Making of a Slave Series

By moc.oohay@909plk

Published on Oct 1, 2002


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons is purely coincidental. The names, characters, place and/or incidents are the product of this author's imagination or used fictitiously. In light of HIV/AIDS, please remember to play safe.

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Thank you so much for the positive reactions for the first installment. As always, feedback is most welcomed!!!

The Making of a Slave - Part II


At precisely 8:00 P.M., the twenty-year-old rang the doorbell of the turn-of-the- century Victorian. He waited for thirty seconds before his older Master opened the door, wearing a black t-shirt, jeans and white socks.

"You're on time boy, come on in."

Kurt walked through the door, carrying with him an overnight bag of clean clothes and toiletries for his weekend session with his new Master. He had only been here one week earlier, yet, for Kurt, it felt as though it was a month ago. Despite the fact that he was studying for midterms, the days leading up to today just seemed to crawl by.

"Put you bag down next to the coat rack. You can change into a fresh set of clothes when you leave but until that time, I will make all decisions for you. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir, I understand," Kurt replied, his head bowed.

"Follow me to the living room. I want to discuss what transpired last week and what I expect from you this weekend - playtime will come soon enough."

Kurt followed Mark into his living room. Mark sat down in the leather chair as Kurt sat down on the black leather sofa.

"Did I tell you to sit down on the sofa?"

"No Sir, you did not. I'm very sorry, it won't happen again." Kurt stood up and remained motionless, waiting for the older man's next command.

"Come here boy and kneel in front of me," Mark demanded. Kurt hurried and positioned himself as ordered.

"In light of the fact that our session together last weekend was your first with a man, pleased me very much. I see great promise in you but it is imperative that you comply with everything I tell you to do. If I ask you to get me a beer, you will do so; if I need my bathroom cleaned, you will obey as ordered."

"Yes Sir," Kurt answered.

"I will not hurt you nor will I ask you to do anything illegal. I do not subject my boy's to heavy pain or injury. I believe that the foundation or essence of domination is psychological. While you are with me, I will control what you eat, when you sleep, when and how you will eliminate your waste. I will test your limits but I will also respect them. Do you wish to proceed further or shall we just enjoy the memories of our last session?"

"Sir, my session last Saturday was the most exciting and exhilarating experience of my life. I never dreamed that I would serve a man but you have opened my eyes to a whole new reality."

"I've "opened" up more than that boy. Are you wearing your plug?"

"Yes Sir, I am."

"Did you wear it as ordered?"

"Yes Sir. It was .difficult sitting down. I had a very hard time concentrating on my Macro Economic Theory and Western Political Philosophy midterms with your gift in my ass. I thought I would not make it through the week. It was very embarrassing greasing up the plug after I went to the bathroom but. I.I needed to fulfill my agreement with you.

Mark started to stroke Kurt's hair and face. In a very soothing tone, the older man kept repeating the words "good boy."

They remained in their respective positions for a few minutes before Mark ordered Kurt to remove all of his clothes except for his underwear.

Kurt stood up and removed his clothes as instructed, sans his underwear. Mark then stood up and told Kurt to place his hands on his knees and to bend forward. Mark moved behind Kurt and ran his hands over Kurt's buttocks, stopping at the plug's outline. Mark smiled at the remnants of the greasy lubrication permeating through the white cotton material. His new boy had followed his explicit instructions. now for the real fun to begin.

"Follow me boy."

Kurt thought he would finally see the playroom that was partially pictured on Mark's website. He followed Mark out of the older man's living room and down the hallway. Mark stopped at a closed door and smirked as he opened the room that would be Kurt's temporary sleeping quarters for the next two days.

Kurt didn't quite know what to think when he followed Mark and surveyed the heretofore-unseen room. At first Kurt thought it was a guest bedroom, as the furnishings in the room were sparse. A double bed was placed against one wall with a wooden dresser against the wall opposite. On top of the dresser sat a baby monitor, which Kurt thought was rather odd but even more perplexing was the bed itself.

