Making Me Happy

By Me truly

Published on Sep 9, 2009


boy on boy sex, lewd and crude, don't read this if you're Christian, unless you're ok with a little sin, blah, blah, blah...ok on to the story!

Chapter Six: A Plot Twist

I stood in the boy's bathroom just outside the cafeteria, staring at my friend, weed-dealer, and hardcore crush, Charlie O'hoole. He wore a purple hoodie that set off the grey in his eyes, making them appear almost blue. He wore black skinny-jeans and his usual brown sneakers, laced today with pink strings. He was the only boy I know who could wear pink and purple and still never be accused of being gay... Unfortunately. He had these pale, pinkish lips, which were set in a soft, pale, freckled face. His trademark green cap was probably stuffed into his locker or his backpack, as he couldn't wear it during school. And of course, his best feature as far as I was concerned was his straight blond hair which swept down to his eyebrows and covered his ears. He wore it in the style that all the younger boys seemed to have and I found it to be so very incredibly attractive. And his voice...I wanted to melt into it...

I noticed he had a slight frown on his face, which usually bore a cheerful grin. He looked down at the ground for a minute before he finally decided to speak. "So I heard you had a party this weekend." He almost looked hurt.

"Oh, nah, it was for my brother. He had a bunch of his friend's over drinking. Lucky little shit, my parents would have never let it happen when I was his age."

"Oh yeah, ok." Charlie still looked tense. Then he looked up at me and smiled a little. "I heard you had fun, though. With Andy Grace." His smile kind of weakened. Was he weirded out that I might have fooled around with a guy? Did he think I was gay? What if...I quickly shot down his suggestion with a forced laugh: "No, no, he was drunk and he fell asleep in my bed. But it wasn't, you know, like that or anything." I laughed again, trying to make the idea sound ridiculous.

"Right, I was gonna say, Andy huh? He's a little young for you isn't he?" My face turned bright red, not only at the idea that I might go for another boy, but also because Charlie had unknowingly struck a nerve. I did in fact feel guilty about letting things go as far as they did with Andy, considering he was only a freshman. "Besides," he continued, "I mean, are you gay?"

The question hit me like a carcrash. Why would he ask that? Did he really think I was? Did I act gay? I mean, I know sometimes I get a little feminine, but I thought I hid it pretty well. Did I let something slip? No, it's probably just the rumors, I reasoned. Then I realized I hadn't answered him.

"Oh, uh of course not, why? What do you mean?"

"Well, it's nothing Ryan, it's just, I don't care if you are you know? I mean Andy, at least I know you have good taste..." he laughed, then cut it off abruptly, taking his turn at blushing a bright scarlet. "I mean, your brother is, I mean, both of you guys are cute too, and it's, never mind. I'll see you mate!" With that, Charlie hightailed it out of the bathroom, leaving me stunned and speechless. Charlie was GAY!? That's what that had to mean, right? You didn't just say something like that did you? I grinned like an idiot to myself in the mirror, then decided to take care of the painful erection I sported thinking of the possibilities-a risky decision considering I was in one of the more trafficked bathrooms in the school. Luckily no one came in as I beat myself into pleasurable abandon.

I came out of the bathroom as the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. I grabbed my stuff from the lunch table and joined the throng that headed for the hallways. My friend Tommy stopped me when I passed him without even seeing.

"Where the hell did you go, man? You were in the bathroom for like twenty minutes!" I blushed a little as he continued: "Did you and Chucky-boy there have a little business to settle?" Tommy's grin was insufferable. He was so damn cute, but I couldn't stand the way he was always teasing me. "I mean c'mon man, did you score?"

"Ya I scored," I said, "Two dime bags. Wanna help me out with them after school?" Tommy's grin widened.

"You know I do! Meet me by my car after last period...or we could always skip the rest of the day...?" He looked at me pleadingly with his big, beautiful, brown, puppy-dog eyes. I thought for a moment.

