Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Jun 10, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go " Chapter 80

Tensions ran high in the waiting room of the E.R. Mark sat without taking his eyes off the room that they had Bernie in. Finally the lights stopped blinking and nurses and doctors began to leave the room. There was no rush in leaving as it was to get in. This concerned Mark even more. Ronnie came out of the room and headed towards the group. Mark could not breath and he even thought his heart was afraid to beat until Ronnie reached them. Mark walked up and sat down in front of Mark.

"Bernie is stable. When did they put the plate in his leg ?" Ronnie asked. "I can't remember. It was many years ago. When he went back for his follow up the VA told him that he was no longer a patient. After his surgery they determined he was no longer a Veteran." Mark said. "Assholes. They were suppose to go back a few months after the surgery and remove part of the plate. Well it is really temporary pieces to make sure the plate did not move. They never removed those and they have moved on their own. They have small claws on them to hold them in place temporarily. Since they did not remove them they moved and attached to both nerves and blood vessels. One even attached to a bone.

All of the new trama inside his leg has caused an infection. We are aggressively attacking the infection since it has gotten into his blood. He will be going into surgery in a couple of hours to remove those pieces and clean up as much of the infection as they can. " Ronnie said. Mark finally took a breath. "Will he be alright ?" Mark asked. "It will take some recovery time. Mainly to regain his strength from the infection. The operation is not that complicated but I do have to warn you. They are going to have to be careful as they do it because of his fragile state." Ronnie said.

The group sat silently to let everything sink in with Mark. While they sat Gregg came up and greeted the group. "Hey buddy. I didn't know you were working today." Kyle said. "Yeah I am half way through my twelve hours. Ronnie told me what was going on so I came out to offer my help." Gregg said. "Just keep him safe for me." Mark sobbed. "Well I called and talked to Shane. He has agreed that until Bernie is totally well that you and he are coming to stay with us." Gregg said. "You and Shane ?" Ronnie asked. "Yeah well it just happened. We moved in together about a month ago. I think that when Juan and Mickey were finally sentenced it gave us both some peace. We were so close during all that we realized there was more to it than just trying to help each other through it. I know I am the happiest I have ever been." Gregg said.

"I can't ask anyone to do that. I can take care of Bernie. " Mark said. "You are going to need help. Bernie is not going to be able to go back to the street for a few weeks. " Ronnie said. Mark began to shake. Wayne moved and placed his arm around Mark. "Please trust us. Let us help." Wayne said. Kyle moved over and got on his knees in front of Mark. "Mark please relax and listen. You know where I was. I can't say that you will have the same luck that I did but please allow this group of great men to help. At least until Bernie is ready to go back to the street." Kyle said. "I am sure I can find somewhere close to stay until he is ready to leave.": Mark said.

"Well I wanted to talk to you about that too. Since we are getting Bernie back to one hundred percent I have set it up so that when he goes into a regular room later we are going to put you in the same room. I am going to run some tests on you and make sure you are up to par too." Ronnie said. "All I ask is that you get Bernie back for me." Mark sobbed. "Would you want Bernie to go through the same with you once you two are out of here ?" Ronnie asked. "No." Mark said. "Well its settled then." Ronnie said.

"You are going with me while they do Bernie's surgery. I am taking you to the house and let you take a shower. I know I have clothes that will fit you. Then we will come back here." Wayne said. "That is too much to ask." Mark said. "You didn't ask." Ronnie said. "Can I see him now ?" Mark asked. "Just for a few minutes. We have him a little sedated getting ready to do the surgery. So he will be in and out of it. Don't be upset." Ronnie said as he reached out to take Mark's hand and direct him to see Bernie.

Mark seemed to be a little calmer but still reserved as he and Wayne left the hospital. "Do you think Bernie will be alright ?" Mark asked. "He is in the best care. I know Ronnie well enough to know that if he felt it was more serious he would have told you." Wayne said. "Thank you." Mark said. "For what ?" Wayne asked. "For caring number one. Next for taking me so I can clean up. I want to look as clean and special as I can for Bernie. I have never been so afraid of loosing him." Mark said. "Well I know that I have clothes you can wear and don't worry. I have plenty of clothes. If you would like we will stop and get a hair cut too." Wayne said. Mark reached into his pocket and pulled out a dollar bill and a hand full of change. "Um we can skip the hair cut. If you have scissors I can use that will do." Mark said.

