Making Me Happy

By Me truly

Published on Jan 24, 2010


A note to my readers: this will be the final chapter in the "Making me Happy" series. I may continue to follow the characters in another series, but for now Ryan's tale will conclude.

Now you may remember from previous chapters that love has bloomed. Ryan's true goal is to be with Charlie, a friend he made over summer holiday. Charlie recently showed that he may have feelings for Ryan, but our protagonist is confused as to what to do. Instead of dealing with his feelings for Charlie, he's been tempting a girl in his class. Weird, as he's gay...anyway, the story unfolds.

Chapter 7: All is Revealed

I love Saturday mornings. I ate a bowl of cereal to the sounds of cartoon violence. My brother Max occasionally mimicked the cat and mouse on the show and walloped me in the arm or leg. After the third or fourth time this happened I dropped my cereal on the coffee table and tackled my little bro.

He screamed and laughed as I tried my best to pin him down. His time on the school swim team was serving him well. Six months ago he wouldn't have stood a chance against me, but now he was almost able to lift me off him. He bucked, lifting us both up then sending us crashing to the floor with a loud slam.

"GODDAMN IT! RYAN! MAX! CUT THAT OUT!" my mother's scream echoed down the hall.

"Sorry Mom!" I called back, holding Max in a tight sleeper hold. I choked off his air as his face turned redder and redder. He tried to beat me away but his attempts were feeble. I waited until I thought he was just about passed out before I let him go. He slumped to the floor gasping and coughing.

"Asshole," he choked out. I just grinned.

Today was Saturday, so I was feeling good. No school, no homework, no hassle. I could relax all day. But I wouldn't. I had a plan. A mission really. Today I promised myself I would seduce Charlie o'Hoole, the young man who had recently become my best friend. I thought back on the events that had brought me to where I was. Six months ago I was a sad, introverted, homosexual in denial. I was still introverted, and I wasn't exactly 'out' to anyone, but hey, I was happy! It all started with Claire, my beautiful on again off again girlfriend.

Six months ago she had convinced me she was the only girl worthy of me. Considering I had no interest in girls whatsoever I had assumed she was right. She used me. She abused me. She slandered my name. She threw me away. It sucked at first, but I'd rather be me right now. At least I hadn't been kicked out of school. (Apparently I wasn't the only one she toyed with. One kid on the basketball team wasn't as quiet as I was about what she did with men.) Claire had hurt me, but more importantly, she made me reevaluate myself. She made me question my sexuality.

If Claire had given me questions, Andy had given me answers. Andy was a freshman, one of Max's friends. Just thinking about him made me feel like a dirty old man. Of course when it came to the two of us, Andy was definitely the perv. He had watched me jerkoff in the privacy of my own bedroom then used the situation to try to hit on me. I don't blame him too much. He was drunk at the time, and I know what its like to be a lonely, gay, teenage boy. Course it doesn't hurt that he's extremely cute. There I go with my dirty mind again...

After Andy I had an encounter with my friend Tommy. Supposedly he's straight, but he sure acted like a bitch when I gave him a blowjob. And then there's Erin, the pretty girl I sit with in math. Now I feel a little bad about Erin. I'm totally using her, Just like Claire used me, just like Tommy used me. But you know what? She loves being used...just like I do. My penis and her pussy have been wetmates for a week now. In fact just last night I fucked her in public. We went to one of the bad movies showing at the theater. The place was deserted, but I've heard through the grape vine that the boys running the movie can see what goes on in the darkness of the backrows. That's why we decided to go there. I love the naughty feelings it gave me. So erotic knowing that right above our heads some guy was watching this chick give a showy blowjob then get railed right there in the seats. Since we didn't kicked out I can only assume he enjoyed the show. The night before that I licked her pussy into a frenzy right next to where her parents and little brother were sleeping. Erin's shrieking actually woke them up. She had to tell them I scared her. Yeah right, I scared her vagina into a dripping, screaming, orgasm. This girl is beautiful. She's fun. She flashy! But most of all she's a great distraction.

