Making Me Their Little Bitch

By Raphael Adurra

Published on Jun 17, 2022


This is a work of fiction that contains scenes of same-sex sex and is intended for an adult audience. The story is set in the 1970s, before AIDS,COVID, and cell phones. The copyright to this and all other chapters of the narrative belongs to the author.

This story was originally published in the High School section, but it was rewritten for the Authoritarian section. The text was trimmed, some characters vanished, others added, and features of D/s were strengthened thanks to the invaluable assistance of my American reader, who worked like a true editor.

I'd like to express my gratitude to the readers who have given me messages. You're the ones who keep me motivated to keep writing.

Please consider donating to Nifty. -----------------------------------


I went to the store my mother worked at after leaving Paco in the school locker room. My butt was aching when I sat in the saddle of the bike. No wonder. Paco had hammered it with total abandon.

When I arrived, I was greeted festively. My mother covered my face with kisses in front of her co-workers, telling everyone it was one of the happiest days of her life. The day I was born.

She really knew how to embarrass me. I was even more embarrassed when I found myself facing one of my mother's oldest co-workers, who'd known me since I was a child. She patted my ass and said, "What a cute baby's bum-bum."

I remembered Paco's slaps and felt the warmth rush to my face. My mother, who had seen the scene and my embarrassment, laughed and advised me to pay no mind to what she said.

During lunch, I asked her if she understood what her coworker had said. She giggled and replied that it was a compliment. I looked around to see if anybody else was listening and asked my mother if that meant her co-worker thought I had a fat butt, or even worse, if it looked like a girl's butt. My mother laughed even louder and said I was like every other adolescent, obsessed with my appearance. I didn't like how she so easily laughed off my concern. I was 15. This was important!

She placed her hand on mine, as if to reassure me, and told me that I should relax because my butt wasn't fat and didn't look like a girl's butt.

"Is that just my mom telling me what I want to hear, or is that what people like your co-worker really think?" I inquired.

"You have a great boy's ass. Don't worry about it," she answered. Then she giggled again and added, "According to the women at work, you boys have no idea how much women like a bum-bum just like yours. A lot of girls must be noticing you."

It wasn't just the girls, I thought.

On Sunday, my mother and I went to my grandmother's house, as we had agreed. It was nice to celebrate my birthday with my family, but I felt a little sad that Paulo wasn't there, as he had been in so many previous years. I was also upset because, despite being surrounded by cousins and other family members, I felt like I had no one to talk to about what was happening and what I was feeling at the time.

Before leaving for home on Monday, I joined an early morning group of bikers who enjoyed long distance cycling across the rough rural landscape near where my grandma lived. I sweated and had a good time, but I couldn't help but think of Nico when I was riding alone. I knew I could never accept his proposal for me to become his bitch, but I couldn't stop thinking about it and him. I could still hear him assuring me that my place would always be under my man's control, and that he would protect and fuck me every day.

My mother and I returned home after lunch. She went to work while I stayed at home resting. I was trying to concentrate on reading a book when I heard a knock on my front door. Upon answering, I found Paulo resting against the railing on the front steps.

My muscles throughout my body tensed, and I felt a sudden lack of air. He was rude and treated me badly the last time we met. What was he looking for now?

"Finally! My man is in the house!" He spoke, straightening up.

He wore only greenish plaid shorts and flip-flops, typical summer wear for local boys, especially those with a well-developed body, and a swim team star, like Paulo. He appeared to be full of energy, and looked self-assured.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, curtly.

"Hey, buddy, take it easy. I've come here to wish you a happy birthday," he responded.

"You're a couple of days late," I said.

"Late or not, I'm here to greet you. That's what buddies do, isn't it?" He spoke, moving towards me.

"Buddies? The last time we met, you told me I wasn't your friend anymore."

"I'm here to properly congratulate you, Leo. Let's have a good time and forget about the rest."

"Paulo, you threatened me."

"Let's not get into it right now," he said. "Can we go in? It's hot out here."

