Making of a Slave Series

By moc.oohay@909plk

Published on Dec 27, 2002


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons is purely coincidental. The names, characters, place and/or incidents are the product of this author's imagination or used fictitiously. In light of HIV/AIDS, please remember to play safe.

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Thank you so much for the positive reactions thus far. As always, feedback is most welcomed!!!

The Making of a Slave - Part III


Kurt awoke from a restless sleep. His diaper felt warm - he must have urinated in his sleep. He needed to make a bowel movement but could not fathom doing so in the diaper. The suppository made his bowels hurt; he didn't know how long he would be able to hold off the impending need to defecate. How humiliating. why did Mark do this to him?

Unbeknownst to Kurt, Mark had entered Kurt's room in the middle of the night to check on Kurt. The baby monitor had been turned on and Mark did not hear any signs of activity. He saw that Kurt was asleep, his movement's constricted due to the bindings. He laid a blanket on the younger man, making sure that he would not be that cold throughout the night. The room was not odoriferous. The imminent bowel movement would happen soon enough, he thought to himself.

Kurt moaned in pain and from humiliation. He tried desperately to move, his movements restricted and he needed to rid himself of the diaper but flayed at the restraints to no avail. He continued like that for more than ten minutes. Finally out of sheer desperation and degradation, he submitted to nature's calling. Lying there on the rubber covered bed Kurt relaxed his sphincter muscle and defecated.

He felt the warm substance build up and ball in his diaper. He knew that he had reached his endpoint in his quest for submission. Mark's words from yesterday echoed in his mind, "I enjoy the psychological aspects of domination.I control how and when you will eliminate your waste." He started to cry as the room started to smell of his waste and the diaper swelled to maximum capacity.

Hearing Kurt's weeping, Mark entered the room wearing a bathrobe. This time he noticed the acrid smell of human excrement. He did not have a scat fetish. He only placed his boy's in diapers for their initial stay with him. A boy must first be "broken" psychologically in order to truly give himself to his master.

Mark sat down next to Kurt and wiped the younger man's tears from his face. He stroked the boy's hair and face, soothing and comforting the bound boy.

"What's wrong my boy. did you not enjoy your experience?"

"No Sir.I do not enjoy this."

"Daddy will change you. But first, I want remind you that you are mine for this weekend. I will make all decisions for you and you will obey without a whimper. Before we enter my play space today, you need to understand and accept your position. You are my property. You will do everything I say. If we go out to dinner, you will wear a diaper. It that understood boy?"

"Yes Sir," Kurt said in a broken tone.

Mark removed himself from the bed and opened a dresser drawer. He took out a box of baby wipes, a new diaper and a large pacifier. Moving back to the bed, he placed the pacifier in Kurt's mouth.

"Since you're such a crybaby, I might as well treat you like one. Suck boy."

Kurt obeyed his Daddy's command and started to suck on the large pacifier. Mark unfastened the four restraints and lifted Kurt's buttocks off the bed. He carefully slid the odoriferous pants off his boy and threw them on the ground. He will have Kurt hand wash them later on. Positioning the new diaper underneath Kurt's buttocks, he unfastened the six tapes and cleaned the excrement from Kurt's hairless groin area. He the pulled the entire soiled diaper and placed it to the side as his finished cleaning Kurt. He then refastened a new diaper and told Kurt to follow him.

They walked into an adjoining bathroom. Mark told Kurt to wash his hands. Kurt did so, envying the privilege to use the toilet. Kurt thought to himself of the simple things that he used to take for granted. this experience has certainly made him appreciate his ability to function by himself. The large pacifier was still ensconced in his mouth. He then followed Mark into the large kitchen.

Mark sat down and ordered Kurt to make him two eggs (medium), two slices of toast and coffee. Once Kurt was done making his breakfast, he could remove the pacifier and pour himself a bowl of the kid's cereal that was laid out on the table.

Mark admired Kurt's buttocks from behind as he made him his breakfast. He smiled as Kurt bent down to remove the eggs from the refrigerator, his diaper on full display.

After eating their respective meals in silence, Mark made Kurt clean up. Kurt was still hungry and desperately needed coffee. He poured himself a cup from the pot while Mark was out of the room. He momentarily savored the needed caffeine boost but was startled when Mark re-entered the room. He looked at Kurt and the cup he was holding, his face turning bright red.

"Did I say you could have a cup of coffee?" Mark was furious and Kurt started to get nervous.

"No Sir, you did not. I just assumed."

"You what? You will assume nothing. You will follow my orders or you can leave. The choice is yours."

