Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Apr 11, 2017


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"Make mine to go" Chapter 72

Kyle was almost at the end of his string as far as his stress level. It is New Years Eve and the fund raiser begins in just an hour. Bob had lined up the caterer which was the best in the business in Atlanta. Kyle still wanted everything to be just perfect. "Calm down baby. This is suppose to be your night. Not your night to stroke out on me." James said as he walked up and wrapped his arms around Kyle from behind. "Babe you don't know how much I needed that hug. It may sound crazy but when you put your arms around me I feel grounded." Kyle whispered.

"Well I can't walk around tonight with my arms around you but just stay grounded. I love you and I am so proud of you." James said and lightly kissed Kyle on the neck. "Why can't you ? I am not letting my honey out of my sites with all the gay men that are going to be here tonight." Bob laughed. "Hey guys. Thank you so much for coming." Kyle said. "We wouldn't miss it. Plus Bob has no worries. If any of those gay men get too close they will run when they smell the spit up on me." Paul laughed. "Like perfume to me." Bob said.

The rest of the men arrived within minutes. Everyone assured Kyle that everything was perfect and to just calm down and enjoy the night. "You have worked hard for this. Just relax and enjoy it." Lee said. Keith and Brian were the last to arrive. "We made it. Brian had to have his cry in the car before we came in." Keith said. "I wasn't that bad." Brian said. "What were you crying about ?" Wayne asked. "Josh is staying with the elderly couple next door. He didn't fuss when we left him there." Brian said.

"He wanted Josh to cry and beg us to stay." Keith laughed. "No I didn't. A little fuss would have helped though." Brian said which brought a laugh from all the men. "Tonight will be quick and like a roller coaster but tomorrow we all celebrate. Is everyone still coming ?" Chris asked. "We are picking up the babies after this is over and we are spending the night at your house." Bob said. "We are going to my house after we get Josh." Keith said. "We are headed to Wayne's from here. We invited James and Kyle to come spend the night but they said that after tonight Kyle would crash so they would come in the morning." Ronnie said. "Well look alive guys. The guests are arriving. I hope they brought their check books. Everything looks perfect Kyle." Lee said as the group split and began welcoming the guests.

All the guest had arrived and the music played as they chatted and looked around the restaurant. The food was perfect and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Chris had been elected to give the opening speech. Lee had been asked but did not want any of the limelight. One thing that the group had realized was that Lee and his family, though they could be a force to be reckoned with, stayed out of the spot light as much as possible.

"May I have you attention please. I would like to thank all the guests for attending. I know that most of you spend a good part of your year attending fund raisers. Kyle's kitchen is different. There will never be a per plate fund raiser. This charity has strived to work on donations only. There are a few benefactors that have donated the facility and the renovations. Others have donated things such as legal services and the liaison service to both the City of Atlanta and the Governor's office for the great State of Georgia have also been donated too. The goal of this charity is to be able to show that ninety five cents of every dollar donated go directly to helping the homeless. Our goal was one hundred percent but the City of Atlanta and Georgia Power have to have their share for utilities. Most of the workers here are volunteer. There are a couple of salaried employees but a private family trust has graciously agreed to add those to their payroll. Rest assured that almost every penny you donate will go directly to the cause. I would like to thank the Mayor Of Atlanta and the Governor of Georgia for graciously giving up part of their New Years Eve to help in celebrating the opening of this Restaurant. So please dig deep and help us to keep this dream alive. Thank You in advance." Chris said as he exited the stage.