As soon as we walked in, he turned and looked at me with those shiny hazel eyes. I thought he was going to say something, but he just stretched out his arms and hugged me.

Whew! It was the hug I had been waiting for since the day he got back from his vacation. He enveloped me in his toned arms and pressed me against his hard and smooth pecs. His skin was hot and his smell, a little bit of sweat and a little bit of soap, was great. I neglected my self-protective instincts and savored his heat and aroma. Damn! I needed that! This strong boy had been my friend since we were little kids, and the thought of losing him made me sad.

He brought his right hand down to my waist. I felt his cock, separated from my skin only by the thin fabric of our shorts. That made my own cock shudder and reminded me of the change that had taken place between us. My best friend had recently face-fucked me. There was no way to forget that. Our old friendship could never go back to what it had been before.

I decided to move my hips away but Paulo continued to hold me close. I felt his lips brush my ear and neck. My skin tingled, and my cock grew bigger. His dick got fatter too. I tried to push him back. He grabbed a fistful of my hair, pulled his face away, and looked at me.

"Why are you trying to push me away? Don't you like it?" He asked, wrapping his arm around my waist, and squeezing me tighter. His look had changed. He no longer looked at me as a friend, but rather as prey.

"Paulo, you don't..." I started to say.

"Can you feel it?" He interrupted me, letting go of my hair, pressing the side of his face back against mine, and moving his waist. "You don't have to be afraid, Leo. You want my cock. You've always wanted it."

"Stop it!" I said, raising my voice. I didn't expect this and was afraid I had fallen into yet another trap.

Without letting go of me, he was still for a moment, probably deciding what to say. He released me and turned his back on me.

"I know you're thinking about what happened, Leo. I can't stop thinking about it either," he told me, raising his arms, and folding his hands behind his head creating a beautiful V-shaped tableau for my eyes. It was impossible to not see how swimming was building his body and giving definition to his back muscles.

"What have you been thinking about?" I asked.

He went to the sofa, and started talking as if he was resuming the conversation from our last meeting at his house. He told me that he was upset that I had never told him what I really was. He also blamed himself for not having noticed the signals I was giving off.

"In a way, you were telling me what you wanted, but I didn't see it," he said. "I think you were about twelve when you started acting differently around me. You paid more attention to my cock and at the same time seemed to be more afraid of doing physical stuff. And if we ended up doing something where my cock might rub against your ass, you'd get really weird. That was really funny, and that's why I always found more ways to grab your ass and rub my cock on it. It would give me a hard-on, but that didn't worry me. It's normal for a boy to want a hole to fuck. I had no idea you liked it though. I've asked myself a thousand times why I didn't realize that you wanted my cock up your ass and that you were just faking it? Why didn't I realize you wanted to suck my cock? That you were ready to become a cocksucker? My cocksucker!!"

He punctuated that by punching the couch. He took a deep breath and looked at the living room window that opened onto the backyard. He resumed the conversation by saying he was glad I had finally figured out what I wanted. "You just needed someone to show you what your big round butt was really for," he added, bringing his right hand up to his cock. "I just wish it had been me."

I didn't like the way he talked. I could see him oscillating between anger and sarcasm. I didn't see any more understanding or friendship.

"After I heard everything and you confirmed that Nico hadn't lied, my first reaction, as you saw, was to get angry. I wanted to punish you for your dishonesty," he continued, while rubbing his cock. "But I thought better of it and saw that I could take some advantage of the situation."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

He looked at me with undisguised disgust, and replied, "A warm mouth and a big ass are always welcome, Leo. If you've decided to go around offering up your assets, why can't I benefit from that?"

I listened to him feeling that my attention was divided. On the one hand, I tried to pay attention to what he was saying. At the same time, however, I couldn't stop admiring his body, with his full lips, and hazel eyes framed by long black lashes.

Knowing I was devouring him with my eyes, he spread his legs, raised both arms, and rested them on the back of the sofa. The splendor of his physique was on display in that cross-shaped position. His package was also more apparent as it strained against the tightened fabric of his shorts.

