Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Mar 19, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make Mine to Go " Chapter 66

The weeks working up to Christmas came in a hurry. Each household trying to ready themselves and their families for the Holidays. Brian was having to try to keep tight reigns on Keith because he had told Lee that if he didn't stop him he would buy the complete Toys R Us store and bring it home. Josh was still not as excited because he had never celebrated Christmas.

Keith and Brian had to both be in the first picture they had made with Santa Claus. Once Josh realized that he would not be left with the bearded man alone he finally allowed one picture. Brian had a photographer come to the house and take a picture of Keith, Brian and Josh as their first family Christmas card. Chris and Lee followed suit just as did Bob and Paul. Lame I know but if you look at what each house had been through it was understandable.

Christmas morning came quickly. Lee was an old pro at Santa Claus so he and Chris had made it to bed early. It was a different story in the house with Keith and Brian. Not knowing what to expect they had put together all the toys from Santa and rearranged them under the tree six or seven times. They finally gave up around five am and went to bed. They anticipated Josh waking at six am or so excited about what Santa brought.

They had been in bed about thirty minutes but both were too excited to sleep. Brian got up and told Keith he would be right back. Returning from the master bath Brian walked up to the bed. The room was dim so Keith could not really see him until he reached the side of the bed. "I have your early morning present sexy" Brian said. Keith looked to see a small bow taped to Brian's heart and a red ribbon around his waist. Brian turned slowly to reveal a large red bow that covered his ass. "MMMM. Merry Christmas to me." Keith whispered.

Slowly removing the bow while Brian had his back to him Keith was taking his time. Once the bow was removed he began to run his hands over both of Brian's ass cheeks. He parted them with both hands and to Brian's surprise Keith dove his tongue inside as deep as he could which caused Brian to squeal. With his tongue still deep inside Brian Keith moved his body around so that his feet were on the floor. Reaching over and grabbing the lube Keith began to apply an ample amount to his now raging cock.

Keith removed his tongue and began to lick his way up Brian's back as he stood to his feet. In one motion Keith began to kiss Brian on the neck and try to slide his oversized cock inside his lover's ass. Once his mushroom head finally broke through the ring he held Brian tight while he gasp for air. A deep moan came from Brian and Keith felt his ass ring relax and in one other swift motion Keith sank into his lover balls deep. That one push caused Brian to arch his head back on Keith's shoulder and begin to shoot his load across the bedroom floor. "Damn baby that was so fuccckkiiinngggg hhhhoooootttttt...." Keith whispered as the heat of passion caused him to begin to unload deep inside Brian. Keith pulled Brian down with him as he sat on the bed while his cock flexed and dumped its seed inside. Brian. "Damn baby. I am sorry that was so quick." Brian said.

"Never say sorry. I was so horny I thought I was going to shoot just seeing the bow." Keith whispered. Brian reached around and pulled Keith's head down and burying it in his shoulder. "Ready for round two ?" Keith whispered. "Later baby. I am ready to get our son up so he can be as excited as we are." Brian said. Brian stood slowly and as Keith's cock exited it made a loud slurping sound. Keith laughed. "What was that for ?" Brian asked. "Daddy Brian pooted." Keith laughed remembering Josh's comment. "Sweetheart after that baseball bat being in my ass I couldn't hold gas if I wanted too. " Brian laughed. Come on. We have a son to enjoy Christmas with." Brian said.

A few miles away there would be no wake up Christmas morning sex for Chris and Lee. They had made it to bed just before midnight but within an hour they had an excited Alex in bed with them too. Chris had gotten up and after Alex arrived and put Cody in bed with them too. "I didn't think you were old enough to be excited about Christmas." Chris laughed. Cody had woken before the rest and crawled up on Chris' chest and was using his fingers to open one of Chris' eyes at a time and lean over and look into his eye. "I hope that when you get older you are still in such a good mood in the mornings." Chris laughed.

