Making Me Their Little Bitch

By Raphael Adurra

Published on Jun 29, 2022


This is a work of fiction that contains scenes of same-sex sex and is intended for an adult audience. The story is set in the 1970s, before AIDS, COVID, and cell phones. The copyright to this and all other chapters of the narrative belongs to the author.

This story was originally published in the High School section, but it was rewritten for the Authoritarian section. The text was trimmed, some characters vanished, others added, and features of D/s were strengthened thanks to the invaluable assistance of my American reader, who worked like a true editor and adviser.

I'd like to express my gratitude to the readers who have given me messages. You're the ones who keep me motivated to keep writing.

Please consider donating to Nifty.


Sitting on the edge of the bed, with his back to me and with the phone in his lap, Paulo was looking for a number in his phone book. While admiring his strong and tan back, I asked myself, "what would become of the two of us? Was it possible to keep the friendship going and let him fuck me whenever he wanted? Friendship with benefits?"

But Paulo didn't want me as a friend, he wanted me as his bitch. He had reaffirmed that in several ways while fucking me. I could still hear him saying, "From now on you're my bitch...You belong to me."

About myself, what could I say? What did I want? What could I do? I felt unable to make decisions. Decisions were being made for me. It was as if I no longer had control over my destiny.

I was naked and spread out on Paulo's bed, with one leg stretched out and the other slightly bent. An orange light from the late summer afternoon sun illuminated the bedroom. Everything in that space was so familiar and so cozy to me that I felt like I was still Paulo's sidekick and not his bitch. Of course, that thought only lasted a few seconds because it was impossible to think about the old friendship while I was in that scandalous position, with my ass upside down and smeared with cum.

I had countless memories of that place, many of them involving my hidden desire for Paulo. It was there that I had sniffed his underwear. We were discussing a band he had just discovered when I spotted a blue pair with a white elastic waistband, forgotten on the bed. For the first time I thought of smelling such a thing.

I had to wait until he left the room before I scurried towards it, held it up to my nose, and inhaled the bitter smell of urine and the sweet smell of sperm. Paulo must have jerked off--he was always jerking off--and not cleaned himself properly.

When I heard Paulo's footsteps coming back, I threw the underwear onto the bed and tried desperately to bend my hard cock into the hidden folds of my shorts. I never did it again because I was so afraid of the risk of being discovered.

The daylight dimmed a bit. I reached back and touched my bottom. I did it slowly so as not to attract Paulo's attention. My hole ached and was dripping wet with cum, Paulo's cum. The realization that this was real and no longer one of my countless fantasies about him caused a slight stir in my dick. At the same time, though, I felt ashamed by what I'd done, and began tugging at one end of the quilt, intending to cover my ass.

"Don't do that," Paulo stated without turning to face me.

His tone was so harsh that I knew I had to obey him. I couldn't deny his power over me. He'd just shown it to me a few minutes before. In that bed, I had acted like a cheap whore under his control. I'd let him fuck me, I'd let him curse me and smack my face with his stiff dick, and, as further proof of my submission, I'd come with his big tool up my ass and with no help from my hands.

I closed my eyes, exhausted, and despite my embarrassment, allowed myself to be taken in by a sense of well-being and fullness.

I eventually nodded off, but awoke shortly after to the sound of Paulo on the phone with someone. So I wouldn't hear him, he spoke quietly. Despite this, I was able to hear practically everything he said. He turned his torso toward me saying, "Yes, he is here."

I closed my eyes to give the impression that I was still sleeping. He went on to say, "He's sleeping with his ass up. I'm watching cum still dripping from his asshole. My cum!"

He smirked as he said that. Then he was silent for a few seconds, let out a muffled laugh, and said, "Yeah, I know you wish it were your cum."

He took a breath, and boasted, "I fucked him like I was going to wreck his ass. He's going to know where he belongs once and for all. His hole is still tight, but I'm sure it will never be the same again."

He was proud and delighted about the job he'd done on my asshole. I could hear that in every word with his interlocutor. He picked up the phone and walked to the bedroom window, as far as the phone cord would allow. This made it harder for me to hear what he was saying. I held my breath so I could hear him more clearly, but for a while, I could only make out a few confused words.

Fortunately for me, he was getting carried away by his excitement and neglected to keep his voice down. I was able to hear almost everything he said again after a short time. I needed to find out, however, who he was speaking to.

His tone was friendly and he called the other person "mate" and "buddy". Was this yet another member of the swim team? Though his tone was respectful, very unlike Paulo, and that puzzled me.