He motioned for me to take a seat next to him. I stopped for a moment. I knew that Paulo's personality was usually lighthearted, boyish, and exuberant. When something bothered him, though, he displayed another side of himself, gloomy, sharp-tongued, irritable, and sometimes even violent. He was upset about what had happened between us, and he was obviously not having one of his best moments, but he wasn't as aggressive as he had been earlier. He even seemed to be seeking my consent. What he had said so far had made me feel safer than I had felt days before at his home.

I sat in the spot indicated by him. Laying a hand on my thigh, he told me, "We can both do a lot of things without attracting attention. Our parents see us as friends. They like it when you sleep at my house or when I come to sleep here. We can do more of that."

He took my hand, brought it over to his cock, and pressed it. After I didn't react, he continued, "I'm always horny and you're always ready to take dick."

"Hey! I didn't like that," I retorted, trying to show him that I still had some self-respect.

"Leo, put a stop to it," he reacted. "Nico told me everything. He didn't leave out a single detail. I won't repeat everything he said, but I got the impression he took pleasure in making me hear the story of how he broke my friend and turned him into a bitch in heat. I shouldn't have had to hear that from him of all people."

"Hey, Paulo..." I tried to react once more.

"Also, I'll never forget what happened in my home," he continued, not paying attention to what I said. "You swallowed me like a pro and let me cum with my dick between your ass cheeks. You milked me with that tight butt of yours. You were a cock-hungry slut. And Ygor? I'm aware of all he's done to you too."

"Okay, Paulo. I don't need to hear anymore," I said, threatening to get up and mentally cursing Ygor for going around telling people what we had done. Nico and Paulo already knew. Who else was he going to tell?

"No. Stay there," he said, pressing my hand harder on his cock. "You know what I'm saying is true. My dick, your holes, and our friendship form the perfect combination. There are no limits to what I can... We can do."

He opened the fingers of my hand and told me. "Grab it."

I did as he asked. He smirked and spoke softly, "Are you feeling how big and thick it is? You've imagined it a lot of times in your mouth and in your ass, haven't you? Well, it's time to make your dream come true. I'm gonna fuck your fat ass so good that you'll keep coming back for more."

I thought about the similarity between what he was saying and my recent conversation with Nico. Those two guys had a lot more in common than they imagined. Both were super self-confident, both appeared to have high testosterone levels and the need to nut all the time, and both regarded me as a pussyboy who could be used whenever and however they desired.

"Pull down my shorts," Paulo said, interrupting my thoughts.

"What?" I asked, letting go of his cock.

"You heard it, Leo. Do it!" He urged, raising his hips to allow me to pull his shorts down.

I obeyed and he kicked the shorts away. Despite the fact that it wasn't quite hard, and despite the fact that I'd seen it before, I was astounded by the tool that appeared in front of my eyes. It was white, big, and had a pink head that was partially hidden by the foreskin.

He put his palm on the back of my head and pushed it down toward his wonder. Momentarily mesmerized, I followed the movement.

"Lick it," he said.

When I opened my lips and licked the shaft from base to crown, he gasped and commanded, "Again."

I repeated it and a few times more, until his cock was completely covered with my saliva. He held my neck with one hand and, with the other, grabbed his cock and slapped my face with it. That fat thing hit my lips, cheeks, and nose.

They were mild, soft taps at first, but Paulo steadily raised the force until they began to really have an impact. Using his dick as a weapon, he seemed to be losing control of his anger while also being roused by the sound of the thuds of flesh on flesh. I remained passive despite the discomfort, pain, and humiliation. I noticed that the harder he hit, the more my boner increased.

"Put your tongue out," he ordered.

I obeyed. Between one slap and the other, he let me feel the heady taste of his tool.

"Good, bitch," Paulo whispered when he saw me stick out my tongue to taste it more.