A heavy rubber sheet was fitted to the metal frame. Four fur lined leather cuffs were attached to their respective corner posts. The pillow was even covered in rubber. Kurt was starting to get overwhelmed over what his new experience would entail but kept his mouth shut. Mark's cock was very hard as he could see the younger man's discomfort.

"Lay down on the bed now boy. You will be spending quite a bit of time in this room so start getting acclimated to your new surroundings."

Very apprehensively, Kurt started to move but evidently not quick enough for Mark. Mark took Kurt's hand and forced him to lie face down on the bed. He then attached the leather cuffs to Kurt's wrists, properly securing the younger man.

"For your inattentiveness to my command, I'm going to spank you now boy. This is a quick reminder."

Mark then pulled off Kurt's underwear with the butt plug now exposed. He threw the younger man's underwear in the corner (to be saved later as part of his trophy wall). He then gave Kurt twenty quick hard slaps to each buttock with his firm hand. Kurt winced at the pain and started to moan. Mark removed an unknown object from the dresser and returned to the prone boy.

"This will keep you quite until I return. Open up." He placed the familiar penis gag in Kurt's mouth, securing it firmly. After ten more hard slaps he left the room.

The spanking made Kurt's cock hard. With the butt plug firmly positioned in his rectum and mouth gagged, Kurt was riding a new wave of pleasure. What his older dominant's plans were for him over the weekend, he did not know.

Mark did not return for a half-hour. In the meantime, Kurt looked around the room, mostly out of boredom and curiosity. The walls were painted white and three black and white photographs were prominately diplayed on the wall opposite the bed. Kurt did not know who the "artist" was but he had never seen anything like the images depicted. The first photograph showed the picture of a man on all fours, with his ass spread. The next photo showed the same spread ass, this time with a gloved hand partially penetrating the man's rectum. The third and final photo showed the wrist fully enclosed in the man's rectum.

Kurt had no idea what to think of the photographs. He accepted the fact that Mark was going to penetrate him but certainly not put his fist up his ass?

His nervous train of thought was interrupted when Mark entered the room. The older man wore a leather vest, which was opened to his bare chest, and a pair of leather briefs. His cock was staining through the pouch in an excited state. He also carried with him a bowl, can of shaving cream, a small towel and a razor. He placed the shaving implements on the dresser and stood over Kurt. He bent down and unfastened Kurt's cuffs.

"Turn over boy and lie on your back."

He then refastened Kurt's wrist cuffs and attached the ankle cuffs to the boy's spread legs. Looking into Kurt's eyes, Mark spoke in a paternal tone. "If you are to be my boy, you need to look like one. You have too much hair and we're going to remove most of it now. Needless to say, I don't expect you to move."

Mark then picked up the can of shaving cream and applied a modest amount on Kurt's chest. Kurt did not have a significant amount of chest hair. Mark then started to shave around his nipples, removing the fine hair with a delicate and experienced touch. He finally worked his way downward, removing the strip of hair from Kurt's bellybutton to his groin area.

After cleaning Kurt's chest of the remaining cream, Mark started to concentrate on the throbbing cock in front of him. He applied a liberal amount of cream to the coarse pubic hair surrounding Kurt's cock. Working his way inward from the younger man's inner thighs, Mark went about his task with the skill of a surgeon. Making quick, strategically placed strokes, he proceed to remove all of the hair around Kurt's penis.

He then took hold of the younger man's balls and started to rub lightly. As Kurt's cock started to twitch even more, Mark spread some left over amount of the prone boy's balls and gently removed the few, fine strands.

After Mark cleaned up the remnants of the shaving cream, he smiled at his new boy's hairless groin. He bent down and put the younger man's cock in his mouth. He then proceeded to give Kurt a one-minute blowjob, making the younger man almost cum. Kurt was beyond himself in an excited state of pure sexual bliss, wanting desperately to relieve himself.

"Your boy cock looked to good to pass up," Mark said as he started to unlock Kurt's cuffs. "You will of course reciprocate later, but for now turn over, get your ass in the air and place your head on the mattress."

