By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Aug 31, 2003




The young toughs stood against the wall in the boys room, smoking, laughing and idly stroking their crotches--a constant source of enjoyment. Most of the students who came in were ignored...and ignored them in return. But someone caught Lyle's eye. Fresh from the farm was the new boy, Nate. Gangly and awkward, he seemed the perfect target.

"Hey, fellas, catch this," he chuckled. "Nate! Hey, Nate, com'ere!"

The freckle-faced youngster beamed at being recognized. Thinking they look like a friendly lot--what with the way they wuz playin' with themselves like he always did--he ambled on over and said his howdies.

"Say, Nate, you ever blow a buddy before?"

"Nope. Cain't say as I ever have. Sucked off Pa once when Ma wuz on the rag, though. Does that count?"

"Holy shit! Really?" Lyle was caught offguard and greatly amused.

"Yep. Pa said it wuz muh family duty in such cases. Kinda interesting once I got past the smell o' his balls! He sure gave me a goshawful lotta cream to drink. Sorta regretful he never asked again."

"Hmmm. Well, Slim here has a powerful boner in his pants, and he's looking for somebody to suck his prick off before he gets all stopped up inside and hurts himself. You wanna do it?"

"Gosh. Didn't know that could happen! Cain't one o' you fellas help him out? Shucks, we ain't even met or shook hands properly."

With a huge grin, Slim stretched out his hand. "Hi, Nate. I'm Slim and proud to meatcha!" He shook, then pressed Nate's hand to his stiff erection. "Here, get a good feel. I'd really like for you to do it since these fresh boys never did it. I got it really bad, and I need somebody with some experience like you. I'd sure be beholden, and glad to return the favor sometime in the future."

"You sure do got a big excitement goin', Slim. Tarnation!" Nate felt the entire length of the long snake, feeling the heat.

"Yeah. He's kinda scared it's gonna explode if something ain't done quickly!" another fella exclaimed. "You gotta help him out, Nate."

"Well...suppose I do have some idea what to do. Okay, always glad to be obligin' ta new friends!"

He gasped when Slim quickly unzipped and hauled out a rigid 9 inches of skinny cock. "Gosh! mean right here?"

"Sure," Lyle remarked casually, pulling his own out hopefully. "Heck, it's the boys room, ain't it? Happens in here all the time. Right, fellas?" They all assured Nate that it was quite proper.

"Well, alright. But tap me on the head 'fore ya shoot, okay?"

"Hey, aincha gonna swallow it?" Slim gruffly asked him.

"Sure, but I need ta get muh throat all ready first. Don't wanna cough and sputter like I did on Pa's jism. Nearly lost half of it. Figured he mighta felt insulted, but he understood and didn't hold it against me. Gonna do a feller, I wanna do it right!" He got down.

Giving each other astonished, amused glances, they watched the dumb farmboy stuff Slim's knob into his mouth and unasham- edly suck on it.

Whispers and giggles could be heard throughout the restroom as students became aware of the squatting farmboy blatantly giving a free blowjob. They'd seen one or more of these ruffians getting sucked off before, in this very spot. Being blown by them or somebody else they forced to do it! Nobody crossed the Fountain Street Boys...and nobody squealed. Now here was this new kid happily sucking away! Good. Maybe they'd leave them alone, now. Still, they watched from a distance--fearful that the others would whip their pricks out and demand service.

Happily sucking away. Yep. Nate felt he was doin' a good deed. He kinda had an abiding curiosity to see if Slim's pecker juice tasted as good as his Pa's had. One thing for sure... Slim's fat, tasty cock knob was sure easier to suck than Pa's thick bludgeon! He soon found he could go way down on it, too. Sheesh, suckin' a feller off wuz more fun than he'd figgered!

"Oooh, what a blow jockey!" Lyle gasped. "Lookit Slim's eyes!"

Lyle was stroking his bone and the others were brazenly rubbing their bulging crotches. The bystanders stood back trying to look nonchalantly invisible, but each of them had a hand in his pocket playing with a stiff boner. A couple of them--best friends--silently snuck into a stall and locked the door. One of their classmates poked another in the ribs. Grinning, he jerked his head toward the stall where two facing pairs of tennies were draped with lower trousers and sparkling white underpants. His friend nodded, and they both stood in front of the stall so the bully boys wouldn't catch on. They would have considered taking the other stall if it weren't for the danger of being dragged out and forced to suck off one of the smelly gang members.

Along with the two friends in the stall, they'd both been ambused in there one afternoon and made to shuffle on their knees--the punks lined up against the wall with their pants down--and suck them in rotation. Those bastards got a big kick seeing them go from prick to stiff prick, getting a taste of each one.

