Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on May 20, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 77

"Hey sweetheart its Daddy Brain and Daddy Keith." Brian whispered. Josh had finally been brought to an ICU unit and Keith and Brian were allowed to see him. The head nurse did not ask but figured that Mr. and Mrs. Rice were Josh's grandparents so she allowed all four in the room for a few minutes. "He was asking for you earlier. He kept saying. Are you there Grandma ?" the nurse whispered to Vera I am......." Vera started Mr. Rice touched her arm and stopped her from admitting she was not Grandma. Josh was in and out of sleep for another hour or so. Once he was finally awake for an extended period of time he would smile at Keith and Brian but not really speak.

They could tell by the look on his face that there was definitely some pain. "I am so happy to see those beautiful blue eyes." Brian said as he ran his fingers lightly over Josh's forehead. "Can I call you Dad ?" Josh whispered. "If that's what you want baby you sure can." Brian said. Josh looked to the other side of the bed. "Can I call you Daddy ?" he said to Keith. "Sure little buddy. You can call me whatever you want." Keith smiled. "Why the change ?" Brian asked. "Mommie said that you really do love me and it is alright with her for me to love you too." Josh said as if it was standard practice. Brian's heart almost stopped and Keith couldn't breath. "You saw Mommie ?" Keith asked once he caught his breath. All four had been in the waiting room all night. There were complications waking Josh up so they had to slow the process. Brian thought he was just hearing things.

"Grandma carried me to see Mommie. She wasn't bloody anymore. She told me that you really loved me and that she would be happy if I loved you too." Josh said. "You saw Grandma too ?" Keith asked. "Yes Daddy. You know the lady with the pretty hair that touched the floor. It was old hair but still pretty." Josh said. Brian and Keith both looked at each other wondering what Josh was talking about. "Was that your Mommie's mother ?" Keith asked. "No it was Uncle Lee's grandmother. Do you have a grandmother daddy ?" Josh asked. "Yes baby I use to." Keith said with a very shaky voice. Seeing that both Keith and Brian needed to cry Mr. and Mrs. Rice placed a hand on each ones shoulder.

"We will set for a minute so you and Brian can gather your thoughts." Mr. Rice said. Both men stood and Vera sat on one side and Amos on the other side. "Hey Josh. We are so happy that you are alright." Vera said. Josh smiled at her and then turned to smile at Amos. "Mommie said that you loved me too. She said it was alright with her and would make her happy if I called you Nana and Pops." Josh said with a smile. Vera could not speak. "Son if that's what you want to call us then we will be happy too." Amos said. Tears ran down Vera's cheeks and seeing that was more than either Keith or Brian could take. They quickly went back to the waiting room and held each other and cried.

"Baby this is scaring me." Brian said. "I am a little worried too but we need to talk to Lee before we jump to conclusions." Keith said. "Call him." Brian said. "Baby we will both talk to him but we need him recovered and thinking straight first. You have to remember he and Cody were both hurt too." Keith said. "But they didn't die. I watched Josh die." Brian cried. "I know you did baby. But you just saw him. He is fine. We have to take it slow." Keith said. "I know your right. I just want answers." Brian said. "Lets let Josh wake up a little more and see what else he says." Keith said. "Your right. Lets pull it together and get back to our son." Brian said and stood on his tip toes and kissed Keith.

Chris stood by Lee's bed frustrated. "The doctor said you needed to stay at least one more day." Chris said. "I am fine. Cody is going home today and so am I. He and Alex need to see us both." Lee said. "What if I say no." Chris said. "And your point is ?" Lee said. "You are kin to your mother aren't you ?" Chris said with a smile. "Damn skippy." Lee said. "I just want you to do what the doctor tells you too is all." Chris said. "I know my body better than him. I promise to take it easy but I am going home whether you drive me or I call someone else. Got it ?" Lee said. "I love you." Chris said. "I love you too but I am still going home today." Lee laughed.

About that time Mrs. Ruth walked in the door. "Hey Mom. Can you talk some sense into your son ?" Chris said. "What has he done ?" she asked. "He says he is going home today. The doctor wants him to wait until tomorrow." Chris said. "Is it safe ?" she asked Lee. "I feel fine. Just sore. I will be very careful but I am not staying here when they are taking Cody home. He and Alex need to see both of us and know that we are fine. " Lee said. "He is all yours on this one Chris. I know if I were in the same situation the Army couldn't keep me here. " Mrs. Ruth said. "Where is Breanna ?" Chris asked. "Oh and you think that Breanna will go against her Uncle Lee and her Memaw ?" Lee laughed. "Well Dean then. I need someone on my side." Chris said. "Good luck hunting." Lee laughed. "Alright but you have to do exactly what the doctor says or I will bring your butt right back here." Chris said.

