Making Me Their Little Bitch

By Raphael Adurra

Published on Mar 24, 2022


This story was previously published in the High School section but has been edited for the Authoritarian section, where it works better. With my American reader's help, the text was shortened, some characters disappeared, and aspects of D/s were reinforced. Also, my English has improved. Readers of the original story should notice the new material.

Chapters will be published weekly.

This is a work of fiction, set in the 70s, and with sex scenes between men. This and all other chapters of this story are the copyright of the author.

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In the afternoon of the next day, I decided not to stay at home. I didn't want to listen to the phone ringing, spend hours thinking about Nico, or to exhaust myself by masturbating. I put my cleats in my backpack and pedaled around town, careful not to go through places where I would find Nico.

In the schoolyard, which was open during the holidays, I met a group of boys playing soccer. This wasn't unexpected. In my town, it was always possible to find a group playing soccer somewhere.

None of the players showed any enthusiasm for my arrival. Perhaps they already knew that I wasn't an ace at the game. I always preferred individual sports like cycling and running.

I was invited to play because they needed one person to even out the teams. My luck. The unofficial team captain called to me with a quick nod. He was a black boy with thick, muscular thighs, who worked in a cafeteria downtown and studied at night. I knew he was called Alex.

I worked very hard throughout the match. I ran without stopping and didn't run away from any clash. I mainly took care of helping the best players with good passes. One of them, to our center forward, led to the winning goal for our team.

During the celebration, Alex slapped and squeezed my buttocks a little longer than was common or permissible in male celebrations.

"Nice," he said.

"Do you like it?" I asked, shaking it playfully.

He laughed, pulled my head to his massive, sweaty chest, and, messing up my hair, added, "I meant that it was a nice pass, blondie. Play more often. You are welcome here."

Man, what was going on? Nobody had ever invited me to play on a team before. Was it my qualities as a player or my ass? Suddenly everyone was discovering my ass. Had I grown up?

I came home covered in sweat and went straight to the bathroom shower. I had already settled on the sofa, with a towel wrapped around my waist, and was just beginning to taste a big bowl of ice cream, when someone knocked on the back door which opened onto the kitchen. It must be some neighbor looking for my mother, I thought, getting up to answer.

Upon opening the door, I saw that it was Paco.

"Sup man?" He said.

"Paco! What are you doing here?" I asked, incredulous.

How had he found my address? Why had he knocked on the back door and not the front? Was he alone? And why was he here? Would these people never leave me alone again?

"Hey, take it easy, boy. I just came to see how you are. Nico is worried. You didn't show up or answer the phone. Have you been sick?"

"No. I'm fine, as you can see."

"Good to know. And what is that cream on your lips? Cum?" He asked with a provocative smile and laugh.

"What?" I replied. Mortified, I brought a finger to my lips. "Damn. I was eating ice cream. How did you find out my address? Did you follow me?"

"Easy, dude. Did you forget that this is a small town? Everyone here knows a little about everyone. By the way, I heard you played earlier today. A friend told me you didn't play badly."

"Are you making fun of me? Compared to you, I'm not anything."

"I can teach you some things, besides sex," he added, again with that provocative smile.


At that moment, the towel, which I had forgotten, slipped from my waist and fell to the floor.

"Wow!" he exclaimed, laughing. "I didn't expect you to be in such a hurry to get started."

"Stop it," I said, bending down to wrap myself in the towel.

"Chill out," he said. "After seeing what happened between you and Nico, I thought you would be more relaxed."

"Oh? And what did you see?" I asked.

"Well, I don't know where to start," he replied. "How about I start by saying that I saw you impaling yourself on Nico's rod and begging him to shove it in more."

"Stop it!"

"OK. Forget the details. What I mean is that I imagined that after having had such a good time, you would like to feel another cock inside your pussy."

Suddenly, his hand was on my chest. He caressed my left nipple and squeezed it between his fingers. I shivered. My God! Had my nipples always been so sensitive? I had never been aware of it before.

A quick smile crossed Paco's lips and he squeezed a little more. My body trembled. He sucked in air with his lips pressed, making a small noise, a hiss of pleasure at seeing my reaction.

I knew I should take his hands off my chest and send him away. But I didn't do what I was supposed to do. Why? Was it because I feared him? Was it because I was afraid he would tell other people what he had seen? Or was it because of the pent up horniness I had been feeling since I woke up, and that only increased during the soccer match?

He raised his other hand, squeezed my right nipple more tightly, and asked, "Are you going to let me in or what, babe? I know you're alone. We could keep each other company."

