Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on May 5, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 75

"Hey Babe. Are you alright ?" James asked. "I don't know. Right now I don't know what direction to go." Kyle said. "I figured since we are so close we would go and check on Lee, Wayne and Cody first. Then we can go and check on Josh. " James said. "Thank you." Kyle said. "For what babe ?" James asked. "If you were not here I would still be setting here tomorrow trying to decide what I need to do first." Kyle said. "We need to talk though. Now that its all over." James said. "What about ?" Kyle asked. "Why in the world would you have risked your life earlier ? It could have very easily been you. My heart froze when all the gun shots rang out and until it all settled and I saw you were still standing I could not even breath." James said.

"First off I will defend any child regardless of whether I know them or not. With this involving three that are very dear to my heart. I would do it again." Kyle said. "Please promise me you will never do anything like that again." James said. "You still don't get me do you ?" Kyle asked as he turned and looked at James. "Baby please don't get mad." James said. "I am not mad. Disappointed but not mad. You, more than anyone should realize that if you make it into my heart then I am all in. I am not just in when the going is good." Kyle said.

"I understand that but you have to draw a line at physical danger." James said. "Compared to them I am an old man. If it cost my life to save one of them so that they have a chance to live then so be it." Kyle said with a little emphasis in his voice. "I understand baby but you have been through so much and now its time for you to enjoy life." James said. "If I had stood still and not moved and either Cody or Josh suffered because of it I could never live with myself." Kyle said. "I understand. Just please consider me too." James said and kissed Kyle on the cheek.

Mrs. Ruth and Breanna arrived at the hospital. Mrs. Ruth began walking towards the Children's hospital so without question Breanna followed. Once inside they were directed to the waiting room that Chris was in. Chris almost jumped out of his skin when Mrs. Ruth placed her hand on his shoulder. Chris stood quickly and hugged Mrs. Ruth tight and began to cry. Giving Chris a minute to compose himself and return to his seat. "Have you heard anything yet ?" Breanna asked.

"All they will tell me is that Cody is in surgery. Cody is in surgery here and Lee is in surgery next door I don't know what to do. I can't loose either one." Chris sobbed. "I have faith in God and my mother. We will not loose either." Mrs. Ruth said. "How are things going over there ?" Chris asked. "We came straight here." Mrs. Ruth said as Breanna pulled out her phone to call Dean for an update. "You came here first ?" Chris asked surprised. "Chris my son is a strong man. Much stronger than anyone realizes. You and my grandson needed me more." she said.

"You amaze me. I hope you know that." Chris said. "Why is that ?" Mrs. Ruth asked. "You accept me and two orphaned babies into your family as if we belonged there." Chris said. "That's because you do belong. I trust my son. Lee has a gift of being able to look into someone's eyes and see what's inside. When he accepted you and the boys as fast as he did I knew without reserve that you were sincere when it came to Lee, the boys and my family. " Mrs. Ruth said.

"Now if it had been Van then it would be a different story." Mrs. Ruth laughed. "I need to find a way to thank Dean's parents for watching Alex too." Chris said. "Don't worry about that. They are both in heaven. Having three little kids to play with." Breanna said. "I hated leaving Alex after all this. I am only one person. I just want all three of my boys home so I can watch over them." Chris said and lowered his head.

"Alex is fine. He was in Dean's Mom's lap with his head on her chest when I left. He was fine but looked exhausted." Breanna said. "He has already been through so much. He was so upset that he couldn't save Lee." Chris said. "He will be fine. Dean's parents are good. They know Alex's story too." Breanna said. "Am I hurting them because they have no mother ?" Chris asked. "Not at all. Children know love. They don't care if its male or female. They have plenty of women in their lives too so don't even think that." Mrs. Ruth said.