"Do you think Santa stopped here last night. I was a good boy." Alex whispered still not moving from his sleeping position. "I tell you what little man. You go potty and then let me and Papa potty and we will go see." Lee whispered. "Well we need a dry diaper for this little monster setting on my chest too." Chris laughed. Once all four were ready Lee opened the door and almost got knocked down by Alex. Carrying Cody, Chris carried him and placed him in front of the tree also. As Alex tore through toys that Santa had left Cody was more interested in the wrapping paper.

Lee snapped pictures while Chris stood behind him with his arms wrapped around him. Chris' chin was nestled on Lee's shoulder as he watched the frenzy taking place around the tree. "I have never felt so loved and so much love in all my life as I do now baby." Chris whispered in Lee's ear. "Me too baby. And by the way. Papa junior, that is poking me in the ass, will get his present later." Lee whispered. "Mmmmm.... Santa left Papa junior a present too. I hear he has been a good little boy this year." Chris said as he ground his hard cock in between Lee's crack through both men's shorts. "Yes he has been good. Santa left him a gift to unwrap for later." Lee whispered. Moving quickly. "Alright stinkers lets see what Santa left." Chris laughed. "It will take all day for them to get to all this." Lee laughed. "Oh no... Play hard and nap early. Papa junior wants his present." Chris laughed.

Things were much less hectic at Bob and Paul's house. With small babies Christmas would be calmer for a couple of years. They both lay in the bed sweating from their morning Christmas marathon of sex. "I love you so much daddy." Paul whispered as he spooned back again Bob's body. "I love you too baby. Merry Christmas." Bob said as he moved to slide his semi hard cock back inside his lover. "Mmmmm. Merry Christmas to me." Paul moaned.

"I hope you are happy." Bob whispered. "Baby I don't think that God could perform any miracle that would make my life any more complete or make me any happier." Paul said as he used his ass ring to squeeze his lover's cock. " I guess we need to get started moving. Its going to be a long day. We have both grandparents houses to visit." Bob whispered. "We still have a few hours but I know it will be a long day. Leyton and Addyson will be worn out by the end of the day." Paul said. "Maybe they will sleep even better tonight." Bob said. "I hope so. Daddy has some more ass wrecking to do later tonight. You got your Christmas present. Tonight I get mine." Paul laughed.

"Lets get showered and moving." Bob said popping Paul on his ass cheek. "Mmmm... Good start there sexy. You can't put on clothes until we get ready to leave. I want to be able to drop to my knees and taste my Christmas candy anytime I want until we leave." Paul whispered. "Can we call the family and say we are staying in ?" Bob whispered flexing his cock inside Paul. "No baby but I promise it will be a Christmas you wont forget." Paul whispered.

Back at Keith and Brian's house they had waited as long as they could. Keith burst through the door and jumped on Josh's bed and tried to tickle him. "MERRY CHRISTMAS buddy." Keith shouted. Josh balled up into a tighter knot and instead of just tears he began to cry. "What's wrong son ?" Keith whispered as he pulled Josh in and held him tight. "I'm sorry. I promise I didn't mean to." Josh cried. "Baby its alright." Keith said realizing that Josh had wet the bed. "I am sorry Daddy Keith. Please don't spank me. I will wash the sheets." Josh cried even louder.

By this time Brian had joined the two in the bed. "Did something scare you last night ?" Brain asked as he rubbed the little boys back. "You said that Santa was coming last night. I was scared to move or even breath. I was scared he would find me and take me away." Josh cried. "Oh sweet baby. Santa would never take you away from us. Plus we would not let him. You have been the perfect little boy so Santa only came while you were asleep and left you presents. " Keith whispered. "He didn't come then." Josh whispered. "Why would you say that ?" Brian asked. "I was scared to fall asleep." Josh said. "Well I bet Santa knew that and was real quiet and left you presents under the tree anyway." Keith whispered.

