Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Mar 29, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 69

The elderly man had gotten Brian up and was helping him through the house. About that time Brian's cell phone rang. "Hello" the lady said. "Uh. This is Lee can I speak to Brian ?" Lee asked. The lady quickly explained what was going on. "Tell him to take Brian to Piedmont Emergency room. I will get in touch with his doctor and have him meet them there. I will also find Keith." Lee said.

"Thank You. I am going to help father get Brian in the car and Josh can stay with me. " she said. "I will get the boys together and start that way. We will be there as soon as we can. If you need anything you can reach me at this number." Lee said. They ended their call and Lee quickly called Ronnie's private number. He explained that they were having to rush Brian to the Emergency Room but he was not sure exactly what was going on. Ronnie assured him that he would head from his office to the ER and meet them there.

"I wish they would stop talking about what they plan to do and get down to the facts." Keith thought. Once inside and seated for the meeting. Keith had put his cell phone on vibrate. The phone had vibrated and he saw that it was Brian. "I will call him back after this." Keith thought. Then a few minutes later another vibrate. This time it was Lee. "Damn phone has been quiet all morning. Now that I am in this meeting it is going nuts." Keith thought to himself. A moment later it vibrated again. This time it was a text from Lee. "CALL ME 911..... 9 ! 1! 1!. " flashed on the screen. "HOLY SHIT!!." was all Keith said as he jumped from his chair and headed out the door looking for Lee's number as he ran.

Lee informed Keith about the current situation. "The lady next door has Josh. I talked to him. He is upset but i think he is comfortable with her." Lee said. "What the fuck happened ?" Keith asked. "I am not sure. All I know is that the neighbor felt he needed to go to the ER and quickly. I have called Ronnie and he is meeting them there." Lee said. "Thank you buddy for being there." Keith said. "The boys and I will be leaving shortly to head north. We will go by and bring Josh with us. " Lee said.

"Well I am on my way." Keith said as he got the door open to his truck and fumbled with the key to get it in the ignition. "Keith. Please be careful. They are taking care of Brian. We don't need you to act crazy and end up in the ER too. Josh needs both of you. Promise you will be careful." Lee said. "I will. I can't risk Josh having to be away from both of us." Keith said as he ended the call. Turning the ignition the truck began to chime. "What the fuck ? I just filled this damn thing up a couple of exits back. The son of a bitch is empty. Someone has fucked with my truck." Keith screamed.

"I think that your investors will be pleased with the progress. As you can see from the reports that we have all of the sub contractors lined up. We are about three weeks ahead of schedule at this time." Chris said. "We only have a couple of questions at this point." one man said. "Once you have time to read the full report you can jot down all questions and we will be glad to address them." Chris said.

"Now to the budget. I think you will be very pleased that at this point......" Chris stopped as his office door opened quickly and Pamela came in with his coat and brief case in her hands. "I am sorry for the interruption but Mr. Hamrick has an emergency. I have an associate that will be here momentarily to finish your meeting. " she said. Chris was still in shock as Pamela reached out and took him by the arm and pulled him towards the door. "You will have to excuse me." he said to the group. "Once again I am sorry for the interruption but this could not be avoided. Your meeting will only be delayed for a couple of minutes. Please bare with me." she said as she pulled the door closed.

"What the hell ?" Chris said. Pamela told Chris quickly what Lee has told her when he called. "Mr. Lee wants you to get Josh as soon as you can. He is with the neighbor." Pamela said. "It took guts to come in there. I knew I kept you around for many reasons." Chris laughed. "Well Mr. Hamrick you are my boss. But Mr. Lee is yours and I figured I had rather deal with you than him." she laughed. "You learn quick." Chris laughed.