Dean and Ronnie jumped to their feet as the doctor walked into the waiting room. "Wayne went through surgery fine and is in recovery. We removed the bullet and there was no damage to any organs. We need to keep him at least over night and then we will see how he is tomorrow. He will need to take it easy for a few days. He needs time to heal internally and he needs to be very careful with his incision. He will need to limit his lifting mainly. Oh and no wild sex for a few days anyway." the doctor said winking at Ronnie. "Have you heard about the other guy Lee ?" Dean asked.

"Are you his partner ?" the doctor asked. "No his nephew." Dean said. "All I know is that he is still in surgery. There were a couple of complications but I think they are past those. That's all I know at this point." he said. Both men thanked the doctor. "Partner ? Do I look gay ?" Dean laughed. "About as much as I do." Ronnie laughed. "I guess you need to call Breanna." Ronnie said. "Not yet. If I mention complications that wall would probably fall. Those two would not wait for doors." Dean laughed. "Just don't get in trouble." Ronnie said. "Oh I live there. Besides Chris needs them more right now than Lee does." Dean said.

Paul arrived home to two sets of grandparents waiting to take the babies. Both grandmothers fussed over the babies and even stripped them to make sure they were not injured. "You need to leave those people alone. My babies could have been hurt. " Lee's Mom said. "Don't start Mom. You know I would never let them be in any danger." Paul said. "I'm just saying....." she started. "Well I think you and Dad need to go back home. The other grandparents are more than capable of watching the babies.." Paul said. "PAUL." she growled. "Your choice Mom. Either enjoy your grandbabies and shut up or enjoy them from the photos I mail to you. Understood." Paul said.

Bob's parents were very quiet and not getting involved. Paul quickly changed his shirt and headed for the door. "You know your mother meant no harm." Paul's father said. "Well if she doesn't learn to watch her mouth. I will show her just how much harm it can cause. She had no right to say that." Paul said as he shut the door behind him. Paul's father turned to his wife. "Watch your mouth. You know Paul means what he says. Especially where these babies are concerned. It will be in your best interest to apologize when he gets home. It wont hurt for you to apologize to Bob too" he said.

Arriving at the hospital Paul had finally calmed down and was directed to the waiting room. As he stepped in the door all the men jumped hoping it was a doctor which caused Paul to jump out of surprise. He hugged Bob. "How are things going ? Have you heard anything ?" Paul asked. "All we know is that he is still in surgery. They said they had to revive him twice on the way here. It doesn't look good baby." Bob whispered. Paul quickly realized his frustration with his mother was minute with what everyone else was going through. "Has anyone heard from Alex, Wayne or Lee ?" Brian asked.

"I talked to Ronnie a few minutes ago. Wayne made it through surgery fine. Lee and Cody are both still in surgery. " Paul said. All the men gather around Keith as he broke down. "Its all my fault. All of it." Keith cried. Vera pushed the other men out of the way and wrapped her arms around Keith. "Son its not your fault. God had a plan and a reason for everything. We have to trust him now. Its not your fault." she said. "We will probably have to move. I have resigned from one job and after this I need to resign from my new one. " Keith sobbed.

"No son. You are not moving anywhere." Vera said. "We can't afford it plus I am not sure about Josh's insurance and its just too much." Keith said. "Josh is insured. When you singed the contract you, Brian and Josh were automatically insured. Besides that guy was on duty so the County will have to pay this bill." Bob said. "I just don't want to move and even upset Josh's world even more." Keith sobbed. "Trust me son. Mother is not allowing that to happen." Amos said.

Chris' heart almost stopped as the doctor walked into the waiting room. They all three stood as the doctor approached. "Cody is going to be fine. He came through surgery just fine. He has a broken collar bone. His right arm is fractured and right leg is broken. He had a few cuts that we stitched up and there was some internal bleeding but the surgery was mainly exploratory. We found two sources of the bleeding. One of his lungs has a slight puncture and has a slight tear in his liver. Both will heal on their own within a few days. He is in recovery and will be put in a room at least overnight so we can monitor him. He is a trooper but he definitely gets an attitude when he is not happy." the doctor laughed.