"Now I am on your side Chris." Mrs. Ruth said. "Finally." Chris said. "Well I have a grandson that needs to see him Memaw next door. I am going to check on him." she said. "I will be there in a few minutes. They are going to show me how he needs to be held and tended too." Chris said. "We will both be there." Lee said. Chris started to speak but saw the look in Lee's eyes and knew he would not win that argument either. " I will see you two there then." she said. As she passed Chris she pulled his arm so he would lean towards her. "You know he won that one." she said and kissed Chris on the cheek. "I know." Chris laughed. "What ?" Lee asked. "Nothing." Chris laughed.

"What are your plans for today ?" James asked as he stood in the mirror drying himself off. "I would love to stay in bed all day and play with my lover." Kyle said as he wrapped his arms around James and reached down and stroked James' flaccid cock. "Down boy. I have to be at work in thirty minutes. I don't think my boss would like me calling and saying I wont be in today because Kyle wont let go of my dick." James laughed. "Well other than dreaming about what I plan to do to that dick tonight I have to get to the kitchen and make sure everything is ready for the opening. I can't believe its in two days." Kyle said. "I am so proud of you. I hope you know that." James said. "Well I am humbled. I am excited though." Kyle said. "Are you going by to see Josh today?" James asked. " I thought about going and getting lunch for Keith and Brian and carrying it over there. You plan to go ?" Kyle asked "Why don't you pick me up something to and I will meet you there. " James said. "I love you babe." Kyle said. "I love you too and I will let you prove it when you do what you want to with my dick tonight. " James laughed.

Paul came into the bedroom and lay back down on the bed. "You need some help hon ?" Bob asked. "They are fine. They are asleep again. Aren't you going to be late for work ?" Paul asked. "I called and told them I was working from home. I can log into the office computer and I have the briefs that I was working on in my briefcase." Bob said. Paul slid up and lay his head on Bob's bare chest. "You know you need to call your Mom today. She was really upset when she left last night." Bob said. "I know but she deserved it." Paul said. "Are you sure about that ?" Bob asked. Paul told Bob of the conversation that he had when he dropped the babies off. He told of how he grew up in a house with a lot of stress between his Mom and his father's mother because she had acted the same way to his Mom. He told Bob that he had made a pledge to himself that if he had children that they would not be put through the same stress. He would alienate who ever the problem was.

"I understand Paul but you need to explain that to your Mom." Bob said. "So you are on her side ?" Paul asked. "You know better. I want peace. I want your parents to see their grandchildren and spend family time with us in peace. If I have to take sides I will be on yours as long as you are right. In this case she is in the wrong." Bob said. "Damn. Why did I marry a lawyer. You present a good case." Paul laughed. "That's why I make the big bucks. I'm good." Bob laughed. "Well if you are as good in the court room as you are in the sack then you will win every case." Paul said. "I will take that as a compliment." Bob said. "Well hopefully this afternoon since my lawyer is making a house call today I can test out his skills. " Paul laughed.

The instructions were brief and Chris and Lee were given a special harness to wear to hold Cody with. They were also given a special car seat to use for him but return when it was not needed anymore. They walked slowly to the vehicle since Lee was having to move slow and Chris was afraid to jar Cody too much. Once in the SUV Lee mashed the button so that cartoons would come on the DVD player to keep Cody occupied for the thirty minute ride home. "I want to go back to Atlanta either tonight of tomorrow." Lee said. "Are you sure ?" Chris asked. "Yes. I don't think I can stay in that house right now. I know it sounds crazy but I want us all to be comfortable. The boys will pick up on any stress." Lee said.

"Lets just make it that far and get Alex and see how that goes." Chris said. Lee pulled out his phone and called Breanna. "We are headed home. We will stop by and get Alex." Lee said. "Dean took today off. It was a rough night here. Do you feel up to company ? We will bring him home. Kolt is so worried about Cody he needs to see him." Breanna said. "Well we will be there in about twenty minutes. Memaw is behind us." Lee said. "What's up ?" Chris asked. "Dean took the day off. Bre said they had a rough night at their house last night and Kolt really wants to see Cody so they are going to bring Alex home." Lee said. Chris placed his hand on Lee's leg and squeezed lightly to show support.

