Making of a Slave Series

By moc.oohay@909plk

Published on Jun 28, 2003


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons is purely coincidental. The names, characters, place and/or incidents are the product of this author's imagination or used fictitiously. In light of HIV/AIDS, please remember to play safe.

If one wishes to post this story on an alternative site, permission by the author must be given.

Sorry for lapse in posting, I hope you enjoy. Thank you so much for the positive reactions thus far. As always, feedback is most welcomed and keep on suggesting story ideas!!

The Making of a Slave - Part IV


It was 6:00 P.M. sharp when Kurt rang the doorbell twice to signal his arrival. The door was unlocked per their arrangement. After making sure the deadbolt was secured, he started to remove his clothes and fold them neatly by the hall tree. As soon as his first task was completed, the twenty-year-old opened a bag containing what would constitute his articles of "clothing" for his weekend stay.

First was his leather collar, which he secured in place on his neck. The collar, made of thick black leather, was one of Kurt's most prized possessions. Every time Kurt fastened his collar on, he would always remember the momentous day when Mark presented him with his collar.

He had been seeing the older man every other weekend for about six months. His training was progressing quite well. Mark, being the skilled Master that he was, gradually increased his boy's submissiveness with each successive visit. After a lengthy session, which ended with Kurt strapped to the spanking bench, the older dominant worked Kurt over with first a paddle and then a leather flogger. Up to this point, Kurt moaned only slightly as the cascading strikes rained down on his exposed buttocks. Mark then let Kurt experience the cane for the first time. After twelve hard stokes that turned Kurt's ass raspberry red, Mark stopped and applied soothing cream to his boy's raw and welted buttocks. Mark unfastened Kurt's bindings and comforted his sobbing boy's cries of intense suffering.

After about ten minutes, Mark told Kurt to kneel in front of him and to keep his head down. Mark left his compliant boy and walked over to a nearby wall. He picked up the collar a returned to Kurt.

"You have made me happier than I ever imagined. Your training has progressed to the point that I consider you my slave. Look up at me boy." He did so, not quite understanding what was about to occur.

"Do you understand what I am saying Kurt?"

Kurt was quite shocked to hear his name emanating from the older man's mouth. "Yes I do Sir."

Kurt's reminiscence ended abruptly when Mark entered the room. Their eyes met as Mark smiled at his boy. Without being told to do so, Kurt knelt down in front of the older man and started to unbutton Mark's pants. Mark's cock needed attention. As soon as he was able to pull down his Master's white briefs, he opened his mouth and proceeded to give a thorough blowjob. Kurt was now able to take the entire length of older man's cock down his throat. His gag reflex was abated with much practice over the many months of servitude.

Kurt continued his oral ministrations for well over ten minutes. Mark knew he was very close to erupting into his boy's mouth and pulled out. He then pulled his underwear and pants back up.

"Follow me boy." Kurt did as ordered and soon found himself in Mark's bathroom. A very large red enema bag was hanging on the shower rod. It was Mark's two-liter bag, and by the look of it, it was filled to capacity. Kurt never envisioned that he would enjoy the sensation of being cleaned out but his love of being the older man's slave was becoming more acute as they spent more time together.

"Assume your position boy." Kurt got down on all fours and spread his legs. Kurt did so and heard the unmistakable sound of a rubber glove being put on. Kurt soon felt the now familiar application of lubricant being applied to his anus. First one, then two and finally a third finger spread the lubrication deep into his bowels. Mark's finger fucking soon ended. He replaced his fingers with the enema tube. Soon thereafter, warm water cascaded through the tube into Kurt's intestines. It was one of Mark's simple applicators. Kurt recently experienced being restricted from a balloon nozzle applicator during an extended enema session. It was a night that Kurt would never forget and hoped to repeat some time soon.

It took about fives minutes for the bag to empty. Kurt groaned one or twice from the pressure but felt comforted when Mark started to rub his shoulders, back and abdomen. The older man kept repeating in a reassuring tone, "that's my boy."