"Lets get a family shower and clean you up and see if Santa did visit. " Brian said. "I can clean myself. I wont cause any problems I promise." Josh said lightly crying again. "Baby you are not causing a problem. Besides Daddy Keith is starting to smell a little. He needs a shower too. " Brian said which brought a slight grin to Josh's face. Brian started the shower to warm it up. Keith came into the bathroom carrying Josh. Josh still had his head on Keith's shoulder not knowing if he would be punished. Once in the shower Brian washed Josh quickly while Keith held him. Both men realized that Josh's height would not be fair for him to stand alone. Josh would be face level with cocks, balls and asses.

Brian took extra time washing his lover. Once finished Brian stepped out and dried quickly before taking Josh and drying him. As Keith began to dry off Josh just stared. "What's wrong buddy ?" Keith asked. "Daddy are you alright ? Your wee wee got a lot bigger. Is it alright ? Are you sick ?" Josh asked with concern. "No baby it is fine. When you get older yours will too." Brian said. "Josh looked down at his little boy cock and quickly grasp his hands around it. "Please no. That will hurt." Josh said. Both men laughed lightly. "It wont hurt baby I promise but you have a lot of years before you have to worry about that." Brian said.

Josh questioned why they were wearing clothes. Brian and Keith both explained that they wanted to take pictures and that was not allowed unless they all had on clothes. He seemed to easily understand that. Plus they explained that with all the grandparents and cousins coming later that they needed to wear clothes. The big boys club was only when they were all home alone or others were there that are in the same club. Josh understood easier than they thought he would.

Keith picked Josh up and told him to close his eyes. They made their way to the living room. Once in front of the tree Keith told him to open his eyes. A look of shock was on the little boys face. His eyes never left all the gifts as Keith leaned down and stood him in front of them. Josh backed up against Keith. "These are all for you little man." Keith whispered. "See I told you that Santa knew you had been a good little boy." Brian whispered.

Josh slowly walked over to a small truck almost like one he had played with when with Alex. He lightly reached out and touched the truck. Pulling his hands back to his chest he surveyed the other toys. "Why don't you play with all your toys while I start breakfast. " Brian said as he stood and headed for the kitchen. Keith watched as Josh would reach out and touch the truck as if petting an animal. "Little man that's your truck. You can play with it all you want." Keith whispered. "Want some juice little man ?" Keith asked. Josh just nodded his head still not speaking. Keith got up and headed to the kitchen. Wrapping his arms around Brian. "I love you baby. I was just hoping he would be more excited." Keith whispered. "Babe you have to give him time. This is all new to him." Brain said. Brian felt a tear land on his shoulder. "I know baby. I just wanted him to feel safe and be a normal little boy on Christmas morning." Keith said. "He will baby. We just have to be patient." Brian whispered.

Keith returned with the juice to find the living room empty. All the gifts were still intact except the little truck was missing. Keith quickly went back to the kitchen. Almost frantically looking around. "What's wrong baby ?" Brian asked. "Josh is gone. I thought he may have come looking for me." Keith said. "Don't worry. The door chimes have not gone off so he is still in the house. We have to be careful but we can look for him together." Brian said. They first headed to Josh's bedroom. Standing still they heard no sound. "Shhh" Brain said. He then turned Keith and guided him to the guest bedroom door. A very faint "vrrooomm" came from the closet.

Slowly opening the closet door they saw Josh setting in the corner of the closet playing with his truck. Realizing he had been spotted Josh turned his face towards the corner he was in and balled into the fetal position except for sticking his hand out towards the two men with the truck in it. "I didn't take it for keeps. I promise. I was going to put it back." Josh began to cry. Brian got into the closet with Josh and pulled the sobbing child into his lap. "Sweet baby. That is your truck. It is all yours and you can play with it anytime you want too." Brian said. "You are just saying that." Josh cried. "Do you trust me little buddy ?" Keith asked. "Yes daddy." Josh whispered. "Come to me for a minute and let me tell you a story." Keith said.

