Making Cole My Boy

By Tom Dom

Published on Mar 28, 2016



Author's Note:

I'm Tom, and the following story is a fantasy. Because I'm used to writing true stories about my sexual experiences (check them out here in the "Tom the Dom" series), some information about myself here is true. However, this is my first attempt at writing a completely fictional encounter. I hope you enjoy it.

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Making Cole My Boy

After months of anticipation and weeks of planning, it was finally about to happen. At last, I was going to meet the boy who monopolized my fantasies since he first contacted me.

I couldn't believe I actually felt nervous about meeting a boy. This never happened. But Cole was special. I had allowed myself to develop feelings for him in spite of the dangers.

I'm a married man. I have kids. I will never leave my wife or kids for a boy. So why did I let myself begin thinking of this boy as something more than a couple of nice warm holes attached to a hot body? It was stupid and exhilarating at the same time. I was equally certain that I was making a terrible mistake and making the right decision by allowing myself to experience a real connection.

On top of everything else, he was so much younger than me, hardly half my age. Old enough to be legal, but not much more than that.

I'd never fucked a boy who was literally young enough to be my son (even if just barely), but here I was getting ready to do exactly that. Assuming Cole still wanted to go through with it after we met that is.

Was I really worried about that? No. Our connection had grown too deep for either of us to back out now. We both needed this. Besides, it's not like the boy is a virgin. His ex-boyfriend fucked him plenty of times. But never the way I plan to.

Because of the wife, I'm very careful about STDs. I've had sex with dozens of guys, but I have never fucked a bottom without a condom. Not once. I've never even really been tempted. I've never met a boy I trusted enough and who I wanted to seed and make my own. Until now.

There's something different about Cole. He's exceptional, and I want to own him completely. I don't just want to fuck him. I want to breed him. To fill him up with a part of myself so that he is truly mine. I want to feel my cum shooting deep into his boy pussy while I tell him that he's really my boy now, and will be forever. I've envisioned the moment hundreds of times in my own mind. I've even dreamed about it. But only with Cole. And now it is finally going to happen.

My special boy has never been fucked raw either. He didn't trust his ex enough to take that step. And no real man has ever been inside him. So tonight will be special for both of us.

Just then, Cole texted to tell me he was in the parking lot. I responded with my room number, and two minutes later, I heard his tentative knock on the door.

I looked through the peephole to get my first look at him in person. He looked exactly like the many pictures he had texted me over the last several weeks. Handsome face. Hazel eyes. Soft lips. And absolutely perfect hair for running my fingers through and then grabbing hold of.

I opened the door and told Cole to step inside. After closing the door, I stepped behind him and put my hands on his biceps, squeezing slightly.

"It's nice to finally see and feel you, boy," I said into his ear, pulling him backward against my body.

I held Cole against me like that for a moment, then wrapped my strong arms around him to really pull him in while I kissed his neck and let him feel the tickle of my beard.

"You don't know how much I've been looking forward to this, boy."

"Me too, Sir," he answered.

Holding Cole from behind, I began running my hands across his chest, feeling his pecs. I slid my hands down across his flat stomach and then back up his torso, enjoying the feel of his slender body against my much larger one. I can dominate subs who are larger than me, but I knew the sub I chose to be "my boy" needed to be smaller for it to feel right, and Cole felt absolutely perfect in my arms.

After a couple of minutes, I started unbuttoning his blue checkered shirt. I undid the top few buttons before reaching my right hand inside to rub his smooth chest and pinch his left nipple with my thumb and forefinger.

Cole moaned softly. He was laying his head back on my shoulder, fully giving in to my control over his body. He was immediately mine to enjoy as I pleased, as we both knew he would be. I was gently kissing his neck and ear as I explored his body with my hands, having fun pinching and twisting his nipples to make him moan and whimper.

I wanted to take my time enjoying my boy for the first time, but I wasn't sure how late Cole could stay out. To save money while going to college, he lived at home, and his parents didn't like him coming home too late.

"What time do you have to be home, boy?"

"Sir, I lied to my parents and told them I'm sleeping at a friend's house tonight because we have a class project to finish."

I smiled, grabbed a fistful of Cole's hair with my left hand to pull his head back and kissed his neck, then said, "Good boy. That means I have all night to enjoy you."

I let go of Cole's hair, grabbed his biceps again, and turned him to face me.

"Kneel and wait here, boy."

