Making Me Their Little Bitch

By Raphael Adurra

Published on May 13, 2022


This story was previously published in the High School section but has been edited for the Authoritarian section. With my American reader's help, the text was shortened, some characters disappeared, and aspects of D/s were reinforced.

This is a work of fiction, with same-sex sex scenes, and intended for an adult audience. The action takes place in the 70s, before AIDS, COVID, and the cell phone. The author owns the copyright to this and all other chapters of the story.

Please consider donating to Nifty.


During Saturday's lunch, my mother scared me by asking, "Who is Paco?"

How the hell did she know about Paco? Who had told her?

"Who?" I asked as if I wasn't listening.

"Paco, the friend who visited you when you were at your grandmother's house," she replied.

Damn! How could I forget about that? My mother and grandmother talk at least twice a week. It was inevitable that at some point my grandmother would mention Paco's name to her daughter.

"Oh, Paco... He's a classmate," I said.

"You never told me about him," she said, in her tone of voice used when she suspected I was lying.

"Yeah, I hadn't known him very well," I said. "We became friendlier during the holidays. He's a great football player and I asked him if he could teach me some techniques."

"Your grandmother told me that he is nice and a good dancer. I said it was good to hear that, but I also scolded her."

"Why?!" I wanted to know.

"Because she let him sleep at her house. I don't even know this boy. She sheltered a stranger in the same room as my son."

"Mom, you're exaggerating."

"No, I am not. I'm your mother, Leo."

"We became friendlier a week or so ago. I was going to tell you."

"Oh, yes? When? Let me ask you something else. Is he the same boy who visited you here a few days ago?"

"What?" I asked, thinking that with each question things got worse.

"Did you think I would never find out about this? I didn't say anything before because I was hoping you would tell me. You always told me all about your friends. What's going on with you? I even know this person came into the house through the kitchen and spent the afternoon with you. Was it the same classmate who went to your grandmother's house?"

"Yeah, it was Paco," I replied feeling cornered.

"Jesus, Leo! When were you going to tell me this?"

"Mom, it was just a visit from a new friend! How did you know?"

"You always seem disconnected from the world, Leo. I learned of Paco's presence through one of our gossipy neighbors. Ugh, don't these people have something more interesting to do?!"

By then I didn't know if she was angrier at me for not telling her about Paco, or at our nosy neighbors.

"Listen, son, I want to meet this new friend of yours, right?"

"Yes, Mom."

I agreed and didn't worry too much about it because I knew my mother would soon forget about Paco. I panicked, though, as I realized once again how small my town was and how everyone knew about everyone else's life. A neighbor saw Paco or Nico entering the house and mentioned this to my mother. Fortunately, the obscenities that took place inside the house remained unseen. In the same way, my grandmother only knew that Paco danced well. She had no idea he had fucked my ass in the guest room, but how much longer would my secret be kept? Had someone seen me with Nico in the woods? How long would Nico, Paco, and Alex be able to keep their mouths shut?

To calm myself down, I went to my room and read for a while. In the afternoon, after my mother went out, I took a long, relaxing shower and went to Paulo's place. I wore a T-shirt, sneakers, and soccer shorts.

At his front door, Paulo greeted me in tight, white briefs. For a second, I just stared at him, dazzled by his tanned skin, toned arms, prominent pecs, sculpted and strong legs, and, most of all, his remarkable bulge. The son of the gym teacher had a beautiful body for a boy of sixteen. He looked like an aspiring model for an underwear ad.

When I looked up, I saw that Paulo was watching me. His hazel eyes glistened as he studied me with a steady stare.

"Finished?" he asked, filling his hand with his balls and cock, and shaking his package, the kind of joke boys played when they wanted to show they were confident they had the goods.

"The sun is good for you," I said, taken aback.

"Yeah, I know. Come in," he remarked, smiling confidently as he turned his back to me. I found it odd that he didn't hug me like we usually did when we met again after a long period apart, but I didn't focus on that. My entire focus was on his physique, the lovely view of his back, swimmer's shoulders, and the movement of his tight ass muscles beneath the tight, thin cotton of his briefs.

What was happening to me? This wasn't the first time I had seen Paulo in briefs. The two of us had even been naked in the locker room bathroom at school and at home. However, I had never looked at him with the perspective I now had after recent events. Was he bigger? Sexier? More imposing? Or was the change in me? Had I started to look at men differently? More unashamedly?

