Making Me Their Little Bitch

By Raphael Adurra

Published on May 20, 2022


This story was previously published in the High School section but has been edited for the Authoritarian section. With my American reader's help, the text was shortened, some characters disappeared, and aspects of D/s were reinforced.

This is a work of fiction, with same-sex sex scenes, and intended for an adult audience. The action takes place in the 70s, before AIDS, COVID, and the cell phone. The author owns the copyright to this and all other chapters of the story.

Please consider donating to Nifty.


"I'll do whatever you want, but nobody can know about it."

That's all I asked Paulo, my best friend. After revealing that he knew all that had happened between Nico and me, he humiliated me and forced me to service him. He had just come with his dick between my buttcheeks and I was still licking his balls. It was impossible to reverse that, but I could still prevent more people from knowing. No one else could know.

Paulo didn't want to listen to me. He was talking about sharing my secret and further exposing me.

"Paulo, I'll do anything you want," I repeated. "The only thing I want is please don't tell. Please, Paulo!"

"Don't piss me off, Leo," he said. "I don't deal with deceptive cheats."

"A cheater? Me?"

"Who else?" He said. "I thought we were best friends, real best friends."

"We were. We still are," I told him.

"No. Best friends don't hide things from each other. You hid from me that you were a cocksucker!"

I finished cleaning his nuts and I thought he would let me go. I got out of bed, pulled up my speedo, adjusted it around my waist again, and was looking for my shorts when he hugged me from behind. He reached back inside of my speedo, squeezed my globes, tucked his nose between my curls, sniffed me like I was a girl, and whispered, "You teased me so many times with this plump ass, bitch."

"No, I didn't," I lied.

"Remember that bus trip? When we were on the bus returning from that fucking student olympics? You pretended to be sleepy and intentionally turned your back to me."

"I didn't do that."

"Yes, you did. Don't lie, Leo. I already told you that you don't have to lie to me or yourself anymore. You weren't asleep when I reached inside your sweatpants. You were just tempting me. You were wanting me to grab those buttcheeks the way I am now. I see why you waited so long to respond. You enjoyed it. You wanted me to grab onto your fat ass."

Paulo finished off that statement with another smack to my ass, followed by another one.

I didn't want to admit it, but I had vivid memories of it. I had woken up to Paulo's hand stroking my buttocks. At first, I thought about not reacting. The sensation of his palm brushing over my ass was incredible. I wanted to feel him keep doing it and see how far he would go. I was forced to change my mind when he grew bolder, threatening to pierce my ass with his finger.

"That's not true!" I said once more, feeling his caress on my buttocks and worrying that I was enjoying it.

"Your butt was so juicy, like a girl's, I almost came from touching it. I was about to finger fuck your pussy," he continued.

His middle finger slid through the cleft between my glutes as he spoke, searching for my hole, "You always wanted to give your pussy to me, didn't you? Why didn't you ask me, girl? Did you think my dick would be too big for your hole to take?"

"No, that's not it, Paulo."

"Oh, no? So, what was it?"

"I was afraid about how you would react. I was afraid you would stop being my friend."

He bit my ear.

"Fuck, Paulo! That hurt!" I complained.

"Oh, yeah? Let me tell you what really hurts," he told me, in a sarcastic tone. "What hurts is knowing that you told Nico and his loser friends what you kept from me."

I felt butterflies in my stomach. From what he had just said, he knew what had happened between Paco and me, as well as Nico. Maybe even with Alex too!

"Yeah, cunt, you let those cocks in HERE," he said, threatening to stick his finger into my hole. "You let a dick poke your ass before offering it to me. I should have been the first, Leo. You owed me that for letting you hang out with me. You disrespected me, faggot."

"Listen Paulo, I didn't tell you everything. Nico seduced me," I said in despair.

"Yeah, I know," Paulo said, showing no surprise at what I'd said. "I asked Nico to seduce you. Until then I didn't believe you were a faggot. I thought you would put up a fight. I didn't expect you to be such a cheap trick."

