Making of a Raunch Pig

By smoothslave

Published on Apr 3, 2005


The Making of a Raunch Pig by:

This story is true and depicts acts of a homosexual nature. If you are underage or offended by this type of behavior, please do not read any further.

A special thank you to all who have sent pig emails concerning the story. They are greatly appreciated and most welcome.

pig apologizes for this chapter taking so long to complete.

Chapter 14

** House Party **

pig was not looking forward to this event. it really had lost most of its' inhibitions when serving SIR and a few of his friends but this task was not going to be easy. To make things worse, SIR had informed pig of the event several weeks in advance. This gave pig the time to ponder the party and to get itself really nervous and full of anxiety. Nor was it going to help that the party wasn't even at SIR's home but at his friends location instead. Not even a home turf feel to make things easier for it. pig knew that it had to perform well for its' Master or risk the chance of getting him angry or even worse. it was happy to have someone that used it the way it needed to be used. To risk losing that was a far worse fate, pig didn't want to feel lonely ever again.

When SIR first mentioned that there was going to be a house party, pig was excited. A few cocks to suck, men to serve, various object and cocks rammed into its' cunt. Great !! But as the event became more clear, the feeling changed. No, pig wasn't going to be the sex object for the night. SIR had decided that pig had a better job to perform. The sex may happen for pig if lucky, but full on sex was going to be left up to one of the other subs at the party. pigs duties were much more important, much more needed at this event. pig would be serving at the party for sure and ever man there would end up paying a visit or two with pig. That is, every man that needed to use the toilet.

SIR and pig arrived early at Marks' home and pig was led into the home. Once inside, SIR and Mark exchanged words and pig was stripped of its clothing. They led pig to the bathroom and placed a collar around its neck, clamps and a roll of toilet paper on its' tit, a blindfold on its' face and sat it on the cold tile in the corner of the bathroom. They gave one look over of the bathroom and pig, turned out the light and shut the bathroom door. pig could hear their laughter as they left it there to wait.

What seemed like an eternity later, pig began to hear the noise of a crowd gathering. Deep male voices laughing and carrying on, the ruckus of a hand gone wrong in poker, comments on how good the food was and some asking when the real party would begin. Rustling of bodies, the sound of boots and shoes hitting the floor. pig realized that the men were getting undressed from these sounds, the laughter no longer could be heard, just chairs sliding across the wooden floor as the men got into a better position for the event.

pigs cock began to stiffen as it heard the sound of another sub getting fucked and whipped. pig could hear the crack of a belt on his tender ass, the moans escaping from his lips with each slap. The men commenting on how he was taking cock after cock up his cunt. Working him around the room, using his body for their pleasure. A loud thump as he fell in a heap on the floor, followed by laughter as they plugged his cunt full of cum and had him begin to crawl around the room, beating his ass cheeks and slapping his face. pig craved to be that sub, it sat there and imagined the cocks ramming into its' own cunt. Filling it's opening with warm cum, the red welts on its' ass burning hot. But instead it sat in the dark, its' ass growing numb on the cold tile and waited.

it came out of its' trance when it heard the men moving around once again. The chairs sliding, the sound of bodies moving, the low thumps of bare feet on the wooden floor.

"Yes just down the hall.. Second door on the right.."

pigs body stiffened up as it heard SIRs voice giving directions to the bathroom. it pulled its' legs up to it chest and pressed its' body into the corner of the bathroom wall. The thumps on the floor growing closer, coming down the hallway. The rush of cool air as the door opened, and a slight bit of light making its way through the blindfold.

"Shit!! You fucking ass you should have told me there was a fag in here. Almost gave me a fucking heart attack you fuck wad. Jesus Christ !!!"

"Yeah you can always count on me for a good party. " followed by laughter from SIR.

"Yeah sure can.. What the fuck is this thing doing here? Oh I see, he is the toilet paper holder. Ha ha hahhaa..."

"That and much more. His name is pig... And let me tell you he fits his name if you get my drift."

pig could hear the door shut and the man make his short journey over to where pig sat. The feeling of his toes brushing up against pigs legs..

"Hello pig.. Open up I need to take a wicked piss.."

The warm quick stream now running into pigs mouth and down it's throat. Not as strong in taste as a morning piss most likely diluted from the beer the men were consuming at the party.

"Fucking nice job pig... I will be back later I'm sure of it..."

With that he left and pig could hear him telling the others that he gave pig a warm drink and that it was too bad he didn't have to do much more since that toilet paper was going to waste.

"Not a problem.. I need take a dump.. Will give that fag some work.."

