Making Me Their Little Bitch

By Raphael Adurra

Published on Jun 3, 2022


This is a work of fiction, with same-sex sex scenes, and intended for an adult audience. The action takes place in the 70s, before AIDS, COVID... and the cell phone. The author owns the copyright to this and all other chapters of the story.

This story was previously published in the High School section but has been edited for the Authoritarian section. With my American reader's help, the text was shortened, some characters vanished, others appeared, and aspects of D/s were reinforced.

Please consider donating to Nifty.

--------------------------------- MAKING-ME-THEIR-LITTLE-BITCH - 14

What was going on in my life during those days was unbelievable. With absent friends and no beach, what should have been a boring vacation had turned into a roller coaster of emotions. It all started the moment Nico came into my life, and I still didn't know how it would end. The only certainty was that I would never be the same.

I was thinking about this, wearing nothing but shorts and sunbathing on a chaise lounge in the backyard, when the phone rang. I rushed over to answer it. It could be Nico, and he had already told me, in both words and slaps to the face, that I should attend to him at all times.

"Hi, big boy!"

It was my father's voice. He only called me big boy when he was in a good mood or wanted something from me. He asked how I was doing on my vacation, if I had done anything interesting, how was the weather, and other cliché and boring things. Suddenly, however, the conversation got awkward. He told me I should think about living in a big city. I didn't have to wait until I entered university. I could even live with him for a while if I wanted. The change would be good for my development. I was at an age, he said, at which I needed a male figure in my life.

He said a few more things about that, and then the phone conversation ended. It was as if he'd already delivered his message and was at a loss for more to say. My father could never speak with me other than in banalities.

As we said our goodbyes, he remarked, "Think about moving in with me, son."

I couldn't figure it out. This was the first time my father had brought it up. What was the reason for my father's unexpected invitation to leave my mother, city, and friends? Did he have any suspicions that his son was giving his ass to his schoolmates? No, that wasn't possible. It was all in my head. It was just my paranoia

What then? Was this another chapter in his and my mother's never-ending battle over how to raise me? When the two were still married, my father always accused my mother of raising me too liberally and being too tolerant of my wishes. Once, I came home bruised and crying after being beaten on the street by a bigger boy. Instead of caring for me, my father started sparring with me. He said it was for me to learn how to react and not get hit. He also said my grandmother spoiled me excessively, and that would end up turning me into a sissy. He hated sissies and spoke of homos as aberrations of nature, violators of divine laws.

Living with my father was the furthest thing on my mind at that moment. I quickly forgot about our talk and returned to the backyard.

I felt something unusual in my ass as I sat back down in the chair. It was a little discomfort. It was more a recollection of a feeling rather than actual pain. To put it another way, Ygor's big cock sprang to mind.

My ass was only reminding me that I'd been fucked by that muscular redhead with the big dick. I had an immediate hard-on, as mixed feelings of pride, amusement, pleasure, and remorse entered my mind. I wondered how it was possible to be horny and hard just one day after four loads of cum? Was I craving more? I was only fifteen years old, for God's sake. Did I enjoy sex that much?

My thoughts were interrupted again by the phone ringing. Who was calling me now? It was most likely Mom, to know if I had breakfast and if I was okay.

"Morning, bitch," I heard as soon as I answered the call. "Did you enjoy Ygor's dick?"

Nico's husky and deep voice made my dick jump in my shorts. As usual with him, I didn't know how to react. How did he know what had happened between Ygor and me?

"Hey, cat got your tongue?" He asked, making fun of me. "Oh, I see... You must be wondering how I know Ygor filled your tight ass and your pussy mouth. Well, he told me everything."

"What?! He..."

"Yeah, he's a friend of mine as well. He came to me yesterday to tell me what happened between you, Paulo, and him. He was thrilled about it. He kept going on about your butt, which he thought was incredibly girly, and claimed no one had ever sucked his dick like you had."

"Nico, I don't want to hear this..."

"Why not? You should be proud of yourself. Ygor told me that two girls had tried to suck him, but none of them had the skills. Leo, you were the first to take it down all the way. He claimed that he stuffed his dick in your mouth till your face was buried in his pubes. Fuck, Leo! Although you've just begun, you appear to have mastered the art of devouring cocks."