"I think you better go," I said, in a weak voice.

"Are you sure?" He asked, dropping his hand and brushing my cock over the towel.

Damn. I was having an erection.

Caught, I took a step back, making way, and nodded at him to enter.

"It's just to talk," I said.

"It's ok, Leo," he answered. "Just talk."

He hugged me from behind the instant I closed the door, saying, "So, alone at last."

As I felt the sweat of his chest on my back, I joked, "Hey, I just took a shower."

"Oh,yeah? I'm going to mess you up. Sweat is just the beginning," he said, tickling me.

"Stop it," I muttered, attempting to break free from his embrace.

He brought his mouth close to my ear and said, "Think before saying no. Look, we are on vacation. We're alone. You're already naked. From what I saw in the forest, you have a hungry ass. I have a thick dick, ready to fill it. Everything fits, doesn't it?"

He languidly ran his tongue over my ear, caressed my chest, and continued, "The hairs on the back of your neck are sticking up. I'm sure your tight asshole is winking at me right now."

"Hold your horses, Paco," I said, still trying to get away from him.

He yanked the towel off my waist and pressed the bulge in his shorts against my ass. "Think, Leo. No one will know. This is just a continuation of what you started in the forest."

"That was a mistake," I said.

He pushed me face first against the wall and said, "I heard you howling in pleasure, Leo. You don't need to pretend. You had a hard-on."

His body was hot and his hug felt magnetic, but I didn't want to continue. I needed to stop it.

He knelt down. Damn! Was he looking at my ass?!

"Fuck!" He said, holding my cheeks with both hands. "I can't stop imagining this hole sucking on my dick."

"Nico knows you are here?" I asked, still looking for a way to stop him.

"Leave Nico out of this," he said, kissing my bum.

"He'll know you made me do something I didn't want to," I said.

I don't know why, but it worked. Paco looked at my ass for a few more seconds and released me. I took the opportunity to grab the towel.

He breathed heavily, entered the living room, and threw himself heavily on the sofa.

"I was just playing," he said, as if apologizing, spreading his legs and reaching outrageously into his shorts to fix his hard-on. This done, he looked around and observed, "I think your living room is bigger than my parents' entire house."

I realized the strangeness of the situation. After failing in his attempt to take me, I thought Paco would leave, but he had entered my house. What would be his next move? And what should I do? I didn't know what to say.

"I was eating ice cream. Do you want some?" It was the first thing that occurred to me as a host.

"Nah ..."

"A soda?"


As he sipped his soda and I finished my ice cream, I watched him more closely. He wasn't as handsome as Nico, his features were tougher and more masculine, but he was attractive. His thigh muscles were thick and well-defined and his butt was fleshy and hard.

As I watched Paco, I also realized that I wasn't as nervous or afraid in his presence as I had been with Nico. Why? It was lust that had driven him to my house. He expected me to serve him the same way I served Nico, and I could tell that he seemed willing to do anything to get what he wanted. There was, however, something about him that was less aggressive than Nico. I'd say he was friendlier and more open to conversation.

"Get over here," he said, interrupting my thoughts and slapping his hand on the couch.

Here we go, I thought, approaching suspiciously, but at the same time, with a strange and unexpected desire to please him.

He took my hand and gently brought it towards his package. Very persistent, I thought, while looking at him with a head movement to make it clear that I didn't want to.

I waited for him to back off, but he continued. He pressed his hand over mine to ensure I had a good feel of his bulge.

"You can't be serious," I said.

"I can't help myself," he whispered in a deep voice, with a touch of suffering.

"I don't want to," and attempted to move away.

"Please stay," he asked, removing his hand. "You're free to do what you want. I'm just asking you to feel it. That's not too much, is it? "

"I'll do what you're asking, but if you don't control yourself, I'll stop," I said.

"Deal," he replied.

Slowly, I slid my fingers along his shaft, squeezing it here and there. His dick throbbed, feeling alive and too big for the small space inside his shorts. After a few minutes, and already fully hard, he stood before me and said, "Free it."

I didn't move.

"I just want you to see it," he said, making his tool jump.

"Ok," I agreed, starting to pull down his shorts.

His weapon was awesome. Thick, with some protuberant veins.

Paco gave me time to admire it. With slow movements, taking care not to jostle me from my trance, he pulled the foreskin back, revealing his moist, succulent glans. Always watching me, he dropped his hand to his smooth, light brown balls, shaking and weighing them, and said, "My balls are so full that sometimes they hurt. You could help me, babe."