At the hospital Ronnie had met the neighbor and Brian in the parking lot. Quickly getting Brian into the ER, Ronnie went into the room and began working with Brian. Chris arrived just as Ronnie was coming out to speak with the neighbor. "Hey Chris. Do either of you know what Brian ate this morning ?" Ronnie asked. "Food poisoning ?" Chris asked. "No. Brian has been poisoned." Ronnie said. "Poisoned?" both men asked in unison. "Yes and he is very lucky. We have been able to isolate the two main poisons and have given him and anti venom and another solution. Usually by the time they start vomiting it is too late but Brian will be fine." Ronnie said. "Anti venom ?" Chris asked. "We checked and there are no bites. He ingested it." Ronnie said.

"I think I saw an open thing of yogurt on the table." the neighbor said. "Well we know that there was snake venom and anti freeze." Ronnie said. "Are you sure he will be fine ?" Chris said. "His ribs will be sore from all the vomiting and his throat a little raw but I want to keep him for five or six hours and as long as we have it all diluted then he will be able to go home. He will be fine. A few minutes later and he would not have survived." Ronnie said. Chris and the elderly man both sat down in shock at the same time. "Let me get back in and check on him. Let me know as soon as Keith gets here." Ronnie said. "Do you know Brian's cell phone number ?" the neighbor asked.

Chris pulled out his phone and pulled up Brian's number and started the call. "Hello" the lady said. "Mother. Brian is alright but he was poisoned. Get Josh out of the house and don't let him eat or drink anything from that house. He wanted to help you make cookies the other night. I think that would take his mind off everything." he said. "I was just pouring him some juice. We will leave right now." she said. Chris took his phone back and pulled up his contact list. Mashing a button.

"Hello Mr. Hamrick. How can I help you ?" the voice said. "I need a team at Keith and Brian's house immediately. Brian has been poisoned. I need everything eatable out of that house and ready for testing. One more thing. I need your boss at my house around six pm tonight to explain to Lee and I why you are still employed." Chris said and hang up without waiting on a reply.

"So you are James Bond then." the elderly man said. "James Bond ?" Chris questioned. "All the black SUV's." the man said. "Well not me but my husband's family. I guess since I am in the family now its me too. " Chris laughed. "Well mother and I are grateful." he said. "Never been called James Bond though." Chris laughed.

"FUCK....FUCK....FUCK . I drained his truck's gas tank and even blew air into it so there were no fumes. I guess the damn thing has a reserve tank." the man shouted as he watched from across the street as Keith pumped just enough fuel to get him to the hospital. "If they got into my mixture I bought myself enough time for it to do its job before he can get there anyway." he said talking out loud to himself. "This should get rid of the faggot and the brat." he thought. "I need to go home early and shower good and dress nice. Keith will need comforting in a little while. I can just feel it now. Holding him to my chest while he cries and I fondle those ass cheeks. By the time this night is over I will have my dick up that tight round ass and Keith will forget all about his loss." the man thought. Readjusting himself in the seat to relieve the pressure in his pants from his growing cock the man waited for Keith to start up the interstate ramp before he pulled out himself.

Word had spread quickly among the group. Bob had called Paul and told him what was going on and that he was headed to Keith and Brian's as soon as he could. "Babe you go the hospital. Both babies are fed so I will go check on Josh and you go check on Keith and Brian." Paul said. Paul arrived at the neighbors house before any of the rest of the men. Opening the door the lady saw a man standing there with a baby carrier in each hand. She recognized him from being at Brian and Keith's. "Hello I am Paul Lasko. I came to check on Josh." he said.

"Come on in. We were making cookies." she said. Spotting Paul from across the room Josh ran crying and wrapped his arms around Paul's leg. The lady took one of the carriers and Paul set the other on the floor beside him. Paul picked Josh up and hugged him tight. "Uncle Paul. Daddy was dying. I couldn't help him." Josh cried. "No baby. Your Daddy is going to be fine. Uncle Bob talked to Uncle Chris and he is there with your daddy now and he will be fine. I promise." Paul said. "Are you sure ?" Josh whimpered. "Yes baby I promise." Paul said. "Please God keep my promise." Paul said in a silent prayer. The elderly lady had made a pallet on the floor and removed both infants and lay them on it. "Thank you." Paul said. "No honey thank you. I love babies but never get to see any." she said. "Little buddy do you want to show Uncle Paul the cookies you were making ?' Paul asked as he headed towards the kitchen still carrying Josh.