It irritated me as well. How could Paulo have dared to do such a thing to me? How could he tell anyone else about my secret?

I heard him when he said, in a celebratory tone, "Yeah, everything is going well. We decided to share the bitch."

He said goodbye shortly after that and came back to bed. He knelt beside me and, carefully, as if he didn't want to wake me, spread my buttocks with both hands. He had just mentioned he'd seen his cum trickling from my ass and wanted to see it again.

He was still admiring the damage he had done to my ass when I pushed his hands away, turned around, and asked, facing him, "What the fuck were you talking about with your buddy?"

"My buddy?" he asked.

"I overheard your conversation," I replied.

With an affected calm, he asked, "Hey, did you pretend to be asleep to listen in on the conversation?"

"Yeah, I heard it, and I didn't like it," I replied.

"Hey, easy, girl. Relax," he said, smirking. "I just impregnated you with my cum. This won't do our baby any good."

"Fuck you," I yelled. "I'm sick of your silly jokes."

"Easy, girl, easy. Let's talk about this another time. Now turn around and let me admire your pussy," he said, keeping his cool.

"Yeah? The pussy you were going to wreck? The hole that will never be the same?"

"What?" he said, surprised.

"I heard that crap too," I snarled.

"Hey, don't be so sensitive. I was just joking. Your hole is still tight, and it will make a lot of men happy when they don't have a real pussy to fuck."

As he said that, his hand slipped across my skin, down to my ass. His fingers reached my wet hole, poking and caressing it. I felt the muscles contract and open in an inviting wink.

How was it possible?! I was arguing with him, and yet I was enjoying the touch to my orifice of this beautiful, strong, and treacherous boy.

"Stop it, Paulo," I said, trying to get away.

He chuckled, poked his finger again into my hole, and said, "You're fickle like every other girl. Minutes ago, you begged me to fill this tight hole with my cum. Now you don't want me anymore. Come on, babe, take a deep breath and relax. Let me feel your pussy. My pussy."

"Fuck you, Paulo! I don't have a pussy and I'm not yours," I said, turning over, determined to get out of bed. "I'm getting out of..."

Paulo lunged at me and threw me back onto the bed before I could complete my sentence.

"You're not going anywhere, faggot," he shouted as he straddled my back and applied an armlock on me, immobilizing me.

"Let go of me, Paulo," I said, surprised by his speed. "What do you think I am? An idiot? I heard what you guys talked about."

"So, what's the deal? Don't you like it?" He asked, tightening the strength of his grip and almost cutting my air. "That's your problem, Leo. You should have understood by now that it makes no difference to me whether you like it or not."

I tried to break free, but I knew it was futile. He'd always beaten me in fights since we were youngsters.

"I noticed you seemed different today," I said, determined not to be silenced and also wanting to piss him off. "Now I'm certain. Someone else was instructing you. What's the matter, Paulo? You can't handle me on your own?"

"Don't piss me off, Leo," he threatened. "You know I don't need anyone to tell me how to handle a faggot like you."

"But I heard..."

"Shut up, Leo! You're not in a position to claim anything around here, not with your pussy full of my cum."

I felt cornered and went silent for a while. So, in a calmer tone, I asked, "Who were you talking to? Was it Ygor? Jere? Or your cousin?"

It was the friendly but respectful tone of Paulo's phone call that made me think of Ygor or Jere. For different reasons, those two were the only teammates who got any respect from him. As for his cousin, it was just a guess. I didn't know if Paulo called him a buddy or not, but I was aware that he functioned as his sexual guru. If Paulo had decided to tell anyone else what he was doing to me, his cousin would have been among the first people.

Paulo laughed when he heard my suspicions and released my arm, however he dropped his body onto mine, trapping me with his weight. I didn't worry. The fact that I was no longer in pain was more important than being trapped.

"You're just guessing. Maybe you got it right, maybe not," he said.

"Who was it, Paulo? I want to know," I pushed.

"You don't deserve to know, faggot," Paulo replied. "If I tell you something, it won't be because you want to, but because I do."

"You were speaking with Ygor, wasn't it?" I said, risking one more time to piss him off.

Instead of being irritated, however, Paulo rubbed his body against mine, and started brushing his lips along my neck. I couldn't tell if he was having fun, trying to distract me from my anger, or if his greatest pleasure could only come from my humiliation. I couldn't understand Paulo anymore.

"I'm sure it was Ygor," I said, trying to disguise that I was getting goosebumps from the caresses of his lips on my skin.