Bob was next at the microphone. "Hello my name is Bob Lasko. I am honored to be here tonight and be a part of this great charity. There is a small group of very close knit friends that I have the honor of being considered a part of. My partner and I feel blessed to have met the name sake of this establishment. Kyle is a tremendous human being and from his story which is listed in your program he opened our eyes to how much hunger there was on the streets of Atlanta in our homeless community. God has a reason for every person that crosses our path. Paul and I thank God for allowing Kyle to cross our path and allowing us to be a part of this project. We are both humbled at the effort put forth to make this happen and the hard work from a small group of people but mainly from Kyle himself. I would also like to thank his partner James for the patience he has had with us and especially Kyle to make this happen. We hope that you will find it in your heart to help keep this dream alive. In your program you will see that Kyle's kitchen will not only feed the homeless but there will be schedules with volunteers to help with legal matters as well as dental, health and personal hygiene. We know that this is only a small effort to help our city's homeless but it only takes one to make a difference. Kyle's kitchen will do its best to make that difference. I want to thank you in advance for your donations and your help. We are blessed here tonight with people from all walks of life. If you have a talent that you can help donate or know of someone that may be able to help we would greatly appreciate it. We have learned that there are many on the streets of Atlanta that can be transitioned back into a productive life. Some have a simple legal problem. Some do not know where to start to get the help they have earned such as our veterans. We need help from anyone that is present to make sure we can offer as many free services as possible. Thank You. " Bob said as he exited the stage.

Ronnie was the next to take the microphone. "Hello my name is Dr. Ronnie Hoffer. I am a doctor at Piedmont Hospital. I had the honor of being the doctor to attend to Kyle in our Emergency Room. I have always heard from a small child that God works in mysterious ways. Kyle is living proof of that. I have never seen such strength in anyone to live to be able to make a difference and give back than our name sake. There were a few days that I and my colleagues could not figure out why Kyle was still alive except for his determination. God had another plan for this man and I am happy to be on this stage to help see this purpose fulfilled. With your help we can keep this going. All of the businesses in this area were contacted and what we planned to do was discussed. We know that there are homeless that pan handle for money for alcohol and drugs. What we were shocked to find is the high percentage that only wanted a good meal. Kyle's kitchen will supply two full meals a day to anyone who enters the door. There will be no cost to them. The only thing that we ask is that in some small way that they "pay it forward." When we drive our nice vehicles down the streets of this great city we are unaware that the person we see on the park bench may just need a good meal. It may be as simple as a little bit of legal help and they would be able to walk into their warm cozy home just as we do every night. Others may need some dental work to help give them the confidence to approach a prospective employer."

"Yes some cases are ones that like living on the street and want nothing more. I talked to a family the other day. Yes a family. There is a father, mother and three small children. They live just down the street here. No, they don't live in the new condo complex nor one of the nice Antebellum homes. They live under the loading dock at the Salvation Army Thrift store. The father was a mortgage broker. The company that he worked for was shut down by the federal government for fraud. He was a titles clerk and had no idea that his company was a scam. His issue is that when he lists that company on his resume all doors are shut. You see everyone on our streets are not because they are lazy or useless. We need help from Temporary Employment Agencies and also head hunters. I know that our goals seem lofty but with your help we can help some of the homeless off the streets to this great city. Thank You." Ronnie said before exiting the stage

Keith was the last to take the stage. "Hello. My name is Keith. Me, my fiancee Brian and our son Josh would like to thank you for coming tonight and being a part of this special event. I am a law enforcement officer in our state so I can't help with the legal and medical. What I can do though is to roll up my sleeves and volunteer to do anything I can. I have had the great honor of being called friend by Kyle. When I first met him I was like many others. I thought what in the world is my friend Lee trying to prove. As I heard Kyle's story and saw the strength that he had I had to wonder about other homeless. I am not a native of Atlanta but am a native of Georgia. This city has welcomed me with open arms and I want to help extend that to our homeless. Like Bob, I met a young man a couple of weeks ago. He stopped here to offer any help. The young man was in a wheel chair. I stopped what I was doing to chat with the young man. As we talked I learned that he was not proud that he lived on the streets but was proud that he was able to serve our country in the armed forces. I further learned that a clerk at the Veteran's Hospital transposed a number on his file. Since that day he been denied any help from the VA. A counselor told him that he needed to hire an attorney and have them correct the problem. They know that he is who he claims to be and that it was a clerical error but it is up to him to correct it. He was evicted from the hospital and another homeless person helped find him a broken wheel chair. I have made many mistakes in my career as a law enforcement officer but have never made a simple typo that landed one of our wounded warriors on the street. He never asked for money. He, similar to Kyle found spare change on the streets until he had enough to buy a meal. It may mean only one meal a week."