Kurt had been lying down for more than an hour but quickly complied with Mark's order. With the penis gag still in his mouth, he turned around and got on his knees. Mark surveyed his boy's firm buttocks, rubbing both cheeks lightly, while admiring the view of the embedded butt plug.

Mark opened a drawer on the dresser and removed two latex gloves. After snapping both on, he walked over to Kurt and started to pull, ever so slightly, on the anal intruder. He then gripped the base of the plug more firmly and partially pulled out the object out of Kurt's rectum. Kurt moaned through the gag, sphincter muscle throbbing as Mark removed the plug entirely from his ass.

Mark placed the butt plug on the towel he had used earlier for the shaving. Removing a new towel from the drawer, the older dominant moved behind Kurt, wiping the remnants of the lubrication. Kurt's puckered anus was slightly distended from the prolonged use of the butt plug.

Mark applied a minute amount of shaving cream to the fine hairs surrounding his boy's anus. Very gently, he removed the few hairs that grew around the sphincter. With the new towel, he wiped the area clean of residue.

Throughout the entire shaving process, Kurt was somewhat bewildered and scared. Why did Mark have to shave his entire pubic area and ass? He must look like a teenager again.

But Kurt's humiliation would increase substantially more as Mark started to remove more items from the dresser. Opening a sealed package, Mark showed Kurt a one-inch cylindrical white object.

"This is a going up your ass boy. It's a suppository. It will work it's magic overnight." He placed the suppository at Kurt's anal entrance and started to push. Kurt sphincter was relaxed and still partially lubricated from the butt plug, making the placement even easier. It reached its final resting-place as Mark's knuckle reached the zenith point.

"This will melt soon enough boy. Since this is your first time, we need to make sure you don't make a mess in the middle of the night all over my bed."

With that Mark went to the dresser and much to Kurt's shock, picked up an adult sized disposable diaper and plastic pants. He walked over to the bed and sat down. Placing the diaper under Kurt's buttocks, he drew the diaper up between Kurt's legs. He then started to fasten the six rear tapes to the front, making the fit very tight.

Mark slid his hand down between the younger man's spread legs and pressed down. Much to Kurt's amazement, his cock was rock hard. Mark noticed as well.

"I guess you like the diaper, boy. It's a good thing, as you will be keeping one on while I'm not using one of your holes for the duration of your stay. Remember, I control what goes in and how it comes out."

Mark was secretly amused. He used diapers on his new boy's as a tool of dominance, discipline and humiliation. The power dynamic is so strong, as the diaper is a constant reminder of the boy's place, his elimination control taken away from him. His boy's, though, usually don't get hard. He was starting to realize that Kurt was more into the sensual aspects of domination, rather than the severe pain that other's usually desire.

Mark then lifted Kurt's buttocks and pulled up the plastic pants. The older man then got on the bed, his knees resting between Kurt's spread legs. He started rubbing his hands over the plastic material and the thighs. Very deliberately, his ran his fingernails over Kurt's smooth chest, making his boy's nipples grow. He bent down and started sucking on Kurt's left nipple and after a few minutes moved to the right. He started to bite and pull the excited nipple with his mouth, making Kurt squirm beneath him. Kurt never knew that his nipple's were so sensitive.

Mark the removed Kurt's penis gag and unbuckled the restraints, allowing Kurt to breathe more freely. for now.

"How are you feeling boy?" Mark asked, his face not more than few inches in front of Kurt's.

"It's a little overwhelming Sir. I have many mixed emotions."

Kurt's response was interrupted as Mark bent down and pressed his lips against Kurt's. Kurt was mortified as another man was trying to kiss him but his feelings for Mark transcended the barriers of "normality." The younger man opened his mouth as Mark's tongue snaked in, giving him a deep French kiss. Kurt felt Mark's rough goatee and mustache rub against his smooth face, magnifying the awkwardness of the moment.

A heretofore, unknown deep contentment started to emerge from within Kurt, as he placed his hands behind Mark's head and started to actively kiss the older man back. Encouraged, Mark pressed harder into Kurt, forcing the younger man to raise his legs and place them behind his back. They continued their tongue dance for a few more minutes, with Mark powerfully sucking on Kurt's tongue.

