Making Me Their Little Bitch

By Raphael Adurra

Published on Apr 15, 2022


This story was previously published in the High School section but has been edited for the Authoritarian section, where it works better. With my American reader's help, the text was shortened, some characters disappeared, and aspects of D/s were reinforced. Also, my English has improved. Readers of the original story should notice the new material.

This is a work of fiction set in the 1970s, before AIDS, COVID, and the cell phone, involving sex scenes between guys. The author owns the copyright to this and all other chapters of the story.

Please consider donating to Nifty.

-------------------------------- MAKING-ME-THEIR-LITTLE BITCH - 7

Nico sat in silence for a while, staring at the forests around us. I assumed he was regaining his energy after discharging his cum in my mouth. I watched him as I waited, not knowing what our next step would be. I hadn't come yet, so I was especially interested in his cock.

"Do you want more, Leo?" he questioned me abruptly as I was admiring his tool. Even deflated and at rest, it looked enticingly gorgeous. He added in a mocking tone, "Yeah, from the way you're looking at my rod, I'm sure you want more."

I didn't like the way he addressed me, but what he said was correct. I desperately needed to feel it again.

"I'm gonna give you more cock," he stated as he knelt down on the towel and stared at me, "but first, I need to blindfold you."

"What?!" I asked, not understanding him.

"If you want more, you need to wear a blindfold," he replied.

"Is this some kind of joke?" I said, showing disbelief. "Do you think I'm out of my mind?"

He gave me a cold stare. I got the impression he was about to punish me for not readily doing as he demanded. However, in an apparent softening, he said that I might be surprised if I let him do what he was proposing.

I wondered what kind of surprise could await me in the middle of the forest. If I allowed this, I reasoned, I would be entirely at Nico's mercy.

"I'm not going to do anything that you don't want," he said, in a friendlier tone. "Trust me."

The issue was just that. I didn't trust him. Not totally, at least.

He came closer to me and pressed two fingers between my lips. I opened my mouth, letting them in. I was told to suck them. With his other hand, he pushed my speedo down, but not quite, just to the middle of my ass.

He placed his saliva-soaked fingers between my buttocks and began a slow, delicate up-and-down motion. When he tried to stick a finger into my hole, I let out a slight groan of pain. He came to a halt and returned his fingers to my mouth, indicating that I needed more lube.

He gazed at my stiff cock and smiled mockingly as I sucked and soaked his fingers. He trailed his lips lightly down my neck and put his hand back on my ass. The motherfucker knew I hadn't come and all it took was a warm breath from his mouth onto my skin, or the brief touch of his fingers to drive me insane. That's exactly what he was doing.

Had he forgotten about the blindfolding thing, I wondered, feeling my body surrender to him once more. He carefully inserted the first finger.

A minute later, I was wriggling my ass. He pulled his finger out, told me to spit on his hand, and slid two fingers in, not so gently this time.

"Hey..." I protested, in a weak voice, feeling my cock getting harder but also afraid of his roughness.

Nico bit my ear and said, "Stop it, Leo. I just wanted to feel it and see how you liked it. You need it, don't you?"

"Hmm-mm!" I replied, closing my eyes, unable to control my primal urges.

He told me to get down on my hands and knees. I groaned even louder as I felt his two fingers penetrate deeper and slide more fiercely in and out of my slit. He took them out and stopped, just as I was wriggling, and increasing the speed of my movements to better feel his fingers.

What the fuck?! Disappointed, I turned and looked into his face, expecting an explanation.

"So, what now, bitch? What's it gonna be?" He asked. "I will only continue if you agree to wear the blindfold. If you don't want to, you can go back to your mommy."

I stared at him in disbelief. I realized I'd fallen into Nico's trap. He'd forced me to reveal how aroused I could become from feeling him inside me. Now he wanted to exact his price. Why was this so important? Why did he want me to be under his complete control?

He stared at his cock, which had stiffened again, and stroked it for a few seconds. He raised his head, fixed his gaze on me, slid his hand over my ass, and murmured, "Stop fighting, Leo. You know what you want."

