Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Sep 19, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 9

"Up. up." I could hear as I opened my eyes to try to adjust to the light coming through the blinds. Alex had his face buried in my chest and my arm over him with Chris' arm over mine. Chris had his fingers inter twined with mine. " This is not a dream." Was my first thought. "Morning lover." Chris whispered in my ear. I didn't want this moment to end. His morning wood still trapped in my ass cheeks seemed to stretch half way up my back. "That thing must go all the way to my stomach when its inside me." I thought. "Somebody is telling us to get up." I whispered. "I got this one you just relax." Chris said. He humped my back a couple of times and moaned. Out of the bed he walked over to the crib and reached in. "Morning little monster." he said to Cody and he nuzzled his goatee into Cody's neck. Cody was wide awake and giggling. I felt Alex begin to laugh. "What so funny to you little buddy ?" I asked. "Your hair tickles my nose." he said. So I lightly rubbed his face into my chest. "Run potty little buddy." I said.

Chris was off to the kitchen to get Cody some juice while I got Alex and myself drained and headed to the kitchen. I had grabbed my shorts and slipped them on. When I turned the corner I had to stop and admire the view. Chris was setting in one of the chairs still naked with his legs crossed giving Cody his bottle. Under his leg you could see his large flaccid cock and low hanger hanging off the chair. Mental note : Crawl up with him setting like that and give him the blow job of his life. Mental snap. Back to reality. " O.k. Alex. What do you want for breakfast ?" I asked. "Eggs." Alex said. So I prepared a breakfast of more than just eggs while Chris held Cody and talked to Alex. Minutes later breakfast was done and Chris had changed and dressed Cody. Alex was glued to the cartoons and Cody was in his high chair playing with his toys.

A still naked Chris took me by the hand and walked me into the den. Without stopping he turned me around and planted a deep passionate kiss with one hand on my back and one across my butt pulling me in tight. "If that's what I get for breakfast I need to do even better for lunch." I said. Chris guided me to the couch and i sat beside him. "What was all that last night ?" Chris asked. "Baby there will probably be a lot more scary moments like that before this calms down." I said. "But Alex was horrified." Chris said. "Apparently when he wet the bed his mom and dad would beat him and make him sleep naked on the closet floor." I said. Chris tightened up. "Baby they are both dead so there is no way to pay them back. Believe me at three this morning I wanted to go dig both their asses up and beat the shit out of them and bury them again. But we can't. We have to deal with the aftermath." I said. " I don't know that I can without wanting to hit something." Chris said. "Baby if you do that this little boy will never survive it." I said. "I know. Will you keep me in line ? " Chris asked. "Sweetie the best thing you can do is if you are in a situation with a three year old and don't know what to say is to hug them and tell them they are safe and that you love them." I said.

We talked for a few minutes about what we had both learned with our conversations with Alex. Chris told me that Alex had said that if he was bad that they would tell him that they were going to take him to store parking lot and just give him away. He was afraid to even go outside. Afraid they would not let him back in. He told Chris also that Cody stayed on a blanket on the floor and if someone knocked on the door that he was suppose to drag Cody on the blanket and go hide. If he didn't he would get in trouble. Chris had tears rolling down his cheeks. "Look baby. We can't ask Alex about what happened. All we can do is listen when he reveals little bits." I said. "I know it just hurts so bad to see him that way." Chris said. I leaned in and kissed Chris resting my hand on his semi hard cock. " I know it does baby but we will help him get through it. " I said and squeezed his cock. "You horn dog." Chris said smiling. "Its all your fault" I said.

It was Sunday and finally we could all relax with no rushing around. Chris showered while I finished the kitchen and then it was off to the shower for me. Chris had put on a different color running shorts but was able to adjust the waste height himself this time. While finding a pair of shorts my cell phone rang. The caller ID showed that it was my niece Breanna. "Hello." I said. "Hey Lee. How are things at your house ?" she asked. "Just a lazy Sunday morning." I said. "Don't lie to me. Out with the details." she said. Apparently my niece had spoken to both my friend that brought my vehicle back and to the baby sitter. So I explained quickly everything down to even the point of what Alex was dealing with. After about five minutes of talking she informed me that she had gotten some of Kolt's old clothes that may work for Cody and that they would see us later today. Kolt is her little boy. "Oh and by the way I am sure Grandma will be there after lunch. She has found out from the baby sitters grandma that something is going on. So be prepared." She said. "After the last couple of days I have had she had better be the one prepared." I said. " She called me this morning and I warned her that she better act right but you know how she can be." Breanna added. "Well I wont warn Chris because he may run." I said. " I know that this is quick Lee but do you love him ? " she asked. "Breanna I know it sounds crazy but I love this man and he says he loves me more than I do him. " I said. "Its not crazy. I fell in love with Dean before he ever said hello and we are still happy." she said. " Ah you shut up you know you are happy." she said laughing. Dean is her husband and apparently he was listening to the conversation. "Do you need anything ?" she asked. " If you have an extra baby monitor I could borrow for a few days that would be great." I said. " See you later today. I have to meet and approve my new Uncle. I hear he is super hot." she said.