Keith arrived at the hospital and almost tore the doors off trying to get in. Automatic doors do not open quickly for a person that is running. "Where is he ?" Keith asked as he ran up to Chris and the elderly man. "Ronnie is in with him now. He is fine but Ronnie said to give him a couple of minutes. So wait here with us and he will let you in." Chris said. "But he is alright ?" Keith asked. "Ronnie said he would be fine. He wanted to watch him for a few hours but then he would let him go home." Chris said. "This is it Chris. This person or persons is a dead mother fucker." Keith whispered. " I understand Keith but be careful. You have Brian and Josh to think about. Plus the new baby that's coming. Besides I told the owner of the security that he had better be at our house at six pm and explain to me and Lee while they were still employed." Chris said.

"I am sure Lee has already asked him that." Keith said. "I doubt it. He will know as soon as he gets to your house that I have called them. By the way they are removing everything from your house that is ingestible for testing. So there will be absolutely no food in the house." Chris said. "I would have tossed it all anyway." Keith said. "And you three are coming to our house for at least tonight." Chris said. "We will be fine at home." Keith said. "That was not a suggestion." Chris said.

"Damn you haven't even said I do and you are already acting like Lee." Keith laughed. "I'm a quick study. Remember I have to live with him. If I didn't insist I may have to come stay with you." Chris laughed. About that time Ronnie came into the room. "You can come in now. Brian will be fine. " Ronnie said. Keith turned to the elderly man and walked over and hugged him tight. "How can we ever thank you." Keith said. "No thanks necessary. I am just glad that Josh knew how to use his walkie talkie." the man said. "Walkie talkie?" Chris asked. "I will explain later." Keith said.

Lee arrived at Keith and Brian's house to find a team of people emptying all food sources. He, Cody and Alex went next door to the neighbors. When the lady opened the door she smiled even bigger to see two more small children coming to her house. Lee explained who he was as Paul was returning to the living room. "See little buddy. Alex, Cody and Uncle Lee are here too." Paul whispered to Josh. The exhausted little boy only turned his head without even lifting it to see the new group. Lee noticed that Josh had wet his pants. "Alex will you set on the couch and be real quiet. I will take Cody with me. I need to go next door for a minute." Lee said nodding towards Josh. "You can leave him here with me. I wanted to go get some clothes for him but was scared to go back over there." the elderly lady said. "You have a house full now." Lee laughed. Walking over next to Lee and Cody the elderly lady looked at Cody. "You sure are a cuttie pie." she said. Cody automatically turned towards her and held his arms out. "Up pzzz" he said. "Well I guess he can stay. I wont be long. " Lee said. As he headed out the door he looked back and Cody waved and said. "bye , bye." as if he were at home.

Lee returned with a change of clothes for Josh. "Here give them to me. I will take care of this one." Paul said. As Lee handed the clothes to Paul. "Where is a bathroom we can use for a minute." Paul asked. "Upstairs and second door on the right. Everything you need is in the closet behind the door." the elderly lady said. "Uncle Paul. Are you upset with me ?" Josh asked. "No baby why would I be upset with you ?" Paul asked. "I had an accident." Josh said. "Yes baby and it was just that. Do you know what accident means ?" Paul asked. "No sir." Josh said. "Well buddy. Accident means that something happens that you didn't plan to happen. It is something that happens that you can not control." Paul said. "I promise it was an accident." Josh said and began to lightly cry.

Paul pulled the little boy to his chest. "Baby I know it was an accident and I promise you that your daddy Brian will be fine." Paul said knowing that was the biggest issue. "Are you sure ?" Josh asked. "Yes baby I am sure. Daddy Keith is bringing him back home in just a little while. So see he will be just fine." Paul said wiping the tears from the little boys face. Josh wrapped his arms around Paul's neck. "I love you Uncle Paul." Josh whispered. "Me and Uncle Bob love you too little man." Paul said. By the time they returned downstairs Josh had fallen asleep on Paul's shoulder. "Buddy do you want me to go next door and get you a clean shirt ? Yours got wet from Josh's accident." Lee said. Paul sat on the couch and pointed to the twins laying on the floor. "What makes you think I wear clean shirts anymore ?" Paul laughed.