It was at that point that I took the risk and agreed to the blindfold with a nod. I wasn't 100% sure this was a good idea, but I needed that dick.

Nico motioned for me to rise and took a strip of black fabric from under the towel. He covered my eyes with it and tied a bow on the back of my head.

He had planned this afternoon carefully, I thought. What else had he hidden from me?

He checked to see if he had left a crack between the fabric and my skin and asked if I could see anything. After my negative answer, he hugged me from behind and informed me, "You made the right decision, Leo. You're going to be my whore, but don't worry, you won't regret it."

As soon as he said that I heard footsteps on the dry leaves. Someone was getting closer. Scared, I tried to bring my arm up to remove the blindfold, but Nico held me tighter.

"Easy," he said. "We're gonna take care of you."

We?! I was already sorry for letting him blindfold me.

Nico rubbed his hard cock on my ass, bit and kissed my shoulder, and repeated that I should trust him. I don't know why, but the feeling of his cock rubbing up and down between the crevice off my ass calmed me down. When I stopped struggling, he said he'd let go of my arms if I promised not to remove the blindfold. I agreed, and he let me go.

From the way he stood behind me, his chest against my back, I could tell he was ready to re-immobilize me at any moment. However, in the state I was in, that was no longer necessary. His hardon, lightly moving up and down, was sending chills all over my body. I felt like I would do anything he wanted if he continued to do that.

A hand suddenly crept over my chest and squeezed my nipple. It wasn't Nico's hand. Who could this other person be?

The alien hand took my hand, slid it across his chest which was muscular, and led it to his dick. By the caliber of the shaft, even though it wasn't fully hard yet, I had the suspicion that it was Paco's girthy dick. I hoped it was. I didn't want my secret to be known to anyone other than Nico and him.

Nico stroked my lower back from behind. No one had ever touched me like that before. He seemed to introduce me to a new sensual zone in my body every time we met. I never imagined that my lower back, from the top of my crack, could be so sensitive to a man's touch, or that my earlobes were so erogenous, or... Damn! Despite my fear and anxiety, Nico's caresses sent a delightful tingle down my spine and throughout my ass.

This new person let go of my hand and moved his palm to my backside. Slightly pulling Nico's hand away, his hand entered through the top of my swimming trunks, which remained in the middle of my ass, and rubbed and cupped my buttocks. A finger slid between them. It reminded me of the caress Paco had given me while we were dancing at my house. Even though it was the same action, I still couldn't be positive it was Paco.

I had no more doubts, however, when the dick wrapped within my fist stiffened. I would never forget a dick with that kind of width. It barely fit in my hand. It had to be Paco's tool.

I was more at ease. Nico had abused my trust by handing me over to someone else without my knowledge or consent, but it would have been far worse if he had brought a stranger into the woods with him. I would have felt betrayed twice.

Nico slid his palm across my back and inquired, "Do you like it, bitch? Two cocks at the same time?"

"Uh-huh," I answered.

"Yeah, I know you're cock hungry," he said. "I know your type, faggot. Take mine. You can have a cock in each hand."

Oh, my goodness. How could Nico know what that meant to me? For so long, night after night, I had burned with the desire to touch the dicks of the boys I saw at school. I wanted to feel the weight, girth, smell, and taste of each one. It was an uncontrollable curiosity, and it was being sated in the best way, with two cocks at once.

I rested my head on Nico's shoulder and stroked both cocks, intending to concentrate solely on the intense sensations they provoked in me. I felt a bit euphoric knowing that my touch caused erections in two different boys. That I could do this for them, and to them, brought me my own satisfaction.

I thought of asking Nico to remove the blindfold so I could better enjoy what was going on. Why keep it on since I already knew who both were? However, I held off. The secretive nature of what we were doing added its own thrill.

Nico's fingers went inside my trunks and moved along my crack, competing with what I believed were Paco's fingers for space.

"You want more, don't you?" He asked.

"Yes, Nico."

"Good, faggot."