"What are you saying? Did you ask Nico?" I said, turning to face him.

"I didn't say anything," he said, jerking away from me.

"No, Paulo. I want to know what you did."

"Shut up!" He ordered.

"Listen, Paulo, I didn't plan for anything to happen. My..."

I couldn't finish the sentence. Paulo pulled me by the arm, threw me on my back on the bed, and straddled my chest.

"Listen, bitch," he said, his tone menacing and his hand back on my throat. "Don't lie to me. You confessed that you weren't forced to do anything," he continued, tightening my throat. "You showed me you're crazy for dick."

"What's going on, Paulo? I'm your friend," I said, struggling to speak.

"No, Leo, you're not. Not anymore. You don't deserve it. I can't have a faggot for a friend."

"Paulo, please..." I begged.

"Stop! I don't want to hear anything from your cock-sucking mouth," he said, squeezing my throat tighter. "I should have known before anyone knew that my best friend was a faggot. What did you do to me? What will people think of me? I walked around for years next to you not knowing you were the biggest faggot in school. My friends will think I'm a dumbass, or worse. That I take it up the ass too."

"Paulo, can you only think about yourself? What about me?" I said, struggling with his hand.

"What the fuck, Leo? You didn't think about me when you went around giving up your ass. The guy who took your cherry was an outsider. Now it's too late. You're a whore, and so now you'll be my whore. I'll be the one to offer you to my friends. They need to know I'm not a dumbass. "

"You're hurting me, Paulo."

"Shut up! I don't care."

Suddenly, I was startled to hear another voice in the bedroom.

"Hey, Paulo, what do you wanna do? Suffocate him?"

Who said that?! I vaguely remembered the voice, but I couldn't see who it was because Paulo's body was blocking my view.

"Hey, mate," Paulo said, turning back to the door. "I was waiting for you."

"Stop squeezing his throat," insisted that familiar voice.

"How long have you been here?" Paulo asked, easing the pressure on my throat.

"Long enough to hear your threats. Do you really intend to tell your friends?"

Paulo moved his body away, momentarily oblivious to me, and then I saw the newcomer. It was Ygor, the big redhead, Paulo's partner on the swim team. He was wearing orange shorts and a tight T-shirt whose sleeves seemed to strangle his massive biceps and broad chest. Under the fabric, I could see his protruding nipples.

Paulo got off me, sat on the bed, sneered at me, and said, "Why not? If Nico and his friends already know, why shouldn't I tell people?"

"You can't tell because you promised, Paulo," said Ygor, coming closer. "You struck a deal with Nico, and he fulfilled his part."

A deal?! Was Ygor talking about the same deal Nico had talked about? Were Nico, Paco, Paulo, AND Ygor in it together?

Taking advantage of Paulo's distraction, I jumped out of bed. With that sudden movement, I realized I was still a little dizzy from the alcohol.

"Yeah, I promised," Paulo said to his red-haired friend as he continued to observe me, "but that was before I found out that my best friend wasn't a man. Hey, you need to see what he does with that mouth and ass of his."

I tried to compose myself as best I could in front of Ygor. In the process, I gave myself a bit of a wedgie leaving the bottom portion of my buttcheeks exposed.

"Wow! He's wearing that speedo," Ygor observed in a lascivious voice, watching me more closely.

"Yeah, I knew you would like it. I haven't forgotten what you told me," Paulo said, with a hint of pride.

"Thanks, bro."

"That's what friends are for," Paulo replied, not mentioning that Nico had stolen the speedo from my room. "Turn around," he ordered, addressing me. "Show your fat ass to my friend."

I hesitated. I could still react, I thought. Maybe Ygor would support me. Moments ago, he had told Paulo to stop squeezing my neck.

Seeing my hesitation, Paulo came over, slapped my buttocks, and ordered, "DO IT!"