When my face felt completely used, he pushed my head back, stood up, and went back to his shorts. I couldn't hide my annoyance as I stared at him blankly. "I think there's a bitch in this room who's ready," he said, looking down at my shorts and seeing the tent in them. "Yeah, this is the real Leo, the one you tried to hide from me. You want more Leo? Do you, bitch? Well, I'll give it to you, but not here. Let's go to my place. It's safer there. My dad went to visit my grandmother. She's sick, and he won't be back until tomorrow."

He wasn't telling the truth, and I knew it. My place may not have been as secure for him, but it was surely more secure for me. He was familiar with my mother's routine and knew she wouldn't return until much later in the day.

Seeing that I was undecided, he approached me, took his cock out of his shorts once more, landed two hard blows on my face, and said, "Don't make things even worse for you, bitch. Hurry up! I'm not in the mood for waiting. "

Minutes later, we were going down the street. To my surprise, he went back to behaving like old times. He was talkative and playful as if the sex scene from just a few minutes before had never happened.

I felt once more like everything was back to the way it was. I knew, however, that this was impossible. Paulo and I had disclosed more about ourselves in only a few days than we had in several years. This would be a turning point in our relationship, but I couldn't see how we'd deal with this new reality.

Out of the blue, Paulo asked me, "Have you heard the latest about Nico?"

"What?" I said, dying to know what it was about.

"He's coming back to the swim team."

I was on the verge of shouting for joy.

"That means your dad..." I said, controlling myself.

"Yeah, my dad decided to take him back."

I kept trying to not show Paulo how happy I felt. Nico wanted this so badly, but why did I feel happy? That was incomprehensible, given everything Nico had done to me.

"My dad told me yesterday," Paulo added. "In the afternoon, Nico came to my house, and they talked. He and my father looked to be on the same page."

"Did you also speak with Nico?" I asked, trying to look uninterested.

"Yeah, we talked some. After all, I helped him get back on, didn't I? He's a great swimmer and will help our team. He's an ok guy."

He's an ok guy?! What was that bullshit? Weren't they rivals? Paulo made a derogatory comment about Nico at our last meeting and he was upset that Nico was the first to fuck me. He was now referring to him as an "ok guy". Was I missing something?

From then on, I went back to thinking about the deal reached by Paulo and Nico at Jere's party. The two decided that if Nico could seduce me and pass me over to Paulo, Paulo would help Nico get back on the swim team. It was an arrangement in which I was cast in the lead role without my knowledge. They had both betrayed me and exploited me like a puppet, however I knew that I was indirectly responsible for Nico's return.

I was thinking about those things and starting to get tense when we arrived at Paulo's house. As soon as we walked in, Paulo smiled at me and threw away his flip-flops and shorts. He rubbed his balls, pulled them up, glanced at his cock, looked at me, and for a few seconds, he stood motionless and naked in front of my eyes. He was so gorgeous.

"I need to finish what I started the other day," he said, advancing and hugging me from behind. He licked my ear, and kept talking, "That big round ass of yours is gonna be mine."

He pushed my shorts to the floor and tightened his arms around me. In an instinctive reaction, I let my head fall back, resting it on his shoulder.

The same instant I did that, I asked myself, "Why, Leo? Just a minute ago, you were furious with Paulo about Nico's deal. And all you wanted to do now, while imprisoned in his arms and feeling his hot breath on your skin, was to let go. How could he manipulate your body and soul and make you change in the blink of an eye? It was like he and Nico had complete control of you."

My thoughts were interrupted by Paulo's voice, "More than once I thought about using that smooth ass of yours as a pussy replacement," he said. "But I quickly pushed those ideas aside, telling myself it was wrong, that you were straight, that you were my friend, and that it was just due to my horniness."

"You never told me." I purred.

He slapped me on the head and said, "You never told me you fantasized about my cock being buried in your ass. Isn't it true that you've always wanted to be my girl?"

I chose not to respond. I could feel his cock getting longer and wider again.

"You always listened so carefully to my stories about my girls," he recalled. "Did you think I didn't notice your hardon? I thought you wanted to be in my shoes. Now, I know you wanted to be one of the girls. You thought they were the lucky ones. They were. Trust me on that," he said confidently.