"I don't have the rum to make a Cuba Libre, but I bought us some beers," he said, entering the kitchen, and opening the fridge door.

That was another difference I noticed in his demeanor. He didn't ask me what I wanted to drink, as he always did. We're going to drink beer, he simply said. If he was offering me alcohol, though, it was because that meeting was special. We used to drink alcohol only at parties.

"I don't like the taste of beer," I said.

"Yeah, sissy, I knew you'd say that," he answered, "But you'll take it because I already bought it and because we don't have anything else to celebrate my return with."

"The taste is bitter..."

"Fuck, Leo! Drink it!" he reacted with exasperation, handing me a can. "Look, I didn't like it at first either, but I got used to it. You just need to get started. That's the way it is with anything."

"Anything?" I asked, just to tease him.

"Yeah! Even with the taste of cum. My cousin says that there are people who, after trying cum, end up getting used to it and even liking the taste."

He said that and laughed. I made an exaggerated face of disgust. I needed to disguise that as his cousin said, I had tried it and liked it.

"How does he know that? Has he tried it?" I asked him.

"Of course not, smart ass. I think he says that because someone has tried his spunk and liked it. Don't you want to try mine to see if you like it?"

"No, I don't," I responded, "but since you seem so interested in the subject, I can do you the honor of having you drink my cum, just to test its taste."

He landed me a friendly punch in the arm. I opened the can, we lifted the cans to toast, and drank.

We started in the kitchen and walked into the living room. We sat down across from each other and within minutes I was listening to his vacation adventures with the girls on the beach. One of them let him touch and kiss her boobs during a movie. Another took his hand and led it to her panties so he could feel that she was wet.

One story led to another, and he became more and more aroused. That was the Paulo I knew, always telling me about his sexual adventures. It was good to hear from him again. It was like everything was going back to the way it was before Nico.

"When I managed to get my fingers inside her panties and feel her pussy, I thought it was time to go further," he told me. "I took her hand and led it to my rod. Go for it,' I told her. Stroke it'. She wanted to take her hand away, but I wouldn't let her. C'mon, do it,' I said. Get more of my schlong. I know you'll love it.' Oh man, I wish you were there to see her face. It seemed she didn't believe it could be so big and hard. She took a while to remove her hand, but then she got angry, saying that I shouldn't have forced her to do it, that she didn't do those kinds of things. Girlish nonsense."

His dick was now hard. As soon as he started talking about his sexual adventures, he would always start to throw some wood. On those occasions I would look away, and he would act like he didn't realize what was happening. This time, however, he did something different. He began uninhibitedly to rub his crotch and I couldn't look away.

Paulo realized where my gaze was, took his hand away, and opened his long, strong legs, making my vision easier, and causing his briefs to tighten around the outline of his stiff cock even more.

I told myself that I needed to be more cautious. That was the second time this day he had caught me watching his crotch. The first had been when he opened the door for me.

He talked of a third girl whose titties were so big he couldn't look at them without thinking about titfucking her. What? Titfuck? I had never heard of that. He must have learned about it on vacation. He always learned some new sexual slang from his older cousin he would vacation with. I asked about it and he explained that it was the act of inserting your dick between tits and fucking them.

"I can't believe that," I said. "In between the tits?"

"Well, believe me, buddy, in the case of breasts as big as that girl's, you need a big tool," he paused for emphasis, "like this one," squeezing his cock with his hand over the fabric.

Paulo had always been proud of his family jewels, but this time his actions were exaggerated. Was he trying to see how I would react? Did he distrust me?

To better understand his explanation, he stood in front of me, spread his hands at the height of his pelvis, tensed his fingers, and made an inward movement, as if he had pushed one tit against the other. He started moving his hips back and forth, saying that I should imagine his big rod sliding between that girl's huge tits, his cockhead on one side and balls on the other.

I could see his pole standing upright in his underwear, its head level with the elastic waistband. It threatened to expose itself.

Fuck! It happened! Its rosy, gleaming head appeared in one piece. He didn't seem to notice it though. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. My eyes kept returning to its fucking head. I had to struggle to keep up with what he was saying.

"I told her she had the most beautiful tits in the world and that I wanted to shove my dick right through them," he said. "I wanted to fuck those beauties. Nobody would know. I wouldn't tell anyone and she would remain a virgin, I explained. I didn't say, of course, that I was going to fill her face with cum," he sniggered. "Have you ever seen a face covered in cum, Leo? Huh?"

