Making Me Happy

By Me truly

Published on Jan 5, 2009


Hey! This is my attempt at writing some kind of love story. Just a warning though, this is a story about sex/love between boys. If you can't or don't want to read this for any reason, then don't. I won't be offended. Just to let you know, this story may seem a little slow as I'm not sure how quickly the sex aspect will develop. Also, this is fiction. I'd love feedback, so if you have any, just send it to tothinktrue@gmail. Other than that just remember that this is my story; if you want to use it, ask me first. Enjoy!

-------_-Chapter Two:

It was a warm summer afternoon. My friend Tom was sitting on the edge of my bed, watching tv. As was usual for me, I was on my computer. I was intently trying not to screw up a game of chess that I was on the brink of losing.

"Ryan," Tommy said. "What's up with you and Claire?" The question came out of the blue. Claire is our other friend who is not to subtle about having a crush on me. Lately, the three of us and Tommy's girlfriend Jackie had been hanging out a lot. Everyone including my parents noticed how Claire acted toward me. And everyone thought that I should seal the deal and go for her. Problem was....well? I wasn't sure what my problem was. Maybe I just didn't like beautiful girls who seemed ready to grope me every chance they get. I don't know. What I said to Tommy was, "She's not really my type, man."

"Fuck that, she's not!" Tommy sighed. "Jackie is like, totally hot and all, but if I could get some of Claire, man, I would be so happy!" He gave me a look. "How you don't jump at that every chance you get is beyond me." I thought about it for a minute.

"I don't know. It's just weird. She's like my sister or something. I think it would break some guy/girl code or something. I don't know," I trailed off finishing in an inaudible mumble. Tommy just laughed.

"Dude, tell me this. Are you gay? You have to be to pass up a chance like this. I mean, come on!" I turned back to the computer screen trying not to blush. The truth was, I was finally admitting to myself that I was gay. I don't know why I didn't just say 'yeah' and get it off my chest, but then that's not the kind of guy I am.

See, I'm pretty quiet and I get embarrassed easily. On top of that I tend to think myself into depression, which is what happened whenever I thought of telling someone. I'm kind of surprised nobody had figured it out actually. Soft spoken guys like me aren't usually straight right? Then again, Tommy had just asked, so maybe everyone was just being polite.

"Jesus, I see how she grabs you under the table, and I see how....excited you get." Tommy threw me a devilish grin. He was right; a strong enough breeze could get me hard. Maybe that was why nobody suspected.

"Yeah, well, if you had somebody groping your balls all the time, you'd react the same way," I said with more force than I thought I had in me.

"Fuck no! See, I'd actually do something about it. In fact, me and Jackie did something about it this morning. Oh my God, I love how she sucks my cock! She knows how to do all the right shit, I'm telling you." Tommy started to fake an orgasm and groan like he was reliving the memory. I couldn't help but get distracted. Tommy was a few inches taller than me. He had wavy brown hair and a nice face. Under his shirt you could always see the bulge of his tights pecks and stomach. If he never opened his mouth, I would have been totally stuck on him.

Trying to ignore his pantomime I made my next move. It was a bad one. My queen fell to a knight I had lost track of.

"Damn it, Tommy. You see what you do to me?" I muttered. I don't think he heard me.

The next day I was by myself in my room on the computer, as always. The screen lit up with the site I had just entered. Pictures of young guys wearing nothing but pants or nothing at all showed on the screen and burned into my mind. I clicked on a link showing a smooth-skinned teen looking dreamily up at the ceiling while another boy sucked his cock. It didn't take long for me to tent up. I went through link after link as I slowly rubbed myself through my jeans.

I came upon a picture with a young blond guy showing off his stomach and smiling knowingly into the screen. It was like he was staring right at me, willing me to use him for all my desires. For some reason I stayed on his picture. He wasn't the best looking guy ever, but something about him... My mind wandered back. I closed my eyes and let my imagination take me into orgasm. My cum shot all over the inside of my jeans.