I fixed some light sandwiches and chips for lunch. Chris was still sporting his running shorts with no shirt. After lunch we relaxed on the couch. I have and extra deep couch just in case I ever had the opportunity to cuddle on it. I wanted enough room for two. Chris was leaning against the arm of the couch with one leg on the floor and the other behind me. I was laying with my head on his lap running my hand under the edge of his shorts playing lightly with his balls. There was a movie playing and this was not sexual it was just comfort. A buzzer sounded and Chris jumped. The boys playing in the floor seemed to be unfazed. "What was that ?" Chris asked. "We have company . That was the driveway alarm alerting that someone turned in the driveway. " I said. Chris jumped and ran down the hall to the bedroom. By the time the doorbell rang he was standing back in the great room with gym shorts and a t shirt on. When the door bell rang Alex jumped and after frantic consideration ran and grabbed my leg and hid behind me.

I opened the door to see my niece and her husband and two children. Kolt ran past them as he normally did and into the great room. He is two and half. Breanna and Dean entered the house and she walked directly to Chris. "Hi. You must be uncle Chris." she said. "Nice to meet you." Chris said as he put out his hand as if to shake hers. "Here Shasta go to your Uncle Chris." She said. Chris looked lost, He had just been handed a two month old cooing little girl. Dean walked over and put his hand on Chris' shoulder since both hands were full. " Hi Chris I am Dean. Welcome to the family." he said. We all sat and chatted while the other three kids played in the floor in front of us. About ten minutes after they arrived the driveway alarm went off again. "Wonder who that could be ?" Breanna said. "Funny" I said. Breanna leaned over and whispered for a minute in Chris' ear and all he could do was nod yes. Once again when the doorbell rang Alex took his place glued to my leg. I opened the door to allow my mother in.

Now a little about my Mom. She is a true southern lady all the way down to her diamonds and her Town Cars. She is also the true southern belle that likes to control her family and all that involves them. She stopped trying to do that with my brother years ago. He just plainly told her to get a life. Kolt came running across the room hollering "Grandma." I heard Alex whisper to himself as if to question "Grandma ?" Mom said her hellos to everyone except Chris and the kids. Shyly Alex stepped out from behind my leg and took a stance with his hand folded in front of him and his head bowed. "Hi, I'm Alex." True to her nature my Mom ignored him and walked to Chris. 'Hi, I'm Chris Hamrick." Chris said. As if almost forcefully she reached out and took Shasta from Chris. "I will take my great grand daughter." she said. By this time I am fuming and about to explode. Chris just shook his head no to me. Seeing what was going on Breanna spoke up. "Grandma, den, NOW. Dean take Shasta. " Breanna headed off to the den. Mom just stood there shocked as Dean took Shasta from her. "NOW Grandma."

I apologized to Chris and wanted to wrap Alex in my arms and shelter him. You could see the rejection in his face. I scooped Alex up and started tickling him. I could hear Breanna raising her voice in the other room but could not hear what was being said. Out of the corner of my eye I caught Cody waddling through the door into the den. "Oh shit." I thought as I took off after him. As I entered the room and grabbed the toddler my Mom looked at me. "See what you have done to me. " she said with tears in her eyes. "You have lost your mind old woman." I said. "For 52 years I have let you think that you controlled my life just so you thought you had power. Today the truth will be told." I said.

About that time Dean touched me on the shoulder. He held his hand out to Cody. " Come on buddy lets check that diaper." Dean said. Cody stuck his hands out to Dean. "Up." he said. Dean just laughed and said "cute". My Mom always thinks that her crying will get her out of any tough situation and people will give in. Not today. "For starters the only reason you are crying is that you have been caught and called out. You could care less if I am happy as long as you think you are in control. I have tried for 27 years since Dad died to show you that I am worthy to be your child. But I don't live in a house you own like my brother. I bought and paid for all my houses by my self. I also don't drive a vehicle that you paid for like my brother does. I bought and paid for my own and its paid for too. So you have no say so in this house or on this land. If you can't live with that and be happy for me then I don't need you." I said.