He was trying to seduce me with his soft, pleading voice. He took my hand one more time and led it to his erection.

"Take it. Feel how hard it is," he said. "Hmm. Now move it. That's it. Go on. You're doing good."

I could barely close my hand around it.

He stroked my shoulders, wrapped his hand around the back of my neck like a hook, pulled me, and brought my mouth closer to his cock. "Kiss it," he whispered.

He sounded so needy that, before I could fully think it through, I kissed the head of his dick.

"Hmm," he moaned. "Don't stop. Lick it."

I pushed back his foreskin and started licking the underside and around the crown.

"Yeah. Go ahead, babe. Suck it. Help me."

I leaned forward and engulfed the head. He breathed in sharply through his teeth, held my head with both hands, and said a bit more firmly, "Keep at it!"

I could feel, by the tension in his body, how much he struggled to control himself and not put it all at once in my mouth. The bad boy knew how to be kind.

After engulfing the head, I felt like going ahead, but I didn't. I was stopped by the memory of Nico telling me that I didn't know how to suck.

Paco noticed the hesitation and moved his hips, trying to slide it in a little more. I backed off.

With his thick stick covered with my saliva and suspended in the air, he asked, "What happened, babe? Am I pushing too far?"

"No..." I replied.

He looked into my eyes, probably trying to figure out what to do to get me to offer him my mouth again, and said, "Let me teach you how to suck."

What?! Had he read my mind? Or had he seen me in the woods, trying to suck Nico's cock?

"If you let me teach you," he added, "when you see Nico again, you'll do even better."

"I don't intend to see him again," I replied.

"Do you want to learn to suck or not?" he insisted, ignoring my response.

"Yes, I do. I want to learn," I quickly responded.

He spat on his fingers, brought them to my lips, squeezed them, and spoke, spreading the spit with his thumb, "Your lips are so soft, so fleshy. I'm sure you'll do a great job for your men."

Taking a step back, he kicked off his shorts, which were still on his heels, and pointed to a spot on the floor in front of him. "Pull this towel off your waist and get down on your knees," he said. "This is the appropriate place for you to show your respect for your men."

Men? I didn't understand why he kept repeating that. Did he think I'd go around sucking any man's cock? I knew indirectly he was calling me a bitch, and maybe even a whore, and I didn't like it. However, I didn't react because I really wanted to learn how to suck a cock. Why? I couldn't say. Although, in my deepest self I felt I could hear Nico's voice telling me this is what I should do. This is what happens to boys like me.

Paco's eyes lit up as I took the towel from my waist and knelt in the spot he pointed out.

"Move your head down to my balls and take a whiff," he ordered.

I obeyed a little more hesitant this time, wondering if I was not humiliating myself too much.

"Enjoy the scent of your man," he said, pushing my head between his legs.

I couldn't think of anything else. For the next few minutes, I just worried about moving my nose around his balls, through his groin, the perineum. I only stopped because he pulled me by the hair and said I was making him leak.

He squeezed his dick and began to slowly move his hand, milking it until a viscous, crystalline drop sprouted between its protruding lips.

"Lick it," he ordered.

I stuck out my tongue and licked.

"Again," he said, offering me another drop.

In the third drop, he asked me, "Do you like the gift I'm giving you?"

"Yes, I do," I answered, taking the initiative to go ahead. I put both lips over the head and sucked the precum out of his piss slit. He moaned and flexed his cock. I swallowed the head and pressed my lips around it. He waited a few seconds, pushed me back, in a restrained and firm manner, and asked, "I'm not forcing you, am I, babe?" He asked.

"No, Paco."

"You want my dick, don't you?"

"Yes, I do."

He held his cock again and, using it as a stick, proceeded to hit my face.

"Do you want to be a good cocksucker?" He asked, without stopping his thwacking of my face.

Cocksucker? The word startled me. I didn't want to be labeled as a cocksucker. I was about to say that when he slid his fingers through my hair and asked, "You want to please your men, don't you?"

"Yes, Paco. I want to," I replied.

"Good. Let's continue."

He sat on the sofa and told me to stay between his legs.

"The first thing a cocksucker should learn is not to scratch his man's dick with his teeth," he said, caressing my lips again with his fingers. "You must avoid teeth. Your lips should be covering your teeth all the time. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Paco."

"Open your mouth. Let me in," he said while pulling my head towards his cock.

