Making Me Happy

By Me truly

Published on Mar 28, 2009


Hey! I'm back. After A long hiatus I'm finally ready to continue Ryan's adventures. Remember, this story involves gay sex, so all disclaimers that apply....fill em in here. Anyway, if you want to contact me, do so at Also if you want to use this story for anything, just ask me. One more note, this chapter is a little slow compared to the others so far. Not much sex. Thanks! Ok, let's get to it.

(/)(/)(/)(/)(/)(/)(/)(/)(/)(/)\ Chapter Four: When It Hit Me

I lay back on my bed and stared up at the ceiling watching the shadows crawl across the room. I thought of very little, or tried my best to. Random thoughts swirled around my head, filling me with random bits of emotion. Kind of a strange weird feeling I was used to. Strange none the less. I was spooked when my brother knocked on the door. I looked over at him. Like most of the guys in my family, he's short for his age, and skinny. He has the same darkness in his hair and eyes. At 13, he was more energetic than me however. The doldrum life of highschool hadn't gotten him down yet. He'd be entering as a freshman in a few weeks. I'd be a senior.

"Mom says it's almost time to eat," he announced. He grinned at me. "You dreamin about guys again?" he asked with a wry grin. He sure was cute, the little fuck. I threw a shoe at him. He laughed and danced out of the way.

"You know you're queer," I called after him. I thought he was too. He always had this way of surrounding himself with beautiful boys. He always talked about pussy, but I thought that was just cover.

I lay for a few more seconds, then dragged myself downstairs. I didn't care what was for dinner. I wasn't really hungry anyway.

My mother was yelling at my brother. "Kyle! Quit being a brat and help me set the table!" Kyle was giggling furiously as he danced around my mother, trying his hardest to be as annoying as possible. By the look on mom's face, it was working. I was pleasantly surprised to see that Kyle's friend from his swim team was sitting at the table. Adrien looked very polite and pretty cute...not in the way your piece-o-shit little brother is cute, but in the way an attractive boy a year behind you in highschool is cute. He had chocolate colored hair and eyes to match. He had a bigger build than me or Kyle, likely from the swimming, and his tshirt did little to hide it.

"For the love of God, Kyle, will you sit DOWN!" My brother knew when he had done enough, so he took a seat beside his friend. I walked past them, punching my brother in the back of the head as I went.

"Ow! What the hell, Ryan!" I ignored him, taking my seat at the end of the table.

"What's up Adrien?" I said quietly, looking him over.

"Not much, how you been?" I had seen him a few times in school last year, and he had obviously sprouted over this summer. He didn't look like a freshman anymore. Whatever that means. I chatted for a minute with the two of them while my mother finished setting the table. Dinner was pretty uneventful.

After, we all moved into the family room to watch television. There was a sofa and a love seat at an angle to each other, both directed at the t.v. My mother and I curled up on the sofa, snuggled together. The boys sat together on the love seat. I'm not sure what we watched. I was distracted by the games Kyle and Adrien were playing with each other. It started quietly; one would poke or nudge the other, then the gesture was returned, back and forth until they were both giggling loudly and smacking each other. My mother shushed them a few times, but each time the silence only lasted a minute before they were horsing around again. Eventually she gave up and handed me the remote.

"I'm going to read," she told me with a tired sigh. "When your father gets home, tell him dinner's in the over keeping warm." I just nodded and turned the t.v. up.

The boys' poking game became a wrestling match. I watched as they grabbed at each others clothes and took turns trying to pin each other. They fell off the love seat and rolled towards my couch. I folded my feet up underneath me when they bumped into me and looked down at them smiling. Eventually my brother flipped Adrien off him and climbed on top. No way. Kyle wasn't strong enough to best Adrien. But he was pinning him. Adrien squirmed a bit, putting on a show of struggle. Kyle laughed madly and forced him down, laughing each time Adrien's arms were slammed into the ground. After a minute Adrien went limp. Kyle went limp soon after, laying on top of his friend. They breathed heavily together, Kyle still gripping Adrien's wrists. After a long time they seemed to remember I was there. Kyle looked up and saw me staring at them, and jumped to his feet. He didn't say anything, but the look in his eyes told me he knew what I was thinking.

"Come on Adrien. Let's go shoot the ball or something." As the two walked out of the room Kyle looked back at me. I flashed him a knowing smile. You enjoyed that little match didn't you, Kyle? Strangely, I was jealous.

A few days later I was walking through the park by myself. My friend Tommy had called me to hang out, but I said no. I hadn't seen him since I broke up with my girlfriend Claire two weeks before. I was really only friends with him through her, and I wasn't ready for that yet. I had no idea what she'd told him. Probably nothing never know, right?