"No, Paulo, I've never seen it. What about you? Have you seen it?"

"I saw it in one of my cousin's porn magazines. Wow, man. That image doesn't leave your head. Cum running down her eyes, her nose, her mouth, all over the bitch's face."

I remembered Nico's jets of cum on my face and thought it was time to get out of my trance. I got up and went to the kitchen to get us more beer. I thought this would be our third can. I was really getting used to the taste, as he had said.

When I returned, cans in hand, it was inevitable that my hard cock would show inside my shorts.

"Damn, those were the biggest breasts I've ever felt in my hands," Paulo told me, taking a can, still standing, as I sat back down in front of him. "Too bad that bitch wouldn't let me fuck her tits. Do you know what she told me? She said I must be crazy. Yeah, I was. Crazy to fuck! You know what? I think she missed a great opportunity. She missed THIS!"

He said that while pushing his underwear down. His manhood sprang free, pointed slightly upward.

"What do you think?" he asked, directing it at me. "Don't you think she missed a great opportunity?"

I stared at it, spellbound, for a few seconds, until I realized I needed to stop.

"Fuck, Paulo! Aim your junk the other way," I yelled, turning away.

It wasn't unusual for boys in my school to play with their dicks and show them to other boys when they were in the showers or locker rooms. Thanks to that, I had already seen several dicks, including Paulo's, who had one of the best-looking ones in our class. I always avoided looking directly at them, however, for fear of exposing myself.

"Look, look at it. You're my friend and you can tell me if I'm telling the truth or not," Paulo insisted, leaning closer and once again presenting his cock in front of my eyes. I figured he wouldn't give up and I did what he wanted. This was the first time I could observe it so closely and intently.

"I'm sure that bitch will never find a rod as beautiful as this one again," he said, moving his stiff tool back and forth. "Do you know what I did next? I told her, `Ok, babe, since you won't let me fuck your tits, what do you think about sucking my big Johnson?' She looked at this wonder here, and looked again. I knew she was in the mood, but she said she couldn't do that because she didn't want to get a reputation."

After telling me this, he stuck his cock back in his briefs and told me they were all the same, they all wanted to feel the size and thickness of his cock inside their holes, but they were afraid for their 'reputations'.

"Fuck Leo! You can't imagine how much I wanted a hot mouth to shove my rod in," he told me. "My cousin says it's so fucking good. Did I already tell you that my cousin is in the Army now?"

"No, you didn't. Hey Paulo, has your dad made up his mind about Nico returning to the swim team?" I asked, trying to change the subject before I betrayed myself and offered my mouth to him to grant his wish.

He replied, "Not yet," with a puzzled and irritated expression on his face. "He is very close-mouthed. I'm helping him with all his projects, but he doesn't seem to trust me. It's as though he believes I'm hiding something."

"And are you?" I asked absently.

"Fuck no!" He answered. "I'd like Nico to return because I want to be a part of a winning squad. That's it."

He remained silent for a few moments before saying, "It's getting hot in here. Let's go swimming."

I inquired, "Where?"

"Jere's swimming pool. He told me that I could use it whenever I wanted."

I immediately agreed, relieved to be free of the sexual tension that Paulo had aroused in me, and I stood up.

"Let's go to my room first," he said. "I need to get my swim trunks."

In the bedroom, I sat on the bed, waiting for him to get dressed. He opened the wardrobe doors and, with his back to me, returned to the conversation from the living room.

"I can't stop thinking about what it would be like to come inside someone's mouth. Do you know what my cousin told me? He told me that there are guys who give better head than girls. Do you believe that?"

"I've never heard of it. How does he know that?" I asked.

"There's a fag that sucks his cock and his friends in the Army."

"Wow. Is that true?" I asked, astonished and thrilled that he had mentioned it.

"Yeah, he told me that they use the faggot when they don't have any girls. They make him do everything they want."

"Don't you think that's weird?" I asked, remembering what Nico did to me.

"As horny as I am, the answer is no. As they say, a mouth is a mouth," he replied.

He was still saying that when he grabbed the elastic waistband of his briefs and pushed them down to his knees. He lifted each leg to step out, each movement exhibiting a different angle of his tight, hard, yet full ass.

