Making a Life in London

By Adam Stewart

Published on May 11, 2010


On the Saturday evening, Steve set off to Charles' flat in Chelsea. As expected it was enormous and beautifully furnished with expensive items. Charles welcomed Steve in and showed him the bedroom where he could give his massage when they were ready. Steve prepared his items and then joined Charles in the living room. "Help yourself to a drink" Charles said as he walked in the room. Steve poured himself a glass of wine and sat down on one of the sofas. They chatted for a few minutes and then Charles suggested that Steve prepare what he needed to do the massage. "Thought we would have those first and eat afterwards if that's okay" Charles said as he showed him into the bedroom.

Steve prepared the bed which needless to say was sumptuous and enormous and changed into his massage shorts and T shirt. He had just rejoined Charles in the living room when Renaldo and Pablo arrived. When they saw Steve in his tight shorts they got very excited "Hmm very nice" Pablo exclaimed as he kissed Steve and patted him on the bottom. Renaldo was more direct and felt Steve's package as he kissed him. "Hmm can't wait to have that inside me".

They all had a drink and after about half an hour Charles suggested they start the massage. "Who's going first" Charles asked. "Ooh I'd love to go first" Pablo said so it was agreed he would be the first.

They all moved into the bedroom and stripped off naked. Steve assumed they would want him naked so he just stripped off as well. Pablo and Renaldo already had a hard-on. Steve told Pablo to lie on the bed face down and he climbed across him. He did his usual massage from the shoulders down and massaged his buttocks which were beautiful. As he did so he opened them apart to have a look at his hole and it made his own cock expand even more. He then moved down each leg before coming back to the buttocks. "Are you going to fuck me now?" Pablo asked. Without responding, Steve lubricated the hole and his own cock and thrust it inside. "Oh my god, that feels wonderful" Pablo exclaimed. Steve fucked and fucked him and then withdrew just before reaching a climax. He didn't want to come just yet.

Steve climbed off him and before he had a chance to tell Pablo to turn over, Charles moved forward and said "We can't let that arse go to waste just yet." He climbed over Pablo and thrust his cock into the inviting arse. "Oh fucking hell, you are a big boy Charles. That is fucking wonderful." Charles fucked him hard and shot a load of cum up his arse. "Hmm that feels nice, lovely hot cum up my arse. Come on Renaldo add yours as well please."

Charles and Renaldo changed places and thrust his long thin cock up Pablo. "Hmm I just love your cock up my arse" he exclaimed as Renaldo fucked and fucked until he too shot his load.

When they had finished, Steve told Pablo to turn over so that he could massage his front. Steve climbed on top of him and their stiff cocks rubbed together as he massaged Pablo's shoulders. He worked down his body and down his legs as usual before going back to his cock. He sucked it and round his balls before sitting on the rampant cock. "Oh fucking hell is there no end to this guy's talents. That feels beautiful."

It was now Renaldo's turn for a massage so Steve went through the same routine. Renaldo was a gorgeous fuck and Steve enjoyed fucking him immensely. He had a beautifully smooth body which was a delight to massage. As before the other two fucked him before Steve massaged his front followed by sitting on Renaldo's cock. It was long and thin and Steve could feel it go right up his arse. Renaldo was soon shooting a hot load of cum inside him and it felt good.

Finally it was Charles' turn and Steve followed the same routine. Fucking Charles was really something and both Steve and Charles enjoyed it. Steve got so carried away that he shot his load. "Oh my god, I can feel that load of hot creamy cum shoot up inside me. Fucking beautiful." Charles exclaimed.

Before Steve could do the front side, the other two wanted their fuck so duly thrust their cocks up Charles and shot their loads inside. "Hmm that feels really nice" Charles exclaimed as Renaldo shot his load, "Three loads of cum. Just beautiful."

Steve massaged the front of Charles and as before sat on Charles' cock. It was big and Steve was stretched to take it but he did and the whole length went inside. Charles fucked and fucked until he finally shot another load of cum up Steve's arse.

When the massages were finally finished, Charles said it was time for a meal. "We'll have Steve for desert!" he said with a grin.