"I wish to stay Sir and I am very sorry. I kindly ask for your forgiveness."

"Since you have chosen to remain here under your own volition, then follow me boy."

Kurt followed Mark back to the spare bedroom. He remained motionless awaiting the older man's next order. Mark went to the dresser and opened a drawer. He removed the leather paddle that he used on Kurt during their first session together. He then walked over to the bed and sat down.

"You know what to do boy. Get on my lap now!!!"

Kurt quickly positioned himself correctly across Mark's lap. The older man unfastened the diaper of the younger man and proceeded to give Kurt twenty-five hard smacks across his buttocks. Kurt yelled in pain but Mark, incensed by the younger man' inability to follow orders, continued. By the time Mark was done, Kurt's buttocks were bright red.

"Now lie down on your stomach." Kurt complied while Mark refastened the two wrist restraints. The older man then left the room. While Kurt was restrained, he thought about his disobedience and made a mental note to better comply with Mark's orders.

Mark returned carrying a rubber glove, lubricant, a large glass of water and a bulb enema. "You should already be cleaned out enough boy but I like my boy's spotless. From what you told me last we, you've never had an enema before. We're going to start off nice and easy right now. Next time we're going to do a thorough cleaning. Now lift up that nice boy butt of yours and spread `em."

Kurt moved his knees forward and positioned himself so that Mark had easy access to his buttocks. Mark put the rubber glove on his right hand, opened the lubricating gel and squeezed a large amount on his gloved fingers. Kurt's anus opened up as soon as Mark pressed two fingers against his compliant hole. After massaging the younger man's hole for a minute, he placed the water filled bulb inside Kurt's rectum and squeezed. Soon, all eight ounces of the water filled Kurt's bowels. Mark refilled the bulb syringe with the water from the glass and filled the bound man's rectum with yet more water.

"How does this feel boy?"

"I'm feeling very full Sir. It's a very strange sensation."

"You're not full yet boy," Mark said as he filled the enema bulb for a third and final time. After squeezing the bulb dry, Mark started to massage Kurt's stomach and chest with his left hand while keeping the bulb in place with his other hand.

After only five minutes, Mark removed the syringe and restraints. Knowing what lay ahead, he wanted to keep Kurt's cleaning process to a bare minimum of resistance. He let Kurt expel the water by himself on the toilet. Kurt's next enema expulsion would be far different, as he would have to suck Mark off with the enema tube still in his ass.

After the younger man returned from the bathroom, Mark lubricated a medium black butt plug. He was told to "assume the position" again on the bed. As his hole was loosened from the enema, the butt plug slid in without resistance. Mark then gave Kurt twenty good rapid slaps across Kurt's buttocks as a prelude of forthcoming events.

"Now boy, go finish with the kitchen. I will be with you shortly."

Mark gingerly stood up and walked back into the kitchen, the butt plug firmly in place. He finished his task in a half-hour, trying to put the items back in the correct place, all the while smarting from the spanking.

Mark returned a told Kurt to follow him. They walked down the hallway to a new door. Mark opened the door and turned on the light to a heretofore, unseen room. It actually wasn't a room but a stairway leading downstairs to the basement.

The smell was slightly moldy as they entered the basement. Along one wall was a washer and dryer, with shelves full of closed boxes on the other side. Between then was a padlocked door. Mark removed a small key hidden amongst the boxes and opened the padlock, placing it down on a shelf.

He turned around to Kurt and smiled. "We are about to enter my play space. I expect you to co-operate." With that, Mark opened the door and switched the overhead light on.

The contents of the room were bathed in bright light. As both men entered, Kurt's mouth dropped in awe and mild trepidation. The finished room was not large, at most twenty feet in length. Kurt thought some of the furniture resembled medieval torture equipment. Along the walls were instruments of both pleasure and pain. Restraints, floggers, whips, nipple clamps, gags, plugs, dildos and other wicked devices were hung on individual pegs.

A St. Andrew's cross was fastened to the back wall, complete with four manacles. Near it stood what looked like a large sawhorse. It's top was padded and covered with black vinyl material. Four eyebolts were secured to the sloped wooden sides. On the other side of the room, Kurt saw the sling from Mark's personal website. The black leather looked well used, as did all the furnishings in the room. Near the sling was a black padded table with the ubiquitous eyebolts secured to the four corners.