"Look Mark. This is not pity and not charity. Let me pay for a friend a hair cut." Wayne said. "You are doing more than enough. I can't ask you to do that." Mark said. "Lets get you cleaned up first and then we will discuss the hair cut." Wayne said. They arrived at the house and Wayne brought towels, clothes and extra toiletries for Mark. "You have the shower and the huge tub or both. What ever you need. I will be down stairs." Wayne said as he left Mark to take care of himself. About thirty minutes later Mark appeared down stairs. "Now that's much better. Will you let me find a quick clips or something open so we can get you that hair cut. We really want to impress Bernie when he wakes up." Wayne said.

I prefer the buzz cut. If you have scissors I can make do a little." Mark said. "I can do you one better than that. There are some excellent clippers here." Wayne said and headed up stairs. He returned with scissors, clippers and two large beach towels. Placing one on the dining room floor he had Mark set in the chair and draped the other around him. About fifteen minutes later Wayne removed the towel and stood in front of Mark. "Damn. I see why Bernie is so hot after you." Wayne said. "You are being kind." Mark said. Wayne had him stand up and walk into the downstairs bath so he could see himself in the mirror. Mark stood there in shock. "You were still in there." Mark whispered. "Damn sure was.": Wayne said.

As Mark and Wayne entered the hospital the nurse directed them to the room that had been assigned to Bernie. About an hour later Ronnie, Kyle and James entered the room. Wayne was setting in a chair and Mark was standing looking out the window. As Mark turned around Ronnie was caught off guard. "Hello." he said before turning to Wayne. "Bernie is out of surgery. Where is Mark so I can tell him what is going on ?" Ronnie asked. Wayne burst out laughing. Standing up he walked to Mark. "Guys let me introduce you too Mark." Wayne laughed. "Your shitting me." James said. "No its me. How is Bernie ?" Mark asked. "He is fine. The surgery went well. They will be bringing him to the room in an hour or so. He will be real groggy and probably sleep most of the night. We are admitting you too so that we can run some tests tomorrow. You will be here in the room with him. " Ronnie said. Mark practically jumped at Ronnie and hugged him. "Oh I was so scared. Thank you so much. Don't worry about me. You just get Bernie back to me healthy." Mark said.

"We will have both of you healthy." Ronnie said. About that time Gregg entered the room. "Where is that guy Mark ? I need to get him settled before they bring Bernie down." Gregg said. "Here I am." Mark said. "No the Mark that I met in the ER." Gregg said not realizing it was the same man. "Wayne did his magic. This is Mark." Kyle said. Gregg handed Mark a hospital gown and told him to change and they would be right back in. Standing in the hall Gregg was still amazed. "What did you do ?" he asked Wayne. "He showered and cleaned up and then I buzz cut his hair and took the scissors and trimmed his beard very close." Wayne said. "Damn Kyle. You have any more diamonds in the ruff at that kitchen of yours. I need to come help more often." Gregg said which caused them all to laugh.

Bernie was returned to the room and through his groggy state he could tell there was movement. There was no pain at this point partially due to medications from the surgery. You could almost see Mark's body jump with every heart beat wanting his partner and lover to wake up so that he could ease his mind that everything was alright. Through his groggy state he looked over at Mark who was setting on the edge of the bed holding his hand. "There's my sexy grunt." Bernie whispered.

Tears formed in Mark's eyes. Wayne was standing at the end of the bed. "See Mark he will be fine. He even recognized you. Why are you crying ?" Wayne asked. "He hasn't called me his sexy grunt in probably ten years. I know he will be fine and they gave me my Sgt. Major back." Mark said. "I was afraid he may not recognize you with your hair cut and beard trimmed." Kyle said. The group had thought that Bernie had fallen back asleep. "Hair cut ? He looks just like he does every time I look at him. Has looked the same since boot camp." Bernie whispered.