"Yes. That's my grandchild. All of them are that way." Mrs. Ruth said. Chris hugged the doctor and kept thanking him for what he had done. "I will have one of the Pediatric Therapists meet with you before he leaves to show you how he needs to be held and handled for the next couple of weeks." the doctor said as he left the room. Chris exhaled strongly as if it were the first real breath he had taken since the beginning. "One down, one to go." Chris said. "Now that we know Cody is alright you and Breanna go next door and check on Lee and Wayne." Mrs. Ruth said. "You need to be over there. He is your son. I can stay here with Cody. I wish they could put them in the same room." Chris said. "I told you Chris. My son is very strong. I will stay with my grandson. You two go and check on Lee and I will call you when they get Cody in a room." She said. "Are you sure ?" Chris asked. "Yes I am sure. Now go. Cody and Memaw will be just fine." she said with a smile.

Chris and Breanna made their way to the hospital next door and then to the waiting room that Ronnie and Dean were in. "What's happening ?" Chris asked. "The doctor just came out and said Wayne is out of surgery and is headed back to check to see how things are going with Lee." Dean said. Chris walked over to Ronnie and hugged him. " I am so sorry buddy. I am sorry that you two got tangled up in all this." Chris said. "No need for that. I would have been shocked if Wayne had not jumped in. You didn't do this. Understand ?" Ronnie said.

"How is Wayne ?" Chris asked. "He is fine. He is still in recovery and I have not had a chance to look at his charts but the doctor said he would be just fine." Ronnie said. "Has anyone heard from Josh ?" Chris asked. The room was quiet. "I talked to Keith for just a minute. Josh is still in surgery. It was hard to understand because he was crying but it sounded like he said that Josh died twice on the flight to the hospital." Dean said. Both Chris and Breanna could only gasp.

"I talked to Bob. He called to check on Lee and Wayne. He and Paul and the couple that live next door to Keith and Brian are all at the hospital. Bob said the nurse talked to them and sounded hopeful but Josh is in a really bad place right now. " Ronnie said. Breanna filled Dean and Ronnie in on Cody's condition while Chris took a seat in the corner of the waiting room. "Grandma. I know you are there. I hope you can hear me. Mrs. Ruth says that Lee is strong. PLEASE help him and bring him back to me. I know that Josh is not your family but he has been through so much. Please bring him back to us." Chris silently prayed.

"Josh. I am your Uncle Lee's grandmother. That means I am Alex and Cody's grandmother too. Take my hand and walk with me for a while." she said. "It hurts. It hurts really bad." Josh said. "I know son. Take my hand and walk with me and we will leave the pain here for a while." she said. Josh was scared but at the same point felt the most at ease that he had in a while. As they walked Lee's grandmother made sure she answered any questions about where Josh was at and what was going on. They came to a point and stopped. The lady leaned down and whispered in Josh's ear. "I have someone here that wants to see you." she said.

Out of what seemed like a fog Josh's mother walked out and got down on her knees. Josh ran and hugged his mother. "I am so sorry Mommie. I tried to stop him." Josh cried. "Its alright baby. I am fine now. I am so proud of you. You have been a really strong little boy." she said. "Where are we ?" Josh asked. "I am not sure. I do know but this kind lady allowed me the chance to talk to you and tell you one more time how much I love you." she said. "I love you too Mommie. Can you come back ?" Josh asked. "I am sorry son. I can't come back but I am so sorry for all the hurt that I caused you." she said. "Mommie you did what you could. I know that." Josh said. "Are you happy with your new daddies ?" she asked.