When I obeyed and turned around, he squeezed one globe and then the other, and said, "I've already cum just rubbing my big cock between them. Can you believe that?"

"Yeah, I believe it, bro," Ygor replied, his voice even lower and warmer, seeming to replay something in his mind.

Paulo pushed my torso forward, forcing me to stick my ass out further, and lowered my speedo back down to my thighs. "Look," he said, taking each of my buttcheeks and separating them, revealing my hole. " Now you can see my bitch's full pussy. You can finish what you started in the bathroom at Jere's house."

As Ygor stood in the same spot, Paulo grabbed his arm, pulled him closer to me, and added, "I own this bitch, but isn't fair to have it all to myself. I'm going to fuck this hole raw and then share it with my friends. You'll be the first."

He spoke as if I were a slave for sale or a piece of meat hanging from some butcher's hook. I had never felt so exposed and humiliated, not even in the forest with Nico, Paco, and Alex. The difference, I thought, was the fact that Paulo was my best friend, understood all my vulnerabilities, and knew how to humiliate me with words.

Looking from the side, I could see that Ygor was salivating with lust as he stared at what Paulo was revealing. "We need to talk about this," he replied, his voice calm, as if he was trying to keep his arousal under control.

"To talk?! Hey, man..." Paulo said incredulously.

"Yeah, Paulo. The decision isn't yours alone."

"I'm sure you'll change your mind after you feel his hot mouth in action or dip into his tight hole here," Paulo said, poking at my asshole lightly. "I just started with him. I plan on..."

"I don't know, Paulo," Ygor interrupted him, stepping closer and lightly brushing my ass's flesh with his hand. His digits were burning.

And then, to my and Paulo's surprise, he pulled my torso up, reached down, and lifted my speedo, re-covering, and re-wedging my ass.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Asked Paulo.

"Nothing, bro. I just think he doesn't need to be treated like this," replied Ygor.

"Listen, mate, he's mine and I do what I want with him." Paulo started to speak.

"No, you listen to me," Ygor cut in. "We agreed that we wouldn't do anything to him until you fulfilled your part of the deal."

"I'll keep my end up. Don't worry about that," Paulo said, lowering his voice for the first time, as if he feared a direct confrontation with the large red headed senior.

"Yeah, you've been saying that since the holidays started," Ygor snapped.

"OK. I admit it, I couldn't resist, man," Paulo said, trying to sound calm. "It was Leo's fault. He wanted it. The little bitch came to my house to get fucked. You should have seen how he stared at my cock. Hey, I don't know why I'm saying this. You can try what I'm talking about for yourself. Go ahead. I let you do what you want with him. Tell him to suck your dick. He can't say no when he sees a big cock."

"I don't know, bro..." Ygor replied.

"Hey, I have a better idea," Paulo said, hugging me from behind and again pulling me to him. "Let's fill both of the faggot's holes."

Ygor responded again, "I'm not sure about that." I could tell there was a struggle going on inside him. He was at a loss for what to do.

"Don't worry, buddy. He already has loads of cum inside him. We're not going to be the first or the last."

It seemed to me that Paulo was more aggressive and tried to humiliate me more than Paco, Alex, and even Nico. It was also becoming clear that he had violated some rule of the agreement and that he was now trying to entice his big friend to his side, and maybe share in the violation.

"Do you really plan to fuck him?" Ygor asked.

"Sure. Why are you asking? Is it due to the fucking deal? Look, at this point, one more dick or one less dick won't make a difference. What do you think? Let's have a go? Do you want to be first? If you want, I'll let you."

Ygor swallowed hard, not taking his eyes off my ass, and asked, "Do you have any lube?"

"Great! You'll fuck him! This is what I expected from you, man!"

"And about the lube? Did you bring it?"

"No. I didn't even think about it. I don't give a damn," Paul replied. "Our slut is so horny he wouldn't even need lube. You could rip his ass and he wouldn't even care."

"Wow, Paulo! You're talking about your best friend," Ygor insisted.