The two merged their movements, and I was back on my hands and knees with Paco in front of me. Nico, squatting down behind me, slid his two fingers back into my hole. Paco yanked my head down and said, "Suck it."

Nico burst out laughing and exclaimed, "Paco, did you forget? You should keep your mouth shut."

"Fuck, I forgot," Paco replied, chuckling. "But he must have known it was me. My cock is unforgettable," he said with amused confidence.

Nico slapped my ass and asked, "Did you recognize him before he began speaking, Leo?"

"Uh-huh," I managed to say with my mouth full.

"What a faggot!" Nico burst out. "You can tell who it is just by feeling our cocks?"

The two laughed again as what must have been sounds of the forest rustled around us. I ignored these because Paco started shoving his tool into my mouth, saying, "Focus more on my schlong. Do what I taught you."

Familiar with his dick, I wanted to show Paco that I had learned everything he had taught me. Nico moved to the side from behind me, and I groaned when he took one of my tits, pinching it.

I was lost between those two horny studs when the unexpected happened. I almost jumped up when another pair of hands touched my ass. It couldn't be Paco because he held my head in his hands. Nor could it be Nico. I could feel his hand on my chest. What the hell! Who was there?!

I again threatened to take off the blindfold, but Paco and Nico restrained me. That was when I figured out why Nico had kept me blindfolded. It was so I wouldn't see this third person.

I pushed Paco's legs. He brought his mouth closer to my ear and murmured, "Take a deep breath, babe. It 's alright. My dick is already in your mouth, so focus on that and keep me happy. That's your job now."

The stranger's hands stroked my ass, down and up the speedo. He also slapped my buttocks. Nothing too strong, just enough for my buttcheeks to shake.

"Didn't I tell you?" I heard Nico say. "See that ass? In those swimming trunks? And that tan mark? It's crazy, isn't it? Yeah, I haven't forgotten what you told me."

Nico was speaking to the guy behind me as if he were a salesman and the red speedo was being used to package the merchandise. Had Nico held off completely undressing me for this reason? He wanted to show off the merchandise to its best advantage?

I felt the unknown hands on my back, pushing, making me lower my torso and lift my ass. He slid into my swimming trunks, held my ass, and squeezed my buttocks. They were big, calloused, and eager hands.

The swimming trunks were pushed down. I lay still, trying to think of what I could do to get out of this situation. Paco slapped my head, saying, "I taught you better than that. Work it, bitch!"

He raised and lowered my head with both hands, forcing me to suck his dick. I tried to do what he asked because he seemed so horny and I felt I owed it to him to perform my cocksucking duties well, but it was hard to concentrate with that unknown guy behind me.

Paco next did something unexpected. He lowered his face, cupped my chin, and kissed me. It was a short, quick kiss, followed by another, a little longer, and another, deeper than the last. His lips were soft and warm and moist. As his tongue entered my mouth, I felt myself melt inside.

Paco realized my weakness, pulled away, and pushed my mouth back to his cock. I had been so enraptured and grateful for those kisses that the first and only thing that crossed my mind was to reward him. I sucked his cock with renewed ardor.

Paco threw his torso back, spread his legs wider, and moaned pleasurably.

Behind me, the unknown guy opened my asscheeks, exposing my hole. What would he do? Would he push his fingers inside me as well? Instead of fingers, however, I felt his warm breath on the skin of my ass. Fuck! He was sniffing my hole. That only added to my embarrassment. That wasn't a body part for someone to stick their nose in.

I was expecting a curse or some nasty remark, but what I got was a groan of satisfaction. He seemed to enjoy it.

Then something even more unbelievable happened. I felt my butt cheeks pulled apart and a strong, wide, and wet tongue touched my hole. Even within the blindfold, my eyes shot open. He was licking my ass! From the bottom all the way to the top.

It was weird. I tried to move my ass away, but Nico slapped it, real hard, and said, "I didn't tell you to move, bitch. Stay there!"

Paco, on the other hand, grabbed my head with both hands and said, "Keep your focus. Prove to me that you're a good cocksucker."