Wayne had a puzzled look on his face but Kyle had a tear running down his cheek. "I guess he is still a little foggy." Wayne whispered. "No. He is wide awake. I couldn't look at myself in a mirror when I was on the street. The times I did I tried to find and recognize what all the dirt and poor hygiene was hiding. This man really loves Mark. Through all those years he only saw what was underneath the streets disguise." Kyle said with a tear in his eye. "You go it Kyle. Only thing is the first time I saw the grunt in a gown I had hoped it to be a wedding gown." Bernie said.

This brought a laugh from everyone. Mark blushed forgetting he was wearing a hospital gown. Ronnie entered the room. "Well I see our patient is doing better. How do you feel ?" Ronnie asked. "I will live. I am a little tired but fine." Bernie said. "Can I get you anything ? Or for that matter can I get you anything too Mark ?" Ronnie asked. "A preacher." Bernie said. "A preacher ?" Ronnie asked. "Yes Doc. You got my man in a gown. I need a preacher to marry us before he takes the gown off. " Bernie said. "Oh well I think that our patient is going to be just fine." Ronnie laughed.

Ronnie walked over to Wayne and put his arms around him. "Thank You for being you." Ronnie said. "Where did that come from ?" Wayne asked. "You never complain about me having to deal with patients." Ronnie said. "Baby that's your job. What type person would I be if I said to just let them be sick, you can go later?" Wayne said. "That's why I said thank you for being you." Ronnie said and kissed Wayne on the cheek. The two men stood for a couple of minutes and watched Mark and Bernie interact. "Not sure what time I will be home. But if you are still awake I will see about finishing filling that tank of yours." Ronnie said as he squeezed one of Wayne's ass cheeks.

"Well I am not leaving just yet so I will see you before I leave." Wayne said. "Let me go check on a couple of other patients. See you in a little while. Love ya' sexy." Ronnie said. "Love you too Doc. " Wayne said as he gave Ronnie a goodbye kiss. Gregg entered the room as Ronnie was leaving to check on Bernie and make sure Mark was settled. Not wanting to disturb too much of their time together Gregg walked over to Wayne and chatted. "Hey Gregg. Ronnie said he was going to hang around for a couple more hours. Is there anyway you can get me into his office without him knowing ?" Wayne asked. "Come with me. I think I can take care of that." Gregg said. Telling the men goodnight and to rest they left the room and headed for the adjoining building.

"Hey there sexy. How are you tonight ?" Gregg said to the security guard in the lobby as they entered the building. "Good, tease. How are you ?" he said. "Tease ?" Wayne asked. "Yeah this strapping stud says I always come in and tease him but will never give it up to him." Gregg laughed. "Yeah he keeps telling me to wait until he is single." the guard laughed. "Well wiffie may protest." Gregg laughed. "What wiffie don't know wont hurt her." the guard laughed. "Well if I bat my eyes and wiggle my ass will you do me a favor ?" Gregg asked. "You know if I can I will doll." the guard laughed. "This is Wayne. He is Doc's partner. Doc. will be here shortly but I wanted to see if you could let Wayne into his office to wait on him." Gregg asked.

"Guess I can. I saw on the board that Doc. was in the building. You know that I am not suppose to do that though." the guard said. "Plllleeeeeaaaassseeeee. I will remember you first when I am single." Gregg said. "Well I have seen them together so just for you tease." the guard said. "Well I need to get back to the floor. Watch his hands Wayne. They can roam." Gregg laughed. "Only on you tease." the guard laughed. Exiting the elevator the guard opened the office door. "I hope you don't get me fired." he said. "You can tell him when he comes through the lobby that someone is waiting in his office." Wayne said. "Thanks. Just keep my back." the guard said. "I will. Thanks." Wayne said and stepped through the door.