I patted Cole on the head, then walked over to the hotel dresser and pulled open a drawer. Inside was a gift -- a black leather collar I'd purchased just for the purpose of claiming Cole as my boy on this night. There were also a blindfold and some extra neckties I'd brought on this business trip to use this evening. Much as I wanted to collar Cole immediately, that would have to wait. I grabbed the blindfold and walked back over to stand behind Cole.

I ran my fingers through Cole's hair and asked, "Do you trust me, boy?"

"Yes, Sir. Completely."

"Good," I answered and put the blindfold over his eyes. "You won't need to see what I'm doing if I have your complete trust."

I rubbed Cole's shoulders and spoke to him in my most soothing voice.

"I have been waiting to get you in this position for so long, boy. I have never felt so connected with any other submissive. You are truly an exceptional boy."

I paused for a moment as I walked around to stand in front of Cole.

"You know I would never do anything to intentionally harm you, boy. I want tonight to be a special experience for us both. You remember my safe word?"

"Yes, sir," he said, and I made him repeat it.

"Good boy," I said, pulling his hair slightly and tilting his head back to look up toward me. Even when a sub is blindfolded, directing his eyes toward the sound of my voice helps keep him focused on my message.

"If at any time you don't feel completely safe with me or comfortable with what I'm doing, just say the safe word. I need you to promise me you will do that and not allow yourself to get hurt. Do you promise, boy?"

"I promise, Sir."

I patted Cole on the head and said, "Very well, boy. Let us begin. Stand up so I can finish undressing you."

Cole stood up as instructed.

As I finished unbuttoning Cole's shirt, I told him, "Normally, I would have you undress yourself. Sometimes I might even require you to make a show of it for my entertainment. But tonight, I want to unwrap my new boy the first time myself."

"I want you to feel me touching your body and know that you are giving yourself over to me," I explained as I pulled open his shirt and ran my hands across his stomach and up his chest.

"I want you to listen to the sound of my voice and know that you belong to me tonight. Now and forever," I said as I grabbed both nipples and pinched hard as he started to moan.

"I want you to focus your senses and fully enjoy the pleasure and pain I give you as you submit to me tonight." Leaning forward, I held his neck with my left hand and whispered into his ear, "Not being able to see will help you focus on more important things, like the sensations I give you and the new smells and tastes you will experience."

Then I kissed and bit his earlobe, eliciting the moan I was hoping for.

"Mmm. I love hearing you moan, boy. I'm going to be hearing that sound a lot tonight I'm sure."

"Thank you, Sir. I will moan as much as you want."

I slapped Cole across the cheek, but not too hard. Then I grabbed him by the chin.

"I don't want you to moan because you think I want to hear it, boy! I want you to react naturally so that I can read your body's signals. If you do whatever you think I want, you will deprive us both of the best possible experience. Tell me you understand."

"Yes, Sir, I understand."

"Good. Now let's get the rest of these clothes off you."

I unbuckled Cole's belt and pulled it out through the loops of his jeans. Then I put it around his neck like a leash.

"This way, boy," I said and led him toward the bed. I spun him around without speaking and pressed into him until he was forced to step back the last half step before hitting the bed, then shoved him hard in the chest. Cole flailed his arms and cried out as the backs of his legs hit the bed and he fell onto the mattress.

I stood over him and sighed audibly, "Oh, boy. I thought you trusted me?"

"I'm sorry, Sir. I was disoriented."

"I wasn't, boy. All the more reason you should have trusted me. I was leading you and had you exactly where I wanted you. I'm surprised you didn't consider that."

"Yes, Sir. I'm sorry."

"I know you are, and you will have the opportunity to atone for your lack of trust later, boy. Don't worry about it anymore at the moment. We'll deal with it when the time comes."

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

I grabbed my boy's legs and laid him out on the bed properly, then began untying and removing his shoes and socks. Then I unbuttoned his pants, told him to lift his ass so I could pull his pants off.

"What a nice surprise, boy. You got a new jock for our meeting!"

Cole had been frowning, disappointed in himself, but his mood immediately brightened.

"Yes, Sir. I wanted to do something special for you!"

"Thank you, boy," I told him and rubbed my hand across his crotch. "I'll definitely reward you for making that effort. But first, you must serve me to earn your reward."

"Yes, Sir. Please let me serve you, Sir."

I grabbed Cole's hair with one hand and the belt around his neck with the other and pulled his head toward the edge of the bed.

"Get over here, boy."

Cole quickly scooted to the edge of the bed, and I helped him stand up. I led him a couple of steps and then had him kneel in the middle of the floor.