As soon as the bag emptied, he was told to remain in his place; the tube still ensconced in his rectum. Mark removed the glove from his hand and threw it away in the nearby wastebasket. He then stood in front of Kurt and unbuttoned his pants. His cock was still rock hard.

"You're not to evacuate your bowels until I've cum boy so you better get started."

The older man thrust his cock into his willing boys' mouth. Kurt bobbed his head up and down, trying to make the older man cum soon. His bowels were starting to cause him great pain and he was weary of an accident. He was relieved a short time later as Mark pulled on the back of his head with both hands and started to thrust with intensity. The college student soon found himself tasting the salty cum of his Master.

After enjoying his release for a few moments, Mark motioned for Kurt to sit on the toilet. After Kurt did so, he extracted the enema tube from the younger man's bowels. The eruption of water and the acrid smell of excrement soon engulfed the bathroom. Mark did not leave the room for Kurt to take care of his personal business. He instead stood in front of Kurt and made the younger man suck the remaining fluid from his withering penis.

When Kurt was finished expelling his enema, Mark repeated the enema two more times. The water now coming out of Kurt's rectum was clear.

Mark was satisfied and had Kurt stand up. Mark then wiped Kurt clean. This new aspect of submission was a recent development in their relationship. Kurt confided in Mark of his heretofore, unknown, desire for Mark to be his "Daddy." Mark promised Kurt that they would act out Kurt's desires soon.

"Stand up and bend forward. Place your hands on their respective ankles."

Kurt knew what was coming next. He just didn't know which plug it would be. That thought was soon confirmed when he started to feel the pressure of the large plug invade his rectum. Mark began to slowly fuck his boy with the rubber toy. Kurt gasped as the widest part of the plug slid home. He had only graduated to the large plug one month ago and was still getting acclimated to its girth.

"Get dressed boy. We're going out."

As soon as Kurt was done dressing, he walked with Mark to the older man's black Mercedes parked in the driveway. Out of training he opened Mark's door for him and then got in the passenger side.

A short time later they arrived at their destination, a well-known and very expensive Sushi restaurant. They valet parked and were greeted inside with the perfunctory Japanese greeting of "hello" and "welcome". After being shown to their table, they enjoyed a very relaxing light meal. Kurt, of course, let Mark order for them both. Kurt loved the fact that he wasn't carded. His birthday was near but the thrill was unmistakable. He was also reminded now and then of the embedded large plug in his anus and this subversive act excited him.

After their meal ended, Kurt followed Mark to his car. The younger man did not question where they were going or what the rest of their evening would entail. He therefore did not question Mark when, after driving for about fifteen minutes, they parked in the driveway of a two-story flat in the Noe Valley district. The area was starting to become gentrified, a nice euphemism for displacing small shops and turning them into restaurants and retail outlets for the burgeoning yuppie's. The area had a nice multi-cultural and socio-economic mix of straight families, gay and a large lesbian population - proto-typical San Francisco. Parking was also, very typical San Francisco, with not a space to found nearby.

The street was relatively quiet as Kurt went around and opened Mark's door.

"I want you to keep quiet unless you're spoken to and obey. Understand?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good boy. You're about to meet a very special friend of mine." As he finished, he bent down and gave Kurt a passionate kiss.

Mark rang the doorbell once to signal their arrival. A few moments later, the door opened and Kurt couldn't help but stare. He didn't know if it was his time spent with Mark or some heretofore, unacknowledged trait, but Kurt started to get hard as he looked at the man that stood before them.

"David. it's been too long," Mark said as he gave the other man a big hug. David wore a leather cap, a leather vest, leather briefs, leather chaps and black motorcycle boots. He looked to be about Mark's age, maybe five years older. He was tall, about 6'4" and was solidly built. His salt-and-pepper chest hair hid very little of the developed muscles underneath.

As the two men finished with their embrace, Mark said, "And this is my new boy Kurt that I told you about."

"Hello Kurt. You are as cute as Mark described you."

Kurt, red faced, followed the older men into the lower flat. They entered David's well-appointed living room. Kurt stood, waiting for Mark's order.

