Making Me Happy

By Me truly

Published on Jun 17, 2009


I'm taking a break from my usual story to bring you a little something different... Welcome to a special edition of the Making me Happy series, starring Ryan's younger brother Kyle. Remember, this story involves gay sex between minors, so all disclaimers that apply....fill em in here. Anyway, if you want to contact me, do so at Also if you want to use this story for anything, just ask me. One more note, this chapter is a little slow compared to the others so far. Not much sex. Thanks! Ok, let's get to it.

O0o0O{[_____]}O0o0O Special Edition: The Boys of Summer

My name is Kyle Phillip. I'm 13 years old, coming up on 14. live in a regular town with normal people. This year I'll be starting highschool. Everyone asks me if I'm nervous, but I'm not. I'm excited! My brother, Ryan, is gonna be a senior there, so I know he'll show me all the cool shit about school. He'll make sure I'm ok. He tells me this all the time. He thinks I'm worried, but he's worse off than me. Anyway, I'm on the swim team down at the Youth Center. I've got a ton of friends there. They're all older than me - most of em are already sophomores and juniors. I got on the team cause I'm fast. Really fast. My coach tells me if I keep it up, by next year I'll be the star of the team. Course, I pretty much already am hah. All the guys think I'm the greatest. And the girls think I'm hot. I just know I'm gonna get a ton of ass! Anyway, this story takes place during the last month of summer vacation.

My brother had been hanging out with this pothead, which was cool with me, cause it meant I had access to his weed. He thought he was hiding it pretty well, but it pretty much stunk up his room if you went anywhere near it. He's just lucky our parents never came upstairs...

Anyway, it was about 5:00pm when I went into his room. I figured Ryan was out with his buddy or something. My plan was to sneak in, grab some bud, and sneak out to hang with a couple of the guys from the team. When the door swung open, there was Ryan laying on his bed staring up at the ceiling.

"Hey bro," I said trying to think of an excuse why I would have come in. He glanced over at me...barely. I gotta admit, he really sucked lately. Always in the house doing nothing. Just on his computer moping. He had gotten pale, and he looked even lighter because of the dark hair he and I shared...not to mention his love for grey clothes.

"What's up man?" I said, "Just seeing what you were up to."

"Nothing." he said almost under his breath. "You need to learn to knock."

"I did man, but you didn't answer."

"Really?" He looked over at me with a searching look. "Sorry. What's up?" At least he was speaking at a human volume now. I walked in and took a seat at his computer. I turned to face him. He was wearing a striped grey hoodie and track pants. I couldn't help but sneak a glance at his bulge. I was curious how I measured up to him. I mean, I knew how big I was, but how big was I? A couple of the guys on the team wore speedos and they would change right in front of us, but I was too embarrassed. I mean, what if I was too small? A guys gotta think about these things. Especially when he's about to start his career in highschool.

"You hanging with Adrien today?" Ryan asked. Adrien was one of the guys on the team. He was gonna be a junior. He was built bigger than me and he was stronger than me. He was one of the guys that made me worry...But he was cool.

"Ya I think so man, why?"

"Why don't you hang out here?" my brother asked. I wanted to say no, but the look he gave me made me feel bad. He seemed kinda sad lately and I knew he was probably lonely. Beside, if we were here, there was a better chance I could cop some bud.

"Ya sure man, I'll call him."

It turned out, my brother wanted to smoke us out. I pretended not to know how to smoke from the pipe he had hidden in his drawer. I forced myself to cough a lot harder than necessary. I've heard that it makes your high better anyway, so what the fuck, right? I didn't even say anything about the faggy pink lighter my brother gave us to smoke it with. Me, Ryan, and Adrien sat out on our back patio enjoying the unusually warm breeze and our highs.

We all laughed and made stupid comments to each other about whatever we were thinking about at the time. It was nice to see Ryan lighten up a little. The only time he seemed happy was when that pothead friend of his drove up every few days. They'd go off for a few hours and Ryan would come home relaxed and reeking. I really don't know how my parents hadn't caught on. I'd have to mention something to him. It wasn't too long before Ryan decided to go inside, leaving me and Adrien alone.

"Kyle, you want to go for a swim?" We had a nice in ground pool, heated and awesome. It wasn't really enough to do laps in, but it was better than Adrien had, which was no pool at all.

