Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Jun 16, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go " Chapter 81

Life seemed to settle down for the group of men. Though still hectic, the drama seemed to calm. Chris had been true to his word and with Bob's help he had gathered a group of attorneys, architects and contractors to contribute enough to purchase the motel "Hamrick House" was well on its way. The construction had begun to remodel each room to suit what would be needed. Bob's firm had been given some of the stipulations the contributors had placed before agreeing to give their money. All but a couple of the restrictions were legal issues resolving them of liability. Kyle had been called in as a consultant to try to help maximize the facility.

Bernie had healed nicely and they had found early stages of cancer in Mark's tests. Gregg and Shane had demanded that they remain at their house while Mark went through his chemo treatments. The group of men had planned a dinner for tonight to celebrate both men's recovery and to also present them with a surprise. Bernie and Mark lay in the comfortable bed holding each other. "And what's wrong with my sexy grunt this morning ?" Bernie said as he leaned over and kissed Mark. "I am just worried about tonight ?" Mark said. "Why are you worried ?" Bernie asked.

"Life has been so good for the last few weeks. Its been like a dream even through your healing and my chemo. They have done so much for us already. I am not comfortable having a party in our honor." Mark said. "Don't stress about that. I am looking forward to it. I am ready to be the envy of all the men there when they see my sexy grunt." Bernie said. "In your dreams Sgt Major. They will be envying me." Mark said. "Tonight lets have a good time. Since you have had your last treatment we will need to take some time tomorrow and talk about what we will do next. Gregg and Shane have been a God's send but we need to move on and give them their home back." Bernie said. "I was going to talk to you about that. They say they love us being here but if it were my house I would want my sexy Sgt Major to myself sometimes. I am sure they are the same." Mark said. The two seemed to be calm even realizing that their only plan at the moment would be to return to the streets. Having been there so long it did not scare them as much as it would most.

"GGGGrrrrrrrrrrr." Keith growled as his body twitched and his cock flexed deep inside of Brian. "Oh fuck baby. I don't know how but that tight little ass of yours gets sweeter every time I fuck it." Keith whispered. "I have to keep my lover happy." Brian whispered. "Baby you make me happy just being here. Never doubt that." Keith whispered and he moved his cock in and out of Brian as if in slow motion. Maximizing the sensation in both his cock and Brian's prostrate. Keith could feel his freshly planted seed seeping out the edges of Brian's ass when the doorbell rang. "Who could that be so early ?" Keith asked.

Sliding his cock out of Brian's ass leaving him feeling empty and leaking Keith grabbed a robe and headed towards the door while Brain headed for the shower. Keith looked through the glass to see his neighbor Amos Rice standing there. Opening the door. "Good morning neighbor. What's up ?" Keith asked. The older man just looked down. Looking down Keith saw Josh standing in front of the man in just his underwear. "Where did you come from ?" Keith asked as he motioned for the two to come inside. "Our doorbell rang about an hour ago. Josh told Nana that his daddies were wrestling this morning and he was hungry. So he opened the door and walked across the yard and rang our door bell." Amos said.

"Daddy. Nana make me pancakes. They were so good." Josh said. "I hope you thanked her." Keith said. Josh just shook his head yes and took another bite of the cookie he was holding. "Thank you so much for bringing him back. I am so sorry he disturbed you. Daddy and Dad will have a long talk with this little man." Keith said. "Don't be too hard. We don't want him afraid to come visit." Amos said. "Oh I wouldn't dare scare him that way. I am grateful that you are next door and that he loves you as much as you love him. We will just make sure that he gets permission from both first. That's all." Keith said.

"Good. Mother wanted to bring him back and threaten you if you spanked him. I told her it would be best if I brought him." Amos laughed. "Sorry if I interrupted the wrestling match." Amos laughed. "You didn't interrupt but it was damn good match." Keith laughed. " Alright Josh. I am going back to my house. Nana said that you are suppose to come over after lunch to play so Dad and Daddy can get ready for the party tonight. I will see you then." Amos said. "Give Pops a hug and kiss and thank him for bringing you home. Assure Nana that there will be no corporal punishment." Keith said.