He did it casually and unhurriedly. From where I was sitting, I could see his hanging balls, but not the dick. Was he still stiff and pointing up?

My question was answered in the next instant, when he turned sideways and walked over to a dresser, offering me a side view of his fucking tool. It was hard, as I had suspected.

He opened a drawer, grabbed a bathing suit, and put it on. He was still tucking his cock inside it when he turned to me and told me, "You still haven't answered me, Leo."

"Didn't answer what?" I asked, my eyes fixed on the volume below the equator.

He was wearing a tiny, blue swimming brief and was preoccupied with arranging his cock inside the small piece of fabric, taking care to keep it lying flat while angled upward on his thigh.

"You didn't answer me whether or not that big-chested girl missed a great opportunity."

I managed to tear my eyes away from his cock and look up.

"Do you really believe you could fuck those big tits with this dicklet of yours?" I asked, mocking him.

"Dicklet?! Do you think this is a dicklet?" he said, squeezing his tool again.

"Fuck you, Paulo! How would I know? Do you think I waste my time looking at your dick?"

"Looking at this big dick is never a waste of time," he said, laughing.

"Yeah, I imagine you admire yourself a lot in the mirror. As for me, I don't even remember the last time I looked at your dick at all."

"Oh, no? You don't remember? So let me help your memory. It was a few seconds ago. You were looking at it as if you wanted to burn a hole in the fabric to get a better look."

"Me? That's your perverted imagination," I replied.

"No, mate. This isn't the first time I've seen you staring at my dick. I've seen you do it several times in the school bathroom. But today was different. I think your eyes spent more time on my prick than on my face. So, what's up? Are you interested in dick?"

I felt color rise up in my cheeks, as he massaged his tool through the fabric and wrapped his fingers around it.

"Fuck off, Paulo!" I exclaimed.

"No, Leo," Paulo replied calmly. "You look different since the last time I saw you. Plus, you've got a hard-on."

"Oh yeah? Well, I believe you're the one who's different. All these girls' stories and the things your cousin says to you are driving you insane."

"Oh, yes? How about your hard dick?"

"This always happens. You tell porn stories, and my dick reacts. It's natural."

"That's not what I'm talking about. I don't think you got a hard-on from my story. I believe you got a hard-on from looking at my dick," he said.

I felt we had come to a deadlock. On other occasions, he would have already changed the subject. This time, however, he pressed the issue, no longer as a one-liner, but as if he wanted to prove something. We were silent for a few seconds. I wanted to say something hard to make him back off and move on from this topic, but I couldn't find anything.

"I know you liked watching it," he said, pushing his cock with his fingertips until it was standing up and starting to come out of the swimming briefs. "Would you like to see it closer?"

"Come on, Paulo! Stop saying that."

"Hey, listen to me. If you're curious, no problem. Why don't you come closer?"

"Give me a break, Paulo."

"You've already seen it. The difference is that now you're going to see it up close."

He continued squeezing his tool, which was reflating to its full dimensions, half in his trunks and half out, pointing towards the ceiling.

"Come on, Leo. Want to get a good look at it? Yeah, I see you do. Come here. Kneel down over here," he said, pointing to a spot on the floor at his feet.

"Are you joking?" I reacted angrily, attempting to demonstrate disgust.

I wanted to follow his instructions, but I also sensed that doing so would mean the end of our friendship.

"You're looking at my cock now, Leo," he insisted.

"It's not true."

"As much as you want to, you can't look away."

"Paulo..." I said, almost begging.

"Do what I'm telling you, Leo," he demanded. "Come take a closer look at THIS."

He dropped his swim trunks and released his dick again. Fuck! It was incredibly hot. How many times had I secretly wanted it? How many times, while listening to Paulo's frustrated adventures with the girls, had I imagined myself touching it, sucking it, impaling myself on it?

In that jumble of thoughts and emotions, I dropped to my knees on the spot he'd pointed to on the floor. Once again, as I had done so many times before, I let Paulo decide for me.

"Yeah, that's what you wanted, isn't it? See my rod up close? Well, make yourself comfortable. We are among friends," he said, inching his hips further forward, offering his manhood. "I think it likes being looked at close up by you. See how hard it is. Hey, you can tell better with your fingers. Grab it."

"That's not necessary, Paulo," I said, already regretting having given in to my impulse and kneeling in front of him.

"You want to feel it, Leo. I know you want to. Go ahead. Grab it. No one will find out."