The next man entered the bathroom and closed the door behind him. The sound of his shorts sliding down his legs, his ass coming into contact with the toilet seat and his hands running over pigs head. He pulled pig closer, it could feel the hair on his thighs brushing on the sides of its' cheeks. His soft cock pushing past the lips of pig, the slit opening and a warm gush of piss filling pigs mouth. His ass passing small amounts of gas as he forced out a log from his hole. The smell of his stench rising from between his legs flooding pigs nostrils as it kept its' mouth of his cock, spurts of piss as he pushed and a gentle plop into the toilet water under his ass. The roll of toilet paper being fiddled with and then spun on the chain attached to pigs tits. The pressure pulling on its' tits sending a wave of intense pain through its' chest. Pigs head being pushed against the bathroom wall, the warmth of his body coming closer, the thickness of his thigh muscles now touching pigs chest. The smell of his ass getting stronger to pigs nose as the hair on his ass cheeks rubbed on pigs face. The warmness of his ass crack on pigs nose, his fleshy cheeks spreading allowing the smell to grow stronger. pig sticking out its' tongue, running it into the crevice, the hair running over its' tongue.. Probing into the darkness between his cheeks until a bitter spot hit its' tongue, planting the taste on this man onto pigs tongue. pig licked around the hole, swirling and wetting the coarse anal hair, licking each strand clean until the taste was all in pigs mouth and no longer on the mans hole. Transferring the taste and stench from him to pig.

"Fuck yeah pig.. Damn you will be eating my ass again.. Fucking fine tongue you got their piggy."

He backed away, washed up and left pig alone once again. His most private taste now lingering in pigs mouth.

Time and space wrapped into one that night as man after man entered the bathroom. Some to take a piss down pigs throat, others to take a shit and have pig lick their holes clean. Its' mouth was filled with the taste of each man at the party. pig was unsure how many used its' mouth, unsure how many made a second and third trip. its' throat was sore from the acidic piss, its' mouth filmed over with stench that invaded its' nostrils with every breath, its' tits sore from the roll of paper that hung from the chain.

The next man that entered grabbed it by its' hair and pulled it to its' feet. His thick hands around pigs neck as he guided it's naked body out of the bathroom and down the hall. The silence of the men in the room made pig nervous. It knew they were watching as pig was led out into view. It became aware of its' nakedness and humiliated at the thought of all these men watching it without it being able to see them. pig was pushed down to its' knees on the wooden floor and then lay back until it came to a rest on its' back. It could feel the presence of some object on either side of its' head. pig moved its' head slightly to the left and felt the cold steel on its' ear, now realizing its' worst nightmare. The rim chair was over its' head. All of these men who had used it as a urinal and ass hole cleaner were now going to see its' full toilet duty.

The presence of the man above could be felt as the warmness of his body washed over pigs face. The hair from his ass cheeks brushing on pigs nose. Then the sound of SIR's voice.

"Okay men.. One more ass cleaning from pig before this party ends tonight. pig did a good job in the bathroom. But he really likes to be humiliated. I figure, what the fuck!! This pig needs it, I have to shit, so he may as well show all you fine men what a fucking pig he is. Isn't that right you fucking piece of shit ?"

"Yes SIR"

With that pig did what it had done many times before to SIRs asshole. it ran its' tongue into his crack and licked around the hole. The taste of his ass very familiar on pigs tongue as it rimmed its' Master. it tried its' best to get to a safe place in its' head. Tried to block out the fact that there were many watching as it performed this most secret and humiliating act upon its' Master. But it could not get there, could not block out the fact that they were watching and learning what a filthy pig it was.

His hole slightly opened and the tip of his firm log began to emerge. pig licked around the log and felt his hole grow larger as he pushed more out. it began to fuck its' mouth with the log, from the tip until its' open mouth was on SIRs musky skin. More and more pushed out and it chewed and swallowed over and over until SIR finished his bowel movement. pig could hear him stand and knew from experience that he was looking through the hole as pig finished its' meal from his ass hole. When completed it opened its' mouth and then thanked SIR for the gift.

pig lay there and waited for the seat to be removed but instead it felt the warmness of another body take a seat.

"Okay pig. One last hole to clean. This fucking piece of shit has been fucked over and over again and was plugged earlier tonight. Normally this piece of shit is so fucking low we would have it push all that cum out and eat it off the floor. But not tonight... Tonight even he is fucking worth more than you are pig. You will fucking eat from this slaves hole because you are lower than him you fucking toilet."

Sirs hand brushed past pigs face as he pulled the plug from the slaves ass hole. The warm cum mixed with his ass juices ran from his hole into pigs mouth. pig tasted the saltiness of the cum mixed with the flavor of his ass as it ran out and pooled in pigs mouth. Tears ran down pigs face as it realized it had become a nothing. No more than a toilet scum to be used and humiliated. A urinal for men to piss in, a port-o-potty for them to take a shit, a cum dump for them to pour their loads. Lower than a slave, not worthy of even being called a sub. Nothing more than a hole, an object, a pig.

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Next: Chapter 15

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