Chris and Lee dropped the boys off at Pam's house. They were headed to check on the new house being built. They had planned to carry the boys but knew that they would be rushed to get back and try to get everyone ready for the party. "Are you excited about the house ?" Chris asked. "This one I really am. This house will have a touch of both of us. It will be what we want and not something that we remodel to make work. " Lee said. "Well I hope that you are not upset that I raised the budget on it but I figured we would only built it one time." Chris said. "Baby you know I love you. You know I stress about money but if this is what you want to do then I am fine with it. You may just have to remind me that I just said that every now and then." Lee laughed as he slid his arm under Chris' on the console and wrapped his fingers in his lovers fingers.

They stopped at the old house first to see how Dean and Breanna were coming along with the remodel. They were mainly doing some painting. Chris had the contractors build a sun room off the den as a house warming gift. The outside of the house had been painted a different color and Chris waited for Lee to tense up when they pulled in the drive. "Are you alright baby ?" Chris asked. "I am fine. It doesn't even look like the same place. That helps a lot." Lee said. Once out of the vehicle they were met by Dean and Breanna and were given the grand tour. "Hopefully we will be moving in about three weeks." Dean said. "I hope you guys are happy with this house." Lee said. "We have always loved this house but never figured we would be able to afford one like it." Breanna said. "I just wanted to make sure you weren't buying it just to make me feel better." Lee said. "You know we love you, Chris and the boys to death but we couldn't buy this just to make you feel better. Sorry." Dean laughed.

Dean and Breanna followed the couple over to the new house being built. This house has a much longer driveway and sat nestled in a grove of oak trees. They had discussed trying to keep it single level but they decided that since the boys were still so young that a two story would give them more space for the money. Now that most of their friends loved to come to the country for the weekend they felt like the extra space was needed and it was cheaper to go up than out. They also had a pool house built to match the main house with two bedrooms a kitchen and a den in it. The main house had the master on the main level and four bedrooms a den and a playroom upstairs.

Chris was the most thrilled about the house. He had never built his own and this house would let him showcase some of his expertise as an architect. He had questioned Lee about every step of the house. "The only areas that you need consult me is the kitchen, master bed and bath and the laundry room." Lee said. "Well I need your input in what you want for the rest. "The rest is you baby. Whatever you want." Lee said. Chris was amazed at what Lee had done with the master area and the kitchen. The master had a huge bay area that looked out over a sloping hill and field. The master bath had a jacuzzi tub with a walk in shower beside it. There was a glass wall that separated the outer wall of the house and the shower made of all glass. In an enclosed patio there was a hot tub and a swinging bed. You could see from the shower out into the patio. "Damn Uncle Lee I couldn't pay the power bill for this place." Breanna said.

"Well either I am going to have to get a second job or your Uncle Chris is going to have to get more clients." Lee laughed. "Does he always worry about money so bad ?" Chris asked. "He always has. And you ain't seen nothing yet I am sure." Breanna laughed. They walked through the area where the hot tub is and to a screened porch that is attached to the master bedroom. This looks out over the area where the pool will be and extents to cover part of the area off the great room. "Don't even ask Bre." Dean laughed. "Just leave a key to the gate so we can get to the pool." Breanna said Little did they know that as soon as the pool company was finished there that Memaw was having a pool put in at their house as a house warming gift.

Later that evening the men began to gather at Keith and Brian's house. Each household brought a different dish so that Brian and Keith would not prepare everything. Everyone chatted and moved around the crowd. Mr. and Mrs. Rice were also guests and she seemed to be in heaven with so many children around. Everyone took their turns helping to get the tables and food set up. Since everyone could not eat at the same table there had been smaller tables set up in the dining room and great room.

Food was set up buffet style but Brian had moved furniture around so that the main table could be seen from any table. Mr. Rice blessed the food and everyone prepared a plate. Mrs. Rice was the only adult at the children's table but it would have taken an army to move her. All of the parents would ask if she needed any help. "You fellas just eat. Nana has this table under control." she would say. Different conversations went on at different tables. They had purposely seated Gregg, Shane, Bernie and Mark at the dining room table. Also at this table were Chris, Lee, Bob and Paul. Everyone seemed to enjoy their dinner before Brian, Lee, and Wayne collected the plates. Placing the desserts out and fresh plates everyone made their choices. With dessert there was a choice of wine, tea or coffee. For the children the show stopper was ice cream. "Everyone please get your deserts and drinks and take your seats. We have a couple of announcements to make shortly." Bob said.