"Why this obsession with Ygor, sweetheart?" Paulo whispered. "No, you don't have to tell me. I already know. You are in love with him. Awww... puppy love," and he made kissy noises in my ear.

He rubbed his dick against my hole for a while, and in an act of complete betrayal, my legs spread slightly in anticipation. Paulo continued to speak into my ear, "Fuck, Leo, what were you thinking? That he'd end up being your boyfriend? Just because he told you what happened at Jere's party?"

That last question of his made it clear to me once more that they shared everything they did to me. I couldn't trust anyone, not even Ygor and Paco, who had been a little more understanding and nice than Paulo and Nico.

Paulo hugged me tighter, making me feel the hard muscles of his chest, his strong arms, and his meaty legs. He always seemed so powerful.

"Hey, why don't you ask him, baby?" he said. "You can do that the next time he fucks that fat ass of yours, which is the only part of you that really matters to him, at least since Jere's bathroom."

"That won't happen anymore," I said. "I think Ygor..."

"Shut your dick-sucking mouth, Leo," Paulo said, interrupting what I was saying. "What you think about Ygor doesn't mean crap."

"Paulo, how about me? Doesn't anyone think about me?" I asked, raising my voice and squirming, unsure if I wanted to escape or get a better feel of that gorgeous body. "I don't want to be a bitch, Paulo. I don't want to be shared."

"What a whiny bitch!" Paulo said. "The little bitch doesn't want to be shared?"

"I heard you say that on the phone. I don't want..."

He bit my ear, making me silent, and said, still with his mouth pressed to my ear, "You love my dick, don't you? I know you are crazy about it, faggot. You'd be satisfied if only I fucked you."

"Paulo, what you're doing to me isn't fair," I reacted.

"Oh, Paulooo... That's not fair," Paulo replied with more mockery. "Stop talking to me like I'm your friend or big brother, Leo. That's all water under the bridge. Now you're my bitch, my personal cocksucker, and that's final. And don't try to pretend you don't like it because I know you do. Yeah, you like it, faggot. You liked being under me with my big cock in your ass so much that you came without your hands."

"I thought it would be just the two of us," I said.

He bit me again and began to say, "I'm not selfish like you, girl. I'm not going to hoard all this fat ass just for myself," to which he then proceeded to give a hard smack. "I want to share you with my friends, horny, straight fuckers who need to get their own relief."

"I don't want this," I insisted.

"You don't have a choice, baby," he continued. "I'm going to fuck your pussy whenever I feel like it. Me and my buddy here."

"What? Which buddy?!" I asked, shocked and terrified. "What are you talking about?"

From beside the bed, a third voice said, "Don't be a fool, Leo. You know, it's me."

Fuck! That deep tone. Nico's tone of voice. The one that made my balls shiver just by hearing it.

"Hey, buddy," Paulo said, lifting his torso.

I heard a crack of hand on hand. He and Nico high-fived each other, I thought.

"You're sweaty," observed Paulo.

"I was training. Running sprints," Nico replied. "Your dad left a series of workouts for me to do before school started. He wants me to get in shape for swimming. Things I can do before the pool opens back up."

"Ah, I see."

"I want to be on the same level as you," Nico said. "You know what, Paulo? I think we're both going to rock this year!"

"Yeah!" Paulo replied, with enthusiasm.

What was that?! A fucking, mutual admiration society? Paulo lifted his torso entirely and knelt, keeping me trapped between his legs. His cock and balls were resting on my buttocks, and with that I could turn around and face Nico.

He was standing with his legs close to the edge of the bed. He wore only green running shorts, which had a large opening on the sides of his thighs. A film of sweat covered his entire body. Through the thin cloth, his balls and cock, which were in the foreground before my eyes, were nearly visible.

"And how are things here? How is our faggot training going?" Nico asked.

"It's going. It worked perfectly for the first part," Paulo replied, scooting his body lower down my legs, and leaving my ass in plain view. I thought he was going to get up, but he cupped my buttocks, and spread them. Again? Did he want to show Nico his work? My ass messed up with his cum?

"Yeah, I can see it worked," Nico said, chuckling.

I tried to get out of that embarrassing situation, but they wouldn't let me. To help Paulo keep me in place, Nico put a knee on my back.

"Our little bitch and I were getting along great," Paulo continued, "but suddenly, he's decided to back off. He's getting cold feet about everything he's done."

"Shit. Again? I think it's time for both of us to put a stop to this," Nico stated.