"Yes Mommie I love them but I want you back." Josh said. "They are super men. I could not have hoped for you to find two people that loved you more than they do. It seems you have a lot of people around you now that love you." she said. "They are all very nice to me. They tell me they love me." Josh said. "Believe them when they say it. They really mean it. I want you to do me a favor son. " she said. "Anything Mommie." Josh said. "Mr. and Mrs. Rice that live next door love you very much. Everyone is praying for you but none as hard as Mrs. Rice. When you go back to them I would be very happy if you thought of them as your grandparents. I can see that you love them too. They will be very good for you in your life. It will make me happy for you to decide what name you want to call them as your grandparents." she said.

"That will make you happy ?" Josh asked. "That will make me very happy. Will it make you happy ?" she asked. "I was afraid that you would think I had forgotten you if I called them that and also if I called my dads anything other than Daddy Keith and Daddy Brian." Josh said. "Josh my precious son. You have another little brother coming soon. He will need you as his big brother. I will be real happy if you call Keith and Brian what you want too. They love you very much. You have a very happy life ahead of you. Be a good boy for them and love them like they love you. That will make me very happy." she said.

"I will Mommie." Josh said. As Lee's grandmother moved closer Josh's Mom realized it was time to go. "Mommie has to go now but anytime you want to talk you just close your eyes and talk to me. I will be there. I love you son." she said as she stood and moved back into the fog. "Mommie." Josh whispered. "Its time to go back. I can't take the pain away but I can put it where you can see it but not really feel it for a while." Grandma said. "Is my Mommie alright ?" Josh asked. "Yes she is. Remember she will always be with you. When you get back just remember that your two Dad's love you very much. My grandson Uncle Lee and Uncle Chris both love you very much and you can always count on them too." she said. "Memaw is my daughter. She also loves you. If you can do me a favor. Tyr and remember to tell her that I am very proud of her and her family." The Grandmother said.

As Josh returned to the operating room he began to grown. "I know Josh. I am going to take as much pain away as I can for as long as I can." she said. "Please stay with me. I am scared." Josh said. "I will stay with you until this part is over. Now you just rest." she said. Lee's grandmother leaned over and kissed Josh on the forehead and Josh saw bright lights coming from his body as if it were a fireworks show. "Wow that is pretty." Josh whispered. "Yes son those lights are the pain that you were feeling." she said. "It didn't feel pretty." Josh said. "It wasn't my son but as long as you are seeing those light then you will not feel the pain." she said. "I have seen you before. When I felt so cold you were in the door looking at me." Josh said. "Yes son. I was standing in the door keeping you here. I blocked the door so you would come back." she said.

"Was my Mommie right. Do my Daddies really love me ?" Josh asked. "Yes Josh. They love you so much. They are afraid that you don't believe them though. " she said. "I do believe them but I was scared if I loved them they would die like my Mommie." Josh said. "Your love for your Mommie is not the reason she died. It was a bad man." she said. "Like the man at Uncle Lee's.. He said my Daddy Keith did not want me." Josh said. "He is a bad man Josh. He just said that to hurt you. I promise you that your Daddy Keith loves you with all his heart. Your Daddy Brian too." she said.

"Just remember Josh that life is not always easy. When it gets rough turn to your dad's and they will help you all they can. Its time for you to return to them now." she said. "Will I ever see you again ?" Josh asked. "I hope you never need me again Josh but remember just like your Mommie. I will always be there with you." she said as her figure began to fade. "They really do love me." Josh thought.

Chris jumped to his feet as the doctor entered the waiting room. "Lee is going to be fine. It took a little longer because the bullet hit one of his ribs and shattered. We had to get all the fragments and we also had to repair some internal damage. He is in recovery but will need to stay here for a couple of days to make sure that the internal sutures hold. " the doctor said. "Was there much damage ?" Breanna asked. "Lucky for Lee the person that shot him is not a good shot. We had to remove his spleen. Luckily the bullets and the fragments missed the heart and lungs. He was very lucky since the bullet shattered.." the doctor said. "But he will be fine ?" Chris asked. "He will be sore for a few days but other than that he will be back to normal. He will probably have a couple of scars but they will just be flesh scars." the doctor said.