Everyone seated Bob stood. "We are here tonight to honor two veterans and also dear friends of ours. Everyone lift your glass with your drink of choice. To new friends, brighter futures, good health and a long happy life. Cheers Bernie and Mark." Bob said. "Cheers" the crowd shouted. Bernie stood from his seat. "First Mark and I would like to thank each and every one of you for your help, concern and generosity. If it had not been for this group of people and especially Gregg and Shane the two of us may not have lived to be setting here tonight. The toast belongs to everyone here. Not to Mark and I." Bernie said.

"Would you care to say something Mark ?" Paul asked. Mark stood and looked down towards the floor. "First I want to thank Kyle and James for caring enough to help save this man beside me. My life would be lost without him. Please don't think us ungrateful but since we have both mended we feel that its time for us to move back to our place in society. Gregg and Shane have been gracious hosts and I owe both our lives to them but we have imposed longer than we should have. I am grateful to each and every person in this room and you will remain in my heart and prayers until my dying day. You stepped in and kept me and the love of my life together and helped us heal. For that I could never even begin to repay. So all I have in this world to offer is a heart felt thank you. And that I give freely and gratefully." Mark said and sat back down. All the men clapped even though they knew life was about to change.

Bob stood first. "I would like to start this party out by announcing that some of my lawyer friends and I have been able to get both Bernie and Mark's VA troubles handled. We have appointments set up for next week for both of you to be evaluated for your VA disability. The VA has also agreed since their error placed you on the street so many years ago that for the remainder of your lives you will each receive a four hundred dollar a month housing allotment. They will also back pay you your VA benefits and once your disability is set you will also receive back payment for that also. All of your medical as of two days ago will be handled through the VA." Bob said.

The group could see Bernie's mouth open and tears rolling down Mark's face. Chris stood next and asked Lee to join him. "I am proud to announce that Hamrick house is under full remodel. According to the contractors we should be able to start interviewing tenants in about three weeks. Now that we have reached this point we have to hire caretakers. Our foundation would be honored if Bernie and Mark would accept these positions. A two bedroom apartment and a company vehicle will be provided at no cost. There will be a salary though it will be small. You would not interview the potential residents but you would be responsible for making sure that all mail for the foundation made it to the correct person and make sure that peace is maintained on the property. This way you will get a small salary. Free housing, your VA benefits and your VA disability. " Chris said. "Before you answer. We have discussed offering you two this job with everyone here and the investors in the property. Kyle and I agree that we could not find anyone more worthy of this job nor would we find someone that would share our dream and help us keep it alive." Lee said.

Mark could hold it no longer and began to cry. Bernie wrapped his arm around him and pulled him to his side. "Hold it together grunt. Sounds like we have a lot to discuss baby." Bernie whispered. "We know that you will need time to think about all of this but we hope that you will give us the honor of taking this on." Paul said. "I would like to start this project off by giving a donation." Mrs. Rice said. Mr. and Mrs. Rice got up and handed Bernie and Mark a check made out to the foundation for fifty thousand dollars. Bernie just looked at the check and then held it out to Chris as to ask what to do with it. "Bernie if you guys take this job then you will help log donations and make sure they are deposited. "That check says house account on it. We were told that there would be an account that you two will handle. This account would buy tenants groceries and personal items to start them out once they moved in." Mrs. Rice said.

The room was quiet for a moment and Mark had taken control of his emotions. "Each tenant will be required to pay you twenty dollars a month. This money will go into the house account to help retain money to help new tenants." Bob said. "Only if we pay twenty dollars a month each in rent too." Mark spoke up. "You mean you are saying yes ?" Bernie asked. "Baby I almost lost you on the streets. I WILL not take that chance again." Mark said and began to cry again. "Well the grunt has spoken. I guess you have two new caretakers." Bernie said. "Well our next item is this check. The VA has issued you each a check for twenty five thousand dollars. I will be glad to help you get accounts set up at my bank." James said.