I looked up. He looked at me with a knowing smirk on his face.

"Go on. DO IT!" he said firmly.

I obeyed again. With my right hand, I grabbed his cock and squeezed it gently.

"Yeah, feel it. Feel how hard it is."

I squeezed my hand around the shaft and began slowly stroking it. He moaned and I felt my body swoon. The foreskin seemed glued to his hard cock, and when I moved it back a faint odor of piss, mixed with the musky smell that came from his sweaty groin, assaulted my nostrils.

"That's it, Leo! Stroke my rod!" He said, thrilled. "Play with it. Make me happy."

He let me squeeze, stroke, and admire his cock for several moments. His hand slid to the back of my head, and he ordered, "Kiss it, Leo!"

I looked up, pleading with my eyes that he wouldn't make me do it.

"Kiss it!" He ordered again, touching my lips with the dickhead.

Feeling that touch, I kissed the head, letting a part of it enter my mouth.

At the same instant, holding my head tightly, he pushed some more cock into my mouth and said, "It's time, Leo," with a tone of inevitability. "Go on. Suck. Suck my cock!"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing! My best friend was telling me to suck his cock. There could be nothing more humiliating. Was he willing to go through with it and destroy our old friendship?

"Go on. Suck it," he repeated, recklessly pushing his dick forwards. He was getting impatient and awkward. That must be how he was with the girls who would run away from him. "I can see it in your face, you want to taste it. Go on, buddy. Suck it!"

Buddy? If I sucked his cock, we wouldn't be friends anymore. I had to stop this. Up to that point, I could still say it was just curiosity, that I was just comparing his cock to mine. Guys always liked to compare their dicks. Sometimes they took hold of a friend's prick to measure. This next step, however, went beyond what was acceptable. There would be no more excuses. It would be the end of our friendship and I could lose all my friends if they found out.

I thought about the risks I was taking and at the same time, I felt an overwhelming urge to swallow his tool. My dick leaked in my shorts.

"Go on, mate, suck my cock," he kept saying.

He inched his hips further and this time, when I felt the taste of his precum invade my mouth, I went forward.

"Open up! Put it in your mouth!" He spoke.

I did it! The shaft slid between my lips and touched my tongue. He let out a moan of pleasure as he felt the heat and wetness of my mouth. He looked down and seemed fascinated by the image, his cock penetrating the mouth of his friend. He knew he was one step away from turning me into his cocksucker. He was fulfilling his wish to have a hot mouth to shove onto his cock.

At times I still thought about backing down, putting a stop to it, and saving our friendship. Soon, however, the idea of stopping was overcome by the lust. Paulo's cock was in my mouth and the gleam in his eyes was manly and irresistible.

He held my head in place as his hips drove his dick deeper. I felt all the taste, weight, and strength of his cock. He moved his hips from side to side, back and forth, enjoying the new sensations. Then, he took it out and unexpectedly shoved it all in at once, which made me choke and cough.

I overreacted a little bit because I didn't want him to realize that this wasn't the first dick I sucked. He chuckled and looked at me triumphantly.

"Do you still think I have a dicklet? Huh?"

"No, Paulo," I replied, tearing up.

"What do you think about my love muscle? Tell me."

"You have a big fucking dick. Satisfied? Can we stop here?" I asked.

"No. We're just getting started, Leo," he said very deliberately.

"Paulo, I don't..."

"Shut up, Leo! I know you want to go on. No need to pretend."

"You don't have to be so rude," I said.

"Oh yeah? You want me to take it softer, do you? Okay, I'll do this, I'll let you guide me. Do you want to do this?"

That question reminded me that he had never done this. He wasn't sure how to do it. He only had instinct and a need to fuck badly. I thought about accepting his proposal and doing the job for him, as Paco had taught me. If I did that though, he would eventually find out that his dick wasn't my first.

"I don't know what to do, Paulo," I replied. "I've never done it."

"Oh, no?" he said, in a weird tone, thrusting his cock in my mouth again, but this time slowly.

He withdrew, leaving only the head inside. Then he put it back. Then back out and in again. He was putting it in deeper with each advance.

I held myself still, to preserve the impression that I had never done this before. I didn't even move my tongue.

He suddenly stopped, took his cock out of my mouth, and was still for a few seconds, as if he was organizing his thoughts. He lowered his face and said in my ear as more of a statement than a question, "You can do better than that, can't you?"