He bit my ear, pressed his chin against my shoulder, and went on. "I remember you always being in a rush to get back to your house after the story was over. I laughed at you and thought you were hurrying back to jack off. What I didn't realize was that you were jacking off thinking about me."

He rubbed his cock up and down my crevice, and asked, "Everything I'm saying is true, isn't it?"

I had no way to dispute it. I couldn't deny a word. At that moment, however, I again preferred not to say anything.

He bit my shoulder, as if he had become angered, and said, "True or false? Answer me!"

"Yes, Paulo," I replied in a whisper. I felt humiliated having to express my most depraved desires and felt color rush into my cheeks. "I wished I were one of those girls. I thought they were selfish idiots for not giving you what you wanted."

He pinched my nipples tightly until I let out a soft moan of pain, and told me, "You were selfish too. I could have been using you for a long time."

He slipped his right hand up to my ass, squeezed my glutes, and ran his fingers through them in a long caress.

"Do you want to feel my big cock here? Inside your cunt?" He asked.

"Yes, Paulo," I answered, weakening.

"What do you mean, yes? I want to hear it."

"You know the answer, Paulo."

"C'mon, girl, it's your dream coming true. Tell me you want my big cock in your tight pussy."

Girl? Bitch? Cunt? Pussy? Those words and everything else that was happening was degrading. Saying this was just a way for him to put me down. Even if I said I didn't want to, he would still fuck me. He wanted me to feel like a cheap whore, just like what Paco had done.

"Say it!" He ordered a bit more heatedly, bringing his hand up to my neck and squeezing.

"Yes, Paulo. Yes," I said right away, unable to resist him. "I want your big cock in my tight pussy. I need it!"

Done. I told him exactly what he wanted to hear. He was becoming more domineering with every step. He was also becoming increasingly horny. His hard cock and the amount of precum it spewed made me feel it.

He took me to his room and threw me on the bed. He went to the bathroom and came back with a tube in his hand. Lube, I guessed.

I remembered the last time we had been in that bedroom. He told Ygor that I was so horny I didn't even need lube: "You could rip his ass open and he wouldn't even care." Now, however, he had a tube of lube in his hands. It was a clear sign of change. For the better, I thought.

I watched as he began to apply the gel to his cock. The more he smeared, the bigger it got. He moved onto the bed and pulled me back onto all fours. He squeezed out more and stuck it in my hole with his finger. It felt cool. I lifted my ass to make his work easier.

"I'm gonna fuck your cunt a lot," he said, pushing his finger all the way and making a twisting motion, while slowly jerking off.

He added more lube and stuck two fingers in, scissoring them to spread open my hole. I wondered how Paulo had learnt to do those things. Was he being instructed by someone? Was it his cousin?

He stuck in three fingers. I moaned and tensed my muscles, trapping his fingers inside me.

"Your pussy is hungry, girl," he chuckled. "It's screaming to be plowed."

I looked back. His cock was dripping pre-cum. He removed his fingers after a few more moments of preparation, looked into my hole, or pussy, as he had called it and said, "I can't wait any longer."

He rested the head of his dick in the opening. I tensed my muscles when I felt it pushing its way in, and asked, "Paulo, take it easy. Please take it slowly. Your cock is pretty big."

For a few seconds, he remained still and silent, which made me assume he didn't enjoy me saying that. "Don't worry," he said, reassuring me. "Just take a deep breath, relax, and let me in."

As far as I knew, he'd never fucked anyone before. I figured he was trying to prove to me that he could be an accomplished fucker. I relaxed my body, rested my face on the bed, and raised my ass higher.

He grabbed my waist with both hands, again rested his cockhead at my hole, and did the opposite of what he'd promised. Without warning, he shoved the entire length of his cock in my ass. He didn't stop until his short pubes were rubbing against my butt cheeks.

I felt a sharp pain, screamed, and tried to get away. He held me tighter and threw his body on top of mine. Every muscle in my ass tightened around his big cock, trying to expel it.