"No. My friends are not cocksuckers," corrected Paulo.

He held me by the waist. Sometimes he would rest his chin on my shoulder, sniff my hair, and lick my ear. He wanted to show Ygor that I was his property and that he could do whatever he wanted to me, while at the same time trying to make his friend more aroused.

I didn't react because I was afraid to piss him off. I feared the reaction Paulo might have if I confronted him or dashed out of his house at that moment. Maybe he would start telling everyone about me. I still hoped to make him back down.

"Well, I think we've already talked too much. It's time for action. How about we start with a good blow job?" Paulo said, putting both hands on my shoulders and attempting to push me down, wanting to see me on my knees. Even though I still felt a little dizzy, I took a step to the side and faced them both.

"What are you doing?" Paulo asked. "Do you want to choose which cock you suck first? That's already decided bitch. Get down and show my bro what you learned on your vacation."

I stayed still. Paulo raised his hand as if to hit me, but before he could touch me, Ygor said, "No. Don't do this."

"Why not?" asked Paul. "Don't you want to feel your cock inside his mouth? You'll love it. It's all hot and wet. You can shove it up his throat. He can take it all."

Ygor stared at Paulo, then at me. The mound in his shorts had grown. The more perverse part of him was winning the internal struggle.

" What do you want, Ygor? You can do whatever you want with him," Paulo continued, afraid his friend would back off. "I've heard that he swallows everything and doesn't spit out a single drop."

"I wanna be alone with him," Ygor replied, surprising Paulo and me.

Paulo was paralyzed by that, but only momentarily. In seconds, he smirked, clapped, and said, "I can't believe it! You're embarrassed. The big guy on our team is embarrassed to fuck in public. Man, with your big cock, you shouldn't be ashamed of anything."

"You said I could choose, Paulo. Could you leave?" Ygor asked, tucking his dick into his shorts, and making it clear he was serious.

"Sure! Go ahead! I'll find something else to do," Paulo replied, smiling, and heading for the door. "Don't take too long. I still have a score to settle with this faggot. I can't wait to cover his face with my cum."

He looked frustrated that he couldn't continue to do what he intended, but there was also something triumphant about his face. After all, he had convinced his friend to violate their fucking deal. He had gotten Ygor onto his side.

As soon as Paulo left, Ygor turned my back to him and put both hands on my waist. Before I had time to understand what was going on, he pressed his body against mine, reached in my speedo, cupped my ass, and let out a low, long moan.

Fuck! I felt a shudder down my spine and a sense of déjà vu. I realized that was something Ygor had already done to me. Fuck! It was exactly like what had happened in Jere's bathroom a couple weeks back. I shut my eyes. Scenes from that bathroom began to emerge in fragments in my mind. Without realizing it, I leaned my body back, giving in to Ygor's hand.

"Yeah, boy," Ygor whispered. "You remember that well, don't you?"

I was suddenly reminded that until that day, no one had touched me as vigorously and sensually as Ygor. Not even Paulo, with all the tricks he'd already perpetrated on my ass. But I lied to Ygor instead of telling him the truth. I stated that I couldn't recall anything.

"I know you remember," Ygor said. "When I stuck my hand inside this tiny swimsuit and touched your booty you stuck your ass out like you are doing now."

He stroked my buttocks and brushed his nose over my hair. With his tall, broad, and muscular body enveloping me, he scared me. At the same time, though, he made me feel unexpectedly protected. After the brutality of Paulo's rejection, Ygor's actions had something comforting about it.

As I tried to understand that, I couldn't help but think about the redhead, who was wrapping his thick, long arms around me. He, like Nico, was in his senior year of school and was the swim team's oldest member. He was also the tallest, strongest, and most muscular of the group. But for all his natural athletic ability, those muscles didn't help much in the water. He lacked Nico and Paulo's speed. From what I had already heard from Paulo, the coach kept him on the squad because it prepared him to play water polo at university. Ygor was also a natural leader of the team. The other athletes listened to him. Even the group's stars, Paulo and Nico, respected him.