"Paulo, I already said that I never..." I replied.

"That's not what I heard," he interrupted me.

My heart stopped. What he had just said made my worst nightmare come true. My secret was starting to spread. My eyes watered.

Paulo realized the effect his speech had on me. He knelt beside me, pinned my head with his right arm, and pulled me to him. I felt the muscles in his arm flexing, saw the veins standing out, and smelled the sweat that seemed to come from his armpit. I had imagined something like that so many times, I had so longed for sexual contact with Paulo that, for a moment, I thought my head was going to start spinning.

"I hear you're one hell of a cocksucker," he said, his mouth close to my ear. "I'm told you're so good you look like you were born to suck cock."

"NO! That's not true," I replied, trying to escape his arm, and fighting an unexpected urge to cry. " What did you hear? Who told you that?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter," he told me, squeezing me tighter. "All you need to know now is that I know. I know everything, Leo."

"Everything? What do you mean by that?"

"You know what I'm talking about, Leo."

I felt short of breath and, once again, wanted to cry.

"Breathe," he said, stroking my curls. "Breathe. That's it. That's better. Continue breathing. There are no more secrets between us, Leo..."

"Paulo, you..." I started to say.

"You faked it very well," he interrupted me. "I never thought you were a homo. You didn't look like one, didn't show it. But now I know, and you're not going to pretend anymore. Not to me, ok?"

He tightened his grip with his arm to demand an answer.

"Okay, Paulo, I get it," I replied, whimpering.

"Look, I still don't know how I'm going to handle this," he said, slowly, "and I don't want to think about that right now. All I want now is to feel my cock in your hot mouth again and to get a good blowjob. Good blowjob, do you understand, Leo? I'm entitled to that."

I nodded. What could I say? I was under his control. Horny for him and maybe slightly affected by alcohol. My secret was no longer protected. Paulo knew everything, which meant I had nothing to hide from him anymore, that we didn't have any more secrets, as he had just told me.

"Do you want to suck my cock and make me happy?" He asked.

"Yeah," I answered.

"Good. I'll give you what you've always wanted, but first I need to ask you something."

"What, Paulo?"

"I need you to answer me honestly."

"Say it."

"Did he force you to do anything? Did you do something you didn't want to do?"

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! So, it was Paulo! He was the friend Nico was referring to when he said that if a friend asked me if I'd been forced to do something I didn't want to do, that I should answer with a `no'. Nico and Paulo were in this together. I still didn't know how, but it was evident there was something between them.

Nico had betrayed me, telling Paulo everything he knew about me. And Paulo had been Nico's informant. That's why Nico knew so much about me, about my routine, and my mother's routine. I should have realized this from the start! Paulo, my best friend, had betrayed me! How had I not seen this before? How could I be so dumb?

"You betrayed me, Paulo," I said.

"No, Leo. If there's a traitor here, it's you. You could have told me you liked dick before. My big cock should've been the first to fuck you, but you hid it from me and gave up your virgin ass to a stranger. Fuck! Not a stranger, but to that fuck up, Nico. He was always trying to be a show off in the pool, trying to outdo me and being a jerk, and you let him beat me to the punch tapping your ass."

He paused, as if he wanted to breathe and control his anger, and went on, "But that's not the problem right now, Leo. We can talk about this later. Now I want you to answer my question. Did he force you to do anything? Did you do something you didn't want to do? Yes, or No?"

"No. Nobody forced me to do anything," I replied with dejection, suddenly overcome with a strong desire to be faithful to Nico at the expense of Paulo.

"Holyshit, Leo! You really are a sex freak. I had hoped you'd have more self-respect. Until a few minutes ago I still expected you to push back, to show me that I was wrong, but you gave in far easier than I ever imagined. Do you know you made me lose a bet?"

"What? What bet?" I asked him with surprise.

"Never mind, you pussy."

He released me, got back on his feet, pointed his cock at my mouth, and said, "It's time for you to show what you've learned in the last few days. Show me the real Leo. Suck me, faggot."

Faggot?! Paulo and I had grown up together. We had shared everything together. We had no secrets from each other. The only thing I had kept secret was my attraction to boys. At that moment, however, between the four walls of his room, everything was changing. From the moment he told me he knew everything, Paulo was no longer the same person I knew.

"Do what I'm telling you!" He demanded, angrily as his cock bounced up and down emphasizing his words.