Charles said there was no need to dress so they all trooped into the dining room stark naked. The others clearly expected what they found but Steve was surprised. The room had a large dining table which was beautifully laid out and a young guy who looked eastern European was standing at one end also stark naked.

"Hi Aaron" Renaldo and Pablo said and gave him a kiss. Clearly he was used to seeing the pair of them naked and did not flick and eyelid. Charles then introduced Steve and Aaron moved forward to kiss him. This time he did look Steve up and down with an approving look on his face and showed him to his seat at the table. As expected the meal was beautiful and the wine flowed copiously. When the meal was finished they all moved into the lounge and Aaron served brandy. They were all well on the way to being pissed but their ability to get cocks high and hard did not seem to be affected. Bottles of poppers were scattered around plus a few other pills which Steve decided to avoid.

Soon Steve found himself the centre of attention and he had tongues licking him all over, his arse being rimmed and his cock sucked. He was then bent over the end of the sofa with his arse in the air and fucked by all three of them one after the other. He could feel each of them shoot their load inside him and it felt wonderful. They then laid him out on the floor and each of them sat on his cock and fucked themselves by riding him. Aaron had now returned having cleared away the dishes and joined in. He too sat on Steve's cock and fucked himself. He then turned Steve over and fucked his arse depositing yet another load of hot cum inside him. To say the least, Steve's arse and cock felt sore after all this but he enjoyed every second.

It was then Aaron's turn to be fucked by everyone so he was taken into the bedroom, fastened to the bed with restraints and then fucked by each of them one after the other. They each fucked him four times so his arse was well and truly fucked by the time they had all finished. Poppers and drugs were being taken by all of them in the end although Steve limited his to one, so they were all on a high and feeling as randy as hell.

It was after midnight by the time they had finished so Charles said that Steve could stay over if he wished but Steve decided to go home. `I've had enough of their cocks for one night' he told himself.

As he was opening his front door, Justin opened his. "Hi" he said in an alcohol laden voice, "Had a good night?"

"Yeah you could say that" Steve replied as he dumped his bag inside. "My arse feels full of cum if you judge a good night by that" he laughed.

"Oh fucking hell you lucky bugger. I'm as randy as hell and nobody to give me relief. Fancy coming in for a while?"

Steve really wanted to get to bed but Justin was very persuasive as well as looking sexy and delectable in his tight briefs which hid nothing of his fully engorged organ inside them.

"Okay, since I'm not working tomorrow"

"Great come in and make yourself at home", which in Justin's mind was strip off.

Reading Justin's mind, Steve obliged and stripped down to his briefs to match Justin. A bottle of Bacardi was already open on the table and Steve could see that Justin had made good use of it. "You been in all evening then?" Steve asked.

"Went to a party earlier but it was fucking boring so I decided to go to the bars to see what I could pick up but there was sod all so I decided to come home."

"Oh dear" Steve replied feeling sorry for him. Within no time their briefs were on the floor and they were all over each other and sniffing poppers in between each kiss and cock suck. Within no time Steve had Justin's legs high in the air and was fucking that gorgeous arsehole of his. He fucked and fucked as if he hadn't done so for days. "Don't cum inside me" Justin said, "I want to take it in my mouth and taste your hot seed."

Steve could feel himself reaching the point of no return so he pulled out and moved up Justin's body so that he could take his load in his mouth. Within seconds he was shooting his hot creamy cum into Justin's mouth and because of the volume some of it spilt over his lips. When Steve had finally finished he bent over and licked the remaining cum off Justin. He then inserted his tongue into Justin's mouth and they exchanged the cum.

"Hmm although I say it myself, that is lovely cum"

Justin laughed and agreed it was very tasty.

It was now Justin's turn to fuck Steve so they changed positions. First Justin licked Steve's arse hole which always sent Steve into an extremely sexual state. Justin then prepared himself to fuck Steve and he took another load of poppers. His whole body was on a high and he was just itching to have Justin's cock inside him. As usual he was not disappointed and enjoyed every second. Finally he could feel Justin shoot his load and it felt wonderful. `Must be getting full in there' he smiled to himself as Justin was shooting the last few drops. They stayed coupled for several minutes and kissed. Justin was really nice and Steve was falling in love with him. Justin had fallen for Steve the first time he met him!

