Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Aug 18, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 84

July third finally made it. Chris and Lee had spent three days getting the furniture in the house and getting things set up for their guests. About mid day on the third everything was finally unpacked. The only thing left was a couple of the bathrooms needed to be cleaned. The beds were made and towels placed in the correct bathrooms. "Babe, Dean is bringing his mower over to help me get the grass cut real quick. Call the pool guy and make sure he is coming today and finishing up." Chris said. "Already done. He originally said it would be a couple of days until I reminded him that if he came today he would get his final payment. If not he could bill me for it next month." Lee laughed. " I need not guess who won that argument." Chris laughed.

During the day Keith and Brian stopped by on the way to Keith's house. Though Alex was excited about his new bedroom the thought of spending the night with Josh won over. Later in the day Mrs. Ruth came by. The argument of the new house was lost on Cody also. He would have no part of staying since Memaw offered to let him go home with her. The pool man arrived and finished his work assuring Lee that the chemical levels would be perfect within a couple of hours. Lee had almost everything finally in order.

He watched out the window as Dean and Chris mowed the lawn. Bernie and Mark were spending that night at Keith and Brian's. They planned to leave and go back after the party to insure there were no holiday issues at the Hamrick House. Ronnie and Wayne were spending the night at Wayne's house along with Gregg and Shane. The night of the party Bob, Paul and the twins are spending the night with Chris and Lee along with James and Kyle. Everything seemed to be in order. There were other local guests invited so Lee planned on possibly fifty guests.

"Hey baby. Can you get Dean and I a bottled water ?" Chris said standing on the patio and sticking his head in the kitchen door. "Coming right up." Lee said. Handing the bottles to Chris and sneaking a kiss, Lee stood and looked at his sweaty husband. "Are you guys almost done ?" Lee asked. "I can finish what's left. I am about to send Dean home. I tried earlier but he said he would wait until closer to being finished." Chris said. "Well that's good. I think everyone has passed through already. Alex went with Josh and Cody went with Mom so we are childless. " Lee said.

"Has everyone gotten here ?" Chris asked. "I expect Bernie and Mark to stop by on their way to Keith and Brian's but other than that everyone has passed through and gone to their respected homes. " Lee said. They could hear Dean talking to someone on the side of the house. "Well I am guessing that's the last two stopping by." Chris laughed. Both men went out and met Bernie and Wayne. "You guys want a tour ?" Lee asked. "We will have to do that tomorrow. Keith has already called twice to see where we were. " Mark laughed. "Yeah we wanted to stop by on our way to their house. " Bernie said.

The men chatted for a few minutes and then headed off. "Since you have stopped and cooled off a little let me help you load up your mower." Chris said to Dean. Loaded up and headed out Chris walked over and kissed Lee before starting his mower back up.

Lee stood in the kitchen window looking out across the freshly cut lawn. It took a lot of sod to go around the pool and parts of the yard but it was worth it not to have bare spots. The first pass by the window Chris smiled and blew Lee a kiss. The second pass the same happened but Chris had removed his shirt. The next pass was similar except Chris was only in his underwear. "Now this is getting interesting." Lee thought. The next pass had the same blown kiss but it was from a naked Chris on a riding mower. "My husband is a nut." Lee thought.

Lee headed out to the patio. Seeing Chris coming across the lawn on the mower Lee turned towards the door and motioned as if someone was there to follow him. Chris quickly shot around the side of the house on the mower. Pulling back up so he could peak around the corner he saw Lee setting on the patio alone. Pulling out slowly all he could do was smile. He knew then that Lee had pulled a trick on him. Stopping the mower Chris hiked his leg up on the steering bar. "You almost got me. You know my clothes are there on this corner of the patio. " Chris laughed. "I saw that. But I made sure the gate was shut before I came out." Lee laughed.

"Well I think that trick deserves a real kiss." Chris pouted. Lee got up and walked off the patio to the mower. Leaning over to kiss his husband he reached down and began to stroke Chris' cock that had began to grow from the passionate kiss. "Alright yard man. If you want to get paid for your services you need to finish up." Lee whispered while still stroking Chris' hard cock. "Oh so you are going to leave me this way." Chris said. "My husband would get mad if I paid for services that were not complete." Lee laughed. "No he wouldn't. I promise." Chris laughed. "Have to treat the yard man like I do the pool man." Lee laughed. "Well you better not pay him the same way you pay the lawn guy." Chris laughed.