Longer, wetter movements began to arise from the unidentified tongue. After a few more of those long licks, I thought, "That wasn't so awful." I even began to enjoy it. My sphincter relaxed as I elevated my ass and offered it up.

I couldn't believe I was displaying myself this way. My fear began to drop for the first time since the stranger's arrival.

Paco noticed the change and began talking to me. He wanted to teach me a new cocksucking technique. I had to suck his cock with a twisting motion of my head. I tried my best and knew I was on the right track when he began to moan louder.

Still, no matter how hard I tried to focus on pleasing Paco, it was impossible to forget that tongue working on the most intimate part of my body.

The guy stopped, opened my buttocks with his hands, and stopped moving for a few seconds as if he was just watching.

"Yeah, I know. He's tight," said Nico, beside me, letting out a proud laugh. Maybe the unknown person had said something by the look on his face because Nico spoke as if making a response, "I told you! Pink, tight, smooth, and clean. As you can see, it's very smooth, and there isn't a single hair in sight."

Again, Nico was talking like he was vending a piece of merchandise. Was he pimping me? Is that why he told me I was going to be his whore?

The tongue returned to my ass. It started to move forward, trying to penetrate my tiny opening. And it was on its way in!

"Are you enjoying it, faggot?" Nico asked. And answering his own question, he continued, "Yeah, your cock is saying you're in love, but don't forget Paco's dick. Keep sucking it!"

The dude behind me knew how to use his tongue, and, by his moans, he seemed to like it. He straightened up again and must have gone back to watching my hole.

"Look! The faggot's hole is blinking and twitching," exclaimed Nico, who must have been looking in the same direction as the friend he'd invited to the forest. "What a fucking whore! Man, you can tell he wants a pounding!" He said enthusiastically.

Encouraged by Nico's words, the guy started to slide his dick down my asscrack, spreading precum. Fear, worry, guilt, and lust were all present in my mind. Nico made my body go down, making it easier for my mouth to access Paco's cock and, at the same time, for me to keep my butt up.

"Move your tongue, cocksucker," said Paco.

I did my hardest to meet his requests, but it was the stranger who worried me the most. He began to lubricate my hole. It appeared to be the same lube Nico had used on me. He must have lent it to his friend.

The stranger finally lined up his cock with my ass and started to slide in. His apparent largeness filled me with a sudden uneasiness, a fear that he was going to destroy my ass. In fear, I contracted all my muscles to keep him from continuing.

Nico squeezed and twisted my left nipple, while Paco reached down and did the same with the right. With that sudden burst of pain diverting my attention, I neglected my ass and the cockhead entered.

Fuck! It was tearing me up! I couldn't handle it. I took Paco's dick out of my mouth and begged, "Stop. Please! I can't."

Nico almost shouted, "No. Go ahead, man. Pay no attention to what he's saying. The faggot is pretending. His fat ass was made for sex, to take men's fucks, and serve them. You know that don't you, faggot?"

The last was more a statement than a question. I shook my body, wanting to be free, and Nico raised his voice again to say, "You aren't going anywhere, faggot! Relax or it will get worse for you."

The guy's cock slipped away from the hole. I felt both of his hands on my buttocks, spreading them. His cockhead touched my entrance again and poked it a couple of times as if testing it, kissing my anal lips, knocking, asking for access.

He dug his fingers into my waist and pushed it in. This couldn't be happening. It was huge. There was such pressure on my gut that, in desperation, I stopped sucking Paco's cock, and brought my right hand to the thigh of my attacker, trying to push him back. When I touched it, I felt that it would be useless. It was thick and strong like the thigh of a professional football player. It was tightened to the extreme, entirely devoted to the effort of shoving that monster into my hole.

Imprisoned by three pairs of hands, all I could do was groan in pain, while Nico let out a breathy "Fuck, yeah! Look at it stretch open. That's gotta hurt," celebrating the ongoing invasion of my butt.