I opened as wide as I could, swallowed the head, and went a little further.

"What a hot mouth!" He said.

The compliment cheered me up, but the thickness of Paco's dick was a struggle. Minutes later, although I was barely past the head of his cock, my mouth already felt like it hurt, so much was the strength it required to envelop his cockhead without scratching it.

"I want you to go a little deeper, but keep watching your teeth," he said.

I moved forward. His tool was as hard as wood. Each time I slid my lips forward I gained more inches. When I slid backwards, I always sucked the head lightly. My best guide, to know when I was getting it right, was Paco's groans and exclamations, "Oh, that feels so fucking amazing... Go ahead. Make me happy, cocksucker."

When I started to swallow the first half of his rod, he put both hands on my head, holding it, warned me once more about my teeth, and started to move his cock, slowly, out and in. I rested my hands on his muscular thighs and let him lead me. Soon I was starting to move on my own.

He took his dick out of my mouth, gave my cheek a light slap with it, and said, "You're doing great, faggot, but you need to learn something else. You always have to keep your man's dick wet, to slide better. The wetter the prick, the happier the dick. "

"How, Paco?" I asked.

"If you need to, spit on it. Lubricate it. Yeah. That's it. Spit more. Smear it on. Fill your mouth with spit. Ready? Open up!"

When I swallowed it, all wet with spit and with a mouth full of saliva, he let out a moan, and said, "Holy shit, faggot! Silky smooth."

He told me to move my tongue, like I was massaging the shaft with it.

With his fat tool filling my mouth, it was hard to find space to move my tongue, but even so, I tried it and soon I heard Paco saying, "That's it! Yeah!"

I had masturbated many times imagining I was sucking my friend Paulo's cock or some of the other boys. I had never imagined, however, that they would respond with such obvious pleasure as Paco was now.

I spent the next few minutes with all my senses focused on Paco's dick, who kept giving me instructions. "Avoid the teeth... more spit, faggot... Don't spend all your time on the head... Let me in more... Look at me. I want to see how much you're loving my prick... Relax the jaw, cocksucker."

Sometimes he stroked my hair, passing his cock over my lips, while hammering it into my head that I would be a great cocksucker, that a lot of men would love using me. I reciprocated by running my tongue along his shaft and over the head, while keeping it well lubricated. My face, covered in tears, drool, and precum, must have looked like a whore's, but that didn't bother Paco. He seemed to enjoy seeing me turned into a mess.

Within minutes I was again struggling to conquer his dick, trying to find the right angle to go deeper, sucking, gagging, choking, learning to use my tongue and facial muscles to create a hard vacuum, all under Paco's close instruction. After a while, when we were synchronized on the right rhythm, he started pushing just a little further with each thrust. And soon he was pressing against my throat. I choked, pushed at his thighs, pulled off, and said, "Sorry. I don't think I can swallow more than that. Your cock is thick."

"You're doing well," he answered. "I love seeing your lips stretched around my meat."

"What should I do to take in more?" I asked, proud of his comment and trying my best to live up to Paco's cocksucking standards.

"From now on think about just two things, how much you want to keep me satisfied, and on your breathing. Can you do it?"

He rubbed his schlong over my face again, spreading more saliva and precum, and ordered, "Ok. Get to it."

I engulfed his cock, and began swallowing, inch by inch.

"Yeah! Keep going!'' He said.

Soon he started knocking on the back of my mouth, threatening to invade my throat. I relaxed my muscles, reminded myself to remain calm, and kept swallowing. Swallowing and trying not to breathe. Swallowing and thinking about doing my best for Paco's pleasure. I'm also thinking about the possibilities of a future meeting with Nico.

"Mmmmm..." He moaned louder, his hands on the back of my head, when he thrust the blunt head and lodged into my throat for the first time.

FUUUCK!!! I was choking and my eyes were watering, but I celebrated the moment, thinking that he had stuffed it all in.

I was mistaken. When I put my hand on the base of his dick, I saw there were still a few inches left. He took it out, rubbed it again over my face, and said, "In the next downstroke, hold it in as long as you can."

He moved forward and soon he was again burying it in my throat.

"That's it, cocksucker! Eat my dick!" He said, trying to push more in. "Holy shit! You're a natural."

When he said that, he laughed scornfully, as if he had discovered something dirty and fun, and that maybe being a natural wasn't something to be proud of. "Yeah, you have the gift, you're a cocksucker," he added.