Chris finished the lawn and Lee stood in amazement as he watched Chris rinse off in the outdoor shower. "Damn that man is hot." Lee thought. The sun had began to set as Chris got out of the shower and jumped in the pool. "Come on baby." Chris called out. "I fixed a lite supper. Let me bring that out and we can eat in the pool." Lee called out. "Oh I plan to eat alright." Chris laughed. Lee came out the door with a small tray of food and drinks. Naked himself he had a towel tucked under his arm. "Man now that's a sexy sight. I am going to cut the grass every day for this type payment." Chris called out. "You silly man." Lee laughed.

Walking down the steps and into the pool Lee placed the tray on the side of the pool. Chris came up behind Lee and grabbed him around the waist. Pulling him out in to some deeper water Chris spun the two around as they moved. Once they were chest deep Chris turned Lee to face him. Pulling Lee's legs up and wrapping them around his waist Chris smiled as he lightly turned the two in the water. "I hope you know how much I love my husband." Chris whispered.

"Well it will be hard for you to love yours as much as I love mine." Lee whispered. Chris leaned forward and began to kiss Lee with all the passion he could muster. Reaching down he placed a finger on Lee's rosebud. Breaking the kiss Chris slid his finger inside of Lee's ass. Lee's body shook as he lay his head in the small of Chris' neck. "You know my husband has the hottest, sweetest ass on earth and the biggest heart too." Chris whispered. "Well my husband has yours beat. He has the hottest body, the biggest heart, and a cock that men would kill for." Lee whispered. "Sounds like he is a super guy." Chris whispered. "He is. And that is putting it mildly." Lee whispered.

"Well if the lawn man will eat his dinner I have a special desert for him." Lee whispered. "I like this grass cutting job." Chris whispered. Chris carried Lee part of the way to the side of the shallow end. Setting on the steps the two just looked into each others eyes as they ate their supper. "Are you ready for tomorrow babe ?" Chris asked. "Ready as I will ever be I guess. I need to put the meat in the smoker just before we go to bed." Lee said. "Are you happy with the house ?" Chris asked. "I am definitely happy. How about you ?" Lee asked.

"I know that I went over board on a few things but I figure this is the last house you and I will build and it will also be the boy's one day." Chris said. "Baby as long as you are happy with it then I am too. I have no problems with anything here and I am sure the boys will love it. That is if they ever stay here long enough to see it ." Lee laughed. "Oh they will. But tonight I am going to enjoy being alone with my husband in our new house. I don't have a lot of hours to christen every room." Chris said smiling.

"Oh, every room ?" Lee asked. "I plan on taking my husbands sweet ass in every room, every closet, and every corner of our new house." Chris said. "Sounds like your husband is going to be a busy man." Lee laughed. "Oh I plan on keeping his ass quite busy and quite happy." Chris said. "For my husband that will be a full time job." Lee smiled. With supper finished Lee stood and reached for the towel. "Where are you going ?" Chris asked. "Just reaching for your pool warming gift." Lee said. Reaching in the towel Lee pulled out a floating bottle of silicone based lube. "Oh I know my husband loves me." Chris whispered.

Chris walked over towards Lee. Reaching over him for the bottle of lube brought his semi hard cock directly in Lee's face. Lee reached out and placed his hands on Chris' hips and opened his mouth. The warmth of Lee's mouth caused Chris' cock to grow full mass almost immediately in Lee's mouth. It took Lee four attempts to finally take Chris' cock down his throat. "Oh fuck baby. Careful there. I want to test out this lube. You keep that up and it will all be over." Chris moaned. Pulling back off Chris' cock. "But baby I wanted some dessert." Lee whined. "Oh don't worry baby. We are both about to get dessert." Chris whispered.

Pulling Lee to his feet Chris' cock began to ache as he saw the water running off Lee's body and all the wet hair sticking to his body. "Fuck baby you are so damn hot." Chris said as he leaned over and began to kiss Lee. Opening the bottle of lube Chris applied some to one hand. Leaning back over to kiss Lee he applied a liberal amount on Lee's ass and using three fingers he forced even more of the lube inside his lover's ass. Moving back Chris applied even more to his cock. Not being water soluble Chris quickly wiped his hand in the towel. Moving deeper into the water Chris pulled Lee to the side of the pool. The water level was still low enough that their cocks and asses were still above water.