Moments later I and Breanna both left her in the den. " I am so sorry guys. I will get the boys things together and go. I surely didn't want to cause a family to break up. " Chris said. "Your going no where. You didn't do this. She has always been this way when it comes to Lee. I told her in there a minute ago that if she didn't straighten up and act like a descent human being that she would not only loose Lee's new family but I would not allow her cruel influence around my children either. " Breanna said. "Let me go talk to her." Dean said. He handed Cody to Breanna and went into the den. About thirty minutes later Mom and Dean emerged from the den. She had regained her composure but I was still not ready to even recognize that she was in the room. Later I found out that Dean had told her the whole story of Chris and the kids including the physical abuse that Alex had been through. He also had told her that Breanna was serious when she stated that if she wanted her remaining years surrounded by a loving family that she would accept Chris and the kids or she would only have my brother. He lives a half mile away and wont stop to see her. If she sees him she has to go to his house.

Mom sat in one of the chairs in the great room. Chris got up and walked over and put Shasta in her arms. Cody waddled over and held onto Mom's leg and turned to us and said "baby." "What other words do you know Cody. The only word I have ever heard is up." I said laughing. About that time Kolt came bouncing in the room. "Grandma, Grandma." Alex was right behind him but when he saw where Kolt went he stopped and walked over and crawled up in my lap. "Pop he has a Grandma." Alex said. I love my Mom but at that point I wanted to reach over and slap her so hard that she would never recover. But I didn't. Breanna had tears in her eyes. "Come see Aunt Breanna, Alex. " Breanna said. Alex looked at me and I nodded yes so he got down and walked slowly over to her. Breanna was setting in a chair beside my Mom. She pulled Alex into her lap. "Alex this is grandma. She is my Grandma and Kolt and Shasta's. She is also you and Cody's Grandma too." Breanna said. Once again Alex looked shyly at my Mom and said. "Hi, I'm Alex." Mom looked around the room knowing if she didn't give she wouldn't escape. "Well hello Alex. I am Grandma." she said. Dean broke the tension. "Come see me Cody. Lets see if the clothes we brought will fit you." Dean said

Back in one of the guest rooms there were three men trying to keep a toddler still and hold clothes up to him to see if they may fit. We had no chance against the toddler. A few minutes later my Mom walked in the room and placed her hand on Chris' shoulder. "Hi Chris I am Ruth. Let me start by apologizing for my actions earlier but its nice to meet you." she said. " No apology needed." Chris said. Cody was bouncing on the bed and laughing. "This must be Cody." she said. Hearing his name he crawled towards her and sat up on his knees. "Up" he said. We all froze waiting for her reaction. She picked him up and his wrapped his hands around her neck and lay his head on her shoulder. She rubbed his back for a minute. "Dean I thought you changed this boy." she said. "I did Granma." he said. "Well I smell something you missed." she said with a smile. "Give him back and I will do it again." Dean said. " No I can handle this just tell me where the diapers are." she said. "Follow me Mom they are in the master bedroom." I said.

In the bedroom Mom began to change Cody's diaper. "Lee my only concern is that this is all so fast. I don't want you to get hurt." she said. "We both know that's not the reason but I will say this. I told you a couple of years ago that If I found someone that made me happy and I decided to build a life with them that anyone that had something to say was out of my life. I also remember telling you that it included you. This is not a threat but I am not going to give up on this just so you will be happy. The last thing is that since Alex especially has been cruelly hurt in his short life. If you ever act to him again like you did when you came in I will personally have a restraining order taken out against you so you can't come near me, Chris or the boys." I said. "Well we don't have to get ugly about this." she said. "You came to my house. I didn't start it but as of now its finished." I said. With a happy Cody we returned to the rest of the group.

After another hour of kids running around squealing Breanna figured it was time to round her crew up and herd them towards home. "Alright Dean lets pack our crew up and head out. Come on Grandma I think they are all due a break. Oh I almost forgot. Happy belated Birthday Uncle Chris." Breanna said. "Yeah Happy Birthday. We didn't have time to get you anything. " Dean said. Chris put his arm around me and smiled. " I got the best Birthday present every already." Chris said. Kolt gave everyone a kiss and a hug including Chris and they were all off. After the driveway chime went off signaling the second vehicle leaving I turned to Chris. " Alright mister back to the uniform." I said.

Next: Chapter 10

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