"You are such a good boy, and I know you will please me tonight. You look so great kneeling in the floor waiting to serve me, boy," I said and ruffled his hair playfully.

I walked from Cole over to the dresser and pulled out one of my extra neck ties. Moving behind Cole, I was pleased to see he already had his hands behind his back in a proper submissive position. I bent down and began tying his wrists together.

"If you do not trust me enough to have your hands bound behind your back, now is the time to object, boy."

"I trust you, Sir," he answered.

"I'm glad. I will not give you any other warnings, boy. You know the safe word. From here on, it is your responsibility to use it if you need to. I want you to try new things tonight, but do not be afraid to stop me if you need to."

I'm usually not this gentle with subs, but Cole truly was special to me. I wanted to make sure he trusted me as much or more when the night was done than he did when it began.

After Cole's wrists were bound, I stepped in front of him again, grabbed his hair, and pressed his face into my crotch.

"I've been wanting to rub my cock and balls across your pretty little face for months, boy. Get a good sniff. I want you to learn my scent. If you're going to be my boy, you need to recognize my smell."

I heard and felt him taking in deep breaths as he buried his nose in my groin.

"Good boy," I told him, running my fingers through his hair as a comforting gesture.

After a couple minutes, I pushed his forehead away from me and took a step back. I wanted Cole to focus his hearing and anticipate what was coming next, so I didn't speak as I unfastened my belt and roughly pulled it through all the loops of my pants at once. I folded the belt in half and slowly traced the leather across Cole's chest, over his shoulders, and down his back. I wanted to see him shiver as he felt it slide over his skin, and I wasn't disappointed.

I pulled Cole's belt off his neck and draped my own around his shoulders in its place, saying, "It's time to introduce you to the feel of a man's belt around your neck instead of that little leash of yours. I'll leave this here for a moment. Be careful not to move around and knock it off."

Then I used my now free hands to begin unbuttoning my own pants and shirt.

"I have waited so long to feel your lips and tongue, boy. I cannot wait any longer to find out whether your mouth is as soft and sweet in real life as it feels in my dreams. Are you ready to show me?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good boy," I said, stepping forward to run my fingers through his soft hair.

I pulled my shirt off and tossed it aside. Then I stepped out of my pants and underwear.

Grabbing Cole's hair to pull it firmly, I told him, "Open up that hot little mouth now and get ready to taste the cock that will own you forever after tonight. Show me that tongue, boy. It's time for you to prove to me what you can do."

Cole opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out for me. Grabbing my dick with one hand and a fistful of Cole's hair with the other, I slapped my cock down onto this tongue a couple of times. Then I rubbed the bottom of my cockhead across Cole's soft flat tongue.

"Oh fuck, boy. I'm going to show you how to work magic with this tongue for my pleasure. Are you ready to learn?"

"Uh huh," he answered, slightly nodding his head up and down and beginning to lick my dick trying to get a good taste.

"I'm glad, boy. I want to teach you exactly what I like. You're going to be my boy, and my boy should know how to please me better than anyone else. Now let me feel your lips around my cock."

Cole closed his lips as instructed.

"Watch your teeth while you suck me. Lips together, jaws apart, boy. Now suck lightly. If you try to suck too hard, you'll create a strong vacuum in your mouth and it will start to close, then your teeth will scrape me. Gentle sucking is the key. Besides, sucking too hard doesn't feel good anyway."

Cole followed my directions and began softly sucking my dick and moving his mouth up and down. He also started slowly moving his tongue around the underside of my shaft.

"There you go, boy. Use that tongue for me. You are naturally doing exactly what I like. Fuck boy. Your mouth was made to worship my cock."

I let Cole work on my dick at his own pace for several minutes getting used to it as I kept up the dirty talk and simple instructions for him. His mouth felt great, but I was ready to really fuck it. I took hold of my belt that was still hanging around Cole's neck and used it to roughly pull his mouth all the way down on my cock and hold it in place. The boy immediately started choking, so I released him.

"I've been letting you enjoy the flavor of my dick and work on it at your own pace, boy, but now it's time for me to train you how to take it rough. I need to be able to use your mouth like a pussy. I know you're going to gag, and that's okay. I know you haven't done this before, but I need you to trust me."

I pulled my dick out of Cole's mouth, "Do you trust me, boy?"

"Yes, Sir."

I put my dick back in his mouth to enjoy his tongue as I proceeded to explain what would happen.