"I think so too," Paulo said, still teasing my buttocks, his fingers probing into my hole.

"Hey, Leo," Nico said as he lifted his knee from my back and softly smacked my face with his hand. When I raised my eyes, he gazed at me with those deep-set, steel-green eyes and said calmly, "I've got your number, bitch. So, don't act as if you don't know what you're doing. Don't try to fool me."

"I don't know, Nico..." I began to speak.

"What do you want now?" He said, stopping me from continuing. "Do you want me to splooge all over your face," he paused for emphasis, "again?"

"Hey man!" Paulo almost screamed. "I did that too! I pumped my cum all over his face."

He burst out laughing. Nico joined in, took a step back, and said, "Fuck man! We've both already marked our faggot. Touch here!"

The two raised their hands for another shared high-five.

Holy shit! They were talking about demarcating their territory, like dogs, and I was the fire hydrant.

Paulo got off of me because he needed to piss. Halfway across the room, he turned to Nico and gave him more details about how he had come on my face while Ygor's cock was still in my ass. "Man, you should have seen that," he remarked, laughing. "That faggot got branded!"

That prompted Nico to add more detail to the first time he pumped his cum on my face. "I wasn't alone either," he said, thrilled to have found another common ground between him and Paulo. "Alex and Paco had just unloaded their spunk into him. Alex in his ass, and Paco in his mouth. Then I came on his face, so he wouldn't forget that I had arranged it all and he was mine."

"You freaking rock! We're going to have a lot of fun," Paulo said, leaving the room.

I turned my body towards Nico and tried to strike up a conversation with him. Maybe he would listen to me and let me go. But as soon as I started speaking, he pulled down his shorts, approached the bed, and said, "Smell my balls."

"What?! Hey, Nico, you need to listen to me."

"Smell my balls," he said once again.

"Nico, no. I don't think so..."

He cupped my face in his right hand and pinched my cheeks. He brought his face closer and said, "You let me down, Leo. I had promised Paulo that if he would help me get back on the swim team and give me a chance to train you, I would give him back a faggot always eager to suck his dick. I thought I already taught you where you belong."

My jaw ached from the force of his fingers gripping me. His face was so close that I could feel his warm breath on my skin. He locked his gaze on me for a few moments before releasing me and just saying, "Smell my balls. I won't repeat it."

He got up again. I drew my face down and began sniffing his balls. The thought that I had let him down bothered me for some reason. I didn't want to let him down again.

"Good," Nico replied. "Just think about what you want to do for your man. That's what you're here for."

I couldn't resist that voice. I took a deeper breath, focused on the aroma and warmth emanating from his body, the combination of his groin's musky odor and fresh sweat, and... There I was again, under the power of those thighs, those sculpted muscles, and those balls.

I looked up and read into Nico's green eyes what only I could only surmise was his shameless intention to rule over me once more.

The position I found myself in was uncomfortable, but I didn't dare complain. Still lying on the bed, I had to keep my head up to reach Nico's balls. As I ran my nose along, I felt the tip of his heavy cock, still limp, slide down my face.

He told me to lick his cock head. I stuck out my tongue and slid it around his rosy head, partially covered by his foreskin. He told me to swallow the head. I obeyed. The animal began to grow in my mouth.

Nico contented himself with my dedication without moving. When he was satisfied, he lifted his cock and balls, and dropped them over my face. I started to feel his testicles move at a slow pace from side to side over my cheeks. He was using my face to massage his parts.

He commanded me to hold steady as he slapped my lips, my nose, and entire face with his cock, now almost totally hard.

"Look at me," he ordered.

Looking up, I saw Paulo standing next to him. As he handled his own cock, my best friend, or ex-best friend, or two-faced ex-best friend, looked at me with a contemptuous glimmer in his eyes. He stretched his cock, squeezed it, and smoothed it out.

"Kiss my dick!" Nico ordered.

I knelt on the bed, held his cock, and kissed it all over, painting it with my saliva from the thick base to the head. I began to lick it using the tip of my tongue, took care of the undersides of the shaft before coming to a halt around the head. At the same time, I was wanking it, holding it in my grip.

I felt proud knowing I was responsible for his blood rushing into his tool, causing it to enlarge. I didn't want to disappoint Nico or make him feel I didn't give him the same deference as I did to Paulo.

When I saw the first drop of precum appear on the tip of his head, I opened my mouth to taste it. But Nico put his hand on my forehead, pushed me back, and said, "Go back to my balls."