Arriving at the house there was still lots of crime tape in the yard and some men doing measurements and taking pictures. "Pull around to the back. I can't look at this." Lee said. "I understand now. Lets see how the day goes." Chris said. Pulling up to the back door Lee felt some relief that life may get back to normal. They had gotten in the house and got Cody settled when the backdoor opened. Breanna and Dean came into the kitchen with Breanna carrying Shasta. A closer look saw that there were two sets of hands wrapped around Dean's legs from behind. Kolt peaked around and saw Chris squatted down smiling at him. He hid his face back in the back of Dean's leg. Looking around again Chris was still smiling so he let go and ran and threw his arms around Chris' neck.

"Hey little buddy. I missed you." Chris said. "You did ?" Kolt said. "I sure did. Where is your buddy Alex ?" Chris asked. "You mean my cousin ?" Kolt said. "Yes where is your cousin Alex ?" Chris asked. Dean turned quickly and pulled Alex around and picked him up. He could feel the grip tighten on his leg and Alex's body was shaking almost violently. Once Dean had him in his arms Alex began to cry uncontrollably. Chris made his way quickly to try to take Alex from Dean. Alex's grip was too tight and just made matters worse.

"Chris. Get the harness and get Cody." Lee said. Lee got up slowly and made his way to Dean and Alex. "Hey little buddy. What's wrong ?" Lee asked. Alex was barely able to breath. He got words out between gasps of breath while still crying. " I... .....fault." Alex cried. "What's your fault baby ?" Chris asked as he walked up with Cody. "Pop....and ....Cody got.....hurted....bad..... I ... tried..... I ....really... did.. " Alex cried. "Baby look at me. I am right here. I am fine. Look at Papa. He has Cody and he will be fine" Lee said. Cody began to whine seeing Alex cry. Alex looked up and tried to stop crying. "Its alright Cody." Alex said. "See Cody is going to need his big brother more than ever. That's why Grandma said you needed to be strong. Not to stop what happened, but to help me and Cody get well." Lee said. Alex had a puzzled look on his face. "Are you sure Pop ?" Alex asked. "Yes he is little man. That's what Grandma wanted." Dean said. Moments later Alex wanted down and went and stood beside Chris with his hand on Cody's unhurt leg.

Mr. and Mrs. Rice had left to go home to get some rest. Josh was finally fully awake but tired quickly and was taking a nap. Keith and Brian both sat and watched Josh sleep. About an hour later Josh began to stir. The doctor came in and did a quick exam. "How is he doing doctor ?" Keith asked. "He is doing really good. I am surprised that they are not giving him anything for pain. I had figured I would probably have to up his dosage." the doctor said. "Well he has not complained. Just an occasional moan." Brian said. "Well if he needs something just ring the nurse." the doctor said as he left the room. "Are you in pain little buddy ? Do you need something to make it better ?" Keith asked. "No daddy I am fine. If it starts to really hurt I just look at the fireworks. Grandma said that's my pain and she took it away." Josh said. Brian looked as though he saw a ghost.

"What else did Grandma say ?" Keith asked. Josh told them the full story of how the lady had stood in the doorway to stop him. He went on to tell how when he was hurting so bad she took his hand and had him walk with her. The story also recounted her taking him to see his mother. He told them how his mother and the lady told him how much both men loved him and that it was alright to love them back. "Mommie said that it would make her very happy. I was scared that if I loved you like I wanted to that she would be mad." Josh said. "She was right though. Daddy and I love you very, very much." Brian said.

"I know you do and now I can love you just as much. Plus the lady told me I had a baby brother coming soon and I had to be a good big brother." Josh said. "Baby brother ?" Keith said. "Umm humm." Josh said. Brian's nerves had gotten the best of him. "Let me get you some fresh ice." Brian said as he headed towards the door. Once in the waiting room he felt like he could finally catch his breath. Keith came out and found him and sat down beside him. "I promise I will talk to Lee." Keith whispered. "No we both will. I need to hear for myself. Keith is this all over ? " Brian cried.

"Yes baby. Its all over. We still may have to do the court thing if Ben lives but the threats are over." Keith said. Keith sat back and took a deep breath. "What's wrong baby ?" Brian asked. "I hate to mention it now but we may have to move back to my house. You know I resigned from the Sheriff's office and after what happened I feel that I let them down and need to resign from my new job." Keith said. "Baby we will be fine. Josh and I don't need a lot of money. All we need is you. If we have to move I will do it with a smile on my face because as long as you two are there I will be happy anywhere." Brian said. "You know I love you and I love Josh right ?" Keith asked. "Without a doubt and we love you just as much too." Brian said.