"When can we see him ?" Dean asked. "He will be in recovery for probably at least an hour. Then they will move him to a room. Don't be concerned when you see him. He has bruises and will look rough. He is going to want to sleep until the anesthesia wears off but that's to be expected." the doctor said. "Thank you so much. You will never know how much I thank you." Chris said releasing his second deep breath of the day.

" Go and check on your son next door and by the time you come back we should be moving him into a room." the doctor said. Breanna called Mrs. Ruth to tell her the news and she told Breanna that they had brought Cody to the room and he was groggy but waking up. "My poor baby looks so bad but he is smiling." she said. "They have brought Cody to the room. Lets go see him real quick." Breanna said. Chris looked at Ronnie. "Go I am staying here. Wayne will be in a room shortly too. I will call if I need you." Ronnie said. Chris walked over and hugged Ronnie. "Thank You buddy. Thank you." Chris whispered.

"Have you heard anything about that detective and the deputy ?" Paul asked. "I hope Ben is dead." Keith barked. "You take that back. Our son is in there fighting for his life and you are out here wishing someone was dead. TAKE IT BACK." Brian shouted. "I was just saying." Keith said. "NO you take it back. You were not holding our son when he died twice. You were not trying to breath for him. Your heart was not coming out of your chest. You didn't feel so lonely and helpless you wanted to die. I DID. Now take that back Keith. TAKE IT BACK. " Brian screamed.

Keith pulled Brian to him in a tight hug. "I am sorry baby. I didn't mean to upset you. I am sorry you lived through that and I wasn't there for you." Keith whispered. "Karma is a bitch Keith. What you put out there comes back to you. I will not have my son pay the price for your Karma." Brain said and he pulled away and moved to another chair. Keith looked shattered. Paul walked over and took the chair that Brian had been in. "What was that about ?" Keith asked. "Brian is scared shitless about Josh. If Bob had said something like that and one of our babies was in Josh's shape I would beat the shit out of him." Paul said.

"I am just so mad. I almost lost my family." Keith said. "I know. Now is not the time for anger though. Now is the time to thank God for what you have and ask that he bring your son back to you in good shape. Now is not the time to be a macho cop and puff your chest out in anger." Paul said. "I guess you are right." Keith said. "I know I am. Ask Bob. I am always right. Oh and If he says no to that let me know and I will fix that real quick." Paul said. "I am sure you would. I guess I need to go apologize to Brian." Keith said. "That would be a good start. While headed over there ask God to forgive you too." Paul said as he placed a hand on Keith's leg and stood to go back to Bob.

James and Kyle arrived at the hospital where Lee and Wayne were as the group was heading out to check on Cody. They were briefed on how everyone was doing. "We will wait here with Ronnie and then we will go by and see Cody before we head to Atlanta to check on Josh. " Kyle said. "Thank you so much." Chris said as he hugged Kyle and then James. "Thank us for what ?" Kyle said. "Thank you for helping. Thank you for being here. Thank you for being you. Just thank you." Chris said. For the first time Kyle felt that he may have repaid a small portion of his debt to Chris and Lee.

The nurse entered the room and guided the men to Wayne's room. Ronnie instructed them to find him when Lee was ready to go to a room. He text Chris to let him know what room Wayne was in. Once in the room Wayne was setting up. Still a little groggy but seemed fine other wise. Ronnie kissed him lightly. "Don't you ever do that again. You hear me ?" Ronnie said. "I tried that too with Kyle and got my head chopped off." James said. "If I felt better I would chop yours off. " Wayne laughed.

"I have a question. Can someone tell me exactly what happened. It was all so fast I don't know who shot who or what." James said. "I remember running across the yard and Ben was screaming at Cody. I saw Ben point his gun and then Lee shot him. I heard a deputy screaming at Lee and then he shot Lee. Keith was screaming for everyone to stand down and then the deputy screamed again and Keith shot him. All I can guess is the gun shot I heard from the deputy hit me. I heard someone saying that when Josh and Alex attacked Ben that Ben pointed the gun down before he fell and shot Josh. Did someone shoot Cody ?" Wayne said.