"Shit!" I hated doing that. I got rid of the site and stripped out of my soiled clothes. I pulled on a another pair of pants, and buried the soaked pair in the pile of dirty clothes on my floor. Ok, so I'm not the neatest guy. I turned around to look for a t-shirt or something when I heard a whistle. Claire was standing in my doorway, staring at the semi that still poked out at my crotch a little. I grabbed a shirt and started to pull it over my head when she walked to me and slid her arms around my waist. I was uncomfortably aware that she was squeezing my body hard, pressing herself into my groin.

"Oh uh...hi Claire," I said, stuttering as I tried to pull the shirt down with her still firmly attached to me. No use. She pulled it right back up and took it from me.

"Hey, Ryan. Your mom said you were up here." Her face was really close to mine.

"Oh ok," I managed. Did she have to keep holding me like that?

"I thought maybe we could spend some time together. Sorry I didn't call first." She walked forward, forcing me to take a step back.

"Um, it's ok. What did you want to do?" Like I didn't know.

"Well," she said forcing me to step back again, "I thought maybe we could just hang out or something. Just me and you." She smiled at me and advanced again. My next step took me to the edge of my bed. I looked at her over. Long, dirty blond hair framed a beautiful face that always seemed graced by an enchanting smile. She really was gorgeous-for a girl.

"Do you want" She pushed on me a little more and my knees buckled on the edge of the bed, dropping us both onto it. With her on top of me I became all the more aware of my groin, which was back at full attention.

"Uh...uh...uh! Sure! What do you want to talk about?" The end of the question was interrupted by her mouth.

Her kiss was desperate. Passionate, I suppose. I should have seen this coming, I guess. She had found every possible chance these last couple weeks to grab my balls or slap my ass. It's not like I didn't like the attention, but I kind of wanted something else. Like a dick.

She ground into me, sliding her whole body over me. Her shirt lifted a little, allowing her soft stomach to rub up on my chest. She broke the kiss and looked down my body. Her hands slid to my pants, hooking on the waist. She slowly worked down with her mouth. She paused at my nipple and bit it softly. It was strangely arousing. She licked my chest and I felt my pants loosen. She pulled at my zipper and opened the fly.

"Nice boxers," she said with a smirk. It took me a minute, then I winced. I was wearing Captain America.

"Well if I knew I was gonna be raped today, I might have changed into something sexier," I said defensively.

"Oh, no. I like them," she said mischievously. If she liked them so much, why was she pulling them down? I was suddenly nervous.

"Uh, wait a sec!" I gently turned, forcing her to roll off. She held onto me though, keeping me on top of her.

I looked down at this beautiful girl. She was slender and smooth. Exactly as I would have liked if she'd been a boy. Her blue eyes sparkled up at me. I couldn't help but melt a little. She may not have been my ideal choice, but I wasn't exactly thrown into these situations every day. I decided, "What the hell?" and leaned in to kiss her again.

As our tongues explored each others' mouths my hand went sliding up under her shirt. At first I just rested my hand on her stomach, so soft. I played with her belly button for a minute before I worked up the nerve to continue. I went deeper in, finding her bra. I toyed with it for a minute, feeling her nipple beneath. With another burst of courage I slipped my hand under her bra. Her breast was surprisingly good feeling. So this is why guys loved boobs.

I began sliding up and down. My erection was still barely covered by my boxers and the area between her legs was warm. It didn't take long before I came again, ruining my second pair of underwear for the day. I jerked up in surprise. I mean, I knew it was about to happen but...why the Hell didn't I stop myself!? Claire must have known.

"It's ok," she said. "You just need some practice." She grinned that evil grin and my face began to burn.

"Now, you know what this means. You had better treat me good from now on, cause I'm not that kind of girl." That kind of girl? She came to my house unexpected, threw me on the bed, and practically raped me! Yeah, I'd say she must have been some kind of girl.

"What now?" I asked, barely audible.

"I'll call you later," she said brightly. She stood up, fixed her clothes and headed downstairs. I lay there for a long time, not wanting to move, not wanting to clean up my mess. In a weird way it felt really good. It felt like I was wanted. Wow. Maybe I could be straight after all....And there I passed out.

Ok, the end. Hope you liked it. Please, send any comments or whatever to I could really use the encouragement. And if you're interested to know what happens to Ryan, you'll have to convince me it's worth continuing. Ok, thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 3

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