See the pussy I'd rather sink my tongue into is the boypussy belonging to my new friend, the gorgeous Charlie o'Hoole. Charlie is what I like to call a wet dream. A five foot four, 140 lb beauty. Slender frame, small but willowy and strong. A soft almost girlish face and sexy longish hair that only made him seem even girlier. It's funny because for the longest time I couldn't tell if Charlie was straight or gay. Now I know he's gay.

I made him tell me.

Sort of...

I owe several things to Charlie. First, my addiction to weed. Now, I know that it's not a physically addictive drug that gives you withdrawals and shit. I know that. But I also know how often I think about smoking. How often I wish I could step out of class for five minutes and get totally baked.

Honestly, I don't know why they don't allow students to smoke, it would totally improve my attention span. At least I wouldn't hate the information being fed to me, to the point where I put my head down and sleep. I might still sleep, but it'd probably be because of the weed. Hmm...I guess that's why...

Anyway, the second thing I owe to Charlie (and all the aforementioned people) was the fact that I finally accepted myself for who I am. And who was I? That summer, a young teenage boy with a blossoming sexuality and recent discoveries to explore in depth? I was kind of becoming a slut. Which is why I decided to call Erin.

Item #1 on my agenda for the day: Dump the girl. I was losing passion and because of that I was losing the ability to get it up on command for her.

"I'm sorry, Erin," I was saying, "but I'm gay." There was silence on the other line for a long time.

Then: "Really?" I just nodded. Silence again.

"I guess I kinda knew," she said after a while. Really? How? "You used to moan like a bitch when I played with your asshole. I should have known since I always had to tease your ass before you got hard." Longer silence.

"Well, we don't have to date or anything but...can will you still fuck me sometimes?" My turn for surprise. She told me how much she loved my cock and how she wanted in her hands, her mouth, her pussy, her ass. Now. Later. Always. The rest of the call went well. Item one, check.

Item #2: Formulate plan of attack. This is where Erin really came through for me. She was curious about my admission and asked me all about guys. I eventually let my plan slip and she snatched it up.

"Ooooh, Charlie as in blond Charlie with the purple hoodie? He's sooooo hot! How are we gonna get him into bed?" Surprise for me again.

"We? Uh, this is my project. Solo. Get it?" Through the phone I could practically hear her shaking her head.

"Fuck no, you need help. You really think you can get him by yourself? Besides, would I let a fine piece of ass like you get with a fine piece of ass like blond Charlie and not take my cut? I don't think so!"

"I don't know if he likes girls, Erin. I think he's a one genitalia kind of guy. As in dick." She laughed at that.

"So aren't you. You're still willing to fill my hole." With the mouth she had, I was beginning to wonder how many guys she'd been with. Maybe I should get tested...

"Besides, you totally don't have the balls to get with him without my help." Her logic was sadly accurate. I had been wondering exactly how I might seduce him. Erin had the plan.

Item #3: Execute phase one of operation Get With Charlie. That night I called him, carefully adhering to the script Erin and I had drafted. He sounded happy when I told him I needed some weed. He was even happier when I asked him to keep me company that evening. My parents were staying at my aunt's this weekend along with my brother and one of his friends. I told Charlie that we could order some pizza and watch a movie or something. I "jokingly" told him to bring a condom - Erin's idea - and he laughed. He told me he'd be there in a couple hours and hung up.

It was 6:00pm and my stomach was in knots when Charlie finally rang the doorbell. I quickly ran over to the thermostat and boosted the heat by a few degrees. I then let him in barely daring to risk a breath. I was really quiet as we got settled in to the point where he asked me if something was up.