Kurt's head was quickly becoming overwhelmed with anxiety. He started to shiver even though the room seemed heated. His thoughts were abruptly interrupted as Mark told him to lay down on the black rubber mat next to the sling. Kurt did not notice the covered surface at first glance but lay down on his back. His ass throbbed from the butt plug and spanking as he lay down on the cool mat. As expected, Mark attached restraints to his arms and feet to long chains that were attached to the wood paneling.

Mark then stood above Kurt and looked directly into the younger man's eyes.

"We're going to have some fun now boy. You're willingness to submit to me has been good up to this point. I will now demand more from you. However, you will also experience feelings that you will remember for the rest of your life."

Kurt's cock was rock hard. He noticed that Mark's cock was also hard as he started to undress. Mark left Kurt's line of sight for a few minutes. He returned wearing a leather vest and chaps. He also carried with him a toilet seat that had four small legs attached. Kurt was dumbfounded. He was starting to understand the use of this strange device as Marked placed the "chair" next to Kurt's head. The younger man looked at Mark as his Master placed a rubber- covered pillow under the supplicant boy's head.

"You are going to learn to properly service me boy. I will expect you to follow my orders without hesitation. If you object to any situation I ask of you then use your safeword. As always, we will stop and I will ask you to leave. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir," Mark replied without pause.

"Good boy." Mark knelt down started to kiss the younger man with unbridled passion. Kurt opened his mouth and returned Mark's kisses. They continued their embrace for five minutes.

Needing relief, Mark stood up and placed the chair over Kurt's prone head. He then sat down, giving his boy a full view of his hairless buttocks. Mark's scent was powerful and intoxicating. The mix of pungent sweat and leather was a smell that Kurt would soon accept with utter joy.

"Service me boy," Mark growled in a low, yet urgent tone.

Kurt was expected to lick and suck Mark's anus, just like the night before. The kissing from a few moments ago made him abandon any reservations he may have had and with the eagerness of a virgin, he started to lick and suck the area around Mark's anus. He then tentatively licked the older man's anus, again finding the experience utterly subservient. Mark moaned and the younger man continued to tongue-fuck his Master's anus.

In a hoarse whisper, Mark ordered Kurt to penetrate his rectum using his tongue. The younger man complied and was soon licking around and inside Mark's rectum. His continued his oral ministrations for quite some time. Kurt's jaw was starting to hurt when Mark sat up from the chair

"You're a real good ass licker boy. I can see that my rim chair it's going to get lot's of use with you."

Mark's cock was rock hard and Kurt predicted the older man was going to demand oral service. He was therefore quite surprised when Mark instructed him to move over to the St. Andrews cross and face forwards. His hands and feet were bound with leather restraints attached to the wooden surface. Mark then retrieved the familiar penis gag and leather blindfold from pegs on the opposite wall.

"You will experience some discomfort boy. I expect you to co-operate."

"Yes Sir."

Before securing the gag, Mark kissed Kurt with the intensity of pure lust. He was secretly falling for his young companion but needed to maintain his role of authority for the time being. After both sensory implements were tied in place, Mark left Kurt alone for a few minutes while he gathered additional implements of pain/pleasure.

The first new sensation Kurt experienced was the resonance of downbeat electronica emanating from a heretofore, unknown sound system. The soothing music added a new element to the experience, relaxing and preparing Kurt for what was to come.

Mark returned a short time later. Although Kurt's cock was hard, he needed it to remain in its excited state. The older man knelt down and with his mouth enveloped Kurt's cock. The blow job lasted only a few minutes as Mark knew that Kurt was going to cum soon. He stood up and picked-up a leather cock ring and started to wrap the leather ties around the base and balls of Kurt's penis. Although he desperately wanted to cum, Kurt's hard cock was now properly restricted.

Mark started to pinch and squeeze the nipples of his young boy. The soft nubs became engorged with blood and started to harden. Kurt's head jerked sideways as Mark closed the jaws on a pair of alligator nipple clamps. The pain caused by the nipple clamps was nothing like what was to come, as Mark attached the first of over fifty clothespins to the younger man's arms, chest, inner thighs and balls. After fifteen pins, Kurt started to whimper; after forty he was visibly crying. Mark became concerned and removed the penis gag from the bound boy's mouth.

"What's wrong boy. do you need me to put you back in diapers?"

Although the thought of being diapered strangely appealed to Kurt, he stammered "No Sir.I.I'm just in a lot of pain!"

"I told you earlier that this experience was going to test your limits. Now, I'm going to continue boy and I don't expect anymore resistance."

The older dominant continued to place the clothespins as close together around the boy's upper and lower extremities. As he covered the bound boy's balls and lined them around the underside of the hard cock, Mark sensed Kurt's pain starting to turn into a new euphoria. That high was however short-lived as Mark picked up the leather paddle and began knocking the pins off the bound boys chest.