With each sentence that came out of Nico's mouth, I felt more ashamed. It was upsetting to find out that they were making such derogatory comments about me. Nico had to know how that made me feel, but he just kept talking and talking. I wasn't sure if it was for the sheer pleasure of humiliating me or if it was another attempt to persuade me that I was a bitch.

He continued, "Ygor told me he's already counting on fucking you again."

"Stop it, Nico!" I finally managed to say. "I don't want to hear it. We need to talk."

"That bullshit again? Give it a rest, Leo."

"I was looking for you. I was with Paulo's father, and we talked about you and the swim team," I said, regaining control of my thoughts.

"Yeah, the coach told me," Nico replied, showing a lack of interest in what I had said.

"Did you speak with him? Has he decided whether you're back on the swim team?" I asked.

"No, he hasn't made up his mind yet."

"We need to talk, Nico," I insisted. "Ygor told me all about the deal between you and Paulo."

Nico paused for a moment and then said, "Ok, let's talk. Get on your bike and come over."

Fuck. I didn't expect that answer. Did I hear right? Was Nico inviting me over?

He told me where I should meet him that afternoon.

Without really thinking about it, I made sure I would look good when Nico saw me. After trying on almost everything in my wardrobe, I decided on a green t-shirt, shiny white athletic shorts, and sneakers. The shorts were old, small, and tight on me, but he had already told me that I had a nice ass and shouldn't be ashamed to show it off.

I could have chosen more discreet shorts, but I didn't. I justified my decision by telling myself I needed Nico to want to talk to me. I knew he had the hots for my ass, and if it was necessary to wear an old pair of shorts to make him talk, I would do it.

When I put on the shorts and looked in the mirror, I saw that they fit perfectly around my tiny waist but didn't cover my bum entirely. What the fuck! I looked like a girl, one of those majorettes.

I found him at the place he specified, an abandoned warehouse on the edge of the old railway line. Rarely used, the railroad functioned as a border, dividing the richer and poorer neighborhoods.

Nico was wearing nothing but skimpy green running shorts with a slit up the side and sneakers. He was sweating, which made me think he had run over.

He had a naturally perfect physique for a boy his age. Swimming and other sports only accentuated the physical qualities that his genes had given him, a broad back and shoulders, strong arms, perfect abs, long muscular legs, and hard glutes. His blond hair looked darker, indicating that he had been in the sun throughout the summer. The glow from his green eyes made my legs feel weak.

As soon as I arrived, he told me to turn around.

"Fuck, Leo. Is it just me, or does your ass get bigger every time it gets stuffed with another cock?" He chuckled. "Our dicks are like a bicycle pump, inflating your ass bigger and bigger with every fuck. And you know what, it looks even better in those tight shorts."

The place had no doors or windows, so I didn't like it when he caressed my buttocks. Someone could see us from the street. Oblivious to my fears, he squeezed them as if testing their firmness, and said, "I'm in the mood to fuck you right now. Do you want me to fuck you?"

"Nico, I don't think..." I started to say, scared.

"C'mon bitch, don't be shy," he said, biting my ear.

"Yes, Nico. I wish you would fuck me right now," I said, trying to get the subject out of the way.

"Good. I don't like it when you lie. It bothers me. Everyone knows how much fags adore cocks."

So, without saying anything else, he let go of me and, straddling my bike, told me to sit between his legs. I looked at him blankly.

"Let's go to my house," he said, opening his legs wider for me.

A minute later, we were out on the street, with Nico in charge.

Riding together was not an unusual situation. Bicycles were expensive and often shared, and many times I had seen other kids take their friends on the crossbar of their bikes. With Nico, however, there was something different. This was not an ordinary ride. There was something erotic about it. Nico was bigger and stronger than me and leaning over me possessively as if he owned me.

As we passed, he waved to friends and acted smoothly and nonchalantly. However, I didn't feel at ease. His display didn't sit well with me. I wasn't sure whether people saw me as his new friend or his new possession.