"Well, I have a quiz in trig, but my last period is study. Why don't we meet then?"

"You know how to make a guy happy, my friend! I'll see you!" Tommy bounced away from me with that jock swagger he had. I couldn't help but watch his behind as it swayed along behind him. For such a manly-man he sure did have some girly attributes...

All through the next class, I felt antsy. I'm not sure what it was, but I could tell SOMEthing big was coming. I noticed the pretty girl on my left kept glancing at me when she thought I wasn't looking. I couldn't help but smirk. Even if I wasn't all that interested, I could still enjoy the flattery. I met her gaze a couple of times and she would smile and look down real quick. I was enjoying myself a bit too much I think. At one point I made a show of turning to the kid behind me and asking for a pen, spreading my legs and grabbing myself through my jeans as I did. The pretty girl definitely and obviously stared. The stimulation alone was enough to make me bulk up a little bit. Although this actually embarrassed me, I looked the girl directly in the eyes. She glanced up at me, biting her lip, no trace of her shy smile. She's hooked I thought. Then, wow, this is very unlike me!

Knowing that a pair of eyes was on my crotch the whole class didn't make my tent go down any. Eventually I decided I needed to pee. I stood up and made my way to the bathroom, wondering idly if the girl would decide she had to 'pee' too.

In the bathroom I stood in front of the mirror. I splashed a little water on my face and willed my erection to go away. I stood there for a moment when I heard the bathroom door creak open. Had she followed me after all!? I used the mirror to watch the incomer and was surprised at who it was. Andy Grace paused at the door when he saw me standing there. I knew he wanted to turn and walk out again. He had avoided looking at me everytime we passed in the hall. I made his decision for him.

"Hey Andy, fancy meeting you here." He laughed weakly.

"Hey Ryan. What's up?"

"Nothing, just trying to relax a minute." I saw him glance down at my bulge. Damnit, it was going to be full on now!

"Th-that's cool." He stuttered, whipping his eyes up to mine. We stood in silence for a long second, each waiting for the other to speak.

"You know Andy," I said at last, "What happened the other night was...well...don't worry about it." And turned red, but smiled gratefully all the same.

"Ya, uh, sorry dude."

"We all get drunk," I said grinning. Suddenly something came over me. I could feel the aura of heat radiating off Andy. I could feel the connection between us as I stared at his slim frame. His tiny hips and long hair. His beautiful face and full lips...I took the three steps it took to cross the small bathroom and wrapped my arms around his waist. He automatically returned the gesture, tilting his head back and closing his eyes. How cute, I thought. My head was spinning. Was I really going to do this? Hell how could I not? I leaned over him and opened my mouth. Our lips met and our tongues soon after. He was so soft and warm. Him mouth didn't have that slimy texture some girls seemed to have, or maybe I just didn't care. He tasted like lunch, but I thought it was delicious. He tightened his embrace and brought my crotch into his stomach. Shit, he was so short...

I could feel his sizable erection pushing against my leg. My own was trying to fuck his belly button through too many pairs of clothes. Finally I broke the kiss.

"I have to get back. Sorry." I left him in the boy's bathroom on the third floor, both of us wanting more.

Back in class I could barely concentrate on the stupid quiz I was late for. The poor girl next to me couldn't either. Apparently she was too enamored with my jeans. She must have liked the style.

It was five minutes before the bell when I realized how screwed I was. I was simply not going to finish on time. I growled softly to myself and furiously began to scrawl out answers, most of which probably made no sense.

Hey, Ryan..." a voice called softly to me. I glanced to my left. My shy, not-so-secret admirer didn't quite look at me as she slid her test over to me. Relief washed over me.

"Thanks!" I whispered taking the quiz. When I had scribbled all the answers down I passed it back and smiled.

"You're a life saver." The bell rang, making me lose whatever she said next.

I caught up with my savior outside the classroom.

"Hey, um, I'm sorry, but I don't know your name."

"It's Erin," she said with a great smile.