I was on the verge of passing out. I raised my head to Paco, hoping he would rescue me. He squatted down and kissed me passionately once more, indicating that he comprehended my pain. His warm lips devouring my mouth and his tongue entwining with mine made me feel a new wave of thankfulness and a strong desire to accomplish what he demanded.

He stopped kissing me and encouraged me to accept the attack on my ass. With his mouth near my face, he said, "Relax. You can take it, babe." I groaned, a mixture of agony and acceptance, and he pushed my mouth onto his cock once more.

Nico, in turn, took hold of my nipples, squeezing and twisting them. It was clear to me at that moment that he and Paco were working together to break down my resistance and make the mysterious attacker's actions easier to endure.

At one point Nico dropped his right hand and gave my cock a light smack. He just wanted to show me that he knew. Despite all my agony, my dick was hard.

The pain he inflicted on my nipples was so terrible that I forgot about the massive tool ripping me apart for a few moments. Moaning in pain, I realized the cock had been totally inside me for some time, and that I could take it just as Nico had said I could.

Nico released my nipples, and said, "Does it feel good, faggot? Work on it. Show me how much you want to make me happy. Do it! Do it for me! Make me proud."

Nico's command sparked something different in me. I realized I didn't want to let him down. Yes, from the moment I'd let Nico blindfold me, there had been something in the deepest, secret part of me that told me not to let him down. I couldn't understand it. If I thought rationally, I wouldn't have accepted it, but at that moment, I realized that it was the motive that guided me.

I obeyed Nico's order. For the first time, instead of trying to expel the invader, I relaxed my inner muscles, signaling to the guy that I wanted him inside me. He replied with an opposite movement, driving in further, making his monster cock grow even more.

He took it out, lubed my hole even more, and softly nestled everything back in. Fuck! Even with him being careful, that monster hurt, and I worried I'd have trouble walking afterwards, but I wanted it. Instead of complaining, I pushed my ass back.

Nico noticed it and said, "Good, Leo. I'm proud of you! When you do what you're supposed to do, what I tell you to do, good things will happen."

I felt a twinge of pride when I heard him.

The well-hung guy behind me stopped for a while, feeling my anal muscles, tightening, and releasing around his cock. It was an involuntary movement, a reaction to the pressure his weapon was imposing on me, a last-ditch effort to expel the invader.

He drilled in slowly, allowing my hole to adjust. Each movement of his member was a new experience. His cock was filling parts of me that hadn't yet been touched by Nico or Paco's cock.

Little by little, I started to moan with pleasure. When the guy let his cock slip out of my ass, I reached back and held it. Feeling its weight, size, and caliber, I understood why I had suffered so much.

I led it back to my asshole and pushed my body on to it. It was then that I heard a hissing sound, and someone letting out, in a low, choked, ecstatic voice, "Fuuuck!"

The guy made a mistake in saying that. It was an unintentional act, driven by lust and barely audible, but I heard it. I now knew who my impaler was. I had only a hint a few minutes ago when I touched the guy's thigh, but now, after hearing his voice, I was sure.

I groaned while Paco shoved his cock deeper down my throat and reminded me that I should satisfy him too.

The guy behind me grabbed me with both hands, pulled me back towards him, and started to fuck me faster. My ass was on fire. I felt I was at my limit, but I didn't want to stop. I needed to go all the way. I wanted Nico to be proud of me.

I took Paco's tool out of my mouth and demanded, "Fuck me, Alex! Fuck me!"

On impulse, I had uttered Alex's name. I regretted it, afraid I had done something wrong, afraid that they would stop fucking my mouth and my ass, and, above all, that Nico would be disappointed and even angry because of it.

None of this happened. Alex kept using his cock like a hammer inside my asshole, and I heard Nico laugh, "Fuck! The faggot recognized the cock from the football field," he said. "Our little bitch knows who's destroying his hole."

If I could have spoken, I would have told him that I didn't recognize the cock, but Alex's voice. And how the hell did he know about what happened on the football field? Did these guys talk about everything they did to me?

"This isn't an ass or even a hole; it's a pussy," replied Alex. "Tight, warm, wet, and velvety soft. It's the most delicious pussy I've ever fucked. His ass fucking jiggles!"