For a few more moments, his big, raw, rough-skinned hand continued to caress the sensitive skin of my ass with sensual delicacy. It was as if Ygor was familiar with the area and was returning to it. That gave me the confidence to tell him I only remembered a few things that had happened between us in the bathroom. He retorted that I didn't appear so drunk or unconscious that night. It was more likely that I didn't want to recall everything. He followed by asking, "Tell me something you remember."

"I remember your smell," I said, expressing the first thought that sprang to mind.

"Did you like it?" he inquired, smiling.

"Yes, I enjoyed it. It had a musky smell mixed with chlorine."

Ygor lifted his long, strong arm, and forced me to sniff his armpit. I told him it didn't smell the same as it did that day, but it smelled good. He laughed, saying that I'd have to smell more of him to figure out where it had come from.

Ygor's laughter lightened the atmosphere. The hardness of his cock in my ass told me he was still quite horny, but he was also still trying to contain himself.

"What else do you recall?" He wanted to know.

"The rough skin of your hand," I answered.

He smiled, said that on weekends and on vacation he helped his father with the farm work, and asked me if that bothered me. I replied that it didn't bother me at all, and he went back to asking what else I remembered.

"Your big cock," I confessed.

He laughed louder, giving the impression that this was what he had wanted to hear from the beginning of the questions.

"I was afraid because it felt too huge," I explained, "but I wanted to see what it looked like."

"You wanted to know how big and thick it was, didn't you?"

"I'm not quite sure. Yes, I think so," I replied, still with a hint of reluctance to reveal my deeper feelings to him.

"And the smell and taste, too?" He added, still chuckling, letting go of my body, and walking away towards the door.

"Are you leaving?" I asked, my dismay obvious.

He said 'no' and told me to wait in the room for him while he went to grab some beer for us. When I was alone, I realized how hard my dick was and how strange that situation was. Paulo, my best friend Paulo, was elsewhere in the house and furious with me, while I cheerfully conversed with a friend of his whom I barely knew.

Ygor returned soon. We both sat on Paulo's bed, and he started telling me about what had happened at that pool party.

He hadn't had any luck with the girls. Bored and alone, he watched the people dancing under the party lights. He saw me among the moving crowd, and his gaze was drawn to my ass. He looked away because he thought he shouldn't be looking at some other guy's ass.

Paulo approached a little bit later and asked him to keep an eye on me since he was going after a girl. Paulo told him that he had been plying my mama's boy ass with liquor, but now that he had found another interest, he didn't want me to cause a fuss at Jere's house. That the family was wealthy enough to have their own pool said it all.

It was a short time later that I got sick from drinking, and Ygor came to my rescue. He caught me before I fell and was about to take me to one of the couches in the large living room when Jere, who was also watching me dance, rushed over, and said to take me to a bathroom further inside the house.

According to Ygor, he led me to the bathroom sink to bathe my face in cold water. While holding me from behind, pressing me against his body, he had an instant erection and couldn't resist anymore. He pushed my torso down in case I needed to puke, but took advantage and stuck his large hand inside my speedo, and cupped my ass.

As he recalled his bravado, he said it must have looked as if we were doing it doggy-style and he burst out laughing. He claimed that I must have enjoyed it because I did nothing to stop it. I even wriggled my ass to accommodate his fingers. He really felt me up, in my crack too, and even poked at my hole. After getting away with that, he positioned himself behind me, held me with his hands on my waist which was easy being so much taller and stronger. He rubbed his tool in my ass and he knew I wanted more, but at that same moment he heard Jere's voice calling out, saying that Paulo was looking for us. Our unexpected and forbidden meeting had come to an end, unconsummated.