Kurt screamed in agony, the pain to great for the young man to accept.

"I beg you Sir. please stop."

Mark did not want to hurt or injure his new boy, only wanting to break him more and have him beg for mercy. He proceeded to remove, ever so slowly by hand, the remaining clothespins.

He let Kurt rest for a few minutes. He came back with a glass of water and assisted in holding the cup to the younger man's mouth as Kurt gulped the needed drink down in a hurried state. Mark then started to rub Kurt's chest in a circular pattern, avoiding the nipple clamps. Kurt moaned but was silenced as Mark started to kiss and suck on the bound boy's mouth, neck and ears.

As much as Mark wanted to continue working over his boy, relief was needed soon. He removed the restraints from the cross and told Kurt to get down on all fours. He attached a leash to Kurt's collar and guided him over to the padded sawhorse.

"This is one of my favorite apparatuses. I like to whip and fist my boys on this bench. Since this is your first time, I'm going to go easy on you. Get up and assume the proverbial position."

Kurt was in a daze as he stood up and situated himself as ordered. Before Mark bound his wrists and feet to the bench, he removed the nipple clamps from Kurt's chest. Kurt moaned slightly as blood started to flow back into his excited nipples.

Mark moved to the front of the bench, his cock at a perfect angle for his supplicant boy's mouth.

"Suck boy."

By now, Kurt was getting accustomed to sucking another man's cock. A month ago he would have never thought that he would be in this position: bound to a bench, butt plug embedded in his ass and sucking an older gay man. He continued to give Mark pleasure, taking his cock deeper and deeper down his throat, the gag reflexes almost nil as he was learning to true art of fellatio. Mark's face was of pure bliss as he forced Kurt deeper while holding on to the back of the younger man's head.

They continued that way for over ten minutes, Mark holding off cumming; Kurt expecting Mark to release at any moment.

Kurt was therefore quite surprised when Mark abruptly pulled out of Kurt's mouth and moved behind his spread- eagled legs. It was time to remove the embedded butt plug in Kurt's rectum. Mark reached for a box of nearby gloves and proceeded to put two on. Kurt winced in pain as Mark slapped his buttocks with one hand, the same time inching the rubber plug out of his ass with the other. Kurt felt mild trepidation when the largest part of the plug slid past his sphincter muscle. what was Mark going to do next?

Kurt then heard the unmistakable sound of a condom wrapper being ripped open. Mark unrolled the condom down his hard cock. He opened a tube of lubrication, applied it to his fingers and opened Kurt up with two fingers.

"I'm going to fuck you now boy. You will relish this moment for the rest of your life. You should feel very little discomfort after you've had time to adjust to my cock. You've made me very proud."

Mark positioned his hard cock at his boy's anal entrance. Kurt felt a slight pain as Mark's cockhead slid past his lubricated sphincter muscle. He moaned softly but did not protest the intrusion. Was this what a girl felt like the fist time? Mark inched his way into Kurt's rectum, giving the boy time to accommodate his cock. Mark was in true ecstasy; Kurt's virgin ass was warm and tight and enveloped around his penis. Kurt started to see stars as Mark slowly began fucking him with earnest.

Kurt screamed in pure joy as Mark's pubic hair reached its zenith. He continued to slowly fuck his boy, prolonging off his immanent ejaculation. Mark reached around Kurt's bound body and groped his sore nipples. He could tell they were still sore but the friction of the fucking and stimulation of his nipples was overwhelming for Kurt.

Mark's thrusting continued for a good ten minutes. He felt the cum start to build up in his heavy balls and couldn't hold back any longer. He started to pump load after load of seamen in Kurt's hot and tight rectum. Both men screamed in pleasure, their sweaty bodies giving off a heavenly scent of pure masculinity.

Mark slowly pulled out of Kurt's rectum. He removed the condom and gloves and dumped them in a nearby wastebasket. Mark then walked in front of Kurt and forced his shrinking cock into his boy's mouth.

"Suck my remaining seed boy. You've made me very, very happy."

Kurt tasted Mark's salty seminal fluid as he moved up and down over his master cock. He sucked in vain what remained. Marked needed to urinate badly but would relish later introducing Kurt to watersports.

He went to an adjoining bathroom and let go a monster stream of hot piss. As he was relieving himself, he started to think what he would do next to his young, captive boy . the weekend was only just beginning.

To Be Continued..

Next: Chapter 4: Making of a Slave 4

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