I complied, not letting go of his hard cock. After a few more moments, Nico told me to release him, walked away, and Paulo took his place. I put my face forward, ready to give him the same treatment I had given Nico, but he turned his body and lowered his torso. His ass got close to my face.

Those buttcheeks, tight and rock-hard, drew my admiration. I kept looking at them like an idolater. It was unclear to me, however, what Paulo expected me to do. The one who gave me the answer was Nico. He jerked my head forward, saying, "Go ahead, Leo. Lick it. You know what to do. Do him like you did me."

Did I hear a touch of pride in Nico's voice? Was he trying to show Paulo how much he had trained me to submit and that he would always be one step ahead of his former rival and future teammate?

"Show him how low you are. Kiss his ass," he said firmly.

I put a hand onto each globe, pulled them apart, and buried my nose between them with a delicate stroke. At the same instant, it started to feel tremendously arousing to me. I couldn't say what had caused it; if it was something in my head from doing something naughty, if it was the libidinal scent of Paulo's hole, if it was Nico's presence showing the power he had over me, or if it was the presence of these two studly boys, together for the first time.

I put my tongue out, touched Paulo's crack, and worked my way down until I came across his virgin hole. When Paulo felt my tongue, he let out a stifled moan and a quiet "yesss".

I began to move my tongue up and down his slit, lingering longer in the hole, attempting to push my tongue deeper into it. Paulo brought his hand back to my head and pressed it.

"Fuck, Nico! This is good," Paulo said, while moving his ass a little more.

"I told you. He likes doing it," Nico commented. "He likes being a nasty faggot."

Paulo urged me to stick my tongue in deeper. I began to massage at his hole, prodding my tongue in and out, attempting to accomplish the only penetration his ass would ever experience. I could feel the muscles in his hole relaxing and opening for me to enter.

I reached under him and stroked his balls and gripped his cock without pausing my rim job. I began to wank it and felt it expand.

Paulo exclaimed, "You're a lucky faggot to be kissing my ass."

After keeping my face between his buttocks for a while longer, he yanked my hand away from his meat, and splayed himself out on the bed with his legs apart, motioning for me to kneel between them. I thought he wanted me to suck his cock and brought my mouth close to the cockhead, but he forced my face down.

"My balls," he said, just as Nico had said when he arrived.

I carefully gripped them in my hands, feeling their weight and warmth. When I knelt to kiss them, I smelled his cum and my asshole in addition to his male musky perfume and sweat.

I was already holding Paulo's cock, licking, kissing, and drooling on his balls when I felt Nico's hands on my ass. He opened my buttocks and exclaimed, "Fuck man! His cunt is winking at me."

"Oh, yeah! And he's already lubricated," Paulo purred. "His pussy is full of cum, my cum," he emphasized.

Some of the rivalry still lingered. As with Nico, I heard a hint of pride in Paulo's voice and imagined that he, too, wanted to demonstrate some superiority.

Paulo landed a light smack on my head and added, "This faggot teased me for so long with that fat ass that today I punished him. I fucked his ass like I was going to ruin it forever."

"He must have loved it,'' Nico said, chuckling. "He always complains at first, but if you stick with it, he gets with the program."

"Fuck, man, I've never felt anything so damned good," Paulo admitted.

"You're going to freak out when you taste a real pussy," Nico answered, laughing, full of camaraderie.

That dialogue between them, as if I wasn't there, should have humiliated me, but it wasn't humiliation that I felt. So, what was it? Before I found an answer to my own question, Paulo pushed my head back, pulling me away from his balls. He stuck three fingers in my mouth, and sank them into my throat. I backed away to avoid the choking and retching.

"Stay!" he ordered.

I took a deep breath and leaned forward, swallowing his fingers. When he saw my drool dripping down my chin, neck, and chest he informed me, "I'm going to put my balls in your mouth. I want you to wash them off."

Back there, at my ass, Nico wouldn't let me rest. He already had three fingers jammed in my asshole, stretching and preparing me.

"Damn, man, you should see this," he said, addressing Paulo. "His hole is wrapped around my fingers. He doesn't want to let them go."

They both burst out laughing. I took Nico's crude remark as a compliment and internally thanked him for widening my hole and making it ready for another massive, godlike cock.

"Fuck!" Nico exclaimed. "The faggot is trying to milk my fingers."

Paulo laughed again. Nico took his fingers out and watched the muscles contract, closing my passage. He spat in my cleft and resumed his work. When he tried to stick four fingers in and encountered resistance, he commented, "His pussy is still tight."