"Very good boy. You have learned well. Come and kneel next to me."

Kurt did so as ordered and listened intently as the two older men caught up with their busy lives while drinking two beers each. Kurt was rather amused, as both he and Mark were dressed for going out to dinner and David was in his full leather regalia! For over twenty minutes the two men spoke as if Kurt was not present in the room. Mark would occasionally run his hands through Kurt's hair but that was the extent of their contact.

Kurt's solitude was interrupted when Mark asked him if he was wearing anything under his clothing.

"Yes Sir, I am."

"Where is it boy?"

"In my ass Sir."

"Strip boy and show our host what's in your ass."

With his face reddening with fright and embarrassment, Kurt started to remove his clothing as ordered. This was all new territory for Kurt. He had not been with any other man but Mark. He didn't think that he would have to show his body to somebody but his Master.

When he was done, he stood at attention, eyes downcast. "Very good boy. Now I want you to turn around, legs spread and place your hands on your ankles." As Kurt bent forward, the large black butt plugs base protruded prominently from his expanded anus. With his young, firm buttocks and thighs flexed, the erotic juxtaposition of power and submission had a stirring effect on both older men, as their respective cocks hardened.

"I think it's time for us to go downstairs," David said.

"I agree. Follow me boy," Mark said.

They walked down a beautiful wood floor hallway until David a door and turned on a light. Kurt got a sudden whiff of mildew - they were headed downstairs. They started to walk down a flight of stairs into the garage. A red Porsche 911 was the sole occupant of the small garage. Kurt started to admire his dream car and didn't notice that David had opened a door. He had to walk faster to keep up with them.

They entered David's playroom. Kurt assumed from David's leather that he was into BDSM but the main feature of the room took Kurt by great surprise. Positioned in the center of the room was a doctor's exam table, complete with stirrups. It looked very expensive and Kurt was mildly puzzled how the older man was able to acquire such a piece of equipment. The irony of the moment would have its full impact later; David was an OB/GYN - a gay one at that!

Near the table was a spanking bench, similar to Mark's. The padded black vinyl and wooden legs looked well used. On the sidewall were two large cabinets that were both shut, contents unknown. The only other noteworthy object was a pair of restraints that were attached to a bar. The bar looked as though it was attached to the ceiling by a silver chain.

"Kneel in front of me boy," Mark said to Kurt. As the older man's slave, the younger man assumed the position as ordered, his head bowed. Mark placed his fingers under Kurt's chin and raised the younger man's face to Mark's eye level.

"From now on boy, you are to abide by Master David's commands. The same respect, tolerance and restraint that govern our relationship are present in this room. I expect you to comply with Master David. I will explain what we have planned for you later."

Mark let the information percolate through the younger man's head before he began again. "Do you understand me boy?"

"Yes, Sir. I do understand."

"Good boy."

"May I ask a question Sir?"

"Yes you may boy. What is it?"

"Will you be present in the room Sir?," the younger man's voice eliciting mild trepidation.

"Don't worry boy. This was my idea and I very much plan on being here throughout your session."

Starring into the older man's eyes, Kurt felt more comfortable and safe.

Master David, speaking for the first time, asked Kurt for his safe word.

"It is bubble gum, Sir."

David gave Mark a quick smirk as he heard the endearing word Mark had picked for his young supplicant.

"O.k. then, bubble gum it is."

David circled the younger man, finally stopping in front of Kurt. Kurt did not dare look up unless he was told to do so. David noticed that the naked man was shivering slightly, most likely from nerves.

"Stand up young man and follow me."

Kurt followed David to the hanging restraints. Only now did Kurt notice that large metal hooks were bolted into the cement floor. David first restrained Kurt's left wrist and then the right. Kurt was now immobile. His head was properly bowed as David left his visual periphery. He heard David opening one of the closed cabinets. Even though he was very curious to see what was inside, he did not dare turn his head; Mark was in the room, most likely looking at him.