Placing Lee's hands on the side of the pool Chris stood behind his lover. Parting Lee's ass cheeks Chris lightly splashed water up on Lee's crack and watched the water trickle down Lee's crack and roll off the hair. "Oh fuck baby. I can't wait." Chris whispered. "Uuuuuhhhhhhhh." Lee moaned deeply as Chris placed his cock at the entrance to his ass. Chris reached under Lee's arms and leaned over and kissed Lee's back as he slid his ultra slick cock inside of Lee's ass. Both men held their breath as the electricity shot through their bodies. Pulling Lee back to his chest Chris began to move the two into deeper water.

Still fully impaled Lee felt the weightlessness of the water sooner than Chris due to height. Before they got too deep Chris pulled his cock out and turned Lee around. "Put your arms around Papa's neck baby." Chris whispered. Lee placed his arms around Chris' neck and brought his legs up around his waist. Still able to stand Chris reached down and aimed his cock back at Lee's entrance. Holding Lee tight Chris slowly backed up causing Lee's body weight to pull him fully down on Chris' cock. Once this was accomplished. Chris held Lee's body tight to his and moved back into the deeper water.

This was new for both Chris and Lee. Trying to move his cock in and out of Lee was a little tricky at this angle. Chris would stand on his tip toes and lift Lee up a little and then drop back to his feet and release Lee so that his body would fall back down on his cock. "Baby we are going to have to practice this a lot." Chris whispered. "Why do you think I was so adamant about the pool." Lee whispered.

Moving back in the water so that it barely covered his hips Chris lowered Lee's upper body so that he could rest his head on the side of the pool. Chris lifted Lee's legs and placed them on his shoulders. Now moving his raging cock in and out of Lee's ass Chris almost didn't blink. The water washing over Lee's stomach and abs seemed to make the Lee's hair dance. To Chris it was almost like watching synchronized dancers.

Lee himself was drooling over the wet hair that Chris displayed. Wanting to reach out and touch Chris' nipples that the water had matted the black hair around. They were erect and Lee could almost taste them. Both the visual and physical sensations were bringing both men to the edge. Chris reached over and pulled Lee up so that he could wrap his arms around him.

Holding Lee tight, Chris moved into a little deeper water. Just the passion between the two men with very little motion began to push Chris over the edge. Barely being able to touch his toes on the bottom of the pool Chris' cock began to grow inside Lee. Just knowing that his husband was about to plant his seed deep inside him pushed Lee over the edge. "UUuuuggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Lee shouted as his cock flexed and his seed began to spray in the water between them. The contractions of his ass muscles sent Chris over the edge. Treading water to keep his cock inside of Lee his body jolted as he began to shoot his load as deep inside Lee as he could in this position.

"FFFFFFuuuuuuuucccckkkkkkkkk..." was all he managed to shout as his cock flexed inside Lee. With every flex another rope of cum shot from his cock into the safety of Lee's ass. Lee felt empty as he had to swim away from Chris to keep them from both drowning Chris looked under the water and could see his seed leaking out of Lee's ass and swirling in the water. Chris reached out and pulled Lee back to him. Moving back into the very shallow area Chris sat on the bottom of the pool and pulled Lee down so that he was facing him. Sliding his still hard and lubed cock back inside Lee. "Baby that was fucking amazing. We will definitely have to practice at this." Chris whispered in Lee's ear. "Baby as long as your are deep inside me we can practice anywhere you want." Lee whispered before pulling his head back and leaning in for a kiss.

The next morning Lee lay and smile at his naked husband as he began to wake. Watching Chris stretch with his eyes still closed but with a huge smile on his face. "Good dream baby ?" Lee whispered. "Oh no baby just extremely happy. I am living my dream." Chris said as he pulled Lee to him for a passionate good morning kiss. "So you are living your dream ?" Lee whispered. "Sure am. In a brand new house, in a brand new bed, with a brand new husband. Its a dream come true. Plus I fucked my husband silly in the pool last night. What's not great about life ?" Chris said stretching again. "Well apparently these are happy. They are a little lower and relaxed than usual." Lee said fondling Chris' balls as he leaned over to kiss him again. "Come on baby. Lets jump in the shower and see if you can draw them back up tight again." Chris said as he reached over and fingered Lee's ass.

