Making Kelly Smile

Published on Apr 8, 2011



Kelly knew what he was.

The party had revealed that to the others. He had been drinking and took the dare in a game of truth or dare with those that stayed after most of the guests left.

The participants were drunk or stoned or both. Overheated shirtless guys sat around and played the game.

Kelly took the dare. The folded paper was taken from the bowl where chips had been earlier that evening.

It had been a typical party with jocks, nerds, mature girls, younger girls, loud music and invading cops telling them to turn the music down. The uniformed duo ignored the obvious underage drinking and laughed at the antics as they left.

Kelly danced as he drank, getting more relaxed as time passed. He dove into the pool wearing his boxers with others and danced shirtless with females and males alike. The groups knew no gender or lifestyle. They were writhing and moving their bodies with friends.

"You have to give a blowjob" the paper was read.

Laughter, cursing, accusations and rude names filled the room.

"So who's it gonna be?" the one who read the paper asked once the joking subsided. Kelly hoped the joke would be over and it would be someone else's turn.

"Oh uh Robert I guess" Kelly said trying to act offhanded. He had savored the well defined chest and tight stomach redheaded jock all evening. He had moved to dance with a group that included the guy during later hours.

"Hey" he had tried to talk to the guy. But Robert was attentive to a girl wearing a tank top, so further conversation didn't happen.

The group woo woo'd the two.

"In front of everyone" the paper reader said "it says it right here" he pointed to the paper.

"Shit" Robert said then stood "Ok come get it" he dropped his khaki shorts revealing his thick penis surrounded by curly red hair.

The group began to chant "suck, suck suck suck" and finally Kelly crawled on his knees to where Robert stood.

"I'm only doing this because of the game" Robert said

"I'm only doing this because I want to suck your cock" Kelly said making everyone laugh.

Silence grew as Kelly licked and sucked the cock in front of him.

Robert stared in disbelief as the warm moist feeling of Kelly's mouth took his body to a level of pleasure he hadn't had.

He moved his hands to Kelly's bare shoulders and squeezed.

"Let him go man" someone said thinking Robert was going to push Kelly away.

Instead Robert was stroking the bare shoulders and moved to Kelly's thick brown hair. He flexed his hips fucking the warm mouth.

Around them the remaining party goers began to rub their own crotches. Eventually an erect cock was revealed as the owner stroked it watching the male male sex.

"Shit kid you're good at this" Robert said

Kelly smiled the best he could with a cock in his mouth. He had lots of practice having sucked his first dick when he was only six.

It was a little boy exploratory thing but even then Kelly knew he liked doing it. His cousin seemed delighted at the feeling as well.

He lapped the ballsac while his hand stroked the saliva wet cock, then returned to licking its length, tip and returned to swallowing it.

"God do you fuck as well as suck?" Robert asked.

Kelly nodded his answer.

"Let me know when and where" Robert said his hands stroking Kelly's bare shoulder.

"Now here" Kelly held the cock looking up at Robert.

"Couch now" Robert said not expecting Kelly to oblige.

But Kelly was too drunk too stoned or too far gone on the sex trip to not comply. He stood and dropped his own jeans going to the couch naked.

He lay there and held his legs up while everyone in the room made rude comments.

Robert wasn't sure what to do. He hadn't expected Kelly to be serious giving a blowjob let alone getting fucked in front of a bunch of friends and classmates.

"Fuck fuck fuck" the chant began again.

Robert knelt on the couch, held Kelly's ankles. He hadn't had intercourse with a male before and only a few times with his girl friend.

His cock seemed to have its own mind, finding the dilated orifice. He pushed and was surprised how easily his thick cock sank into Kelly's butthole.

"Fuck me hard" Kelly said in a voice that bordered on begging. It wasn't Kelly's first time but a first time with a straight guy he had the hots for.

The cock sank deeper and deeper sending shock waves through Kelly's body as it stretched his sphincter.

"Shit, you're tighter then Gwen" Robert said. He pulled out and pushed in grunting at first.

"Fuck me hard, its ok" Kelly assured him.

Robert looked down at the naked boy. He remembered seeing him dance with a group he was in earlier. He had been amazed how sexy the boy danced gyrating his own hips, wiggling his butt towards other guys and even remembered the unbuttoned jeans that revealed his pubic hair as he danced.

"OK you asked for it stud" Robert warned closing his eyes and jamming his cock hard in and out of the warm clutch that Kelly's butt had on his cock.

"Shit" someone said. Around them were guys stroking themselves and each other. Overheated drunk males were now naked, not caring who saw their cocks, hands on each other and even one mouth on a cock across the room.

When Robert exploded his sperm flew all over Kelly's sweat coated body. Again and again, his penis spit out streams accompanied by his verbal exclamations.

Another two guys moved close to let their masturbated cocks shoot on Kelly as well.

One reached for Roberts softening cock and stroked it until it was hard and spewing out another stream.

"OH shit" Robert's gut was uncontrollably orgasming again.

"Cock" Kelly said as he opened his mouth and moved to his knees. His mouth found Roberts post cumming cock and sucked the drops while tonguing the meat in his mouth.

He felt a hand on his butt and someone trying to place their cock where Robert's had been. Kelly felt it enter as he continued to suck Robert.

The group would know he was not only gay but a pig. He only hoped the night would continue. There were so many cocks needing relief and hopefully Robert's would need more release as well.

"Quite a party" the voice alerted Kelly distracting him from the book he read. The air was sweet. Other students like him, sat on the grass here and there. Most were in-between lectures, some were talking to friends and others were studying.

"Oh yea, kind of lost control with all that uh beer and stuff" Kelly said watching Robert sit next to him.

"Yea and all the horny guys too" Robert said

"I guess" Kelly said not sure what to say.

"Best fuck I've ever had" he said elbowing Kelly.

"Uh thanks you weren't bad either" Kelly said watching Robert peel his shirt off.

"Do that often?" Robert asked patting Kelly's bare thigh sticking out of his shorts.

"Not often enough" Kelly said

"Well first time for me, with a guy I mean" Robert stretched.

Kelly watched the smooth freckled skin tighten revealing muscles and erect nipples. He wanted to bend over and take them in his mouth flicking his tongue across each one.

In his mind Robert would yank his shorts off and jam his cock into his ass right here on the grassy field.

"I sensed you did it before" Robert said.

"Yea since I started puberty" Kelly admitted

"Dangerous" Robert said unbuttoning the top button of his jeans.

Kelly saw the boy's bare skin. He wasn't wearing underwear. Kelly wondered if he could put his head in the boy's lap and suck his cock right there. Would people know what they were doing? Would they care?"

"I don't do bathrooms, or strangers or that stuff" Kelly said "I'm gay but not a pig" he said.

"Ever do it like Saturday night?" Robert leaned back against the tree pushing his pants down as far as he dared in public. "Gotta get some sun" He explained.

"Yea me too" Kelly peeled his own shirt off. His cock had already hardened hidden by his shorts.

"So what are you doing tonight?" Robert had closed his eyes apparently to doze in the sun.

"Uh study, nothing much else" Kelly said making sure his bare shoulder touched Roberts as he too leaned against the tree.

"Good, my place then, you can stay over" Robert said

"Like we did Saturday night with the guys?" Kelly

"No just us, my roommates are gone for the weekend" Robert said.

"Will Gwen be there?"

"Who?" Robert asked.

Kelly smiled.

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