While Ygor was telling me that, the two of us were sitting on Paulo's bed, drinking, and feeling more and more at ease. He looked me in the eyes and asked me if I had ever done that with anyone else before him. "No," I said. "Did you like it?" he asked, caressing, and squeezing his cock through the fabric of his shorts.

"I don't recall much of that night," I replied.

"Don't be a liar, Leo. You must remember a few things. Be truthful and answer me. Did you like it?"

After a few moments of silence, I finally admitted, "I don't remember everything, honestly, but I liked it. Yes, Ygor. I liked it."

"Did you want to feel my big cock inside your tight ass? Yes, or No?"

"Yes, Ygor."

"I knew it!" He said, getting up, and punching the air.

He set his and my beer down and told me that he was going to give me what I wanted.

"Besides, you owe me this," he added.

He went back to squeezing his erect dick in his shorts and stated to me that he wanted to see my ass again, for starters.

"What?!" I asked, surprised at his sudden shift in manner. "I thought we were going to talk more. I wanted to know more about the party."

"Enough talk, Leo," he said, advancing on me.

He flipped me over, leaving me flat on the bed, on my belly, and yanked my speedo down. He was so strong, I thought.

"Oh, yeah! Look at that!" He hissed as if his lungs were out of breath as he looked at my ass. "I need to screw this hole right now!"

He pulled two pillows from the headboard, and tucked them under my belly, elevating my ass and leaving it in a more vulnerable position. I felt his two big hands, each taking one of my mounds, feeling and squeezing them.

"That's what drove me crazy at that party," he said as if he'd just made some discovery.

He kissed one buttcheek and then the other. Two short kisses before he started poking his finger into my hole. He slipped it in a little, carefully, took it out, moistened it with saliva, and put it back in. It went a little deeper each time. Sometimes he spat into the hole. Finally, he stopped, got out of bed, stood beside it, and undressed. He was a perfect stud, with well-defined muscles, broad shoulders, and a slim waist. A thin layer of red hair covered the pale skin of his chest, and his tremendous tool rose amid a lush tuft of red hair.

He took a step back, shifted his waist, and his cock jumped in the air, hefty and fully hard. Geez! It was bigger than I remembered. I was in doubt about whether to continue or not.

"Ygor..." I began to say softly, hoping to resume the conversation.

"It's all right, Leo. I know you want it."

"Ygor... It's too big."

"Yeah, I know," he said.

From there, everything took place under his command. Manipulated by his powerful hands, in the blink of an eye I was nude, on my knees, on Paulo's bed, and waiting for his dick.

He opened my buttocks, spat between them, and began to slide in his finger, this time more decisively and deeper. I moaned in pain and tried to pull his hand away. He gave a hard slap to my buttocks and went away for a few seconds.

I was going to lift my body to see what he was doing when he pressed my body down, my face against the sheet. When he touched my hole again, I felt his lube-covered fingers. Surprised, I looked back.

"Yeah, Leo," he said with a devilish smile. "I knew that Paulo would not keep his promise to buy lube. That's why I brought mine. Even girls need lube when I fuck them."

He said that and thrust two fingers inside me, plunging them in to the hilt. I moaned loudly, a mixture of pain, pleasure, and surrender. He reached for more lube and returned to stick in a third finger. I put my hand back, grabbed his massive cock, and squeezed it.

"Are you waiting for my snake? Yeah, I'm going to shove it all up your tight hole. Work on my fingers!" He ordered.

I squeezed and relaxed my ass muscles while making a circle with my ass. Ygor took more lube and spread it through my slit and hole.

I was once again in that dangerous and volatile zone where I responded only to my man's desire. With three fingers of Ygor inside me, my cock dripped onto the bed sheet as I squirmed and moaned louder and louder.

"I knew I was going to fuck this hole," Ygor said. "I knew the moment I saw you dancing and offering up your ass at that party."

He withdrew his fingers from inside me, pulled my torso up, and hugged me from behind. I had goosebumps from his stubble on my neck.

He forced me again to get into doggy-position, my ass in the air, my head down against the bed. He placed his dickhead against my hole and slowly started to penetrate me.