"Erin, right, well thanks again. I would have been a goner if it weren't for you." She just kind of laughed. I went on: "Listen I'm skipping last period to hang out with a buddy of mine. I don't know if you want to, but I'd like it if you came with us." Erin bit her lip with a worried look on her face.

"I mean, it's ok if you don't want to-"

"No, no! I mean, I'd love to just...maybe next time ok?" I smiled.

"Ya, it's cool. I'll see you tomorrow." Erin turned to leave, so I went to leave the building. I stealthily waded through the crowd of students and made my way down the little used back hallway, avoiding teachers where I could. It occurred to me that flirting so openly...especially with a grl was incredibly out of character for me. But I was horny, and Erin thought I was hot.

I found Tommy in his car smoking a butt.

"You ready cocksucker?" he asked me as I walked up.

"Fuck ya, man. And I thought I said you could only use that name in the bedroom." He just grinned. I pulled out the dimebag and some papers and got to work on a joint.

"Tommy, I gotta tell you about this hot girl I'm gonna bang." He shot me a look.

"Oh yeah? What'd you get over your boyfriend there?"

"No, I'm serious dude. She's this sexy, skinny chick with brown hair and chocolaty eyes. And huge tits."

Twenty minutes later we were in Tommy's bedroom smoking our second joint.

"Dude, this shit is so good," Tommy groaned, lying back.

"Not as good as you baby," I offered, stealing a glance at the outline of his chest and muscles through his tight shirt. Tommy was well built with a baby face. In a word- fuckin cute. He kept asking me about Erin - math girl, he called her. So I went over every detail I could. How she kept looking at my crotch, how she seemed ready to orgasm right there. Eventually he went to his drawer and grabbed a bottle of Jim Bean. He took a swig and and passed the bottle to me. I paused from my story to gulp down some of the fiery liquid. I wasn't a drinker, and I certainly wasn't used to hard liquor.

I started coughing and Tommy slapped my back, throwing me a huge grin.

"Can't handle the drink, eh?" I defiantly took another swig before passing the bottle back. The liquid - whiskey? - was still bitter, but I managed to choke back another reaction.

"Enough about me," I said after another 45 minutes of chatter, "What about your sexual triumphs? Or failures I guess, when it comes to you." The dig earned me a punch on the shoulder and an answer.

"Well, ever since I broke it off with Jackie I've been pretty dry. Not my usual knee deep in pussy." I had the feeling that Jackie was the one to break up with him, but I let him continue: "I don't know man, it's like I lost my mojo." We had been taking shots the whole time, and it was definitely affecting me, because I said "You couldn't lose your mojo, man. You're too sexy for that," then I laughed drunkenly, not even caring what I'd just said. Tommy just went on.

"I need a new girl. Someone who doesn't mind blowing me when I need it. Jackie would only do it if we made a deal or something. You know? I need a real COCKSUCKER to get me off." I just nodded. "And I want someone pretty. Jackie was bunk." She wasn't, but I wasn't gonna argue.

"I want someone with a face like yours, you know? You're almost pretty enough to be a girl." His voice was slurry. I froze then. What? What was that Tommy? Are you telling me something? Tommy was rubbing his crotch with one hand and looking me straight in the eyes.

"It's been weeks since I got a blowjob. I know you're good for one right?" I was shocked.

"Ah, Tommy, what do you mean?"

"You know," he said simply. The alcohol was making my head swim, but I knew I wasn't imagining this. The zip of Tommy's fly slid open and I could see his grey boxer shorts. He reached into the hole and fiddled for a second, then pulled out his cock. "You want a better look?" Tommy asked. I said nothing, just leaned over to examine his beautiful cock. It was built exactly like Tommy; big, strong, solid. I could feel my own boner pushing at my fly, begging for release.

"Touch it," Tommy said breathily.

"I-I didn't know you were gay..." I said shyly.