"This could easily be remedied from a little legal help and this young man would not be on our streets in a broken wheel chair. I hope that you can see through the research. Yes research that went into this that there are many that can easily make it off our streets. At Kyle's kitchen we hope to help those if possible. Even if it is more complicated and can not be fixed as easily they will be greeted with two meals a day and served as if they are customers and not as though they are at a soup kitchen. I am not belittling soup kitchens. They are a fantastic addition to our city. The thing that Kyle hopes to accomplish here is that if you are treated as a human and given respect you can learn to respect yourself again. Being able to respect yourself is the first step to leaving the streets and back into society. I want to thank you in advance for all your help. Realize though you may be like me. I am not the smartest nor do I have a degree that can help anyone on the street. I do though have a large heart, an understanding partner and two strong arms. I too can make a difference." Keith paused which brought applause from the entire room.

"Now I would like to introduce one of the strongest people I have ever had the pleasure to meet and am honored that he calls me friend. "Kyle. " Keith said as he clapped and moved from the microphone. "I would like to thank you all for attending tonight. I especially would like to thank my friends who have made all of this possible. Earlier this year when the maître d' of the restaurant that was here refused to seat me when a group of strange men who offered to buy me dinner would I have ever believed we would be standing here tonight. I was more concerned with the pennies I had in my pocket and wondered how long it would take me to collect enough money to have a meal. God does work in mysterious ways. Today I stand here in the same building with a mission to feed the homeless of Atlanta. I need to explain why there is no alcohol here tonight. Most fund raisers serve alcohol in hopes to get the people tipsy and donate more. We hope tonight that you donate from the heart. One of the first things decided was that there would be no alcohol, tobacco, or controlled substances allowed in this building. These are some of the main vices for many of the homeless so not only will they be able to have a meal but they will be in a safe zone from those temptations. So I hope the delicious punch moves you to donate more. (The entire room applauded and laughed.)

"While on the streets of this beautiful city I have heard many stories. I was amazed at the number of people that had fell through the cracks and were so close to being off the streets they could almost taste it. I know some say. " Well get a job then." Those are the ones that have job security or so they think. I would like everyone in this room to stop and think. If you lost your job or your business tomorrow. With no outside help at all how long would you last before you were in a soup line yourself. Scary isn't it ? I owned a business, a home that was paid for, and my car was paid for too. In life we are faced with emergencies. We have to decide what we have to do. For me it was to sell everything I had to cover this emergency and when it was done my only option was a bridge down the street. I never asked for a penny from a stranger. I survived on lost change on the city streets. Given the same circumstances again I would do the same thing." (The group could see the tears running down James' cheeks from the last statement.)

"One of the most memorable people I met on the street was an elderly black man. He is called preacher. Most of you may not know but every Sunday morning there is a church service held for the homeless. I attended every Sunday after I met him. There was no collection. No money handed out and no food distributed but there were normally at least eighty or so people that attended in an empty parking lot. Everyone on the street is not the panhandlers you see so often. I have seen people that ranged from late eighties to seeing a new born that was born under a bridge. The preacher told me something one day that I will never forget. On this sign behind me it states. "Never compare your plight to the person next to you. Only God knows the reason they are where they are today. Good or bad. Remember angels walk among us." I met those angels. First was the preacher and second was the group of men that helped me off the street and then made this day possible. I will never claim to be nor strive to be an angel among the homeless. I hope that with God's help and yours that together we can help the plight of the homeless in Atlanta. Thank You." Kyle stepped back from the microphone and the entire room stood and cheered.