He knew everything and wouldn't let me go if I didn't do what he wanted, I thought. I stuck out my tongue and licked his cock.

"Yeah! That feels great!" He said, excited like a boy who has just been given a long-desired gift. "Keep doing it."

I covered my teeth with my lips, stuck my tongue out, and started to swallow his dick. His head inched forward, leaving a salty trail. I closed my mouth and stroked it with my tongue. He moaned, almost whimpered.

I was taking over. I swallowed the whole cock, slowly, letting its owner savor each conquered inch. When it hit my throat, I struggled not to choke and to continue breathing.

I started massaging him with my throat muscles. He moaned loudly. I backed up a bit, sliding it out. I spit on its head several times, spread the spit with my hand, and inched forward again, bringing the whole cock back into me.

I was showing him what Paco had taught me. It was a form of retaliation for his betrayal of me. I wanted to confirm to him that he wasn't the first, that I had already serviced other guys.

Within minutes, the room was flooded with the wet sounds of my mouth and throat, back and forth, caressing, and squeezing his big cock with my tongue and my mucous membranes, until he couldn't resist. He grabbed my head with both hands, and started fucking my mouth wildly, regaining control. I started feeling his pubic hair on my nose and his balls on my chin.

"Get at it! Get more of my big cock down your throat, cocksucker," he was saying with guttural intensity. He was taking revenge on my mouth for all the frustrations he'd ever experienced with girls.

"Fuck! Ahhh, this is so hot! Oh yeah!" he screamed. His grip on my head remained total. There was no escaping his control. "It's better than anything I've ever done."

He didn't even need to say that. His entire body told me how much he was enjoying it. He kept telling me to keep doing what I was doing, that it was great, that he was loving my hot mouth. My hard cock inside my shorts showed that I was enjoying it too. I realized that it was no longer a desire for revenge that was driving me. I was driven by my desire to serve him. It was the fulfillment of an old dream. How many times had I imagined his cock in my mouth?

I took it out, examined it for a time to be sure it wasn't a dream, licked the underside, and shamelessly rubbed it all over my face. His precum spread across my cheeks, my forehead, and my lips, which I licked languidly.

Paulo snorted as I did this, "You fucking pussy!"

It drove him crazy to the point where he grabbed my head and shoved his cock back into my mouth. I went back to swallowing it, inch by inch, until it touched my throat. He thrust in and out, until when I thought he was ready to drop his load, he took his cock out of my mouth and told me to undress. With my eyes glued to his cock, whose head glistened, dripping with saliva and precum, it took me a few seconds to understand what he was asking for.

"Hey faggot, I'm talking to you," he said.

When I got naked, he told me, "Put this on."

"What?" I asked, surprised when I saw him holding my red speedo.

I didn't even have to ask how my swimwear had gotten into his hands. It could only have been Nico. I replayed the scene in my bedroom and saw him kicking my swim trunks aside. He must have taken it on the sly and given it to Paulo, a trophy of Nico's conquest.

I had harbored a false hope that Nico would protect me and keep my secret. He didn't care about me. All he wanted from me was a mouth and a hot hole to fuck. My speedo in Paulo's hands was proof of that.

"Yeah, I want to see that juicy fuckin' ass inside this old speedo while you suck my cock," Paulo told me. "I want to see you shake your tail like you did that day at Jere's house. It was ready to just bust out!"

After I got into that tight swimsuit, he said, "Get down on your knees," while he sat on the bed. He spread his legs for me to slip between them, leaned back supporting his torso with his hands, and watched me as I took his dick and brought it back to my mouth.

Almost instantly he was again fucking my mouth. His whole body lifted up into the fucking. I felt his muscles tensing.

"Fuck! If I'd known you were such a cock slut, I'd have shoved my dick down your throat a long time ago," he said. "Daaaamn! Why didn't you tell me before, you fucking sissy?!! I never, ever should have found that out from Nico. Of all the assholes out there... Leo, do you know how embarrassing that was? Fuck!"

At that moment, overcome with rage, he grabbed my hair, pulled my head away, grabbed me underneath my jaw, and tilted up my face. "You hid who you were from me, but you spread it wide for my biggest competition on the team," he said, almost shouting. "Why, faggot? Huh?!"