At Grady Memorial the deputy went through surgery fine and was scheduled to be released the next day. They had finally stabilized Ben enough the night before to do surgery on him. The Sheriff entered the ICU unit and walked into Ben's room. Ben was unaware that a GBI agent was stationed outside his room. "Hey boss." Ben said. "Looks like you are going to make it ?" the Sheriff said. Ben was still drugged to the point that he did not realize that he had lost his right arm and that both his knees were crushed beyond repair or replacement. The doctor had informed the Sheriff that he was still not sure if they would have to amputate both legs or not. "Did I get the mother fucker ? I saw him fall." Ben said. "You talking about the little boy ?" the Sheriff asked. "Yeah the little orphaned bastard was in the way." Ben said.

"You shot him alright but he will be fine." the Sheriff said. "FUCK !!. I can finish that later then." Ben growled. "What was this all about ?" the Sheriff asked. "That brat and the faggot were in my way. You know boss we are sworn to make our community a better place." Ben said. "Why was he a problem ?" the Sheriff asked. "Fuck boss. Him and that faggot stood between me and Keith. Where is Keith ? I am sure he wants to visit ? Has he been outside the whole time ?" Ben asked. "He is with Brian and Josh." the Sheriff said. "Damnit. He will be here though. What about that fuck, Lee , that shot me. I want to be there when you arrest the mother fucker. I want to be the one to cuff his ass." Ben said. "He wont be arrested. You know one of the deputies shot him." the Sheriff said. "Fuckin' A. That's one less in the community that needed to be gone." Ben said. "No he isn't dead. Fact is he was able to go home today." the Sheriff said. "Damn didn't anything go right ? Tell the guys to finish all this off but leave Lee to me." Ben said. "You are one sick fuck Ben." the Sheriff said as he exited the room.

"Hey baby I just talked to Chris and then called Keith everything is......" Bob dropped off as he entered the living room. "What were you saying love ?" Paul asked. "Um nothing important. Um what is going on ? " Bob asked he saw his husband's naked ass and legs in the air. Paul had lay on the couch with his ass on the arm rest and his legs in the air. "Just waiting on my appointment with my lawyer. That's all." Paul said laughing. "Well I guess its appointment time." Bob laughed. "What were you saying about Chris and Keith ?" Paul said. "Nothing that can't wait." Bob said as he slid his shorts off and approached his lover naked.

Leaning down and first kissing Paul's ball sack. "I think I like working from home and taking clients here." Bob said. "Oh you are going to take this client ?" Paul whispered. "Oh yes. I am definitely going to take this client. I am going to take that sweet ass and that sweet cock and make this a very happy client." Bob said as he kneeled down and began to lick around the ring of Paul's ass. Bob licked from Paul's ass ring up to the small area between Paul's balls and ass. Lightly nibbling on that are always drove Paul crazy. "Uhhhh.. Ohhhh....I was hoping my lawyer would take me." Paul whispered.

As soon as Paul's words had escaped Bob held his legs as he forced his tongue inside Paul's twitching ass. Paul's body almost felt like it was vibrating. The moans from both men got louder with Bob's tongue assault on his lover's ass. Bob took one hand and began to spit in it and rub his raging cock. Once comfortable that he had both Paul's ass and his own cock wet enough Bob stood and placed the head of his cock at the entrance to Paul's ass. His ass still on the arm rest and his body laying on the couch Bob looked down upon his lover. "Fffffuuuuucccckkkkkkkkkk." Paul growled as Bob's cock began to slide inside him. Bob stopped just after the mushroom head had breached Paul's ass to let Paul adjust to the intrusion. As Paul's eyes began to glaze in lust Bob moved forward and sank his cock into his lover balls deep. Leaning over to rub Paul's chest pushed his cock in further than he could even imagine while rubbing his lover's chest. Paul was rubbing both of Bob's arms.

Standing back to his feet Bob began a slow assault on Paul's ass. "Faster baby... Faster " Paul called out. Bob began to pound in and out of Paul's ass. The leather couch was causing Paul's body to slide. Bob had lifted one leg onto the arm on the couch for better leverage. As Paul's body began to slide Bob moved with him. Without full removing his cock somehow both men ended up on the couch. Paul's arms and legs automatically wrapped around Bob. Bob had one arm under Paul's hips holding them higher for better penetration and the other was behind his head.