Not scheduled to speak but the Mayor took the stage. "On behalf of the City of Atlanta we welcome you and all your efforts to help the homeless. My office has been instructed to work with you in any way possible to help. People lets dig deep and make this work. Thank You." he said and stepped off the stage. Once again applause form the crowd.

The last speaker was a priest. "God places angels among us in many ways. I have been blessed to meet with and chat with the men responsible for what we see tonight. I truly feel that Kyle and his friends are definitely angels walking among us. Too many people try to look the other way when they see someone less fortunate than themselves." the priest said. "Angels ? He wasn't in our bedroom earlier." Chris whispered to Lee. "Down bad boy." Lee laughed and whispered back.

"I was told the story of the street preacher. My congregation along with another have offered one of our halls for the preacher to hold his services. We have also offered to provide refreshments. This is not as big a task as Kyle has before him but my friend, my angel for the homeless, you now have the support of two of the largest congregations in Atlanta." the priest continued. The group looked at Kyle and could see the single tear running down his cheek. "May we pray." the priest said.

"Our blessed Lord, God in heaven. We gather here this evening to lend our support and prayers to the people that, with your almighty wisdom, have brought together as one close knit group. Through your love and glory this group has taken as God commanded in "Luke 10:27" "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all they soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind ; and thy neighbor as thyself." You also in "Proverbs 21:13" told us "Whoever closes his ear to the cry of the poor will himself call out and not be heard." Please bless the men and women gathered here this evening since they have heard your call to feed the poor. With your loving grace the calls of the homeless have been heard. Bless this kitchen to feed your less fortunate children. These things we ask in your Holy Name. Amen" the priest concluded and left the stage.

The evening was a huge success. Most of the people in the room wanted their moment to speak with Kyle and the other speakers. Kyle was a little frantic because he was not able to find James in the crowd. Lee had watched as James made his way back to the storage area. Kyle had gotten Paul's attention and shrugged his shoulders as if to ask where James was. Lee walked up to Kyle. "I will go check on him. Don't worry he is fine. This will be over soon so keep mingling." Lee whispered.

Lee could hear light sobs before reaching the dry storage room. He entered the door and James jumped up quickly. "Sorry." James said. "Sorry for what ?" Lee asked. "James sat back down on one of the racks and began to cry again. "It just hit me like a ton of bricks. " James said. "What did buddy ?" Lee asked. Chris had noticed Lee leave the room and had followed not knowing that Wayne was close behind. "I knew that Kyle went through a lot but he has never really talked about it. To hear him say just that little and to realize it was all my fault he went through that. I don't know what to say." James said. "First off. Its not your fault. Kyle did not have to do what he did. I know that you are grateful for it, but it was his choice. You didn't choose to get sick." Lee said. "He just should have let things happen and let me be the one on the streets." James said.

"Please don't be upset but honestly James, I don't know that you would have survived. I know I would not have." Chris said. "Kyle is a very strong man. Probably the strongest I ever met. His will and determination and don't forget the stubborn part made him survive. From what I see he feels that it made him a better man too." Wayne said. "I know all that is true but I love him so much and I can't help but feel its all my fault." James said. "Look around you buddy. There is now a Kyle's kitchen for the homeless. If Kyle had not gone through what he did we would have all been at some lame New Years Eve party tonight and not even think about the less fortunate. Kyle opened our eyes and as of tonight has opened a whole city's eyes. So if its all your fault then I want to thank you." Lee said. "Thank me ?" James asked.

Lee went and sat on one side of James and Wayne on the other. "My friend. I am sorry that you got sick. But if it had not been for that I would have probably never met you or Kyle. You would probably still be in a bad relationship and Kyle would be at home crying himself to sleep every night. God does work in mysterious ways but if we trust him it is all for the good. Every day and every situation happens for a reason. The reason is to get us where we are today. It may have started with you being sick but that started the chain of events that will keep many a man, woman and child from going to bed every night hungry." Lee said.