Reluctantly Josh let go of Brian and dropped the truck. He wrapped his arms around Keith's neck and began to cry uncontrollably. Keith trying hard to keep it together allowed a few tears to escape himself. "Baby I wish I could take all your pain and fear away." Keith whispered and they walked back to the living room. "I love you little man. I love you so much it hurts." Keith whispered. "You don't have to love me." Josh cried. "Baby I know I don't have too but I do. Please believe me." Keith said. "The man told me that you only pretended to love me." Josh said. "What man ?" Keith asked. "The man on the other side of the fence." Josh said.

Tears turned into internal rage in Keith. "Well that man on the other side of the fence tells fibs." Keith said. "Was it the man you met last week that lives there ?" Brian asked. "No daddy this was another man." Josh said. "Do you think i was fibbing to you when i said I loved you?" Keith asked quietly. "No but he said you didn't want to be my daddy anymore. Do you want to still be my daddy ?" Josh asked. "I want to be your daddy forever baby boy. I promise that." Keith said. "I do too." Brian added.

Keith calmed Josh and told him of the story of two men that sat in a ladies office one day. The cutest little dirty boy came in and watched them. When he ran and grabbed him by the neck he knew that he could never love a little boy anymore than he loved that little boy. "That was me ?" Josh asked. "Yes baby boy that little dirty boy was you. " Keith said and kissed him on the cheek. "You know its a shame to let all these toys that Santa brought that dirty little boy are going to waste. They don't have a little boy to play with them. " Brian said. "Can I ?" Josh asked. "Yes son. Santa brought them just for you. You can play with them anytime you want too." Keith said. Josh slowly got out of Keith's lap and walked around the tree touching each toy. He got to a police car and touched the top. The lights began to flash and a siren went off. "Is that like your car daddy ?" Josh asked all bright eyes. "Yes it is son. Its just like my car but smaller. " Keith said. "And its mine?" Josh asked. "Yes son its all yours." Brian said. "Can Alex play with it too ?" Josh said. "Alex can play with any of your toys just like he lets you play with his. " Keith said. Moments later a few of the toys were in the middle of the floor with a child smiling from ear to ear. "You are the perfect daddy." Brian whispered. "No. Second perfect." Keith whispered and kissed Brian. "How about that breakfast guys ?" Brian asked. Both Keith and Josh smiled. "You play and I will call you when its ready." Brian said. "Need help ?" Keith asked. "Yes I do. Our son needs help playing with all his new toys." Brian laughed as he left the room.

It was a lazy morning at James and Kyle's house. Kyle had snuck out of bed earlier and went to prepare his surprise for James. Snuggled back in bed James began to wake. "Merry Christmas sweetheart." he whispered in Kyle's ear. "Merry Christmas my love." Kyle said. Kyle turned so that he was facing James. James reached down and went to rub Kyle's ass and realized he was naked. "I thought we were going to wait until the doctor gave his o.k. for sex to sleep naked." James said as he squeezed and rubbed the bare ass cheek. "Well I am ashamed but I could not get you much for Christmas." Kyle said. "Baby you being here is all I need." James said. Kyle pulled the covers back to reveal a bow wrapped around his waist. "When I went to the doctor day before yesterday I asked him about sex. He said I was free to do anything I wanted. I wanted to rush home and tell you but it was so close to Christmas I wanted to make this one of your gifts since I could not afford much." Kyle whispered. "Merry fucking Christmas to me." James said as he began to run his hands over Kyle's naked body. "Are you sure baby ?" James asked. "I have never been so sure or so ready in all my life." Kyle whispered as he leaned up to kiss James.

James pushed Kyle back on his back while enjoying the deepest most sensual kiss he ever remembered. "Baby I need you inside me." Kyle whispered. "This is my Christmas present. So I get to take my time." James whispered. James stopped the kiss and sat back and looked down at Kyle. Kyle feeling self conscious pulled his arms up to cover his chest. James reached out and lightly pulled his arms away. "Oh no baby. Its my Christmas present and I am burning every beautiful square inch into my mind. Plus I am imagining all the things I plan to do to my Christmas present to keep it happy too." James said as he leaned down for a more in depth kiss. The long passionate kiss had James' hard cock straining against the underwear he was wearing. "To hell with this." James said quickly and raised up removing the underwear and settling his full body down on top of Kyle. "Much better." he whispered.