"The apartment that you will live in is ready. It is separate from the main building as it use to be an owners apartment. With this money you can furnish it anyway you want." Lee said. Mark could barely hold the check with his name on it. His hands shaking he handed his check to Bernie. "Is this real ?" Mark whispered. "Its just the beginning." Ronnie spoke up. "Our doctor's group along with the legal group would like to also pay you another small salary to help us at Kyle's kitchen when it comes to dealing with veterans. You two know better than anyone what they may be qualified to receive and we also have contacted the VA about Administration housing for some of the men on the street. " Ronnie said.

"My accounting firm has agreed to help with your first years taxes free. We know that you have not filed in many years and we will be able to help you retain most of the money given to you and it not be eaten away in taxes. " Shane said. "I don't know how to even start to thank each of you much less begin to pay you back." Bernie said. "Bernie. You, Mark and Kyle have opened our eyes to a whole new world around us that we can make a difference in. Without you three we would drive by the homeless and not even think about what may have brought them there. You have opened our eyes and we see we can make a difference. I don't know about the rest in this room but that is more thank you and repayment than I could ever ask for." Brian said. "Everyone seemed to agree at once. "I offer to take you furniture shopping. I am not an interior designer so you have to pick your own but I will be glad to take you." Wayne said. "I also would like to volunteer to help where I can at Kyle's kitchen and at Hamrick house." Mrs. Rice said. "I am goin' wichu." Josh spoke up with a mouth full of ice cream. "Me too." Alex added. "Sounds like Nana's going to need a mini van father." Mrs. Rice laughed. "Wif lots of car seats." Alex said. "With lots of car seats." Mr. Rice laughed.

The group settled back down and chatted with each other about the events of the night. "Oh I have one more announcement. " Lee said and stood. "Well two announcements. First our house is nearing completion. It will not be ready by Memorial Day but we will have everything settled by July the fourth. I am sure we will have a party before then but we would like to invite everyone to the farm for the fourth. We have lots of bedrooms and will have lots of food. So we hope that you will all come. Second, my loving fiance has offered the two foundations office space in his building. He may need it back because he is going to have to work harder to pay the utilities at this new house but until then we will move the offices there. This brings me to the next part. My family trust has graciously offered to pay the salaries of any full time help needed. We have had secret meeting among many here and discussed our next proposal. Wayne we would like to hire you to run the offices. You would not loose your tenure or benefits since you may not know it but i just found out you have worked for my family for years already. Your vacation would continue to build just as it has and your work week and work load would lesson for most of the year. The only problem is that you would need to swap cities. You would need to live in Atlanta during the week and if you like you can go back home on the weekends." Lee said.

Wayne sat in shock. "This is it baby. This is what we have been waiting for." Ronnie said. "Can I get cheap rent at Hamrick house ? " Wayne asked still in shock. "Hell no you will pay rent at the Hoffer house. " Ronnie said. "Unca Ronnie said a no no." Alex said. "Oh I am so sorry little man.:" Ronnie said as he got up and walked over and kissed Alex on top of the head. "Well is that a yes then ?" Lee asked. "YES it is." Ronnie said. "Well I was asking Wayne." Lee said as they all laughed. "Don't worry Wayne. Josh you don't mind sharing a bedroom with your Uncle Wayne do you ?" Keith laughed. "No sir. He can sleep in my captain bed." Josh said. All the men laughed as Ronnie gave Keith a funny look.

With so much help the clean up was quick and easy. Josh and Alex had begged their parents to spend the night with Nana and Pops. The older couple were thrilled. Keith played the game with Josh and Alex both that he would cry if they didn't spend the night at his house. "You will be fine Daddy. We will be next door." Josh comforted the faking Keith. "You can come too Unca Keith and you wont cry." Alex offered. Mrs. Rice picked up the walkie talkie and handed it to Keith. "If you get lonely just call but they are going to Nana's house." she laughed. "Spoil sport." Keith laughed. "Now baby. You know that you have to wear your underwear at Nana's house." Lee whispered to Alex. "Pop she is an old lady. She don't need to see little boy wee wee's. You should know that much." Alex said which caused Lee, Chris and Paul to laugh.