"I'm going to hold your head down while I bury my dick in your throat. You're going to struggle to breathe for a few moments. That's natural. You're going to try to pull your head back. I bound your hands behind your back to help you give up control, but you'll still fight me because your instincts will kick in until you learn to overcome them. Understand?"

Since I didn't actually pull my cock out of Cole's mouth, all he could do was moan and nod his head slightly.

"Good," I said, and shoved my cock deep without further warning.

As predicted, Cole gagged. He couldn't breathe, and after a few seconds he started to thrash around a little.

"Try to relax, boy. Five more seconds. Four. Three. Two. One. Good boy," I told him, releasing the pressure on the belt and letting him pull his head back.

Cole coughed a couple of times and gasped for air. I ran my fingers through his hair and told him he was doing a great job.

"It's going to take you time to learn to do this properly. We aren't going to master it tonight. However, I am going to show you what I expect from my boy so that you know what you must work on. Now it's time to go again. Are you ready?"

Cole gasped for air again, but responded, "Yes, Sir."

"Good boy. I'm proud of you," I said, hoping he could hear the smile in my voice. Then I tightened my grip on the belt and pulled his mouth closer once again.

"Take a good breath, boy," I said as I put the head of my cock back in his mouth. "I'm going to plunge my dick all the way in a few times and then bury it for ten seconds. Ready?"

I took his moan for assent, though it was probably more than just that. The boy wanted to be trained. He dreamed of being my personal cocksucker. His moan was intended to show desire, not mere agreement.

As I began slowly thrusting into his mouth, I said, "I'll grant you this, boy. You do a pretty good job taking my cock all the way when I don't hold your head down. But now it's time to train you to really take a throat fucking the way I need to be able to use you."

With that, I shoved my dick deep and pulled the belt tight to hold Cole's neck against my groin.

"Ahhh, fuck yes," I said as he gagged. "Damn your throat spasming feels so good, boy. This is the best part of training a cocksucker. I know it hurts you a little, but it feels so fucking amazing the way your throat works my cock. Oh shit, I've been lost in enjoying this and forgot to count. Oh well, I'll just hold you here a couple more seconds and try to remember to actually count next time."

After two more seconds, I released the belt.

"Fuck, boy. You have no idea how much it turns me on doing that. You've got me so hard my cock is literally throbbing. Could you feel it pulsing in your throat?"

Cole shook his head "no" as he inhaled deeply trying to catch his breath.

"Yeah, your throat muscles were too busy trying to kick my cock out for you to feel anything else. One of these days though, you'll be able to appreciate the sensation of my cock resting in your throat as you swallow it and stroke the head with your throat muscles. But for now, I've gotten what I really needed from you. You completely coated my dick in throat slime. It's best natural lube outside of a vagina, and I'm going to put it to good use. It's time for me to claim your pussy as my own, boy."

I grabbed one of Cole's arms and told him to stand up. Then I led him over to the bed and told him to climb on board. He was a little off balance with his arms tied behind his back.

"Be careful not to bite your tongue," I said and shoved Cole over forward onto the bed. "Face down, ass up, boy. Keeping your hands tied puts you in the perfect position to open up that pussy for my use. Let your chest rest on the bed and arch that back to show me your tight boy cunt."

Cole did as he was told, and slapped his ass.

"Damn you look good boy. I thought about lubing you up and making love to you, and I'll do that to you sometime, maybe even later tonight, but for this first fuck when I claim your pussy and make you my boy, I want it nice and rough. I wanted your throat slime because it's the only lube I'm going to give you. This is going to hurt a bit, but that'll just help you remember the moment you became mine forever. What do you think, boy?"

"Yes, Sir. That's very kind of you, Sir."

I laughed, "Well, you know me. I'm all about giving you a memorable experience."

I grabbed Cole's thighs and pulled him back so his knees were resting on the edge of the bed. Then I spread his legs, grabbed his waist and lowered it until my cock was lined up with his pussy.

I pressed my cockhead against Cole's hole and said, "Push out, boy. Open up that pussy for me."

I felt Cole's hole relax slightly, and I pushed hard until I felt him opening up. Then I shoved my cock in hard until it was fully encased in my boy's ass for the first time.

"Oooooh, fuck boy," I exclaimed as my cock sank all the way into Cole's tight warm cunt.

At the same time, Cole cried out in pain.

"I know it hurts right now, boy, but you'll get used to it soon and then you'll be craving my cock. You'll want it to be planted inside of you like this all the time."

After a few seconds, I started gyrating around to loosen Cole's hole up a little. He moaned in pain, and I rubbed his back to comfort him.