"Take it out," I begged. "I can't..."

Paulo slipped his hands under my body, trapped my nipples between his fingers, and twisted them. I went back to screaming in pain.

"No, Leo," he said. "Spread that ass and let me in, or you'll scream a lot more."

I yelled even louder.

"Leo, you can yell all you want," he said. "I'm not going to stop. I've been waiting for this for far longer than I should have."

Tortured by pain and realizing it would be futile to resist, I tried to relax. It was enough of a pause for Paulo to take over and start moving inside me. Every time that monster inside me moved, my sore ass felt like it was being split apart.

"Give me a break, Paulo," I begged.

"Stop pretending, faggot. I might have been nice to you if I had been the first, but I'm not. You're already broken in," he said, with a harder, more painful thrust at the end. "You're used goods."

"Ohhhh! Please, Paulo! Not so hard, please!" I begged.

"Shut up, and take my dick," he growled. "Just relax and open up your pussy for your man. If you don't do it, I'll hurt you even more."

It was difficult, but I really tried to make his movements easier and reduce the pain. It could have been worse, I thought, trying to comfort myself. He had lubricated me carefully before starting to fuck me. If he hadn't been careful, I could have been bleeding.

Paulo had always been aggressive with girls. He always wanted to get right to the point. I think that's why they avoided him. He felt angry because he knew he had a beautiful face and body. All that pent-up anger and desire was being unloaded right now, by him watching his dick disappear up his best friend's ass! There was also the rage he felt at not being the first to fuck me, having been passed over in favor of Nico, his rival.

"Good, bitch," he told me, seeing that I struggled to relax. "Now listen to what I'm going to tell you. You will never tell me what I should or shouldn't do. From now on you're my bitch. I decide whether to go slow or not. I decide how and when to do things. You're supposed to do what I say, when I say it, and how I say it!"

He pressed his cock harder and asked me, "Did you understand what I said, cunt?"

"It hurts, Paulo. It hurts," I said, panting.

"I asked you a question," he said.

"Yes, I understand," I replied, in pain.

"Good," he said, shifting his hips a little. I felt relief, but it was only for a few seconds. Before I took a full breath, he shoved his cock back into my hole. He was not at all willing to allow me to accustom myself to his hardness.

"Holy shit, Leo!" thrilled Paulo, feeling my muscles close around his big cock. "Despite being used, it's tight! I always deserved a tight fuck like this. Your pussy is sucking and massaging my dick. It's wild!"

Paulo had never felt his tool lodged in anything as hot, wet, and tight. He wasn't worried about my feelings or my pain. He just wanted to use me. His cock started to enter more easily, and the pain started to lessen. It was probably because I was more relaxed, and he was producing more and more precum, providing my ass with more lube.

I lifted and moved my ass to ease his attacks. Despite the pain, I was beginning to like what was happening. His large, thick, and lovely cock had begun to graze that special region inside of me. That feeling was familiar to me now. He wasn't simply smashing my insides anymore, he was also sending tremendous sensual impulses directly to my head. He was making my dick drip precum nonstop.

I felt as if I was on the verge of losing control of the situation. My mind was becoming foggy from the forceful penetration. As a result, my frightened, shame-ridden side came into play. I decided I needed to show some self-control. I tried closing my sphincter to slow down Paulo's fucking attack.


Gripping me strongly about my waist, he started to fuck me harder, sending his dick deep with every thrust. I could hear his balls slapping my buttocks. The bastard knew what he was doing. When it came to fucking, he was a natural even without experience. I could feel his cockhead banging more and more into that secret spot.

I let go of any resistance or fear and I let out a moan of pleasure. Paulo snickered, saying, "That's it, girl. Give yourself to your man. I've taken your cunt. You belong to me."

I responded with another moan. He kept up the pace and strength of his thrusts. He seemed to want to feel in my ass the self-gratification of fucking all the pussy he had been denied. Then, unexpectedly, he hugged me, pressed his body against mine, like he wanted to completely possess me, and said, "Oh, girl... You... So hot... Fuck, inside... Soo fucking good... Better than anything I had imagined."