"Yeah," Paulo replied. "His fat ass was made to be fucked by us. We deserve a good fuck."

Nico slipped his fingers from my hole and moved behind me, gripping my waist. His cock rubbed between my buttocks, splitting them apart.

I moved my ass from side to side, almost screaming for him to put it in. I wanted to feel Nico's cock inside me since the day I had gone to his house. That day he made me suck him and nearly drove me crazy by poking my asshole with his cock, but, at the last minute, he refused to fuck me. Since then, I couldn't control my urge to feel him inside me again. Not even Paco's and Paulo's cocks had quenched my need to feel Nico's cock tearing me apart again.

As I tried to get Nico hornier by sensually moving my ass, I kept drooling over Paulo's balls. Noticing that the head was smeared with precum, I started to push the balls aside, moving my mouth towards his cock. I opened my lips to swallow the wonderful thing I had silently desired for years, but Paulo pulled his cock up, and rubbed it all over my face. He seemed intent on fucking my ears, nostrils, or closed eyes as if he were looking for as many ways as possible to humiliate me and get inside my head. He also grabbed his huge instrument by the base and smacked me across the face with it.

Nico whacked my glutes several times, placed the tip of his massive cock at the entrance of the hole, tightened his grip on my waist, and pressed it. Despite my desire and the preparations, a shiver of concern ran down my spine. What if, like Paulo, he decided to push it in all at once? Would I be in agony again? I considered asking him to refrain from doing that, but remembered Paulo's enraged response when I told him to slow down. I was learning the hard way that the more I resisted, the more I pushed them to new heights of fury. I also remembered what Nico had told me about letting him down. I didn't want that to happen again. I needed to show that I was ready to take whatever he had planned for me.

Nico, however, didn't do what I expected. He took his cock out of me and just kept it at the door to my hole. Frustrated, I tightened and relaxed my muscles, showing him how much I craved his tool.

When I saw that he wasn't pushing forward, I reached back to his cock. I held it firmly, pointed the head at my hole, and pushed my ass back. I wanted to impale myself.

"No!" Nico said, landing a fist on my waist, forcing me to let go of his cock.

"Fuck! He's crazy about our dicks," Paulo said, hitting me hard in the face with his dick.

I was in pain from the punch to the waist and embarrassed by the cock slap to the face, but all I could think about was how much I needed to feel those cocks inside me.

I was losing control of myself. That became clear the moment I begged Nico and Paulo to fuck me, grabbed my cock, and began masturbating. When Paulo realized this, he moved his foot back to my crotch, pressed my balls, and pushed me to release my cock.

"Don't touch it!" He screamed. "Fuck, bitch! Why do you think you're here? To play with yourself? To show us your cock? We don't want to see that, you selfish cunt! You aren't here for yourself! You're here for us, to make us happy! That's what faggots do."

Paulo was crossing all the limits in his efforts to degrade me, but I was allowing him to do that. I was lowering myself beyond the limits of self-respect that any person should set for themselves. My dick was rock hard and oozing precum, and I couldn't do anything other than moan in agreement.

Paulo pressed my balls again, demanding an answer. "Is it clear, faggot?"

"Yes. Yes. It's clear, Paulo," I answered, in a complete state of submission.

"Good," he said, easing the pressure. "You take so long to realize the obvious that it's becoming boring. Sometimes, I think you don't deserve my or Nico's cock. What do you think, Nico?"

"I agree," Nico replied.

That wasn't fair. Nico was well aware that I was attempting to prove my total surrender to him. So why was he agreeing with Paulo?

"I'm tired of our faggot's double personality," Nico continued. "In one moment, he wants to serve us and does anything to get our cocks inside him. The next moment, however, he has regrets and complains about what we're doing. Or worse he gets selfish and thinks only about himself."

"Yeah," Paulo exclaimed. "I can't stand it. We are already forced to listen to the girls' complaints. I don't want a whining faggot."

"I'm with you," Nico said. "I want a faggot that gives itself totally, a faggot who deserves my big cock. This faggot has no idea how to act."

The direction of their conversation began to worry me. After all the humiliations I'd already been subjected to, what more did these two want from me? Did they want to drive me crazy? My concern increased when I realized that they were slowly pulling their bodies away. Their cocks no longer touched my face or my ass. I feared they would start to deflate. I didn't want that to happen!

"NO! PLEASE!" I said, cutting off their dialogue.