James lay between Kyle's legs. Pulling one of Kyle's legs up James held on hand under Kyle's neck and with the free hand he began to explore his long awaited prize. James could feel the hair on his stomach getting wet. Knowing that Kyle was leaking he reached his free hand between them and collected some on his fingers. Moving his hand back he slowly circled Kyles ring with one finger getting it good and slick and then slowly tried to insert one of his fingers. "Damn baby are you sure. You are like a vice and I am not a small man." James whispered. "If you don't fuck me I will find a cucumber or a stick or something. " Kyle growled. "No worries lover. I can do the job. No need for vegetables." James whispered.

The grip on his finger made James so hard he began to hurt. Slowly working his finger in and out he felt Kyle loosen a little. He began a fast and furious finger fuck for a few seconds which had Kyle squirming and moaning loudly. Adding a second finger was not that easy but once inside James began to kiss Kyle even deeper. Once the vice had loosened on the two fingers James slowly and easily added a third. This brought a whimper from Kyle. "You alright baby ?" James asked. "Keep on. I want the real thing." Kyle growled. "I don't want to hurt you baby. That's the last thing I would do." James whispered. "I need you inside me. I need to feel full and safe. I need your seed inside me. PLEASE." Kyle almost screamed. "Calm down baby. I plan to take full advantage of my Christmas present and fuck it like it has never been fucked before." James whispered.

James and Kyle's passionate kiss at times became one more of animal nature. Between the kisses and the finger fucking Kyle could barely breath and could only whimper. James began to kiss his way down Kyle's body Taking his time and moving slowly. "Baby you are driving me crazy." Kyle whimpered. Kyle's body would shiver at every touch of either James' fingers or tongue. James removed his fingers from inside Kyle and sat back looking down at Kyle. Reaching between his legs he reinserted his fingers. Kyle's eyes rolled back and a low gurgle came from deep inside. "Do we need to clean you out for this baby ?" James asked. "I snuck out of bed earlier and took care of that." Kyle whispered. "Oh so you knew you were getting some dick huh ?" James laughed.

"Told you either that or a cucumber." Kyle smiled. "Remind me to never let you buy cucumbers. I got your cucumber." James said seductively. James reached down and took Kyle's semi hard but extremely leaking cock. "Are you sure baby ? My cock is aching and you aren't hard." James said. "Yes baby I am sure. I am nervous, scared, apprehensive. All balled up in one." Kyle whispered. "Baby you have no reason to be scared or nervous." James whispered. Slowly closing his fist around Kyle's cock he began to stroke it up and down slowly. Still setting back on his heals looking down at Kyle. Soaking in every ounce of the beauty he saw before him. "Why the fuck did you wait so long asshole. Don't fuck this up. " James thought.

James removed his fingers and leaned over taking a bottle of lube from the nightstand. Kyle watched as he sat back on his heals. "I swear this is a new bottle. I would not dare stain this moment with a left over from the ex." James whispered. "Baby as long as he stays ex I don't care." Kyle whispered. "You are an amazing man." James said. "Well this amazing man is headed for that cucumber damnit." Kyle laughed. "Please ... at least let him get inside me. I couldn't take getting rejected again this close." rushed through Kyle's mind.

Kyle's well slicked ass and James well slicked cock made contact. James leaned forward to kiss Kyle and the motion caused the mushroom head to pop in through the ring. Kyle gasped and arched his body and almost came off the bed. "Damn baby are you alright ? Does that hurt ?" James said with fear. "No baby. Just a little stretching sensation." Kyle said. "Damn. If you have that reaction to just that I bet you are a wild man in bed." James whispered. "Slide the rest of those eight inches in there stud and see how wild I can get." Kyle whispered. "Um I don't have to. I have never felt this before but your ass is so hungry it is drawing me in without me moving." James said. Kyle reached up and pulled James down for a passionate kiss causing the remaining inches to slide inside. "You got it all baby. You have all of me. My heart, my mind. my love and now my cock." James whispered. Both men lay still kissing allowing Kyle to adjust to the invasion. James is not a huge man in the cock department but is also no wimp. Not as big or long as Chris but very close. The same wide girth as Bob but just a little longer. None of the men could begin to measure up to Keith. Kyle seemed to be perfectly happy with the eight and a quarter inch cock with just under a five inch girth.