Back in the lobby Ronnie came walking through. "Evenin' Doc. You have a guest in your office." the guard said. "This time of night ?" Ronnie asked. "Yeah Nurse Gregg brought them over. " he said. "That's fine. Thanks for letting them in." Ronnie said. As Ronnie got on the elevator he wondered what was going on. He knew that whoever it was could not get into medications or files and that if Gregg brought them and didn't page him that it could not be an emergency. "I wonder who it could be. Damn Wayne is never going to understand me being even later." Ronnie thought. As he exited the elevator he saw the light on under the door in his office and exam room. Standing at the door Ronnie took a deep breath and straightened his shoulders before putting the key in the door.

"This is kind of spooky with no nurses or patients running around " Wayne thought. "Its quiet and clinical. I almost feel like some guy with a hatchet is going to jump out from behind a curtain. Feels like a "B" rated cheap horror film set. No wonder kids are scared of the doctor's office." he thought. Walking around in the exam room he looked at the exam table. Looking further he walked behind the small curtain and saw a stack of examination robes. "Hhhmmmm." he thought. Undressing quickly Wayne put on one of the exam robes. Finally figuring out how to tie the one tie at the top of the rob in the back he walked back out into the exam room. Looking at the exam table he flipped the leg stirrups up. "hhhhmmmmm." Wayne thought and smiled. Getting up on the table and crunching the paper brought back the visions of the horror movies. Laying on his back Wayne put his feet up in the stirrups. "This might be fun." Wayne laughed to himself as he slid down further to expose his ass even more.

Wayne heard the door open and a chill went over his body. Nervous and anxious for having someone let him in the office. Ronnie looked as he entered the room. He immediately recognized the back of the hairy legs and low hanging balls that were laying on the exam table. "What do we have here ?" Ronnie asked as he began to remove his clothes. Not being able to see Wayne for the gown over his knees he fought to get his instantly hard cock out of his underwear to get them off. "Sorry for the late visit Doc. but I had a doctor earlier this evening start a prostate exam and didn't finish. I was still not satisfied so I came to your office for a follow up." Wayne said trying not to laugh.

Ronnie opened the cabinet by the door and pulled out a tube of lube. Leaning down so that Wayne still could not see him he moved to the table and pulled up the exam room stool. "Well we can't have unsatisfied patients now can we ? " Ronnie said. "I think I like this doctor better than all others." Wayne said. "Don't worry. I don't let patients go until they are full and satisfied. Taking a wet wipe cloth Ronnie wiped away the residue of the earlier lube from home. "Since you are here and you are my last patient I will give you the full treatment. I think you need a testicular exam also. " Wayne said.

Putting fresh lube on his finger he slowly slid a finger into Wayne's ass. Wayne tried to pull the gown down so he could see his lover but Ronnie pulled it back so that he was still covered. Instantly Wayne's cock began to leak. "Well I see that your bulbourethral gland is working well. I need to test the texture though ?" Ronnie said. "My what gland ?" Wayne asked as Ronnie leaned over and took Wayne's hard cock into his mouth. It was all Wayne could do to stay on the table as Ronnie's mouth was on his cock and by this time two fingers were testing the texture of his prostate. Ronnie released Wayne's cock. "That the gland that produces pre cum. It is working quite perfectly." Ronnie said.

Ronnie removed his fingers leaving Wayne feeling empty. Standing and walking around the table Wayne now saw that Ronnie was naked. "Oh I think I will be a satisfied patient. " Wayne said. "Well I need to check your heart before the intense exam starts." Ronnie said smiling. Walking up to the table and placing the stethoscope on Wayne's heart. "I promise it is in the right place with the right man in it." Wayne whispered. Ronnie placed the scope on Wayne's chest and moved it around so that it was teasing Wayne's nipple. Wayne opened his mouth trying to reach the raging cock that was just at the edge of the table. "Shouldn't I say Ahhhhhhhh ?" Wayne whispered. "Sure." Ronnie laughed. As Wayne said "Ahhhh." Ronnie moved so that his cock could slide down Wayne's throat. "Oh I love these tonsil exams. " Ronnie whispered as he leaned over and began to suck on one of Wayne's nipples. Wayne began to moan deeply which placed even more vibration on Ronnie's cock. Moving back, Wayne whined when he had to release Ronnie's cock. "Part two of the tonsil exam baby." Ronnie whispered as he leaned down and replaced his cock with his tongue in Wayne's mouth. As Ronnie stood back up. "You call all your patients baby ?" Wayne whispered. "Only the special ones." Ronnie whispered.