I think any girl would have loved to hear that. I loved it. My best friend was telling me he was happy. More than that, he was saying I was making him happy. My pussy was making him happy.

Paulo tightened his grip, keeping me pinned to him for a few more seconds, and turned me around, leaving me on my back. He grabbed my ankles, lifted my legs to his shoulders, spreading them as wide as possible, and slowly lowered his body, facing me.

I saw him in all his magnificent glory. With his sizable bulk, and beautiful face, my best friend was using, assaulting, overwhelming me. He was heated and sweaty. His muscles bulged to the point that they seemed like they were going to come out of his skin. His entire body pulsated.

"You're a fucking cute boy, Leo," he said, slipping his right hand under my chin and lifting my face up. "Fat ass, athletic physique, fantastic biker, strong legs. Many girls have complimented your hair and said you have a cute face. My father, like all your teachers, thinks you're adorable. Look at you now, bitch. You're lying on your back, legs up, wide open, almost begging for my cock. You are such a fucking whore!"

He smirked, put his mouth to my ear, and whispered, "No one is going to steal you from me, Leo. I won't let you get away. You're mine."

A drop of his sweat fell on my lips, and I licked it. I didn't know what to say about what he had just said. Nico had told me almost the same thing days before. It was as if there was a land dispute, but who would decide the owner?

Paulo licked my ear, and asked, "Do you want my cock back in your pussy?"

He paused, and answered his own question, "No. You don't need to answer, faggot. The amount of precum that's oozing from your cock is telling me that you're an insatiable bitch. You always want more cock."

Paulo's willingness to insult me appeared limitless. He lifted his torso, straightened his and my bodies, pointed his cock at my entrance, and began to poke, slowly. I bit my lip to keep from moaning. He came to a halt, examined my features, and inquired, "Do you want me to keep shoving it in, or would you prefer I take it out?"

I just looked at him, agonized. He started pulling his tool out as if he was going to give up. I grabbed him and said, "Don't! Please, Paulo. Fuck, me! Just fuck me!"

He chuckled, shoved in all the dick at once and started fucking me. I could feel my well-lubed ass becoming more responsive. All I wanted at that moment was to stay there, belonging to him.

"Your pussy will get used to my cock. You'll get hooked," he told me, deservedly full of himself, as he watched intently as his cock ripped through and took possession of my ass.

Everything got out of control from there.

"Holy shit! Fuck! Yeah! Oh, so good," Paulo groaned over and over. I responded with moans of enjoyment. It was hard to explain. He had hurt me at first because of his speed and aggressiveness. My pussy still hurt a little, but it was so good! I started squeezing my ass muscles as I lifted my legs to give him deeper access into my body.

He yelled, "Yeah, work that pussy, bitch."

"Oh, Paulo! Oh! Fuck me!" I groaned, moving my head from side to side, fully surrendered.

He looked at me triumphantly, and I thought he was about to come. Suddenly, though, he took his cock out and asked me, "Are you enjoying it, bitch?"

Damn. He knew I was desperate for him and was using that to humiliate me again.

"Yes, Paulo. Give it to me, please," I replied, feeling empty.

"Do you want my cock back in your pussy?"

"Please, yes! I want it! In my pussy!" I pleaded, oblivious to my own degradation.

He gripped my ankles, lifting my body higher, and looked at my ass. What could he be seeing? His work? The asshole he seemed determined to destroy? It must have been red, sore, wet, and shiny with precum.

I reached back and squeezed his cock. Its velvety skin seemed to burn my hand. I tried to pull it towards my hole. Paulo slapped my hand away.

"You have to ask, bitch."

"Please, Paulo. Can I touch it? Please."

"Yeah, Leo, you can take hold of my big baby maker."

As I squeezed his tool, he caressed my buttocks, parted them, and lightly poked the hole with his finger. I contracted my muscles wanting to hold him. He slapped my ass, and ordered, "Roll over onto your belly again. I want to fuck you like a bitch."