"No he was injured in the fall but he is out of surgery and fine." Ronnie said. "How is Lee ?" Wayne asked. "He is in recovery now but they say he will be fine." James said. "Has anyone heard from Josh ?" Wayne asked. The room was silent. "No please no." Wayne started to cry. "No baby. He is still alive. He is in surgery now. Keith said that he died twice in the helicopter before they got him there but for now he is still alive. He is in really bad shape though." Ronnie said.

The Sheriff arrived at Grady Memorial. After going through the proper channels he was directed to the trama rooms that Ben and the deputy were in. Checking on the deputy first the Sheriff walked in the room. "Hey boss. Did I get him ?" the deputy asked. "What the hell were you thinking ? " the sheriff asked. "I told him to put his gun down. I told him twice. When Ben discharged his gun Lee shot Ben. Ben is one of us." the deputy said. "Did you not see Ben holding his gun to that babies head ?" the Sheriff asked. "I figured he was using him as a shield to get away from Lee." the deputy said.

"No. The son of a bitch was drunk and came up and threatened to kill Lee's boy." the sheriff said. "Still Ben was one of us. And what the fuck ? Keith shot me." the deputy said. "Well you shot two people. Your gun was the only one with two rounds missing." the sheriff said. "Well that guy Wayne from town was running towards Ben. I had to defuse the situation." the deputy said. "You are lucky I wasn't there. I probably would not have been as kind as Keith and only shot you to disable you." the sheriff said. "You are on their side ?" the deputy asked. "What the fuck would you have done if one of your buddies came in your yard and took one of your kids and put a gun to their head and threatened to kill them ?" the sheriff asked.

"I would have popped a cap in the mother fucker right between the eyes." he said. "I guess you just answered your own question then. Oh the GBI (Georgia Bureau of Investigation) will be coming to get your statement." the sheriff said as he left the room. As he headed three doors down he was met by a doctor coming out of the room. "We are trying to bring his blood alcohol level down low enough to even operate. We don't have much time though. If we can't get him in real soon he wont make it." the doctor said. "No rush Doc." the sheriff said and patted the doctor on the back.

Not entering the room but just looking through the door he saw the mangled version of a man laying in the bed. "DAMN Lee. You know exactly where to shoot to get the best results and not kill them." he thought to himself. He was brought out of his thought when his cell phone rang. "I am here at the hospital now. I will call back with any updates. They are both alive. Ben is the one that is more critical." he said. "Ben's wife is here wanting answers and she is quite ugly about it." the voice said. "Tell her to check her own house for the reason, not us. On second thought just tell her that I will contact her as soon as there is something to tell her." the sheriff said and ended the call. "Shit what a cluster fuck." the Sheriff thought as he leaned against the wall.

Chris, Breanna and Dean arrived at Cody's room to see Mrs. Ruth laying in the bed with Cody's head on her chest. "There's my little stinker." Chris said. Cody smiled and turned his face into Mrs. Ruth's chest trying to act shy. "Oh so you are going to be shy now ?" Dean said. Cody turned and smiled at the group standing beside the bed. "I have tried to get him to drink but he doesn't like this type sippy cup they brought him." Mrs. Ruth said. "I will get one like he likes." Chris said. "Dean can go get one." Breanna said. "Just tell me what type. " Dean said. "Just like the one that Kolt loved so much." Breanna said. Cody looked up and with a horse voice looked at Dean and said. "Go ?" "Not this time little buddy but I promise you can go with me real soon." Dean said. That seemed to satisfy Cody. "Why can't Kolt be that easy ?" Dean laughed. "Because he is just like his daddy." Breanna said. "Breanna " Mrs. Ruth said. "Well its true Memaw." Breanna said which caused them all to laugh.

Next: Chapter 76

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