I didn't like the comparison to a pussy, but at that moment, I wasn't there to like it or not. Paco pulled off my blindfold, grabbed my head with both hands, and began fucking my mouth furiously. Alex was grunting. At a point when his cock escaped from my asshole, I took Paco's dick out of my mouth and looked back. I locked my gaze on the muscular young black man with shiny, sweaty skin. I recognized his look of lust as the same I had seen on the soccer field.

"You've wanted to feel my cock within you since you felt it touch your ass during the game, haven't you, blondie?" he asked with a chuckle.

I replied, "Yes, Alex, I wanted it."

"And do you want it back inside, blondie?"

"Yes, Alex!"

He pushed his tool into me until I felt his curly pubes rubbing my skin and he started fucking me again.

I wanted to grab my cock to jerk off, but both my hands were flat on the ground. I tried to drop one of them, but I lost my balance, prompting Paco to advise me to pay attention. I realized that even if I could keep one hand free, taking care of Paco, Alex, and myself at the same time would be impossible. I was desperate to come, but I knew where my priorities had to be, so I waited.

Nico must have noticed my torment and returned to pinching my nipple. My lusty torment increased. I started squirming and twitching my muscles. That led to Alex going into overdrive. He slammed his cock into me insanely, pulling me to him and even yanking my mouth away from Paco's dick.

It didn't take long. Alex suddenly stopped for a few seconds, and roared, "Here it comes, blondie! Take it!"

The entire forest must have heard him. Paco was triggered by Alex's screams and my moans. He drew my head down, his cock buried in my throat. After that, I felt it stretch, and pulse, and pulse, and pulse, and discharge its cum.

"Take it, cocksucker!" Paco said. "Take your man's cum!"

I swallowed, milking all I could.

Soon after, as I took Paco's cock out of my mouth, feeling its last pulsations in my fingers, Alex's dick slid out of me.

I took a deep breath, trying to fill my lungs after being nearly suffocated by Paco, when Nico drew my attention. He was on his feet and brought me to my knees in front of him, my face inches from his cockhead. It was covered with precum.

He had been wanking, and now while looking down at me, his dick became more turgid, and its head fuller by the second. It was as if the sight of me, kneeling in front of him, naked after being used by two of his mates, with cum dripping from my ass and mouth, had lit a fire under his arousal. His precum dripped onto my face, and I tongued every drop I could.

He let out a deep moan of ecstasy, pointed his dick down at my face, and a hot stream of jizz sprayed out all over it. My nose, lips, eyes were all covered in goo... Still wanking, he stated I was his faggot, his bitch, his whore, and everyone should know it.

When he was done, he rubbed his cock over my face, spreading cum all over it, and said, "Cum for me, cunt."

Licking my lips, taking in all his cum that I could, I rolled onto my back, and started to jerk off desperately. Nico stepped over and straddled either side of my head with his feet. He smirked as he looked down at me. He lifted one of his feet, and his big toe pressed down on my upper lip and slid inside my mouth. I came while looking up into his face, his arrogant, conquering face.

I collapsed to the side, between Paco's legs.

"Wow, that was crazy!" I heard Alex saying. He had probably witnessed my final humiliation.

Shortly after putting on his shorts, he said to Nico, "Thanks, buddy. I needed that."

Paco helped me up. Looking at my wet legs, snotty face, and slowly deflating penis, still dripping with cum, he chuckled. "It seems that someone enjoyed getting used at both ends."

Hearing that, Nico remarked, "Yeah, the perfect faggot."

"I don't think you should give him to anyone," Alex interjected, addressing Nico as if offering friendly advice. "You found him. You should keep him. Definitely. Think about it."

Embarrassed, I pulled on my swimming trunks and my shorts. What had I just done? I wondered, returning to reality. What had Nico done to me? What had he turned me into?

THANKS to the readers who emailed me with their thoughts, ideas, and suggestions. You're the ones who keep me motivated to keep writing.

Next: Chapter 8

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