her pants and go for getting them off of know I'm actually going to fuck her...!"

"Oh man...shit...I wish...I bet it was awesome fingering her juicy slit, huh...?"

Not really, I thought, but what the fuck, Scotty was getting off on this, and who was I not to give him the details he so desperately wanted, even if it required a bit of embellishment on my part. So, I went on,

"Yea Dude...definitely hot...really amazing how wet they get too...anyway...I guess I pushed my luck too far when I tried getting her knickers off her, and she kind of freaked, getting all tight all of a sudden, and grabbing at my hand, pulling it away from her snatch...I was pissed for sure...but I got past it in a heartbeat when she like shoved me down on the seat, and kissed me some more, still giving me miles of tongue..."

Scotty shuddered, his lithe body quivering beside me as he let out another big sigh, and muttered,


" the next thing I feel Dude, is her hand, like all of a sudden she has her hand on my leg...touching my thigh...and I actually think my dick is gonna blow, you know...?...Jesus it felt...awesome...!"

"I bet...shit...if I don't get some chick to play with my dick soon I'm gonna freaking die...God Rob...touching you like must have felt amazing...! He panted.

While I had related all this to Scotty on more than one occasion, I had never before seen him react quite as feverishly as he was right now, and I mulled over his last comment a moment, and then decided to roll the dice in a major way, fully aware of the huge chance I was taking. I sucked in some air, and then lifted my hand, and gently placed it on Scotty's thigh, high up, as I said quietly, slowly stroking his upper thigh,

"It does feel feels just like this...!"

He gasped loudly, his leg going instantly tense under my hand, and I gave it a little squeeze, and then resumed slowly rubbing up and down it, inching steadily toward his inner thigh as I went on,

"So I'm like actually holding my breath, right...?..scared shitless I'm gonna cum before she can even actually touch me...and I SO want her to do that Dude...and she keeps rubbing my leg, getting closer to my bone all the time...and then I feel her fingers kind of nudging my balls, you pushing them around a little bit...!"

"Oh my God...!" chirped Scotty.

As he was uttering his breathless response, I moved my hand up between his thighs, and I poked at the bulge of his balls with my fingers, pretty much tossing any pretense of what I was up to over the side. He gasped again loudly, but made no attempt to stop my overt fondling of his goodies, so I sucked it up, and just wrapped my hand around the steel rod of his cock, and squeezed it.

"Awww fuck Rob...Jesus...what...?...oh man...fuck it Dude...just do it, okay...?...fuck...I need to get off so freaking bad...I have to...fuck the gay shit...please Rob...God!"

Music to my ears to say the least, and emboldened by his throaty pleading I started slowly stroking his rampant erection, savoring the rigid feel of it sliding through my fist, and on some weird impulse, I inched closer to him, and mumbled,

"Might as well have the full experience Dude...right?" and with that, I kissed his warm, lush mouth.

He tightened briefly, a low sound coming from his throat as I let my tongue slide over his soft lips, and then he softened, and opened his mouth, letting my tongue slip inside as I continued to stroke his cock. His hips were bucking, driving upward against my hand and when I broke our kiss, he groaned loudly and kind of wailed, his breathing ragged and fast,

"Oh shit's so freaking good...fuck're gonna so make me cum...!"

I stopped stroking him in an instant, and went for the elastic waist band of his shorts as I told him,

"Hang on me, you don't want that mess in your shorts...lift up a little...let me...get them off you...then you can blow all you want...!"

He was too far gone to offer any objection, and his little butt rose off the mattress as I quickly skinned the shorts down his legs, and let them drop to the floor. Oh sweet Jesus...his pulsing erection sprang free from the confines of the shorts, and lay full and throbbing against his flat tummy, the bulbous head of it glistening with his oozing fluids, and I felt my mouth flood with my saliva as I briefly considered diving down on it and sucking that boiling load from his plump balls. I wanted to in the worst possible way, but I worried that it might be too big of a leap this first time out, so I resisted the powerful urge, and simply told him, as I carefully grasped his warm, smooth shaft in my fist,

"Jesus's perfect...beautiful cock, Dude...and so anyway...this is how the best part felt...the part where she jerked me off...and I blew so big I actually threw away my skivvies was a major just go with it Scotty...relax and enjoy...!"

His eyes rolled shut, and he shuddered again as I began stroking his gorgeous cock with a steady rhythm while my other hand moved to gently fondle his plump balls, and I watched the clear precum ooze steadily from the tiny slit at the center of his knob. He was panting like a sprint runner in mid heat, and his hips thrust back and forth, and in another minute or so he all but yelled the house down as his butt pushed strongly upward, and what may well be the most forceful eruption of cum I had ever imagined spewed forth from his spasming cock. The first volley shot clear to his chin where it landed in a large pool just as the second jet shot out to paint across his heaving chest. He flexed again, and let out another loud groan as a third and fourth offering spit forth to streak over his chest and soft little tummy, and then he began to dribble, a steady flow of his creamy white nectar drizzling down his shaft and coating over my still pumping hand. Holy shit, I thought as I watched his amazing ejaculation, maybe it was a good thing I decided not to suck him off, a guy could actually drown in all this stuff!

Finally, he was drained, and his pretty boyhood began to wilt in my grip, so I gave it one final squeeze as he shuddered strongly again. A tiny pearl of his essence oozed through the little slit, and I was simply unable to resist, so I dropped my head, and lapped it away with my tongue, and then washed over the purplish knob a couple of times as Scotty quivered, and uttered,

"Holy socks, Batman...Jesus...I almost freaking died there...fuck...that was, like, SOooo amazing...!"

I sat up then, smiling at the incredible mess he had deposited over his satin smooth torso, and I winked at him, smiling, as I told him,

"Dude...that shower you just took...? missed a few spots...!"

He lifted his head and peered down at his cum streaked body, and another of those dazzling smiles painted over his sweet face. He glanced up at me, blushing prettily as he muttered,

"Oh jeez...!"

Note: I'm thinking there might me more to the adventures of Scotty and Rob now that the ice is broken, so to speak...what do you think?

Next: Chapter 2

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