Josh was just waking up when the elderly man and Chris arrived at the house. "Well mother. I think you are the happiest woman in Atlanta with all these babies in the house." the man said. "Hi. I am Chris. I belong to him and those two." Chris said pointing to Lee and then the boys. "Well you belong to a fine group then. Yes father I am sad that Brian is sick but it has been a happy afternoon for me. Realizing the elderly man had arrived Josh jumped and ran to him. Standing in front of him looking straight up. "Where is my Daddy Brian. Is he still sick ?" Josh asked. The man reached down and mussed Josh's hair.

"Your Daddy Brian will be just fine. Daddy Keith came to the hospital and he is going to bring him home in a little while. He will be tired but he is not sick anymore." the man said. "I used the talkie just like you told me too." Josh said. "Yes you did Josh and father and I are very proud of you." the lady said. "I don't have it though. I think I lost it." Josh acted as though he would cry. "I put it on the table at your house so it will be there when you go home." the lady said. "Talkie?" Chris asked. The elderly man explained to the group about the Christmas gift they had given Josh and the reasons why. "We need to change neighbors. Is the house on the other side for sale?" Chris laughed.

"Baby I am so sorry. I promise these son of a bitches will pay and pay dearly." Keith said. Brian lay in the hospital bed with I. V. bags hanging around him. "Sweetheart you did not do this. I am not worried about me but I am scared for Josh. " Brian whispered. "I will protect my family." Keith said. "How is Josh doing? He was so upset. I wanted to hold him but I couldn't." Brian began to cry. "He is a trooper. The lady next door had him for a while. Then Paul showed up. Last I heard she had a house full of babies and Josh was doing alright." Keith said.

"What happened ?" Brian said. "All Ronnie knows is it was poison. Chris had the security people go to the house and take everything out that was consumable so it can be tested. " Keith said. "Well i cooked Josh eggs and grits. I ate about half of a yogurt and then it all happened." Brian said. About that time the door opened. "How is our patient doing? " Ronnie asked. "Much better. Ronnie I could never repay you for everything you have done for me and Keith." Brian said. "Just get better and take care of my new nephew. That's payment enough." Ronnie said.

"Do you know anymore ?" Keith asked. "We isolated the three main elements. Snake venom, anti freeze, and commercial pesticide. We know it had to be ingested and that luckily Brian had a reaction to one. Usually a mixture like this once you start vomiting its too late. Luckily Brian started early and Josh was able to get help." Ronnie said. "They were serious then." Brian said. "Very serious. We have been able to give you something to counter act everything we have isolated. I want to keep you for another couple of hours and then you can go home. But for the next 24 hours due to the pesticide and venom I want you to drink at least eight ounces of water every four hours. This will flush everything out of your system and should stop any damage to your bladder or kidneys. " Ronnie said. "Oh he will drink that much every hour." Keith said. "No Keith we don't want him to drown internally. Every four hours will be good enough." Ronnie laughed. "I will Doc. How is Wayne ?" Brian asked. "I am the one that can never repay you two. Wayne says he is happy but I have to take his word. As for me I am the happiest I have ever been in my life. I talked to him a few minutes ago. He is headed up as soon as he gets off work." Ronnie said.

"What are you up to today baby ?" James asked as he phoned to check on Kyle. "It seems that everyone is gathered around Brian and Keith. I know they are going to Chris and Lee's tonight so I am cooking enough "safe" food to feed everyone." Kyle said. "You are something special. Did you know that ?" James said. "Babe I know it sounds crazy to do this but I owe these guys more than I could ever repay and this is just a small token." Kyle said. "Kyle you would do the same thing even if they had not helped you. You don't have to justify anything that you do." James said.