"You always see the bright side don't you ?" James said. "Its not the bright side. Its life and reality." Lee said. "Kyle told me that if he had not gone through all that he had he was afraid that the life he has now, he may take for granted. Including you." Wayne said. "I will be honest. I love this man here with all my heart and soul but after meeting Kyle for the first time I learned that I only thought before that I loved him. I thank God every day for crossing mine and Lee's path." Chris said. "Ronnie told me one night that if he had not met Kyle and heard his story that he may have not taken stock in his life and realized it was too short to wait to be happy." Wayne said. "Yes he has touched many lives and all in a good way." James said. "So yes its your fault. If God had not put things in motion by you being sick and having a worthless partner we would not be here tonight. Kyle is a much stronger man than any of us and I was deeply honest when I said that I was honored to have him call me friend." Keith said.

No one realized that Keith had been there and heard the conversation. "So my friend its time for you to do for Kyle what he did for you. Dry the tears and wash your face. Its time for you to go out there and show your pride for your lover and give him the support he gave you." Lee said. "Thank You. I was feeling sorry for myself and was about to let Kyle down again." James said. "We are all different. What bothers you may not bother Kyle. If he does not dwell on the past don't punish him by feeling sorry for yourself and shutting him out. " Chris said. "Alright guys we have some money to go raise. " James said. James could see the glow come over Kyle as he spotted him walking from the back room towards him. "You wanted strength baby. Take all you need from me." James said as he leaned over and kissed Kyle on the cheek.

Lee tried to sleep that night but pains almost shot through his body as he dreamed. All Chris could do was hold him tight and hope they would end. "I thought the poison deal would make them stop. Please help him. I am lost." Chris said in a private prayer. About four am Lee was so exhausted that sleep took over regardless of the dream. "Please tell me what this is. Please." he would whisper as he fell off to sleep. Chris just held him tight and kissed the back of his neck.

Kyle lay under James trying to catch his breath. He had been so charged for the last week that now that he could finally relax and the first shot of his orgasm shot over his head and hit the headboard. "Oh shit baby. We need you stressed out for a week more often. When you started to shoot I thought your ass ring was going to cut my dick off and leave it inside you." James whispered as he lay his head beside Kyle with his cock still flexing inside his lover. "I'm sorry baby but I really needed that. " Kyle said. "Oh no need to apologize. It was so intense I don't know what had the better orgasm. My mind or my dick." James whispered. "Do you think we are doing the right thing with the kitchen ? " Kyle asked. "Funny conversation since my dick is still inside you. But yes. Ronnie said he and his friends had hoped to raise maybe fifty thousand dollars for the kitchen. When we left earlier the final count was not in due to promises to mail a check. What was collected alone to deposit Monday was already over three hundred thousand dollars. If this had not been the right thing they would have not donated." James said.

"I guess you are right. I just don't want to disappoint anyone." Kyle said. "Well baby we will disappoint Chris and Lee if we don't get a move on and get on the road. Now take your lover to the shower and wash him off. The orgasm you just caused has made his knees weak." James laughed as he leaned over and kissed Kyle. " I love you so much James. I am sorry if I upset you last night." Kyle whispered. "Baby you didn't upset me. I upset myself. Between Lee, Chris, Keith and Paul they made me realize some things that I had never realized. " James said. "Yeah they are a great group. Lee is so wise. I never know where he comes up with some of that stuff. " Kyle said. "Yes well you may hear more if we don't move." James said as he pushed his semi hard cock back in as far as he could. This caused a huge smile on Kyle's face. "O.k. Time to clean up my lover so he will be ready for his New Years gift later today.." Kyle said. "New Years gift ?" James whispered. "Yes lover. This morning was just the warm up." Kyle said as he rubbed his hands down James' back.

Next: Chapter 73

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