Part of my ass was exposed, Nico rode my bike, his thighs surrounded me, and his pectorals brushed my back. If anyone paid a little more attention, he could also see that Nico's bulge touched my back.

"I want everyone to see you're with me," he said, waving to another friend, a big brown guy who was watching us from the doorway of a bar.

"Why?" I asked.

"This isn't a safe place for a well-bred, good-looking kid like you. I don't want anything bad to happen to you when you show up here alone. No one will bother you if they know you're my friend."

I felt safer hearing that, but at the same time, I wondered what made him think I would come back?

Trying not to forget what had led me to this afternoon meeting, I told him that Ygor had told me everything that had happened at Jere's party. Then, I asked him what had driven him to tell Paulo that he had a faggot with him?

Nico's voice was calm when he started talking to me. He told me that he knew that I had been eyeing him in the schoolyard and hallways. "Yeah, I felt your eyes on my skin, bitch," he said. "Even from a distance, I knew you got turned on when I squeezed my cock through my pants."

I was silent. I never imagined that Nico knew I had studied him from a distance at school. I had always been drawn in by his cockiness.

"I also noticed your ass and I thought, yeah, I've got you pegged. I can put that to use," he said, tightening his legs around mine.

He was quiet for a bit and added, in a sincere tone, "I kept away though, since you were friends with Paulo. As much as Paulo's an arrogant jerk, he's still the coach's son."

"What made you change your mind?" I ventured, happy that Nico was talking with me.

"Watching you shake your fat ass at Jere's house party," he responded.

"That party? You too?" I spoke without thinking.

He chuckled mischievously, lowered his chest against my back, and said, "Yeah, Leo. A lot of guys were watching your show. I could tell, just by looking at their faces, that a lot of them wanted to get a piece of your yummy ass. Hardly anyone had any luck with the girls that night, and your ass looked like a good pussy replacement."

He openly licked my earlobe and remarked, "You seem to be the only one who didn't notice. So fuckable and so naive."

Then he composed himself and elevated his chest again, saying, "My issue was that I had no idea how to go about doing it. It took me until the end of the party to figure it out. Things became clear to me when your name came up in conversation with the four of us. Bingo! There was a double opportunity there. I could fuck you and rejoin the swim team. You already know the rest of the story. Ygor told you."

He was telling me that he was responsible for everything that had happened to me. He had planned everything, which made me feel angry at him.

"Your plan sounded perfect, but something didn't work out as you predicted, did it?" I asked, disguising what I felt and turning my face slightly towards his. "As far as I can tell, you and Paulo fell out."

"Fuck, Leo. Turn your mouth forward. You're about to kiss me in front of everyone," he chuckled and drew his head back. "Yeah, you're right. The plan didn't work as planned. It was your fault."

"Why?!" I asked, surprised.

He chuckled again as he replied, "Damn, Leo, should I only fuck you once and hand you over to Paulo?! No way! After having my cock buried in your fat ass, I wanted more. You're my best option since I don't have any reliable pussies in this fucking town. I can't live without sex, Leo."

A strong, black boy, shirtless because of the heat and dressed in red shorts, shouted at Nico, calling him Polaco. It was a popular nickname, equivalent to Polack, used to designate anyone with white skin, light eyes, and blond hair.

Nico waved his arm in response to the greeting and resumed talking to me. "Yeah, bitch, after feeling your tight ass and eager mouth, I realized how valuable you could be to me and my friends, and I decided not to let you go. Paco and Alex had the same feeling. How many times has Paco fucked your ass? Tree times? Four?"

Fuck! He was revealing to me that he was aware of all of my encounters with Paco.

"Yeah, I lent you to Paco," he told me, as if he could read my mind again. "In the same way, I used your body to pay Alex a favor. Paco got the job because of him."

He sniffed my hair and added, "When I realized your potential, I started to regret the deal with Paulo, that conceited asshole. I thought you would be the perfect little bitch. My bitch."

I was impressed by the calm way in which Nico narrated those facts that involved me.

"Your problem, Leo," he added, "is that you don't like to see yourself as a faggot. The first time, I had to push you."

"Are you confessing you made me do something I didn't want?" I inquired.