Ronnie moved back to the end of the table. "Now Doc. has to do the in depth exam." Ronnie smiled. Ronnie picked up the tube of lube and applied some to his cock. Standing at the end of the table he leaned forward and placed the head of his cock at the entrance to Wayne's ass. "I need to finish filling this void that the earlier doc. only partially filled. Is that alright ? Its no extra charge." Ronnie said as he looked over the gown. "I would greatly apprecia........" Wayne tried to say as he gasped for breath as he felt his lovers cock slide slowly nonstop up into his ass.

Ronnie pulled Wayne's body down a little so that his ass was at the very end of the table. Stepping up onto the foot stool taking Wayne's ass with him. Ronnie leaned over and untied the robe from around Wayne's neck and began to pull it off. Throwing the robe to the side Ronnie leaned over and began to suck on one of Wayne's nipples while he slowly moved his cock in and out of Wayne allowing his ass ring to fully relax. Wayne's moans got even louder. Ronnie released the nipple and leaned further and took his tongue and began to trace Wayne's lips. Wayne desperately tried to capture the tongue. Ronnie leaned forward and kissed Wayne with all the passion he could give.

His hips began to quicken taking the opportunity to punch at Wayne's prostate with the large mushroom head with every pass. Wayne's legs felt like jelly. He was thankful at the moment that they were still in the stirrups. After about ten minutes of slow and passionate, then switching to quick deep jabs of love making, Ronnie pulled his cock out of Wayne. Wayne suddenly felt empty and alone. Taking his feet from the stirrups and stepping off the foot stool area Ronnie pulled Wayne up so that he was setting on the edge of the table. Stepping off the stool and extending it out further Ronnie stepped back up and then pulled Wayne to his feet. Turning Wayne around and laying his upper body on the table Ronnie quickly slid his raging cock back inside balls deep. Ronnie held Wayne's hips as he began to pound his cock in and out of Wayne's ass.

Moving so that he pulled his cock completely out and watching Wayne's gaping ring try to capture the escaped cock but before it could stop he would plunge back in until his balls slapped the sensual area just under Wayne's ball sack. Pulling Wayne's upper body back upright Ronnie wrapped one arm around Wayne. Placing his right arm under Wayne's right arm and across his chest finally gripping Wayne's left shoulder. Wayne turned his head to face Ronnie as his lover picked up the pace slamming into his ass. This time Wayne was able to capture Ronnie's tongue. Not quite a kiss but Wayne began to suck Ronnie's tongue. Ronnie felt Wayne's body begin to edge. He wrapped his left hand tight around Wayne's cock. It was so tight it was almost painful. This started Wayne over the edge.

"Uuhh..uuhh...uuhh....oooohhh fuuuuuuucccckkkkkkkk......" Wayne screamed as his cock screamed trying to release. The orgasm seemed to be non ending and still no ejaculation. All of the squeezing on Ronnie's cock sent him over the edge. Releasing Wayne's cock, a deep moan came form Wayne as his cock began to flex again and finally release the built up load. The first squirt of Ronnie's seed into his lovers depths sent his body into a rage of quick deep jabs.

"FFFUUUUUCCCCKKKKKK!!!!! " Ronnie shouted. Wayne lay over on the table pulling Ronnie with him with his head pressed into his neck still trying to breath. Wayne lay his chest on the table with Ronnie's chest almost glued to his back and his still hard cock buried deep. "Clean bill of health. Is my patient satisfied ?" Ronnie whispered as he moved his hips slowly from side to side and kissed the back of Wayne's neck. "Could not be more satisfied." Wayne whispered. Outside the door the guard stood still rubbing his hand on his hard cock through his uniform. He had been making his rounds and happened upon the waiting room door just as both men began to cum. "Damn. Never thought man on man sex would be a turn on but damn I may need to take tease serious. The wife never makes those noises and usually a grunt or two and I am done. Never a scream" the guard thought to himself as he moved on to the next door.