"Yes I would have done it anyway but I had to use some of the food that you had at home. I will replace it as soon as I can. I just wanted you to know I don't usually do anything like this without asking first. " Kyle said. "Honey I want you to realize one day that everything there is yours too. You don't have to replace anything. It was yours from the beginning. I am not mad or fussing but I don't ever want to hear you apologize to me for doing anything you want to with anything in that house." James said.

"You know I have the most special boyfriend in the world. I don't know what I did to deserve him." Kyle said. "Well I will argue that point. Mine is more special than yours and I am more blessed than you are." James said. "Alright we need to end this. If we keep talking this will turn into phone sex and no one will eat tonight." Kyle laughed. "Phone sex huh ?" James laughed. "Well you call your lover for that then. I prefer it in person." Kyle laughed. "That can be arranged later." James said. "Get back to work so I can too." Kyle laughed.

The group moved from the neighbors house to Chris and Lee's. Keith arrived with Brian. As they walked in the door and anxious Josh went running to Brian. Stopping just short of jumping into his arms Josh stood and looked at both Brian and Keith and broke down and began to shake and cry. Keith pulled the small boy into his arms. "Daddy is here baby. We are both fine. I am so proud of you for calling for help." Keith whispered. "I couldn't fix daddy. It scared me. I couldn't fix him. Daddy please forgive me." Josh cried.

Following Brian to the couch so that he could set down, Keith carried the crying child. Brian took Josh and pulled him to his lap. "Baby you have no reason to feel like its your fault. If it had not been for you calling for help I would have been much sicker. I am sorry that you had to see all that but you have been big boy today and remember its not your fault and I love you." Brian said. "You still love me ?" Josh asked. "OH baby I love you more and more every day. Please believe me." Brian said. "Me too little man." Keith added. Josh sat back and looked up and Brian. "Daddy I had an accident. I pee pee'd in my pants and Uncle Paul helped me. Do you still love me now ?" Josh asked. "Yes baby and I will tell you a secret. I had an accident too and pee pee'd in my pants. Uncle Ronnie helped me. Do you still love me ?" Brian asked. "You know I do daddy." Josh said with concern. "Then you know that Daddy Keith and I still love you too then, right ?" Brian asked. "Yes sir." Josh said as he lay his head on Brian's chest and wrapped his arms around him. "Here let me take him so you can rest." Keith whispered. "Don't you dare. I am exhausted but I need this from him right now as much as he needs it from me." Brian said. Keith kissed Brian on the cheek and then Josh on top of the head and headed to the kitchen where some of the other men were gathered.

Keith walked into the kitchen. "Is there anything we can do for you guys buddy ?" Bob asked as he walked up and hugged Keith. Keith just broke down and cried. Bob held him tight while Wayne and Kyle stood there with their hands on his back. Bob could feel the real Keith coming out. This muscle bound man just melted into Bob's arms. Once he was able to compose himself Keith moved back and looked at the group. "I love you guys. Thank you for everything." Keith said.

"Well we really haven't done anything." Paul said. "I almost lost my whole life today. Some son of a bitch tried to kill the love of my life and my son. You guys stepped up and took my place until I could get here." Keith said. "No one took your place buddy. We just did what we all do for the ones we love and care for." Chris said. "I am putting a stop to this now. One way or another." Keith said firming the muscles back up and taking his cop stance.

"Well my honey has started that ball rolling. He called the security company and had them clean out your house and told them to tell the owner to be here at six to explain while they were still employed." Lee said smiling at Chris. "Well I tried to put myself in Keith's shoes. I know how I felt when you were missing. I could not imagine how I would feel knowing someone did that to you or the boys. I figured he needed to answer some questions because if something had happened to you guys he wouldn't live long enough to explain." Chris said. About that time the doorbell rang.

"MEMAW" Alex hollered as Lee opened the door. Josh looked up and lightly smiled but buried his face in Brian's chest as if he were playing shy. "Mom. What are you doing here. Come on in. Hey Breanna. What's up ?" Lee asked. Cody had made his way to Breanna. "Up pzzz." he said smiling from ear to ear. "I called the security company and told them I wanted a meeting. They told me that my son in law had called and said the owner had better be here at six to explain why they were still employed. " Mrs. Ruth explained.