As he sank in further, his cock touched a part of my throat that it hadn't before, and I choked. He tensed his thighs and pushed in further still. Damn. Wouldn't he pull back and give me a break? I looked up, surprised, and trying to show that I was choking. He shot me an arrogant look as if he were saying "nah, don't you dare. I'm not done."

He moved his powerful thighs forward, thrusting deeper. Did he want to kill me? Finally, when I truly started to worry about air, he pulled back, for a few seconds. As soon as he heard me inhale, he drove it back in, deeper.

He repeated this sequence several times, controlling the intake of air into my lungs until I finally felt my nose nestled into his soft pubic hair.

"Fuck! This is so hot!" He yelled, holding my head with both hands.

I panicked again. Didn't that pervert realize that he was cutting off my air? I was getting dizzy when he relaxed his grip and pulled back some. As I sucked in some air, he watched me with a lustful smile.

"You did it, fag. I knew you could do it. Now you have to get used to keeping the entire shaft in your mouth."

I didn't like the way he was addressing me. He was becoming more and more audacious and derogatory. What should I do? Tell him to stop? No! I didn't like it, but, at the same time, I didn't want to spoil what we were doing together. I wanted to learn and he was teaching me, in his own way, but he was. If there was a new date with Nico, I would surprise him. He'd have no reason to complain about my sucking technique any longer.

In addition, there was the pleasure I took in pleasing Paco. Yes, his ecstasy was priceless to me. He was using me and I was loving it.

He started to move more aggressively. I placed my hands on his buttocks, hard and muscular, and he started to punch harder. I could hear his heavy balls hitting my chin.

"Yeah, cocksucker! My big cock is buried in your throat," he said, grabbing my head as if he were taking revenge on something.

Tears, spit, precum and mucus ran down my neck, chest, belly. His movements became more violent and erratic. The living room was invaded by the sounds of his moans, skin hitting skin, and my glottis opening and closing around his tool.

The agony of imminent orgasm was taking over his face. Without thinking, I started to caress his balls.

"Yeah, cocksucker!" He said. "It's coming. I'm almost there. You want it, don't you? My cum in your belly?"

There was no way to answer with my mouth stuffed full. He was just about to come. All the signs were there. His breathing was more ragged. His balls were drawn up to the base of his cock.

"I asked a question, cocksucker! Answer me!" He barked, taking his dick out of my mouth.

Gasping, I replied, "Yes, Paco. I want your seed."

"Okay, faggot. If that's what you want..."

Using the strength of his hands, his hips, his entire athletic body, he attacked again. Ignoring that I was a person, he treated me as just a piece of meat destined to satisfy his desires.

His grip on my head got tighter, he tensed all his muscles and let out a guttural howl. In a flash, the thick, amazing, hot fluid was spurting from his cock as he said, "Take it, cocksucker! Take my fucking cum!"

The first two jets hit the roof of my mouth. The next coated my tongue. The others flooded my mouth. I couldn't believe it! A guy was cumming in my mouth. His seed tasted slightly salty and adorably creamy.

"Swallow it!" He commanded. "Eat my cum."

I hadn't counted the jets. When they stopped, Paco kept his cock in my mouth for a while, waiting for it to soften. With his head still between my lips, he stroked it a few times, milking it, and offering me the last drops.

Finally, he grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my head back. My knees hurt, I was tired, with cum and spit running down my face, but when I saw that beautiful and unmistakable smile of satisfaction on his face, I felt rewarded.

I noticed my mouth was still attached to his cock by a gooey thread, which must have been cum mixed with spit. Before it fell apart, Paco ordered, "Lick it."

I eagerly obeyed again. He rested comfortably on the sofa, took a deep breath, caressed his belly and chest, and said, "I needed that. You just need a little training, but I'm sure there will be plenty of cocks for you to practice on. Mine will always be at your disposal."

He laughed when he said that, and pulled me by the hand, making me sit beside him on the couch, with my back to him. He hugged me from behind, and asked, "Do you like my cum? The taste?"

"Yeah, Paco. I like it."

"I heard that once a person gets a taste of cum, he can't get enough."

"You're making fun of me," I said.

"No. I'm serious."

We laughed. The heat of his body made me remember that I hadn't come yet. My sexual tension had only grown since I woke up.

"Okay, Leo," he said next. "Let's talk about serious things."

"I'm waiting, professor."

"Well, Nico popped your cherry," he responded, bringing his mouth closer to my ear and continuing with the happy tone in his voice, "but I was the first one to cum in your mouth. You will never forget me."

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Next: Chapter 5

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