We watched tv for about and hour laughing and joking around. I couldn't help but glance over at him every now and then. His trademark hoodie was unzipped halfway, revealing the slight bulge of his pec under his wife beater. The lights played along his slender neck and chest, making me hotter than I'd been in weeks. At one point he kicked his shoes off and pulled his legs up under him, nudging his shirt up just enough for me to catch glimpse of the soft skin of his belly. And once or twice I thought I saw him returning the sidelong glances, trying to remain unnoticed.

Eventually we decided it was pizza time. We discussed our choices and I got up to get the phone and place our order. On my way I cranked the heat up a little bit. We watched tv for a while longer waiting for the delivery. I noticed charlie pull off his head and unzip his hoodie the rest of the way. Now his hair was fully visible in all it's messy glory. The way it framed his face captured the boyish beauty of him. One of his shoulders was in full view now as well. The doorbell rang and I got up and boosted the heat again before answering the door and paying for the pizza.

When I went back into the living room Charlie had discarded the hoodie altogether. Oh God, it's working! Phase one was nearly complete. Almost time for phase two...I set down the pizza box and a couple plates and asked him if he wanted a drink. I knew full well what he'd ask for...a glass of water. I was happy to oblige...I poured two big glasses of water and carried them back to my prey. I held his glass out to him. When he went to grab it I pulled it up a little bit and pushed it forward, throwing the glass on it's side and sloshing water all down Charlie's chest. The water caused his shirt to cling to his body and I almost boned up right there at the sight.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" I said even as I continued to pour water on him. The wet spot had reached his lap as well, spreading over his crotch.

"Oh man," Charlie said, "That sucks!" I bit my lip hoping that the rest of the plan would carry on. This was the point where I could easily lose him. We were both still for one long moment. Then Charlie broke the silence with a hearty laugh, and I knew I was in the clear.

"I'll get one of my shirts," I said standing to do just that.

"No, that's alright. It's kinda nice really. You're house is fuckin hot as balls." I laughed a little trying to hide my disappointment. I'd been hoping to see him change his shirt in front of me. Then a light clicked on.

"Well, feel free to take it off then," I said as casually as I could manage.

"Naw man, this is cool." Oh well, at least I could see his nipples through the wet fabric. And the way his shirt clung to him was electrifying.

It took me a while to work up the nerve to execute the next phase of the plan. Finally I just blurted out "Do you wanna watch this cool movie I found? It's kinda like a..." I couldn't say the next part. Come on, Ryan, don't be a PUSSY! I took a deep breath and continued in a low voice. "It's kind of like a porno." He looked a little confused. His grey eyes peered into my soul for what seemed like an eternity before he nodded.

"Sure, yeah, that's cool, whatever." Was his response because he thought the suggestion was weird? Was he afraid I would show him straight porn or something? Or was he just...shy?

The movie started innocently enough...well as innocently as any porn could. It showed an extremely cute guy getting smashed at a party. His buddies kept throwing girls his way, but the cute guy would barely look at them. Finally one of the girls was on his lap with her hand up his shirt and she convinced him to go to the bedroom with her. She takes him by the hand and leads him away. Before he goes however, he casts a meaningful look at another boy at the party. The next five minutes showed the beautiful boy fucking his brains out. During this scene I kept glancing at Charlie to see if he reacted or said anything. I wondered if he noticed how the camera spent most of the time watching the boy and how the girl never even showed her pussy. You saw her tits. You saw her ass. You saw his pubes, but no pussy. Charlie said nothing.

After the scene I looked over at him and said, "Crazy movie huh?" He mumbled something inaudible back, but his eyes flicked immediately back to the screen. Onscreen the cute star was walking down a typical looking school hallway. Beautiful looking boys and girls streamed past on either side. He was flanked by a couple of guys, equally cute. Eventually he was approached by a couple of girls who tittered with rumors of his previous night. The studly star smiled proudly and glorified his deed with a retelling, all the while casting secret glances over the girls' shoulders and at the same boy he'd looked at at the party.