"No, bitch. As I said, you've been strutting your fat ass for me for almost a year. You didn't go ahead because you were afraid. I just helped you out, Leo."

That wasn't true, I thought. He had pushed me to do what he wanted because he was smarter and more experienced in sexual issues. Not to mention the fact that I felt threatened in that forest, standing next to a boy who was bigger and stronger than me.

"What now, Nico? Now that Paulo is back, what will happen?" I inquired, my mind racing with all the things he had just said to me.

"Hey, forget about Paulo. Don't meddle in my dispute with that asshole. That's my business. I wanted to talk about something else when I told you to come today."

"What?" I asked, already dreading something else unpleasant.

"Hey, relax, Leo," he answered. "I called you to tell you I want you to be mine."


"I want you to be my little bitch," he said.

"What do you mean by that, Nico?"

"Listen carefully to what I'm about to tell you, Leo," he said. "I'm not like you. I'm not a faggot. I like real pussy, but in the absence of women willing to put out, you are my best option. My cock loved your big ass and your tight hole. That's why I want you to be my little bitch. If you accept, I'll fuck you every day and sometimes more. You can come to my house, and I can come to yours. We can also go to the lake. I'll fuck you everywhere possible." He added, with a wink in his voice, "I'm not going to date you, kiss you, or perform any other romantic fluff, but your ass will get my name tattooed on it."

I didn't follow him. Was he proposing that I become his private little bitch? I didn't know what to say. Perhaps the most correct thing would be to send him to hell.

"You don't need to make any decisions right now, Leo. Think carefully."

He took another break, brought his face closer to mine, and said, "You know, your place will always be under your man, taking his load, Leo. Look at your ass. It was made for this. You also know you need a man to protect you. I can be that man. I won't let anyone mistreat you."

"Look who's talking," I retorted. "You slapped me just a few days ago. Did you forget about that?"

He replied with slowly rising ire, "I was pissed at you, bitch. You ran away from me, went to your grandmother's house, and didn't answer my phone calls. You deserved to be slapped."

"Nico, I'm not..."

"Here we are," he said, interrupting me.

It was a modest wooden house. A porch with foliage hanging from the rafters stretched across the front of the house, giving it fresh, pleasant air.

"Come on. There's no one home," Nico said, opening the front door.

He lived with his parents, an older brother, and two younger sisters. The living room curtains were drawn, and the light was poor. Even in the dim light, however, I saw a strange glint in his green eyes.

Most of the time, Nico stared at me with cold eyes, as if he wanted to keep his distance and show his power. At that moment, however, he had a different depth. I didn't know how to define it.

"You need to know," he told me, "If you accept being my bitch, you will have to obey me and be ready for me whenever I want to fuck you or lend you to other guys..."

"What?! Do you plan on letting more guys fuck me?"

"Why not? You didn't like Paco's cock? What about Ygor? He told me you were on the verge of crying, but you loved being cornholed by him. I'll see what I can do about getting you some other dick."

"That sounds insane, Nico."

"No, it isn't. I want to fuck you bad, but I think other guys deserve a chance to unload their cum in your tight hole."

"Nico, I don't know..."

He continued, giving no thought to my interjection, "No one will fuck you without my permission, and you won't be able to fuck anyone without my permission."

"Are you saying that I can't decide what to do?"

"Yes, Leo. I'm going to be in control."

"What if I don't want to?"

"I will accept your decision and get out of your life. No hard feelings."

Nico had spoken to me as if he were an adult speaking to a boy the entire time we were conversing. To put it another way, he spoke as if he was superior to me. That doing this didn't require any special effort impressed me the most. His ease with his authority reminded me of what the coach had told me about his behavior, always wanting to be in charge.

He glanced sideways and retreated to the sofa behind him. He sat down, spread his legs, sighed, filling his chest with air, and coldly stared at me. The moment of revelation and intimacy was over. Nico had reverted to his ruthless self. He licked his lips, moistening them, and pointed to a spot on the floor for me to kneel.

I saw a small rug next to his foot and thought I'd use it as a knee support. Then I realized that Nico, who must have also seen the rug as well, might see it as hesitation and I knelt on the hard floor.