"Please? Please what?" Paulo asked me. "What do you want now, faggot? To whine and complain some more? Or do you want our cum?"

I gulped. He knew what I wanted. He only asked me to make me degrade myself further.

"Please, I want your cocks, I need it. I need to serve you. Please," I replied.

"Serve us?" Nico said with his interest piqued, but then continued in a different vein, "And then what? Will you regret it again? Will you backtalk to us?"

"No," I replied, lifting my ass towards him, offering myself like a bitch. "I promise not to complain anymore. No more backtalk. I'll do whatever you two want."

"Are you saying you accept becoming our bitch? With our rules?" Paulo asked, squeezing his cock, and sliding his hand from the bottom to the top until a drop of precum appeared on the tip.

"Yes. Yes," I screamed, desperate to swallow that drop.

"Are you going to do what we say, when we say, with no questions?" he wanted to know, releasing his cock, which remained pointed to the ceiling.

That question reminded me of his threat to offer me to whatever friends he chose. I didn't want that. I was already taking too much risk by revealing my secret to Nico, Paulo, Paco, Ygor, and Alex. I needed to stop this.

"I understand," I said. "But I don't..."

"No buts!" Nico barked. "You heard it!"

I looked back and saw that he was also pointing his hard cock up.

"Listen, Leo," he continued, glaring at me. "You and I have known what you like since the first time I fucked you. What keeps you from accepting that you are a cock-sucking faggot? Why complicate things? What we're proposing is pretty simple. We'll keep you supplied with our dicks and protect you, and in return, you are going to do what you're told, when you're told."

"We're looking for a submissive faggot," Paulo added.

I listened to them with increasing difficulty understanding what they were saying. My senses were increasingly focused on their cocks--thick, big, hard, and wet--pointing straight up. They both throbbed, ready to burst. I could see it with each beat of their hearts. The two massaged them slowly and without looking at me.

"Please," I said, in agony.

"Please, what?" Paulo inquired angrily.

"Can't we continue what we were doing? Please," I replied.

"Do you want my hot cum in this cock-sucking mouth? And Nico's cock in your ass? Is that it?" Paulo asked, pointing his tool at me.

"Yes, yes, yes. Fuck me. Fuck me in my two holes," I cried out. "Please, please..."

"And what else, Leo?" Nico asked.

"I will do what you want!"

They exchanged silent looks, as if considering what I had said, and Paulo exclaimed, "I don't believe him. He always gets crazy about our dicks, but he always regrets it later."

"What are we going to do?" Nico asked him. "Are we going to throw him out and go find another faggot, one who deserves our big dicks?"

"He needs to show us what he really wants," Paulo replied, sitting up in bed and moving his legs farther away from me.

"Huh?" I mumbled, seeing Nico walk away as well. What was going on here?

"You are free, Leo," Nico explained. "If you want to leave, you can go. No one will hold you if you don't want to stay. If you stay, however, you know the rules. You will belong to us."

"What's it going to be?" Paulo added.

Saying nothing, I brought my right hand back up to Nico's cock and pulled him lightly towards me, indicating that I wanted him back in my ass. At the same time, I brought my other hand up to Paulo's cock.

"Now say it! Say it exactly," Nico demanded.

With a tinge of defeat, I said "I will be your bitch. You will own me."

That was what they wanted.

"I knew it!" Paulo yelled, as he again moved closer to me. "Open your mouth, cunt!"

I complied and he spat in my open mouth. He pushed his dick back in it, saying, "Take it! Suck my cock you fucking bitch! Show me how crazy you are about it."

In seconds, Paulo grabbed me by the sides of my head and started to ram his hips back and forth, fucking my mouth with harder, deeper thrusts.

I only cared about keeping my mouth open. Spit escaped the sides of my mouth and sometimes I had the feeling I was going to suffocate and faint, but I never thought about resisting. Paulo had always wanted to have total power over me and now that desire of his was coming true. I was where he wanted me, just the way he wanted me, without any resistance, and I was glad to serve him.

Nico spat a few times in my hole and rammed his entire cock deep inside of it in one fast move in an instinctive drive to make it hurt, and impress upon me my surrender. I felt an immediate, instinctive urge to scream, but Paulo's dick in my mouth stopped me.

When Nico's tool started to pop in and out of my moist and hot tunnel, he said, "Goddamn, he's so good inside! So tight. And look at his ass! It just fucking bounces!"