Here I shot a look toward Charlie. He was totally engrossed in the fabulous face onscreen. I checked him out up and down. The water had all dried, but as I looked him over I saw the telltale bulge in his skinny jeans. I grinned to myself. After another couple of seconds I decided to make my move. I got up under the pretense of getting another piece of pizza, sliding next to him on the couch so I could reach the box. I scooted close enough that his feet kind of bumped up against my leg. He jumped a little and gave me a look from the side. I just stayed there and munched on the pizza. He didn't move even though I was practically sitting on him. Next I grabbed the remote from the couch and turned up the volume a little bit. when I put my arm down I made sure to use Charlie's leg as an armrest. This earned me another look, a little longer this time. Then he turned slightly, opening his body up towards me. This caused my arm to slip down a little, slightly closer to being between his legs. I could feel my heartbeat trying to knock out my eardrums. I could hear little else.

Onscreen the two boys had finally found each other in the locker room and were having a passionate half naked conversation. Don't ask me what they were saying. When the supporting character put his hand on the main character's bare, sweaty chest, Charlie sort of twisted again, like he was trying to knock my hand into his lap. I very determinedly kept my hand where it was, for fear of going to far and ruining this fun little game we were playing. I tried to focus only on the movie. When I glanced at Charlie again, he was staring right at me, the bulge in his pants now brutally obvious. As was my own I should add. Keeping eye contact he shifted his legs again, opening them slightly and this time I let my hand fall where it wanted. I could feel the pulse in his erection. I stared at him for a moment longer before I lunged over the couch and went in for his face.

Our lips met with a furious hunger that only months of unspoken lust could inspire. His mouth seemed to have no taste at all...more like it was an extension of my own. Every other kiss I'd ever shared had seemed slightly alien. Like my body was trying to revolt against foreign flesh. But Charlie's mouth...was home. Our tongues wandered over each other like long lost friends reunited by chance in some unexpected place. My weight pressed down on him and I could feel his stomach, smooth and slender, but strong. I could also feel his crotch - and my own - both sporting painful erections, begging, BEGGING to be released.

I ground against him in a dry humping motion. My hand wandered up under his wife beater, following the soft ravine that lead from his belly button, upwards between his nipples, only to end in the dip his collarbone made under his throat. I let my fingers play along his ribs feeling and counting each one as he passionately bucked under me. His boner was obviously driving him crazy, but I kept my hands above the belt. It had taken too long to get to this point for me to dive right in.

Instead I cupped one of his pecs, feeling the nipple there and the soft hairs that outlined it. I bucked in time with his writhing motions. I realized my eyes were squeezed tightly shut and forced them open. I found that his beautifully deep grey eyes were already trained on mine, as though he could see right through my eyelids, through my eyes themselves, and into my soul. At long last I felt like I was who I wanted to be. The boy who could take care of my affection.

I felt Charlie's hand slide down my back and onto my butt, grasping my cheeks through my jeans. He squeezed them gently as he simultaneously pulled me down onto him and pushed his pelvis up. He wanted to connect our penises. I knew it in a way I'd never known anything before. And I knew I wanted the same thing.

Suddenly his hands slipped up off my ass and onto the part of my back that had been exposed during our playing. He held them there for a second before sliding them back down, this time pushing between my pants and my boxers. His fingers seared my flesh and my face grew red from the near skin to skin contact. Barely a millimeter of cloth was between up. Then Charlie spoke.

"Ryan, I'm sorry, this is weird."

"Do you want to stop?" I whispered in a husky voice, dreading the answer.

"It's just, I've wanted this for so long...ever since we met in the headshop I've thought you were cute. I just didn't think you were gay or anything. And now..." He trailed off.

"Don't worry," I said, "I'm definitely gay." I lowered myself for another kiss and pressed downward with my whole body as much as I could, not wanting to hurt him, but wanting us as close to each other as humanly possible. I'm definitely gay. Words that I couldn't even say to myself last year, and yet they carried the weight of my entire being. As if admitting it was admitting that I was in fact a person. And I realized I was truly happy.