I promptly obeyed.

"Lift your butt. Open your pussy for me. Use your hand, bitch. Open more. Yeah! Now show me where you want your man's cock."

I touched my hole with one finger. He slid his hands along my back and grabbed my shoulders. I felt the cockhead kiss my crack. He thrust his dick as hard as he could, until he crushed his balls into my buttocks. Kindness wasn't his strong point.

"Fuck!" he gasped, feeling the muscles contract around his tool.

We started moving together. With every thrust he made, I pushed my ass back, causing our bodies to jolt. Every time he pulled outwards, I contracted my ass muscles, sucking his tool as if I wanted to trap it inside me. He was in control, and all I wanted was to increase his satisfaction.

I don't know how long he fucked me in that position, proudly using his cock as a weapon and calling me girl, bitch, slut, cunt, faggot. I writhed in ecstasy and moaned louder and louder.

"That's it, girl. You are mine!" He said, squeezing me harder. His cock was tearing up my ass, and I could barely breathe, but none of it bothered me. All I wanted was to bring Paulo to his culmination, to give myself to him.

He put his arm around my neck, squeezed, making me feel the force of his biceps and cutting my breath, and stuck the tip of his tongue into my ear. My balls tightened. From there, it was impossible to hold back my own orgasm.

"Oh shit! I can't, Paulo. I can't... I can't."

He realized what was happening.

"Are you going to come?"

"Yeah, I can't..."

"Go ahead, faggot. Come for me! Show your man how much you like his cock in your pussy. COME!"

My entire body trembled, my muscles contracted, I let out a deep moan, and I started to shoot a huge load over the mattress.

As I came, my hole contracted around his cock, but he continued fucking me. He lifted his body into a pushup position and started to ram my ass like I was a punching bag.

"Do you want my cum, bitch?" he asked.

"Yeah, Paulo. I want it. I need it."

"Where do you want my cum?"

"Inside me, please."

"WHERE?!!" He asked again.


With a loud growl, he thrust all the way in, pressed his groin to my ass, and started to empty his balls. Holy shit! I felt the spasms while rope after rope shot out of his dick. I helped him by using my anal muscles to milk his exploding shaft.

He fell on top of me and kept lodged inside my body till his climax ended. He rolled to the side, and with his breath still heavy, said, "Clean my cock."

In my post-orgasmic glory, it took me a while to figure out what he had just ordered. I shifted my gaze to the side, looking for a rag or tissue to clean his cock. He grabbed me by the neck and pulled my head towards his crotch, saying, "Use your mouth, faggot."

"What?" I asked.

"You heard it!"

He was pushing it. Was he expecting me to swallow this cock that had come out of my ass?

"DO IT!"

I resigned myself and started fearfully to clean his softening dick with my tongue.

It wasn't as nasty as I had thought. I began to like this new way of serving my man, and within minutes, I was licking every inch of his gorgeous tool, tasting his semen mixed with the taste of my ass.

When he put his palm on my forehead, looked at his cock, and said, "That's enough," I felt let down.

We were both sweating. He took a deep breath, stretched out his arms, and turned onto his side. No caress, no smiles, no thanks. It was as if I had just simply accomplished the task I had been given, which was to service him.

I looked at him through the filter of my own joy. In the light of the afternoon sun, his muscular form seemed to take on more dimension and richness. I thought about what he had proposed for both of us. It would be a friendship with benefits. Well, I wasn't sure how much of it was friendship, and how much of it was benefits, but the fact that we were so close would make everything easier.

Without looking at me, he asked with a smirk and a superior tone of voice, "Did you like your big birthday present?"

I said, "Yes, Paulo. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday present than making you happy."

"Good," he replied with satisfaction. "That's the right attitude."

I like to know how the reader responds to my work. More than that, I need it to motivate me to keep writing. So, if you're following the story and have any comments, suggestions, or critiques, please let me know.

Next: Chapter 17

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