Steve stayed the night and the next morning they woke up to a beautiful sunny day. "Fancy going out somewhere and I'll show you some of the sights", Paul said. Steve said he would love to so after breakfast they set off for Richmond. Steve had never seen the river apart from around London so he was fascinated by the countryside nature of Richmond in comparison to central London. They walked along the river bank to Twickenham and back and then bought a snack at a local market. They sat on the grass by the river in the sunshine and it was just brilliant. It was now late afternoon so Paul suggested they go to a local gay bar. It was a very ordinary bar but at least it was gay and several other guys were there. They got chatting to one pair who lived locally. Having bought several drinks each the pair asked if they would like to come back to their place which was only a few minutes walk away. Steve and Paul agreed so they all set off.

Clearly these two were well off since the house they lived in was in a terrace of other grand houses just off Richmond Green. Once inside they were asked to remove their shoes "plus anything else you fancy" one of them said jokingly but with a serious intent. They had introduced themselves as Terence and Mark. It appeared that Terence was the dominant one although Mark stood up for himself. Both had stunning bodies and soon they were all naked to the waist.

"Would you like to stay for a meal?" Terence asked.

Steve looked at Paul and they both nodded. "Yeah, thanks that would be great". Having settled that, Mark then opened a bottle of wine. "I take it you two are wine drinkers rather than beer". Both nodded and accepted a glass of what was a very nice white wine. "Yeah we are too" Mark responded.

They sat and talked and Terence asked all sorts of questions of Steve and Paul. When they heard that Steve worked in a gay bar and also did massage work they were very excited and wanted to know more. They were even more intrigued when they heard that Steve had only moved to London recently and wanted to know all about his home life up north.

Terence and Mark were both from the South East and both worked in a local bank. They had been together five years and were now considering a Civil Partnership. Paul and Steve were fascinated. "You've got a nice house here" Paul said.

"Yeah it was my parents but they were both killed in an air accident three years ago so as the only child I inherited it. Fortunately my Dad was wealthy having worked in the City for years, and left me a tidy sum so I was able to keep it on. I do love it here and so does Mark so we will continue to live here for as long as it suits us.

"Did your parents know you were gay?" Steve asked.

"No which is one of my many regrets but there you are. How about yours?"

Steve explained that his mother had left when he was quite young but his Dad knew and he too was gay. "It must be cool having a gay Dad". Steve grinned and said it was but he only found out just before he left for London.

Mark explained that both his parents knew he was gay and were cool about it. "My brother is gay as well so they've had a double whammy but they are okay with it.

"How about you Paul?" Mark asked.

"Well my parents split up some years ago but both now know and although Mum is not too happy with the idea my Dad accepts it. We don't really talk about it.

Mark then left them to cook the meal. Steve asked if he could help and Mark said he could at least keep him company so the pair of them went off to the kitchen leaving Terence and Paul in the living room.

Terence moved to the sofa where Paul was sitting and sat right up close to him. He placed a hand on Paul's thigh and slowly moved it up to his crotch. "You've got a nice body" he said as he felt Paul's thickening organ, "And a nice cock". Paul opened his legs wider and let Terence do what he wanted. He was enjoying the feel of his cock being manhandled.

Terence unfastened Paul's thin trousers and pulled them down his legs. Paul was wearing a loose pair of boxer shorts to his stiff cock was straining at the thin material. Terence took hold of the tool and soon had it exposed having removed the boxer shorts as well. He bent over and sucked Paul's cock. "Aaagh" Paul cried as he felt the warmth of Terence's mouth round his cock. Terence certainly knew how to suck cock. As he was doing this Terence managed to remove his own clothes and was now kneeling in front of Paul stark naked. He quickly pulled Paul's trousers and shorts off his legs and swiftly removed his T shirt to leave him naked as well.

