Making Lemonade Out of Lemons

By Michael Prymula

Published on Aug 12, 2022



Disclaimer: the characters in this story are owned by PBS and Marc Brown and I do not make any money from it

summary: Arthur's spring break is about to get a whole lot hotter than from just the heat as he makes an exciting new discovery about himself.

category: gay/celebrity

Arthur was a fresh-faced 10-year old who was excited for Spring Break to start, 9 whole days without school and getting to hang out with his best pals was like heaven to him, he so wished this school day would just already so he could get on with his vacation but it just seemed to drag on, out of boredom he ended up having more to drink then usual at lunch with milk, apple juice, one of the Dark Bunny energy drinks(he knew they weren't healthy but still wanted to try one to see what all the fuss was about) and a Sarah soda, then during gym he had plenty of water and his bladder made it's presence known during basketball practice, his crotch was definitely starting to sting a bit but it was nothing he couldn't handle, still he wished his school's locker room had showers like his neighbor Alberto's junior-high school did so he could just piss down the drain and be done with it, but no such luck. Then it was onto last period, he thought about going to pee before then but to his dismay he saw the boys room was "closed for cleaning" with Mr Morris whistling a jaunty tune and the girls room had a long line, so that was out of the question. Arthur resigned himself to holding it until after last period, hopefully by then Mr Morris would be finished and he could relieve his aching bladder. Unfortunately fate was feeling particularly mean-spirited that day as for the last period Mr Ratburn showed the class a film about the oceans of the world, his bladder pangs quickly shot up to 11 from having to see all of that rushing water with his groin burning quite painfully, thankfully the dark room meant he could tightly cross his legs without anyone starring at him.

Arthur bit his lip and gripped his disk from the intensity of holding in his own ocean that was threatening to make waves at any moment, he'd never had to pee this bad in his entire life, not even on that trip to the museum(in the book "Arthur: Lost in the Museum")finally mercifully by the grave of god the movie was over and Mr Ratburn was wishing everyone a lovely spring break. Arthur had just gotten up and was making his way to the door when Ratburn asked him if he could please dust the erasers and wash the chalkboad, Arthur wanted to protest but thought it best to just get it over with quick, he clapped the erasers as fast as he could trying not to breathe in the chalk dust and using a sponge to clean the chalkboard, the splashing sound from the water splattering whenever he put the sponge back in the water was absolute murder on his bladder and he could already feel drops of pee starting to leak into his undies, finally he finished, gathered his things quickly saying bye to Ratburn and hobbling off to the bathroom as fast as his legs could carry him. He didn't see the "closed for cleaning" sign on the boys room anymore so he breathed a sign of relief and went there only to find the door locked, his heart sank, he couldn't believe he'd come this far only to be denied relief, he tried the girls room only to find it locked as well. His only hope now was to walk home and find a bathroom somewhere else, but knew deep down he would never make it all the way home so he would have to find someplace else along the way, The Sugar Bowl was the closest place, unfortunately to his complete and utter dismay there was a line inside for the one bathroom. Arthur felt more spurts of piss leak into his undies and into his blue shorts as well and he knew his walls were going to break open if he didn't relieve himself soon but there was no way he could possibly wait in line, thinking fast he dashed behind the building by the dumpster, quickly looked around to make sure nobody else was there, then put himself between it and the wall, yanked down his shorts and underwear in one fluid motion just in time for his ocean of piss to explode out from his penis, it was an absolute flood that seemed to go on forever, Arthur couldn't help but moan out loud with relief at how good it felt to finally release all of that pent-pressure that he'd been dealing with for hours. Finally after several minutes his stream came to a stop and he couldn't help but be impressed at the magnificant size of his puddle. Fortunately it was a hot day so the sun would quickly dry it up before anyone saw, Arthur quickly checked his shorts to see the damage and was relieved to see only a few wet spots on his shorts and underwear, nothing the sun wouldn't quickly take care for.

Arthur couldn't help but feel a nice tingle and goosebumps from his relief and suddenly he felt his penis get all stiff and hard, he knew about it getting hard from girls as he'd gotten an erection a few times whenever the girls in his school wore shorts that nicely accentuated their buttocks, but he'd never gotten hard from something unrelated to the female form before, until now he'd never masturbated worrying that it was wrong somehow, but he was too wired on adrenaline to consider that today and stroked his shaft quickly and his pent-up sexual tension released itself in an intense explosion of pleasure, with jets of cum spurting from the tip of his penis all over the black-top, he used his shoes to mix them in with his puddle hoping it wouldn't show up. After he finished he heard footsteps and quickly dressed himself and got out ASAP. When he got home his heart was pounding from how exciting that had been, he couldn't believe how good it had felt. The whole rest of the day Arthur just couldn't get those exciting feelings out his head, he resolved to definitely do that again tomorrow, only this time he really was going to soak his shorts, if getting just a little wet had made him cum this hard, who knows how much better it would feel if he really drenched himself? Fortune was thankfully smiling in his favor as tomorrow mom and dad would be taking D.W. to Crazy Bus on Ice, thankfully Arthur was spared from having to endure that torture as he'd volunteered to do some chores at home, his parents were so pleasantly surprised at Arthur offering to do chores for them on a holiday weekend no less that they agreed.

Thankfully Arthur would have no babysitter this time around since his parents were only going to be gone a few hours and the Molena's could always check in on him occasionally. He'd convinced them by reasoning if they were comfortable with letting him go off to the park and to swim lessons by himself, then surely staying at home alone wouldn't be such a stretch, his plea worked thankfully and now he could put his plan into action. Arthur quickly got all of the chores done except for one-the laundry as it was time to put his plan into action. He was wearing his favorite pair of shorts-his white basketball shorts with blue trim and blue stripes, and this time he wasn't wearing any underwear as he loved how the polyester felt against his rod. Arthur had already had several tall glasses of OJ and milk at breakfast and had deliberately been holding his pee all morning, he then drank several Sarah sodas and some glasses of water and was soon absolutely bursting in no time, he tried watching that Bionic Bunny and Dark Bunny crossover he'd gotten on DVD but when a scene with the two heroes tied up in a cage in the ocean with sharks everywhere came on his bladder really started to protest and he knew the dam was going to burst wide open soon, so he quickly rushed into the bathroom and into the tub, sat down holding his crotch as tight as humanely possible until finally he felt the pressure explode out of him like a nuclear meltdown with an absolutely gusher of piss drenching his shorts almost instantaneously, he moaned at how incredible it felt and while his raging river of pee was flowing out he stroked his penis through his shorts, it didn't take long at all before he felt like he'd been hit with a live wire as his orgasm tore through him like nothing else he'd ever felt before, he almost passed out from how intense the pleasure was as several shots of jizz spurted into his already soaked shorts along with his still intense stream of urine, finally both his orgasm and his urination came to an end with Arthur's whole body feeling like jelly as he laid back in the tub with his pee going down the drain. Finally Arthur snapped out of it remembering his family would be back soon, so he quickly cleaned up the tub, put his soaked shorts in the hamper and put on his Bionic Bunny boxers and his other favorite pair of shorts-his blue soccer shorts with green stripes, he then put the load of laundry in washing machine and started it up. He couldn't believe how incredible this had felt, he was definitely going to have to do this again sometime, he also debated telling Buster about it, thinking it was something they could do together, Arthur wasn't gay like his teacher but the idea of doing something like this in front of his best friend definitely intrigued him. He resolved to tell him later tonight, spring break was definitely going to be heating up in more ways then one for sure.

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