I screamed in pain. He was stretching me beyond what was bearable.

"Holy shit! You are tighter than I imagined," he said with concern, stepping back.

He smeared more lube on my crevice, re-aimed his big weapon, and pushed. When he finally felt my asshole snap shut around his fat bulbous dickhead, he said to me, "Relax, Leo. Relax or this will really hurt."

I obeyed and tried to relax as best I could, whereupon he started mumbling, "Yes, yes, let me in, faggot. Let your stallion in."

His voice penetrated my mind like his cock penetrated my flesh. He kept pressing, sinking in inch by inch. I could barely breathe. When his red bush pressed snuggly against my round butt, I moaned, "Oh, Ygor! It's so big, so big..."

"Yeah, it's big and it's all inside of you, bitch," he answered. "It's right where it belongs!"

He began to move his hips, slowly, in a small circle. I felt his cock poking at my guts from still unexplored angles. My insides were adapting to the presence of his weapon inside me. My cock, which had gone almost soft with the pain of his penetration, began to harden again.

He grabbed my waist with both hands as I began to wriggle my ass, partly to entice him and partly to escape him. I became acutely aware that he had complete control over my entire body. He could play with it and dispose of it as he wished, fulfilling his most primitive cravings. Without warning, he dragged his cock back until just the head remained inside me and plowed forward with all the strength of his body.

FUCK!! Shocked and scared by his unexpected move, I tightened and squeezed my muscles, trying to expel it. It was useless. My struggling movements only served to make his dick bigger.

If Ygor had been hesitant to fuck me when he arrived at Paulo's place, he had no doubts now. He only wanted to release the sexual energy he had been repressing since Jere's party.

He drove his tool even deeper. I screamed. He pressed my face against the sheet, pushing his hips forward until he buried everything inside me, and said, "This is the way it has to be, Leo. When your man's dick is this big, a faggot's just gotta take it"

I felt impaled and tears streamed from my eyes, as he continued with his aggressive fucking. He pulled me back to his torso, letting me feel his muscled chest, his heat, and his power. His cock pulsed inside me. Every moment he seemed to get more excited.

"Oh, holy shit! You're better than anything I've fucked before," he said.

Those words made me even more willing to give myself to him. I forgot any pain, any fear or shame at being ridden by a schoolmate and started massaging his cock with my ass muscles.

"Oh, fuck! Yeah, work my cock! Oh, yeah!" He yelled, as he began to establish a firm fuck pace.

I don't know how long he fucked me. At a certain point, he began to take most of his cock out, leaving only its head and then slamming it back inside. The violent movements made me grunt and spasm. He liked that and pushed his dick deeper and rougher.

Breathlessly, he asked, "Do you want my cum?"

"Yes! Yes, Ygor!"

I felt his dick thicken, swell, and twitch. The big redhead was firing his powerful spurts straight into my ravaged hole.

I could tell Ygor was making up for the time he had to wait to fuck me by the strength of his hold on me, the power of his jets, and the deepness of his masculine bellows.

Finally, after dumping his cum inside of me, he collapsed onto my back. I was supporting his heavy body on my back, when I looked up and saw a cock-jacking Paulo pointing his dick at my face.

Shit! I had not seen or heard him enter. I didn't know he was watching us fuck. Had Ygor missed him too?

Before I could look away from him, a grinning Paulo came again, splooge erupting from his single-eyed monster, covering my face in cum. After finishing, he rubbed his still hard cock in my face, spreading the cum even more.

Upon that final indignity, I collapsed under Ygor's weight, his huge body upon mine, his dick still buried in me, and licked my lips, swallowing Paulo's cum.

My ex-best friend made a face when he saw that, and said with a sneer, "You're a disgusting faggot."

Reader feedback is a big motivator for me to keep writing this story. Please let me know what you think of the narrative and any suggestions you may have.

Next: Chapter 13

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