James released the kiss and began to work his way down Kyle's neck while slowly moving his hips moving his cock in and out of Kyle. Moving back up to restart the kiss he saw tears both in Kyle's eyes and rolling down his cheeks. James froze. "What's wrong baby. If it hurts I had rather stop." James said. "No baby. These are happy tears. I have never had them like this but I can't stop." Kyle whispered. "Are you sure ?" James asked. "Baby be honest with me. Have you acted this way just because you feel like you owed this to me or is it because you really wanted me. " Kyle asked.

"Baby. For one thing I don't stick my dick up just anyone's ass. I would love you and want you here even if this never happened. Please believe me." James said. "I believe you but I still have fears." Kyle whispered. "James lowered his body again and began another slow sensual fuck. "Let me see if my love stick can push a few of those fear out baby." James whispered. The rhythm began to get faster and the moans louder. James seemed to have to follow Kyle's thrashing body all over the bed just to stay inside him. "Ahhhh shit this is hot baby. I need to tie you down just so I can keep up." James laughed. Kyle began to squeeze his ass around James' cock. James thought he was about to pop a few times because when Kyle clamped down it was like placing a tight cock ring every time Kyle clamped down.

James sat up and began using Kyle's precum to jack Kyle's cock. It only took about ten strokes and Kyle's body began to quiver. "OOOHHHHHHHHHHH FFFFFUUUUUUCCKKKK......UUUUUuuuhhhhhhh." Kyle screamed as his body thrashed and his orgasm began. The first shot went clear over his head hitting the headboard. "Damn baby." James whispered. As Kyle was trying to regain his breath he looked into James' eyes. "I need your seed in me baby. I need you to claim my ass as yours........ PLEASE" Kyle said with tears in his eyes. "Please baby calm down. I am not going anywhere. Don't worry I plan to keep this ass filled with hot seed for many years to come." James said.

Kyle seemed almost desperate as he reached up and pulled James down for another kiss. Kyle wrapped his arms and legs around James so tight a boa constrictor would be jealous. Reaching an arm around under Kyle's back James lifted Kyle's body slightly off the bed. With him on his knees resting the body weight of both men on one arm James began to almost power fuck Kyle as best he could in this position. Kyle turned his head and began to suck on James ear and breath lightly into it. "FFFFFFFFUUUU UUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKI !!!!!!!!!! " James shouted as his body began to shake. Kyle clamped down on his cock and James was almost in tears. His cock would try to shoot but like having too tight a cock ring on it just wouldn't. The feeling was so intense he thought he saw stars. "Baby please. I am backing up in there." James whispered.

Loosening his grip on James cock James raised his head back quickly and a low deep growl "UUUUUuuuuuuuuggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh" came out as his cock began its attempt again to empty its seed inside Kyle. James lay his body weight carefully on Kyle with his cock still flexing inside. "Shit baby. I only thought I had made love in my life. Damn was I fooled." James whispered still trying to catch his breath. "Are you disappointed ?" Kyle whispered. "No baby that was the best Christmas present I have ever gotten. Can I keep it ?" James whispered.

"I hope you like the necklace. When I saw it I thought of you. My loving and caring wife." he said. "Stupid bitch." he thought. "I am guessing that Santa thought you were all really good kids this year." he said with a smile. "Fuck I work hard to pay for this shit." he thought. Getting up from the couch and going to the kitchen for a fresh cup of coffee. "I have to get these four VERY special gifts into Lee's house for their little party tomorrow. My Christmas is fucked since Keith is still there. Time to fuck up their little happy holiday." the man grinned as he sipped his coffee.

Next: Chapter 67

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