"Sure," I said, "Let me go get my things." I went up to my room to grab my swimsuit, and Adrien followed. He saw me holding my trunks and clucked at me.

"You know, I've seen how tight you have to tie that thing to make sure it stays on during practice. Coach isn't gonna let you wear that when we start the season. You have to wear a uniform suit sometime." I looked at Adrien uncomfortably. "You wanna borrow one? I've got my brother's" I was really nervous now. Adrien's brother was 10, and a lot smaller than me. If I wore his speedo, it would leave nothing up to the imagination.

"No, it's cool, man. I'll just use mine." I started to motion him to the door so I could change, but he grabbed the suit from me.

"Hell no, Kyle. People are gonna think you're a pussy if you don't wear a real suit. You gotta start sometime, and now's that time." He went through his pack and pulled out a skimpy little speedo. He tossed it to me. I gulped.

"Well some privacy?" Adrien just looked at me.

"We've changed together like a hundred times, and really I don't know how you manage to stay under a towel all the time with the horseshit that goes on in those lockers. You gotta grow up man." With that he threw down his shorts and pulled up his speedo. I did my best not to look, but once he had it in place, I couldn't help glance at his bulge. Apparently I was obvious. Adrien grabbed his package and squeezed it, as if he were showing it off. I gulped again and looked up at him.

"It's a speedo dude, it's not gonna bite you." I continued to stare at him, his brother's little speedo clutched in my hands.

"Just turn around, alright?" I asked again. Adrien shook his head and turned away. I looked down at the little speedo again. It was hunter green and...well...small. I glanced at Adrien to make sure he wasn't looking. He wasn't. With only a second's hesitation more, I slid my shorts down. My legs were smooth. I didn't have much hair anyway, but some off the guys had introduced me to shaving, and even if it didn't really make me that much more streamlined, I had to admit; it felt good.

I looked up at Adrien again. He was still facing the wall. Just go for it. I pulled my briefs down and my dick bounced up, suddenly free. Not for long though. I stepped into the suit and began to slide it up my legs. I could already feel the leg holes tightening as I pulled the suit over my thighs. Finally it was in place, my balls settled into the hammock of cloth. I was surprised, the suit felt good, and although it was tighter than I was used to, it wasn't all that small after all. It didn't exactly hide my package however. I pulled out the waistband and readjusted until I had myself as comfortable as possible.

Then I looked up at Adrien. He was looking at me with a coy grin on his face.

"Did you watch me, fucker!?"

"There wasn't much to watch," he taunted. I could feel myself going red. He acted like he didn't notice. "Whatever, you ready to go now?" I nodded, a little bit pissed and a little bit embarrassed. But I knew he was right. I was eventually going to have to get comfortable with the thought of changing in front of the guys. But dammit, did he have to make it so awkward?

We walked out of my room and started for the stairs.

"Hang on a sec," said Adrien. He headed down the hallway to where my brother's door stood closed, and knocked lightly. Apparently Ryan answered because a moment later Adrien said "Hey man, we're going in the pool. you down?" I couldn't hear the answer, but I guess it was 'no'. Adrien told him to come down if he changed his mind, and followed me downstairs.

"He seems really bummed," Adrien noted as we walked through the house.

"Ya, he hasn't been himself all summer. I know he broke up with his girlfriend, but it was before that too. He's just been weird." Adrien looked contemplative as we passed through the kitchen and out the back door.

"Maybe we should try to cheer him up," he offered. I just shook my head.

"I have man, it doesn't work. It's like life is missing something for him." Adrien smiled at that but said nothing else.

Our pool was located next to this little side room detached from our house. I pulled a couple of towels out of a little cabinet attached to the wall, and threw one to Adrien. He tossed it on a sunchair and stripped his shirt off. He had a nice chest. Like his legs, it was shaved, or maybe he was naturally hairless. Either way, his pecs and abs really stood out. He had a good tan going from a summer outdoors. His arms and legs had good shape too. All around an admirable body. It made me a little self conscious. I knew I was toned compared to my brother, but I still felt like a scrawny little shrimp.

Without waiting, I pulled off my own shirt and dove into the water. It was wonderful. I was back in my element. We played around for bit, dunking each other and holding each other under water for as long as we could. Eventually, after I had escaped Adrien's grasp and swum to the surface, I noticed Ryan sitting in one of the sunchairs watching us.