"I am sorry Mrs. Ruth. I was upset. I hope I didn't over step my bounds." Chris said. "Not at all. And its Mom not Mrs. Ruth. It is good that you called. I would have probably fired them on the spot. I am pleased that you took it upon yourself to protect my family." she said.

As all the men said their hellos the two ladies joined the men. Mrs. Ruth went and sat beside Brian. "I need to apologize to you. I am usually good at hiring the best. Apparently I made a mistake somewhere. Thank goodness my son in law has stepped up and is demanding answers." she said. "Mrs. Ruth you have no reason to apologize to me. Its not your fault nor is it your security company. " Brian said.

"You are kind to say that but I take full responsibility. I am the one that signs the paychecks." she said. "I just want this to end." Brian said. "Oh it will. There will be some major changes in a couple of hours." she said. "Thank you for caring." Brian said. "Josh. I hear you were a brave young man today when you got help for Brian." she said. Josh just smiled at the elderly lady and leaned over and kissed her on the cheek before returning quickly to the safety of his father's chest.

"I need a minute with you, Chris, Breanna, Bob and Keith in private." Lee's mom told him. Gathering the men and retreating to the study Mrs. Ruth took charge of the conversation and lay out a plan that she and Breanna discussed on the way to Atlanta. "Bob if the offer is accepted I will need you to do the paper work and contracts as soon as possible." she said. All the men sat there with a shocked look on their face except for Lee. The three men looked at Lee who had a smile on his face. "Hey I have a cell phone. I knew all about it." he said. "We may argue among ourselves but we do work well together and decisions like this are discussed. Even with my Dad as if that makes a difference." Breanna laughed.

There was light knock on the door. "Kyle has dinner on the table." Paul said as he stuck his head in the door. "Think about our proposal over dinner." Mrs. Ruth said. The group returned to the dining room. Mrs. Ruth and Breanna headed towards the living room. "Where are you two going ? There is more than enough for everyone." James said. "We didn't come here to interrupt your dinner." Breanna said. "Kyle cooked enough to feed the whole street." James said as he pointed to the number of unopened aluminum containers still on the counter. The ladies joined the group at the table. "This food is delicious Kyle. Thank you for allowing us to eat." Mrs. Ruth said. "Thank you. I hope you enjoy it." Kyle said. "You are opening Kyle's kitchen in a couple of weeks aren't you ?" she asked. "Yes mam I am. I look forward to getting the doors open. " Kyle said. "I look forward to seeing the progress reports to see how things are going." she said.

"Oh shit. Is she involved?" Kyle thought almost choking on his food. The doorbell rang and Kyle stood and went to answer it. "We are here to meet with Chris and Lee." the first man said. "Come in. Everyone is eating. They will be with you shortly." Kyle said. "We are on a time table. Would you please let them know we are ready now." the other man said. Kyle returned to the table and told the Chris and Lee about the conversation. Chris went to stand. Seeing the anger on his face Mrs. Ruth began to stand. "I will handle this. You eat." she said.

Entering the living room where the men stood near the door. "Ah Mrs. Ruth. We were not expecting you." one man said. "Apparently not. I hear that you are in a hurry. Well you are on my time clock so I suggest that you set silently in those chairs until I finish my meal." she said. "We are kind of busy." one man said before getting punched on the arm by the other. "I will remember that when I am too busy to write your check for the month. Now sit." she said as she turned and walked back to the dining room. "You ignorant son of a bitch." the first man said to the other. "I just hate being summoned and then kept waiting." he said. "If she tells you to drop and give her fifty you better give her a damn hundred. If she tells you to dump and eat your own shit I better she you spoon it in and smile while you do it. Got it ?" he said. "Are you serious ?" The guy said. "Careful with your next statement or you will be unemployed and taking MARTA home. You got that one ?" the man said.

Next: Chapter 70

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