The sight of my buttocks jiggling every time he buried his cock was driving Nico insane. His balls were hitting my perineum and his pelvic bone slamming into my buttocks, causing them to bounce in response.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" He started to say, panting, punctuating the thrusts of his cock.

I tried to contend with his lust and brutality, and my pain and pleasure. Yes, while a part of me wanted to stop Nico, another part wanted to beg him to fuck me harder.

"Never forget, Leo. You wanted this! You begged us to be our faggot, Nico said.

"Ugh-huh!" I gasped, trying to say that he was right. I was where I had fantasized to be for so long.

Paulo laughed at my frustrated attempt to talk to Nico and fucked me harder. He and Nico didn't see me as a man like themselves. For them, no real man would allow himself to be fucked as I was. To them, I was just a temporary replacement for the pussies they still couldn't fuck.

It wasn't easy to serve both cocks at the same time. Sometimes when Nico stuck his cock in harder, Paulo's cock would escape my mouth and I would lose focus. Annoyed, he'd grip my head tighter and thrust his cock as deep as he could, demanding that I deepthroat him.

Little by little, they were synchronizing their movements and finding the best positions to fuck my mouth and my ass. Sometimes Paulo pulled his entire cock free from my sucking mouth. For a moment my mouth hung open, worn, and wet from overuse. My chin, my neck, and my chest were soaked with saliva and mucus. My hair was messed up, tears poured out of my eyes, and I grimaced in pain when I received a particularly hard jab from Nico's cock.

Paulo smiled as he watched me in that state, disheveled and ridiculous, gave me a slap on the face, called me a disgusting faggot, and went back to stuffing his cock in my mouth.

Nico didn't spare me humiliation either. He would apply loud slaps to my buttocks, saying, "Work that pussy, bitch!"

He was slowly changing the position of my ass, looking for the best angle to fuck me deeper. Soon he started to hit that magic point inside of me.

His long strokes were perfect. Each one of them made me feel really good. I no longer felt any pain from the violence. I had forgotten that the dick fully inside my throat was always about to suffocate me. I even liked to smell Paulo's pubs when they touched my nose. It was heaven. I didn't want to be anywhere else. I just wanted to be used. More than that, I was grateful to them. I was grateful to them for fucking me at the same time and with such fury.

The moans of Nico and Paulo intensified. My ass and my throat clenched harder and faster, trying to bring them to climax.

"God damn," Nico suddenly yelled. "I can't hold back anymore. His pussy is driving me crazy. I can't... FUUUCK!!"

He started to unload his cum inside me, while he continued fucking me. That was a trigger for Paulo. He pressed my head into his tense body and fired the first of several jets of cum down my throat.

They had barely finished discharging their semen when I heard their hands snap. They were again high-fiving each other.

Nico kept his big dick in me until it deflated enough to pop out. Breathing heavily, he sat back on his heels, and said, addressing Paulo, "Fuck, man. This faggot sometimes gives me doubt."

"Oh, yeah? What doubt?" asked Paulo, who was also breathing heavily, his cock still in my mouth.

"When I fuck him, I keep wondering which is better, ass or pussy?" Nico replied, in a playful tone.

Paulo laughed and threw his torso back, but without moving his hips. His cock continued in my mouth, slowly softening. This allowed me to calmly enjoy the last drops of his cum. He pushed my head back and took his cock out of my mouth. He milked the shaft with his fist, drawing out the last of the load, causing a small puddle of sperm around the foreskin. I knew I should get everything clean and sucked up the rest of the cum and started licking his cockhead.

"Look at this!" Paulo exclaimed upon seeing my dedication, drawing Nico's attention. "He is a cock lover. And he is ours. Mine and yours!"

"Yeah," Nico agreed. "Did you see how he went crazy getting used from both sides?"

"He sucked my cock like a calf on a tit," Paulo said, collapsing backwards onto his bed.

I don't know how it happened, but I ended up lying down too and dozing in between those two lean, muscular, tanned bodies. I woke up to Nico turning my body so I had my ass facing him. I looked back, he offered me a slutty smile, while caressing my wet hole, and told me, "I'm gonna fuck you again, bitch."

At this point, the original story published in the High School section ended. I intend to add new chapters to this new version of Leo's saga--with the start of the new school year and the resumption of swim team training. Before continuing, however, I'd like to hear comments from readers who have followed the story thus far. Do you believe the story should go on? Or do you think it is already well resolved and I should move on to another news story? Do you have any ideas for the next chapter if you believe it should continue? Please send me your comments and suggestions.

One last thing: if I do continue, new chapters will come out more slowly.

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