Mark was getting too excited and needed to relieve himself soon. He got off the bed and re-attached Kurt's wrist cuffs. Smiling, he then started to remove his leather briefs, pulling them down and placed them on the dresser.

He got back on the bed; backing himself up so that his hard cock and buttocks were facing Kurt's head. "You need to practice servicing me again boy. You can start by licking my ass," Mark demanded. He straddled Kurt's face, grinding his buttocks against the younger man. "Start licking boy."

Kurt could smell the strong odor of leather and the fresh scent of soap. Mark must have taken a shower while he was bound to the bed. Kurt started to tentatively lick the left buttock and then the right, noticing that Mark's buttocks were also shaved.

"Don't make me mad boy. Stop teasing me and lick my anus," Mark snarled.

Kurt had never heard of licking another person's anus but he started to move his tongue to the valley between the twin clefts. He licked up and down, with hard strokes. He finally reached the older man's anus and quickly ran his tongue across the engorged area. It wasn't as bad as he expected. He was also aware that he had to continue to appease Mark.

The younger man's oral ministrations continued for over ten more minutes. During that time, Mark offered encouraging words and praise, thoroughly enjoying the moment. He even got Kurt to extend his tongue and stab his internal canal. Mark did not want to experience to end but the younger man would soon find himself on the giving end of a "rim chair."

"Good job boy, now take my hard cock in your mouth. You know the old saying, `practice makes perfect.'"

Mark turned around and partially fed his cock into the younger man's mouth. He slipped about two inches in at first, wanting Kurt to get accustomed to the new intrusion. Kurt began to suck on the older man's engorged tool, keeping his teeth away from skin. Thus far, his gag reflex was subdued, probably from his experience last week and from the penis gag.

Encouraged by Kurt's efforts, Mark took hold of the younger man's hair with both of his hands and started to dictate entry on his own terms. Kurt bobbed up and down on the hard cock, taking more and more as Mark's thrust into him.

Mark was having a difficult time prolonging his ejaculation. He needed Kurt to get accustomed to sucking on his cock for future, lengthy sessions. Soon enough it to become second nature for his boy to drop to his knees and take his master's cock when ordered. He wanted his boy to take all eight inches but even experienced partners had difficulties.

He continued with the oral assault until he could not hold back any longer. With an excited shout, the older man yelled at the top of his lungs, "Hold on boy, your Daddy has a gift for you. ahh!!" Mark kept Kurt's mouth attached to his cock as he ejaculated load after load of hot cum down the boy's throat. Kurt tried in vain to swallow but let a majority of his master's cum run down his cheek.

Kurt gasped for breath as Mark removed his shrinking cock from his mouth.

"It looks like you need to practice more on your swallowing technique boy. Don't worry, you will be servicing me quite a bit this weekend." Mark pushed his now flaccid, dripping cock back into Kurt'' mouth and told him to suck him dry. Kurt sucked as much of the remaining salty cum from Mark's mouth.

Kurt looked tired and thirsty. Mark removed himself from the bed and reattached all four of Kurt's cuffs to the bed. The older man left the room for a few minutes, returning with a large glass of water with a straw. He fed the straw into Kurt's mouth and let his boy drink as much as he needed. He knew from experience that Kurt would need to use the bathroom in the middle of the night and encouraged Kurt to drink more.

After Kurt had finished drinking the water, Mark cleaned Kurt's face with a wet washcloth. He then bent down and gave Kurt a goodnight kiss on the lips.

"We have a busy weekend ahead of us my boy. It's time for you to go to sleep. If you do well tomorrow, I will let you sleep in my bed. Get some rest. you will need it."

Kurt could not imagine how he would be able to sleep. Here he was, bound to a rubber bed, wearing a diaper. How long would it take for the suppository to work? Kurt could not believe the night's events; what did his older dominant have in store for him the rest of the weekend??

To Be Continued.

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Next: Chapter 3: Making of a Slave 3

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