Terence then lifted Paul's legs and rimmed his arsehole. Paul was in heaven and just let it all happen. He loved his arse being rimmed. The next thing he knew was being fucked by Terence. His long hard cock up his arse felt just wonderful.

Meanwhile in the kitchen the food was well on the way and Steve was at the stove watching things on the hob. Mark came up behind him and put his hands round Steve's waist. Seeing no anti reaction, he moved them down into Steve's crotch and felt the package beneath Steve's thin trousers. "Hmmm nice" he commented as he unfastened the fly and the top of the trousers. He let Steve's trousers fall to the floor and felt inside his briefs. He found a fully erect cock and took hold of it. Steve meanwhile was exploring Mark's crotch behind him and felt the already erect cock. He managed to unfasten Mark's trousers and soon they were round his ankles. Mark turned Steve round and knelt down to suck his cock.

They could hear noises from the living room and Mark commented that Terence and Paul were clearly having some fun. The food needed attention again so Mark stripped off his trousers and pants and continued with just a T shirt and a stiff cock jumping up and down in front of him. Steve did likewise so the pair of them stood naked from the waist down. As Mark stirred a sauce, Steve felt his cock. "Now that's what I call keeping me company in the kitchen".

The meal was now ready to serve to Mark helped Mark take it into the dining room which was already prepared. Mark then stuck his head inside the living room to tell the others it was ready. Terence and Paul were still at it. "Hmm see you two have wasted no time". "Not have you by the look of it" Terence quipped back. The pair walked into the dining room stark naked and joined Steve.

"I feel overdressed now" Mark commented as he slipped off his T shirt to leave him stark naked. Steve did likewise and they all sat down to eat.

The wine flowed and by the time the meal was over Steve and Paul were feeling well oiled. They moved to the living room and Terence made some coffee and served it with brandies.

"Are you two into restraint and S&M at all?"

Both replied that they had never tried it but were willing to do so. "Bring your brandy and follow me" Terence told them. He took them down the corridor and down some stairs to a basement room which was fitted out with all kinds of gear. In the middle was a large double bed which had restraint straps fitted to it. Terence told the two lads to lay face down on the bed side by side. It was so wide that there was ample room for the two of them leaving a space between their bodies. Terence and Mark then handcuffed their hands and feet to the bed so they were fully restrained. With Terence on one side and Mark on the other they gently whipped their buttocks with a whip followed by a spanking paddle. Their buttocks were soon red so they stopped. They then greased their arses, climbed on top and fucked them. Both lads found it very erotic being fucked like this since they had no control. "Hmmm that feels brilliant" Paul exclaimed as Mark thrust his cock in and out. "It sure does" Mark responded, "A gorgeous arse to fuck".

Terence was doing likewise to Steve who was also enjoying every second. Having given them both a good fuck, they were released and Paul was told to turn over. This time he was handcuffed with his arms and legs outstretched as wide as they would go. His cock was riding sky high and the head was fully engorged. Terence then used an electrical probe over his body and each time Paul felt the electric shock go through him his cock twitched and got harder and harder. Terence then sat across Paul and thrust the rampant cock into his own arse. He rode it like a stallion until Paul was shooting his load inside Terence. Mark took over and in no time Paul was shooting another load up Mark. Steve then had his turn and felt yet more hot creamy cum shoot up his arse.

They then released Paul's feet shackles, lifted his legs above his head and re-fixed them to the head of the bed. His arse was gaping wide and ready to be fucked. One by one the other three fucked Paul. First Terence, then Mark and finally Steve. Terence and Mark had shot so much cum up his arse that Steve could feel it sloshing around his cock. He added to the mix by shooting a load of his as well.

It was then Steve's turn to be restrained with his butt in the air. The other three took great delight in fucking the gorgeous arsehole with long hard deep thrusts. Steve loved it. Then he was flipped over onto his back and each of them sat on his rampant cock. He found being restrained whilst they did this really enhanced the enjoyment and increased his sexual desire. Finally his feet were released and restrained over his head to leave his arse open to more abuse. Each fucked him until they were shooting hot cum inside him. He could feel it sloshing around inside as each cock thrust in and out. He just loved it.

Next: Chapter 4

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