Finally in the car with Gregg and Shane, Bernie held Mark tight since his emotions were still on over load. "Guys we were thinking about going to the Eagle tonight. Would you two like to come or had you rather us drop you off at the house." Gregg said. "I think Mark here needs to rest. Its been a busy night but we appreciate the offer." Bernie said. "Not a problem. We will be real late so we will try not to wake you two up when we come in." Gregg said. They made sure that Bernie and Mark were safely in the house. "I didn't think you liked the Eagle that much." Shane said. "I don't care where we go. One of us has been in the house with them ever since they came here. After tonight they need a little private time if you know what I mean." Gregg smiled. "OH. What about my private time?" Shane laughed. "Don't you worry baby. They will be moving this week. Then I plan to fuck that sweet ass of yours in ever nook and cranny of that house. Then you can fuck mine in the same places." Gregg whispered. "For all of that are you sure you don't want to get a room and give them the whole house all night." Shane laughed.

Inside the house to two men went to the bedroom they had been staying in. Mark excused himself and went and took a long soaking bath. Bernie came in and sat beside the tub and rubbed his lover under the water. "What do you think Mark ?" Bernie asked. "About what Sgt. Major ?" Mark said. "About tonight ?" Bernie asked. "Oh that wonderful dream I had about an apartment and VA benefits and the checks ?" Mark asked. "Baby I was there. It was not a dream. " Bernie said. " I was afraid you would say that." Mark said. "Why is that ?" Bernie asked. "Now I can really freak out." Mark said. "It sounds like our lives are about to change even more drastically but in a good way." Bernie said. "That scares me." Mark said. "Why ? Its a good thing." Bernie said.

"The day we moved onto the street I made a promise to God. I would take care of you no matter what came along. I would make the best life I possibly could for us." Mark said. "Baby you did." Bernie said. "I could do that. But now with all this new stuff and money and all you wont need me anymore. I made a promise to myself that I would not loose you to the streets. I don't know that I can keep you with all these changes." Mark sighed. "Baby I want you just as much today as I did the day we met in boot camp. I want you setting in the VA home beside me at one hundred still fussing over me. I love every minute of it. I know you go over board sometimes but you are doing it for me and because you love me that much. I wish I could do the same for you but you wont let me. I hated that you were sick but it thrilled my heart when you were taking chemo that I could finally fuss over you and you couldn't stop me." Bernie said.

"You didn't mind ?" Mark asked. "Of course not baby and I would do it all over again. I want you well. I want you by my side whether its living on the street or if I won the lottery and had a fifty room mansion. You and I will be holding hands when we take our last breaths in this world." Bernie said. "You really mean that ?" Mark asked. "Who else is going to tell me what to eat and that I have not eaten enough." Bernie laughed and smiled.

Bernie pulled Mark out of the water and dried him off. Picking Mark up and carrying him to the bed. "Get comfortable baby. I need to take a quick shower. You need some rest." Bernie said and lightly kissed Mark. Bernie returned just wrapped in a towel. As he entered the bedroom he stopped and smiled. "Now what do we have here ?" Bernie asked. "A naked grunt sir." Mark said. "Is that so. Shouldn't that grunt be sleeping ?" Bernie asked. "Sir, no sir. This grunt needs a Sgt Major to fuck his brains out first." Mark said. "Baby are you sure? You still don't have your strength back yet. " Bernie said.

"Sir, yes sir I am sure. We are in the barracks alone and this grunt needs some Sgt Major juice up his ass to get better Sir." Mark said. "Well in this man's Marines you have to help your subordinates any way you can." Bernie said as he let the towel drop to the floor. "Sir. Do you plan on using that huge monster Sir?" Mark laughed. "You know Marines do it hard and deep. That our bedroom motto. You wouldn't want me to disappoint the Corp would you. " Bernie said as he began to crawl up between Mark's legs. "Sir, no Sir." Mark said as Bernie leaned over and began to passionately kiss Mark. Mark began to look around and move from under Bernie. "Oh no baby. We are not on the streets. We don't have to find a corner and keep a watch out. This is like the old days. We can take our time." Bernie said causing Mark to realize they didn't need to find a corner to hide in.