As soon as I did that, he reached up to my neck, pulled me to him, and kissed me. Surprised and afraid, I tried to escape, but he held me tight. His powerful tongue touched my lips, trying to push his way between them.

I had to resist, I thought. I should show him that I could still decide. He slapped my head for me to remember who I really was. I took a breath and opened my mouth, allowing him to slip his tongue inside.

He invaded and explored my mouth with his strong and flexible muscle. It wasn't a kiss; it wasn't an expression of affection, tenderness, or love. It was a domineering, possessive act. It also proved that he could do whatever he wanted with me, whenever and however he wanted. He would even kiss me on the mouth if it pleased him.

He got to his feet, took me up with him, and pressed his body against mine, making me feel the hardness of his body. He reached inside my shorts and squeezed my buttocks. His middle finger went into my crack, up and down.

Everything was so intense that I couldn't deny the power Nico had over me. I felt that power in my quickened breath, my nipples stiffening under the friction of my T-shirt, and my ass filling out my shorts. My cock was swelling and a burning sensation invaded my chest, rose to my neck and face, making me blush and float at the same time.

He told me to take off my shirt, lifted his hands to my shoulders and pushed me down. Dizzy and under his power, I knelt again before him.

As if to suggest something to me, he stroked his palm over his bulge, clearly defining it. I responded by pushing his shorts down to his thighs, which exposed a sharp tan mark just below it. His dick, not yet fully erect, dangled, heavy and long, over his balls.

"Lick it," he ordered.

I held it and slowly pushed the foreskin back, uncovering the pink head.

"I said lick it!" Repeated Nico, putting his hand on my head and bringing it closer.

I stuck my tongue out and licked the piss slit. I savored the taste of urine and began to swirl my tongue around the glans, covering it with saliva.

The cock was already hard when I licked it all the way around, back, and forth. I kept licking it in all directions, fervently, until I left the whole thing glistening with my spit.

I looked up. Nico's eyes told me he knew I would be on my knees whenever he wanted.

His scent was acute, sweaty, somewhat bitter, with something resembling leather and damp leaves. I tried to inhale harder each time I brought my nose closer to his fur.

"Suck it!" He ordered.

I pulled my head away, held it by the base, and admired it. Then I opened my mouth as wide as I could and suckled, at first only the huge knob, which was already wet with spit and precum. Nico let out a moan of pleasure and said, more quietly, "Swallow it."

I pulled off once more, opened my lips, and slowly started to slide them forward, letting his big cock slip into my mouth. It wasn't easy, but I did my best because I wanted it so badly. When I felt the hard flesh completely fill my mouth, I started to move back and forth. I could feel the full length of it slipping past my thick lips.

I repeated this action many times, until Nico said, "Suck my balls."

I looked at him with my best bitch face and started licking and kissing his balls. I sucked them too, putting them in my mouth, massaging them with my tongue. Nico grabbed the end of his cock and pulled it up, offering me the base of his scrotum. With licks and kisses, I lowered myself to the perineum.

The seam that served as the boundary between the scrotum and anus also excited my senses. He pulled his cock up once more, indicating that I should move further. When my tongue ran down the lower part of the valley between his buttocks, he turned his body. I was confused. In front of me were Nico's two ass cheeks. Was he offering me his ass? To do what with? Afraid of doing something that went too far and displeased him, I timidly kissed his left globe. Feeling braver, I ran my tongue slowly through the middle of the valley, up and down.

"Go ahead," he said, pushing his shorts down and letting them fall to the floor.

I admired his ass, tight, muscular, and with a few hairs in the center. I ran my lips and tongue around the valley again, moistening the hairs with saliva. Cautiously, little by little, I was sticking my tongue lower and deeper, while opening his buttocks with my fingers, until I found the target. Would I? Should I? I stopped, waiting for some sign from Nico.

"Go ahead, bitch. Lick it," he ordered.

At any other time, for any other boy, I would have found that disgusting. At this moment, for this boy, I complied. I was always eager to satisfy Nico.

When I rested my tongue on that little hole, surrounded by delicate folds, a little darker than the white and soft skin of his ass, he twitched, sighed and relaxed. He wasn't offering himself to me, he was insisting that I demonstrate my fealty to his rule.