By eleven a.m. the house was buzzing with both grown ups and children. Bob and Paul had left Atlanta early and arrived first. Getting the twins settled Paul and Chris gave Bob and Paul a tour of the house. "This is you guys room. It is a second master suit but upstairs." Chris said. "Damn we are moving in." Paul laughed. Bob and Chris went out to remove the meat from the smoker that had been cooking all night. "Damn Lee. This house is absolutely gorgeous. Don't get me wrong. Your other house was very pretty but damn." Paul said. "Hey this is all Chris. Well for the most part." Lee said.

"Well whoever it is it is breath taking. I doubt Bob and I ever have anything like this." Paul said. "Well Chris said that he planned to retire here. We will keep the house in Atlanta but spend most of our time here so he wanted it to be special." Lee said. "Well he hit that nail on the head. If this was mine it would be covered with diapers, bottles, and toys." Paul laughed. "Well Alex and Cody have not spent the night here yet so remind me in six months that this was a gorgeous house." Lee laughed.

"Look at those two out there. I am glad that we are such close friends. I am so glad that Chris ran into you." Paul said. "Yeah the other guys are great. I have known Keith and Wayne for years but to me our friendship seems more special or tighter. I am not sure how to describe it." Lee said. "I am glad you said that. We feel the same way but would not say it in fear of hurting the others." Paul said. "Well it will be our secret." Lee said. "Speaking of secrets. How is sex in the pool. I know you two had to try it out." Paul laughed. "Don't worry the chemicals have cleared it all up." Lee laughed. "Oh hell I have never been afraid of a little cum." Paul laughed. "Well you may get to find out about the pool yourself." Lee laughed.

The front door opened to kids laughter and Keith toting two giggling boys. "Looks like somebody had sugar for breakfast." Paul laughed. "No Unca Keith has been the tickle monster." Alex laughed. Brian followed them in the door just shaking his head smiling. "Were you good for Uncle Keith and Uncle Brian last night ?" Lee asked. "I tried I promise but Unca Keith kept spilling stuff and blaming me and Josh." Alex said. Setting the boys down. "Oh so you are going to tell on Uncle Keith and daddy huh ?" Keith said as he chased the boys back out the door with them both squealing. "With that big grin I can guess who got him a little July forth gift this morning." Paul laughed.

"Well you know how these horny tops can be." Brian laughed. "Yeah you have one of them too." Lee laughed. "Yeah and look at the three of them. You would think that Alex and Josh were the grown ups out there." Lee laughed. "Oh don't worry. When Mrs. Ruth gets here they will act their age." Brian laughed. "Alright guys. Lets get this party ready to start. This house will fill up soon. " Lee said. "I want the grand tour." Brian said. "Meet my hostess and tour guide Paul. He will be glad to show you around." Lee laughed. "Hostess ?" Paul laughed.

The rest of the guests began to arrive. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. A few of Lee's cousins came. This was the first time that some of them had ever met Chris. All of the men were very considerate and while these guests were around there was no kissing or holding hands. They were not asked to but out of respect for Mrs. Ruth and her family they felt the need to show some that all gay men did not act as some do on television. Everyone seemed to be thrilled to meet Chris except one. One of Lee's aunts or should we say step aunt seemed to not be happy about Lee's arrangement or the fact that there were gay couples at the party. She and Mrs. Ruth sat in the shade talking while Mrs. Ruth watched the twins and Shasta.

"You know that God says that this is an abomination." the aunt said. "Oh he does, does he ? He come tell you personally?" Mrs. Ruth asked. "Its just not right and you allowed it." she said. "You were invited here to my son and son in laws house out of the goodness of their hearts and you want to set here and quote the bible to me ? I will take ten sons like Lee and ten son in laws like Chris before I would take any of your sorry children. I raised my boys right and in the eyes of God. Before you come sweeping around my door I suggest you go home and sweep around yours first. And for that matter you need to take a mop and some bleach to your porch though with your children though I doubt that would even help." Mrs. Ruth said. "Well at least my children are not homosexuals." she said. "Rather have homosexuals than white trash any day. So either enjoy the party and keep your opinions to yourself, or go home. Doesn't matter to me either way." Mrs. Ruth said. "Well I never." she said. "I am sure. But its about time." Mrs. Ruth said picking up one of the twins and moving them before coming back for the other.