The kiss began light and flirty and quickly became a full assault. Tongues fighting for superiority. Bob began to quicken his pace in and out of Paul's ass. At one point he would completely pull out and with in seconds once again be balls deep inside Paul. Paul's cock was trapped between the two men. The hair on Bob's stomach was tickling and torturing Paul's cock. "Uuuhhhh..... uuummmm.. ..ooohhhhhhh.......fffuuuuuuuccccccckkkkkkkkk... " Paul screamed as he tightened his arms and legs around Bob's body. Paul humped his body against Bob's chest and kissed him passionately as Bob felt Paul's cock flex and then felt the warmth of Paul's seed shooting in between the two.

Bob quickly pulled his cock out of Paul's ass making a loud sucking noise emphasising the suction power that Paul had on his cock. Standing quickly and pulling Paul to his feet Bob turned him around facing away from him. Quickly Bob reentered Paul's ass bringing Paul to his toes. Reaching down and lifting Paul's legs up and placing his feet on the coffee table bob pulled Paul's body down on his cock as far as he could get it. "Just set back baby and ride daddy's cock. I will do the work." Bob whispered. Bob began to fuck up into his lover and could see that Paul's cock was beginning to rise to full force once again. Bob wrapped his arms around Paul and forced his cock in and out of Paul as fast as his body would allow. Paul reached around and pulled Bob's head into the crook of his neck and his body shook and shot a second small load onto the coffee table. The tightening around Bob's cock with every shot Paul released was more than he could take. Bob pulled Paul down as far as he could and went to his tip toes as his body began to shake.

"Oooohhhhh......shhhhhhiiiiiiiiittttttt........GGGGrrrrrrrrrr." Bob shouted as his cock flexed inside Paul and his body shook with every shot of seed he planted deep inside Paul. His legs were weak and pulled Paul backwards with him with Paul still fully impaled. When Bob's bare ass hit the cool leather his cock was still flexing and dumping his seed inside of his lover. Both men sat with Paul still impaled trying to catch their breath. "Oh yes I like my lawyer." Paul whispered. All Bob could do was kiss the back of Paul's neck. "I like these home appointments too." Bob whispered. "Good. I made another appointment for just after afternoon feeding and nap time." Paul whispered. "I really like these home appointments. " Bob whispered. "Oh and stud. No shorts. I want a naked lawyer. " Paul whispered. "You are the client. I aim to please." Bob whispered.

Paul had finally relaxed when the phone rang. "Hello ?" Paul said. "Hey Dad. Everything here is good. Bob took the day off and worked from home." Paul said. "I called the office to talk to him and they said he was out today. I thought something may have been wrong." his Dad said. "No he just needed a break after this weekend just like I did." Paul said. "Well that's good." his Dad said. "What did you need to talk to him about ?" Paul asked. "Well son I wanted to talk to him to see if he could get you and your Mom to talk." his Dad said. "He and I have already talked about that. I was going to call her later. Is she there now ?" Paul asked. "Sure let me get her. " his Dad said.

"Hi Mom. How are you today ?" Paul asked. "I am fine. Is everything fine there ? Your Dad said Bob was out today." she said. "Everything is fine. He just decided to work from home today." Paul said. "Well I was afraid to call and ask you." she said. "Don't even go there. I am sorry that I snapped at you but you were sounding just like Granny." Paul said. "Do not compare me to your fathers mother." she said. "Mom. I listened my whole life to her tell you how you should run your house. How you should treat Dad and who you should be friends with and who not. Then I heard you complain for two days about how she tried to run your life and that you were a grown and married woman. I swore that if I ever had children that they would not be subjected to that and I meant it." Paul said.

"Well I didn't mean to come across that way." she said. "Well you sounded exactly like Granny. Attitude and all." Paul said. "Well I don't appreciate being compared to her." she said. "Well if you treat me and my house the way you wanted to be treated we will be fine. I am not mad. You just have to realize I will not allow my children to be subject to all that stress. Just like you and Dad, if I don't like what's going on at your house I don't say anything because its none of my business. I expect the same respect." Paul said. "I just worry about you, Bob and my Grandbabies." she said.

"No one worries about them all more than me. I would never put any of them in danger. You know me well enough. Just don't treat me the way Granny treated you." Paul said. The rest seemed to be small conversation and all seemed to be well by the end of the call. "Did it go alright ?" Bob asked. "For now." Paul laughed. "I wonder if your Mom knew her son was talking to her with my baby batter dripping out and running down your leg?" Bob said to lighten the moment. "I felt that. I started to tell her I was going to have to call her back because I had too much cum dripping out of my ass." Paul laughed. "Well that defiantly would have been interesting." Bob laughed.

Next: Chapter 78

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