Morning came and Lee had his arm around Chris' as they drove south on the interstate. Lee knew that he had to be glowing but he did not care. His ass was a little sore but in a good way. The uncomfort almost made him feel that he could still feel his lover's cock inside him. "Did you enjoy last night ?" Lee whispered. "You know I did. Plus I know my baby is still hoarding the three loads of baby batter I delivered." Chris said.

As they got off the exit ramp Chris could feel Lee's fingers tighten on his. "Baby we don't have to go to the house if you don't want to." Chris said. "I will be alright. I need to deal with this. Its just still too soon. They arrived at Mrs. Ruth's house about the same time as Dean and Breanna with the kids. Quickly Chris was attacked by Alex and Kolt as if they had not seen him in years. Cody was placed on the ground and began to walk towards Lee smiling from ear to ear. "Well look at you little man. No crawling at all." Lee said. "If we put his shoes on he crawls. If we leave them off he walks. He hasn't crawled since we got here." Dean said as he rounded the vehicle.

"Well he will crawl around on the floor when Shasta is crawling but that's just for play." Breanna said as she pulled Shasta from her car seat. They could hear the other boys squealing as they watched one wrapped around each of Chris' legs. They stood on his feet and he tried to walk towards the house with a child on each leg. "Help ." Chris laughed. "Oh they love their Papa and Uncle Chris. You will survive." Breanna said as she walked past Chris to the carport door. "Mrs. Ruth opened the door to see Chris trying to walk. "Somebody help him." she said. "He is alright Memaw. He will get here eventually." Breanna laughed as she handed Shasta to her grandmother.

The meal was finished and everyone sat at the table and watched the children play in the room. "Lee. Have you considered selling your house ?" Breanna asked. "Not really. Why ?" Lee asked. "Well you own the land behind it on the other road. Dean and I would like to buy that house if you are willing to sell it and you can build a new one on the other road. " Dean said. "You don't need to do that. I will get over this and everything will be fine." Lee said. "I thought you wanted to build a new one." Chris said. "Dean did until I asked him about that one. He knows that as impatient as I am we would never survive building a house. We would end up killing each other. Besides we both love that house. Its perfect for us. Plus we hope all the kids get to grow up together to a certain degree. That way we can cut a road between the two and they wont have to get out on the road like they do now." Breanna said.

It was quiet for a moment and Chris could see that Lee was trying to analyze the option. "Only if you let us owner finance it for you." Chris said. "Borrowing the money is no problem." Dean said. "I will give them the money." Mrs. Ruth spoke up. "We can easily afford to build a new house without having to have the cash for that one. Besides it will be yours one day anyway Breanna." Chris said. "But you have the two boys." Breanna said. "They can get the new one. That one was going to be yours. Now you just get it early." Chris laughed. Looking at Lee no words had to be spoken. Chris knew that look was a thank you.

Breanna and Chris watched the children play while the table was being cleared. Dishes time. "Thank you Chris. You didn't have to offer that." Breanna said. "Anything to make you guys happy. Especially Lee." Chris said. "Oh I think he is quite happy. He seems to glow and he seems to be walking a little funny today. Glad we could help." Breanna laughed. "We need to return the favor." Chris said. "Oh hell no you don't. I hope Dean doesn't notice and don't you go giving him any ideas." Breanna laughed. "What ideas ?" Dean said walking up behind them. "Nothing dear. Watch your children while I help with the dishes." Breanna said. "Thanks for keeping the boys last night." Chris said. "Anytime. Looks like at least Lee had fun last night." Dean said. "Why is that ?" Chris asked. "Well the glow for one thing. The walking funny for another and lastly when he sets down he goes slow and easy. If sleep overs with cousins do that I may need to drop our two off sometime." Dean laughed. "What are you two laughing about ?" Breanna asked. "Chris was just asking when our two could come spend the night." Dean said and winked at Breanna. "Don't even think about it." Breanna said pointing a butter knife at Dean. "They would probably have fun." Mrs. Ruth said. "That is not what Dean was referring to Memaw." Breanna laughed. Mrs. Ruth was still clueless.

Next: Chapter 81

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