He was mad at me, and his grip tightened. I couldn't tell if it was because I was a fag, because I didn't tell him, or because it had been Nico who had been first. Maybe he couldn't accept the idea that I passed him over for his main rival on the swim team.

His cock got even harder from his tantrum. Despite the pain, the fear, and the humiliation, I couldn't resist and leaned forward till I could swallow his cock again. Oh my God, how I needed that.

He realized how willing I was to humiliate myself and took advantage of it with increasingly powerful thrusts that nearly suffocated me. To satisfy Paulo's lust, my entire body mobilized and writhed.

He bent his torso forward, reached out, began grabbing at my buttocks, and said, "You know what, Leo? Your big ass cheeks are so tight in your little speedo they look like they want to pop out. Do you know what they remind me of? That beach girl's big breasts. Shit! That's it!"

Excited by that sudden discovery, he instructed me to get up and onto the bed. To push me to go quicker, he gripped the back of my neck. He squatted between my legs, lowered the speedo to the tops of my thighs, and pinched my buttocks with both hands.

"Damn, faggot! With these two ass cheeks here, I won't even need that chick's boobs to get my wish," and then he smacked my ass, hard.

He braced both hands on the mattress beside my torso and lowered himself, slowly, fitting his cock between my buttocks, his wet head poking at the small of my back. That tool was so hot it seemed to sizzle against the skin of my ass.

"Aw, shit! Oh yeah! Unh!" He began to repeat himself, going into a kind of trance.

He proceeded to move his hips and make his burning tool slide between my buttocks, back and forth.

"Holy shit, girl!" He said at one point, as he squeezed me tightly in his arms.

Girl?! Paulo was fantasizing about that beach girl who had excited him. To help him, I lifted my butt a little and began to flex my butt muscles, surrounding more of his shaft.

I heard a deep moan and groan above me.

"Yeah, that's it, girl. Be a good slut and show me how much you want my big cock," he said.

I moaned. I was no longer in control of myself. I didn't care where I was, what Paulo had done to me, Nico's betrayal, nothing. I was just loving Paulo's body on mine, his dick between my buttocks, the way he was using me.

He began to pump his tool with more speed. Each time his nuts slapped against the lower part of my glutes, I reached back, grabbed his thighs, and squeezed, showing how much I wanted to serve him.

"Yeah, you love a big hard cock fucking your tits, don't you bitch?"

Paulo's questions at that point were just talk. He wasn't interested in me. All that mattered to him was to fuck out his anger and enjoy the sexual pleasure he was experiencing.

For a few minutes, things went on this way. He increased the pace and power of his movements and I felt he couldn't hold back any longer. He was about to ejaculate onto the body of his best friend, or ex-best friend.

He grabbed my head by my hair and cried out, "Oh shit, I can't hold back anymore. I've got to come. I'm going to give you all the juice in my balls. Take it, bitch! Take it! Ahhhh, yeah!"

His body stiffened and his cock twitched, unloading his cream onto my back and into the crack of my ass.

Exhausted, he let his body fall over mine and he lay there, catching his breath.

"That's good, really good, you nasty cunt," he said. "Now come and clean up my cock."

When I turned around, knelt between his legs, and did as he asked, he said, "Wow! You're really into this. You sucked my cock like a lollipop, milked me with your fairy ass, and now you're cleaning me up like a pro. Seriously, even whores in porn don't look as excited about dick. You aren't the friend I knew. You're a cock-hungry slut."

Oblivious to the insults, I licked his dick, picking up cum residue, and went down to his balls, being careful because of the sensitivity guys have post-orgasm.

"Yeah, clean me up," he said. "You lied to me, you little twat, but I'll get my due. I'll catch up on what you owe me."

After seeing my biggest secret revealed to my best friend, I mustered what little courage I still had, and told him, "Okay Paulo, I'll do whatever you want, but nobody can know about what we just did. Do you agree with that?"

"Fuck you, Leo!" He replied, enraged. "You are in no position to tell me what I should or shouldn't do."

"Please, Paulo," I begged plaintively.

"Shut up and keep licking my balls, faggot. Get me ready to give you more of my spunk. We need to make up for lost time."


"My cousin and my buddies aren't going to believe me!" He exclaimed, as if he couldn't hear me any longer. "When I tell them I have my own cocksucker, they won't believe me."

Reader feedback is a big motivator for me to keep writing this story. Please let me know what you think of the narrative and any suggestions you may have.

Next: Chapter 12

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