Paul and Lee saw Mrs. Ruth moving the babies and went to help. "Everything alright Mom ?" Lee asked. "Everything is fine. Your aunt just tried to throw some bible scripture at me is all. I told her to go home and deal with her own kids and leave mine to me. Lee you tell me if any of the others have anything to say to any of you boys. I will take care of that real quick. I will not have you judged in your own home." Mrs. Ruth said. "Calm down Mrs. Ruth. We are use to it." Paul said. "Not on any land owned by my family you aren't." Mrs. Ruth said. "Yes Mam." Paul laughed. "Now help me get these babies settled. I probably need to go change them." she said.

" Let us do that. You get comfortable and we will bring them right back." Lee said. "Alright as long as you don't get lost. Come with Memaw Shasta we are going to find somewhere to set that doesn't smell like my sister in law." Mrs. Ruth said as she lifted Shasta. "Boy Mrs. Ruth is mad isn't she?" Paul said. "Nah. She is use to my aunt. She was married to my Mom's brother. He hated my Dad. He always wanted to act like he had more than my Mom and Dad. Every time my Dad would buy Mom a new car we would laugh because he would go buy my aunt one even if he couldn't afford it. They borrowed my Mom and Dad's house plans before they built the house Mom lives in. They built the house before Mom and Dad built." Lee laughed. "And Mrs. Ruth stood for that ?" Paul asked. "Oh she thanked them. She said she was glad they built it because she hated it. Mom and Dad built a much larger and nicer house after that. My Uncle couldn't afford to build another one." Lee laughed. "What was that about her kids ?" Paul asked. "Oh that's a long story and one for a bottle of wine. We will have to have that conversation one night." Lee laughed. "Yeah we better get you two back out to Memaw before she strings your daddy up." Paul said to the twins.

"You guys sure have a marvelous place here." Ronnie said to Chris. "Thank you. I figured we would retire here one day so I built something to be comfortable in." Chris said. "Are you guys moving from Atlanta ?" Wayne asked. "Oh no that house is paid for now so we will keep it. We will just spend more time here once we retire." Chris said. "Paul and I need to think about doing something like this." Bob said. "Well the land next door is for sale. I tried to talk Lee into us buying it but we have twenty acres here and he said we didn't need any more land to pay taxes on." Chris laughed.

"We may just have to buy us some land." Bob said. "Who's buying land ?" Ronnie asked as he and James walked up. "I was just telling Chris that Paul and I should look for some land to build a house to retire in." Bob said. "Well I want to talk to Wayne about buying some land in the mountains and maybe building there." Ronnie said. "Well that means you and Kyle have to build on the beach. Then we will have parties in Atlanta, in the country, in the mountains, and at the beach." Chris laughed looking at James.

"Lee's family has been great. I think I have met most of his cousins that are here today. His brother is a little shaky though." James said. "Yeah everyone I have met has been great. I think Mrs. Ruth scares the shit out of most of them though so you know they are going to be nice." Ronnie laughed. "PAPA, PAPA. Unc Keith said he would go swimming with me and Josh. CAN I, Can I pease ?" Alex begged. "Lets go get you a some swim trunks then buddy. Sorry guys but duty calls." Chris said as he was being pulled away by Alex.

The boys were ready to swim and Chris was relieved to see Keith in a pair of board shorts. He knew Keith would not embarrass them but he wasn't sure if Keith owned a swim suit or anything other than a speedo. Cody had found his way to Ronnie "UP" he said. "Come on little buddy." Ronnie said. Cody keep twisting and reaching for the pool. "Uh...Uh..." he keep saying as he reached. "Alright little man. Lets find Pop and if he says its alright I will take you swimming." Ronnie said heading off looking for Lee.

"This little fella wants to swim." Ronnie said. "I will get him one of those swimming diapers and find his Papa to take him swimming." Lee said. "Oh I don't mind. I just wanted to make sure first." Ronnie said. "Well come on and I will get him one of those diapers." Lee said. "Here Paul. You take Shasta and get one of those diapers and take her swimming. Memaw has these two. They can swim when they get their baths." Mrs. Ruth said. "Come on little lady lets go swimming." Paul said as he picked Shasta up.

Inside Ronnie changed while Lee put a swim diaper on Cody. "Here is yours and tell Paul his will be ready in a minute." Lee said. Both babies changed and the men too they headed for the pool. Once they were in the pool others joined in and began swimming. Most of the men stood and watched as Keith, Ronnie and Paul guarded their swimmers from others jumping and splashing. "He is a real protective daddy." Bob said to Brian. "Yes he is and I am so grateful." Brian said. About that time Brian's cell phone rang.