I finally decided to venture down to his private parts. When I received no further complaint, I decided to dive in. My hands explored the nexus between his legs until I found what I was searching for. That hot, hard piece of meat that made a man what he was, and brought two men closer together than they'd ever been.

He was steel. At least five inches, maybe more and surprisingly thick. I wondered for a second how he hid his boners in school considering how tight his pants were. This thought only lasted a second as he pushed me up slightly and fumbled past my groping hands with his open. I heard a zip. Then I felt his fingers at the top of my jeans. This time I felt the zip rather than heard it. I felt the loosening as my fly came down. I felt his fingers desperately searching for my cock. They found what they were looking for and my erection sprang loose. Then he pulled me down again.

The shock of hard flesh on hard flesh created an almost palpable tension between us. The feeling of his meat pushing against my own was so strong, so physical, so RIGHT. We sped up our humping. The friction of my tender flesh between our jeans was slightly painful, as I knew it must have been for him, but we just bumped away. We had stopped kissing, instead focusing entirely on our lower regions. My cockhead slipped into his open flyhole, sliding up into his forest of pubes. The feeling thrilled in my entire self. I pushed in deeply, moaning in pleasure. Charlie had all but stopped moving. I pumped into his crotch hole over and over until finally it welled up inside me and I had to spew. Load after load of hot seed spilled onto the area just above the base of his dick. My sensitive penis loved the sensation. But Charlie was still rigidly hard. I pulled out and away from him, watching a thing shimmering strand of cum stretch between from my dick to his fly. His erection still pulsed proudly in the air. I took it in my hands and stroked it a couple of times. Again, the weight of his member seemed so right to me. Like it was something I was always meant to have. And I meant to have it.

Without warning him I plunged down taking him all the way to the back of my throat. Good thing Tommy had made me suck him off, or I would have been unprepared. Especially since Charlie's seed flooded my mouth almost immediately. Without choking or gagging I managed to get it all down. I luxuriated in the smell of his sex as I lazily pumped his shaft with my hand, trying to squeeze the last little bit of semen into my mouth. After I had milked him all I could, I collapsed onto him, both of us breathing heavily.

I could feel my juices squelching in his pants. I lay my head on his firm chest, instantly picking up the sound of his heartbeat, still a little quick from our fun.

"Hey Charlie," I said. When I glanced up at him he was looking down at me with pure adoration. "Be my boyfriend, ok?"

The End!

Ok! That's it for Ryan and Charlie. At least in this series...they may yet return...if you want them to. I'd love feedback on this latest chapter and on the series as a whole. Please email me at Well that's all for this evening so I hope you enjoyed it. I also hope you came as hard reading it as I did dreaming it up. I have really fallen in love with Charlie, as much as Ryan has, so I'd like to do a story from his perspective. Thoughts, comments, ideas? Send em my way. Other than that, have a wonderful night. Bye!

(bonus) Epilogue---

I sat back on my bed with Charlie's slender form pressed up against me. He was gently rocking his hips, making my cock twitch every now and then.

"I'm so glad we're together now," Charlie whispered, barely audible.

"Me too..." My grin faded as a thought occurred to me. "You know," I said, "I sort of owe it to someone that I had the nerve to get together with you. If it wasn't for her, I'd still be jacking off furiously while I pictured you naked." Charlie laughed.

"Who is this 'she' you speak of?"

"Well..." I began slowly, not sure how to proceed. "Let's just say I owe her. Well WE owe her really..."

"WE do, do we?" he answered. "And what do we owe her?"

"Well..." I trailed off again. I was quiet for a long time until Charlie rolled over to face me, pressing our bodies tighter against each other.

"Well what?" he insisted.

"Well...what do you think of a threesome?"

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