There was this little head shop near the park. It sold all kinds of cool pieces, wood and glass, so I decided to take a look. There was this guy who worked there. My age I think. He had blond hair and greyish eyes. I have this thing for blond hair, and I definitely had a thing for this guy. When I entered the shop, a little bell tinkled, signalling my entry to the boy behind the counter. Such stunning grey eyes...His name tag said "Charlie."

"Hey, Ryan," he said as I approached, "You need a pipe or something?"

"Not today man, I was just taking a look." Charlie was beautiful. He had this sparkle in his eyes that leaned towards mischief, but his demeanor seemed pretty relaxed as a whole. He was slender and tall-taller than me anyway. He was awfully cheerful. I had noticed him near the beginning of the summer. I know he was in my grade, but we'd never really talked before I started coming in. I doubt he knew that he had become the material for many of my fantasies. I peeled my eyes off him and started looking at the glass display cases. I saw a few expensive but cool pipes. One was shaped like a dragon lying on its back. Its belly was the bowl and the mouthpiece was the dragon's mouth. I could imagine after you took a hit smoke would curl up from the dragon's lips. It was really intricate.

"Well hey," said Charlie, snapping me out of my...whatever it was. "I get off in a little while. I've got some pretty decent. If you're around I'll smoke you out. Kinda sucks alone, you know?" His offer took me by surprise. We chatted whenever I came in the store, but we'd never done anything outside. I mumbled something about the park that I'm sure was inaudible. Charlie laughed.

"Ok then. I guess I'll see if you're still around when my shift ends. This stuff is pretty good, man." I smiled at him and nodded, then headed for the door. I muttered a goodbye. He waved and said, "See ya soon!"

My heart was beating pretty fast as I took a walk around the park again. The walkers' lane took a complete loop around the perimeter of the park. Well, there was this cliff area off to the back that I suppose could be considered part of the park, but the path didn't take you there. There was a swingset and a bench near the baseball diamond in the center of the whole place. I thought over what I had just experienced. Why had Charlie asked me that? I mean, he was nice to me and all, but he'd never seemed interested in me before. I made my way to the swings. Maybe he just wanted someone to smoke with, like he said. I mean, it really does suck to smoke alone...But he had to have a ton of people he could share with if he wanted, so why me? Was he unable to wait to smoke? Or was it me specifically? I mean it's possible he just wanted to spend time with me. My thoughts raced and my stomach dropped as the arc of my swing reached its climax and began its descent. Could he have been kidding? I mean, who wants to smoke with me? I'm not interesting, especially when I'm high. I just get all quiet. I laughed at myself. I'm always quiet. Maybe he was messing with me. I never buy a piece when I'm there, so maybe he was joking cause he knew I'd never actually be interested. That must be it. He must have been surprised when I accepted...if he even heard me accept.

I looked up the path toward the store. No sign of Charlie and it was beginning to get dark.

"I'll wait another minute or two, then I'm going," I murmured to myself. He's not gonna come anyway. Two minutes became ten and I decided enough was enough. The park was empty and so was my head. Time to go I guess. I jumped off the swing at its highest point, something my brother and I would do when we were little. My brother's getting more ass than me, I thought sourly, thinking back to his wrestling session with Adrien. What a least it was fun to watch. Was it creepy that I liked watching my brother fool around? I shook my head. I had just turned to go when I heard my name called.

"Ryan! Wait up man!" Walking towards me down the path was Charlie. My heart jumped up a little. Haha, I'm so gay. "Sorry it took me so long, I had to lock everything up and I lost track of time. You still down to chill for a bit?"

"Sure," I said smiling. He smiled right back.

"Great! Let's blaze on that bench. The trees and stuff make great cover."

He led me over to the little wooden seat overlooking the park. As we sat, he fished around in his pockets a little bit. I looked him over. He wore a brown striped hoodie and a green beanie. His hair spilled out around the bottom of it. He wore jeans that were dirty-looking-but-clean. His sneakers were brown with green laces that didn't really match, except for his hat. I liked it though.

He produced the pipe he was searching for and a little baggie filled with weed. I'm not much of a smoker; I never smoked unless I was at a party or something. That much weed seemed like a lot to me. Charlie packed what I thought was enough into the bowl. Then some more. Then some more. Then more, until the pipe was literally overflowing with weed.

"Here you go man," he said handing me the pipe and a lighter-bright pink by the way. I stared down at it not really sure where to begin. I wasn't even sure I could light the thing and smoke at the same time.