While they were laughing and calling them dirty names, Mr. Ramos, the Driver's Ed teacher, walked in on them. They boys thought they were saved from the ordeal, but within seconds Mr. Ramos was on his knees with a big cock in his mouth and another in his hand! The small, wiry man wasn't stupid. He was no match for four punks with knives and knew it. They forced the man to kneel before them, assisting in the blowjobs, but made him lower his pants to his knees first. It must have been very humiliating for the teacher...especially since his smallish cock was standing stiff! He had less meat than anyone there, and the fact wasn't lost on the punks.

They repeatedly joked and chided him about it.

But four cocks and five cocksuckers was a dilemma. That was easily solved by having the teacher shuffle behind and lick their assholes!

No, Mr. Ramos wasn't a stupid man. While the boys didn't dare squeal about the activity in the bathroom, he'd heard snatches of conversation amongst the boys. Enough to get the drift. Enrique Ramos was a fine teacher who kept his private life from interferring with his job. But the bachelor spent weekends cruising the highway...going from rest stops to truck stops sucking the cocks and assholes of strange men and butch truckers. He couldn't resist a chance to bury his tongue up the grimy rectums of the Fountain Street Boys. Now if he could only make it convincing enough that he was an unwilling victim. He hadn't counted on being made to drop his pants. His erection-- though embarassingly small--was a definite giveaway, he thought, until he noticed a couple of the other boys also showed betraying cocks bulging their Levi's.

It didn't much matter because once he got a whiff of the fellow's balls he was fellating, he didn't care anymore. His only problem was trying not to give away what an eager, expert cocksucker he was! A nip here, a grating tooth there, and he soon had their tempers flaring. He couldn't believe his tactic worked even better than just convincing them he'd never taken a prick in his mouth before. Better, because they weren't about to dismiss him and pass up a chance to humiliate a grown man--a teacher! So they demoted him to backdoor duty...right where he wanted to be now that he'd tasted each of their juicy cocks.

Of course he maintained a whimpering, cowering demeanor... crying about their brutal cruelty in making him an asshole licker. All the while he's sniffing their spicy assholes and lapping up the sweaty moistness and remnants of dried shit around their wrinkled rings!

They agreed he was so good at it, he was obliged to 'shove his tongue up their shithole' as each came in a boy's mouth. He wondered if they'd noticed how deeply he'd probed. Luckily for him, what he hadn't been given in the cock department was partly made up for by a very long tongue which he used to good advantage whenever he ate out a butthole.

When the gang strutted out--leaving four guys with cum- smeared faces and one teacher with lips covered in sticky assjuice--Mr. Ramos knew he had to think fast.

"S-sorry, boys, that I was no help to you. They were just too..."

"That's alright, Mr. Ramos. We understand."

"Follow me to my office, quickly!"

"B-but Mr. Ramos," one boy shook nervously, "they forced us..."

"I know, son...very well. This is not about punishment. Please."

They silently, apprehensively, followed him around the back way to his office. Once inside, he snapped the lock.

"B-boys," he acted frantic and agitated, "this mustn't get out. It would certainly mean my job!" He cut off any attempts to assure him, and continued. "So, much as I abhor such activity, please drop your pants."

"HUNH?!?" they gasped in unison.

"Please, boys," he dropped to his knees, "no further discussion. This is embarrassing enough. I'll simply perform fellatio on each of you to ensure your concealment about what I was forced to do. A pact between us. You don't squeal on me...I don't squeal on you. Who wants to go first?"

They looked at each other in astonishment, but being the horny teenagers they were, they silently agreed to let the man think 'doing' them would assure their compliance.

Ramos chuckled to himself as he helped the first boy pull his pants down. He would have loved to rim the youngsters, but that would have been a bit too obvious.

Nate gobbled down Slim's thick load then stood up, wiping a hand across his mouth. "Boy! Guess you was about to burst, Slim."

"I'd say so," Lyle leaned over, "looks like his balls are 'bout half-size now. How'd that jism taste, Natey? Better'n your Pa's?"

"Cain't rightly recall that, but it was durned good!"

"Glad you think so," Slim patted Nate on the shoulder, "cause you're now an honorary member of our gang."

"Really?" Nate gushed, beaming.

"Yep. Any of us get in that condition...we come straight to you and let you handle the problem. Right, fellas?"

They all agreed, causing giggles and snickers from the background. Lyle put his arm around Nate's shoulder.

"And you'd be danged surprised just how often that happens. We've been looking for a fella like you to join us."

"Yeah," a stocky, wide-assed guy with a buzz cut spoke up, "why doncha come check out our, headquarters." He clutched Nate's arm as they led him out. "Say, you ever drink a buddy's piss?" He smirked over his shoulder at the bystanders as they went through the door.

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