"You gonna join us?" I called to him. He shook his head, but he was smiling. It was a nice change. I grinned out at him for a moment until I felt a strong grip on my leg, pulling me under.

A while later, we were sitting around the pool, waiting for Adrien's sister to come pick him up. She was a year younger and the two shared a car. Oh yeah, and she was HOT. She had this sleek brown hair with reddish highlights and a cute face. Her lips kind of pursed together when she wasn't trying and made her have this slightly snobby visage. But in truth she was very nice. And what a rockin bod. I would tap that any day. Man!

Anyways, we were passing around a joint, which I forgot to pretend I didn't know how to light. Luckily Ryan either didn't care, or didn't notice. Probably option b. He and Adrien were talking like old pals. I knew that they knew each other from school, but as far as I knew, they hadn't really ever hung out until I made friends with him.

Not surprisingly, they found out they had a few mutual friends and acquaintances. This kid Chris who was dating a friend of Ryan's among others. They spent a few minutes going on about him, which was weird since I'd only seen him around the house once or twice. And only ever with his girlfriend.

Suddenly Adrien's cell rang and he answered. "We're around the side of the house. Come on back." I could hear a girl's voice arguing through the speaker. "C'mon, just for a minute. You have to say hi. Kyle wants to see you." Adrien gave me a huge grin as my mouth fell open.

"What the fuck dude!" Ryan was grinning at me too. "Hey bro," he said, "We all know you have the hots for her."

"Shut the fuck up! What if she hears you?" But Adrien had already put his phone down. I gave them both a furious glare and started to hiss wounding things to them. The two of them just laughed heartily. I continued to grumble for a minute, but I was cut off by the click of heels coming up the path to our yard. The lock on the gate rustled a minute, then snapped free and the gate swung open, revealing Brandi in all her glory.

"Hey boys," she said smirking as she walked towards us. She had on a pink tank which clearly displayed her tan midriff. Copper colored hoops dangled from her ears. Her eyes were hidden for a moment by a heavy pair of shades, which she pushed up to the top of her head as she reached us. Her legs were barely covered by her miniskirt. I felt my eyes slowly travel up the length of her body, stopping at her intense gaze, which bore into me with a smiling intensity. She was sex itself.

"Hi Kyle. How you doin?" I became very aware of myself. Adrien had pulled his shorts back on over his suit. I had left mine in a pile on my bedroom floor. My towel was next to the pool, maybe within reach. But that definitely wouldn't have been cool. I mean, a guy's supposed to be confident with his body, right? I couldn't just cover up now. I was wearing a speedo, displaying my bulge in all it's glory. So I did the only thing I could think of. I offered the joint to her.

"Hey Brandi, want a toke." She smiled and shook her head.

"I've still got to drive, you know?"

"Oh. Uh, right." My words came out dull. Pathetic.

"Maybe next time," she said, her smile beaming out from the depths of her everything.

"Ya, sure." Again, real smooth. We looked at each other for a long minute, then she broke contact, turning to her brother.

"Ready to go Adrien?"

"Yeah, let's do it."

"Bye Ryan," she said. Then she turned to me, "Bye Kyle. I hope I see you again soon." I think my whole body blushed. I watched as my friend and his incredibly hot sister walked down the path. I hadn't even noticed when I stood. Ryan stood next to me and took the joint I was still holding out.

"Way to go, Romeo." He laughed.

"Fuuuck," I moaned.

A few minutes later I was in my bed with my hands down my pants. Er...speedo. I barely got them out in time when Ryan opened my door.

"Here," he said grinning. He tossed something at me and it landed on my stomach. "That should help." He closed the door and I picked up the little tube, reading the label. KY Jelly. Well, might as well. My hand became Brandi's pussy, and we became very close friends.

"Oh yeah," I moaned softly. "I can't wait to see you again either."

Ok, thanks to everyone who's with me at this point. I'm really happy to have completed another section of the story. As always, I'm anxious to hear what you think, so send me an email, and let me know. I'm open for praise, or criticism, or even good ol fashion hate mail. Whatever you're into. You can reach me at I hope it doesn't take me long to come out with the next part , but the more people who message me, the more incentive I have, so DO IT! Ok, Good night.

Next: Chapter 6

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