"I'm not, retard, I just need to get my rocks off and I know you're good for it," he said laughing. I wasn't too sure what I thought of that. What did he mean he 'knew' I was good for it. I'd never touched a guy's dick in my life. Other than my own obviously. My dignity struggled against my hormones, but eventually curiosity won out. I grabbed a hold of his shaft. It was thick and hard. It pulsed lightly and wiggled when he took sharp breaths. I leaned over for a closer look, and Tommy moaned.

"Yeah, baby, do it." I looked up to see him gazing down at me with half closed eyes. I looked back at his cock and hesitated for a moment. Then my mind was made up for me. Tommy's hand landed on the back of my head and pushed me down. I knew what he wanted, but I wasn't sure if I wanted it too. I resisted a little, but his grip was strong. He pushed me until the tip of his cock touched my lips. I parted my mouth for him to enter and he shoved me down harder.

Suddenly his huge cock was down my throat. I couldn't help but gag. My mouth opened a little as I tried to breathe and thick gobs of drool ran down his shaft. He pushed my head down, forcing his cock deeper into my mouth. I thought I might throw up, so I did my best to relax my whole body and let him do what he wanted.

He pushed until my teeth hit the base of his shaft, then he eased up. I immediately pulled up and tried to slide off him. He let me get maybe halfway then shoved me down again. We did this few times before I decided to just go with it. I slide my mouth around his cock, really exploring it. I tickled the underside of his head with my tongue and swirled it a little. I sucked really hard for a second then relaxed, eliciting a huge groan from Tommy.

"Oh yeah. You are so fucking good. Jackie never did me like this." I actually felt a little pride at this comment, and I renewed my work with a vigor. Tommy kept his hand on my head the whole time, occasionally rubbing my cheek or forhead softly. I was getting really worked up. All of a sudden, Tommy was done. I happened to have him deep when it happened. His cock swelled a little more - which I didn't think was possible - and pushed up against the roof of my mouth. The tip was pretty far down my throat, so it was there that I felt the shock of his orgasm. Three strong bursts of cum, like shooting your throat with a water pistol. He came deep enough in me that I had no choice but to swallow it all. I didn't really get a taste, but the smell was...well, not pleasant, but not awful. He groaned again and bucked, shooting a few weaker streams into my mouth. I swallowed these too.

During this whole time I had managed to wrap my arms around his waste and one leg was draped over his. I started to rock back and forth on him, rubbing my cock on him through my jeans.

"No, man. I told you I'm not gay." I ignored him and dry humped him a couple more times, but he pulled away from me and stood up.

"Look, I'm sorry dude, but I'm not gay. I'm not into you. Thanks for the fun, but you should probably go home now." I looked up at him, still drunk, my cock drooling precum into my boxers. I was pretty pissed, but he just looked passively down at me, suddenly all man again.

"I'll see you tomorrow Ryan, ok?" He ignored my angry looks and stuffed himself back into his pants. He did the zip and took a step towards me, looming over me. "Hey, let's go. I'll give you a ride." I shook my head. I was too pissed to speak.

I left him standing there and exited his house. I only lived twenty minutes away, but I took a longer route that lead my past the park where I'd first met Charlie. I sat on the swings for awhile before wandering home. I realized I wasn't pissed at Tommy for using me. I wasn't pissed that I let him. I wasn't even pissed because I'd let my first act be with an asshole. I was really pissed because it wasn't Charlie. I knew right then that I had to get with that pretty boy if it was the last thing I did.

I eventually got home about a half hour after I would have coming directly from school. My little brother looked up when I walked into the living room.

"What's up bro? You look a little fucked up."

"It's nothing, I'm just tired," I lied. I went up to my room and reactivated my erection, blowing my load in mere minutes. One word flew through my head. Charlie.

Ok! So thus ends this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it :) If you'd like to get in touch with me you can do so at I'll have then next chapter out sometime soon. Also, I have two fantasy stories in the works- one a vampire tale (cliche, I know) and the other about a succubus. Let me know what you think :) Until next time.

Next: Chapter 8

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