I pulled my head back to admire him, until I felt Nico's hand grab my hair and bring my face closer. "I said lick my hole," he urged. "I want you to know what a real man's ass tastes like."

At that moment, I realized how profound the difference was between Nico and me. For some reason I couldn't fully understand, Nico wasn't diminished or threatened when I licked and sucked on his tight hole. He seemed to stand taller, more masculine, prouder. It wasn't the same as when that was done to me, a bottom boy. In my case, I was the one diminished, as if my ass was being turned into a pussy.

I lightly touched his hole with my tongue tip, and he sighed again. Encouraged, my tongue danced around his anus.

"That's it," he exclaimed. "Just like a bitch. On your knees, doing exactly what your man tells you."

My tongue began to dart and stab deeper into Nico's tight hole. He encouraged me by pushing my head further between his two cheeks. His ass began to rotate backward and forwards as he rubbed his ass onto my face, cementing his claim on me.

From then on, however, he didn't have to do anything else. The smell, the tightness of his buttocks around my face, the smoothness of the skin, the taste, the sensation of servitude, the task of praising him engulfed me to the point where I forgot where we were. I put aside my doubts and fears and focused totally on the mission he had assigned to me. With the devotion of a mystic in search of enlightenment, I licked, sucked, and penetrated his hole with my tongue.

As my tongue advanced, I started massaging his balls with my right hand. Soon, I reached under and up and was holding his dick and jerking him off. His oozing precum wet my hand and dripped onto the floor.

The smell coming from his hole, strange, intriguing, and more intense than in the groin, excited me further. The taste, which I thought would be repellent, added a sensual charge. I was also fascinated by the sight of the hairs wet with saliva, lying down, and sticking to the skin.

Little by little, tickled by my tongue it opened to me. I penetrated deeper as my devotion and respect deepened. If I would do this for Nico, I knew I would do anything he said.

Nico was moaning more and more and it was between moans that he told me, "Do you understand now, Leo? Do you understand that you're different from the rest of us? Me and my friends? We would never kneel to another man, but there you are, on your knees."

He took his hand to press my face deeper into his ass, just to demonstrate his power, and continued, "If you say yes to my offer, you could be sucking cock and kissing ass every day. Just the way faggots like. Do you want to be my bitch Leo?"

He laughed when he realized I couldn't respond and said, "That's right bitch. Faggots should be felt not heard. Your tongue is telling me better than any words."

He moved his ass from side to side, as if he wanted to make my work easier and better enjoy the sensations my tongue gave him, and urged me, "Work it in, Leo, nice and deep. Keep doing exactly what I say. If you do what you're told, it will all work out."

He kept talking like he was thinking out loud, "Yeah, Leo, you need a strong hand in control, to keep you from shaking your ass around every dick you see. I'll do that for you, Leo. I'll keep you under my thumb. That's the way things need to be with you."

Mesmerized by the tone of his voice and the things he said, I pressed my tongue further inside his darkest nether regions. I disrespected myself to elevate Nico. My furthest inward thrust was followed by a sigh from Nico uttered as a quiet, "Fuck yeah, all the way in. Do it, you fucking pussy."

Nico's next words were almost prideful. "That's right, you do what I say. There's no turning back from this, Leo."

I don't know why, but I loved it. I loved knowing that Nico stood taller, prouder, more arrogantly because of my obedience. He deserved it. All of it.

At this point, when I totally surrendered to his power, Nico took my hand away from his cock, withdrew his ass from my face, and turned towards me. "We'd better finish what we started before someone arrives," he said.

I hastily turned my back to him, thinking he wanted to fuck my ass. He hugged me from behind, lodged his hard, wet cock between my buttocks, and asked, his mouth glued to ear, "Is this where you want my big cock, bitch?"

"Yes, Nico!" I responded eagerly.

"Yeah, I know you do, cunt, but I'm not giving you this right now."

"Why not?" I asked, astonished.

"You only get that after you become my bitch. For now, you only get it in your mouth. On your knees!"