Kurt's nervous anxiety was quickly abated when he saw David reappear. In his hands the older man held a leather blindfold, which he attached to Kurt's head. Sensory deprivation was nothing new to Kurt; he actually felt more comfortable and tranquil without the temporary use of his sight.

What he felt next was new - it seemed as though Master David was rubbing an ordinary toothbrush over and over his nipples. They soon began to ache as the repeated movement of the bristles over his sensitive skin reverberated throughout his entire body. He cock began to harden.

Master David, noticing Kurt's excited state, soon replaced the repetitive motion with nipple clamps. He tightened them as much as they would allow.

He then picked up an instrument that Mark had yet to use on Kurt, a pinwheel. Primarily used by neurologists to measure stimuli reaction, attached to the metal wheel were numerous spikes. At first David rolled the pinwheel over Kurt's chest. He then moved downward, paying particular attention to the younger man's inner thighs. Depending on how hard Master David would depress the pinwheel, Kurt felt mild stimulation to an uncontrollable urge to bolt. The nether areas of his scrotum were particularly sensitive. The reactions Kurt felt were much different than the dreaded closepins that Mark used on him.

David decided that Kurt's system could take no more infliction. He needed to work on another area of the boy's body before the main event. "I'm going to release you now young man. Follow me over to the bench." After unlocking the restraining devices that bound Kurt's legs, he paused for a few minutes, playing with the exposed butt plug. He then removed the nipple clamps. Kurt could only moan, his nipples throbbing in pain. Finally, he removed the restraints from Kurt's wrists.

Kurt had only a brief moment to collect himself. Here he was a submissive boytoy for his Master's friend, being led over to the bench. After motioning Kurt to lie down on his stomach, he quickly restrained Kurt's wrists and ankles. Kurt's ass was wide open; the plug prominently displayed. The bench seat seemed smaller in length than Mark's. He soon knew why as David's suddenly appeared in front of his face. "Mark has told me you're becoming quite good at sucking cock. I, of course, need to verify his observation." Making sure Kurt could see what he was doing David removed his leather briefs. His massive cock sprung forward, erect and throbbing.

Master David rubbed his hard cock all around Kurt's face. He then cupped the underside of the prone boy's head and let his cock rest in front of Kurt's mouth. Kurt knew what was expected on him and opened his mouth. David's smell was intoxicating. The leather essence engulfed Kurt's periphery.

Kurt started to use his mouth and throat on Master David's hard cock. He licked around the head, trying to suck out the pre-cum. Master David could only smile to the boy's attentiveness. He then licked the underside of the throbbing head. After working his way downward, he sucked on each individual ball sac. He alternated between the two of them, lightly biting on the gonads encased within.

Kurt then moved back to the cock head and started to suck in earnest. Master David grabbed Kurt's head and thrust hard onto Kurt's mouth. He controlled how much of his manhood went down Kurt's throat.

As Kurt proceed to give Master David the attention he warranted, Mark proceeded to pick up a nearby leather paddle and started to lightly strike his boy. Alternating between both cheeks and the plug, he gradually started increase the amount of force per blow. Very soon, Kurt's buttocks became quite red from the hard spanking. The younger man's attention, however, was still drawn to the task at hand.

Kurt soon felt the older man become rigid. Waves of hot cum soon cascaded down his throat. He swallowed the salty yet discernibly different tasting seed of his master's friend.

Master David kept his shrinking cock in the younger man's mouth. Kurt continued to suck the remnants of the sperm, nursing what remained.

David removed himself from Kurt's periphery. He soon saw the familiar cock of his Master in front of him.

"You're doing very well boy. You must be thirsty. Now I want you to drink up." With no other warning, Mark's placed his cock in Kurt's mouth and let loose a stream of hot piss. Kurt gagged; it was too much, too soon. He let a little dribble out of his mouth. Heretofore, water sports weren't an area they had explored with each other. As he was concentrating hard to swallow most of it, Mark said" You better swallow it all boy. You don't want to disappoint me know do you boy?"

What should come next? What will Kurt do? What could they do with the table?

Send me an e-mail with your suggestions!!!

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