Bernie began kissing down Mark's neck. "If I remember right my sexy grunt use to love this." Bernie whispered while Mark moaned. Bernie moved further down and began kissing Mark's chest. Mark only had sparse hair on his chest verses Bernie's super hairy one. As he worked his way down he took his tongue and licked around the head of Mark's now hard cock. "Oh baby. They said it may be a few weeks before this happened." Bernie whispered. "This grunt is too horny to wait Sir." Mark said. Bernie leaned back and took the tip of Mark's cock in his mouth. Reaching underneath Mark, Bernie used a finger to circle the ring of Mark's ass. "Ah I see my sexy grunt had prepared himself some. Is this lube I feel ? " Bernie asked . "Sir. Yes Sir. Your grunt is cleaned and prepared just as Sgt Major likes." Mark whispered. Bernie slid a finger inside of Mark. "Oh yes my sexy grunt is as wet, tight and hot as he was in boot camp.. mmmmm..." Bernie whispered. "As Sgt Major likes him." Mark whispered. Bernie leaned forward and kissed Mark as he slid a second finger inside. "Fess up grunt. As of this morning we had one dollar and fifty three cents between us. Where did the lube come from ?" Bernie asked. "A gift from Shane." Mark whispered. "Remind me to thank him later. Right now Sgt. Major has a grunt's ass that need his undivided attention." Bernie whispered.

Bernie removed his fingers and took the bottle of lube and applied it to his cock. Lifting Max's legs and placing them on his shoulders he placed the head of his hard cock at his lover's entrance. One slight push and Mark shouted as Bernie's mushroom head breached his ring. "You alright baby ?" Bernie said as he froze. "MORE...please...MORE." Mark called out. Bernie pushed his hips forward and his cock slipped further into his lover. "Uuuuggghhhhhhh." Mark moaned. "Its good that our apartment will be away from the tenants grunt. I had forgotten how vocal you were. I loved that about you." Bernie said as he slid the rest of his cock inside Mark. Mark moaned and whined with every slide of his cock in and out of his tight ass. "Baby I plan to make up years of true love making to you." Bernie whispered. "When we move. Right now I just need you to fuck me. I need to feel you inside me and feel you shoot inside me so bad I almost hurt." Mark whispered. "Oh so a grunt giving a Sgt. Major orders ?" Bernie laughed. "Sir, yes Sir. Now kiss me and fuck the hell out of me." Mark growled. "Sir. Yes sir." Bernie laughed.

Bernie leaned forward to kiss Mark and the motion pushed his cock in balls deep. As he began to slowly move in and out of Mark he planted light kisses on Mark's lips. "I love you baby but if you don't fuck me hard I am going to go and find a broom stick." Mark whispered. Bernie needed no more invitation. He began to pound into Mark's ass going balls deep and stretching Mark's ass ring even wider every time he bottomed out. Mark's vocals got even louder the harder Bernie pounded into him. Bernie remembered a position that seemed to send Mark over the edge in earlier years. Removing one leg from his shoulders Bernie lay Mark's right leg down and pushed his left even higher on his shoulder. Mark's back was flat on the bed but his hips were now sideways.

Pulling Mark into what looked like an almost sideways ball Bernie began to pound his cock in and out of Mark's ass. Mark could barely gain his breath to groan or scream. After only about two minutes Bernie could feel Mark beginning to squirm under his grip. He leaned up and watched as Mark's cock thrashed around with the movement of every thrust inside him. Bernie watched the rampant cock as Mark began to scream.. .."AAhhhhhhhh. ..fffuuuuucckkkkk...mmeeee Sarg...." Mark shouted as his cock flew in all directions shooting ropes of cum in every direction. The grip on his own cock and the site of his once sick lover coming to life sent him over the edge. Bernie began to pound into Mark as hard as he could. "Uuummmphhh...uuuuummmmppphhh....GGGG GRrrrrrrrrrrrrr. ...FFFFU UUUCCCKKKKK. " Bernie shouted as his hips moved even faster and harder as he dumped his first load in a long time deep inside his long time lover's ass. Bernie's body quaked and his cock flexed inside Mark's ass long after the last shot of cum had escaped. As Bernie try to catch his breath his sweat dripped onto Mark below him. "Now baby starting later this week you can repeat this performance every night." Mark said. "Gladly baby. Gladly." Bernie said as he leaned over and kissed his lover while his cock still quivered deep inside his lover.

Next: Chapter 82

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