"Uh...I'm pretty new to this," I said quietly. I was pretty embarrassed.

"Oh let me." Charlie pulled the lighter out of my hands and held it up. "I'll spark it when you're ready." I raised the pipe to my lips and he held the flame over the weed. I sucked in. It took a minute as I inhaled, then the harsh smoke seemed to hit the back of my throat all at once. I started coughing really hard.

"I'm sorry," I managed, handing him the bowl. Charlie just laughed and took a hit of his own.

"You alright man?" I was still coughing. He rubbed my back and I quickly straightened up. "Wow! What'd I tickle you?" he asked.

"Ya, I'm ticklish, ya," I said, adjusting the way I sat so the erection starting to push at my jeans wouldn't show. He held the bowl out to me again. I looked at it warily for a moment then accepted it.

A couple hours later, Charlie and I were laughing like mad as we took turns pushing each other on the swings. I don't know what it is about weed, but it makes eveything funny! I laughed at the way Charlie looked as he swung past me. I laughed at the faces he made, then marveled to myself that I could see his face in midswing, especially since it had grown dark. I laughed at the silly things he said. They were stupid really, but at the time they seemed profoundly hilarious. It really is a great drug.

Charlie was talking about the upcoming schoolyear. "Seniors, man. Can you believe it? We're like, almost done!" I nodded emphatically.

"Ya, it kinda makes you feel old, huh? I mean, my brother's gonna be in high school! Weird man!" I was being louder than I ever was usually.

"Oh, you'll have to introduce him to me. I bet he's cute," said Charlie. I agreed with him, and pushed him again before I really realized what he'd said. He thought my brother'd be cute? What does that mean? I almost asked him, but Charlie stopped me by jumping from the swing.

"Hey man, I gotta go home now. You want a ride or something?" How could I say no? I walked with him to his car, still pondering his comment. Kyle was cute? Does that mean he thinks I'm cute? Or does he just mean that freshman are cute? He did have a pink lighter...I climbed in the passenger side.

"Yo dude, you got quiet. Sorry am I depressing you with all this school talk? I know man, I have this habit of always ignoring the place I'm in, and looking to what's ahead. It's summer dude, we still got a few weeks left!"

"Nothing like that," I said looking over at him. "I'm just quiet sometimes, I guess." Charlie smiled.

"Well cheer up, mate! We can blaze out the rest of the summer if you want. And I can always blaze you before classes and stuff too, ok?"

"That'd be cool," I said. We had pulled up in front of my house.

"Well, thanks for everything, I'll see you later," I said, but before I could open the door, Charlie grabbed my knee.

"Wait man, I want you to have the rest of this." He nodded down at the baggie of weed which was laying where he'd tossed it-right on his crotch.

"Uh, it's ok, I don't really smoke that much. And besides, I don't have anything to smoke it with." Charlie hesitated a moment, then reached into his pocket. The place on my knee felt cold without his hand there. He pulled the pipe and lighter back out and placed them in my lap, then lay the baggie on my lap, brushing my legs near my crotch. I willed myself with everything I had not to stiffen up.

"No, I couldn't! Thanks, but I can't..." Charlie just shook his head and put his hand on my knee, maybe a tiny bit higher than last time. Charlie smiled at me.

"It's cool man, just share it around. I'm trying to get some clients. See, if it's worth it for me to start selling." Of course, I thought to myself. He isn't interested in me, he's interested in making a sale. That's why he wanted to smoke at the park too. It's obvious. But why was his hand on my knee? As I wondered that he removed his hand, leaving me cold again.

I was out of the car and into the house before I thought of the smell. The bag was dank and it was pretty obvious. My heart hammered in my chest as I crpt quietly as I could through the house. Luckily, my parents' bedroom door was closed and the lights were off. I crept up the stairs and past my brother's room. His door was open reveailing that he wasn't here. He hadn't been most of the summer. He usually spent the night with Adrien or one of his other buddies.

Finally, I was safely in my room. I searched around for a place to hide my new aquisitions, finally settling on a balled up sock which I hid in my drawer. Then I called Tommy.

"Hey man," I said when he answered. "We gotta hang out tomorrow. I have something you'll like."

Ok, thanks to everyone who's with me at this point. I'm really happy to have completed another section of the story. As always, I'm anxious to hear what you think, so send me an email, and let me know. I'm open for praise, or criticism, or even good ol fashion hate mail. Whatever you're into. You can reach me at I hope it doesn't take me so long to come out with part 5, but the more people who message me, the more incentive I have, so DO IT! Ok, Good night.

Next: Chapter 5: Boys of Summer

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