"Shh, boy. I'm going to turn those moans of pain into pleasure. I'm trying to give you a minute to adjust and move around inside to open you up a little, but I can't hold myself back any longer. I've been needing to use your ass for so long, and I can't wait a second longer baby. I'm gonna fuck you hard because I need you so much, but you'll be okay, boy."

With that, I started to pull out of Cole's ass. When just my head was left resting in his chute, I slammed back into it as hard as I could.

"Oh fuck," I almost shouted after that first stroke. "You are so tight and amazing, boy."

I didn't take another break though. The need to rut and use his hole had overtaken me, and I quickly got into a rhythm.

Cole's ass felt amazing, but the position wasn't quite right. So after a few minutes, I decided to change things up to get a better angle. I put one foot on the bed and grabbed hold of the tie binding Cole's wrists behind his back. With the other hand, I grabbed his shoulder and started pushing as deep as I could get inside my boy's pussy.

"Fuck yeah, that's it boy. Now let me feel you squeeze that ass for me. Come on, boy. Make your hole nice and tight for me. I know it hurts, but you can do it for me. You can make it feel sweet for my pleasure because you want to serve me the best you can. Oh yeah, there you go, baby. You have such a hot tight pussy. It's gripping my cock perfectly. You feel just as good as I hoped you would."

By now the tenor of Cole's moans had changed. I don't know if the fucking was starting to feel good or if he was simply getting pleasure from my reassuring words. In either case, I was glad he seemed to be enjoying himself.

"Oh fuck, boy. I am so glad that I finally get to use this cunt. I feel like it was made just for me. You feel it to, don't you?"

"Yes, Sir. It's all for You, Sir. Only You."

"That's right, boy. This is mine. I'm claiming it right now. I'm going to shoot you full of my cum. I'm going to plant my seed in you and make you my boy forever tonight. You'll never be able to belong to anyone else the way you belong to me. No man has ever bred your pussy, has he?"

"No, Sir. I never wanted to belong to anyone else. I saved this for you."

"Fuck yeah, boy. And I've never shot my cum in a boy's cunt before. I've waited for this moment so I could claim you as my own. Tell me who you belong to, boy."

"I'm Yours, Sir."

"Who owns this pussy?"

"It belongs to You, Sir."

"And I can fill it up anytime I want and use it however I want, right boy?"

"Yes, Sir. It's here for Your pleasure."

"I can be rough and fuck you hard if I want or I can be gentle and make love to you?"

"Yes, Sir. Whatever You want. Any time. Any place. Any way You want it, Sir!"

"Good boy. I'm glad I get to share this experience with you. You are the only boy I've ever wanted."

"Thank You, Sir. It's such an honor to be claimed as Your boy."

"It feels so good to fuck you without a condom. I expected it to feel nice, but God damn you feel amazing boy. No boy is ever going to compare to you after this."

"I'm made to be fucked by You, Sir."

"Keep squeezing that pussy for me, boy. I'm getting close now. One of these days I'll give you a nice long fuck, but this one is about taking what's mine. It's about shooting my load deep inside and burying my dick in you while my strong little swimmers look for a way to get you pregnant. It's about giving you my DNA so that I can tell everyone you're truly my boy. Oh fuck. Are you ready, boy?"

"Yes, Sir. Please fill me up, Sir. Claim me as Your boy forever!"

"Yeah, boy. Here is comes, baby."

I shoved my cock in deep and grabbed Cole's hips to hold him in place while I filled him with my alpha seed.

"Oooh yes! Fuck! I'm shooting my load deep inside you boy. I've dreamed of sharing this moment with you. I've wanted it so badly. You belong to me now, boy. You are mine. Even if another man tries to claim you later, my seed is already inside of you. You will always be my boy."

Cole's tight ass felt amazing and the thought of claiming him in this way made the sex even hotter. The combination made for a particularly strong orgasm. My whole body was shaking as I planted my dick deep in Cole's ass and felt it pulsing to shoot him full of my cum.

As I continued shooting my load into his ass, I leaned into Cole and pushed his body flat onto the bed so that I was laying on top of him. I bit the back of Cole's shoulder lightly as my orgasm began to subside and kissed him several times on the back on the neck.

"You're mine for real now, boy," I whispered into his ear.

"Yes, Sir," he answered.

"How do you feel?"

"I've never been happier, Sir."

"I'm glad, boy," I told him. "I love you, Cole."

"I love you too, Sir."

End of Part 1

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