"Hello.... Oh..Uh ..we will be there as quick as we can... you are serious aren't you ?" Brian said. "Keith babe. Its time. We have to go." Brian shouted. "Go where ?" Keith asked. "To the hospital. Its TIME." Brian shouted. Keith looked at the boys and could not figure out whether to run or what to do. "Give me one second buddy and I will take over." James said as he ran to the house. Running into the great room James grabbed his bag. "Um, Um.. Dean tell me is anyone is coming. I have to hurry." James said as he began to strip and pull out his swim suit. Running back out the door Dean went over and picked up the clothes and placed them on the bag.

"Come on Josh we have to get ready." Keith said. "Please can I stay ?" Josh almost cried. "Hey Keith. You two go. Josh will be fine with us until you guys come back." Chris called out from the side of the pool. James jumped in the pool. Keith leaned over and kissed Josh and then Alex. "You two be good." Keith said. "We will." they said in unison. Rushing inside Brian met Keith in the great room. Stripping out of his wet board shorts he tossed them to Dean. "Can you lay those out for me buddy so they can dry. We will get them later." Keith said as he stood there naked trying to get his shorts turned correctly to put on. "Sure. Good luck guys. Let us know what's going on." Dean said.

Keith and Brian headed out the front door and Dean headed out with Keith's shorts to put on the drying rack behind the shower. "Where have you been honey ?" Breanna asked. "Been in the great room watching the strip show." Dean laughed. "Strip show ?" Breanna asked. "Well first there was James and then there was Keith. For some reason I ended up seeing the male strippers." Dean laughed. "Alright guys. I have told you all this man is mine so enough of the strip shows in front him." Breanna called out. James blushed since he was the only one around that knew part of what was going on. "Sorry Dean." James said. "No problem here buddy. No offense but it did nothing for me." Dean laughed. "Have they left yet ?" Chris asked. "Yeah they went out the front door. They said they had to stop in Atlanta and pack and get the things they needed." Dean said. "Poor Brian." Wayne laughed.

Everyone came up and told Chris and Lee how much they enjoyed the cook out. Most of the men were staying for a while after everyone left. Dean and Breanna were still there also. "See Bre we can do calm parties. Most of the parties at Keith's are swimming too but they are clothing optional. " Chris said. "Well guys if you want to go skinny dipping go for it. Hell Dean and Kolt walk around the house naked all the time. Won't bother me." she said. "Come on Dean. Lets all go swimming. " Bob said. "Um I didn't bring a suit." Dean said.

"Oh go ahead honey. I am going to help clean up. As long as the guys keep their hands off your junk I don't care." Breanna laughed. "You guys swim. Since the others are gone we have some beer, wine, and snacks. We will get that all together while you all swim." Lee said. Reluctantly Dean stripped like the rest and headed to the pool. "Bre, you know you can go swimming too." Paul said. "I know. I really had rather just set and relax when we are done. Moving has worn me out. Besides I know that you are all comfortable around us but I want Kolt to grow up being relaxed with his body around others. If I can get his father naked around you guys then Kolt will loosen up too." Breanna said. As Wayne came out of the pool and removed his swim suit Breanna looked their way. "Remember Dean's junk is mine Wayne. You can look but not touch." Breanna laughed.

Once inside with the last of the dishes Breanna stood looking out the kitchen window. "You know those two are very special men. Look at the way they keep up with Shasta and Cody." Breanna said watching Bernie and Mark. "They are super guys. All the kids just love them to death. The twins grin more for them than they do me and Bob." Paul said. "Welcome to parenthood." Breanna laughed. "Well I have a feeling that when they are older I will get double teamed." Paul laughed.

"I don't think we could have found any better guys for the Hamrick House." Lee said. "And you two. Don't get me wrong. Dean is more than ample in his manhood but damn after seeing Uncle Chris and Bob I don't see how the hell you two walk every day." Breanna laughed. "Us ? You need to pity Brian. Keith is hung like a fucking horse. That thing wouldn't even get close to me." Paul laughed. "Nah I am happy with what I have." Breanna laughed. "Alright guys lets take this wine, beer and snacks out so we can watch the big kids and little kids play." Lee said.

*** Author's note : Sorry for the delay in posting chapters. The last two months have been full days of helping a family member clean out their house to move into an assisted living facility. They are moved now and hopefully I can get back to finishing these two stories. Be on the look out too there is another one coming called "Order Up" but I promise it is much shorter.*

Next: Chapter 85

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