I knelt down again, frustrated, and glanced up. Nico drew a mocking smile on his face. I expected him to slam his cock into my mouth as I opened my mouth, but that was not his plan. He held that enormous, hard tool by the base and repeatedly hit my face with it. When I tried to turn or face away from him to avoid the strikes, he told me to stay in my place.

It was only after he humiliated me like that for a minute or so that he told me to open my mouth and his hard mass of flesh filled me again. He tightened his hands around my head, taking control, and fucked my face. He rocked his hips back and forth, pushing deeper, and hitting the entrance to my throat. I gasped and reacted by jerking back.

He looked at me, and with irritation in his voice told me to open my mouth, inched his hips forward, and thrust his cock in all at once, digging deep into my throat. I tried again to pull away, but his hands held my head tightly, preventing any reaction. My eyes ran with tears, and I gagged. I was going to suffocate and pass out when he pulled back, allowing me to fill my lungs with air.

"Open it again, bitch!" he ordered angrily, as he went back, just as aggressively as before.

Breathe Leo, I said to myself, feeling his big cock move in and out of my throat. Breathe calmly, deeply.

"Yeah!" He sighed, feeling the friction. "Take more dick, cocksucker. Keep going."

He seemed fascinated to see his big cock going in and out of my mouth, almost choking me. The volume of precum in my mouth started to increase. I could feel his balls contract. The goo of my saliva mixed with my throat mucus. The precum trickled down my chin and chest.

I pressed my lips around the shaft, trying to increase the friction, and started stroking his balls. He took it out, rubbed it across my saliva-wet lips, and slapped it on my cheeks, making sloppy wet sounds.

"Give your cum to me, Nico! Please," I begged.

He laughed at my sudden and unexpected request and continued to fist his dick, bringing my head in closer. "Open your mouth, cunt! Open it!" He ordered. "I want you to get all of my jizz."

I opened it and stuck my tongue out.

"Swallow it all down!"

His eyes rolled back in their sockets, his cock pulsed, and the jets started. The first spurt of cum hit my nose, the second, my forehead.

I closed my eyes. The next powerful jet covered them. Finally, Nico aimed at my mouth.

What the fuck! How much sperm! It looked like he had been saving up just for me.

"Swallow it!"

I looked up once more. He was pleased with the mess he had made of my face. I licked and sucked his cock, cleaning it. When it softened, I wiped it down to the foreskin, inside and out. He wiped his palm down my face, caught some cum with his fingers, and presented it to my mouth. I sucked on anything I could get.

"Don't miss a drop," he said.

When I got up, I became aware of my erection. I could sort this out later at home, I thought, seeing Nico tucking his cock into his shorts.

I took off my T-shirt and brought it to my face to clean it. He looked at me and said, "Get out of here."

I was approaching the door when he called me. I looked back, not knowing what to expect.

"You did good," he said as a compliment, offering me a dazzling smile. "I trained you well. You will be a good bitch."

Fuck!! That made my erection grow even more. I was embarrassed and I hoped he hadn't seen it.

"Can I ask you something?" I said, trying to take advantage of his elevated post-coital mood.

"Be quick. My brother is coming."

"What are you going to do with Paulo?"

"I already told you not to meddle, Leo. That's my business. You don't have to worry."

"What do I do if he comes looking for me?"

"You're not my bitch yet," he observed. "You're still free to do what you want."

"He's threatening me. He said he's going to tell his friends."

"Stop it, Leo! Now get out of here."

I hurriedly opened the door.

On the street, I got the sense that everyone was staring at me on the street. Maybe they knew Nico had just face-fucked me. Maybe my lips and face were swollen from the face-pounding he'd inflicted with his cock. Perhaps they noticed the cum stains on my t-shirt.

The strong, black, shirtless lad who had greeted Nico and called him Polaco was drinking beer with buddies in front of a bar. When I looked in his direction, he smirked and gripped his cock as I went by.

Damn! This could not possibly be true. I must be having a nightmare and would wake up soon. However, my cock was still hard when I arrived home.

Reader feedback is a big motivator for me to keep writing this story. Please let me know what you think of the narrative and any suggestions you may have.

Next: Chapter 15

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